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Fish need oxygen for aerobic generation of energy for body maintenance, locomotion, feeding and biosynthesis. The rate of oxygen uptake of most fish is limited by diffusion through the gills, and gill surface area grows at a slower rate than body mass. We hypothesize, therefore: (1) that the maximum rate of feed intake is related to the capacity to take in oxygen for processing of this feed; and (2) that the maximum rate of feed intake relative to body size decreases with increasing body size to a point where growth is zero. An oxygen limitation module based on this theory was incorporated into an existing dynamic simulation model for the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). The module calculates the maximum potential oxygen supply to the fish on the basis of Fick's law of diffusion and the allometric relationship between body weight and gill surface area. Total oxygen demand of the fish is computed as the sum of routine metabolism, feeding metabolism and energy needed for biosynthesis. In the module, the feeding rate is limited to a level where total oxygen demand does not exceed the potential supply. The model is used to simulate feeding and growth of O. niloticus. Simulation results provide strong support for the oxygen limitation theory. Hence, the model can be used for the analysis of fish growth as affected by feed amount, feed composition, as well as environmental conditions (temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration). It also explains differences in final size between fish species, and within species under different conditions.  相似文献   

The dietary total and available requirement of tryptophan of Nile tilapia fingerlings was determined using linear regression analysis. Six hundred fish (3.4 ± 0.0 g) were fed diets containing 296.4 g/kg of crude protein and 14.1 MJ/kg of digestible energy. Five extruded diets containing 2.5, 3.0, 3.4, 3.8 and 4.2 g/kg of total tryptophan were evaluated. Fish were fed four times a day during 45 days. Final body weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio and net protein utilization of fish fed Trp 3.4 and Trp 3.8 diets were improved compared to fish fed Trp 2.5 and Trp 4.2 diets. No significant differences in survival rate, whole‐body moisture and ash were observed. Whole‐body amino acid profile of fish fed different diets did not differ statistically (p > .05). Fish fed Trp 3.0 and Trp 3.4 diets showed higher tryptophan retention compared to fish fed Trp 2.5 and Trp 4.2 diets. Excepting blood glucose, no effects of dietary tryptophan on haematological parameters were observed. The dietary total tryptophan requirement of Nile tilapia fingerlings based on weight gain was estimated to be 3.4 g/kg (11.0 g/kg of dietary crude protein) or 3.0 g/kg of available tryptophan (11.0 g/kg of dietary digestible protein).  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility of dry matter, protein, lipid and energy of a fishmeal‐based feed (41% crude protein, 9% crude lipid and 19 kJ g−1 gross energy) was compared in genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT), genetically male Nile tilapia (GMNT) and conventional Nile tilapia (CNT) (Oreochromis niloticus). The experimental fish were reared individually under standardized conditions in a recirculation system at 27±0.1°C for 10 weeks. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) was used as a marker. Faeces of individual fish were collected daily by siphoning and stored at −18°C before analysis. No significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in the digestibility coefficients of feed dry matter (78.2±3.4%, 77.7±4.4% and 76.4±3.7%), protein (87.9±3.0%, 88.4±2.8% and 88.0±3.3%), lipid (90.0±2.5%, 91.0±2.1% and 89.4±3.0%) and energy (90.4±1.9%, 90.7±2.0% and 89.4±2.3%) in GIFT, GMNT and CNT respectively. At the end of the experiment, there were no significant differences (P<0.05) in average percentage growth (82.2±7.2, 87.3±7.7 and 74.7±4.1 respectively for GIFT, GMNT and CNT), growth rates or feed utilization efficiencies between the three tilapia groups. We conclude that the higher growth claimed for improved GIFT and GMNT as compared with CNT, if ever existing, cannot be attributed to higher nutrients or energy digestibility.  相似文献   

This study shows that alternatives for fishmeal in a fish diet affect not only fish growth but also faeces stability and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) waste production. Wheat gluten diet (WGD), soybean meal extract diet (SBE), soybean meal diet (SBM), duckweed diet (DWD) and single‐cell protein diet (SCP) were evaluated as a fishmeal replacement on a 15% weight weight?1 basis in tilapia diets. Fishmeal replacement affected dry matter (dm), protein, ash and P digestibility significantly. Faeces recovery (6.8–11.2%) was not significantly affected, although the amount of non‐recovered faeces and total faeces showed significant differences. Duckweed diet and SCP resulted in the largest amounts of non‐recovered and total faeces (199–210, 224–225 g dm kg?1 feed dm). Compared with fishmeal diet (FMD), the WGD and SBE resulted in similar growth, but higher non‐faecal N losses (471–495 vs. 416 g N kg?1 N). Soybean meal diet, DWD and SCP resulted in lower growth but less non‐faecal loss (409–450 g N kg?1 N). The DWD and FMD had the highest N retention (480 g N kg?1 N) compared with the other diets (431–451 g N kg?1 N). Carbon retention, faecal and non‐faecal losses and P retention were similar for all diets (302–358, 142–176 and 489–523g C kg?1 C, 606–704 g P kg?1 P). Phosphorus faecal loss was lower for all diets (329–381 g P kg?1 P) than for the FMD (401 g P kg?1 P).  相似文献   

The androgenic and anabolic potential of fluoxymesterone (FM) was evaluated by incorporating the hormone into the feed of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus(L.) fry. Phenotypic all-male populations were produced when FM was given at 1, 5 and 25mg/kg of feed. Fry fed methyltestosterone (MT) at 60 mg/kg of feed and 0-2 mg of FM per kg of feed had a sex ratio of 97-7% and 87-3% phenotypic males. No positive anabolic effect was evident in response to adding FM or MT to the feed at the end of the 28-day treatment period or after an additional 6 weeks of growth without hormone. Growth was less for fry which received 25 mg/kg of FM compared to those receiving lesser rates of FM, 60 mg/kg MT, and controls.  相似文献   

The study amalgamated earthworm and agro‐industrial wastes through vermicomposting and then evaluated the potential of the bedding (mixture of Eisenia fetida and vermicompost) to replace fishmeal in semi‐intensive farming of Oreochromis niloticus. The bedding was used to substitute fishmeal at inclusion rates of 100, 60, 30 and 0% (D100, D60, D30 and control D0). In triplicates, the four homogeneous diets were fed to quadruplicate groups of 30 g O. niloticus for 112 days. There was no significant difference (p > .05) in mortalities, average length gain and FCR among all tests. Nevertheless, diet D0 had significantly (p < .05) superior amino acid profile, low fibre content and fish carcass crude protein (63.2 ± 0.72% dry matter). Subsequently, D30 and D0 produced fish with significantly higher (p < .05) mean weight gain (256.03 ± 0.4 g) and biomass (369,136 g) respectively. On to the contrary, diet D100 had significantly higher (p < .05) crude lipids content (9.4 ± 0.6% dry matter), economic returns and profit index than the control diet due to the comparatively low cost of producing the earthworm bedding. This simple biotechnology can commercially be upscaled to sustainably produce cheap and nutritious fish feed capable of increasing yields and maximizing profits.  相似文献   

A 60‐day indoor feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary tryptophan supplementation on growth performances, whole‐body chemical composition, expression of muscle growth‐related genes (MyoD, myogenin and myostatin), and haematological and biochemical responses of juvenile genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT). Five corn–soy‐based isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated to contain graded levels of dietary tryptophan (2.6, 3.2, 3.7, 4.2 and 4.8 g/kg of diet). Each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of 30 fish (5.3 ± 0.1 g) per experimental unit, which were fed thrice a day (9:00, 13:00 and 17:00 hr). Maximum growth performances and feed utilization were observed in fish fed tryptophan at 3.7 g/kg of diet. There was no significant (p > .05) effect on whole‐body composition and amino acid profile by dietary tryptophan supplementation. However, significant (p < .05) differences were observed in plasma metabolites and the mRNA expression of MyoD, myogenin and myostatin. Serum cortisol level was found significantly lowest in fish fed tryptophan at 3.7 g/kg of diet. Second‐order polynomial regression analysis of weight gain and nitrogen gain against dietary tryptophan levels indicated that the optimum dietary tryptophan requirement for maximum growth and feed utilization of juvenile GIFT tilapia was 3.8 g/kg of diet.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken in a closed system with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to examine the effects of total replacement of fish meal (FM) by soybean meal. Nile tilapia fingerlings with an average weight of 5.34±0.08 g were hand‐fed one of the five isoenergetic (≈13.5 MJ digestible energy kg?1) and isoproteic (≈31% of digestible protein) experimental diets to satiation, six times a day during 85 days in eight replicate fibreglass tanks (six fish per tank). The control diet containing FM was substituted by soybean meal, with and without essential amino acids (lysine, methionine and threonine) or dicalcium phosphate supplementation. The supplemental amino acids were added at levels to simulate the reference amino acid profile of Nile tilapia carcass protein, based on the ideal protein concept. The results showed that soybean meal diet supplemented only with dicalcium phosphate was inferior to the control diet with FM and soybean meal diets supplemented with dicalcium phosphate and essential amino acids. Multiple essential amino acids and dicalcium phosphate incorporation in soybean meal diets was associated with performance, whole‐body composition and carcass yield equal to that of the fish fed with the control diet containing FM. These data suggest that a diet with all plant protein source, supplemented with essential amino acids, based on tissue amino acid profile, can totally replace FM in a diet for Nile tilapia, without adverse effects on the growth performance, carcass yield and composition.  相似文献   

A model for dynamic simulation of the growth of the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), in relation to food amount and composition, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration was applied to tilapia ponds. To model food competition between stocked fish and fingerling recruits, a pond food module was added. Data for model calibration were from uniform experiments with all-male O niloticus ponds fertilized with inorganic fertilizers and chicken manure in Honduras, Rwanda and Thailand. Calibration consisted of iterative determination of two model parameters: (1) CONLEV, the consumption rate without food or oxygen limitations; and (2) TPFS, the total daily food supply by the pond. Calibration results showed that, in most ponds, final fish weight could be simulated with acceptable values for CONLEV and TPFS. Both CONLEV and TPFS were related to natural productivity indicators (net primary production and chlorophyll a concentration). For each pond, an estimate of the degree of food and/or oxygen limitation could be given. Validation of the model with independent data from Indonesia and Panama was unsuccessful. The relationships used to estimate values of CONLEV and TPFS from primary productivity measurements were not satisfactory. A more detailed approach to modeling food competition and oxygen limitation under these conditions is necessary. The model provides a conceptual framework for the analysis of fish growth in ponds, tying together effects of food quantity and composition, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of replacing soybean meal (SBM) with cottonseed meal (CSM) on the growth performance, feed utilization and haematological parameters of mono‐sex male Nile tilapia fingerlings. Five isonitrogenous diets (containing 31.82% crude protein) containing graded levels of CSM to replace SBM protein were fed to triplicate groups of fish. The diets were supplemented with lysine so that they were similar to the control diet. After a 14‐week feeding experiment, the results revealed that up to 75% of SBM could be replaced by CSM without causing a significant reduction in growth. Fish fed the diet highest in CSM had a significantly lower protein efficiency ratio and a significantly higher feed conversion ratio than fish fed the other diets. High survival was observed in all the dietary treatments, and no significant difference was observed among treatments. The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter and phosphorus decreased significantly with an increase in the dietary CSM level, whereas the ADC of lipid was not affected by the dietary treatment. The hepatosomatic index and the condition factor were significantly affected by the replacement of SBM by CSM. No significant differences were detected in the moisture, lipid and ash content in whole body and muscle samples, but protein in whole‐body samples was significantly affected by the CSM levels. Significant differences were found in the haemoglobin, haematocrit, red blood cell and white blood cell contents in fish fed diets with different CSM levels. Therefore, these findings suggest that up to 41.25% CSM can be used to replace 75% of SBM protein in diets for mono‐sex male Nile tilapia fingerlings without any adverse effects on the growth performance, feed utilization, body composition and haematological indexes.  相似文献   

Haematological response and growth performance over 150 days, and resistance to a low-temperature stress of Nile tilapia fed diets with increasing folic acid (FA) levels were evaluated. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with eight FA levels (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 mg kg−1 feed) supplemented in purified diets (32.0% CP and 13 398 kj DE kg−1). One hundred and ninety-two fingerlings were randomly assigned to 32 net cages distributed in eight 1000 L aquaria with a physical and biological filter and a temperature control system (26.0 ± 1.0 °C). For cold-induced stress, fish were transferred to 24 30 L-aquaria with individual biofilters and aeration. The water temperature was gradually reduced until it reached 13 °C. Haematological parameters evaluated before and after cold stress were total erythrocytes and leucocytes count, differential leucocyte, haemoglobin, haematocrit, total plasmatic protein and haematometric indices. Growth performance parameters were mean weight gain, feed conversion ratio and survival. Dietary FA supplementation did not influence erythropoiesis under normal temperature conditions; cold stress impaired erythropoiesis, causing hypochromic microcytic anaemia and leucopoiesis, and also neutrophilia. Growth performance is influenced by folate and supplementation between 0.5 and 1.0 mg FA kg−1 diet, which makes up for nutritional demands, guaranteeing production and health under appropriate temperature conditions.  相似文献   

A 16‐week feeding experiment was conducted to study the feasibility of using broad bean meal (BBM) as a replacement for fish meal (FM) for Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fry, initial average weight 1.9±0.18 g. FM (50% of the diet) was used as sole sources of animal protein in the control diet 1. The replacement levels of BBM in diets (2–5) were 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the FM. Methionine (1%) and lysine (0.5%) were added to each diet except the control diet. Three groups of fish were fed each of five isonitrogenous (31.2% CP) and isocaloric (20.1 kJ g?1), and performance was compared against a nutritionally balanced control diet at the end of the experiment. Nile tilapia fed the diet containing 50% BBM exhibited comparable growth with those fed the FM‐based control diet. Digestibility of protein, energy and lipid decreased with increasing levels of BBM above 50% of total replacement FM into the diet. Incorporation of BBM in the diets significantly affected the moisture, fat and energy of whole fish body. These results suggest that BBM can replace 50% of the FM in diet for Nile tilapia fry, without adverse effects on fish performance.  相似文献   

Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one of the most important cultured species worldwide. The research aims to clarify the feeding characteristics, such as daily feeding pattern of Nile tilapia using a self‐feeding technique. The feeding pattern was conducted under two rearing conditions, indoor treatments under a controlled light regime (LD 12:12) and constant water temperature (25°C), and outdoor treatments under natural conditions which consisted of duplicate trials with two periods each. The outdoor treatment was carried out from early summer through late autumn in Mie, Central Japan. Daily self‐feeding activity of Nile tilapia in indoor treatments was nearly daytime feeding pattern, synchronizing with the given photoperiod (24 hr). However, the self‐feeding activity in the outdoor experiments from early summer to early autumn was almost daytime feeding pattern, but it became less clear and shifted to a nighttime feeding profile in late autumn. The results revealed that Nile tilapia has a dualistic capacity for demand‐feeding both in light and dark phases. These results might have been caused by the seasonal change in light intensity and/or water temperature. Information obtained from the self‐feeding experiments enables us to identify the influence of environmental changes on the physiological condition of farmed fish through their expression of appetite.  相似文献   

Protein and lipid content as well as the fatty acid (FA) composition of storage tissues were analysed in two varieties of Oreochromis niloticus (Red‐Stirling and Chitralada) and their hybrid. The animals were maintained in cages for 11 months. The samples were taken when the animals weighed 10, 50, 100, 250 and 500 g. The results showed that changes in the metabolic processes occur during an increase in body mass in both varieties of tilapia and also their hybrid, but that these differences are not found in animals collected at the commercial weight. The protein content of the fillet and liver decreased with growth and the same protein content associated with growth was found for fillet lipid content. The genetic variety did not influence the FA profile of the fillet, but different genotypes had different hepatic FA compositions. Even with the same lipid content, the hepatocytes of Chitralada accumulated higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) n6 in triglycerides and increased C22:6n3 in the hepatocyte membranes. The higher n6PUFA content was compensated by a lower fraction of saturated FA in the hepatocyte triglycerides. The skin of Chitralada also had higher n6PUFA and C22:6n3 contents, suggesting a higher ability to deposit PUFA in the skin due to alterations in the liver synthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Streptococcus iniae and Gyrodactylus niloticus are two common pathogens of cultured Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. We studied concurrent infection of tilapia by G. niloticus and S. iniae and evaluated whether parasitism in tilapia with Gyrodactylus increased susceptibility and mortality following immersion infection with S. iniae. Results showed that death mainly occurred in fish with G. niloticus and challenged with S. iniae (G-S group). The accumulative mortality (42.2%) was significantly higher in the G-S group than in fish not infected by the parasite (6.7%), but exposed to S. iniae. Bacteriological examination revealed S. iniae from > or =92% of dead or moribund fish challenged with S. iniae. Gyrodactylus not only damaged fish epithelium and provided entry for invasive bacteria but also was found to harbour viable cells of S. iniae for 24 and 72 h. Streptococcus iniae was isolated from 60% and 40% of G. niloticus collected from fish infected by intraperitoneal injection or immersion, respectively, at 24 h post-challenge. The present study confirms that parasitism of tilapia by G. niloticus increased host mortality following exposure to the bacterial pathogen S. iniae.  相似文献   

Diseases caused by motile aeromonads in freshwater fish have been generally assumed to be linked with mainly Aeromonas hydrophila while other species were probably overlooked. Here, we identified two isolates of non‐A. hydrophila recovered from Nile tilapia exhibiting disease and mortality after exposed to transport‐induced stress and subsequently confirmed their virulence in artificial infection. The bacterial isolates were identified as Aeromonas jandaei and Aeromonas veronii based on phenotypic features and homology of 16S rDNA. Experimental infection revealed that the high dose of A. jandaei (3.7 × 106 CFU fish?1) and A. veronii (8.9 × 106 CFU fish?1) killed 100% of experimental fish within 24 h, while a 10‐fold reduction dose killed 70% and 50% of fish, respectively. When the challenge dose was reduced 100‐fold, mortality of the fish exposed to A. jandaei and A. veronii decreased to 20% and 10%, respectively. The survivors from the latter dose administration were rechallenged with respective bacterial species. Lower mortality of rechallenged fish (0%–12.5%) compared to the control groups receiving a primary infection (37.5%) suggested that the survivors after primary infection were able to resist secondary infection. Fish exposed to either A. jandaei or A. veronii exhibited similar clinical signs and histological manifestation.  相似文献   

In the present study, immunohistochemical and morphometric analysis was used to characterize variations in muscle growth performance during muscle fibre recruitment and hypertrophy. As in fisheries, fish were classified into four age stages: alevin 35 days (0.65±0.08 g); juvenile 60 days (13.67±1.35 g); adult 90 days (73.18±4.70 g) and adult 190 days (349.76±34.62 g). The number of nuclei expressing MyoD and myogenin was similar in alevin, juvenile and adult 90 days; however, in adult 190 days, the number of nuclei expressing myogenin was higher than the number expressing MyoD. The number of proliferating cell nuclear antigen‐stained nuclei in each stage was higher than MyoD and myogenin staining with peaks in alevin and adult 90 days. These data suggest that growth per se stimulated cellular proliferation and nuclei accretion of Nile tilapia muscle fibres in alevin, juvenile and adult 90 days. Muscle fibre differentiation was more pronounced in adult 190 days.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of feed colour on the performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) larvae and fingerlings. In the first experiment, triplicate groups of newly hatched larvae (0.01 g fish−1) were stocked in 40 L glass aquaria at a density of 2 fish L−1. The fish were fed a test diet (400 g kg−1 crude protein) with six different colours (dark blue, dark green, red, dark brown, yellow and light brown) for 60 days. The best performance and survival were achieved in fish fed on dark‐coloured diets, while light‐coloured diets (yellow and light brown) resulted in inferior performance. Dark diets also produced higher body protein than light diets. Body water, lipids and ash showed irregular trends. In the second experiment, triplicate groups of Nile tilapia fingerlings (5.30 g fish−1) were stocked in 140‐L aquaria, in a recirculating indoor system. The fish were fed a test diet (350 g kg−1 crude protein) with the same colours used in the larval trial, for 60 days. Growth rates, feed efficiency, survival and body composition were not significantly affected by feed colours. These results suggest that Nile tilapia larvae are visual feeders, and they prefer dark‐coloured diets to light‐coloured diets, while fingerling fish showed no preference to diet colours.  相似文献   

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