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We evaluated the effect of varying cage stocking density (60, 90 and 120 fish m?3) and feeding duration (10, 30 and 60 min) in a cage‐cum‐pond‐integrated system on growth performance, water quality and economic benefits in Labeo victorianus culture. Interactions between stocking density and feeding duration significantly (< 0.05) affected the fish growth performance and yields in the cages‐cum‐pond system. Stocking density of 60 fish m?3 resulted in the highest growth in cages and in ponds regardless of the feeding duration, but produced lower yields than at stocking density 90 fish m?3. The lowest Apparent Food Conversion Ratio (AFCR) in cages occurred at stocking density of 60 fish m?3 and feeding duration of 30 min. Growth performance in the open ponds declined with increased feeding duration of the caged fish. Survival in cages and in the open ponds decreased with increased cage density, but was not affected by feeding duration. Low dissolved oxygen were recorded, at stocking density of 120 fish m?3, the lowest DO occurred when feeding of caged fish lasted 60 min. Growth performance, water quality and economic benefits in Labeo victorianus culture positively respond to interaction between stocking density and feeding durations.  相似文献   

High levels of mortality occur in large net‐cage culture of Pacific bluefin tuna (PBF) Thunnus orientalis due to poor growth on commencement of sea‐cage culture obstructing the mass production of fingerlings. Therefore, we carried out this study to develop a countermeasure by using small sea cages (square with 13‐m sides). PBF juveniles were directly transferred to a 30‐m‐diameter cage (control) and compared them to fish transferred to small sea cages for 12 days before being merged into another 30‐m‐diameter cage. The survival rate, growth performance and potential factors increasing mortality were examined. The results of our study showed that survival rate in small sea cages was approximately 20% higher than that of the control. Poor growth also occurred in the small sea cages; however, its frequency and daily mortality rate were half those in the control. In addition, growth performance such as specific growth rate and weight gain of PBF juveniles in small sea cages significantly increased compared to the control. These results suggest that using small sea cages could be an effective countermeasure for poor growth, which may mitigate the high‐mortality conditions of current sea‐cage culture systems for PBF.  相似文献   

Fish catches in Lake Victoria have been on the decline while demand for fish has been increasing. Cage culture with >3,000 cages, over 3 million tilapias and valued at US$ 12 million is trying to fill the gap. This study reviews the development of cages and the need to develop a decision support tool for effective management. Existing literature and data on fisheries and cage culture held by the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) were used in the analysis. Cage culture is a promising venture that may increase productivity, offer employment and enhance economic well‐being. However, site suitability for the installation of cages is poorly regulated with most developments (>45%) located within 200 m of the shoreline that are breeding grounds of fish and conflict with other lake users. Waste feed increases eutrophication, and enhances growth of algae and water hyacinth in the lake. Recent isolated fish kills were attributed to low dissolved oxygen concentrations (<0.64 mg/L), and an increasing occurrence of fish disease are signs of poor management practices among cage farmers. Cage culture may turn into an environmental disaster if not managed well, and there is need for robust policies and increased awareness to reduce environmental impacts.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in relation to fallowing in a fish cage farm was investigated in a shallow lake in China. Four sampling sites were set: beneath the cages, at the cage sides, and 50 and 100 m east of the cage farm. Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in lake water and sediment were analyzed during a 2-year rearing cycle. The cage culture had a fish yield of 16.3–39.2 tonnes in the study period. Based on the mass balance equation, 1533–3084 kg TN and 339–697 kg TP were contributed to the lake environment. Nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations showed greater increase in the first culture period than in the second rearing cycle. No obvious changes were found at the sampling sites 50 and 100 m east of the cages during the study periods. Main impacts were found close to the cages (beneath the cages and at the cage side); the sampling points at the cage side showed relatively high TN and TP sedimentation. After 3 months of fallowing, water TN and TP decreased significantly but the sediment TN and TP contents remained high. Therefore, recovery seems to happen during fallowing but attention should be paid to whether the culture continues to operate in the future.  相似文献   

A mass‐balance modelling approach combined with a sensitivity analysis was utilized to gain an improved understanding of the relative contributions of phosphorus (P) loading from various anthropogenic and non‐anthropogenic sources into Lake Wolsey (Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada), a Type 2 freshwater lake with a cage‐aquaculture facility. Total P loadings were estimated from eight sources (inlet exchange, non‐point sources, cage‐aquaculture facility, internal loading, groundwater seepage, atmospheric deposition, leaf litter and dwellings) and three sinks (outlet exchange, sedimentation and sportfishing). Results indicated that over the study period (May–November 2007) the non‐point sources were the leading contributor of total P to Lake Wolsey (1120 kg P) followed by the cage‐aquaculture facility loading (915 kg P), inlet exchange (539 kg P), groundwater inputs (305 kg P), dwellings (219 kg P), internal P recycling loads from the hypoxic hypolimnion (186 kg P), atmospheric deposition (79 kg P) and decomposing leaf litter (8.1 kg P). When comparing the loadings in this study, the sensitivity analysis showed that non‐point sources were the only significant input parameter of total P loading to the in‐lake concentrations of P in Lake Wolsey(P = 0.05). Information from this project will provide water quality managers with sound scientific information to make defencible decisions pertaining to policy and regulatory approaches for water quality risk assessment and management of cage‐aquaculture in Type 2 sites.  相似文献   

Due to increasing resistance to chemical therapeutants, the use of ‘cleaner fish’ (primarily wrasse, Labridae, species) has become popular in European salmon farming for biocontrol of the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer). While being efficient de‐licers, cleaner fish mortality levels in salmon cages are commonly high, and systemic bacterial infections constitute a major problem. Atypical furunculosis, caused by Aeromonas salmonicida A‐layer types V and VI, is among the most common diagnoses reached in clinical investigations. A previously described real‐time PCR (qPCR), targeting the A. salmonicida A‐layer gene (vapA), was modified and validated for specific and sensitive detection of all presently recognized A‐layer types of this bacterium. Before stocking and during episodes of increased mortality in salmon cages, cleaner fish (primarily wild‐caught wrasse) were sampled and screened for A. salmonicida by qPCR and culture. Culture indicated that systemic bacterial infections are mainly contracted after salmon farm stocking, and qPCR revealed A. salmonicida prevalences of approximately 4% and 68% in pre‐ and post‐stocked cleaner fish, respectively. This underpins A. salmonicida's relevance as a contributing factor to cleaner fish mortality and emphasizes the need for implementation of preventive measures (e.g. vaccination) if current levels of cleaner fish use are to be continued or expanded.  相似文献   

Commercially valuable sea cucumbers are potential co‐culture species in tropical lagoon environments, where they may be integrated into established aquaculture areas used for seaweed farming. In the current study, wild‐caught juvenile sea cucumbers, Holothuria scabra, and red seaweed Kappaphycus striatum were co‐cultured on Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania. Sea cucumbers (97 g ± 31 SD,= 52) were cultured in mesh enclosures at initial cage stocking densities of 124 ± 21 SD and 218 ± 16 SD g m?2 under seaweed culture lines. Over 83 days, individual growth rate (1.6 g d?1 ± 0.2 SD) of sea cucumbers at low stocking density was significantly higher (χ2 = 8.292, d.f. 1, P = 0.004) than at high‐stocking density (0.9 g d?1 ± 0.1 SD). Seaweed individual growth rates [6.27 (±0.3 SE) g d?1] were highest in co‐culture with sea cucumber at low density but did not differ significantly from high sea cucumber density or seaweed monoculture treatments (χ2 = 3.0885, d.f. = 2, = 0.2135). Seaweed growth varied significantly (χ2 = 35.6, d.f. = 2, < 0.0001) with sampling period, with the final sampling period resulting in the highest growth rate. Growth performance for seaweed and sea cucumbers (χ2 = 3.089, d.f. = 2, = 0.21 and χ2 = 0.08, d.f. = 1, = 0.777 respectively), did not differ significantly between monoculture and co‐culture treatments, yet growth in co‐culture was comparable with that reported for existing commercial monoculture. Results indicate H. scabra is a highly viable candidate species for lagoon co‐culture with seaweed. Co‐culture offers a more efficient use of limited coastal space over monoculture and is recommended as a potential coastal livelihood option for lagoon farmers in tropical regions.  相似文献   

Abstract The interactions between cage culture and wild fishery activities in three Indonesian reservoirs, Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur, of the greater Ciratum watershed, West Java, were evaluated using historical data and interviews with cage culture operators. In all three reservoirs, cage culture of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., and later of common carp and Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), were encouraged as an alternative livelihood for persons displaced by the impoundment. Currently, a two‐net culture system, locally known as ‘lapis dua’, in which in the inner cage (7 × 7 × 3 m) is used for common carp culture and the outer cage (7 × 7 × 5/7 m) is stocked with Nile tilapia, is practised. On average each cage is stocked with approximately 100 kg fingerlings each of common carp and Nile tilapia. The numbers of cages and production of cultured fish has increased in the reservoirs, but total and per cage production began to decline from about 1995 in Saguling from 2200 kg cage?1 in 1989 to <500 kg cage?1 in 2002, and in Cirata from a peak of approximately 2300 kg cage?1 in 1995 to approximately 400 kg cage?1 in 2002. In Jatiluhur, which has a considerably lower cage density, total fish production and production per cage has increased since 2000, and currently is approximately 4000 kg cage?1, close to production in the early years of cage culture activities. The cage culture operations also resulted in substantial nutrient loading, estimated at 3.2, 15.2 and 3.1 t of nitrogen and 134, 636 and 128 kg of phosphorous per year in the maximum years of production for Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur reservoirs, respectively. In later years, when cage culture production was high, fish kills occurred in the cages, and in Jatiluhur reservoir coincided with a dramatic decline in wild fishery catches. An attempt is made to determine the maximum number of cages for each of the reservoirs that will bring long‐term sustainability of cage culture operations and the wild fisheries in the three reservoirs.  相似文献   

The black‐lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera, used for round pearl production in Polynesia, is generally cultured using “ear‐hanging” where they are attached to a rope to form “chaplets.” In other countries, pearl oysters are cultured using panel (pocket) nets that are more expensive than chaplets but afford more protection to cultured oysters. Prior research has shown panel nets produce pearls of higher quality and value, potentially generating higher profits. This study used cost–benefit analysis to compare pearl production using chaplet‐based and panel net‐based culture methods. Whole farm data, including gross revenues and annual production costs, fixed and variable, were analyzed. Average production cost per pearl using panel net‐based culture was USD 22.47 and for chaplet‐based culture was USD 21.55. However, use of panel nets saved around 3,430 hr (USD 6,860) of labor a year, offsetting the greater capital investment. A chaplet‐based pearl farm generated USD 65,738 in annual profits compared to USD 88,774 for a panel net‐based farm. Positive cash flow was achieved 1 year earlier (Year 7) for the panel net‐based farm. This is the first economic analysis of different pearl culture methods for P. margaritifera and evidence of profitability will support further development of the black‐lip pearl industry in the Indo‐Pacific region.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to identify the association between water quality parameters and the presence of Streptococcus agalactiae in cage cultured red hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus × O. mossambicus. Fish from commercial floating net cage‐culture systems in a river and lake were randomly sampled over a 24‐month period. Swabs from the brains, eyes and kidneys were streaked directly onto blood agar to isolate S. agalactiae. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, clarity, ammonia, nitrite, sulfide, rate of water flow and depth of water at sampling sites were measured at the same time of fish sampling. The prevalence of fish that were cultured positive to S. agalactiae was significantly higher in lake compared with river. The length and weight of the infected fish were between 9 and 33 cm, and between 20 and 760 g respectively. There was a significant and positive strong correlation between the presence of S. agalactiae and fish mortalities in lake. All water quality parameters showed significant differences between river and lake. However, only water temperature, clarity and pH of lake and the ammonia, temperature and dissolved oxygen in river showed significant correlation with the presence of S. agalactiae in the cultured fish. It was concluded that several unfavourable water quality in the fish farm influencing the presence of S. agalactiae in cultured red hybrid tilapia.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The aquaculture performance of mutton snapper Lutjanus analis raised in floating net cages was assessed by measuring their growth, survival, and feed conversion rates during a growout trial conducted in a 3.2‐ha saltwater lake in the Florida Keys, Florida, USA. Approximately 10,500 hatchery‐reared finger‐lings were stocked in two circular, high‐density polyethylene (HDPE) net cages of 7‐m diameter × 7‐m deep (300 m2) and 10‐m diameter × 7‐m deep (600 m3) dimensions. Cages were stocked at 25 fish/m3 (3.2 kg/m3) and 5 fish/m3 (0.72 kg/m3), respectively. Fish grew from a mean of 16.5 g to 302.8 g (25.6 cm TL) in 246 days in the former cage and from a mean of 42.3 g to 245.6 g (23.8 cm TL) in 178 d in the latter cage. Growth rates in weight were best expressed by the following exponential equations: cage 1 (high stocking density): W = 20.716 e0.0112x (r2= 0.83); cage 2 (low stocking density): W = 38.848 e0.0118x (r2= 0.81). Length‐weight data indicate that hatcheryraised, cage‐cultured mutton snapper are heavier per unit length than their wild counterparts. There was no significant difference (P < 0.05) between the slopes of the two lines, indicating that fish in the two cages grew at the same rate. The length‐weight relationships for mutton snapper stocked in cages 1 and 2 are expressed, respectively, by the equations W = 0.000009 L 3.11 (r2= 0.99) and W = 0.000005 L 3.22 (r2= 0.97). Overall feed conversion rate for both cages combined was 1.4. Approximately 10% of the fish sampled exhibited some degree of deformity, particularly scoliosis. Overall survival rate was 70%. Results suggest that L. analis has potential for aquaculture development in net cage systems.  相似文献   

Escapes of cod (Gadus morhua) from sea cages represent an economic problem for farmers and a potential environmental problem. We estimate that 0–6% of cod held in sea‐cage farms in Norway were reported to have escaped each year from 2000 to 2005, which is a high proportion compared with salmon. We interviewed employees at 19 coastal sea‐cage cod farms in Norway to investigate both how and why cultured cod escape and to document cage handling and management strategies that were effective in minimizing escapes. Based on the interviews, we describe five working hypotheses that may explain why a greater proportion of cod than salmon escape: (1) cod are more willing to escape than salmon; (2) cod bite the net cage and create wear and tear; (3) net cages have insufficient technical standards for cod culture; (4) cod are placed in sea cages at considerably smaller sizes than salmon; and (5) cod are more popular feed for predators. Preliminary testing of the hypothesis that cod bite netting and create holes was done by placing pre‐damaged net panels with cut twines and control panels inside sea cages. Holes in the pre‐damaged net panels increased in size over a period of 3 months. The type of damage indicated that biting of netting twines was the likely cause.  相似文献   

This study explored the yield and economic benefits of African sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus, and Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus polyculture, reared in earthen ponds for 270 days integrated with Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa chinensis, farmed for 45 days to small‐scale farmers in Tanzania. An integrated aquaculture–agriculture (IAA) system involving fishes and vegetables resulted in three and 2.5 times higher net yield than the culture of fishes alone and farming of non‐integrated vegetables respectively. Vegetables irrigated with pond water resulted in 1.8 times higher net and annual yields than those irrigated with stream water. The practice of fish–vegetable integration and growing of vegetables irrigated with pond water produced 14 and 13 times higher net annual yield, respectively, than the culture of fishes alone. The integrated system produced 20 and 150 times more net returns compared with vegetables irrigated with pond and stream water respectively. Integrating fishes with vegetables resulted in significantly higher annual net cash flow than the farming of fishes and vegetables separately. The study revealed that integrating fishes with Brapa chinensis increases yields, income and food production to small‐scale farmers. Thus, small‐scale farmers can adopt IAA technology to meet the increasing demand of fish and vegetables, stabilize their incomes and diversify food production, consequently improving food security. These benefits will be realized by providing proper training in IAA technology and management skills to small‐scale farmers.  相似文献   

The culture‐based fishery of Liangzi Lake, Yangtze River Basin, established in 1992, yielded 2,652 t/year (±167) between 2005 and 2015, dominated by stocked carps [Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Val.) and Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (Richardson)] and mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (Milne Edwards), accounting for 53% and 23% of the production and 20% and 52% in value, respectively. The lake had a macrophyte cover dominated by Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara with a cumulative biomass of 10,647 g/m2 that disappeared after a major flood in 2010 and changed its ecology. Management changes in stocking strategies introduced in the post‐flood period enabled the culture‐based fishery to maintain viability and sustainability to combat the major ecological change in the lake. The stocked species contributed significantly to nutrient removal of 24.71 ± 5.12 t/yr and 6.29 ± 0.87 t/yr of total nitrogen and total phosphorus, respectively.  相似文献   

Three species of purple non‐sulphur bacteria (PB), Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Rhodovulum sulfidophilum, grown in palm oil mill effluent (POME) were successfully used for the first time as feed for rotifers (Brachionus rotundiformis). Rp. palustris cultured in both POME and synthetic medium gave the highest rotifer density (332–395 individuals mL−1) from 3 to 5 days at 10 g L−1 salinity. Other PB cultured in synthetic medium generally support higher rotifer density than PB cultured in POME. Rb. sphaeroides had the highest biomass (1.91–3.34 g L−1) and growth rate (0.64–1.11 g day−1) in both types of culture medium. Nevertheless, only Rv. sulfidophilum grown in POME contained both eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), indicating its ability to biosynthesize them from POME nutrients. Rotifers fed Rv. sulfidophilum grown in POME had significantly higher amounts of protein, arachidonic acid, EPA and DHA than rotifers fed Rv. sulfidophilum grown in synthetic medium. The nutritional profile of lipid‐deficient PB can be improved by growing them in POME, and these enriched PB produced at an estimated cost of USD 8.71–35.35 kg−1 dry biomass, depending on species, can support rotifer production in a batch culture system.  相似文献   

To improve feed management strategies for the semi‐intensive culture of Litopenaeus vannamei, outdoor tank and pond trials were conducted. In the tank trial, shrimp (35 shrimp/m2, n = 4) were offered feed for 6 weeks based on a standard feeding protocol (SFP, designed as T100) with five variations (T80:90:100, T90, T90:100, T100:110, T110) of this protocol produced by varying the feed inputs and expressing the treatments as a percentage. Results demonstrated no significant differences in survival rate and feed conversion ratio (FCR) among treatments. The mean final weight and final biomass in the treatments T100:110 and T110 were significantly higher than those in treatment T90 but were not different from the other treatments. In the pond trial, juvenile shrimp (28 shrimp/m2, n = 4) were stocked into twelve 0.1‐ha ponds over a 16‐week period. Three feeding protocols were evaluated including a SFP, a 10% reduction in the SFP (SFP:90), and a variable feed input (SFP:80:90:100), which included 80% SFP at week 4th–8th, 90% SFP from week 9th–12th and 100% SFP for week 12th–16th. There were no significant differences in growth performance and economic return among treatments. Based on previous studies, in which higher feed inputs were evaluated, and results of this study, it does not appear to be economically beneficial to use high feed inputs. Instead, feed input could be either applied at a standard ration to optimize growth and economic return or at restricted rations to reduce FCR (feed cost) albeit at the expense of some growth.  相似文献   

The influence of cage aquaculture on the attraction and aggregation of wild fish was evaluated with an experimental tilapia farming structure. The structure was installed in the Corvo River, Rosana Reservoir, Paranapanema River basin, for 140 days. Samples were taken before and after farming began. Gillnets on the surface and near the bottom at different distances from the cages (0, 100 and 400 m) were used for fish sampling. The effects of the food supply at two protein levels were also analysed: Phase 1 = 32% PB and Phase 2 = 28% PB. Changes in species richness and abundance were observed, with the number of individuals and the fish biomass increasing significantly just after the farming began. Some species, such as Iheringichthys labrosus, presented increased abundance near the cages, while others, such as Plagioscion squamosissimus, were more abundant far from the cages. Auchenipterus osteomystax was the most abundant species during the experiment, especially when the protein content of the pellets was higher. It was demonstrated that farming tilapia in cages profoundly altered the abundance and composition of the wild ichthyofauna, suggesting the need to propose effective regulations for such activities, including fisheries restrictions in farmed areas or even the prohibition of cage farming.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to assess key factors influencing suspected white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) disease and associated shrimp production and economic performance in three contrasting black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) culture technologies promoted by the United States Agency for International Development funded Shrimp Quality Support Project (SQSP) in Bangladesh. A total of 350 traditional, 315 Modified Traditional Technology1 (MTT1), 36 MTT2 and 88 Closed System Technology (CST) farmers from 10 sub‐districts in three districts of Khulna division were surveyed following random sampling at the end of the project. Binomial probit regression analysis revealed that smaller newly constructed ponds (known locally as gher) were less susceptible to WSSV, provided aquatic weeds were controlled using chemicals. Removal of sludge from ghers also had a positive effect, irrespective of technology and location. It was also shown that stocking of screened shrimp postlarvae (PL) does not guarantee protection against WSSV (t = 1.39, P > 0.05). Higher shrimp production was obtained by farmers practicing CST, followed by those operating MTTs and traditional technology respectively. Farmers who adopted CST also gained higher profitability followed by those operating MTT1, MTT2 and traditional technology.  相似文献   

Crayfish growth rates can vary considerably among individuals from the same brood, and social dominance hierarchies in crustacean species occur frequently. These hierarchies can reduce growth and survival when rearing communal groups. Size‐grading and single‐sex culturing are the methods used to combat this. A 160‐day experiment took place on 288 young‐of‐the‐year captive‐born Austropotamobius pallipes, within a closed‐circuit, indoor aquaculture facility. Crayfish were reared in three treatments (a) equal numbers of large males + small females (LMSF); (b) equal numbers of small males + large females (SMLF); (c) individuals of the same size, equal sex ratio; plus two control groups of single‐sex, same sized individuals. Female survival in the LMSF was significantly reduced (52.8%, SD = 20.7%), whereas overall survival in all other groups was high (83.1%, SD = 15.1%). Male growth (6.3 mm, SD = 0.6 mm) was greater than female growth (4.9 mm, SD = 0.9 mm) across all groups. Cheliped autotomy was significantly greater (8.8%) in males (26.7%, SD = 8.9%) than females (17.9%, SD = 2.7%). This study suggests that young‐of‐the‐year juvenile male A. pallipes grow faster and are more aggressive than females. Large males will suppress and reduce survival in smaller females whereas small males, when housed with larger females, will still grow faster than the females. We suggest that it is sex and not size that is the main factor that causes dominance hierarchies and growth suppression within juvenile A. pallipes. Maintaining juvenile A. pallipes in single‐sex groups is optimal to ensure high survival and growth rates.  相似文献   

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