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魏南  余德光  王广军  谢骏 《水产学报》2017,41(7):1116-1125
为研究底部充氧对养殖系统上覆水—泥水界面—沉积物间隙水中离子垂直分布的影响,在室内条件下构建模拟装置,设充氧组(实验组)和未充氧组(对照组),每组4个平行,利用Peeper技术分别采集各装置中第0、1、4和7天,上覆水—泥水界面—沉积物间隙水整个垂直剖面的原位水样,然后应用微量分光光度法测定样品中的NH_4~+-N、NO_3~-N、NO_2~--N、PO_4~(3-)-P和SO_4~(2-)-S浓度。结果显示:(1)短期充氧对NH_4~+-N在上覆水和沉积物间隙水中的垂直分布特征影响不显著;(2)充氧可使沉积物上覆水和表层沉积物(0~2 cm间隙水中的NO_3~--N浓度大幅升高;(3)硝化作用的中间产物NO_2~--N,由于不能和氧气大量共存,其平均浓度的最大值由未充氧前出现在上层上覆水,逐渐转变为在表层沉积物1 cm深处;(4)充氧促进了沉积物对PO_4~(3-)-P的吸附和固定,显著降低了其在上覆水和表层沉积物(0~2 cm)间隙水中的浓度;(5)充氧通过化学和生物途径氧化了系统中还原性含硫物质,大幅升高了上覆水和表层沉积物(0~2 cm)间隙水中的SO_4~(2-)-S的浓度;(6)主成份分析(PCA)表明,持续充氧1、4和7 d显著改变了上覆水的理化性质,其中第4天和第7天的数据与对照组差异最大,相对于上覆水,充氧对沉积物间隙水的总体影响不显著。研究表明,底部充氧可降低引起池塘富营养化PO_4~(3-)-P的浓度,提高了氧化性离子NO_3~--N、NO_2~--N和SO_4~(2-)-S的浓度,显著改变了上覆水和表层沉积物间隙水的理化性质,是养殖池塘水质调控和环境修复的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

以盐碱池塘水体为研究对象,比较叶轮+底增的复合增氧方式和传统叶轮单一增氧方式下盐碱池塘水体pH的变化趋势,以探讨复合增氧方式对盐碱池塘水体pH的影响。试验包括室内和野外试验两部分,室内试验为通气量和叶绿素a浓度交互作用下对室内普通水体pH的影响,野外试验为复合增氧和传统叶轮单一增氧方式对盐碱池塘水体pH、溶解氧和叶绿素a浓度的影响。室内试验结果显示,通气可以显著降低水体pH值(P<0.05),且降低值(ΔpH)随通气量增大而增大。野外试验结果显示,开机时,不同天气条件下复合增氧池塘pH均显著低于单一叶轮池塘(P<0.05),复合增氧池塘DO和CO2浓度均显著高于单一叶轮池塘(P<0.05);不开机时阴天和雨天条件下两者差异亦显著(P<0.05)。整个养殖期复合增氧池塘DO显著高于单一叶轮池塘(P<0.05),而pH值下降及CO2浓度上升较明显,且均在第45天后低于和高于单一叶轮池塘(P<0.05)。经双变量相关性分析发现,复合增氧与单一叶轮增氧方式下叶绿素a浓度与水体pH均呈显著正相关,相关系数分别是0.913和0.738。以上结果表明,复合增氧方式能够增加水-气接触面积,有效提高盐碱池塘水体DO和CO2浓度,降低池塘水体pH值。  相似文献   

通过对2种不同增氧方式9个标准化河蟹养殖池塘整个养殖周期(5-10月份)的水质监测,比较研究了曝气复氧对河蟹养殖池塘水质的影响,因子分析表明曝气复氧对水质的影响可概括为营养盐和氧化还原状态两个公因子,其中7-9月份高温季节,微孔组总氮、总磷、氨氮含量均显著低于机械组和对照组(p<0.05),且相应指标微孔组<机械组<对照组,说明曝气复氧可以有效控制养殖水体总氮、总磷、氨氮含量在较低水平,显著改善池塘养殖水质,养殖用水达标排放。  相似文献   

为解决河南中牟县万滩镇养殖池塘机械增氧技术单一的问题,通过试验研究微孔式、水车式、涌浪式等几种增氧机的性能及使用方式,以达到提升增氧效果和提高养殖效益的目的。结果表明,该地区池塘溶氧含量高而利用率低,养殖户传统增氧方法不当。适宜增氧方式为:涌浪式增氧机适合在晴天下午使用3~6 h,可有效提升周边20 m范围内底层水体的溶氧水平;投食前后半小时开启和关闭微孔式、水车式增氧机,可提升投食期间投饵区溶氧水平1~2 mg/L,保证鱼群的进食效果;夜间搭配使用微孔式和低功率叶轮式增氧机增氧,可使微孔区域底层水体溶氧比不增氧状态高出1 mg/L以上。  相似文献   

研究了循环水对池塘中氮、磷含量、浮游生物种群结构及其相互关系的影响。结果显示:从循环塘中共鉴定出浮游植物93种,隶属6门47属;非循环塘中共鉴定出浮游植物100种,隶属6门48属,循环塘与非循环塘均以绿藻门种类最多,分别占各塘种类总数的40.86%、42%。两塘中浮游植物的密度和生物量分别为:循环塘为247.68~1133.31(×104ind/L)和3.07~10.83 mg/L;非循环塘为511.68~1773.3(×104ind/L)和4.48~17.34 mg/L。循环塘浮游植物的密度和生物量比非循环塘要低,且差异性显著(P<0.05)。循环水鱼塘中共检出浮游动物33属42种,非循环水池塘68属88种,在试验期间两塘中浮游动物的优势种主要是由原生动物和轮虫组成,其种数变化顺序为原生动物>轮虫>枝角类和桡足类。循环塘中原生动物和轮虫分别占浮游动物总种类数的52.38%、33.34%;而非循环塘中原生动物和轮虫分别占浮游动物总种类数的42.05%、48.86%。其中循环塘72~708.11 ind/L和0.41~1.69 mg/L;非循环塘152.9~208.20 ind/L和0.26~0.46 mg/L。循环塘浮游动物的密度和生物量显著高于非循环塘(P<0.05)。循环塘与非循环塘中浮游植物的Shannon-Wiener指数分别为介于1.39~1.62和1.16~1.48之间,两塘中浮游动物的Shannon-Wiener指数分别为介于0.50~1.95和1.08~1.45之间。结果表明:循环水对养鱼池塘水体中浮游生物的出现率、丰度和生物量影响较大。  相似文献   

As part of a project to develop least‐cost diets with low levels of fish meal, silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus Mitchell) fingerlings (mean weight, 11.8 g) were stocked at a density of 7500 fish ha−1 into 0.1‐ha earthen ponds and fed one of two diets containing 33% digestible protein, 13 MJ kg−1 digestible energy, similar nutrient specifications, but with different levels of fish meal and plant proteins. The reference diet SP35 had 27% fish meal, 28% wheat, 20% soybean and 11% sorghum, while the diet silver perch least‐cost (SPLC) had 10% fish meal, 20% peanut meal, 19% wheat, 17% lupins, 16% canola, 8% soybean and 5% blood meal; there were three replicate ponds for each diet. Fish were fed a restricted ration up to 5% body weight day−1 and cultured for 10 months. Survival ranged from 85.9% to 94.3% and was not affected by diet. The mean weight (550 g), specific growth rate (SGR; 1.28% day−1), absolute growth rate (AGR; 1.9 g fish−1 day−1) and production rate (4.5 tonnes ha−1 year−1) were significantly higher (P<0.05) and feed conversion ratio (FCR=1.8) was significantly lower for fish fed SP35 compared with fish fed SPLC (413 g, 1.18% day−1, 1.4 g fish−1 day−1, 3.3 tonnes ha−1 year−1, 2.4). From October (spring) to March (autumn), turbidity was significantly lower (P<0.05) in SPLC ponds than in SP35 ponds, and fish were observed avoiding or ingesting and then expelling SPLC pellets. In February and March, infestations of the ectoparasitic copepod Ergasilus sp. were found on silver perch fed SPLC, and there was 5% post‐harvest mortality of these fish. The high inclusion levels of plant proteins, particularly peanut meal and canola in SPLC, may have provided anti‐nutritional factors and/or reduced the palatability and intake of the diet, adversely affecting the performance and health of silver perch, and water quality in the ponds. Our study demonstrates the value of evaluating new aquaculture diets under practical conditions over a complete growing period.  相似文献   

程香菊  肖耿锋  谢骏  舒锐 《水产学报》2020,44(7):1075-1085
曝气流量是曝气推流循环养殖系统的重要控制性因素,为综合研究不同曝气流量对鱼类生长和鱼肉品质的影响,参照野外养殖基地,利用自行设计的室内循环流水养殖模型,在0、30和50 L/min三组曝气条件下,以尼罗罗非鱼[初始体质量为(23.61±3.50)g]为对象,进行为期56 d的研究。结果显示:①30 L/min组中尼罗罗非鱼的最终体质量和特定生长率分别为(79.56±3.82) g和(2.81±0.54)%/d,其中特定生长率比0和50 L/min组分别高出11.07%和8.49%,同时该曝气流量下血清中的总蛋白和甘油三酯浓度较高,而尿素氮浓度较低,比如第56天时总蛋白浓度比0和50 L/min组分别高出57.43%和10.43%,甘油三酯浓度则分别高出22.19%和12.32%,但尿素氮浓度降低了39.02%和37.50%。葡萄糖浓度受曝气流量影响不显著。50 L/min组谷丙转氨酶和谷草转氨酶活性高于0和30 L/min组;②第56天时30 L/min组中鱼肉的硬度、弹性和咀嚼性高于0和50 L/min组,硬度分别比0和50 L/min组高出27.10%和15.85%,弹性高出9.1...  相似文献   

The growth and survival of juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata , were determined at five stocking densities (100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 snails m−2) and three water exchange regimes (7-, 15- and 21-day intervals) in experimental earthen ponds over a 6-month experimental period. The results showed that the growth of spotted babylons was not significantly different among any density treatments ( P <0.05). At the end of the experiment, the average growth rates in body weights were 0.59, 0.59, 0.58, 0.42 and 0.41 g month−1 respectively. Growth was significantly different among the different water-exchange treatments ( P <0.05). The higher body-weight gains were observed in snails held at water exchanges of 7- and 15-day intervals, when compared with those held at water exchange of 30-day intervals. At the end of the experiment, average body-weight gains were 4.22, 3.67 and 2.68 g for snails held in water-exchange treatments of 7-, 15- and 30-day intervals respectively. This study recommended that stocking densities ≤300 snails m−2 and water exchange of 7–15-day intervals are suitable for cultured B. areolata juveniles in earthen pond.  相似文献   

采用移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)处理低浓度氨氮养殖废水,在不同水力停留时间(HRT)和不同曝气条件下,分析MBBR处理人工模拟的低浓度氨氮(2 mg/L左右)养殖废水的进出水氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮和硝酸盐氮的浓度变化,探讨HRT和曝气量对MBBR处理低浓度氨氮养殖废水的影响,并以实际鲟鱼养殖废水(氨氮浓度0.5~1.5 mg/L)和其他研究成果进行验证和比较.结果显示:MBBR的最优HRT为6~8 min,最优曝气量为180 L/h,相应的氨氮去除率为70% ~ 75%,氨氮去除负荷为560~700 g/(m3.d),填料生物膜厚度为26~38 μm;膜表层结构多样,物种丰富,膜生长良好.该反应器对处理低浓度氨氮养殖废水具有的高效能力.  相似文献   

冷水鱼循环水养殖中的低温氨氮处理技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决冷水鱼养殖过程中养殖水体中的氨氮累积问题,根据低温生物滤器及臭氧催化氧化处理氨氮的特点,设计了冷水鱼工厂化养殖氨氮处理系统并进行了试验。试验基于以臭氧氧化为主、低温生物处理为辅的处理工艺,试验鱼为虹鳟鱼,养殖密度为23 kg/m3,试验水体约为10 m3,试验周期为7 d。结果表明,该系统能够满足冷水鱼工厂化养殖过程中有关氨氮处理的水质指标要求,处理后的养殖池进水口的水质指标总氨氮≤0.18 mg/L,硝酸盐氮氮≤29.43 mg/L,亚硝酸盐氮氮≤0.1 mg/L;养殖水体氨氮浓度监测表明,臭氧在水中残留低于0.008 mg/L,符合养殖鱼类对水体臭氧浓度的安全要求。  相似文献   

This 210-day study compared variation in water quality and fish growth for channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus; 47 g/fish) stocked in earthen ponds (1.5 fish/m2, 14,820/ha) and in a biofloc technology (BFT) production system with high-density polyethylene-lined rectangular tanks (12.6 fish/m2, 126,000/ha). Feed input and culture environment affected water-quality dynamics. In ponds, phytoplankton uptake predominated and little nitrification occurred, whereas in the BFT system phytoplankton uptake and nitrification maintained low ammonia-nitrogen concentrations. Size classes of fish were skewed toward the larger market sizes in ponds and toward smaller market sizes in the BFT system. Mean final fish weight was 630 g/fish in ponds and 542 g/fish in the BFT system. Despite these differences, fish yield was higher in the BFT system (7.7 kg/m3 v. 1.5 kg/m3) because of the greater initial stocking rate.  相似文献   

通过田间试验探讨了底层增氧与不增氧池塘中水温、溶解氧、pH、NH3 -N和NO2- -N的变化规律,以及幼蟹暴露在空气中的时间、蜕壳频次、个体体质量频数分布等,并讨论与评估了底层增氧的生态学效应.结果表明:不增氧池塘水体在夏季易形成“温跃层”及溶解氧的“日较差”和“水层差”,而底层增氧可有效打破池塘水体的“温跃层”和溶解氧的“水层差”,减小温度变化及底层低氧对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹的胁迫,而且使溶解氧、NH3 -N和NO2- -N浓度以及pH保持在河蟹正常生长所要求的范围,促进幼蟹的蜕壳,提高个体的体质量和肥满度.  相似文献   

This work determined the nitrogen inputs, outputs and accumulation in compartments of stagnant earthen ponds for the monoculture and integrated multi‐trophic aquaculture (IMTA) of the Amazon river prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), using recycled hypereutrophic water. A completely randomized experiment was designed with four treatments and three replications: PM–monoculture with 30 prawns/m2, FM ‐ monoculture with 3 fish/m2, IMTA ‐ polyculture with 30 prawns/m2 and 30 fish/m2 free, POLY‐CAGE ‐ polyculture with 30 prawns/m2 free and 40 fish/m3 in net‐cages. Animals, rain, water, feed, soil, gas, accumulated sludge, and suspended sediments were collected throughout the experiment to determine their nitrogen contents and to calculate the nitrogen budget. Results showed that much of the nitrogen available escapes to atmosphere as N2 (~40%–56%) after denitrification or accumulated within bottom sludge (~14%–42%). The remaining nitrogen was converted in animal biomass (~5%–21%) or was discharged to receiving waterbodies in the outlet water (~11%–13%). Feed management appeared to influence the major biological processes in the aquatic nitrogen cycle, such as photosynthesis and denitrification. The fish‐prawn IMTA systems converted approximately 53%–75% of feed nitrogen into harvestable products, which is more efficient than the 19%–46% of feed nitrogen converted in the monocultures. However, a large amount of nitrogen is accumulated in the pond bottom in all systems. An increased prawn density or the addition of a mud‐feeder species to the culture may enhance the incorporation of this material in harvested biomass, improving the efficiency of the systems.  相似文献   

换水率和密度对刺参生长和水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究日换水率(0、10%、20%、30%和100%)和养殖密度[0.980±0.008、1.760±0.005、2.810±0.007和(3.640±0.006)kg/m3]对刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)生长率和养殖水质的影响,养殖试验首先在非循环水养殖条件下,测定各组刺参综合特定生长率(ISGR)及养殖水体中氨氮及亚硝酸盐氮质量浓度。结果显示,日换水率为10%和20%处理组的ISGR分别达到每天(1.330±0.161)%和(1.410±0.182)%,显著高于其他处理组;密度养殖试验证明,随着养殖密度的增加,ISGR逐渐降低,分别达到每天(0.610±0.500)%,(0.570±0.030)%,(0.560±0.045)%和(0.320±0.040)%,各组换水率及养殖密度组水体中氨氮及亚硝酸盐氮均在安全浓度范围内波动;养殖结果显示,循环水养殖试验组刺参的ISGR高于非循环水养殖组,可达(0.130±0.007)%,且氨氮及亚硝酸盐氮质量浓度在0.020 mg/L以下,而非循环水养殖的分别积累到(0.600±0.015)mg/L和(0.076±0.002)mg/L。研究表明,在换水率15%,养殖密度(2.810±0.007)kg/m3的循环水养殖条件下,可以保证水体水质稳定,刺参生长良好。  相似文献   

底充式增氧对改善池塘水质效果的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)和三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)养殖池塘中进行了底充式增氧对池塘水质改善效果试验。结果表明,增氧2~3h能减小或消除池塘温度和溶解氧(DO)跃层,显著提高池塘底层水体的ρ(DO)(P〈0.05)。在上午8:00~11:00这段时间开增氧机的效果最佳;试验池塘的氨氮(NH4+-N)和亚硝酸盐(NO2--N)的质量浓度为对照池塘的72.5%~74.1%和2.6%~2.7%,能促进池塘氧化反应,降低有害物质的含量,改善池塘环境条件。  相似文献   

在高密度工业化封闭循环海水养殖条件下(养殖密度为14?2±0?48 kg/m2),选取大菱鲆(371?68±43?15 g)360尾,随机均分4组,设置4个水温梯度14℃、16℃、18℃和21℃,旨在探寻水温对大菱鲆氨氮排泄、转氨酶及血清免疫因子的影响,试验期为56 d。结果表明:(1)养殖水体总氨氮浓度随水温升高呈先升后降,18℃时总氨氮浓度极显著高于14℃、21℃时;大菱鲆氨氮排泄率随水温升高而升高,且二者呈指数关系。(2)大菱鲆肝脏GPT、GOT活力随水温升高呈先升后降,均在18℃达最大值;而血清两种指标变化趋势与之相反,均在21℃达最大值。(3)血清LZM、SOD活力及皮质醇含量均随水温升高呈先升后降,均在18℃达最大值;血氨含量则逐渐下降,14℃时极显著高于18℃、21℃时;鳃丝Na+?K+?ATPase活力随水温升高而升高,但组间差异不显著。综上,封闭循环水养殖大菱鲆的适宜水温为16~18℃。  相似文献   

江苏陆上养殖池塘与南黄海绿潮源头的关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2012年12月~2013年5月对江苏沿岸陆上养殖池塘内绿藻的调查,通过分析陆上养殖池塘绿藻成体和显微繁殖体的分布、种类组成,结合养殖池塘的社会调查结果,讨论陆上养殖池塘作为绿潮源头的可能性。结果显示:从区域分布上看,养殖池塘中出现绿藻和绿藻显微繁殖体的区域主要分布在江苏南部的南通地区。从时间上来看,蓄水河道中的绿藻出现在3月、4月以及5月;养殖池和蓄水河道的绿藻显微繁殖体出现在2~5月。在池塘养殖工艺中,进水后养殖户会对池水进行消毒,这一措施将抑制甚至杀灭绿藻显微繁殖体,显微繁殖体不会长成绿藻。养殖活动结束后,排水时养殖户在取排水的闸口处放置筛网,绿藻会被过滤在筛网上,很少被直排入海。本研究结果表明,陆上养殖池塘不可能是绿潮灾害的源头。  相似文献   

In mountainous Northern Vietnam, traditional pond aquaculture is part of the integrated farming activity contributing to food safety and to income generation for small‐scale farmers of ethnic minorities. Traditional pond management consists of a polyculture of macro‐herbivorous grass carp with 3–5 other fish species that are cultured in small ponds with constant water flow through. The main limitations to production are species‐specific mass mortalities of grass carp, a poor feed base especially for all species but grass carp, and poor water quality. In this study, we compared the traditional pond management to a semi‐intensive pond management that was based on the traditional management system but included changes designed by researchers to increase fish production. The modifications consisted of water inflow control, supplemental fertilization and feeding, and a polyculture dominated by common carp. The changes in management significantly reduced the turbidity and increased oxygen supply, as well as the natural food base within the pond. These changes in pond management provide farmers with the possibility to improve their pond aquaculture scheme and overcome previous limitations.  相似文献   

Assemblages of zooplankton and epibenthic invertebrates were collected from a commercial Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) pond at fortnightly intervals over an entire grow‐out season. The pond inlet and outlet water were also sampled intensively over three 1‐week periods throughout the season. Before stocking the ponds with shrimp postlarvae, copepods dominated the zooplankton. Immediately after the ponds were stocked, there was a rapid decline in zooplankton numbers, particularly the dominant larger copepods, suggesting heavy predation by shrimp postlarvae. For the rest of the season, barnacle nauplii were the dominant zooplankton component in the pond. Pond water exchanges had little detectable influence on the composition or density of the zooplankton assemblage. Instead, the dominance of barnacle nauplii appeared to have been maintained by steady recruitment due to barnacle reproduction in the pond. While changes in the biomass of pond zooplankton were not correlated with physico‐chemical characteristics, changes in density were positively correlated with temperature, and negatively correlated with pH, dissolved oxygen and secchi disc readings. Epibenthic faunal density peaked at the end of the season, while the biomass peaked during the middle part of the season. Sergestids (Acetes sibogae Hansen) were the most abundant epibenthic taxa. No correlations were found between physico‐chemical parameters and epibenthic fauna biomass or density. Abundances of epibenthic fauna were not related to zooplankton densities, suggesting that trophic interactions between these assemblages is not important. No Acetes were captured in samples of outlet water, and only on a single occasion were large numbers captured in the inlet water; after this, there was a notable increase in the number of Acetes in the pond. This evidence, together with the lack of an increase in the size of Acetes during the season, suggests that water exchange is an important but unpredictable source of recruitment of epibenthic fauna into the pond. The results emphasize the benefits of ensuring that appropriate zooplankton assemblages have been introduced into the ponds, when they are filled, to support the shrimp immediately after stocking. This will depend on the initial inoculum and may be difficult to manipulate with water exchanges once established. Assemblages of epibenthic fauna appear more likely to change with exchanges and may need to be monitored across the season, particularly if their presence reduces production through adverse impacts such as competition with postlarvae, introduction of disease or deteriorated water quality.  相似文献   

为鱼类养殖生产和苗种运输过程中溶解氧的科学调控提供理论依据,该试验采用密闭呼吸室法测定了20、22、24、26、28、30℃水温下额尔齐斯河银鲫幼鱼的耗氧率和窒息点。结果表明,水温在20~30℃时,额尔齐斯河银鲫幼鱼的耗氧率随水温的升高而显著上升(P<0.05)。水温为20℃时耗氧率最低,为0.263 mg/(g·h);水温为30℃时耗氧率最高,为0.571 mg/(g·h)。耗氧率与水温的拟合方程为:y=0.0093x^2-0.0027x+0.2604(R^2=0.9896)。额尔齐斯河银鲫幼鱼的窒息点在20~30℃水温下,随水温的升高而上升,其中水温为20℃时窒息点最低,为0.947 mg/L;水温为30℃时窒息点最高,为1.713 mg/L。水温和窒息点的回归关系方程式为:y=0.0271x^2-0.0629x+1.0452(R^2=0.9116)。  相似文献   

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