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A method for studying the efficacy of sulfadiazine as a marker to estimate feed intake is presented. Feeding studies were carried out with two species, rainbow trout as a freshwater fish model and gilthead sea bream as a marine fish model, using two temperatures and two sizes of juveniles. The study showed the different feeding behaviour observed in both species, depending on the temperature and the number of days feeding the particles with sulfadiazine, and confirmed a dominant‐subordinate behaviour especially in the case of gilthead sea bream juveniles.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of time‐restricted food access and ration restriction on gilthead sea bream demand‐feeding behaviour and nutritional use of the diet (Sparus aurata), and also compared the nutritional efficiency of three different feeding systems: manual, automatic and modulated‐automatic. In the first trial, fish were allowed to feed from self‐feeders under three different conditions: ad libitum, ration restriction, and time‐restricted food access, and their demand‐feeding pattern, diet utilization and body composition were analysed. In the second trial, animals were fed by hand or using an automatic system, either fixed or modulated, and diet utilization and body composition were analysed as before. Restricting the amount of food modifies gilthead seabream self‐feeding behaviour, with fish increasing the number of demands provided these are rewarded with food. However, demand‐feeding activity does not increase if rewards are restricted to a certain time. Feeding gilthead sea bream by hand versus automatically, and distributing the daily food ration in two or three equal or unequal‐size daily meals, have no effect on the animals’ growth, nutritional use of the diet or body composition.  相似文献   

Abstract Using underwater cameras, data were collected on the feeding behaviour and swimming speeds of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata L. and European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax L. in sea cages. Comparisons were made between the behaviours of fish fed on demand using interactive feedback systems and those of fish fed under the standard feeding practice of each farm (control). In all three species, swimming speeds were similar before feeding , but they were significantly higher in the control regimes during feeding. When fed on demand, sea bass had reduced swimming speed just before and during feeding compared with that observed during the non‐feeding periods. Higher proportions of feeding fish were observed in the control regime cages than in fish fed on demand for all three species, indicating a greater feeding intensity during meals in the control regimes. This was further supported by observations of an increase in the density of sea bass in the upper water in the control cages during feeding. The results suggest decreased levels of competition between the on demand‐fed fish during feeding, which might be hypothesized to lead to improved growth and production efficiency in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of oxolinic acid in gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is the first study on the pharmacokinetic parameters of oxolinic acid (OA) in gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L. The kinetic profile of OA was studied after a single intravascular injection (20 mg kg−1) in 100 g fish at 20 °C. The distribution half-life ( t 1/2α) and the elimination half-life ( t 1/2β) of the drug were found to be short (0.51 and 12.60 h, respectively). The drug penetration from the plasma to the tissues was adequate as the apparent volume of distribution of the drug at steady-state ( V d(ss)) was found to be 2.11 L kg−1. The mean residence time ( MRT ) of OA was short (14.25 h) and the total clearance rate ( Cl T) of the drug was low (0.15 L kg−1 h−1). The bioavailability ( F %) of OA following oral administration (30 mg kg−1) was also low (14%). Maximum values were observed for muscle at 0.5 h after injection, with levels declining as with subsequent sampling. At the first two time points (0.5 and 1 h) plasma levels of OA were higher than muscle, however, the reverse was evident for subsequent samples. Following oral administration, highest muscle levels were found at 16 h and, with the exception of the 24-h sampling, muscle OA concentrations were higher than plasma at all time points. The fast elimination of OA suggests short withdrawal times with reference to human consumption of treated fish.  相似文献   

Six isonitrogenous [450 g kg−1 crude protein (CP)] and isoenergetic diets (23 kJ g−1) with six levels of defatted soybean meal inclusion (0, 132, 263, 395, 526 and 658 g kg−1) in substitution of fish meal were evaluated in gilthead sea bream of 242 g initial weight for 134 days. Fish fed diets S0, S13, S26 and S39 had a similar live weight (422, 422, 438 and 422 g, respectively) but fish fed diets S53 and S66 obtained the lowest final weight (385 and 333g, respectively), and similar results were presented in specific growth rate (SGR). Fish fed diets S53 and S66 also obtained the highest feed conversion ratio (FCR). Quadratic multiple regression equations were developed for SGR and FCR which were closely related to dietary soybean level. The optimum dietary soybean levels were 205 g kg−1 for maximum SGR and 10 g kg−1 for minimum FCR. Sensorial differences were appreciated by judges between fish fed S0 and S39 soybean level, but after a re-feeding period of 28 days with diet S0, these differences disappeared.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two experiments were carried out to study the effect of n -3 HUFA levels in rotifers on survival, growth, activity and fatty acid composition of gilthead bream, Sparus aurata (L.), larvae. From the third to the 15th day after hatching, gilthead bream larvae received one of the three kinds of rotifers containing different percentages of n –3 HUFA. Moisture, crude lipid, saponifiable matter and fatty acid composition of total lipids of rotifers and larvae were determined.
A good correlation was found between larval growth and n –3 HUFA levels in rotifers. Larval survival was also significantly improved by the elevation of the n –3 HUFA levels in rotifers. A high occurrence of hydrops was registered in larvae fed with EFA-deficient rotifers. The n –3 HUFA levels in the larvae were increased by the elevation of n –3 HUFA contents in rotifers. However, n –9 fatty acids in the larvae remained almost constant, regardless of the different 18:1 n –9 contents in rotifers. Therefore, the ratio of oleic acid to n –3 HUFA, known to be an indicator of the EFA deficiency in fish, was reduced by the elevation of the n –3 HUFA levels in rotifers.  相似文献   

Seabream (Sparus aurata) production is growing in theMediterranean and the evaluation of its quality concerns both producers andconsumers alike. In this area, most of the sea bream culture is carried out incages but there is also production in land-based facilities. The culturesystem,and specifically its degree of intensity, greatly influences final productquality, through management during production, harvest and marketing processes.In this respect, land-based technology is more likely to affect final quality,both in a positive and in a negative way. In the present work the effects onseabream (Sparus aurata) of three inland culture systems arestudied. The quality of wild fish is also studied and taken as standard becauseit is the quality better known to the consumers. Different aspects related tobiometry, sensorial evaluation, degree of freshness (pH and water holdingcapacity) and chemical composition of muscle are assessed. The influence ofpost-harvest management on the sensorial quality of cultured and fishery caughtfish is also studied when they arrive at the market. According to the resultsall parameters, i.e. sensorial, freshness and biometric measures, show somesignificant differences according to the culture system. A super-intensiveculture system significantly affects the appearance of the fish, producing morecompact fish without the characteristic colour pattern of the species. Thefish cultured in two different semi-intensive systems show more similaritieswith the wild fish, both in colour and appearance. Some differences in thefreshness indices are also found, with the super-intensive cultured fish theones showing the lowest results. When evaluating the influence of post-harvestmanagement on semi-intensive cultured fish and wild fish, all freshness indicesexcept gills are affected, but both groups of fish tolerate the process in asimilar way.  相似文献   

We have studied how the diet energy level affects gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) daily pattern of demand‐feeding activity and nutritional use of the diet under summer‐ and winter‐like conditions. To that end, animals were kept in a closed circuit under controlled temperature and photoperiod, and fed one of two commercial diets with either high (H: 238 g kg?1 fat) or low (L: 172 g kg?1 fat) energy content. In summer conditions (26 °C; 12 : 12 L : D), both diets yielded similar growth rate (0.7 ± 0.0 and 0.7 ± 0.1) and thermal unit growth coefficient values (0.6 ± 0.0 and 0.6 ± 0.0), and although the daily rate of delivered feed was somewhat higher for fish under the high‐energy diet (16 ± 2 g kg?1 of fish) the difference was not significant. In winter conditions (17 °C; 9 : 15 L : D), on the other hand, no differences were found for any of the parameters evaluated. Thus, the higher lipid content of the diet does not appear to have any protein sparing effect. The ‘summer’ demand‐feeding pattern displayed three daily peaks, which were quite apparent for fish under the low‐energy diet, but rather smoothed for those that ate the energy‐rich diet. This profile was replaced in winter conditions by a single peak around noon, and the animals also displayed a lower overall number of demands.  相似文献   

Low temperatures, and the voluntary fasting that they induce, have been implicated in outbreaks of winter syndrome in farmed gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Two experiments were performed with the objective of studying if a decrease in water temperature is sufficient to induce this disease or some of its associated signs. In the first experiment, water temperature was either acutely or gradually reduced to 8 °C. In the second experiment, fish were exposed to either 8 °C or 12 °C, or fasted at 14 °C. Although no mortalities due to winter syndrome were registered during any of the experiments, some of the signs described in affected sea bream were observed in 8 °C-exposed fish. Among the most relevant were the paleness and friability of the liver and the occurrence of fatty degeneration in the hepatocytes. During the experiments, the general state of health of fish was monitored by measuring hematic parameters and the plasma concentration of proteins, glucose and ions. Low temperatures (8 and 12 °C) and fasting at 14 °C resulted in significant decreases in the levels of the different plasma protein fractions. This drop was more important in all the 8 °C-exposed fish, due mainly to a higher descent of albumin, α1-globulins and fibrinogen. Moreover, 8 °C-exposed fish showed a fall in total white blood cells and a rise of plasma glycemia, as well as a significant drop of plasma potassium and calcium levels and a transient increase of plasma magnesium concentration. In 8 °C-exposed fish, the rate of water temperature descent did not modify the profiles of change of any of the studied parameters. These results indicate that at 8 °C gilthead sea bream are unable to maintain the levels of plasma protein fractions and ions present in control animals. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the influence of dietary phospholipid (PL) levels on survival and development of first feeding gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) larvae. Larvae were fed from day 4 to 23 posthatching with an isoproteic and isolipidic formulated diet with graded levels of PL from 90–150 g kg?1 dry matter (DM). A dietary PL content of more than 90 g kg?1 DM seems to be necessary for sustaining growth of first feeding sea bream larvae. The survival rates of larvae fed the formulated diets (31–40% at day 23) were similar to those generally observed in marine aquaculture hatcheries with live prey feeding sequence. However, this high survival rate was not associated with high growth and the larvae showed, at the end of the study, a high proportion of individuals with abnormal liver and calculi in the urinary bladder. It is concluded that although the diets used here cannot be used in total replacement of live preys, they constitute a solid starting point for further nutritional studies with first feeding gilthead sea bream larvae.  相似文献   

Maslinic acid (MA) is a natural triterpene that can be used as an additive in the diet of trout. We investigated the effects of feeding with MA and a fixed ration (10 g kg?1 body weight) with respect to growth, protein‐turnover rates and nucleic‐acid concentration in the liver of gilthead sea bream grown under fish‐farm conditions. Five groups of 12 g of a mean body mass were fed for 210 days with diets containing 0 (control), 0.05 and 0.1 g of MA per kg of diet. Two groups were fed ad libitum (control AL and MA100AL), and three with a fixed ration (control R, MA50R and MA100R). At the end of the experiment, higher body weights, liver weight, feed‐efficiency and PER were found in MA100AL and MA100R fish. Fractional and absolute protein‐synthesis rates in liver of MA100R fish were higher than in the control, resulting in a higher absolute protein‐accumulation rate and tissue growth. Total DNA content in MA100AL and MA100R was higher than in control. Studies of light and electron microscopy corroborated these results. These findings indicate that MA added to the diet can stimulate growth, hepatic protein‐turnover rates and tissue hyperplasia in gilthead sea bream.  相似文献   

Juvenile gilthead sea bream with a mean initial body weight of 5 g were fed for 12 weeks with experimental diets containing 10% and 20% fishmeal protein (sole protein source in the control diet) replaced by processed pea seed meals. The processed pea seed meals were dehulled, defibred, extruded and microground pea seed meal (PSM1) or whole pea treated by infrared radiation and ground (PSM2). Apparent digestibility coefficients of the experimental diets were determined in a separate trial. At the end of the growth trial there were no significant differences in growth performance, feed utilization or whole-body composition among experimental groups. There were no differences in apparent protein digestibility among experimental groups (except for fish fed PSM1 at the lowest inclusion level). Both dry matter and energy digestibility of the diets, including PSM2 and with the highest inclusion level of PSM1, were significantly lower than those of the control diet. The results of this study suggest that pea seed meal may replace up to 20% fishmeal protein in diets for gilthead sea bream juveniles without affecting fish performance. Further studies should focus on technological treatments to increase utilization of pea seed meal carbohydrate, as both apparent dry matter and energy digestibility were affected by dietary inclusion level and by pea seed meal processing method.  相似文献   

Farmed gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, frequently escape from the sea cages and interact with wild populations. The impact of these interactions on the wild populations will depend, in part, on differences in performance of the bream. This study compared the swimming performance of the wild and farmed fish in a current channel. The absolute critical swimming speed (Ucrit) increased with increasing size while the relative Ucrit decreased. Even at the same length there were noticeable performance differences between the individuals. The wild sea bream have significantly higher (P<0.05) absolute Ucrit performance (0.86±0.01 m s−1) than the farmed fish (0.79±0.01 m s−1) and significantly higher (P<0.05) relative Ucrit performance (4.52±0.05 BL s−1) than the farmed fish (4.21±0.05 BL s−1). The present study suggests that cultured sea bream may not have the ability to compete with wild sea bream in native seawaters.  相似文献   

从初孵仔鱼培育到17月龄鱼种中,检测50尾鱼(鱼龄17个月)的体重(g)、体长(cm)、全长(cm)、尾叉长(cm)、体高(cm)、体宽(cm)、头长(cm)、吻长(cm)、眼后头长(cm)、眼径(cm)、尾柄长(cm)和尾柄高(cm)等的平均值及标准差分别为241·11±49·56、18·72±1·30、24·15±1·39、22·02±1·23、8·20±0·63、3·18±0·31、5·56±0·36、1·98±0·28、2·47±0·21、1·52±0·09、2·56±0·45、1·96±0·17;体长/体高、体长/头长、体长/尾柄长、体长/眼径、头长/眼径、头长/尾柄长、头长/尾柄高、尾柄长/尾柄高、头长/眼后头长和体高/体厚等的平均值分别为2·29±0·10、3·33±0·18、7·49±1·25、12·37±1·12、3·72±0·30、2·26±0·43、2·88±0·25、1·31±0·21、2·29±0·16和2·59±0·22。其可数性状:背鳍、胸鳍、腹鳍、臀鳍等的鳍式为D.Ⅺ-12~14、P1.5 (9~10)、P2.Ⅰ-1 4、A.Ⅲ-11;侧线鳞为56~69枚、侧线上鳞为6~8枚;脊椎骨数为9~10(胸骨) 13~14(尾骨)根;上颌齿式为:1~5 7~10、2~13、4~9、0~9/0~7、3~10、3~15、4~11 1~4;下颌齿式为:1~2 6~15、4~10、0~8/0~7、4~9、6~12 1~2。通过观察,运用传统测量法对其外观的可数、可量性状进行测量与分析,并结合Humphsies,Bookstein和Bookstein等提出的框架法(Truss)思路来构建金头鲷的框架结构图,几何地描述金头鲷的体形特征,可为研究金头鲷的种质提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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