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Light intensity has been shown to influence the foraging success of larval fish. However, the effect of light intensity on larval foraging is likely variable and influenced by both the density and characteristics of planktonic prey. In this study we examined the influence of light intensity of 0.1, 2.0, and 60 μmol·s?1·m?2 Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) on foraging of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) larvae at two prey densities. We fed them with a mixture of zooplankton taxa common to lakes inhabited by yellow perch. In addition to light intensity and prey density, the effect of larval yellow perch size was examined by using fish ranging from 9 to 15 mm. The results of our study indicated that yellow perch larvae are well adapted to feed at a wide range of light intensities, as there was no difference in foraging success at investigated light intensities. Increasing prey density from 25 to 150 (zooplankton·l?1) significantly improved the foraging success of larval yellow perch. However, the influence of prey density on foraging success was dependent on fish length. Improved foraging success at increased prey densities occurred only for individuals with a total length >10 mm. Overall, prey selection by fish larvae was influenced by light intensity, prey density, and fish length. However, the factors that influenced selection for specific prey types differed. Our study, combined with evidence from other field and laboratory work, highlight the need for a better understanding of the influence of prey density on foraging throughout ontogeny.  相似文献   

Initial larval stocking density, prey density, daily prey ration and light conditions (light intensity and photoperiod) were tested for common dentex larval rearing under experimental conditions. Experiments continued until the first peak of larval mortality. The best results in larval survival were obtained with an initial stocking density of between 10 and 40 larvae L?1, fed with at least 10 rotifers mL?1, maintaining ratios of 500–1000 rotifers larva?1, with one or two adjustments of prey density per day. The use of more than 2000 rotifers larva?1 or three daily adjustments of live prey density had negative effects on larval survival. The best light conditions for common dentex larval rearing were found using a photoperiod of 24 h L:0 h D and an intensity of at least 3.4 μmol m?2 s?1.  相似文献   

The effects of light intensity on feeding incidence and prey consumption at first feeding of spotted sand bass larvae (Paralabrax maculatofasciatus Steindachner), using four light intensity treatments (0, 100, 400, and 700 lx) were evaluated. Specimens were fed the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis at a density of 3 rotifers mL?1. One hour after the addition of prey, 30±3 (mean±SEM) larvae were sampled from each treatment aquarium. Feeding incidence was evaluated as the percentage of larvae with prey in the digestive tract. Feeding intensity was measured as the number of prey in the digestive tract of the larvae. Histological analysis was carried out to describe the eye structure at the time of first feeding. Larvae fed in darkness (0 lx) had a significantly lower (P<0.05) feeding incidence (1.2±2.2%) and intensity (0.4±0.7 rotifers larvae?1) than those larvae fed at 100 (28±11%, 1.8±0.2 rotifers larvae?1), 400 (48±10%, 2.4±0.3 rotifers larvae?1), and 700 lx (52±4%, 2.4±0.1 rotifers larvae?1). Feeding incidence of the spotted sand bass larvae increased with light intensity while the feeding intensity showed no significant difference (P>0.05) between light treatments. Histological analysis of the eye structure showed that first feeding larvae had well‐formed lens along with a retina composed of pure single cones as photoreceptors.  相似文献   

We investigated the first‐feeding success of two species: southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) and yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) to determine if similar culture parameters can be used for both, especially when S. lalandi are held in the same tanks as prey for T. maccoyii. The feeding performance (proportion and intensity) was examined in three short‐duration (4 h) experiments: prey density, prey size and larval density. Increasing prey density from 0.5 to 25 rotifers mL?1 increased the proportion of T. maccoyii and S. lalandi larvae feeding. Prey size alone did not affect feeding in either species. Seriola lalandi had a decreased proportion of larvae feeding when larval density reached 50 larvae L?1 concurrent with a gradual increase in feeding intensity between 2 and 50 larvae L?1. In T. maccoyii, there was no pattern to the effect of larval density on the proportion of larvae feeding. The overall feeding performance of larvae was higher in T. maccoyii than S. lalandi. Increased prey density improved the first‐feeding ability of T. maccoyii and S. lalandi larvae. The effect of larval density on S. lalandi feeding requires further investigation, to ensure that they remain feeding when provided as prey in T. maccoyii culture. The identification of factors in this study, which increase first‐feeding success, will improve the culture of both species.  相似文献   

Growth of larval sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus fed live Artemia nauplii , a specially prepared dry feed (MN-3), a commercial dry salmon starter feed (Silver Cup 3600), or a combination of 50% live Artemia and 50% MN-3, under conditions of either light or dark for 21 days was studied. For all diets, fish reared in darkened tanks were significantly larger than those in illuminated tanks from day 8 onwards. Fish fed a combination of live Artemia plus MN-3 grew significantly more quickly than those fed either live Artemia or MN-3 only. On day 21 of the experiment, average weight of fish fed the combined diet was 649 ± 30 mg (mean ± SEM ) in darkened tanks and 445 ± 16 mg in illuminated tanks, while those fed Artemia alone were 242 ± 9 and 198 ± 13 mg (dark and light, respectively) and fish fed MN-3 only were intermediate at 377 ± 20 and 267 ± 16 mg (dark and light, respectively). Catfish fed the salmon starter initially grew slowly, but after day 11 grew more quickly than the other groups. Mortalities were highest for fish fed salmon feed.
Permanent darkness enhances the growth of C. gariepinus larvae during and after metamorphosis. While dry diets promoted higher growth rate than live Artemia nauplii alone, a combination of the two resulted in the fastest growth.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A series of experiments were conducted to examine the effects of salinity, aeration and light intensity on oil globule absorption, feeding incidence, and growth and survival of early-stage Epinephelus coioides larvae. Newly hatched larvae were transferred to 40-L aquaria at a density of 1500 individuals/aquarium. Larvae were exposed to different levels of aeration (0 mL/min per L, 0.62 mL/min per L, 1.25 mL/min per L, 2.50 mL/min per L, or 3.75 mL/min per L); salinity (8 ppt, 16 ppt, 24 ppt, 32 ppt, or 40 ppt); and light intensity (0 lx, 120 lx, 230 lx, 500 lx, or 700 lx) for 4–6 days. Twenty larvae were sampled daily at 11:00 hours to measure for total length (TL), oil globule volume, and feeding incidence. Survival rates were determined by counting the total number of larvae remaining in each aquarium at the end of the experiment. Significantly higher survival rates ( P   <  0.05) were observed at aeration levels of 0.62 mL/min per L and 1.25 mL/min per L, at salinity levels of 16 ppt and 24 ppt, and at light intensities of 500 lx and 700 lx. The influence of aeration level, salinity and light intensity on oil globule absorption, feeding incidence, and growth and survival of early-stage grouper larvae are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the retinomotor responses and prey ingestion rates of 10‐, 15‐, 20‐ and 30‐day‐old Asian seabass Lates calcarifer under different light intensities from 0 to 1000 lx to determine the visual thresholds. Subsequently, two age groups of seabass larvae were reared under light intensities of 10, 100 and 1000 lx to determine the optimum illumination in hatchery tanks. Retinomotor response was absent in 10‐day‐old larvae, but quite marked in 15‐ and 20‐day‐old seabass at 1 lx and higher. Ingestion of Artemia nauplii by 10‐day‐old larvae was almost zero at <1 lx, increased significantly at 1 lx, and was maximal at 10–100 lx. Artemia ingestion under dim light <1 lx improved with age, and older larvae took more prey in complete darkness due to the presence of rod cells (and also free neuromasts). Larvae from 13 to 26 days group had similar survival and growth at 10–1000 lx, however, from 5 to 10 days group showed similar survival rate with highest weight gain at 100 lx. Therefore, we recommend that hatchery rearing tanks be illuminated such that the larvae in the water are exposed to approximately100 lx.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of light intensity on larval activity, feeding behaviour, growth and survival of a candidate species for aquaculture – sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). Of six light intensities ranging from 2 to 750 lux at the water surface, the greatest surviving biomass in small tanks was observed at 12–42 lux. In another experiment in larger tanks, behavioural observations showed that larvae fed poorly under light brighter than 800 lux but fed better at lower light intensities, depending on tank type. In a separate experiment, where live feed densities were varied between 2.5 and 17.5 rotifers per mL of tank water, surviving biomass and dry weight increased with higher feed densities. These experiments help refine methods for rearing larval sablefish by demonstrating effects of light intensity and feed density on larval performance.  相似文献   

Successful natural spawning of Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis in captivity from 19 March to 11 May, 2008 is described for the first time. A single male dominates a harem of two females, spawning with each at dusk, from 10 min before to 20 min after sunset. Each female laid an average 119 × 103 eggs during the spawning period. Fertilized eggs were spherical, buoyant and had a diameter of 0.83 ± 0.02 mm (mean ± SD). Embryonic development lasted 15–18 h at 28.1 °C. Newly hatched larvae were 1.60 ± 0.07 mm in total length (TL) with 27 myomeres. Larvae completed yolk absorption within 3 days post hatching (ph) at 3.01 ± 0.08 mm TL. Ten days ph, the larvae had attained 3.95 ± 0.12 mm TL. Larvae were fed either 100% s‐type rotifers (Brachionus rotundiformis), 100% copepods (Microsetella sp.), a combination of the two (50%:50%) or without live feed (starved control) to determine the effect of live feed on the survival rate. The survival was significantly (P<0.001) higher in larvae fed a combination of diet than the others. These results indicate that C. septentrionalis is a potential species for captive breeding programs and the use of a combination of diet (s‐type rotifers and copepods) may be a suitable first food for the larvae.  相似文献   

Feeding incidence or number of larvae with preys (FIC) and intensity or number of prey per larvae (FIT) at first feeding of Pacific red snapper ( Lutjanus peru) larvae was investigated under different conditions: prey type (rotifer and copepod nauplius) and density, nauplii size, light intensity, water temperature, salinity and microalgae concentration. Rotifers were not consumed at any prey density and FIC increased significantly when a high nauplii density (10 > 1, 0.1 mL?1) and light intensity (2000 > 1000, 500, 0 lx) were supplied. In a multifactorial experiment where light intensity (2000, 2500, 3000 lx), tank colour (grey and black) and prey type (nauplii and a mixed diet: rotifers and nauplii) were tested, a significant difference was found only for light intensity and prey type with a significant interaction between these factors. FIC was significantly higher with nauplii stage I–III than IV–VI and also at 25 °C than at 28 °C. Green water (0, 0.3 × 106 or 1 × 106 cells mL?1) and salinity (25, 30, 35 gL?1) did not affect FIC. FIT was not affected by any variables tested except in the density experiment where it was significantly higher at 10 nauplii mL?1.  相似文献   

This study aimed to establish feeding strategies covering the whole larval period of the forktail blenny, Meiacanthus atrodorsalis, based on the standard hatchery feeds of rotifers and Artemia. Three purposely designed experiments were conducted to determine the appropriate times and techniques to transition larvae from rotifers onto Artemia nauplii of a Great Salt Lake (GSL) strain, and a specialty AF strain, as well as subsequent transition onto enriched metanauplii of GSL Artemia. With a 3‐day co‐feeding period, larvae adapted well to a transition from rotifers to newly hatched GSL Artemia nauplii as early as 5 days posthatching (DPH), and as early as 3 DPH when fed the smaller AF Artemia nauplii. However, prolonging the rotifer‐feeding period up to 11 DPH did not negatively affect survival. Larvae fed Artemia nauplii of the AF strain showed 17–21% higher survival, 24–33% greater standard length and body depth, and 91–200% greater dry weight, after 20 days relative to those fed nauplii of the GSL strain. Meanwhile, enriched Artemia metanauplii of the GSL strain were shown to be an acceptable alternative to AF Artemia nauplii for later larvae, producing similar survival and growth when introduced from 8 DPH. Based on our findings, we recommend feeding M. atrodorsalis larvae rotifers as a first food between 0 and 2 DPH, introducing AF Artemia nauplii from 3 DPH, followed by enriched GSL Artemia metanauplii from 8 DPH onward, with a 3‐day co‐feeding period between each prey change.  相似文献   

Nutritional components and feeding strategies are multifarious amongst different producers, whereas they are just designed for fish farming but not suitable for improving the reproductive performance of broodfish. Yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco), an omnivorous species, is one of the important aquaculture fish in China. In order to improve the reproductive performance of female yellow catfish (119.86—134.54 g), four feeding strategies (0.5%, 0.75%, 1% and 1.5% BW/d) and three dietary protein levels (34%, 40% and 46%) were examined, respectively, in the two separate trials. The females with moderate feed restriction (1%) showed significant lower mesenteric fat index (MFI) and higher gonadosomatic index (GSI) than the satiation group (1.5%) and excessive feeding restriction groups (0.5% and 0.75%). Females with high MFI were difficult to be artificially propagated and showed a high mortality rate, whilst the fish at 1.0% feeding rate displayed low mortality rate and high ratios of spawned fish, as well as high percentages of fertilization and hatching. Meanwhile, the offspring of 1.0% feeding rate group showed a low malformation rate and high survival rate. Multiple spawning in the same breeding season are applied in yellow catfish to reduce the number of parent fish and increase the fry production, and gonadal recrudescence after spawning might be affected by different nutrient values including dietary protein levels. In the second trail, female yellow catfish were fed with 34%, 40% and 46% crude protein diet at 1% feeding rate for the second spawning, and the best reproductive and breeding performances were observed in the fish group with 46% crude protein diet. These results demonstrate that 1% feeding rate is optimum for the spawning and reproductive performance of female yellow catfish for the first artificial spawning, and 46% dietary protein group had the best reproductive performances in the second spawning.  相似文献   

Duplicate groups of 1-year-old Atlantic salmon were exposed to 5–7 weeks of short days (LD 8.15:15.45) with artificial light, followed by a period of continuous light (LL) for 3 months (A), 2 months (B) or 1 month (C) before transfer to sea cages. Duplicate groups were also exposed to a 2-week period of LD 8.15:15.45, followed by a period of continuous light for 2 months (D). Comparisons were made with fish that were reared under natural light conditions from October onwards (F) and continuous light (E) only. Fish from all groups were transferred to sea cages on 9 June and their survival and growth were monitored until 31 October. There was a significant (P < 0.001) interaction between light regime and time for all smolt characters measured. Development of smolt colouration, decrease in condition factor, increases in gill Na-K-ATPase activity and the ability to regulate plasma Na+ after 24 h in full-strength sea water, indicated that the fish in groups A, B and C completed smoltification 6–8 weeks after the end of the short-day periods. No decrease in the condition factor was recorded for fish in groups D and E. The mortality was 40% for group A and 34% for group B, and 15% or less for the other groups. Groups A and B had probably lost some of the smolt characters by the time of seawater transfer. The specific growth rate in sea water was 1.5% for group F and for the survivors of groups A and B, 1.4% for group C and 1.2% for groups D and E. In conclusion, a short-day regime of 5–7 weeks, followed by continuous artificial light, caused smolt-related changes similar to those found in outdoor-reared fish, whereas this was not so for fish exposed to either a short-day period of only 2 weeks or to continuous artificial light.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of water temperature and stocking density on the survival, feeding and growth of the juveniles of the hybrid yellow catfish from Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (♀) × Pelteobagrus vachelli (♂) using the parameters as follows: survival rate (%), feeding rate (% day?1), feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate (% day?1), coefficient of variation (%), productivity (P, g m?3 day?1) and condition factor. We reared the juvenile fish (3.25 ± 0.21 g) at 12 water temperature levels and six stocking density levels (each level included three aquaria in two batches of experiments). The results showed that all groups survived at a temperature range of ≤35°C during a 46‐day experimental period, and they could achieve a high growth at a water temperature range of 26–32°C. The optimal temperature for growth was 29.8°C. Productivity peaked at a stocking density of 1.9 kg m?3. Our results indicated that the hybrid is very suitable for commercial aquaculture.  相似文献   

The southern Australian whelk, Dicathais orbita, is a potential candidate for aquaculture, as both seafood and for bioactive compound production. Larval rearing experiments to determine the effects of temperature and diet on the growth and survival of D. orbita larvae under laboratory conditions comprised five different unicellular algal diets of two brown algal species; Isochysis galbana and Chaetoceros muelleri, two green algae; Tetraselmis seucica and Nannochloropsis oculata, and a mixture of all four strains for larvae maintained at 16 and 22°C. Absolute growth, specific growth rate (SGR) and survival were determined regularly. Larvae reared at 22°C on a mixed diet, or brown algae, performed significantly better than those reared on green algal diets alone. Preliminary trials with settlement cues were undertaken on different aged larvae to determine when larvae become competent. An array of natural cues (carrion, Xenostrobus pulex, adult mucus and Ulvella lens), as well as concentrations of KCl was tested. KCl(concentration of 20 mM) induced the greatest settlement, however, no larvae metamorphosed under the conditions provided. This study confirms long‐lived planktotrophic larval development for Dicathais orbita with higher development rates at the higher water temperatures. Further studies will optimize culture conditions and cues for settlement and metamorphosis.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the performance of Pyrrhulina larvae, Pyrrhulina brevis, under different photoperiods and feeding frequencies. A completely randomized design was used, with four replicates in a 5 × 2 factorial, with five photoperiods (6L:18D, 12L:12D, 16L:8D, 20L:4D, 24L:0D) and two feeding frequencies (two or four times a day). Four hundred larvae with an initial length of 4.6 ± 0.09 mm were randomly distributed in 40, 1‐L containers at a density of 10 larvae/L. Feeding was performed with Artemia nauplii in the ratio of 150 Artemia nauplii/larva/feeding. After 15 days, all larvae were euthanized for measurements of length (mm), final weight (mg), survival rate (%) and larvae uniformity in weight an length (%). The data were subjected to analysis of variance and subsequently, in case of significance, a Tukey test was performed to compare means. There was no interaction between photoperiod and feeding frequency on studied variables (P > 0.05). Likewise, there was no influence of feed rate on the same variables (P > 0.05). There was only influence of photoperiod, where the larvae subjected to longest photoperiods (24L:0D and 20L:4D) showed improved weight and length (P < 0.05). Therefore, a photoperiod of 20L:4E, with feeding twice a day is recommended.  相似文献   

The effects of delayed first feeding on the survival and growth of tiger grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Forsskål 1775), larvae were examined under controlled conditions. The total length, yolk sac volume, oil globule volume, yolk sac absorption time and nutritional transition period (NTP) of the larvae fed at different first times (0, 6, 12, 18 and 24 h after the mouth opening stage; h AMO) were compared. Larval first feed intake was observed at 54 h after hatching (h AH) at 27.5 ± 0.5 °C. The yolk sac was consumed more rapidly with an increase in delayed first feeding and was significantly different among treatments (P<0.05). Larvae first fed at 0 h AMO had the longest yolk sac absorption (72 h AH) and NTP (20 h) times and had the highest survival and growth rates at the end of the experimental period (360 h AH), being significantly higher (P<0.05) than the other treatments. First mortality was observed at 69 h AH, approximately 2 h after point of no return (PNR) occurred. This study suggests that first feeding of tiger grouper larvae should commence at 0 h AMO for enhancement of larval survival and growth.  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate the effect of four cycles of 5 weeks starvation followed by 10‐week refeeding compared with daily feeding under either natural photoperiod or continuous light (LL) regime on body composition and flesh quality in Atlantic cod in sea cages, northern Norway. The fish were sampled for body composition and flesh quality parameters at the start of the trial, twice at the end of a 10‐week feeding period and twice at the end of a 5‐week starvation period. There was effect of both feeding and light regime on growth, the two starving groups losing weight during starvation and regaining weight during refeeding, and the group under LL being heavier. But, the mean overall growth did not vary between groups. Starvation/refeeding regime resulted in higher slaughter yield, but no overall effect was seen on hepatosomatic index, water content, water holding capacity (WHC), muscle pH, hardness or flesh colour compared with control groups. Continuous light increased gutted weight and slaughter yield, lowered WHC and depressed maturation compared with fish under natural light regime. Increased growth rate resulted in softer fillets and lower muscle pH.  相似文献   

为了探讨鱼蛋白水解物对黄颡鱼生产性能的影响,以日本鳀粉为对照,以实用型黄颡鱼饲料配方模式为基础开展实验:1以30.5%鱼粉为对照(FM),在相同配方模式下,以6%鱼蛋白水解物(MPH6)替代20%的鱼粉;2以30.5%鱼粉为对照(FM),在无鱼粉日粮中分别添加3%(FPH3)、6%(FPH6)、12%(FPH12)鱼蛋白水解物;共设计5组等氮等能实验日粮,在池塘网箱中养殖黄颡鱼[初始体质量(30.08±0.35)g]60 d。结果显示:与FM相比,FPH12在SGR、FCR、PRR和FRR方面均无显著差异,而MPH6、FPH3、FPH6组SGR降低了15.45%~24.39%,FCR升高了32.14%~42.86%,MPH6、FPH6差异显著,在PRR和FRR方面,MPH6、FPH3、FPH6组PRR降低了21.11%~27.78%,MPH6组FRR降低了41.51%;全鱼水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪和灰分各组间差异不显著,FPH3、FPH6、FPH12肌肉多种游离氨基酸水平显著高于FM,其中Thr、Val、His与其在日粮中的水平显著相关;FPH6组HSI显著低于FM,鱼蛋白水解物对CP、VSI、肠体比的影响不显著;血清AST、ALT、HDL、LDL、TP、CHOL、TG无显著差异,FPH3组ALB显著低于FM。研究表明:黄颡鱼日粮中,12%鱼蛋白水解物(干物质)与30.5%鱼粉在生长速度、饲料效率、血清生理指标等方面具有一定的等效性;过高的植物蛋白日粮影响了黄颡鱼的生产性能;饲喂鱼蛋白水解物日粮使黄颡鱼肌肉游离氨基酸的含量升高,特别是呈味氨基酸的含量增加。  相似文献   

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