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One of the key factors in determining the accumulation of sediment and soluble nutrients within a lease is water movement. Water masses entering and leaving the farm determine the finfish ecosystem interaction. Understanding the hydrodynamic interaction with the farm is therefore key to understanding the potential ecological effects of individual farms. In addition, finfish farms are now being proposed in exposed offshore environments and have caused concern regarding their potential down stream impacts on currents and wave climate. Seven current meters, oxygen probes and CTD were deployed to examine the hydrodynamic interactions inside and outside a 270 m long Salmon farm in Newfoundland, Canada. Current meter results indicate that the finfish farm cages have a clear shadowing effect on the currents. Currents upstream were found to be considerably faster than those recorded downstream during the sampling period. Current speeds inside the farm were also found to be considerably slower than those found outside of the farm especially during high flow events. In situ observations of currents were found to be similar to those predicted by previous CFD and hydrodynamic modelling studies. Modeling was also undertaken to calculate the energy lost as currents enter and leave a series of fish cages. In comparison to the observed flow the model compares relatively well. Flow recorded downstream of the farm was observed to be in the range predicted by the model as was the flow recorded inside and outside the cages. Current speed downstream of the farm is clearly affected by farm orientation which has important implications for the dispersal of farm debris. Average oxygen saturation within the cages over the 5 day sampling period was 80.2 %± SD 5.7 %, compared to nearly 100 %, 20 m and 50 m from the farm site. Orientation of the farm may play some part in determining the location and amount of oxygen depletion within the farm. The farm also acts to push water from deeper in the water column up into the cages which has implications for farms situated in heavily stratified environments.  相似文献   

Trash fish/low valued fish is still the most commonly used feed in marine cage culture in Asia. Use of trash fish is controversial with regard to the sustainability of the farming practices, and related issues on environmental degradation. In this study, the results of farm based trials on Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) and tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) to evaluate the efficacies of the use of commercial pellet feed in comparison to trash fish/low valued fish in marine cages in Thailand are presented. In spite of the variations observed in each of the farm sites, the results indicate that the overall growth performances and fish survival rates between the two feed types were similar, for both species. However, better cost‐benefit and resource use were recorded for fish reared on trash fish/low valued fish. No significant differences were observed in water quality parameters, dissolved oxygen, transparency and ammonia, between sites where pellet or trash fish were used, inside and outside the cages and for both species. The results of the present study are discussed in the light of the current controversies on the use of trash fish/low valued fish in marine cage culture.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of varying cage stocking density (60, 90 and 120 fish m?3) and feeding duration (10, 30 and 60 min) in a cage‐cum‐pond‐integrated system on growth performance, water quality and economic benefits in Labeo victorianus culture. Interactions between stocking density and feeding duration significantly (< 0.05) affected the fish growth performance and yields in the cages‐cum‐pond system. Stocking density of 60 fish m?3 resulted in the highest growth in cages and in ponds regardless of the feeding duration, but produced lower yields than at stocking density 90 fish m?3. The lowest Apparent Food Conversion Ratio (AFCR) in cages occurred at stocking density of 60 fish m?3 and feeding duration of 30 min. Growth performance in the open ponds declined with increased feeding duration of the caged fish. Survival in cages and in the open ponds decreased with increased cage density, but was not affected by feeding duration. Low dissolved oxygen were recorded, at stocking density of 120 fish m?3, the lowest DO occurred when feeding of caged fish lasted 60 min. Growth performance, water quality and economic benefits in Labeo victorianus culture positively respond to interaction between stocking density and feeding durations.  相似文献   

Swimming exercise, typically measured in body‐lengths per second (BL/s), and dissolved oxygen (DO), are important environmental variables in fish culture. While there is an obvious physiological association between these two parameters, their interaction has not been adequately studied in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Because exercise and DO are variables that can be easily manipulated in modern aquaculture systems, we sought to assess the impact of these parameters, alone and in combination, on the performance, health and welfare of juvenile Atlantic salmon. In our study, Atlantic salmon fry were stocked into 12 circular 0.5 m3 tanks in a flow‐through system and exposed to either high (1.5–2 BL/s) or low (<0.5 BL/s) swimming speeding and high (100% saturation) or low (70% saturation) DO while being raised from 10 g to approximately 350 g in weight. Throughout the study period, we assessed the impacts of exercise and DO concentration on growth, feed conversion, survival and fin condition. By study's end, both increased swimming speed and higher DO were independently associated with a statistically significant increase in growth performance (p < .05); however, no significant differences were noted in survival and feed conversion. Caudal fin damage was associated with low DO, while right pectoral fin damage was associated with higher swimming speed. Finally, precocious male sexual maturation was associated with low swimming speed. These results suggest that providing exercise and dissolved oxygen at saturation during Atlantic salmon early rearing can result in improved growth performance and a lower incidence of precocious parr.  相似文献   

Manufactured feeds are commonly added to earthen ponds to enhance growth and survival of juvenile fish. However, excessive feeding may decrease fish production efficiency and yields by causing hypoxia (dissolved oxygen, DO < 2 mg/L) and stimulating excessive phytoplankton, filamentous green algae, and vascular plant growth. In this study, we quantified the effects of manufactured feed addition (no feeding, 1%, or 3% body‐weight/day, BW/d) on DO and inorganic phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) concentrations, plant abundance, and invertebrate prey production in ponds stocked with age‐0 channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. We found that the 3% BW/d ponds had lower DO concentrations and greater infestation by filamentous green algae (Rhizoclonium spp.) as compared to the 1% BW/d and no‐feeding ponds. Using stable N and carbon (C) isotopes to trace the fate of feed‐derived N and C in ponds, as well as analysis of zooplankton abundance, we determined that the supplied feed did not support or enhance production of natural invertebrate prey. To improve fish production efficiency, we recommend that managers leverage natural prey support of growth during early life, then adjust feeding levels to enhance growth of older fish and maintain suitable habitat quality.  相似文献   

Swimming exercise and dissolved oxygen (DO) are important parameters to consider when operating intensive salmonid aquaculture facilities. While previous research has focused on each of these two variables in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, studies examining both variables in combination, and their potential interaction, are absent from the scientific literature. Both swimming exercise (usually measured in body lengths per second, or BL/s) and DO can be readily controlled in modern aquaculture systems; therefore, we sought to evaluate the effects of these variables, separately and combined, on several outcomes in rainbow trout including growth performance, fin health and survival. Rainbow trout fry (18 g) were stocked into 12 circular 0.5 m3 tanks, provided with either high (1.5–2 BL/s) or low (approximately 0.5 BL/s) swimming exercise and high (100% saturation) or low (70% saturation) DO, and grown to approximately 1 kg. By the conclusion of the study, higher DO was independently associated with significantly (p < .05) increased growth performance. Significant differences were not noted in other outcomes, namely feed conversion, condition factor and mortality, although caudal and right pectoral fin damage was associated with low oxygen and low swimming exercise treatments respectively. Cardiosomatic index was significantly higher among exercised fish. These results suggest that swimming exercise and DO at saturation during the culture of rainbow trout can be beneficial to producers through improved growth performance and cardiac health.  相似文献   

Recurring mortalities inflicted by the cirolanid isopod Cirolana fluviatilis in the juveniles of the Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer , stocked in a cage farm in the Cochin backwaters, from November 2006 to May 2007, were investigated. Hatchery-reared fingerlings (size 8–12 cm) were cultured in floating cages and mortalities were observed after a rearing period of 1 month. The fish were found dead in the cages, with only the remnants of fish skeleton and all the flesh eaten away. Investigations revealed a very high abundance of isopods, identified as C. fluviatilis (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Isopoda and Ciroloanidae). During the first 2 months of stocking, 35% of the fingerlings died, and the cumulative mortality reached 45% in 6 months, considerably reducing the profits from the venture. Management measures for the control of the isopods are discussed. This is the first report on the isopod, C. fluviatilis , inflicting serious mortalities in a tropical cage-rearing system in the southwest coast of India.  相似文献   

Due to increasing resistance to chemical therapeutants, the use of ‘cleaner fish’ (primarily wrasse, Labridae, species) has become popular in European salmon farming for biocontrol of the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer). While being efficient de‐licers, cleaner fish mortality levels in salmon cages are commonly high, and systemic bacterial infections constitute a major problem. Atypical furunculosis, caused by Aeromonas salmonicida A‐layer types V and VI, is among the most common diagnoses reached in clinical investigations. A previously described real‐time PCR (qPCR), targeting the A. salmonicida A‐layer gene (vapA), was modified and validated for specific and sensitive detection of all presently recognized A‐layer types of this bacterium. Before stocking and during episodes of increased mortality in salmon cages, cleaner fish (primarily wild‐caught wrasse) were sampled and screened for A. salmonicida by qPCR and culture. Culture indicated that systemic bacterial infections are mainly contracted after salmon farm stocking, and qPCR revealed A. salmonicida prevalences of approximately 4% and 68% in pre‐ and post‐stocked cleaner fish, respectively. This underpins A. salmonicida's relevance as a contributing factor to cleaner fish mortality and emphasizes the need for implementation of preventive measures (e.g. vaccination) if current levels of cleaner fish use are to be continued or expanded.  相似文献   

Fish farming releases extensive amounts of particulate organic waste that can be exploited by bivalves in integrated culture. We tested if mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis cultured at two depths (1 and 6 m) in a raft, moored 170 m from a fish farm had greater growth than bivalves held 550 m from the fish cages. Mussel growth was monitored monthly, covering the second phase of the culture, from thinning‐out to harvest (March to November 2011). We also studied if fish solid and dissolved nutrients increased the organic content of the seston and chlorophyll‐a levels near the fish cages through weekly samples. Results showed no differences in seston, chlorophyll and physiochemical characteristics of the water among rafts. Maximum growth and Condition Index (CI) occurred during spring–summer (April–August), when mussels had access to greater food quality and quantity. Mussels cultivated close to the cages showed similar shell length, weight and CI compared with mussels distant from the fish farm. Average shell length, meat dry weight and CI at harvest were 76.31 mm, 2.51 g and 23%. Bivalves cultured distant from the fish cages displayed 26% higher biomass than the other raft at the end of the experiment. Differences in biomass were explained by the significantly higher recruitment of mussel seed observed at the raft distant from the fish cages from June to November. The lack of a significant enhancement in growth of the bivalves cultured next to finfish is discussed.  相似文献   

Gas diffusion distance (GDD) of sea bass was measured in fish bred under farm conditions, at different dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO): normoxia condition (80–100% of the saturation value) and `mild' hyperoxia condition (120–130% of the saturation value). Measures were carried out two times in a year (beginning of summer and autumn) in order to evaluate the effect of water temperature on GDD at the two different dissolved oxygen concentrations. There was a significant influence of both dissolved oxygen concentration (p 0.001) and environmental temperature (p 0.001) on GDD. In summertime it was 1.75 m and 2.31 m for fish reared under normoxia and hyperoxia, respectively, and in autumn 2.51 m and 2.96 m for fish reared under normoxia and hyperoxia, respectively. When DO was reduced at the higher temperatures, GDD decreased as well. Results lead to the conclusion that GDD increased with the increasing of DO, both due to reduced water temperature and to the mild oxygen hypersaturation following application of pure oxygen. The advantage for fish may be found in the compromise between maximising O2 diffusion at the gills and ions/water intake/loss, known as `osmoregulatory compromise'.  相似文献   

The effects of water flow, fish feed and cage position on net biofouling was examined in a floating cage fish farm. Fouling of 16 mm mesh net panels suspended inside and outside net cages and exposed to different treatments were monitored weekly until net apertures were completely occluded by the fouling organisms (8 weeks). Results indicate a dramatic reduction in water flow velocity throughout the fish farm due to the cage units themselves and net biofouling. The reduced water flow (<10 cm s?1) inside net cages promoted rapid net biofouling, while rapid water flow outside the net cages (>25 cm s?1) kept the net fouling organisms at bay. Although fish rearing in net cages with inputs of commercial pellet feed increased sessile biofouling (222% higher than outside the net cages) and non‐sessile biofouling (570% higher), the type of fish feed used did not significantly affect biofouling development. The study recommends that the geometry of serially arranged net cages, as commonly deployed in tropical tidal estuaries, be reconfigured to improve flow through in order to minimize the impact of fouling.  相似文献   

Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) culture in marine cages have been developed rapidly in Malaysia. The high intensity of culture might facilitate several disease infection including caligid infestation. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of neem oil (Azadirachta indica) against caligid parasites on seabass. The prevalence and clinical pathogen of Caligus infection has been described through a sampling of 150 fish from floating cage at different cultured periods. Acute toxic tests with different concentrations of neem oil were carried out on the parasite and fish host. Results revealed that the 96‐hr median lethal concentration (LC50) of Caligus and fish (10.3 ± 2.5 g of body weight) were 2 and 20 ppm respectively. The in vivo test indicated that 10 ppm of neem oil could result in 100% antiparasitic efficacy within 96 hr. These results therapeutically demonstrated the efficacy of neem oil in caligid control.  相似文献   

Probiotic influence on fish immune response and digestive capacity is extensively discussed in aquaculture. In this experiment, a feeding trial was carried out for 100 days to evaluate the cross‐effects of probiotic supplementation and rearing temperature (17, 20 and 23°C) in juvenile seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). The experimental diet was supplemented with a commercial probiotic blend (Biomin AquaStar Growout) at 3 g/kg diet (5.23 × 10CFU/kg diet), and tested against a non‐supplemented diet (control). Growth performance and innate immune responses were analysed at 70 and 100 days of feeding, whereas digestive enzyme activities were determined at 100 days of feeding. At the end of the feeding trial, fish were subjected to a handling stress and cumulative mortality was recorded. Digestive enzyme activities were influenced by temperature, with α‐amylase and lipase activities peaking at the higher temperature (23°C) and trypsin at the lower temperature (17°C). Immune parameters showed a significant temperature versus feeding duration effect, with complement system (ACH50) and peroxidase peaking at 70 and 100 days of feeding, respectively. Poststress cumulative mortality was higher at the lowest temperature (17°C), especially in fish fed the control diet. In conclusion, water temperature was the main variable affecting the studied parameters, whereas the dietary probiotic supplementation had influence on the chymotrypsin activity and survival rate in seabass reared at 17°C.  相似文献   

This article describes the initial season‐long yield trial of raising the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow, Hybognathus amarus, in the conservation rearing facility at the Los Lunas Silvery Minnow Refugium. Ten thousand fish (90,900/ha) were stocked on June 22, 2010. Production was based on a total of 653 mL (5.936 L/ha) of 11‐37‐0 N‐P‐K and 5.5 kg (50 kg/ha) of alfalfa pellets. Fish were harvested in October; almost all were harvested 18–27 October. At stocking, fish averaged 21.7 mm total length and mean weight was 0.10 g. At harvest, fish averaged 48.98 mm and 1.12 g. Fish were sampled monthly, and increased lengths and weights through the study were significant (P = 0.05). Five thousand eight hundred ninety‐two fish were harvested (58.92% survival). Yield was 59.99 kg/ha. Temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, un‐ionized ammonia, nitrite, turbidity, alkalinity, and chloride were measured at seven sites throughout the outdoor refugium. Secchi disc visibility was measured in the stream and in the ponds. Only two variables (DO and pH) went outside permitted values, but were easily corrected. Harvest was difficult due to the many different naturalized areas consisting of varying depths, channel widths, and substrates.  相似文献   

Channel catfish (lctalurus punctatus) fingerlings stocked at a rate of 450 fish/0.04 ha pond were simultaneously cultured with fingerlings stocked in 1.25 m3 cages (0, 250, 350, or 450 fishlcage; one cage/pond). The fish in the cages were cultured and harvested for a 90–330 g (whole fish) market. The fish in the open ponds were cultured and harvested for a 490–1,140 g market. Harvest weights of open pond fish in all treatments were similar indicating that the presence of the caged fish and the associated higher daily pond feeding rates did not affect open pond production. Ninety-five to 99% of the caged fish and 96 to 98% of the open pond fish were of marketable size at harvest. Survival and food conversion ratios were similar among treatments. Results of this study indicate that total pond production can be increased (in this case up to 19%) by using a combination of open pond and cage techniques and by simultaneously producing fish for two markets.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the impacts of dietary astaxanthin supplementation on growth performance, feed utilization, survival, and serum growth hormone (GH) availability of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer, with special reference to dose–response relationships and variations during different feeding phases (short‐term, medium‐term and long‐term). Fish were fed the following diets in triplicate for 90 days: the control (CD), AX50 (50 mg astaxanthin/kg diet), AX100 (100 mg astaxanthin/kg diet) and AX150 (150 mg astaxanthin/kg diet). The findings revealed that fish exhibited significant linear increments (p < .05) in specific growth rate (SGR), weight gain, feed utilization efficiency and survival when fed various diets with escalating levels of astaxanthin. Supplementation with dietary astaxanthin significantly augmented (p < .05) GH levels in fish. Significant positive associations (p < .05) were observed between circulating serum GH levels and SGR of fish from all groups following three consecutive feeding phases, denoting a robust cause‐and‐effect relationship. Circulating GH concentrations were considered as a sensitive biomarker of growth performance in Asian seabass. This study illustrated that supplemental astaxanthin could be administered in culture protocols to improve the growth rate and commercial hatchery production of Asian seabass, and possibly other teleost species.  相似文献   

Use of coldwater recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are still very rare in Norway, and only two farms are producing Arctic charr. This project took place in one of these commercial Arctic charr farms; Villmarksfisk AS in Bardu, Northern Norway.The farm gets its make-up water from ground water that holds 5 °C year around. Temperature in the rearing water varies between 7.5 °C (“low”) to 12 °C (“high”) through the year. The biological filter in the RAS seems to work stable at both “low” and “high” temperatures, including after incidents when feeding has been stopped for a day and started on top again the day after. Such an extreme change in loading was measured as a 70% increase in TAN concentration, with only minor changes in nitrite levels recorded. The biofilter also kept the nitrite stable and low in spite of diurnal variation in TAN excretion at normal feeding regimes (every day in three periods at day-time).The farming concept is to stock the farm with wild caught juvenile fish for on-growing to market size fish (0.75–1.00 kg). A drop in growth rate during early autumn has been a main concern for the farm. This may reflect a seasonal shift in growth potential, sometimes referred to as “autumn depression”. Interestingly, there is little sign of seasonal changes in the growth of hatchery-produced fish tested in the farm. Sampling of water quality through the seasons in tanks holding fish undergoing such growth depressions indicate that TAN excretion is much higher per kg feed used in the wintertime than in the springtime. This observation corresponds with the lack of weight gain during wintertime despite that the fish is feeding. Thus, feed conversion calculations indicate that feed utilization also varies with season reaching its nadir during this period.Both challenges concerning RAS in cold water and strongly reduced growth in autumn and winter time, have been investigated from 2005 to 2007 in a project financed by the Norwegian research council and the partners in the agricultural framework agreement.  相似文献   

Slow growth and losses to bird predation and infectious diseases in winter can compromise the profitability of silver perch farming. To evaluate over‐wintering silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), fingerlings (38 g) were stocked in either cages in a pond at ambient temperatures (10–21 °C) or tanks in the RAS at elevated temperatures (19–25 °C) and cultured for 125 days. Mean survival (96%), final weight (146 g), specific growth rate (1.07% day?1) and production rate (28.1 kg m?3) of fish in the RAS were significantly higher than for fish over‐wintered in cages (77%, 73 g, 0.53% day?1, 11.1 kg m?3). Fish from both treatments were then reared in cages for a further 129 days. Final mean weight of fish originally over‐wintered in the RAS was 426 g, while fish over‐wintered in cages were only 273 g. To determine optimal stocking densities, fingerlings (11.8 g) were stocked at 500, 1000 or 1500 fish m?3 in tanks in the RAS and cultured for 124 days. Survival was not affected, but growth was significantly slower and feed conversion ratio higher at 1500 fish m?3 compared with 500 or 1000 fish m?3. Results demonstrate that over‐wintering silver perch in an RAS can produce large fingerlings for grow‐out in early spring. This strategy could eliminate bird predation, reduce losses to diseases and shorten the overall culture period.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of the density at harvest on the performance and profitability of hatchery‐reared spotted rose snapper cultured in cages. The fish were stocked at harvest densities of 15, 20, and 22 kg/m3 in cages of 222 and 286 m3. More than 39,000 snapper fingerlings with an initial weight of 14 g were stocked. The fish were fed an extruded diet and cultured over a 360 d period. The thermal growth coefficient ranged from 0.04 to 0.05 and survival was 95% for all treatments, with the highest final weight (436.8 g) observed for fish reared at a density of 20 kg/m3. The allometric value b indicated that hatchery‐raised, cage‐cultured snapper were heavier than their wild counterparts. The major costs were feed (ranging from 44.7–45.9%), labor (22.4–32.6%), and seed costs (20.2–26.1%). The total production cost ranged from US$ 6.5 to US$ 7.5/kg. The baseline scenario was not economically feasible. However, a 10% increase in the sales price resulted in increases in the internal rate of return (183%) and net present value (US$ 97,628.9). These results suggest that L. guttatus has the potential for commercial production in cages.  相似文献   

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