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The objective was to evaluate effects of feeding level of milk replacer on body growth, plasma metabolite and insulin concentrations, and allometric growth of visceral organs in suckling calves. Holstein bull calves (n = 8; 3–4 days of age) were fed either a low amount (average 0.63 kgDM/day, LM) or high amount (average 1.15 kgDM/day, HM) of high protein milk replacer until they were slaughtered at 6 weeks of age. Body weight (BW) at 4, 5, and 6 weeks of age, feed intake, average daily gain, and feed efficiency were higher in the HM than LM calves. The HM group had higher plasma glucose at 3 and 4 weeks of age and insulin levels after the age of 4 weeks compared with LM calves whereas no effect was detected on plasma nonesterified fatty acid or urea nitrogen concentrations. The HM calves had greater empty body weight (EBW), viscera‐free BW and most of the organs dissected than LM calves. Relative weights (% of EBW) of liver, spleen, kidneys, and internal fat were higher, whereas head and large intestine was lower in HM than LM calves. The results suggest that increased milk feeding levels would accelerate the growth of the body and specific organs.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at investigating the long‐term effects of provision of liquid milk replacer (MR) and solid starter diet (SD) during lactation on post‐weaning (PW) growth of pigs. In experiment 1, 33 cross‐bred litters were allotted to four treatments: no supplement (CON), MR ad libitum, SD ad libitum and 100 g SD/litter/day from lactation day 4 through weaning at day 21 during late fall. In experiment 2, 40 litters received MR or none in July. PW pigs received commercial diets to marketing. In experiment 1, weaning weight (WW), pre‐weaning average daily gain (ADG) and mortality (2.4%) were not influenced by creep‐feeding MR or SD. ADG was greater (P < 0.05) in the MR group versus CON during days 21–54, but did not differ across the treatments during days 54–162. In experiment 2, ADG during lactation and WW were greater in the MR group versus CON, with mortality lower in the former (5.6 vs. 10.3%). However, PW ADG to day 175 did not differ between the two groups. Results suggest that creep‐feeding MR or SD has no effect on PW growth. However, it remains possible that MR reduces PW mortality during the hot season.  相似文献   

22头体重相近的荷斯坦犊牛随机分为2组,试验组饲喂代乳料,对照组饲喂新鲜牛奶。经60d的饲喂试验发现,试验组增重比对照组多5.3kg/头,且差异极显著(P<0.01),日增重比对照组提高了88.3g/d,差异极显著(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

选择16头初生重相近的延边黄牛犊牛随机分成4组,每组4头,对照组犊牛随母哺乳,试验组采用随母哺乳加补饲,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组分别补饲1、2、3号代乳料,进行增重效果和血液指标的比较。试验结果表明:各试验组的4月龄重、全期增重和日增重均高于对照组,其中试验Ⅲ组显著高于对照组(P<0.05);体尺指标测定中,试验Ⅲ组的体长显著高于对照组(P<0.05),试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的腰角宽显著高于对照组(P<0.05);各组血液指标均在正常范围之内。综合评定,3号代乳料饲喂效果最好。  相似文献   

为了探索科学的饲养管理方法,提高甘肃马鹿的养殖水平,本试验对仔马鹿进行了早期断奶及其代乳料的试验研究。试验采用单因子随机分组设计,将24只60日龄甘肃仔马鹿随机分为4组,其中A、B、D为试验组,C为对照组,自然哺乳。试验组于仔鹿60日龄断奶,进行了30 d饲养试验,结果表明,仔鹿60日龄早期断奶是可行的,试验期内断奶仔鹿未发生腹泻、下痢等疾病。60日龄断奶后,饲喂A、B两组代乳料的效果与自然哺乳C组相近;D组效果则不理想。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究开食料类型对荷斯坦哺乳犊牛生长发育和瘤胃发酵参数的影响。选取30头刚出生的中国荷斯坦母犊牛,按照体重进行划分区组,随机分配到3个处理组中,各组分别饲喂颗粒状开食料、粉状开食料和口感化开食料。试验共80 d,其中1~50 d为哺乳期,按照正常程序饲喂常乳+自由采食开食料;51~60 d为过渡期,减少常乳饲喂量+自由采食开食料;61~80 d为断奶后期,自由采食开食料。犊牛从出生第7天开始饲喂开食料。每天记录开食料采食量,分别于试验第1天、第50天、第60天和第80天在早晨饲喂前称重犊牛体重,分别于第50天、第60天和第80天在犊牛采食开食料2 h后采集瘤胃液,测定挥发性脂肪酸浓度和NH3-N浓度。试验结果表明,不同物理形态的开食料对犊牛的体重、平均日增重和开食料采食量具有显著影响。给犊牛饲喂口感化开食料和颗粒状开食料显著增加了干物质采食量和平均日增重,以口感化开食料的饲喂效果最佳。给犊牛饲喂不同物理形态的开食料,对瘤胃pH值、乙酸、丙酸和丁酸浓度无显著影响,但是对瘤胃液氨氮浓度和总挥发性脂肪酸浓度具有显著影响。饲喂口感化开食料和颗粒状开食料显著降低了瘤胃液氨氮浓度,增加了瘤胃液总挥发性脂肪酸浓度。因此,在犊牛开食料的选择上,给犊牛饲喂口感化开食料可以提高犊牛生长性能,改善瘤胃发酵功能。  相似文献   

研究液态饲料的饲喂量对犊牛生长发育、营养物质消化吸收的影响。选取16头犊牛,分为2个处理组,按照体重的9.5%和11.0%分别饲喂代乳粉乳液,试验全期为8周,测定犊牛的体重、测量体尺,进行消化代谢试验。两组犊牛在增重、体长指数、体躯指数上没有显著性差异(P0.05);在营养物质的消化代谢上,11.0%组在3~4周时干物质吸收量、粗蛋白吸收量及代谢能均优于9.5%组(P0.05),而在5~6周时无显著差异(P0.05)。在本试验中,液体饲料的饲喂量为犊牛体重11.0%时对犊牛的生长性能具有较好的促进作用,并且对犊牛消化吸收营养物质有积极的影响。  相似文献   

为了探讨代乳料原料的不同组合效应对早期断奶羔羊的饲喂效果,选取25只甘肃高山细毛羔羊,分为5组,每组5只,对照组羔羊由母羊自由哺乳和放牧;试验组羔羊30日龄断奶,饲喂4种代乳料:A组主原料未膨化,B组主原料膨化,C组主原料膨化+血浆蛋白粉,D组在C组基础上增加乳清粉。试验期为30~90日龄。结果表明:50、70日龄时,对照组羔羊体质量最大,试验组羔羊受断奶应激的影响,相应指标较小。90日龄时,D组体质量显著高于B、C组(P0.05),超过了对照组。30~90日龄阶段,D组日增体质量最大,且显著高于B、C组(P0.05)。对照组脾脏质量显著高于4个试验组(P0.05),且脾脏指数最高。说明在代乳料中添加血浆蛋白粉及增加乳清粉,有利于羔羊健康发育,使代乳料的饲喂效果最佳。  相似文献   

饲喂代乳粉对羔羊生长性能和体组织参数的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究饲喂代乳粉和母羊哺乳对羔羊生长性能和体组织参数的影响。选取18只日龄和体重相近、健康的杂交F1羔羊,随机分成试验组和对照组,每组9只。试验组饲喂代乳粉,对照组随母羊哺乳,饲养时间为90d。称取20、90日龄空腹体重,并于90日龄时每组随机选取4只屠宰,称量胴体、各胃室、小肠各段、内脏器官鲜重。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验组羔羊平均日增重提高18.61%(P0.05);宰前活体重、胴体重分别提高22.28%、32.44%(P0.05),屠宰率提高6.67%(P0.05);复胃总重增加13.25%(P0.05),其中瘤胃鲜重增加25.92%(P0.05),皱胃鲜重提高6.74%(P0.05),网胃和瓣胃鲜重则有降低的趋势;回肠鲜重和长度分别增长75.28%(P0.05)和35.50%(P0.05);肺、肾脏、肝脏和脾脏鲜重提高22.29%、30.10%、28.86%和38.22%(P0.05)。结论:饲喂代乳粉后可提高羔羊生长性能,但对屠宰率无显著影响,可促进其瘤胃的发育,并影响部分内脏器官发育。  相似文献   

In order to understand the effects of the automatic milk replacer feeding system on calf health, we examined the effect of frequent milk feeding on curd formation in the abomasum using ultrasonographic imaging. Eight male Holstein calves were divided into a milk-replacer group and a fresh milk group. Calves were fed twice a day to 12 days after birth (Period A). From 13 days, calves were fed six times a day (Period B). The abomasal fluid was taken by paracentesis. In both periods A and B, the fresh milk group formed bigger curds faster than the milk replacer group. The curd score of the milk replacer group in period B at 2 h was significant lower than those of both groups in period A. The pH in the abomasum was lower in period B than in period A. We could not identify the location of the abomasum in the milk replacer group during period B at almost time points. Our experiment suggests the possibility that frequent feeding of milk replacer causes incomplete hydrolysis of κ-casein as well as curd formation, thus reducing the digestibility compared to the feeding of the milk replacer twice per day or frequent feeding of fresh milk.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effects of an elevated amount of modified milk replacer on body weight, daily gain, starter intake, plasma endocrine parameters and expression of nutrient transporters in small intestinal epithelia, Holstein bull calves (n = 24) were fed for 60 days either with the usual amount of 24% crude protein (CP) and 20% fat milk (CF) replacer (C group), or with a double amount of a modified milk replacer of 28% CP and 16% CF (E group). Body weight from D20 to D60 and daily gain before D40 was greater or tended to be greater for the E group than the C group. Plasma concentrations of insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF‐I) and insulin were greater for the E group than the C group on D28 but not on D56, without changing plasma growth hormone levels. Gene expression for sodium‐dependent glucose transporter 1 and fatty acid translocase (CD36) was altered in day‐ and intestine‐dependent manners. From these findings, we conclude that an elevated intake of milk replacer given up to 40 days old is sufficient to enhance body weight, which may be associated with increased plasma IGF‐I concentrations, in Holstein bulls.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects on performance, weaning age and rumen fermentation characteristics in Holstein calves when fennel powder was added to their starter diets. Thirty Holstein calves with a mean birth weight 40 kg (SD = 0.5) were allocated randomly to one of the following experimental diets: (i) control (starter diet without fennel powder), (ii) starter diet containing 0.4% of fennel powder and (iii) starter diet containing 0.8% of fennel powder (DM basis). The effect of treatments on mean dry matter intake was significant (p < 0.05) in the post‐weaning and total experimental periods. Average daily weight gain before (0.38, 0.49 and 0.47 kg/day) and after (0.6, 1.01 and 0.83 kg/day) weaning and during the entire study (0.45, 0.7 and 0.58 kg/day) was influenced by diets of 1, 2 and 3, respectively (p < 0.05). Maximum daily weight gain and the best feed conversion ratio were achieved with 0.4% fennel powder. Mean weaning age of the calves supplemented with fennel powder was lower (p < 0.05) than that of the control group. Ruminal fluid pH in calves offered starter containing 0.8% fennel powder was lower (p < 0.05) compared to calves fed the other diets. Ammonia nitrogen content increased (p < 0.05) in the third week of feeding fennel powder. The mean concentration of total short‐chain fatty acids (SCFA) and propionate molar percentage in the ruminal fluid of the calves fed with the fennel powder were higher (p < 0.05) at 6 weeks and 2 weeks after weaning than control group; however, acetate‐to‐propionate molar ratio was lower (p < 0.05). The results showed that adding 0.4% fennel powder to the starter increased the propionate molar percentage in the rumen and improved the calf performance, allowing the calves to be weaned at an earlier age.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of feeding high volumes of milk replacer on growth and reproductive performances in Japanese black heifers. Fifty-one heifers were fed milk replacer at 9 L/day for 60 days (9 L × 60 days; n = 18) or 41 days (9 L × 41 days; n = 15), or at 7 L/day for 40 days (7 L × 40 days; n = 18). Artificial insemination (AI) was performed on heifers with ≥270 kg body weight and ≥116 cm body height at 300 days of age. The age at the first AI was 0.35 month later for 7 L × 40 days than the other groups (p < .01). However, age at calving did not differ among treatments (22.1 months). The interval from the first AI to pregnancy tended to be ~2 months longer for the 9 L × 60 days than the other groups (p = .07). Our results showed that feeding high volumes of milk replacer may reduce the age at calving via an improved rate of growth. In addition, we propose that feeding a maximum of 7 L milk replacer for 40 days may be the most appropriate rearing regime because the success of pregnancy per AI may be reduced in calves fed a maximum of 9 L for 41 and 60 days.  相似文献   

We aimed to assess the effect of feeding Bacillus subtilis C-3102 on the growth and rumen microbiota in the preweaned calves. Twelve newborn Japanese Black calves were randomly allocated to either the control (n = 6) or the treatment (n = 6) groups in the present study. Calves in the treatment group were offered B. subtilis C-3102 supplemented milk replacer throughout the preweaning period. Rumen fermentation during the first 21 days of life seemed to be slightly suppressed by feeding B. subtilis C-3102. This fermentation shift was probably attributed to the lower abundance of the core members of rumen microbiota until 21 days of age in the calves fed B. subtilis C-3102. However, feeding B. subtilis C-3102 did not influence the abundance of the core members of rumen microbiota at 90 days of age. Distribution of Sharpea spp. and Megasphaera spp., which potentially contribute to low methane production and are regarded as beneficial rumen bacteria, was higher in the rumen of calves fed B. subtilis C-3102 at 90 days of age. These results suggest that B. subtilis C-3102 supplementation in milk replacer could potentially contribute to the improvement of feed efficiency after weaning via the establishment of beneficial rumen bacteria.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of tributyrin (TB) supplementation to milk replacer (MR) on performance, health, and blood concentrations of metabolite and glucagon‐like peptide (GLP‐2) in pre‐weaning calves. Twenty Holstein heifer calves were raised on an intensified nursing program using MR supplemented with either palm oil (CON) or TB (TB) at 0.3% (as fed basis) for 7 weeks starting 1 week after birth. Calves were fed a calf starter and kleingrass from the beginning of the study. Blood samples were obtained weekly to measure blood glucose, serum β‐hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA), insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF‐1), and plasma GLP‐2 concentrations. Starter DMI and metabolizable energy (ME) intake were lower in TB calves at 46, 47, from 49 to 55 days after birth compared with the CON calves. However, any growth parameters were not affected by TB treatment. Blood glucose, serum BHBA, and IGF‐1 concentrations were not affected by TB supplementation. On the other hand, mean plasma GLP‐2 concentration among whole experimental period was higher for TB (0.60 ng/ml) compared with CON (0.41 ng/ml). In conclusion, feeding MR supplemented with TB increases plasma GLP‐2 concentration, which might counterbalance the growth performance of TB calves despite the decreased ME intake.  相似文献   

为探索开食料中不同NDF水平对犊牛生长、瘤胃发酵参数以及血清生化指标的影响,选用初生重相近(42±2.5) kg、饲喂足量初乳的中国荷斯坦犊牛60头,其中公犊牛36头,母犊牛24头。随机分为A、B、C和D 4个处理组,每个处理15头,其中9头公犊牛+6头母犊牛,试验犊牛于犊牛岛(1.5 m×3.4 m)单独饲养。15日龄开始分别饲喂NDF水平不同的4种开食料,分别为:A处理10%,B处理15%,C处理20%和D处理25%,70日龄断奶,试验期112 d。结果表明:1)0~42日龄和70~112日龄,B组日增重均高于A、C和D组(P<0.05),分别高出45.69、39.79、117.13 g·d-1和35.33、153.29、 145.93 g·d-1。70~112日龄,B、C和D组开食料采食量显著高于A组(P<0.05),分别高出255.20、252.48和392.27 g·d-1。A(0.61)和B(0.60)组犊牛的饲料转化率显著高于C(0.55)和D(0.54)组(P<0.05);2)犊牛瘤胃pH在35和70日龄时,C组显著高于其他3组(P<0.05),112日龄时,A和B组显著高于C和D组(P<0.05);3)瘤胃NH3-N含量在90日龄前差异不显著(P>0.05),但在112日龄时, B、C和D组较A组显著降低16.72%、44.19%和52.10%(P<0.05);4)C和D组乙酸比例显著高于A和B组(P<0.05);B组丙酸比例较A、C和D组高出4.24%、3.18%和6.43% (P<0.05),乙酸/丙酸显著低于A、C和D组(P<0.05);5)各处理组间血清总蛋白、葡萄糖和尿素氮含量无显著差异(P>0.05)。1~3月龄犊牛开食料中NDF适宜水平为15%有利于提高断奶后日增重,促进饲料利用效率,改善瘤胃内环境,且对犊牛血清生化指标无不利影响。  相似文献   

40头妊娠85 d健康二元杂交经产母猪(胎次、体况、前胎产仔数一致),随机分为2组,每组20个重复,每个重复1头,分别为对照组(基础日粮)、处理组(妊娠期:基础日粮+800 g/t微囊丁酸钠;哺乳期:基础日粮+500 g/t微囊丁酸钠)。结果表明,饲粮中添加微囊丁酸钠能够显著提高母猪生产后期采食量(4.56%),显著降低母猪哺乳期的体失重(P<0.05),提高仔猪断奶日增重(P<0.05)和断奶体重。此外,处理组弱仔率较对照组下降35.72%,窝断奶仔猪数和断奶仔猪均重有上升趋势(P=0.07,P=0.14)。由此可见,微囊丁酸钠可改善母猪生产性能,提高仔猪平均日增重。  相似文献   

探讨代乳粉中添加复合酸度调控剂对0~3月龄犊牛生长性能、血气指标的影响。试验分为对照组和试验组,分别饲喂乳液pH值为6.2和5.0的代乳粉。每个处理6头犊牛,分别在试验开始后的0、14、28、42、56d测定每头犊牛的体重、体尺,每日记录每头犊牛代乳粉和开食料供料量和剩料量,观察每头犊牛的粪便形态和评分,并分别在0、14、42d采血测定血气指标。试验数据显示:与对照组相比,试验组犊牛各阶段的平均日增重有所提高,其中0~14、14~28、28~42、42~56d分别提高了5.6%、45.9%(P<0.05)、11.9%、5.8%;试验全期两组间平均日采食量、饲料转化率差异皆不显著(P>0.05);全期腹泻率试验组比对照组降低了13.9%,但差异不显著(P>0.05);28d体长指数试验组低于对照组(P<0.05)。试验开始(0d)和饲喂42d时各组间犊牛血气指标皆无差异(P>0.05);饲喂14d时试验组血液的pH值(P<0.05)、氧饱和度(P<0.05)、氧气分压、实际剩余碱储、标准碳酸氢盐浓度皆高于对照组,而二氧化碳分压显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。结果表明,在代乳粉中添加复合酸度调控剂后28d前对犊牛产生了一定作用,可提高14~28d阶段犊牛日增重,降低28d体长指数,并有降低腹泻率的趋势;犊牛血液的pH值、SO2升高而PCO2降低。  相似文献   


The performance of dairy calves allowed to suckle freely (FS) until eight weeks of age in a cubicle system with automatic milking was compared to automatic teat-feeding with low milk (LM) or high milk (HM) substitute allowances. Weight gain and feed intake of FS (n = 13), LM (n = 23) and HM (n = 22) calves were recorded until two weeks after abrupt weaning, and their behaviour was studied during weaning. FS calves had higher weight gain, but much lower solid feed intake until weaning, than LM and HM calves and their advantage in weight remained throughout the study despite very low post-weaning gain. During the first 24 hours after weaning, FS calves displayed more behavioural signs of stress. However, at 72 hours after weaning, behaviour was similar for all treatments. Methods to stimulate solid feed intake before weaning need to be developed to draw advantage of the FS system.  相似文献   

Trehalose, a nonreducing disaccharide consisting of d-glucose with α,α-1,1 linkage, was evaluated as a functional material to improve the gut environment in preweaned calves. In experiment 1, 173 calves were divided into two groups; the trehalose group was fed trehalose at 30 g/animal/d with milk replacer during the suckling period, and the control group was fed nonsupplemented milk replacer. Medication frequency was lower in the trehalose group (P < 0.05). In experiment 2, calves (n = 20) were divided into two groups (control group [n = 10] and trehalose group [n = 10]) based on their body weight and reared under the same feeding regimens as in experiment 1. Fresh feces were collected from individual animals at the beginning of the trial (average age 11 d), 3 wk after trehalose feeding (experimental day 22), and 1 d before weaning, and the fecal score was recorded daily. Fecal samples were analyzed for fermentation parameters and microbiota. The fecal score was significantly lower in the trehalose group than in the control group in the early stage (at an age of 14 to 18 d; P < 0.05) of the suckling period. Calves fed trehalose tended to have a higher proportion of fecal butyrate on day 22 than calves in the control group (P = 0.08). Population sizes of Clostridium spp. were significantly lower (P = 0.036), whereas those of Dialister spp. and Eubacterium spp. tended to be higher in the feces of calves in the trehalose group on day 22 (P = 0.060 and P = 0.083). These observations indicate that trehalose feeding modulated the gut environment and partially contributed to the reduction in medication frequency observed in experiment 1.  相似文献   

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