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抓住机遇大力发展牧草种子生产 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
国家西部大开发战略,京津周边地区沙源治理工作项目的实施,农区种植业结构的内部调整,牧区草原建设及生态环境的治理,城乡绿化等都需要大量的牧草种子。而且目前我国牧草种子的产量低且品种单一,在经营方面也存在一些问题,因此,抓好牧草种子生产,加强牧草种子经营的管理是当务之急。 相似文献
天然草地在自然条件和人类活动的影响下,不断发生退化和沙化,而改良天然草地和建成饲草料基地需要大量的各种牧草种子。草地和饲草料是畜牧业的基础,而草种是基础的基础。 相似文献
1.牧草种子现状 内蒙古是全国主要的畜牧业基地之一,拥有天然草场13亿亩。牧草资源丰富,野生饲用植物种类繁多(约有800种),其中有些是珍贵的品种,甚至还有一些在全国乃至世界上也是稀有的,如扁蓄豆、塔落岩黄芪、柠条锦鸡儿、优若藜、梭梭和伏地肤等。草籽产量较大,居全国之首。据统计,全区现已建立37个牧草种子繁殖场,经营面积达30万公顷,年产 相似文献
内蒙古牧草种子生产状况及发展建议 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
通过对内蒙古自治区1991-1997年牧草种子生产的调查研究、统计分析,评述了该地区笔草种子生产的品种分布、生产力状况、产量结构及发展建议。 相似文献
1牧草种子繁殖田的建立 牧草种子繁殖田与大田的生产要求有所不同。牧草种子的繁育不但要注意产量的提高.而且更重要的是生产大量晶质优良的种子。 相似文献
纳罗克非洲狗尾草在世界上热带和亚热带地区广泛栽培,具有再生性强,适口性好,持久性好,耐牧性强,耐旱、耐寒、耐涝、抗病虫害等特性,牛羊喜食,适合建植永久性放牧草地和割草地。在我国推广种植已有30多年,是我国南方天然草地改良、人工草地建植、石漠化治理和草牧业生产的主要骨干草种之一。但是,目前该品种存在种用性状退化和种子产量低等问题,为了提高其种子产量和良种繁育效率,文章对纳罗克非洲狗尾草的利用现状、种性复壮、种子产量构成因子和施肥、刈割、收种等良种繁育关键技术进行了详细阐述和分析,得出种性复壮、施肥、刈割、收种等是纳罗克非洲狗尾草良种繁育的重要因素,今后应从田间选择优异植株、施肥、刈割和收种等良种繁育关键环节进行进一步研究,可为该优良牧草品种的良种繁育和产业化提供理论技术支撑。 相似文献
Czopowicz M Kaba J Smith L Szalus-Jordanow O Nowicki M Witkowski L Frymus T 《The Veterinary record》2011,169(9):230
In 2007, a survey was conducted on the prevalence of antibodies to 19 Leptospira serovars in goats in Poland . Sera were collected from adult females of all 49 breeding goat herds in Poland by applying simple random sampling. In total, 736 sera were tested by the microscopic agglutination test. A herd was considered seropositive if at least one goat with a titre of 100 or more was detected. Herd-level seroprevalence of Leptospira was 89.8 per cent and individual-level seroprevalence varied from less than 1.0 to 85.0 per cent among the herds. Antibodies to Leptospira serovars Zanoni, Bratislava, Autumnalis, Australis and Javanica were most frequently detected. Although 40.3 per cent of seropositive goats had high antibody titres (≥ 400), suggesting recent infection, no relationship with abortions or other clinical manifestation of leptospirosis in goats was detected. 相似文献
Scaglia G Swecker WS Fontenot JP Fiske D Fike JH Abaye AO Peterson PR Clapham W Hall JB 《Journal of animal science》2008,86(8):2032-2042
Small cow-calf operations are common in the Appalachian region. Tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S. J. Darbyshire] is the dominant forage in these systems for direct grazing as well as for stockpiling. The present study was conducted from 2001 to 2005. A total of 108 Angus and Angus crossbred cows were allotted randomly to 6 forage systems and then to 3 replicates within each system. In brief, system 1 had a stocking rate of 0.91 ha/cow in a Middleburg 3-paddock (A, B, and C) system. System 2 was similar to system 1 except for a stocking rate of 0.71 ha/cow. A stocking rate of 0.71 ha/cow also was used in systems 3 through 6. All A paddocks had tall fescue, whereas B paddocks had tall fescue/white clover (Trifolium repens L.) except in system 6, which had tall fescue/lespedeza [Lespedeza cuneata (Dum. Cours.) G. Don]. System 3 evaluated a 2-paddock (A and B) rotational grazing system, and system 4 evaluated a 3-paddock (A, B, and C) rotational grazing system, with paddock C containing orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Systems 5 and 6 differed from system 2 in the areas of paddocks B and C as well as in the forage mixtures used. In paddock C, system 5 had switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and system 6 had tall fescue and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.). System 1 had the greatest average herbage availability from weaning until breeding (P < 0.05) with the least amount of hay fed (P = 0.03) when compared with the remainder of the systems. Differences (P > 0.05) in percentage of ground cover were not detected among systems. There was no year x system interaction effect on the cow or calf performance variables evaluated and no treatment effect on cow performance variables. There was a treatment effect on calf performance variables. System 2 produced the greatest adjusted weaning weight, kilograms of calf weaned per hectare, and kilograms of calf per kilograms of cow at weaning (P < 0.05). Numerical ranking for total calf production per hectare from the greatest to least was system 2, 6, 3, 5, 4, and 1. Systems evaluated did not affect cow performance although differences in calf performance and overall productivity of the systems were observed. 相似文献
The southern states produce large numbers of beef calves that are generally weaned and sold in autumn. Keeping calves in this region beyond weaning to graze high-quality forages through a stocker cattle phase could improve profitability. Autumn-weaned Angus crossbred steers were allocated by breeding and weight to four forage systems that began in mid-November and continued through mid-October as follows: System 1, tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.)-white clover (Trifolium repens L.); System 2, tall fescue, caucasian bluestem (Bothriochloa caucasica [Trin.] C. E. Hubbard) and tall fescue-red clover (Trifolium pratense L.); System 3, orchardgrass-alfalfa and bluegrass-white clover; and System 4, rye (Secale cereale L.), soybeans (Glycine max)-foxtail millet (Setaria italica), and bluegrass-white clover. All steers were supplemented with hay or silage previously cut from their respective systems when forage for grazing was limited. System 2 which used stockpiled tall fescue for winter grazing and caucasian bluestem for summer forage plus fescuered clover for hay and grazing in a three-paddock system, resulted in greater (P < .01) gain per hectare and per steer, more grazing days, and reduced stored forage requirements and produced more surplus feed than the other systems tested. Gains per hectare for Systems 1 through 4 were 454, 554, 472, and 487 kg (SE = 18), respectively. Harvested forage from Systems 1, 2, and 3 met needs for stored forages but System 4 required additional "purchased" hay. Stored forage was fed for 61, 38, 112, or 104 d for Systems 1 through 4, respectively. Within the physio-climatic region of this experiment, a simple three-paddock system based on cool- and warm-season perennial forages could improve beef production per unit of land area while reducing inputs of labor and equipment. 相似文献
Two feeding trials (early and late lactation) were conducted to measure ad libitum forage intake by beef cows from three breed groups of similar mature weight, but with different milk production potential. Twenty-four cow-calf units, eight from each milk production level (low, medium and high) were grouped (two/pen) based on similarity of cow weight and previous weigh-suckle-weigh and calf weaning weight data. Each pair of cow-calf units was confined to separate pens and allowed ad libitum access to chopped native Sandhills meadow hay. Dry matter intake, cow and calf BW and calf milk consumption were determined. Daily DMI (kg/hd) and milk consumption showed a positive linear response (P less than .05) among low, medium and high milk-producing cows. When cow DMI was expressed as g/unit mean cow BW during the trial, both a positive linear (P less than .05) and a quadratic response (P less than .01) expressed the relationship among production levels during early and late lactation. Calf forage intake, birth weight and adjusted 181- and 205-d weaning weight had no linear or quadratic relationship (P greater than .10) to milk production levels. However, June 1 calf weight, actual calf weaning weight and calf rate of gain (birth to weaning) had a positive linear (P less than .07) relationship. Best fit regression models with DMI as the dependent variable were developed for each trial based on R2 and CV values of the potential models. The best fit model (R2 = .94, SE = .33) for early lactation included production level as a class variable with cow BW.75 and calf birth weight as independent variables. The best fit model (R2 = .92, SE = .53) for late lactation included actual weaning weight in addition to the variables used during early lactation. 相似文献