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The aim of the study was to obtain estimates of genetic correlations between direct and maternal calving performance of heifers and cows and beef production traits in Piemontese cattle. Beef production traits were daily gain, live fleshiness, and bone thinness measured on 1,602 young bulls tested at a central station. Live fleshiness (six traits) and bone thinness were subjectively scored by classifiers using a nine-point linear grid. Data on calving performance were calving difficulty scores (five classes from unassisted to embryotomy) routinely recorded in the farms. Calving performance of heifers and cows were considered different traits. A total of 30,763 and 80,474 calving scores in first and later parities, respectively, were used to estimate covariance components with beef traits. Data were analyzed using bivariate linear animal models, including direct genetic effects for calving performance and beef traits and maternal genetic effects only for calving performance. Due to the nature of the data structure, which involved traits measured in different environments and on different animals, covariances were estimated mostly through pedigree information. Genetic correlations of daily gain were positive with direct calving performance (0.43 in heifers and 0.50 in cows) and negative with maternal calving performance (-0.23 and -0.28 for heifers and cows, respectively). Live fleshiness traits were moderately correlated with maternal calving performance in both parities, ranging from 0.06 to 0.33. Correlations between live fleshiness traits and direct calving performance were low to moderate and positive in the first parity, but trivial in later parities. Bone thinness was negatively correlated with direct calving performance (-0.17 and -0.38 in heifers and cows, respectively), but it was positively correlated to maternal calving performance (0.31 and 0.40). Estimated residual correlations were close to zero. Results indicate that, due to the existence of antagonistic relationships between the investigated traits, specific selection strategies need to be studied.  相似文献   

Crossbred steer and heifer progeny from 5-, 6- and 7-yr-old dams produced in a four-breed diallel crossing experiment involving the Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford and Angus maternal grandsires and maternal granddams were evaluated for postweaning growth and carcass traits to estimate breed mean maternal heterosis, maternal heterosis for specific breed cross females, average maternal heterosis for all crosses, breed grandmaternal effects and net breed effects in crosses. All progeny evaluated were born in 1979 and 1980 and were sired by 7/8 or 15/16 Simmental bulls. Average maternal heterosis was significant for 200-d weight in heifers but not in steers and was not significant for final weight (444-d) in either heifers or steers. The effects of maternal heterosis on postweaning growth were not important. Differences among breeds in mean maternal heterosis values were small for growth-related traits. Breeds did not differ (P greater than .05) in grandmaternal effects for growth-related traits; Brown Swiss tended to be highest, Red Poll lowest, with Hereford and Angus intermediate. Differences in net breed effects in crosses favored Brown Swiss over the three other breeds and were generally significant for growth traits. Average maternal heterosis, though generally positive, was not significant for carcass traits on either an age-constant or weight-constant basis. Differences among breeds were small in grandmaternal effects, specific heterosis and net effects in crosses for carcass traits associated with both weight or composition; generally the Brown Swiss breed was favored on carcass traits associated with weight in the age-constant analysis and generally had a higher lean-to-fat ratio than the three other breeds in both the age-constant and weight-constant analyses.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the inbreeding levels and to analyze the pedigree of Irish purebred populations of Charolais, Limousin, Hereford, Angus, and Simmental beef cattle, as well as the Holstein-Friesian dairy breed. Pedigree analyses included quantifying the depth of known pedigree, average generation intervals, effective population size, the effective number of founders, ancestors, and founder genomes, as well as identifying the most influential animals within the current population of each breed. The annual rate of increase in inbreeding over the past decade was 0.13% (P < 0.001) in the Hereford, 0.06% (P < 0.001) in the Simmental, and 0.10% (P < 0.001) in the Holstein-Friesian breeds. Inbreeding in the other breeds remained relatively constant over the past decade. Herefords had the greatest mean inbreeding in 2004, at 2.19%, whereas Charolais had the lowest, at 0.54%. Over half of each purebred population in 2004 was inbred to some degree; the population with the greatest proportion of animals inbred was the Hereford breed (85%). All 6 breeds displayed a generation interval of approximately 6 yr in recent years. In the pure-bred females born in 2004, the 3 most influential animals contributed between 11% (Limousin) and 24% (Hereford) of the genes. Effective population size was estimated for the Hereford, Simmental, and Holstein-Friesian only, and was 64, 127, and 75, respectively. The effective number of founders varied from 55 (Simmental) to 357 (Charolais), whereas the effective number of ancestors varied from 35 (Simmental and Hereford) to 82 (Limousin). Thus, despite the majority of animals being inbred, the inbreeding level across breeds is low but rising at a slow rate in the Hereford, Simmental, and Holstein-Friesian.  相似文献   

Reproductive data were collected on 4,595 cow exposures and subsequent calvings over four generations in a rotational crossbreeding study involving Angus, Brahman, Charolais and Hereford breeds. Direct and maternal additive (Ig and Mg) and nonadditive (Ih and Mh) genetic effects were estimated for calving rate, calf survival, weaning rate, calving assistance and calf birth date. Genetic effects were estimated by regressing individual animal response on the proportion of genes from breed of origin and gene combinations expected for the four breeds in offspring and in dams. Breed direct and maternal additive and nonadditive genetic effects were expressed as a deviation from the least squares mean. Brahman Ig effects decreased calving and weaning rate (-9.5 +/- 4.0 and -11.8 +/- 4.4%) but Mh effects for weaning rate that included Brahman were positive, ranging from 16.5 +/- 6.7% for Angus-Brahman to 27.8 +/- 6.9% for Brahman-Hereford. The Brahman Ig effect delayed calf birth date (9.8 +/- 2.1 d; P less than .01), whereas Angus and Hereford Ig effects influenced earlier calf birth dates (-4.3 +/- 1.9 and -4.1 +/- 1.9 d; P less than .05). Brahman combination Mh effects also influenced earlier calf birth dates (P less than .01). The Charolais Ig effect for calving assistance was positive (4.3 +/- 1.9%; P less than .05), whereas Angus-Brahman and Brahman-Charolais Mh effects for calving assistance were negative (-6.5 +/- 3.2 and -7.0 +/- 3.2%; P less than .05) and more desirable. Predicted reproductive traits for rotational mating systems were intermediate between predicted reproductive traits for two- and three-breed terminal crosses. Predicted calving and weaning rates were maximized when Brahaman first-cross and Charolais-Hereford cows were used in three-breed cross mating systems.  相似文献   

Postweaning growth data, collected from a Hereford herd located in the Southwest, were used to estimate genetic parameters for weights and gains. The herd was maintained on unsupplemented range forage, and average weight losses from weaning to yearling age were 9% for bulls and 12% for heifers. Data were grouped into years with poor and good environments based on contemporary group means for gain from 8 to 12 mo. Postweaning growth data (12- and 20-mo weights, 8- to 12-mo gain and 12- to 20-mo gain) were analyzed by least squares methods with a model that included year of birth, sire within year of birth, age of dam and a covariate of age for 12- and 20-mo weights. Heritability estimates of 12- and 20-mo weights for bulls were .58 +/- .15 and .55 +/- .22 in good environments vs .32 +/- .11 and 1.09 +/- .15 in poor environments; for heifers these estimates were .19 +/- .08 and .35 +/- .12 in good environments vs .38 +/- .07 and .47 +/- .09 in poor environments. Heritability estimates of 8- to 12-mo and 12- to 20-mo gain for bulls were .32 +/- .14 and .51 +/- .24 in good environments vs .16 +/- .11 and .09 +/- .14 in poor environments; for heifers these estimates were .21 +/- .08 and .14 +/- .10 in good environments vs .10 +/- .06 and .44 +/- .10 in poor environments. Genetic correlations among the preweaning traits of birth and weaning weight and postweaning weight traits were positive and of a moderate to large magnitude, with the exception of birth and 12-mo weight in a poor environment (-.06 +/- .49). Genetic correlations between 8- to 12-mo gain and birth weight in poor environment and weaning weight in all environments were negative (range from -.06 +/- .33 to -.53 +/- .41). Genetic correlations among 12- and 20-mo weights were large and positive in all environments. Relationships among gains were more variable.  相似文献   

The productivity of herds may be negatively affected by inbreeding depression, and it is important to know how intense is this effect on the livestock performance. We performed a comprehensive analysis involving five Zebu breeds reared in Brazil to estimate inbreeding depression in productive and reproductive traits. Inbreeding depression was estimated for 13 traits by including the individual inbreeding rate as a linear covariate in the standard genetic evaluation models. For all breeds and for almost all traits (no effect was observed on gestation length), the performance of the animals was compromised by an increase in inbreeding. The average inbreeding depression was ?0.222% and ?0.859% per 1% of inbreeding for linear regression coefficients scaled on the percentage of mean (βm) and standard deviation (βσ), respectively. The means for βm (and βσ) were ?0.269% (?1.202%) for weight/growth traits and ?0.174% (?0.546%) for reproductive traits. Hence, inbreeding depression is more pronounced in weight/growth traits than in reproductive traits. These findings highlight the need for the management of inbreeding in the respective breeding programmes of the breeds studied here.  相似文献   

Data for gestation length, birth weight, calving difficulty (percent assisted) and survival from birth to weaning were analyzed from 4,639 calves by 290 sires of 14 Bos taurus breeds (Hereford, Angus, Jersey, South Devon, Limousin, Simmental, Charolais, Red Poll, Brown Swiss, Gelbvieh, Maine Anjou, Chianina, Pinzgauer and Tarentaise) mated to Hereford and Angus cows. The calves were produced over a 7-yr period in a germ plasm evaluation program. Variance components were estimated for breed of sire (sigma 2b), sire within breed of sire (sigma 2s) and progeny within sire (sigma 2w) random effects. Estimates of sigma 2b and sigma 2s direct genetic variance were similar for gestation length and calf survival. Estimates of sigma 2b genetic variance were greater than for sigma 2s for birth weight and calving difficulty. Estimates of total heritability [h2t = 4(sigma 2b + sigma 2s)/(4 sigma 2b + sigma 2s + sigma 2w)] and within-breed heritability (h2w = 4 sigma 2s/sigma 2s + sigma 2w) indicated that gestation length (h2t = .77, h2w = 64) and birth weight (h2t = .79, h2w = .46) are under a high degree of direct genetic control, calving difficulty (h2t = .42, h2w = .21) is under a moderate degree of direct genetic control and calf survival (h2t = .11, h2w = .07) is under a low degree of direct genetic control. Estimates of genetic correlation for between (rb) - and within-breed (rg) sources of genetic variation were comparable in direction, but tended to be stronger between than within breeds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the ontogeny of serum IGF-I (SI) concentrations and its relationship to animal performance in a 140-d postweaning feeding trial. Ninety-eight progeny representing six sires (three high and three low feed conversion) and two sexes (43 bulls and 55 heifers) with ad libitum access to feed were allocated by sire and sex to monitor individual weights and pen feed consumption. Blood serum samples were obtained at the beginning of test (average age of 230 d) and every 28 d thereafter until each animal reached a fat thickness (estimated by sonoray) of 8.9 mm. Individual serum samples were acid-ethanol extracted and measured for IGF-I peptide by heterologous RIA. Serum IGF-I concentrations differed (P less than .10) between high (H) and low (L) feed conversion progeny groups at the end of the first 28-d period (125.12 vs 89.52 ng/ml) and tended to differ at the conclusion of the second 28-d period (P less than .15). Weight gains of H and L groups tended to differ in the second and third 28-d periods (P = .11 and .10, respectively). Serum IGF-I concentrations differed (P less than .05) between bulls and heifers for the first through fourth 28-d periods (P less than .01, P less than .05, P less than .10 and P less than .01, respectively). Phenotypic correlations indicated that pens with higher mean SI concentrations at the beginning of the test consumed less feed and had lower cumulative feed:gain ratios.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Longevity is an increasingly important trait in beef cattle. Increased longevity decreases costs for the farmer and increases revenue. The objective of this research was to investigate the phenotypic relationship between type traits and longevity in Chianina beef cattle, and the relationship between production and longevity, to analyze the effect of voluntary culling. Data included records on reproductive, productive, and type traits provided by the National Association of Italian Beef Cattle Breeders from 6,395 Chianina cows. The average length of productive life was 1,829 d. The herd-year had a strong effect on the risk of culling. The effects of 22 type traits were analyzed. All the muscularity traits analyzed were highly significant (P < 0.01) and as a group had the largest effect on longevity, followed by dimension, refinement, and leg traits. Cows that calved before 35 mo of age had a lower probability of being culled than cows calving after 35 mo of age. Variation in herd size had a strong effect on risk ratio, with lower risk for intermediate classes. Cows with approximately one calf per year remained in the herd longer than did cows with fewer calves. Straight-legged animals had a 59% greater probability of being replaced than cows with a moderate angle to the hock, whereas sickle-legged animals had only a 3% higher probability of being culled than average cows. Udder conformation had no effect on longevity. In summary, results of this study indicate that herd-year effects and muscularity traits were the most important factors for longevity for Chianina cows among the factors studied.  相似文献   

A total of 110 F1 crossbred individuals of Piemontese × Chianina cattle and 75 F2 intercross were genotyped for the DNA marker IDVGA-46, composed of an (AC) repeat, that showed a polymorphism of three alleles: 205, 207 and 229 base pairs. Association of marker polymorphism to beef conformation measures was tested with a linear mixed model which included the fixed effect of the marker genotype separated according to the origin of the allele: whether inherited from Piemontese or from Chianina and random additive genetic effect of the animals. Carriers of allele 205, when inherited from Chainina, were larger than carriers of 207 and showed a globally better body structure. No significant association was found in the animals that had inherited the alleles from Piemontese. It would be interesting to verify, in the chromosome portions flanking the mentioned marker (chromosome 19; q16 band), the existence of eventual coding sequences influencing growth and conformation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic associations between temperament and performance traits. Temperament was evaluated in yearling male and female Nellore cattle, using four traits: temperament score (TS), for assessing animals’ reactions in a corral pen (n = 25 691); movement score (MOV), for animals’ movements recorded inside the crush; crush score (CS), for animal's general reactivity inside the crush; and flight speed (FS), for the speed (in m/s) at which the animals exited the crush (n = 11 697, for the last three methods); for all the temperament traits, lower scores indicate animals with calmer temperament. Performance traits were visual scores for conformation (C), finishing precocity (P) and muscling (M) evaluated at yearlings, and average daily gain (ADG) was estimated from weaning to yearling. Bayesian inference using Gibbs sampling was applied to estimate (co)variance components and genetic and phenotypic parameters. Heritability estimates for the temperament traits ranged from 0.07 (CS) to 0.28 (FS). Genetic correlations of the temperament traits with ADG and C, P and M were negative and ranged from −0.02 to −0.31. Phenotypic correlations were negative and consistently lower than the genetic, ranging from −0.08 to −0.02. It was concluded that the temperament traits assessed had favourable genetic correlation estimates with the performance traits studied. However, indirect responses in temperament when selecting for higher ADG and visual scoring system of C, P and M, will be low.  相似文献   

A genomewide association study was carried out on a sample of Marchigiana breed cattle to detect markers significantly associated with carcass and meat traits. Four hundred and nine young bulls from 117 commercial herds were genotyped by Illumina 50K BeadChip assay. Eight growth and carcass traits (average daily gain, carcass weight, dressing percentage, body weight, skin weight, shank circumference, head weight and carcass conformation) and two meat quality traits (pH at slaughter and pH 24 h after slaughter) were measured. Data were analysed with a linear mixed model that included fixed effects of herd, slaughter date, fixed covariables of age at slaughter and SNP genotype, and random effects of herd and animal. A permutation test was performed to correct SNP genotype significance level for multiple testing. A total of 96 SNPs were significantly associated at genomewide level with one or more of the considered traits. Gene search was performed on genomic regions identified on the basis of significant SNP position and level of linkage disequilibrium. Interesting loci affecting lipid metabolism (SOAT1), bone (BMP4) and muscle (MYOF) biology were highlighted. These results may be useful to better understand the genetic architecture of growth and body composition in cattle.  相似文献   

Crossbred progeny from females, 3 yr old and older, representing Brown Swiss (B), Red Poll (R), Hereford (H) and Angus (A) maternal grandsires and maternal granddams in a diallel crossing experiment were evaluated to estimate breed mean maternal heterosis (mean hMi) for each breed, maternal heterosis for specific breed cross females (hMij), average maternal heterosis for all crosses (mean hM) and breed grandmaternal effects (gM'i) for preweaning calf traits. Estimates of mean hM were significant for birth date and weight, 200-d weight and 200-d weight/cow exposed. Even though calves with crossbred dams weighed more at birth, they did not differ from calves with straightbred dams in frequency of calving assistance. The estimates of hMij were similar for most crosses and most traits, except 200-d weight and 200-d weight/cow exposed. The largest heterotic advantage was exhibited by progeny of BH reciprocal cross females, which exceeded crossbred progeny from BB and HH females for 200-d weight/cow exposed by 35.9 kg. The smallest heterotic effect was exhibited by crossbred progeny of RA reciprocal cross females. Progeny with R maternal granddams exhibited a higher (P less than .05) live calf born and weaned percentage than progeny with H maternal granddams. Progeny with B maternal granddams were born later (P less than .05) in the calving season than progeny with R maternal granddams. Progeny with A maternal granddams exhibited a lower frequency of calving assistance than progeny with H maternal granddams, and progeny with H maternal granddams were heavier (P less than .05) at 200 d than progeny with R maternal granddams. There was a tendency for estimates of breed grandmaternal effects (gMi) to exhibit an inverse relationship with estimates of breed maternal effects (gMi).  相似文献   

Gene-flow methodology was used to calculate the cumulative discounted expressions (CDE) for annual/lactation, replacement heifer, cull cow, birth, yearling, and slaughter traits in alternative cattle production systems. Generic equations were presented and parameters representing dairy-beef production systems in Ireland and Brazil were inputted. Cumulative discounted expressions using input parameters from a hypothetical purebred dairy production system with poor cow longevity were also calculated. Cumulative discounted expressions were calculated assuming either an initial purebred or crossbred mating within each production system. Absolute and relative differences in CDE existed among trait categories across the three alternative production systems investigated. For example, the CDE of beef-related traits accruing from an initial purebred mating ranged from 0.42 to 0.75 CDE of an annual/lactation trait across the three contrasting systems investigated which differed in various input parameters. Such variation may alter the relative emphasis of traits on overall profitability thereby contributing to genotype by environment interactions. The results of this study highlight the necessity to consider auxiliary traits in sire selection over and above those representing the principal intended use of the sire. This was particularly so for integrated dairy-beef cattle production systems.  相似文献   

The performance, intake, feed efficiency, and carcass traits of beef cattle from different gender profile were assessed. Fifteen animals (five steers, five spayed heifers, and five intact heifers) with ±250 kg of initial body weight were randomly assigned in individual pens and fed the same diet for 106 days. At the end of the trial, all the animals were slaughtered and the pH, temperature, and weight of the carcass were recorded. The right side of each carcass was then separated into chuck, shoulder, flank sirloin, and round for evaluation of commercial cuts yield. The left carcass sides were ribbed between the 12th and 13th ribs where the rib eye area and fat thickness measurements were taken. The 9th–11th rib section was removed from the left half carcass and then dissected into muscle, fat, and bones in order to estimate carcass composition. Gender had no effect (P > 0.05) on performance, intake, digestibility of dry matter and all the nutrients evaluated, feed efficiency, and carcass characteristics. It can be concluded that steers and heifers (spayed or not) have the same potential to produce beef. From a productive and welfare standpoint, there is no reason to spay heifers.  相似文献   

Data collected from steer and bull progeny, fed to a constant final feedlot weight over 11 yr, were used to estimate heterosis in post-weaning feedlot growth and carcass traits in two-way and three-way rotational crossing systems and a breed composite from crossing Hereford, Angus and Charolais breeds. Steer and bull progeny from matings of beef x Brown Swiss-cross sires and dams also were compared with the straight beef breeds and beef crosses. Growth traits evaluated were initial weight on test, 112-d weight, total feedlot average daily gain and total days from initial to final weight. Carcass traits included hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, rib eye area, 12th-rib fat thickness, kidney, pelvic and heart fat, yield grade and marbling score. Heterosis estimates for calves of all crossing systems were significant for initial and 112-d weight and for saving of days in the feedlot, but not for average daily feedlot gain. Heterosis estimates were small and nonsignificant for most carcass traits except for fat traits in specific crosses. Males from Hereford and Angus sires mated to Angus x Hereford dams had higher (P less than .10) backfat than did the parental average. Male progeny from Charolais ranked higher (P less than .10 to P less than .01) than calves from Hereford and Angus sires for most growth traits. Progeny from Charolais sires were more desirable (P less than .10 to P less than .01) for traits related to cutability, but they had less (P less than .05 to P less than .01) marbling than calves of Angus sires.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Carcass measurements were taken on 1,537 steers produced over four generations in a rotational crossbreeding study. Breed direct and maternal additive and heterotic genetic effects were estimated for hot carcass weight (HCWT), retail yield (RY), longissimus muscle area (LM), fat thickness (FT), marbling score (MS), and Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS). Angus (A), Brahman (B), Charolais (C), and Hereford (H) breeds were involved in straightbred, first-cross, and two-, three-, and four-breed rotational crossbred matings with each crossbred combination including the B. Breed direct (Ig) and maternal (Mg) additive genetic effects and direct (Ih) and maternal (Mh) heterotic genetic effects were estimated using a multiple-regression model. The Ig and Mg effects were expressed as deviations from the overall mean. The IgC effects (Ig for C breed) were significant for HCWT, RY, and LM and resulted in leaner, heavier carcasses. The IgA and IgH effects were, in general, negative (P < .05) for HCWT, RY, LM, and WBS, and positive (P < .01) for FT and MS. The IgB effects were large and undesirable for HCWT, RY, LM, MS, and WBS (P < .01). The majority of Ih effects were beneficial (P < .05) for HCWT, RY, LM, and WBS. The Ih effects exhibited by B combinations were of greater (P < .05) magnitude with positive influences for HCWT, RY, and LM and desirable effects for WBS. The maternal additive and heterotic effects were of lesser importance than the direct additive and heterotic effects for the carcass traits studied.  相似文献   

Calving difficulty was analyzed under threshold and linear models considering either a fixed or random herd-year effect. The aim of the study was to compare models for predicting breeding values according to the size of herd-year groups. When simulating data sets with small herds, in order to obtain an unbiased evaluation under a nonrandom and negative association of sire and herd effects, the best model for a practical evaluation was the fixed linear model. Field data included 246,576 records of the largest Charolais herds in France. Models were compared using the correlations of estimated breeding values between the different models. Although the best model from a theoretical point of view was a threshold model with a fixed herd-year effect, a linear model with a fixed herd-year effect was the best choice from a practical point of view for predicting direct effects for calving difficulty in beef cattle and was a sufficient choice for predicting the associated maternal effects for data set with large herds. Correlations between direct estimated breeding values under the reference model and the fixed linear model and the random threshold model were 0.94 and 0.91, respectively. Correlations between the corresponding maternal estimated breeding values were 0.94 and 0.98. Heritabilities of direct effects were 0.27 and 0.14 under fixed threshold and fixed linear models, respectively. The corresponding heritabilities of maternal effects were 0.18 and 0.13, and the genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects were -0.36 and -0.34, respectively.  相似文献   

Charolais-sired calves from three groups of beef cows, similar in growth potential and mature size but different in genetic potential for milk production (5.6, 7.7, 9.0 kg/d; low, medium, and high, respectively), were allotted to two beef production systems each year for 3 yr. At weaning, calves in an intensive (Int) system went directly into the feedlot for finishing (236 d); calves in an extensive (Ext) system were wintered on corn residues (195 d), grazed pasture (115 d) and then were finished (122 d). Postweaning effects of increased weaning weight due to increased level of milk were small and not affected by growing-finishing system. Only the steer calves from the low milk-producing cows showed evidence (P less than .01) of compensatory growth postweaning in response to reduced levels of milk during the suckling phase. Cattle from the Ext system were heavier (P less than .01) before (388 vs 233 kg) and after (595 vs 531 kg) the finishing phase than Int system cattle. During finishing, cattle from the Ext system made more rapid gains (1.70 vs 1.36 kg/d) and consumed more feed (12.4 vs 8.5 kg/d, 2.52 vs 2.19% of average BW) but were less efficient (.137 vs .160, gain/feed) than cattle from the Int system (P less than .05). Extensive systems of beef production produced more total kilograms of beef per animal but they were 196 d older at slaughter.  相似文献   

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