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宁夏鸟类新纪录种──自腰杓鹬在宁夏野生动物资源调查与监测过程中,我们于1996年4月2日采集到一只白腰构鹬(NumeniusarquataLinnaeus)。经查阅[1][2],宁夏地区历史上未见有纪录,显然为新纪录种。我们的标本采自宁夏永宁望洪黄河...  相似文献   

江西省原有鸟类记录480种,对江西武夷山、鄱阳湖等7个代表性自然保护区的鸟类名录进行整理后,7个自然保护区共记录鸟类479种,占江西省鸟类数的91.8%,其中有42种为原江西省记录中未记录的物种。至此江西省共记录有鸟类522种,但有43种在7个自然保护区内没有发现。7个自然保护区记录中具有特殊保护意义的鸟类有283种,占江西省的91.0%。建议在加强鸟类保护调查监测和保护区建设的同时,修订补充江西省重点保护野生动物名录。  相似文献   

《中国鸟类志》是赵正阶先生遗著。该书为精装本,大十六开,分上、下两卷、上卷为《中国鸟类手册》再版,下卷为首次出版。总计鸟类1288种,分属于20目89科。其中上卷为非雀形目,计19目55科574种;下卷为雀形目,计34科714种。总论部分介绍了中国鸟类研究简史,鸟类基础知识,鸟类野外识别技巧,鸟类野外研究内容和方法,鸟类标本的收集、测量、鉴定、制作和保存,鸟类的意义和鸟类的保护等内容。各论部分详细介绍了每种鸟的野外鉴别特征、相似种之间的  相似文献   

《中国鸟类志》是赵正阶先生遗著。该书为精装本,大十六开,分上、下两卷、上卷为《中国鸟类手册》再版,下卷为首次出版。总计鸟类1288种,分属于20目89科。其中上卷为非雀形目,计19目55科574种;下卷为雀形目,计34科714种。总论部分介绍了中国鸟类研究简史,鸟类基础知识,鸟类野外识别技巧,鸟类野外研究内容和方法,鸟类标本的收集、测量、鉴定、制作和保  相似文献   

1985年8月和1986年5月笔者在浙江省遂昌县的西南部山区鸟类调查工作中,采得风头鹃隼成鸟标本2号,经鉴定核对系 Aviceqa Aviceda Ieuphotes syama(Hodgson),隶属于华形目鹰科鸢亚科鹃隼属,是浙江省新纪录。标本存于浙江自然博物馆鸟类标本室。现报道如下:  相似文献   

《中国鸟类志》是赵正阶先生遗著。该书为精装本,大十六开,分上、下两卷。上卷为《中国鸟类手册》再版,下卷为首次出版。总计鸟类1288种,分属于20目89科。其中上卷为非雀形目,计19 目55科574种;下卷为雀形目,计34科714种。总论部分介绍了中国鸟类研究简史,鸟类基础知识, 鸟类野外识别技巧,鸟类野外研究内容和方法,鸟类标本的收集、测量、鉴定、制作和保存,鸟类的  相似文献   

2008年12月11日,为贯彻执行《动物防疫法》,农业部对原《一、二、三类动物疫病病种名录》(以下简称《名录》)进行了修订,新修订的《名录》将新城疫列为一类动物疫病,根据《兽药管理办法》及《动物防疫法》,一类动物疫病的活疫苗不予以进口注册。一石激起千层浪,此举引起了已经习惯使用进口疫苗的家禽养殖企业的担心。  相似文献   

查阅1983和1984年两年出版的全国主要动物学期刊,包括动物学报,动物分类学报、生态学报、动物学研究、动物学杂志、野生动物、四川动物等,共刊有鸟类学文章190篇,其中学报级的只35篇;大部分(即155篇)则发表在中级刊物上。去年四月,中国动物学会成立五十周年暨第十一届会员代表大会召开,我国动物学工作者纷纷踊跃为会议提供了不少论文,其中属鸟类学范畴的有79篇,内中四篇刚发表,实为75篇。另外,1983年底出版了两本鸟类的书。现把上述所有文章按类列表如下。  相似文献   

《中国鸟类志》是赵正阶先生遗著。该书为精装本,大十六开,分上、下两卷、上卷为《中国鸟类手册》再版,下卷为首次出版。总计鸟类1288种,分属于20目89科。其中上卷为非雀形目,计19目55科574种;下卷为雀形目,计34科714种。总论部分介绍了中国鸟类研究简史,鸟类基  相似文献   

1997年3月末至1998年1月中旬我们在三河自然保护区(抚远县)进行鸟类区调查时,共记录到鸟类168种为三江平原鸟类分布新纪录,其中红脚(Tringatotanus)为黑龙江省鸟类分布新记录。1997年5月4日我们海青乡获得一红脚标本性别雌体重全长265引标本趾、跗和胫的下部红色;嘴红色,端部黑色。上体及翼为褐色,并杂以黑色斑纹及白色点斑,下体白色而密布色斑纹,斑纹在喉部至腹部一红较稀。引标本现保存于三江自然保护区。红脚在该地区为夏候鸟。在调查过程中,4月7日初见于海青乡南部(2只),4月24日在海青乡四合村见到5只。6月1日在南乡见到1…  相似文献   

范鹏 《野生动物》2006,27(3):54-56
山东半岛位于太平洋西岸中部、我国东部沿海,地处温带,一面连陆,三面环海。境内生态环境多样,动植物资源丰富,是我国东部、东亚及环太平洋西海岸地区候鸟迁徙的必经之地和部分鸟类繁殖、越冬区域,鸟类资源十分丰富。有鸟类389种和亚种,其中属国际濒危种类63种;国家重点保护种类68种;有中、日候鸟保护协定所列种类198种;有中、澳双方保护鸟类61种;有候乌344种,占我国候乌60%;有部分特殊分布和大量繁殖、越冬的种群。  相似文献   

2021年1月,山东省东营市发生天鹅H5N8亚型高致病性禽流感疫情,给山东省禽流感疫情防控与净化带来了极大挑战.为了解山东省野鸟栖息地及野鸟分布信息,采用问卷调查方式,对山东省野鸟栖息地类型、分布、野鸟种类以及迁徙时间等进行调研.同时,采集野鸟粪便,用荧光定量RT-PCR或PCR方法进行H5亚型禽流感、新城疫、 鸭瘟、...  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to compare the hen-day egg production (HDEP) (%), egg size (ES) (g), feed intake (FI) (g), bodyweight (BWT) (kg), body weight gain (BWTG) (g), feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed utilization (FU), and mortality of imported and local commercial egg layers from one to 20 wk of lay, as well as to predict their egg sizes. Two-thousand-six-hundred Hy-line Silver Brown commercial layers (imported) and 2,470 Boschveld indigenous commercial layers (local) were reared from d old to 44 wk of age and fed the same diet throughout. ANOVA was used to test their effects due to the strains, and the CHAID algorithm of regression tree method was used to predict the ES. The local strain came into lay first at wk 20, while the imported came into lay at 21 wk of age. The imported layers performed better in ES, FI, HDEP, BWTG, and FCR (P < 0.05) throughout the laying period, while the local layers were better (P < 0.05) in BWT with higher mortality than the imported. Also, the imported layers performed better in FU (P < 0.05) at wk 4, 8, and 24. Among the imported, the highest ES (58.116 g) was obtained from chickens with HDEP of 13.266 < HDEP < 20.35 and FI of 137.95 < FI< 138.176, while in the local layers, the highest ES (54.802 g) was obtained from chickens with HDEP of 37.876 < HDEP < 47.802.  相似文献   

The present study sought to assess the potential application of avian models with different developmental modes to studies on cognition and neuroscience. Six altricial Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica), and eight precocial blue‐breasted quails (Coturnix chinensis) were presented with color discrimination tasks to compare their respective faculties for learning and memory retention within the context of the two developmental modes. Tasks consisted of presenting birds with discriminative cues in the form of colored feeder lids, and birds were considered to have learned a task when 80% of their attempts at selecting the correctly colored lid in two consecutive blocks of 10 trials were successful. All of the finches successfully performed the required experimental tasks, whereas only half of the quails were able to execute the same tasks. In the learning test, finches required significantly fewer trials than quails to learn the task (finches: 13.5 ± 9.14 trials, quails: 45.8 ± 4.35 trials, P < 0.05), with finches scoring significantly more correct responses than quails (finches: 98.3 ± 4.08%, quails: 85.0 ± 5.77% at the peak of the learning curve). In the memory retention tests, which were conducted 45 days after the learning test, finches retained the ability to discriminate between colors correctly (95.0 ± 4.47%), whereas quails did not retain any memory of the experimental procedure and so could not be tested. These results suggested that altricial and precocial birds both possess the faculty for learning and retaining discrimination‐type tasks, but that altricial birds perform better than precocial birds in both faculties. The present findings imply that developmental mode is an important consideration for assessing the suitability of bird species for particular experiments.  相似文献   

A corneo-conjunctival dermoid is reported in a blue-fronted Amazon parrot ( Amazona aestiva ). After laminar keratectomy, histology showed the epidermis with feather follicles and dermal connective tissue with lymph follicles and sebaceous glands.  相似文献   

An acid–pepsin digestion technique was used to examine portions of breast muscle and heart from raptors for encysted protozoans. Apicomplexan zoites were present in 52 (45.6%) of the 114 samples examined: 11 of 12 (91.7%) red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus), 20 of 34 (58.8%) red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), two of seven (28.6%) Cooper's hawks (Accipiter cooperi), three of four (75%) sharp-shinned hawks (Accipiter striatus), one (100%) Mississippi kites (Ictinia misisippiensis), one of two (50%) American kestrels (Falco sparverius), one bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), one of two (50%) golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), one of three (33%) turkey vultures (Cathartes aura), two of three (66.7%) black vultures (Coragyps atratus), three of six (50%) great-horned owls (Bubo virginianus), five of 15 (33.3%) barred owls (Strix varia), and one of 12 (8.3%) screech owls (Asio otus). Encysted protozoans were not observed in digests of tissues from three broad-winged hawks (Buteo platypterus), four ospreys (Pandion haliaetus), and five barn owls (Tyto alba). Apicomplexan cysts resembling Sarcocystis species were observed in tissue sections of muscles from 28 (37.8%) of 74 raptors.  相似文献   

Feeding high-quality pellets to modern commercial broilers may maximize genetic potential; however, this typically requires an increased cost to produce feed. Therefore, it is important to determine if incremental improvements in feed form (FF) can increase performance of modern broiler strains. The current study was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding modest improvements in feed form (50, 60, 70, or 80% intact pellets; IP) to 2 commercial broiler strains (fast-growing or high-yield) on d 28 to 42 growth performance and processing variables. A common diet was manufactured to contain 80% IP, of which a portion was ground to create a total of 4 FF treatments varying in IP to ground pellet ratios: 50:50; 60:40; 70:30; and 80:20. Fast-growing (FG) birds demonstrated improvements in body weight (BW), BW gain (BWG), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) when compared to high-yield (HY) birds. For the main effect of FF, feeding 80 vs. 50% IP reduced d 28 to 42 FCR. Also, feeding birds 80% IP vs. all other FF treatments improved d 28 to 42 BWG and d 42 BW. A Strain × FF interaction established that FG broilers fed 50, 60, and 70% IP diets had higher d 43 total breast yield than HY birds fed the same FF treatments; however, both strains demonstrated similar total breast yield when 80% IP were fed, which suggests that FG broilers are less sensitive and HY broilers are more sensitive to increasing FF. These data suggest a distinct benefit for feeding improved FF from d 28 to 42 to modern broilers.  相似文献   

鸟击事件是长期以来威胁飞行安全的一个国际性难题,目前,国际民航组织(International civil aviation organisation,ICAO)已经将鸟击灾害列为“A类航空灾难”,鸟击防范领域的研究也逐渐受到人们的重视。香柱菌(Epichloё)侵染宿主禾草后形成的共生体可产生有毒生物碱,将共生体发展为高毒驱鸟草种并应用于机场,可以减少鸟击事件的发生。醉马草(Achnatherum inebrians)自身携带甘肃香柱菌(Epichloё gansuensis)和醉马草香柱菌(Epichloё inebrians),野外自然生长的醉马草均为醉马草内生真菌共生体。本文主要通过对比当前国内机场主要驱鸟方式,提出用含有Epichloё属内生真菌的机场驱鸟草替代现有机场草坪草,可作为一种新型驱鸟方式;回顾了当前国外驱鸟草的应用及优势;分析了内生真菌醉马草作为驱鸟草的潜力和存在问题;并对禾草内生真菌的应用及人工栽培醉马草进行展望。  相似文献   

Live bird markets (LBMs) are essential for marketing poultry, but have been linked to many outbreaks of avian influenza (AI) and its spread. In Uganda, it has been observed that demographic characteristics of poultry traders/handlers influence activities and decision‐making in LBMs. The study investigated the influence of socio‐demographic characteristics of poultry handlers: age, sex, religion, educational background, level of income, location of residence and region of operation on 20 potential risk factors for introduction and spread of AI in LBMs. Study sites included 39 LBMs in the four regions of Uganda. Data was collected using a semi‐structured questionnaire administered to 424 poultry handlers. We observed that background of education was a predictor for slaughter and processing of poultry in open sites. Location of residence was associated with slaughter of poultry from open sites and selling of other livestock species. Region influenced stacking of cages, inadequate cleaning of cages, feeders and drinkers, and provision of dirty feed and water. Specifically, bird handlers with secondary level of education (OR = 12.9, 95% CI: 2.88–57.4, P < 0.01) were more likely to be involved in open site slaughter of poultry than their counterparts without formal education. Comparatively, urbanite bird handlers were less likely to share poultry equipment (OR = 0.4, 95% CI: 0.22–0.63, P < 0.01) than rural resident handlers. Poultry handlers in Northern were 3.5 times more likely to practise insufficient cleaning of cages (OR = 3.5, 95% CI: 1.52–8.09) compared to those in Central region. We demonstrated that some socio‐demographic characteristics of poultry handlers were predictors to risky practices for introduction and spread of AI viruses in LBMs in Uganda.  相似文献   

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