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为研究复合有机铁对母猪繁殖性能、血液理化指标及抗氧化能力的影响,试验选用体重接近、胎次接近、预产期一致的健康“长×白”二元杂母猪30头,随机分为3组,每组10个重复,每个重复1头母猪,3个处理组分别在基础日粮中补充硫酸亚铁、甘氨酸亚铁、复合有机铁。结果显示:较硫酸亚铁组,复合有机铁组产程缩短23.57%、胎产健仔数增加14.00%、初生窝重增加14.14%(P < 0.05);母猪血红蛋白含量、红细胞数和红细胞压积分别提高19.88%、10.53%、8.33%(P < 0.05);母猪抗氧化酶活性和机体抗氧化能力提高47.33%(P < 0.05),丙二醛含量降低37.05%(P < 0.05)。综上所述,母猪日粮中额外补充复合有机铁源能提高母猪繁殖性能,改善血液理化指标,增强母猪抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

选取胎次相近、体况相似、健康状况良好的长×大二元杂交空怀母猪100头,将其均分成5组,每组20头。第1、2、3、4、5组母猪被分别喂以D1、D2、D3、D4、D5试验饲粮。在饲养试验期间,测定母猪窝产仔数,仔猪初生重、成活率、断奶重,母猪产后发情间隔天数(空怀天数)、返情率等繁殖指标;并分别于母猪采食试验饲粮后5d、孕后30d、产仔后7d,每组取8头母猪前腔静脉采血,测定血清中Cl-、Na+、HCO3-、FSH、LH、Pg含量,GPT、GOT活性等生化参数。根据各项指标测定的结果可推断:第3组母猪饲粮中阴离子的配比(即添加:NaCl 0.40%、NaHC3。0.40%)最宜;其次是第4组母猪饲粮中阴离子的配比(即添加:NaCl0.40%、NaHCO。0.80%)较宜;再次是第2组母猪饲粮中阴离子的配比(即添加:NaCl0.40%、NaHCO30.80%)。第1、5组母猪饲粮中阴离子的配比似乎不够理想,即母猪饲粮中添加的NaCl过少(0.20%)或过多(0.80%)。  相似文献   

This study investigated the litter performance of lactating sows fed nutrient‐dense diets with or without dextrose at farrowing to weaning, during the summer with an average room temperature of 28.4°C. A total of 60 (13 first parity, 13 second parity, 19 third parity, and 15 forth parity) cross‐bred sows were assigned to three treatments. The three treatments were: standard diet (ST), high nutrient diet (HN; ST + 3% higher energy and 18.0% protein), and high nutrient diet plus dextrose (HND; 3% higher energy, 18.0% protein, and 5% dextrose). BW loss was reduced in the HND sows compared with the ST sows during lactation. The HN and HND sows had a higher piglet and litter weight at weaning. Also, the HND sows had the highest post‐prandial insulin levels at weaning and the shortest weaning‐to‐service interval (WSI). Serum LH was higher in the HND sows than the ST sows. The milk fat level was higher in the HND sows compared with the ST sows, but similar to the HN sows. In conclusion, these results suggest that it is possible to increase the blood insulin response by supplementing dextrose to a high nutrient diet, thus, improving WSI interval and litter growth during heat stress.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding glucose during the 5 days before parturition on litter performance and on glucose concentration in sows were studied. At day 100 of gestation, 130 multiparous sows were assigned to the treatments. Late gestating sows were fed 0 g, 150 g, 250 g, 350 g and 450 g of glucose a day, respectively. During lactation, all sows were given free access to the same lactation diet (without glucose). One day before parturition, blood samples were collected from 30 sows (6 sows per treatment) at 10 before and 20, 40, 60 and 80 min after the meal. The supply of additional dietary glucose increased piglet birth weight ( P  < 0.05). Feed intake in week 1 and week 1–4 of lactation was greatest in sows fed the 0% glucose diet, least by sows fed the 18% glucose diet, and intermediate by sows fed the 6, 10, 14% glucose diets ( P  < 0.05). Basal glucose concentration and time of maximum glucose concentration after glucose intake were not affected by dietary treatment in the last 5 days of gestation. The sows fed the 14 and 18% glucose diets had greater maximum increase in glucose concentration than sows fed diet without glucose ( P  < 0.05). In conclusion, feeding glucose to sows during 5 days before parturition increased birth weight of live-born piglet and decreased sows feed intake during lactation, but did not affect the performance of sows and piglets.  相似文献   

In order to minimize the effects of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) on stillbirth, mummification, and neonatal mortality in swine herds, many producers have vaccinated their herds using a modified-live virus vaccine. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of the PRRS modified-live vaccine and reproductive performance by stage of gestation when the vaccine was administered. A total of 47 swine herds from Ontario and Manitoba, Canada, and from the mid-western USA were included in the study. Participating farms had vaccinated all of their sows at one point in time when they used the vaccine for the first time. The reproductive performance of sows that farrowed in the year prior to use of the vaccine was compared to that of sows vaccinated in each of five stages of gestation and in the gestation that followed the initial use of the vaccine. Sows vaccinated at any time during gestation had a reduced number of pigs born alive, a reduced number of pigs weaned per litter, and increased number of stillborn pigs and an increased number of mummified pigs compared to the sows that farrowed prior to use of the vaccine. The largest association was seen in sows that were vaccinated in the last four weeks of gestation. The largest losses were observed in those herds that were vaccinated concurrently with the initial PRRS herd outbreak. These results suggest that the modified-live vaccine should only be administered to non-gestating sows.  相似文献   

适当降低每次输精时猪精的有效精子数可提高公猪利用效率、减少公猪饲养规模,同时能更充分地利用优秀的公猪.试验以15亿/80 mL规格猪精为对照组,比较12亿/80 mL、12亿/60 mL和10亿/60 mL规格猪精的深部输精对经产母猪繁殖性能的影响.结果显示:受胎率15亿/80 mL>12亿/60 mL>10亿/60 ...  相似文献   

金华猪繁殖性状的统计学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用金华猪场1979~1999年金华猪的繁殖性能生产记录,测定了2355头金华母猪(纯繁)和金华猪(K)与约克夏(Y)、长白(L)、杜洛克(D)、汉普夏(H)杂交后代的繁殖性状。综合考虑各性状的各种固定效应,并建立各性状的固定效应模型,对其进行方差分析,计算各性状的最小二乘均数(LSM),对影响较大的固定效应在各观察水平上的LSM进行分析与比较。固定效应分析结果表明:品种、胎次、季节、年份对产活仔数、60日龄头数的影响极显著(P<0.01)。而产仔数受胎次、季节、年份的影响极显著(P<0.01)。金华猪纯繁组以及LK×D、K×L杂交组的产仔数、产活仔数较高,K×L、K×Y杂交组合的60日龄头数较高。而其他外来品种之间杂交组合的繁殖性状显著低(P<0.01)。说明金华猪具有高产的优良特性。金华猪产仔数、产活仔数随胎次逐渐递增,6~7胎达到高峰。金华猪夏季产仔数最高为15.72±1.66,显著高于秋、春、冬(P<0.01)。产活仔数春、夏、秋季无差异(P>0.05),但高于冬季(P<0.05)。1982~1987年间金华猪无论是产仔数还是产活仔数整体都维持较高的水平。  相似文献   

为了探讨母猪妊娠早期日粮中添加一定量的甲基吡啶铬、叶酸、维生素E和维生素A对母猪窝产仔数、初生重、仔猪成活率的影响,选用日龄、体况基本一致的长大二元母猪共计56头进行试验。结果表明,在母猪妊娠早期的日粮中添加甲基吡啶铬、叶酸、维生素E、维生素A可显著提高母猪窝产仔数,提高比例平均为29.2%,其中对后备母猪提高比例更大。  相似文献   

在母猪饲养过程中,通过考虑到个体差异可以降低饲料成本,从而提高动物生产效率.因此,对母猪进行精准饲喂可以提供有关动物生产性能和生活条件的实时信息,这些信息应被集成到需求估计中.到目前为止,只有体重和背膘厚度的生产数据被集成到个体营养需求计算中.但文献报道,健康状况和行为(如身体活动、社会行为和在围栏中的位置)会强烈影响...  相似文献   

Constipation in gestating and lactating sows is common and the inclusion of dietary fiber may help to alleviate this problem. We investigated the effects of inulin (INU) and isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO), two sources of soluble dietary fiber, on gastrointestinal motility-related hormones, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), fecal microflora, and reproductive performance in pregnant sows. On day 64 of gestation, 30 sows were randomly divided into three groups and fed as follows: a basal diet, a basal diet with 0.5% INU, and a basal diet with 0.5% IMO. We found that INU and IMO significantly modulated the levels of gastrointestinal motility-related hormones, as evidenced by an increase in substance P (P < 0.05), and a decrease in the vasoactive intestinal peptide concentrations (P < 0.05), indicating the capacity of INU and IMO to alleviate constipation. Furthermore, IMO enhanced the concentrations of acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric, and valeric acids in the feces (P < 0.05). High-throughput sequencing showed that IMO and INU increased the fecal microflora α- and β-diversity (P < 0.05). Methanobrevibacter was more abundant (P < 0.05), whereas the richness of Turicibacter was lower in the INU and IMO groups than in the control group (P < 0.05). In addition, IMO significantly increased litter size (P < 0.05). Overall, our findings indicate that INU and IMO can relieve constipation, optimize intestinal flora, and promote reproductive performance in pregnant sows.  相似文献   

本研究旨在研究不同代谢能水平日粮对妊娠和哺乳期母猪生理状态、繁殖性能及血清生化指标的影响.试验将60头妊娠28 d、平均体重为(131.96±0.52)kg的头胎二元母猪随机分为3组,每组4个重复,每个重复5头.T1~T3组妊娠母猪分别饲喂代谢能水平为3150、3250和3350 kcal/kg的日粮,粗蛋白质水平均为...  相似文献   

为研究复合植物提取物对妊娠母猪繁殖性能的影响,试验选取40头妊娠85 d大长二元母猪,随机分为对照组、植物提取物组(1000 mg/kg),每头猪为一个重复,试验期为妊娠85 d至分娩。结果表明:植物提取物组仔猪初生重较对照组提高7.6%(P<0.05),并且植物提取物组高初生重仔猪的比例增加(P<0.01),低初生重仔猪的比例减少(P<0.05)。综上,复合植物提取物可提高仔猪初生重,改善仔猪均匀度,提高母猪的繁殖性能。  相似文献   

Thirty‐two sows were allocated to four treatments to evaluate the effect of dietary star anise (SA) supplementation during gestation and lactation on the lactational performance of sows. At 85 days of gestation, sows were randomly allotted to one of two diets supplemented with 0.5% SA or basal diet. After farrowing, sows were further allotted to one of two lactation diets supplemented with 0.5% SA or basal diet. On a weekly basis, body weight (BW) of sows and piglets was measured. Blood and milk samples were obtained from the sows and piglets. Number of days from weaning to estrus, milk yield and feed intake were also recorded. Weight gain of piglets from sows fed the SA‐supplemented diet during lactation was greater between days 7 and 14, days 14 and 21 and the overall experimental period compared with control groups. Supplementation of SA during lactation improved weaning weight of piglets, milk yield and average daily feed intake (ADFI) of sows. The SA diet increased concentrations of insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF‐1) in ordinary milk and prolactin (PRL) in serum of sows. In conclusion, this study has indicated the beneficial effects of dietary SA addition in improving the lactation performance of sows.  相似文献   

文章评估了哺乳期间母猪的饲喂频率(2或3次/d)对母猪体况、繁殖性能及仔猪生长性能的影响。试验选择68头母猪,随机分为8组(每组8~10头母猪),哺乳期间其中4组母猪每天饲喂2次,另外4组每天饲喂3次,母猪分为青年母猪(<2胎次)和老龄母猪(≥3胎次),试验结束后记录母猪体况评分、肩部组织病变、发情率、母猪生产及仔猪生长性能。结果显示:每天饲喂3次的母猪比饲喂2次的母猪采食量高(P<0.05),肩部组织病变低(P<0.05)。在每天饲喂3次的母猪中,青年母猪返情率为0%,老龄母猪返情率为29%,而在每天饲喂2次的母猪中,青年母猪发情率为20%,老龄母猪为5%。综上所述,在哺乳期,母猪每天饲喂3次较每天饲喂2次提高了采食量,对母猪体况评分和肩部组织病变有改善作用,同时也降低了年轻母猪的返情率。  相似文献   

皖南花母猪血清Tf多态性及其与繁殖性能的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对 115头皖南花母猪血清转铁蛋白 (Tf)多态性进行检测 ,并用二因素有互作的最小二乘模型对不同Tf基因型与母猪繁殖力的关系进行分析。结果表明 ,皖南花母猪Tf位点受 3个等位基因控制 (TfA、TfB 和TfC) ,Tf位点基因的遗传多样性指数为0 390 7,Shannon信息指数为 0 9985。不同转铁蛋白类型的皖南花母猪繁殖性能存在一定差异 ,其中TfAA个体的产仔数、产活仔数和断奶仔猪数较高 ,TfBC型个体相应指标较差 ,二者在窝产仔数上差异达到显著水平 (P <0 0 5)。但其他Tf型母猪产仔性状的最小二乘均数差异均不显著 (P >0 0 5)。同时 ,Tf型与分娩季节之间有较强的互作效应。  相似文献   

为了探讨初产母猪的后备期、妊娠期饲粮中不同比例的苜蓿草粉,对其生长性能和繁殖性能的影响,试验选用640头日龄110 d、体重45 kg左右的健康后备母猪(长×大),采用单因子完全随机设计,分为4个处理,分别为:对照组(0%草粉组)、5%草粉组、10%草粉组、15%草粉组,每个处理4个重复,每个重复40头猪。妊娠期选取增重和发情较好的5%草粉组后备期母猪,发情配种后分为对照Ⅰ组(0%草粉组)、10%草粉组、15%草粉组、20%草粉组,后备期对照组母猪继续作为妊娠期的对照组,共5个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复3头猪。结果表明:1)在后备期45~70 kg阶段,试验组的采食量均低于对照组,随着苜蓿草粉用量的增加,采食量依次下降;5%草粉组的日增重显著高于、料重比显著低于10%和15%草粉组(P<0.05),但与对照组无显著差异;3个试验组中,只有5%草粉组的增重成本低于对照组,且使用苜蓿草粉愈多,成本愈高。在后备期70~130 kg阶段,无论是采食量还是日增重,3个试验组均低于对照组,随着草粉用量增加,采食量和日增重均依次下降,其中10%和15%草粉组显著低于对照组(P<0.05),但与5%草粉组差异不显著;3个试验组的料重比和增重成本均高于对照组,且有随着苜蓿草粉用量增加而依次增加的趋势,其中15%草粉组显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。添加5%的苜蓿草粉对母猪发情率有改善,但各组之间差异不显著。2)在妊娠期阶段,草粉组的背膘增厚显著高于对照组和对照Ⅰ组(P<0.05);对照Ⅰ组和10%、15%、20%苜蓿草粉组的初生活仔率均显著高于对照组,初生窝重分别比对照组提高了14.88%、6.89%、12.31%、24.48%,弱仔率分别降低了53.44%、36.39%、87.37%、62.78%,尽管均未达到显著差异程度,但说明后备期饲粮中使用苜蓿草粉对妊娠期母猪产仔数及仔猪健康有良好的后续效应,后备期用5%苜蓿草粉妊娠期使用20%苜蓿草粉效果最佳。综合得出,后备期添加5%的苜蓿草粉不会影响后备母猪生长但会提高发情率,后备期添加5%草粉妊娠期不添加时,母猪的繁殖效果也得到改善;妊娠期添加20%的苜蓿草粉产活仔率和初生窝重最佳。  相似文献   

为研究母猪不同阶段的背膘厚度与仔猪均匀度及部分繁殖性能之间的关系,试验采用二次项回归拟合的方法,对9458头纯种长白母猪和13317头纯种大白母猪的分娩、背膘厚度进行分析。结果表明:母猪背膘厚度处于合理的范围有利于提高其产仔性能和窝产仔均匀度,母猪过肥和过瘦均不利母猪繁殖效率的提高。该场的长白母猪配种当天、妊娠30日龄、妊娠80日龄和妊娠105日龄背膘厚度分别为14.0~18.0mm、15.0~20.0mm、16.0~20.0mm、17.0~20.0mm更有利于仔猪均匀度及母猪繁殖性能的提高;该场的大白母猪配种当天、妊娠30日龄、妊娠80日龄和妊娠105日龄背膘厚度分别为13.0~16.0mm、14.0~17.0mm、15.0~18.0mm、15.0~19.0mm更有利于仔猪均匀度及母猪繁殖性能的提高。妊娠期间的背膘厚度对仔猪均匀度及繁殖性能有一定影响,但母猪产仔性能最好的背膘状态并不是产仔均匀度最佳值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of diet type (normal or low Ca and P diets) and 25(OH)D3 supplementation (with or with not 2000 IU/kg 25(OH)D3) during late gestation on the serum biochemistry and reproductive performance of aged sows and newborn piglets. A total of 40 sows, which are at their 7th parity, were divided into four groups: control group (standard diet), low Ca group, 25(OH)D3 group and low Ca plus 25(OH)D3 group respectively (10 in each group). The blood of sows on day 100 and 114 of gestation and newborn piglets was collected for serum biochemical analyses. Results showed that the reproductive performance of sows was not influenced by diet type or 25(OH)D3 supplementation (p > 0.05). And the addition of 25(OH)D3 to diet low Ca group caused that the content of serum TG in sows on day 100 of gestation was not different from that of the control group (p > 0.05). The addition of 25(OH)D3 significantly decreases the content of serum TG in sows on day 114 of gestation (p < 0.05). The addition of 25(OH)D3 significantly increased the content of serum UREA and CREA in newborn piglets (p < 0.05). Overall, feeding 2000 IU/kg 25(OH)D3 to aged sows at late gestation had no effects on reproductive performance, but partly contributed to keeping serum TG balance in sows and may indicate increased pressure on kidneys in newborn piglets.  相似文献   

当前非洲猪瘟给我国养猪业造成很大的损失,繁殖母猪的存栏量急剧减少,造成猪肉供需平衡失调。那么,如何提高母猪的繁殖性能,提供更多的商品猪,成为养殖场管理者关注的焦点。文章就提高母猪繁殖性能的关键环节和维生素及类维生素对母猪繁殖性能影响进行综述。  相似文献   

Twenty‐four multiparous sows were used to investigate the effects of dietary glucose inclusion on reproductive performance, milk compositions, blood metabolites and hormones during lactation. The sows were randomly assigned to four treatments and each treatment had six replicates (sows). The diets were added with 0%, 1%, 3% or 5% glucose at the expense of corn and fed to sows for 24 days. The loss of backfat thickness during lactation was quadratically decreased (p = 0.008) and the wean‐to‐oestrus interval was shortened (linear, p = 0.013; quadratic, p = 0.009) with increasing levels of dietary glucose supplementation. The reproductive performance was not affected (p > 0.05) by different dietary glucose contents. Increased concentrations of total solid and fat in milk were noted (p < 0.05), whereas there was no difference on colostrum compositions. With increasing levels of dietary glucose inclusion, the concentrations of blood urea nitrogen (p = 0.004) and glucose (p = 0.029) were linearly increased at weaning. The concentrations of insulin were increased at post‐farrowing (linear, p = 0.027; quadratic p = 0.013) and weaning (linear, p = 0.029; quadratic, p = 0.017), respectively. Furthermore, the pulses of insulin and FSH at weaning were linearly (p = 0.049) and quadratically (p = 0.015) increased with the increasing levels of dietary glucose inclusion. In conclusion, this study indicated that inclusion of 3% glucose in lactating diet could reduce backfat loss, increase milk fat and have no negative effect on reproductive performance in multiparous sows.  相似文献   

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