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MAYHEAD  G. J.; BOOTHMAN  I. R. 《Forestry》1997,70(2):151-155
Sessile oak 1+1 transplants were grown for 4 years in a weed-freeenvironment at 1 x 1 m spacing on a fertile sheltered site.Four experiment treatments were imposed: control with no treeshelterand treeshelters of heights 0.6 m, 1.2 m and 1.8 m. Treatmentshad no significant effect on tree survival. Taller sheltersproduced taller, lower diameter trees of increasingly low dryroot weight. The root:shoot ratio was 0.675 in control treesbut declined to 0.291 in 1.8-m shelters. Trees from 0.6-rn and1.2-m shelters (mean heights 152 m and 206 m respectively) supportedthemselves unaided after removal of the stake and treeshelter.The trees from 1.8-m shelters of mean height 234 cm at age fourcollapsed completely when support was removed.  相似文献   

HARMER  R. 《Forestry》1992,65(1):61-72
Over a 3-year-period the relationships between shoot length,number of buds and branch production were investigated on theleading shoots and major crown branches on 10-year-old Quercuspetraea. The pattern of growth was similar in leading shootsand branches indicating that for some aspects of growth observationof branches can substitute for study of the leader. There weresignificant relationships between shoot length and either numberof buds or branches, and between number of buds and branches;some of the relationships differed between years. There weresignificant between tree differences in the proportion of budsforming branches. Failure of the terminal bud increased lateralbranch production. The overall shape of the crown was relatedto the average annual extension growth. Results are discussedin relation to prediction of crown development and the selectionof superior genotypes in a tree improvement programme.  相似文献   

To quantify the effects of crown thinning on the water balance and growth of the stand and to analyze the ecophysiological modifications induced by canopy opening on individual tree water relations, we conducted a thinning experiment in a 43-year-old Quercus petraea stand by removing trees from the upper canopy level. Soil water content, rainfall interception, sap flow, leaf water potential and stomatal conductance were monitored for two seasons following thinning. Seasonal time courses of leaf area index (LAI) and girth increment were also measured. Predawn leaf water potential was significantly higher in trees in the thinned stand than in the closed stand, as a consequence of higher relative extractable water in the soil. The improvement in water availability in the thinned stand resulted from decreases in both interception and transpiration. From Year 1 to Year 2, an increase in transpiration was observed in the thinned stand without any modification in LAI, whereas changes in transpiration in the closed stand were accompanied by variations in LAI. The different behaviors of the closed and open canopies were interpreted in terms of coupling to the atmosphere. Thinning increased inter-tree variability in sap flow density, which was closely related to a leaf area competition index. Stomatal conductance varied little inside the crown and differences in stomatal conductance between the treatments appeared only during a water shortage and affected mainly the closed stand. Thinning enhanced tree growth as a result of a longer growing period due to the absence of summer drought and higher rates of growth. Suppressed and dominant trees benefited more from thinning than trees in the codominant classes.  相似文献   

In East Germany, there are a lot of areas covered by old pine stands. They are growing on soils, on which under natural conditions without anthropogenic impact mixed stands of oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) and pine (Pinus silvestris L.), would form a natural forest. An important objective of ecological silviculture in these areas is to convert the pure pine stands into mixed oak–pine stands by using natural regeneration methods. A highly appreciated assistant in this connection is the European jay (Garrulus glandarius L.). The remarkable results of its work have been found by analyzing the natural regeneration in a few old pine stands in the forest district of Weißwasser in Saxony. Although mother trees of oak are very scarce there, natural regeneration of oak was found everywhere in the research area. The oak regeneration, undoubtedly created by the jay, amounted to at least 2000 oaks/ha. They were mainly distributed at random, while pine regeneration was aggregated in places where gaps in the pine canopy occurred. Oak regeneration was established much earlier than pine regeneration. Thus, oaks exceeded pines in age, height and diameter. The oaks were also superior to pines concerning height increment for the last three years. Thus, there is a good chance for oak to defend its prevailing role in the regeneration in the future. Probably, the next forest generation will be composed of oak and pine trees. The analysis of the quality of the oak regeneration shows that there is no substantial difference to artificially sown oak stands. This indicates that the European jay creates oak stands sufficiently both in number and quality.  相似文献   

The mixture of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and oak (sessile oak, Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., and pedunculate oak, Q. robur L.) is of considerable importance in Europe and will probably become even more important under climate change. Therefore, the performance of oak and beech in mixture was compared with the species’ growth in pure stands. Data from 37 long-term mixing experiments in Poland, Germany and Switzerland were pooled for analysis of mixing effects on stand productivity and possible interrelationships with mixing portions or site conditions. We found that on average, mixed stands of oak and beech exceeded biomass productivity in pure stands by 30 % or 1.7 t ha?1 year?1, as the growth of both species was benefitted by the mixture. However, that the interaction actually ranged from facilitation and overyielding on poor sites to underyielding on fertile sites triggered by competition. An empirically derived interaction model showed volume and dry mass growth changing in mixed stands from gains of 50 % to losses of 10 % depending on site conditions. It is concluded that the analysed mixture grows in accordance with the stress-gradient hypothesis and that our results suggest a site-specific relationship between species mixture and biomass productivity. As a consequence, an adequate species mix should result in increased productivity under steady state as well as climate change.  相似文献   

Epron D  Dreyer E 《Tree physiology》1992,10(3):273-284
Leaf disks of oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) trees were subjected to rapid dehydration in air in the dark. Optimal photochemical efficiency of PS II (F(v)/F(M)), photochemical (q(P)) and nonphotochemical (q(NP)) quenchings of chlorophyll a fluorescence, and relative conductivity (C(r)) of leaf disk diffusate were measured in leaf disks with different water deficits (D). No effect of dehydration was detected before D reached values above 0.30. When D increased from 0.30 to 0.50, q(NP) increased without any change in q(P), which may indicate that thermal deexcitation of PS II increased, allowing reduced photochemical activity and maintenance of a large pool of oxidized primary acceptors (QA), although carbon reduction was impaired. Large changes in electron transport chain activity, leading to decreases in both q(P) and q(NP), appeared only in leaf disks subjected to severe water deficits (D > 0.60) and were correlated with a modification of membrane structure. However, stability of F(v)/F(M) indicated that the functional integrity of PS II was not altered until D reached values above 0.75. We conclude that the photosynthetic apparatus of Q. petraea is rather insensitive to leaf dehydration per se during drought under natural conditions.  相似文献   



Information about variations in basic density (BD) and carbon content (%C) along tree stems is key to assessing forest carbon sinks.


The aim of the study was to determine any differences in %C and BD between different woody tissues (bark, sapwood and heartwood) in two widespread European oak species (Quercus pyrenaica and Quercus petraea).


Twenty trees were felled in northern Spain, and 317 discs cut from the trees were dried and analysed to determine %C and BD.


There were significant differences in %C between bark, heartwood and sapwood, and between species. There were also significant differences in BD between the tissues (heartwood?>?sapwood?>?bark), and the BD was higher in Q. petraea than in Q. pyrenaica. Both %C and BD varied along the stem.


More accurate estimates of carbon contents were obtained by using specific values for different heights and anatomical parts, than by using single values.  相似文献   

GARDINER  A. S. 《Forestry》1970,43(2):151-160
Early nineteenth-century studies of variation in the genus QuercusL., particularly those relating to Pedunculate and Sessile oakby Lasch and Greville, illustrate the confused situation thatawaited the forest botanist. Attempts of that period and laterto explain this condition led to the general acceptance of atheory of unlimited hybridization and introgression betweenthe two species. Experimentation and observations between thethirties and fifties of the present century by Dengler, Høeg,Jones, and others demonstrate the weakness of this popular concept—hence the controversy. More recent investigations by Johnssonand Krahl-Urban, supported by the biometric research of Cousens,Carlisle, and Brown, have helped in the production of a moreaccurate picture of the form and extent of hybridization. Agreat deal still remains to be done to elucidate the naturalfrequency of F1 hybrids, and backcrossea in different regions.The karyotypes of both species and hybrids have still to bedefined.  相似文献   



Cluster planting has become a conventional establishment method for oaks in Central Europe, where the spacing of seedlings within clusters varies between ‘nests’ (0.2?×?0.2 m) and ‘groups’ (1?×?1 m). Although the space between clusters is expected to fill with voluntary regeneration, its competitive effect on oak growth and quality had not been studied yet.


The aim of the study was to analyse the effects of inter- and intraspecific interactions on growth and quality of oaks grown in cluster plantings by quantifying the influence of neighbouring trees. In addition, we analysed whether the spatial position of oaks within groups (inner section or periphery) influenced their quality development.


Using Hegyi’s competition index, the influence of competition from intra- and interspecific trees from early, mid- and late-successional species, on diameter, height, slenderness and quality (length of branch-free bole) of 10- to 26-year-old oaks grown in cluster planting stands was quantified at seven sites in Baden-Württemberg and Hessen, Germany.


In general, mid- and late-successional trees exerted a stronger competitive influence on growth of target oaks in clusters than the conspecific oaks and pioneer tree species. Oak quality development benefited from intraspecific competition, but self-pruning was not further promoted through additional interspecific competition. Within groups, inner oaks had a higher probability of developing into potential future crop trees than outer oaks.


Our study showed that intra- and interspecific competition had different effects on target oak trees and that these effect differed between nest and group plantings. The development of naturally regenerated and planted trainer trees in group plantings should be monitored carefully and if necessary be controlled through thinning or pollarding.  相似文献   


Seed predation by granivorous rodents constitutes a major problem during reforestation using direct seeding. Acorns or beech nuts were sown at 14 different sites in Denmark and southern Sweden, and seedling establishment was inventoried during the first three growing seasons. Around the time of sowing, rodents were either snap-trapped or live-trapped. At some sites, perches for raptors were installed, and at other sites, signs of predation were investigated or predation was monitored by camera surveillance. Granivorous rodents had a profound negative influence on sowings, and the removal of beech nuts occurred rapidly following sowing. Establishment of oak was better when surroundings consisted of mixed forests rather than broadleaved forests. Fewer rodents were caught, and establishment was better, in large reforestation areas. Rodent captures indicated that forest edges, slash piles and stone wall remains were suitable rodent microhabitats. Snap-trapping or raptor perches did not result in increased oak establishment. Neither sowing in summer nor increased seeding depth decreased predation by rodents on beech nuts. In conclusion, seeds need protection from rodents immediately at the time of sowing. Choosing large regeneration areas combined with removal of suitable rodent habitats seems to be a practical alternative for the development of successful strategies for direct seeding.  相似文献   


? Context

The rising demand of energy wood for heating purposes in Germany leads to concerns regarding the overexploitation of forests. A major aspect is the impact of whole-tree harvesting on long-term productivity of forest soils.

? Aims

This study aimed to analyze the effects of nutrient removal on productivity using the historically prevalent practice of litter raking. Since there is a lack of controlled whole-tree harvesting experiments in Germany, we used litter raking as a surrogate management practice entailing the removal of nutrients from forest stands.

? Methods

We used three sites with documented litter raking to analyze the effects of nutrient removal on productivity using dendroecological methods: two recent litter removal experiments in two Scots pine stands (Siegenburg and Burglengenfeld) and one oak stand (Eichhall) with documented historic litter raking. Basal area increment (BAI) and tree-ring characteristics were compared between periods with litter raking and the preceding periods for both treatment and control plots.

? Results

For the two Scots pine sites with a relatively short litter raking period, no effects of litter raking on BAI could be ascribed to nutrient removal. On the oak site with a longer history of litter utilization, the loss in BAI due to litter raking amounts to 22 % during the period with active raking and to still 17 % in the recovery period.

? Conclusions

These results contribute to the still very limited understanding about the impact of whole-tree harvesting on forest productivity in Germany by laying down an upper limit of possible effects due to nutrient removal, as nutrient loss by litter raking tends to be higher than nutrient loss by whole-tree harvesting.  相似文献   

Acorns collected from a range of Quercus robur L. and Q. petraea(Matt.) Liebl. populations were germinated and grown in an unheatedgreenhouse using a standard commercial compost. Total seedlingdry weight did not increase until the end of the growing season,with Q. robur and Q. petraea seedlings showing mean dry weightincreases of 211 per cent and 414 per cent respectively. Oakseedlings appear to depend upon cotyledon reserves of carbohydrate,P, K and Mg during most of the first year of growth, but relyon external sources of Ca. Seedlings become independent of thecotyledons at the end of the first growing season.  相似文献   

KERR  G. 《Forestry》1996,69(4):303-317
Free growth is a type of heavy thinning which aims to maximizediameter increment and produce valuable timber on a relativelyshort rotation. An experiment is described which investigatedthe application of free growth to a stand of oak {Quercus petraeaand Q. robur) planted in 1930. At age 58 free growth thinninghad resulted in a mean diameter at breast height of 39.0 cmwith an estimated mean tree volume of 0.98 m3, compared with29.3 cm and 0.52 m3 for equivalent crown thinned trees. Discountedcash flow calculations showed that free growth thinning of oakcould be justified using a 3 per cent discount rate assumingthat the increased intensity of pruning results in a large proportionof veneer quality timber; an independent assessment indicatedthis may be possible. Free growth thinning of oak is not a commonpractice in British broadleaved silviculture probably becauseof the cost of controlling epicormic shoots. It is suggestedthat it may be more appropriate to other species such as ash,sycamore and wild cherry.  相似文献   

本文采用蒙古栎浸蘸生长调节剂的方式,通过对生根过程中养分含量的变化探讨对扦插的生根的影响。结果可知,3种生长调节剂处理的插穗可溶性糖的含量呈先下降后上升再下降的趋势,可溶性蛋白质含量呈先下降后上升趋势,而可溶性淀粉含量变化不一致,生长调节剂ABT处理在全时期内呈上升趋势,而其它2个处理呈先上升后下降趋势。通过比较,生长调节剂ABT能更好的促进蒙古栎生根。  相似文献   

Genetic analysis was carried out in order to provide insights into differentiation among populations of two interfertile oak species, Quercus petraea and Quercus robur. Gene flow between the two species, local adaptation and speciation processes in general, may leave differential molecular signatures across the genome. Three interspecific pairs of natural populations from three ecologically different regions, one in central Europe (SW Germany) and two in the Balkan Peninsula (Greece and Bulgaria) were sampled. Grouping of highly informative SSR loci was made according to the component of variation they express—interspecific or provenance specific. ‘Species’ and ‘provenance discriminant’ loci were characterized based on FSTs. Locus specific FSTs were tested for deviation from the neutral expectation both within and between species. Data were then treated separately in a Bayesian analysis of genetic structure. By using three ‘species discriminant’ loci, high membership probability to inferred species groups was achieved. On the other hand, analysis of genetic structure based on five ‘provenance discriminant’ loci was correlated with geographic region and revealed shared genetic variation between neighbouring Q. petraea and Q. robur. Small sets of highly variable nuclear SSRs were sufficient to discriminate, either between species or between provenances. Thus, an effective tool is provided for molecular identification of both species and provenances. Furthermore, data suggest that a combination of gene flow and natural selection forms these diversity patterns. ‘Species discriminant’ loci might represent genome regions affected by directional selection, which maintains species identity. ‘Provenance specific’ loci might represent genome regions with high interspecific gene flow and common adaptive patterns to local environmental factors.  相似文献   

In 2000, one-year-old seedlings of pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) and sessile oak (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl) were planted in a thinned and an unthinned plot in a pinewood (Pinus sylvestris), and in a nearby clearing. In summer 2002 and 2003, water relations and gas exchange parameters were measured to address the impact of drought on the seedlings. Chlorophyll a fluorescence was also measured to explore leaf photochemistry and a possible non-stomatal limitation to photosynthesis (A). Reduction in stomatal conductance (g) in response to the decrease of predawn water potential (Ψpd) resulted the main cause affecting net carbon uptake. Water potential at midday (Ψmd) was similar in both species but Quercus petraea was more sensitive to soil water deployment occurred along summer, showing slightly lower Ψpd because worse recover of water potential during night. Rate of photosynthesis was higher in Q.␣pyrenaica probably in relation to its greater leaf mass per area (LMA) and nitrogen content per leaf area (Na). Mortality was highest in the clearing and lowest in the thinned pinewood. Throughout the summer, soil moisture was higher in the thinned area, possibly because of the reduction in tree transpiring surface and interception of rainfall. Accordingly, Ψpd of both species was higher in the thinned site.  相似文献   

矿质营养与植物生长调节剂对澳洲坚果花粉生活力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以6年生的澳洲坚果为试材,研究温度、蔗糖浓度、矿质营养和植物生长调节剂对花粉萌发和花粉管伸长的影响.结果表明25℃和10%的蔗糖浓度对花粉的萌发和生长最为有利;植物生长调节剂GA3为20mg/L时能显著促进花粉的萌发,而IAA和2,4-D对花粉萌发的促进作用不显著;矿质营养最有利于花粉萌发的浓度分别是Zn10mg/L、Mo5mg/L、B10mg/L、Mn40mg/L、Ca30mg/L.  相似文献   

We examined the growth and quality of young oaks in stands established at three different spacings. The three densities were the traditional level, that is, 8000?seedlings?ha?1 (1.5?×?0.85?m) plus two where the initial density was decreased by 50% and 70%, achieved by increasing the distance between the rows from 1.5 to 3 or 4.5?m. The experiment was located in central Poland on a moderately fertile site. In the two wider spacings, the intention was to use natural regeneration occurring between oak rows as a replacement of intraspecific competition for oaks. The mean height was only affected in the third and the fourth year after establishment. Subsequently, the differences between spacings with respect to both growth and quality traits were insignificant and small. At lower densities, natural regeneration of willow and aspen was abundant and inter-species competition replaced intra-species competition, thus explaining the absence of a spacing effect on growth and quality properties. In the study period, the wider spacings were economically beneficial compared to traditional densities. A strong competition affecting height growth caused by natural regeneration necessitated extensive tendings. More tendings are likely to be needed in the future and they might reduce the initial economical superiority of wider spacing. The study indicates that it is possible to decrease the initial spacing in oak plantations and simultaneously support good growing conditions by means of natural processes, for example, natural regeneration. However, economic efficiency of the method has to be studied in a longer perspective.  相似文献   

MOSEDALE  J.R.; CHARRIER  B.; JANIN  G. 《Forestry》1996,69(2):111-124
Pressler cores of young clones of Quercus petraea and Q. roburwere analysed from two sites in Germany. Variation of wood colour(defined by the CIELAB system), density and heartwood ellagitanninswas examined between clones, species and sites. Similar studieswere made of cores from another trial of 20 half-sib familiesof parent trees deriving from five German forests. The resultsfrom both the clonal and progeny trials indicate that heartwoodellagitannin content and wood density are under strong geneticcontrol, while sapwood and heartwood colour are less so. A largeproportion of between-clone variation in wood density and ellagitanninlevels occurred between the two species, while these propertiesvaried little among ramets of the same clone grown on two contrastingsites, despite a difference in growth rates. A large proportionof the total variation among progeny was attributed to forestorigins and could not be attributed clearly to either geneticor environmental causes because of limitations of the samplingdesign  相似文献   


Rate of growth and wood properties of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) were investigated in triplet mixtures with lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Loud.) (Alaskan provenance) and Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carr.), established on nitrogen-deficient, iron pan soils. These ?nursing? mixtures were compared with pure stands of Sitka spruce that had been either regularly or periodically fertilized with nitrogen. Japanese larch promoted a growth rate in Sitka spruce greater than that achieved in the lodgepole pine-nursed spruce and equivalent to the two pure spruce treatments over the duration of the experiment (current age 28 yrs). Growth of regularly fertilized pure Sitka spruce was not significantly greater than that of periodically fertilized pure spruce. Alaskan lodgepole pine controlled branch size on the lower part of the spruce stems more effectively than the other treatments, although this may have been a function of tree size. Branch characteristics of Japanese larch-nursed spruce, however, were similar to those of the pure spruce treatments. Japanese larch caused an imbalance in crown development in the spruce, although it is unclear from the present study whether this will have an influence on stem and wood quality by the end of the rotation. Overall, the evidence from this study suggests that Japanese larch is an effective nurse of Sitka spruce on nitrogen-deficient iron pans, maintaining a rate of growth similar to that of pure Sitka spruce periodically fertilized with nitrogen and higher than that observed in spruce nursed by Alaskan lodgepole pine.  相似文献   

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