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山东省滨州地区某养鸡专业户饲养的 2 6日龄肉鸡发生以精神萎靡、食欲不振、排黄白色稀便为主要症状的疾病。经临床观察 ,病理剖检及实验室诊断 ,确定为大肠杆菌与禽伤寒沙门氏菌混合感染。通过药敏试验 ,选择敏感药物及时治疗 ,在较短的时间内控制了疫情。1 发病情况该养鸡户饲养肉鸡 90 0余只 ,在 2 6日龄时突然发病 ,发病率为 37 7% ,病死率为 5 5%。发病后 ,该场技术人员曾用氯霉素、庆大霉素、环丙沙星等药物治疗 ,但效果不理想。2 临床症状 病鸡精神萎靡 ,羽毛松乱 ,食欲下降 ,虚弱脱水 ,病初体温升高至 44℃ ,呼吸困难 ,后下痢 ,…  相似文献   

一、发病情况及临诊症状 河北省邯郸市某肉鸡养殖户于2004年9月引进3000只艾维因肉鸡。按正常免疫程序进行免疫,7日龄用新城疫、传支H120二联冻干苗2头份滴鼻点眼,13日龄用鸡传染性法氏囊炎冻干疫苗饮水,20日龄用鸡传染性法氏囊炎冻干疫苗进行二免。在23日龄时,大群精神沉郁,垂头缩颈,闭目嗜睡,个别鸡表现张口喘气,呼吸困难,有少量的鸡口角流涎,伴有甩头动作,采食时鸡口中流出大量液体,病鸡排黄绿色或灰白色水样便,泄殖腔周围羽毛污秽,沾满稀粪,且出现瘫痪病鸡,采食量减少,至28日龄共发病800只,死亡312只.发病率为26.7%.死亡率为10.4%。  相似文献   

王丽  王红 《中国家禽》2001,23(4):26-26
锦州地区某个体户所饲养的 1 000只蛋鸡,在 180日龄左右,突然发病,有 40多只肿头、肿脸,几天内死亡 8只。诊断为大肠杆菌和传染性鼻炎 (IC)混合感染。 1临床症状   病初见少数鸡的鸡冠、眼睑、肉髯部位,发热肿胀,眼流泪,饮食减少。几天后,发病的鸡逐渐增多,有的重症鸡发蔫,眼眶周围开始肿胀,有明显的下痢症状,排黄色或白色稀便,产蛋量下降,个别重症鸡,上下眼睑完全粘连,角膜混浊,甚至失明死亡。 2病理剖检   切开病鸡头部的肿胀部位,里面被干酪样物充塞,眼结膜潮红,眼内有白色干酪样物覆盖,肉髯肿胀,鼻腔有轻微…  相似文献   

乌骨鸡新城疫与大肠杆菌病混合感染的诊疗报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1发病情况及临诊症状贺州市一集约化养鸡场有大、中、小三群鸡,每群2000只。由于气温降低,为了防寒,场主用塑料布密封鸡舍,导致舍内通风不好,中鸡和大鸡先后在70日龄左右零星发病,随后迅速蔓延,70%出现明显的临诊症状,但死亡率不高。场主诊断为传染性鼻炎,先后用链霉素、泰乐菌  相似文献   

1发病情况齐齐哈尔市养殖户樊某饲养2000只肉鸡,7日龄用鸡新城疫-传染性支气管炎二联疫苗2倍饮水免疫,20日龄用鸡新城疫IV系疫苗4倍量饮水免疫。32日龄时鸡群精神较差,采食量下降30%,当天死亡15只。以后陆续死亡200多只,前来我处求诊。2临床症状病鸡食欲减退,饮水增加,垂头缩颈,昏睡,鸡冠和肉髯呈暗紫色,咳嗽,呼吸困难,有的出现神经症状;鸡群粪便呈青草绿,鼻腔有粘液性分泌物,下痢,腹部膨大。3剖检变化气管内有干酪样粘液阻塞,气管呈环状充血,喉头出血;胸腺出血,嗉囊内空乏;腺胃乳头出血、肿大;十二指肠出血;脾脏出血,轻微肿大,脏器表面有…  相似文献   

由于新城疫(ND)发病率的不断升高,加之临诊上又有不少禽病常常与新城疫混合感染,从而致使病情复杂化,对诊断治疗禽病带来了难度,严重影响了禽业生产的健康发展。作者经多年门诊调查,归纳有如下几种禽病易与ND混合感染。一.球虫病与ND的混合感染  球虫病一般多发于家禽的育雏和育成期,由于球虫病是一种免疫抑制病,可破坏ND免疫机制,故而往往鸡群一旦发生球虫病后,ND的同时发生率也就很高,门诊剖检因球虫病死亡的鸡只,常可见有典型的ND病变。因此在幼雏期要加强饲养管理,防止湿度过大,避免地面育雏,注意控制球虫病的暴…  相似文献   

由于新城疫(ND)发病率不断升高,加之临诊上又有不少禽病常常与新城疫混合感染,从而致使病情复杂化,对诊断治疗禽病带来了难度,严重影响了禽业生产的健康发展。作者经多年门诊调查,归纳有如下几种禽病易与ND混合感染。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌病与沙门氏菌病是禽类最常见的细菌性疾病,近年来这两种病的混合感染呈上升趋势.笔者在临床上比较多见的就是大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌的混合感染.为预防和控制疾病的传播,减少养殖户的经济损失,笔者对养殖户进行详细询问和仔细归纳,并对典型病例采集病料,进行细菌的分离培养,发现了沙门氏菌和大肠杆菌的典型菌落.现就一典型病例作如下报告:  相似文献   

禽大肠杆菌病防制研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
禽大肠杆菌病是由致病性大肠杆菌 ( E.coli )引起的禽类不同类型疾病的总称。包括急性败血症、肉芽肿、气囊炎、肝周炎、心包炎、卵黄性腹膜炎、输卵管炎、滑膜炎、眼炎、关节炎、脐炎以及肺炎等 ,最常见的是急性败血症和卵黄性腹膜炎。引起不同禽类发病的大肠杆菌主要的血清群  相似文献   

Forty-four western Canadian isolates of Escherichia coli associated with colibacillosis of turkeys and chickens were examined for serotype, antibiotic resistance, and production of aerobactin. The isolates belonged to fourteen O serogroups, with 39% of the strains being non-typeable. A high frequency of resistance to tetracycline, kanamycin, neomycin, cephalothin, streptomycin and erythromycin was observed. Most isolates produced aerobactin. Ten E. coli belonging to serogroups O1, O2 and O78 were also examined for pili production, hemagglutination, serum sensitivity, production of iron-regulated outer membrane proteins (IROMPS), and virulence. All isolates examined produced pili, exhibited mannose-sensitive hemagglutination of avian red blood cells and produced IROMPS under iron-restricted growth conditions. The five isolates of serogroup O1 and O2 were resistant to killing by turkey serum and were highly virulent. Only two of the five isolates of serogroup O78 were serum resistant. No correlation between serum resistance and virulence was observed in serogroup O78.  相似文献   

The clinical and microbial efficacy of antimicrobial treatments of avian colibacillosis was studied, using an experimental model on chickens previously inoculated with multiresistant commensal Escherichia coli strains. One E. coli with pMG252 plasmid containing bla(FOX5) and qnrA1 genes and another E. coli with pMG298 plasmid containing bla(CTX-M15) and qnrB1 genes were first orally inoculated to chickens Both isolates were also resistant to chloramphenicol, sulphamethoxazole, trimethoprim, streptomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, and tetracycline. The birds were then experimentally infected with an avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC), via the air sac. Treatments (oxytetracycline (OTC), trimethoprim-sulfadimethoxin (SXT), amoxicillin (AMX) or enrofloxacin (ENR) were then offered at the therapeutic doses. Symptoms, lesions in dead or sacrificed birds, and isolation and characterization of APEC from internal organs were studied. Results showed that OTC, SXT or ENR treatments could control the pathology. AMX worsened the disease, possibly due to endotoxin shock. All APEC re-isolated from internal organs showed the same antimicrobial susceptibility as the APEC inoculated strain, except for one APEC isolate from an infected OTC-treated bird, which acquired tetracycline resistance only, and one APEC isolate recovered from the air sacs of a chicken in the infected SXT-treated group, which acquired the pMG252 plasmid and became multi-resistant. Thus three antimicrobials could control the disease but the experimental model enabled, to our knowledge, the first observation of plasmid transfer from a bacterium of the intestinal tract to a pathogenic isolate from the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

由于鸡大肠杆菌血清型众多.各地流行菌株往往不同,给本病的免疫预防带来许多困难。此外.由于抗菌药物的不规范使用,造成耐药菌株不断产生,治疗效果越来越不明显:为了更好地控制鸡大肠杆菌病.2年来对送检的疑似鸡大肠杆菌病的病料进行了病原鉴定和药敏试验研究,现将情况报告如下。  相似文献   

1 发病情况2 0 0 0年 7月乐都县某鸡场从陕西杨凌某鸡场购进商品代“AA”雏鸡 1 2 0 0只 ,在 38日龄开始发病 ,第二天死亡 9只 ,以后陆续死亡 ,到第七天达到高峰 ,前后 2 0d共发病 4 56只 ,死亡 1 2 6只 ,发病率为 38% ,死亡率为1 0 5%。2 临床症状病初病鸡精神沉郁 ,饮食欲明显降低 ,有的废绝 ,常闭目呆立或蹲地缩成一团 ,羽毛篷松凌乱 ,初期排含有气泡的灰白色糊状稀粪 ,随后排出灰白色水样粪便 ;泄殖腔污秽不洁 ,有的病鸡眼睛肿胀 ,羞明流泪 ,眼睑处有粘性分泌物附着。3 剖检变化剖检病死鸡 1 0只 ,皮肤、肌肉呈紫红色 ;腹腔内充…  相似文献   

In previous studies, the embryo lethality assay (ELA) discriminated between virulent and avirulent avian Escherichia coli isolates, and also proved to be highly correlated with mortality and morbidity results of the intravenous (IV) challenge model. In the current study, the same 20 avian E. coli isolates were used in subcutaneous (subQ) and intratracheal (IT) chicken challenge models in order to determine whether the results from the prior ELA challenges and/or the IV challenge model correlate with these models. The correlation observed between the two previous ELA trials and the combined mortality/morbidity percentages of the subQ challenge model were r = 0.792, P > 0.0001 for the first ELA trial and r = 0.738, P = 0.0002 for the second ELA trial. The IV challenge results were more highly correlated with the subQ challenge results (mortality/morbidity comparison, r = 0.894, P < 0.0001). The IV challenge mortality results were slightly correlated (r = 0.4810, P=0.0319) with the IT challenge results. Several of the isolates differed in their ability to produce mortality and/or morbidity with the different challenge models. The mortality/morbidity results of the IV and subQ challenges and the mortality results of the ELA were all positively correlated with the ability of an E. coli isolate to produce Colicin V (ColV) (r = 0.7131, P = 0.0004). The IT mortality results were slightly correlated with the production of ColV (r = 0.455, P = 0.049). The IT challenge results were only slightly correlated with resulting IV mortality and ColV production. Previous results indicate that the ELA correlates extremely well with the IV challenge model. The current study demonstrates that ELA also correlates well with the subQ challenge model. Overall, the conclusion of this study is that the ELA, IV, and subQ challenge models similarly demonstrate the ability to discriminate between virulent and avirulent avian E. coli isolates.  相似文献   

孔雀非典型新城疫和大肠杆菌混合感染的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某孔雀场发生以排灰白色稀便,个别神经症状和部分死亡为主要特征的,根据临床站状,病理解剖和实验室检查诊断为非典型新城疫(CND)和大肠村菌(E.coli)混合感染。采用ND油也剂灭活苗,ND高免卵黄液和抗菌药物等综合治疗,很快疫情得以控制。  相似文献   

兔大肠杆菌病的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兔大肠杆菌病是仔兔的一种急性肠道传染病,主要侵害20日龄及断奶前后的仔兔和幼兔,成年兔很少发病。2004年2月四川南充市顺庆区养兔专业户王某从乡镇个体农户收购1月龄左右的幼兔73只,进场时未进行检疫和隔离观察即放入后备兔群饲养。4d后,整个兔群(共223只)突然发病,以水样或胶冻样腹泻和严重脱水为特征,并陆续出现死亡,经检查诊断为致病性大肠杆菌所致,现将诊治情况报道如下。  相似文献   

Although psittacine species represent the majority of avian patients seen in most exotic animal practices, nonpsittacine species such as passerines and galliformes may be presented as pets, as members of zoo collections, or as injured or ill wildlife. Many features of handling, restraint, sample collection, medicine, and surgery are similar in psittacine and nonpsittacine species. In many cases, the equipment required will be similar as well, with a few modifications.  相似文献   

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