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Specific leaf area (SLA), nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations and photosynthetic characteristics were studied in upper and lower canopy leaves of Salix viminalis and S. dasyclados grown at two nutrition levels. Fertilization increased SLA and leaf mass-based nitrogen concentration in most cases. Positive effects of fertilization on leaf light-saturated photosynthetic rate (A max A ) and maximum carboxylation rate (V cmax) were not detected. Significant differences between the leaves from upper and lower canopy layers in area-based nitrogen, A max A , SLA, mass-based chlorophyll, V cmax and stomatal conductance were found for most plots. We attempted to estimate the fraction of non-photosynthetic nitrogen and found that it tended to be higher due to fertilization. Thus, the insensitivity of leaf photosynthesis to fertilization could be caused by higher proportion of non-photosynthetic nitrogen in the leaves of fertilized plots. Though leaf-level photosynthesis was not increased by fertilization, considerably higher leaf area index of fertilized plots still resulted in increased canopy carbon gain.  相似文献   

To determine if inoculation increases nodulation and yield of bare-root red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.), fumigated nursery plots were treated with inoculum and ammonium sulfate (28 kg N ha–1) in a factorial experiment. Inoculum was alder soil with 100 infective units of Frankia g–1. Seedlings were evaluated for nodulation at age 10 wk and when lifted, at age 9 mo. Inoculation produced earlier and more extensive nodulation and increased seedling root collar diameter, height, and dry weight. Fertilization decreased seedling height, but did not decrease nodulation. No interaction of fertilization with inoculation was found. Inoculated unfertilized plots had the highest yield of packable seedlings (257 m–2), and uninoculated fertilized seedlings had the lowest yield (126 m–2).  相似文献   

Mountain forests are traditionally used for cattle grazing during the dry season in southern Bolivia. To evaluate browsing intensity and damage to young trees and shrubs, a forest grazing area was monitored for about 3 months in both 2006 and 2007. Three similar paddocks of about 3 ha each, consisting of grassland and forest in a ratio of about 1:3 were stocked with 0.9, 1.6 and 2.6 tropical livestock units per ha (equivalents of 250 kg of body weight), reflecting low, medium and high stocking densities. Six 5 m × 5 m plots were mapped out within each paddock in 2006. Three additional plots per paddock were added in 2007. Within plots, the individuals of 18 woody species were coded and evaluated weekly for intensity of browsing. Intensity was quantified using five-scale categories reflecting the proportions of plant tissue removed (0 = no browsing, 1 = 1–25%, 2 = 26–50%, 3 = 51–75% and 4 = 76–100%). Across all plant species, the average category of browsing intensity, as determined in the post-grazing evaluation, was affected (P < 0.001) by stocking density. Browsing intensity increased in an approximately linear manner from 1.58 to 2.18 and 2.77 with low, medium and high stocking density, respectively. There was no significant difference between years. Most woody species followed the same general response pattern to stocking density, although some species were only noticeably browsed at high stocking density while a few others were intensively browsed at all stocking densities. The onset of browsing on woody species was observed only after some weeks had passed, indicating that herbaceous plants were preferred as a forage resource. The proportion of fatally damaged individuals, as assessed about 8 months after grazing in 2006, were 10.6%, 8.6% and 11.4% for low, medium and high stocking density, respectively. The percentage of completely browsed individuals increased with stocking density, but 80% of those plant individuals recovered following a resting period of 8 months. However, although most woody species recovered from browsing and fatal damage was infrequent, long-term changes in woody plant species composition and structure caused by grazing cannot be excluded. High stocking density in particular may reduce the vigour of heavily browsed species.  相似文献   

We quantified the effect of water and nutrient availability on aboveground biomass and nitrogen accumulation and partitioning in four species from the southeastern United States, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), slash pine (Pinus elliottii), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). The 6-year-old stands received five levels of resource input (control, irrigation with 3.05 cm water week−1, irrigation + 57 kg N ha−1 year−1, irrigation + 85 kg N ha−1 year−1, and irrigation + 114 kg N ha−1 year−1). Irrigation significantly increased foliage, stem, and branch biomass for sweetgum and sycamore, culminating in 103% and 238% increases in total aboveground biomass. Fertilization significantly increased aboveground components for all species resulting in 49, 58, 281, and 132% increases in total aboveground biomass for loblolly pine, slash pine, sweetgum, and sycamore, respectively. Standing total aboveground biomass of the fertilized treatments reached 79, 59, 48, and 54 Mg ha−1 for loblolly pine, slash pine, sweetgum, and sycamore, respectively. Fertilization increased foliar nitrogen concentration for loblolly pine, sweetgum, and sycamore foliage. Irrigation increased total stand nitrogen content by 6, 14, 93, and 161% for loblolly pine, slash pine, sweetgum, and sycamore, respectively. Fertilization increased total nitrogen content by 62, 53, 172, and 69% with maximum nitrogen contents of 267, 212, 237, and 203 kg ha−1 for loblolly pine, slash pine, sweetgum, and sycamore, respectively. Growth efficiency (stem growth per unit of leaf biomass) and nitrogen use efficiency (stem growth per unit of foliar nitrogen content) increased for the sycamore and sweetgum, but not the loblolly or slash pine.  相似文献   


In Scandinavia, moose (Alces alces L.) sometimes cause severe browsing damage to economically-important pine. Moose-vehicle accidents have spurred construction of fences along roads, and these may interfere with moose migration between summer and winter ranges, or the road alone may be a barrier. If this happens and moose build up along roads, landowners may suffer economically. Therefore, this study investigated whether roads, fences or other factors influence the use of young pine stands by moose. Eighty stands along roads in northern Sweden were evaluated in which individually-browsed branches were counted on 9972 pines. Moose browsing was not significantly related to birch (Betula pendula Roth, B. pubescens Ehrh.) density, nor did it differ between pines (Pinus contorta Douglas or P. sylvestris L.). However, increased pine density, site productivity and proximity to a highway were associated with increased browsing. Further large-scale studies are needed to understand moose habitat selection and the effects of roads.  相似文献   

Low intensity grazing with large herbivores is increasingly used to steer the development of mosaic landscapes (including wood-pastures) and woodland expansion on former agricultural land. We studied the establishment and early growth pattern of woody species in grasslands (formerly used for high intensity summer cattle grazing) in which a low intensity-grazing regime was set up between 4 and 11 years ago. We tested whether the developing vegetation patches, consisting of tall herbs and scrub, influenced this pattern. Further, we investigated if increased susceptibility to trampling disturbance by large herbivores on wet soils in floodplains influenced sapling establishment.Formerly intensively used grasslands were studied at six sites, four in floodplains and two in interfluvial zones on nutrient rich, heavy soils. In total, we sampled 141 plots with grassland, tall herb or scrub vegetation and recorded individuals of established tree and shrub species, their height, diameter, browsing damage and distance to potential seed sources. In the floodplains, we recorded soil disturbance by large herbivores (hoofprints) in wet and moist soils.Sapling frequencies, with Fraxinus excelsior as the most common species (>50% of all individuals), were two to three times higher in tall herb and scrub patches compared to grassland. Only the spiny Crataegus monogyna established in higher frequencies in grassland plots. In floodplains, we found two to three times more established woody saplings in wet tall herb plots, compared to moist and wet grassland plots and moist tall herb plots.Browsing reduced sapling height in grassland and tall herb patches. Only in scrub patches did average height (±2.5 m) reach above the browse line. We found 30–70% less browsing damage to saplings in scrub compared to damage in grassland and tall herb plots. In particular, damage to the apical shoot was strongly reduced.Our findings show that tree establishment occurs in spatial association with non-grassland patches that offer protection against browsing. Fast growing spiny shrubs like Rubus sp. offer protection for palatable saplings, allowing establishment and growing out beyond the browse line. Alternatively, increased establishment occurs in wet tall herb patches, where soil disturbance by moderate trampling favours germination and, subsequently, saplings are protected at least temporarily against browsing by unpalatable tall herbs.  相似文献   

Silvicultural cleaning is commonly carried out in young stands to control competition between conifers and deciduous tree species. However, it has been questioned whether this practice affects moose (Alces alces L.) browsing on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with respect to damage at the stand level. In this study, moose winter browsing was examined in relation to food availability in 19 Scots pine stands divided into silviculturally cleaned and non‐cleaned blocks. Cleaning had a negative effect on moose foraging in terms of reduced density, biomass availability, and height of the deciduous tree species. The total biomass consumed by moose was significantly lower on the cleaned blocks than on the non‐cleaned ones. There were no differences between the treatments in the amounts of pine consumed and in moose damage to pines. The density or biomass available of different deciduous tree species did not explain the variation in moose browsing on pine. In conclusion, timing of silvicultural cleaning with reference to moose browsing should be taken into account. If pines are not overtopped by deciduous trees, as in the present study, silvicultural cleaning is not necessary to prevent moose damage.  相似文献   

Ungulate browsing greatly influences regeneration dynamics of some forest ecosystems, yet the relationship between browse susceptibility and foliar chemistry of forest tree seedlings is not well understood. We applied field fertilization (15N-9P-10K controlled-release fertilizer at 0, 20, 40, and 60 g per seedling) and investigated how subsequent changes in terpenoid production and foliar nutrition influence ungulate browse preference for Douglas-fir (Pseudotsugamenziesii (Mirb.) Franco), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla Raf. Sarg.), and western redcedar (Thujaplicata Donn ex D. Don) seedlings across four sites in northwestern Oregon, USA. Fertilization increased foliar N concentration of all three species, but above-ground growth of only Douglas-fir and western hemlock. Foliar monoterpene concentrations for western hemlock and western redcedar also increased at higher fertilization rates, while Douglas-fir monoterpene production was not affected by fertilization. Regardless of monoterpene levels, ungulate browse preference was greater for fertilized western hemlock seedlings. The opposite response, however, was observed for western redcedar at two of the four study sites where the likelihood of browse was greater for non-fertilized than fertilized seedlings. Differences in browse preference among species may depend on the type and amount of individual monoterpenes manufactured in response to fertilization. Western redcedar produce α- and β-thujone, oxygenated monoterpenes known to promote gastroenteritis and possibly inhibit microbial rumen activity, which were absent from Douglas-fir or western hemlock. Higher concentrations of α- and β-thujone associated with increasing fertilizer rate provide a plausible explanation as to why ungulates preferred non-fertilized western redcedar. Our results illustrate species-specific adaptation in browse avoidance and selective ungulate browsing behavior of individual trees as linked to foliar chemistry.  相似文献   

As a result of diverse management policies, densities of red and roe deer have varied considerably for the last few decades in Europe. Their selective browsing on woody species can modify the interactions between competing species and thus change overall patterns of plant diversity in forests. However, no classification of woody species according to browsing by deer yet exists in Europe. The selectivity index, which measures the balance between availability and consumption of plant species by herbivores, could be used for such a classification. The aim of this study was, first, to rank woody species according to this selectivity index, then to test whether their rank changed when browsing pressure varied in space or time. We also explored morphological and ecological life traits (Ellenberg indicator values) that might explain differences in selectivity.In 2006, we re-sampled a network of 217 coupled floristic and browsing survey plots, which had been previously described twice (1976, 1981). The plots were located in the forest of Arc-en-Barrois (France), a large woodland area divided into a North and a South Forest which have had different histories of browsing pressure.For the three samples and the two forests, we calculated a selectivity index for 19 woody species. Dogwood (Cornus sp.) and field rose (Rosa arvensis) appeared to be the most selected species whereas beech (Fagus sylvatica), common mezereon (Daphne mezereum) and wild-service tree (Sorbus torminalis) were always avoided. The rank order of species according to their selectivity index remained stable over the three sample years and between the two forests (Spearman's rank correlations: ρ ≈ 0.8 spatially, and range from 0.3 to 0.8 temporally). This indicates that variations in browsing pressure did not strongly modify deer selectivity patterns. Selectivity was positively correlated with wood density and negatively correlated with maximum height of the species, but unrelated to other plant traits. Finally, selectivity can be seen as an intrinsic characteristic of those woody species, and could be used as an additional life trait when analyzing vegetation communities.  相似文献   

Diversionary winter feeding of browsing ungulates is an increasingly common management practice although evidence for its efficacy to reduce excessive browsing remains ambiguous. Moreover, comparative estimates on changes in browsing pressure (proportion of available shoots browsed) following long-term winter feeding are currently lacking. We quantified spatiotemporal changes in browsing pressure of moose (Alces alces L.) on commercial and non-commercial tree species around 30 feeding stations after 15–20 years of winter feeding. The results were compared with browsing pressure indices recorded at the same feeding stations 10 years previously. We expected leader stem and lateral twig browsing to have increased over time at a fine spatial scale (≤200 m from feeding station) and to have increased in spatial extent away from feeding stations. Furthermore, we tested whether moose browsing patterns conformed to central-place foraging theory. Despite 2–3-fold higher faecal pellet group numbers in the vicinity of feeding stations, leader stem browsing increased only on the commercially valuable Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst), a species normally avoided by moose. Lateral twig browsing largely decreased within 200 m of feeding stations while at a broader scale (≤1 km from feeding stations), leader stem browsing was high on most tree species (ca. 60% of available stems browsed) as expected, Peak browsing on lateral twigs of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) occurred further from feeding stations after 15–20 years of winter feeding than 10 years earlier. Browsing pressure on active feeding stations (n = 18) was comparable to that on inactive feeding stations (n = 12), suggesting the occurrence of rebrowsing. The ability of central-place foraging theory to explain fine-scale browsing patterns around feeding stations decreased as diversionary feeding continued over time. Long-term diversionary winter feeding of moose in unproductive boreal forests has serious implications for the intensity of fine-scale browsing pressure, which may lead to resource depletion close to feeding stations followed by high browsing pressure at distances further away from feeding stations. Our study emphasizes the importance of considering the longevity of a winter feeding programme at its inception.  相似文献   

The responses of fine root mass, length, production and turnover to the increase in soil N availability are not well understood in forest ecosystems. In this study, sequential soil core and ingrowth core methods were employed to examine the responses of fine root (≤1 mm) standing biomass, root length density (RLD), specific root length (SRL), biomass production and turnover rate to soil N fertilization (10 g N m−2 year−1) in Larix gmelinii (larch) and Fraxinus mandshurica (ash) plantations. N fertilization significantly reduced fine root standing biomass from 130.7 to 103.4 g m−2 in ash, but had no significant influence in larch (81.5 g m−2 in the control and 81.9 g m−2 in the fertilized plots). Similarly, N fertilization reduced mean RLD from 6,857 to 5,822 m m−2 in ash, but did not influence RLD in larch (1,875 m m−2 in the control and 1,858 m m−2 in the fertilized plots). In both species, N fertilization did not alter SRL. Additionally, N fertilization did not significantly alter root production and turnover rate estimated from sequential soil cores, but did reduce root production and turnover rate estimated from the ingrowth core method. These results suggested that N fertilization had a substantial influence on fine root standing biomass, RLD, biomass production and turnover rate, but the direction and magnitude of the influence depended on species and methods.  相似文献   


The number and size of branches are major determinants of log grading. To study the effect of fertilization on branch characteristics in Norway spruce, trees were sampled in a nutrient optimization experiment in northern Sweden. Data were collected from 24 40-yr-old trees from fertilized and control plots after 12 yrs of annual nutrient application. On the fertilized plots, all essential macronutrients and micronutrients were supplied in irrigation water every second day during the growing season. Fertilization increased the number of new branches, but its effect on branch angle and branch mortality was small. Fertilization increased the diameter of the branches that were formed after the initiation of the treatment, but also the diameter of the branches that were formed before the fertilization commenced. Fertilization enhanced the general growth of a tree, but there were no significant changes in the relationships between stem and branch characteristics. Improved growth rate of trees, as an effect of fertilization, may impair branching quality of logs. Such negative effects may, however, to some extent be counteracted by planting density at stand establishment and later thinning regimens.  相似文献   

Throughout the Amazon of Brazil, manioc (Manihot esculenta) is a staple crop produced through slash-and-burn agriculture. Nutrient losses during slash-and-burn can be large and nutrient demand by food crops so great that fields are often abandoned after two years. In recent decades, farmers have reduced the fallow phase from 20 to ~5 years, limiting plant nutrient accumulation to sustain crop yields. Improved fallows through simultaneous planting of trees with food crops may accelerate nutrient re-accumulation. In addition, slash-and-mulch technology may prevent loss of nutrients due to burning and mulch decomposition may serve as a slow-release source of nutrients. This study in Pará, Brazil, in a 7-year-old secondary forest following slashing and mulching of the vegetation, involved two main plot treatments (with and without P and K fertilizers) and two sub-plot treatments (with or without a N2-fixer Inga edulis). A mixed-culture of trees and manioc was planted in all plots. P and K fertilizer increased tree mortality due to weed competition but growth of surviving trees in four of the five tree species tested also increased as did biomass production of manioc. In the N2-fixer treatment trends of greater growth and survival of four of five tree species and manioc biomass were also observed. Fertilization increased the biomass of competing vegetation, but there was a fertilizer by N2-fixer interaction as I. edulis caused a reduction in competing biomass in the fertilized treatment. After one year, fertilization increased decomposition of the mulch such that Ca, Mg, and N contents within the mulch all decreased. In contrast, P and K contents of mulch increased in all treatments. No influence of the N2-fixer on 0–10 cm soil N contents was observed. Two years after establishment, this agroforestry system succeeded in growing a manioc crop and leaving a well-maintained tree fallow after the crop harvest.  相似文献   

The growth response of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.), Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana Mill.), and white pine (Pinus strobus L.) to weed control and fertilization in the Piedmont of Virginia was assessed. Four different silvicultural treatments were evaluated: (1) check (no treatment); (2) weed control; (3) fertilization; (4) weed control plus fertilization. The weed control treatment included a series of herbicide and mechanical treatments to eliminate competing hardwoods. The fertilizer treatments added N, P, K, and S. Survival and growth was measured annually through age 5. There were significant differences in survival and growth among species. Survival was greatest for loblolly pine, lower in shortleaf and Virginia pine, and lowest in white pine. Fertilization without controlling the competing hardwoods decreased survival in all planted pines due to the increased hardwood competition. Loblolly pine was tallest through the 5-year period, shortleaf and Virginia pine were shorter and white pine was shortest. Silvicultural treatments had no impact on tree height but significantly affected DBH. Weed control increased DBH while fertilization did not. When applied in combination with weed control, there was no additional increase in growth of the pines due to fertilization beyond that from weed control only. Fertilization stimulated the growth of the competing hardwoods which were significantly taller in the fertilized plots.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in above ground dry-matter, nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) accumulation were measured following application of N and P in autumn or spring to 1-year-old Pinus radiata (D. Don). Dry-matter production and nutrient accumulation were measured eight times over two years following fertilization.

All trees produced dry-matter throughout the year, but during the summer, fertilized trees produced more dry-matter than unfertilized trees. In contrast to dry-matter production, nutrient accumulation showed a distinctly seasonal pattern with maximum accumulation of N and P occurring in winter and spring, when rainfall and soil moisture were highest. Accumulation of N and P either slowed markedly or ceased during summer depending on fertilizer treatment. Continued dry-matter production during summer, when nutrient accumulation was low, resulted in the decline of N and P concentrations in needles, branches and stems of all trees. This indicated that nutrients required for new growth during summer were mobilized from existing foliage and wood. Fertilization increased the concentrations of N and P in foliage and wood, and these higher concentrations persisted through summer. Spring fertilization increased N accumulation to a greater extent than autumn fertilization, this effect lasting two years. The greater dry-matter production by fertilized trees during summer indicated that growth during summer was limited by nutrient supply.  相似文献   


The effects of fencing and site preparation on performance of birch (Betula pendula Roth), oak (Quercus robur L.), pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] seedlings were studied over four growing seasons in southern Sweden. The experiment was composed of four browsing treatments, from which roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) were excluded for 0, 12, 24 or 42 months, and four soil treatments. Natural browsing was combined with artificial browsing (clipping). It was demonstrated that browsing by roe deer could be isolated from browsing by moose (Alces alces L.) by selective fencing. Except for birch, browsing had little effect on seedling survival. Browsing reduced height growth by more than 100% for oak and pine, and more than 60% of pine seedling developed multiple stems. Except for oak, site preparation increased seedling survival. Inverting site preparation, in combination with or without fertilization, produced positive growth responses in seedlings, whereas patch scarification did not. There was no interaction between browsing and soil treatments on seedling performance. It was concluded that long-term protection against browsing by roe deer is needed for oak and pine, whereas short-term fences might be used for birch, and that spruce is relatively unaffected by browsing.  相似文献   

Sallow (Salix caprea L.) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) constitute small proportions of the deciduous tree volume in Scandinavia, but are highly preferred winter forage for moose and red deer, which occur at historically high densities. Thus, a possible decline of these tree species has been indicated. Against this background, we have reviewed the life histories of relevance for browsing, as well as the basic biology and genetics of sallow and rowan. The species show similarities with respect to short lifespan, small size and sympodial growth pattern, which are risk factors in a browsing context. They also have high juvenile growth rate, important for growing quickly out of reach of browsers. Sallow depends strongly on disturbance for establishment and is more demanding with respect to soil and light conditions than rowan, possibly important for the substantially lower abundance of sallow on the Norwegian Forest Inventory plots. Similarly, the relative recruitment of small size classes of sallow is less than for rowan. Although recruitment is reported to be hampered in wintering areas with high moose or red deer densities, the inventory data, however, dating only back to 1994, do not suggest a general decrease in any of the species. Sallow and rowan saplings show low mortality in moose and deer dominated areas and the species can be characterised as rather resilient to browsing. Of more concern is that browsing can constrain the development of mature rowan and sallow trees locally, with possible consequences for associated epiphytic biodiversity.  相似文献   

Absence of, or poor, oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration is a problem in uneven-aged, mixed closed-canopy broadleaved forests. Browsing by ungulates on small trees may contribute to poor oak regeneration in such forests. This possibility was investigated in 25 Swedish stands, and browsing damage was analysed in relation to landscape and stand factors. The proportion of browsed small (<20 cm tall) oak seedlings and other seedlings was low, and apparently a minor mortality factor. For saplings (20–130 cm tall), accumulated browsing damage was generally higher on oak than on five major competing tree species: Fraxinus excelsior, Corylus avellana, Tilia cordata, Acer platanoides and Sorbus aucuparia. Leaf removal was rare in late summer, except for rowan. The amount of cover (shelter) for ungulates near plots was positively correlated with oak browsing intensity; within plots, a high density of ash saplings may reduce browsing on oak saplings. In these forests, browsing probably retards growth of oak saplings relative to competing trees. Oak may persist as a minor stand component, but monitoring is needed to study future changes.  相似文献   

A 3-year study measured the effects of ground cover treatments and N fertilization on biomass and nitrogen dynamics in an irridiated hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr. X P. trichocarpa Torr. and Gray, clone NC-9922) plantation in northern Wisconsin, U.S.A. Annually fertilized (112 kg N ha−1 year−1) and unfertilized plots were maintained weed free (bare soil), allowed to revegetate with native weeds, or seeded to birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.). Biomass and N in trees and ground-cover vegetation were sampled before and after each growing season.Trees in bare-soil plots responded to fertilization primarily in the third growing season, but total biomass of 3-year-old trees was not increased by annual fertilization. In plots with a ground cover,fertilization increased tree growth but cover crop treatment had no effect. Ground cover biomass peaked during the second growing season, but declined thereafter, primarily due to reductions in below-ground biomass. Estimated recovery of fertilizer N was low in bare soil plots after 3 years, with 2% in the ‘perennial’ portion of the trees and 13% in the leaf litter. In contrast, recovery in the cover crop plots was 44%–51% in years 2–4. During that period, both biomass and N pool dominance shifted from primarily cover crop to primarily trees. The ground cover appeared to reduce tree growth in years 1–3, but total tree biomass after 4 years was greater in fertilized plots with ground cover (22.7 Mg/ha) than in fertilized bare soil plots (16.7 Mg/ha). Biomass production in fertilized trefoil plots in the fourth year (15.1 Mg ha−1 year−1, excluding leaves) exceeds that of local forests by 50%, and may be comparable to corn productivity in the area.  相似文献   

In six Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] stands in the Puget Sound Region in Western Washington/USA, forest floor C and N pools were quantified on control plots and on plots that had been fertilized repeatedly with urea 8–30 years ago (total amount of applied N 0.9–1.1 Mg ha−1). Additionally, net N mineralization and nitrification rates were assessed in field and laboratory incubation experiments. Forest floor C/N ratios were decreased on the fertilized plots of all sites compared to the respective control plots. The decreases were particularly strong at sites with initial C/N ratios larger than 30. On sites with low productivity (site index at age 50: <33 m), N fertilization resulted in considerable increases in forest floor N pools. Net N mineralization and nitrification during 12-week field incubation was negligible for the unfertilized and fertilized plots of all except one site (Pack Forest), where the stand had been clear-cut 2 years ago. The increases in N mineralization rates during 12-week laboratory incubation induced by repeated N fertilization showed an inverse relationship to the time elapsed since the last fertilizer application, and were generally larger at sites with initial forest floor C/N ratios >30. For the investigated sites, fertilization effects on net N mineralization sustained for at least 11 years after the last fertilizer application. Nitrification correlated strongly with the forest floor pH; significant formation of NO3 was observed only for O layers with a pH (H2O) higher than 4.5.  相似文献   

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