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L-Ascorbic acid (AsA) and its related compounds play an important role as improvers in bread production. Addition of AsA and its related compounds, such as dehydro-L-AsA (DHA) and 2,3-diketo-L-gulonic acid (DKG), affected the rheological properties of flour-water dough during mixing, especially hardness. Addition of 10 or 100 ppm AsA increased the dough hardness of samples as compared with the control dough. Addition of DHA or DKG to dough only slightly increased hardness. Addition of p-quinone significantly increased the hardness. Both glutathione (GSH) and its oxidized form (GSSG) drastically decreased the hardness. Contents of AsA in the treated dough decreased and contents of DHA increased during mixing, suggesting that oxidation occurred. The oxidation rate of AsA was influenced by the concentration of AsA added. The improving effect of AsA on the rheological properties of flour-water dough seemed to be mostly dependent on reactive intermediate oxidation products such as O2-, while the contribution of DHA was rather limited.  相似文献   

The effect of added fat content on the rheological properties of wheat flour doughs was determined for three different added fat contents (2.5, 5.0, and 7.5%) at 25°C using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and stress relaxation (SR) tests. Frequency sweeps indicated that added fat had a plasticizing effect on G′ and G″ in the rubbery region. SR results were parameterized using a Maxwell model and a Williams-Watts (WW) model. The WW model indicated that each dough could be characterized by just two major relaxation modes, while four elements were needed for the Maxwell model. The average relaxation time for the shorter process was <1 sec and was not affected by added fat. However, the average relaxation time for the longer WW process actually increased from 107 to 261 sec with added fat up to 5%, and then decreased again. Taken together, these results suggest that added fat actually delayed the onset of viscous flow, while simultaneously attenuating the short-time elastic properties of the gluten fraction of the dough. Furthermore, rheological testing over a wide time (frequency) scale was needed to observe the effect of added fat on both the short-time elastic and longer-time viscous behavior of these doughs.  相似文献   

The small deformation rheological properties of wheat flour doughs in relation to their structure and hydration were studied by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, and electron spin resonance. The effect of salt and triglycerides was also examined and compared with results we obtained previously on starch dispersions. Moisture content was adjusted to 48 or 60% (w/w, wb). Samples contained 0–16% NaCl (g/100 g of flour‐water) and 0–18% triolein or lard (g/100 g of flour‐water). The obtained results suggested that starch has an active role in determining the evolution of dough rheological characteristics during heating. The main factors controlling rheological behavior during thermal treatment are the volume fraction and deformability of starch granules. Gluten changes the viscoelasticity of the continuous phase and competes with starch for water. The addition of sodium chloride to flour dispersions shifted the structural disorganization and rigidity increased during heating to higher temperatures. At >7% NaCl, the reverse effect was observed. The mechanism controlling the effect of salt on dough rheological behavior was explained in terms of effect on water properties and on starch structure and hydration. Triglycerides had a lubricant effect (i.e., lowering G′ modulus) on the wheat flour dough system. These effects are of great importance for production and quality of bakery products.  相似文献   

Glucose, maltose, maltotriose, maltotetraose, α- and γ-cyclodextrins, and maltodextrins from potato starch (average degree of polymerization [DP] of 17) and maize starch (average DP of 20) were added to wheat flour-water doughs at levels of 1.0 and 3.0% (based on dry flour weight). Additions of 3.0% (w/w) α- and γ-cyclodextrins increased the 500 farinograph unit (FU) consistency by 174 and 193 FU, respectively, while the same levels of potato and maize starch dextrins increased the consistency by 32 and 21 FU, respectively. Expressed in an alternative way, the water absorption corresponding to 500 FU consistency was increased by 4.2 and 4.6% after addition of 3.0% (w/w) α- and γ-cyclodextrins, respectively. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to evaluate the direct effects of addition of low molecular weight carbohydrates on amylopectin recrystallization in baked flour-water doughs. A significant reduction in amylopectin recrystallization was found after the addition of 3.0% (w/w) γ-cyclodextrin after seven days of storage of the baked wheat flour-water dough.  相似文献   

Two rye cultivars, Marder and Motto, with falling numbers 314 and 309, respectively, were germinated in vitro. Relative to the native grains, germination induced minor local changes in the microstructure of cell walls and proteins in the kernels. Kernels of germinated and native grains were milled, and doughs were prepared from the flours, with water content and incubation time varied according to experimental design. The viscoelastic properties of the doughs were measured just after mixing and after various incubation times. The area of blue fluorescence, a measure of intact cell walls, was quantified by computer-assisted image analysis in thin sections of rye dough after mixing and incubation, and the starch structure was studied under the microscope after iodine staining. The water content of the doughs was explained well by the rheological behavior. Doughs made from flours of germinated grains were always softer than doughs made from flours of native grains, and Marder doughs were always more rigid than Motto doughs. The higher the water content, and the longer the incubation time, the greater the rheological changes during incubation. Microstructural studies showed that germination and incubation caused changes in the cell wall structures of dough that might explain the softening of the doughs.  相似文献   

Microencapsulated high‐fat powders are a healthy and convenient alternative to fats normally used in cereal‐based products. In powder form they are easier to use than block fat. Microencapsulation involves dispersion of the fat using homogenization. The globules are then fixed by spray‐drying. Empirical and fundamental rheological tests were conducted on doughs containing commercial vegetable fat and four microencapsulated high‐fat powders. The doughs were compared with a standard dough containing no fat. The powders contained 70% vegetable fat or milk fat. The encapsulating agent used was either sodium caseinate or whey protein concentrate (5–10%). Sucrose or lactose were also present in the powders (20–25%). The powders were manufactured at low‐ or high‐pressure homogenization. Farinograph and extensigraph tests were performed on all doughs. Dynamic oscillation tests were conducted in the linear visco‐elastic region of the dough. Addition of fat and microencapsulated high‐fat powders produced using low‐pressure homogenization reduced the complex modulus of the doughs. The results showed an increase in phase angle with incorporation of commercial fat and the microencapsulated high‐fat powders. Scanning electron microscopy was conducted to examine the effects of the additives on dough structure. This study demonstrated that microencapsulated high‐fat powders, especially powders produced using low‐pressure homogenization, had some beneficial effects on dough rheology when compared with doughs produced with commercial fat.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase (TG) catalyzes the formation of nondisulfide covalent crosslinks between peptide‐bound glutaminyl residues and ∊‐amino groups of lysine residues in proteins. Crosslinks among wheat gluten proteins by TG are of particular interest because of their high glutamine content. Depolymerization of wheat gluten proteins by proteolytic enzymes associated with bug damage causes rapid deterioration of dough properties and bread quality. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possibility of using TG to regain gluten strength adversely affected by wheat bug proteases. A heavily bug‐damaged (Eurygaster spp.) wheat flour was blended with sound cv. Augusta or cv. Sharpshooter flours. Dynamic rheological measurements, involving a frequency sweep at a fixed shear stress, were performed after 0, 30, and 60 min of incubation on doughs made from sound or blended flour samples. The complex moduli (G* values) of Augusta and Sharpshooter doughs blended with 10% bug‐damaged flour decreased significantly after 30 min of incubation. These dough samples were extremely soft and sticky and impossible to handle for testing purposes after 60 min of incubation. To test the possibility of using TG to counteract the hydrolyzing effect of bug proteases on gluten proteins, TG was added to the flour blends. The G* values of TG‐treated sound Augusta or Sharpshooter doughs increased significantly after 60 min of incubation. The G* values of the Augusta or Sharpshooter doughs blended with bug‐damaged flour increased significantly rather than decreased after 30 and 60 min of incubation when TG was included in the dough formulation. This indicates that the TG enzyme substantially rebuilds structure of dough hydrolyzed by wheat bug protease enzymes.  相似文献   

A barley mutant with high‐amylose starch, Himalaya 292, combines the potential cholesterol reducing effects of barley with the gastrointestinal benefits of high‐amylose resistant starches. Himalaya 292 has alterations in the content and composition of a range of grain constituents, thus conditions for successful addition to foods need to be defined. In this study, the rheological and breadmaking properties of doughs prepared by combining wheat flours (with various gluten protein compositions) with various barley genotypes (Himalaya 292 and the control cultivars Himalaya and Torrens) have been determined. The effects of barley addition on the rheological properties of the admixtures differed. While addition of Himalaya 292 increased the strength and reduced the extensibility of admixture doughs, addition of the Himalaya and Torrens barley flours to the wheat flours reduced both strength and extensibility. The addition of Himalaya and Torrens barley flour reduced water absorption levels. However, addition of Himalaya 292 whole grain flour increased the water absorption of the admixtures significantly (P < 0.01). The baking data showed that selection of an appropriate wheat flour with a combination of strength and extensibility allows higher levels of incorporation of barley, facilitating an increased delivery per serving of constituents with positive health attributes in β‐glucan and resistant starch.  相似文献   

Extrudate expansion of cereal‐based products is largely dependent on the molecular interactions and structural transformations that proteins undergo during extrusion processing. Such changes strongly influence the characteristic rheological properties of the melt. It is possible to modify rheological properties of wheat flour during extrusion processing, in particular shear viscosity, with cysteine. The objective of this work was to further develop an understanding of the molecular interactions and structural transformations of wheat flour from dynamic oscillatory rheological measurements. Temperature and frequency sweeps were conducted in the linear viscoelastic range of the material. Changes in the storage modulus (G′), the loss modulus (G″) and the loss tangent (tan δ) of 25% moisture wheat flour disks as a function of cysteine concentration (0–0.75%) were monitored. Molecular weight between cross‐links (Mc) and the number of cross‐links (Nc) per glutenin molecule were determined from frequency sweep data. Increasing cysteine concentration broke cross‐links by decreasing G′ maximum and increasing tan δ values. Molecular weight between cross‐links increased and the number of cross‐links decreased. G′ values from temperature sweeps showed a similar trend. This information leads to a better understanding of the viscoelastic behavior of wheat flour doughs during extrusion cooking and elucidation of protein‐protein reaction mechanisms and other interactions in extruded cereal‐based snack foods.  相似文献   

To gain further understanding of the functionality of ingredients in oriental wheat noodles, the rheological properties of raw noodles made using high protein (Red Bicycle) or low protein (Sandow) wheat flours and various additives (salt or alkaline reagents at concentrations of 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0%) were investigated using frequency sweep and temperature sweep oscillatory tests. Generally, both the elastic modulus(G′) and viscous modulus (G″) of raw noodles increased when various levels of salt or alkaline (kansui and NaOH) reagents were included in the formulation, with the exception of Red Bicycle noodles where the G″ was not significantly affected by the salt. The G′was significantly decreased in the presence of sodium chloride at concentrations ≤4.0% and kansui at <0.5%. The change in rheological properties of raw noodles was related to the wheat flour quality, type, level of additive, and frequency. The G′, G″, phase angle, and complex viscosity changed in a similar pattern when raw noodles were heated from 25 to 100°C. These parameters decreased initially with increasing temperature until they reached a valley and then increased either to a plateau or continuously in noodles containing kansui. The appearance of valley points at 75.5 and 77.2°C during heating of Sandow and Red Bicycle noodles containing salt, and 89.4, and 83.2°C during heating of Sandow and Red Bicycle noodles containing kansui, respectively, was not associated with starch gelatinization as determined using differential scanning calorimetry. The continuous increase in G′, G″, and complex viscosity observed with noodles containing kansui during the hold period at 100°C was attributed to the high pH environment and not to the inactivation of α‐amylase.  相似文献   

Three different flours were examined to study the influence of moisture content on the dynamic viscoelastic behavior of wheat flour dough. Doughs with moisture contents varying from 43 to 58% were submitted to dynamic testing using a mechanical spectrometer operating in frequency sweep mode, obtaining information about rheological response in the linear viscoelastic range. To characterize the influence of moisture content on the dynamic viscoelastic behavior of wheat flour dough, some hypotheses regarding the functional role of the water molecules were verified by applying reduction procedures of the rheological curves. By shifting the rheological curves along the vertical axis, it was possible to verify that varying the moisture content of the doughs not only changed dynamic properties but also modified viscoelastic response. By applying a reduction procedure similar to that used to estimate the constants of the Williams, Landel, and Ferry equation, we demonstrated that not only did the viscoelastic response of doughs vary, but that water molecules interfere with the dynamic by which relaxation phenomena take place. Finally, we proved that the rheological behavior of flour dough is similar to that of concentrated polymer solutions, and that it can be characterized by using a double reduction procedure, shifting the rheological curves along the vertical and horizontal axes, and obtaining a master curve that can be considered inherently characteristic of viscoelastic behavior.  相似文献   

Flour and doughs represent rheologically complex materials whose properties are dependent on many factors including processing conditions. To avoid some of the problems associated with the rheological characterization of dough, we have initiated a study focused on the rheological properties of one of the major components of dough, vital wheat gluten. Suspensions of vital wheat gluten were prepared with concentrations of 225–325 mg/mL.The moduli of the gluten suspensions was 0.2 Pa at 225 mg/mL to 37 Pa at 325 mg/mL. At <250 mg/mL, the gluten suspensions exhibited fluidlike behavior. The crossover frequency, (G′[ω] = G″[ω]) shifted slightly from 0.5 rad/sec at 225 mg/mL to 0.9 rad/sec at 250 mg/mL. At >300 mg/mL, the gluten suspensions exhibited solidlike behavior. The crossover frequencies were independent of concentration and equal to 100 rad/sec. At <250 mg/mL, the high‐frequency behavior of moduli were proportional to ω3/4, as expected for a semiflexible coil. At >300 mg/mL, the high‐frequency behavior of moduli were proportional to ω1/2, indicating a flexible coil. These results suggest vital wheat gluten suspensions undergo a structural change between 250 and 300 mg/mL.  相似文献   

The viscoelastic properties of durum wheat flour doughs were measured using the extensigraph in uniaxial extension and the Rheometrics mechanical spectrometer in oscillatory shear. The research examined the effect of increasing density of cross-links on rubber elasticity in these systems. The stress-strain behavior of durum wheat flour dough was not well simulated by Mooney-Rivlin type nonlinear elasticity. Addition of increasing amounts of iodate made the dough show appreciable strain thickening behavior, approximating the behavior of natural rubbers The estimated apparent molecular weight between cross-links ranged from 10,500 to 16,000, much larger than that of rubbers, for which values are in the range of 500–1,000. When the Mooney-Rivlin equation was tested, it appeared to approximate only moderately well the extensional behavior of iodate-added wheat flour doughs at finite but low extensions, where the finite extensibility of chains is not a factor. It is hypothesized that the cross-linked network is highly diluted with hydrogen and hydrophobic bonds that limit the applicability of rubberlike elasticity theories. Increasing the cross-linked density using iodic acid developed matrices that moved the behavior of durum flour doughs closer to Mooney-Rivlin behavior.  相似文献   

Four pairs of near-isogenic wheat lines, with and without the 1BL/1RS translocation, and differing at the Glu-1 loci (coding for high molecular weight [HMW] glutenin subunits) were evaluated for their dough mixing properties, dough stickiness, and baking performance. In all 1BL/1RS translocation lines, weakening of the dough consistency occurred within 2 min past peak time. The full-formula dough from every 1BL/1RS translocation line exhibited poor dough mixing characteristics and increased stickiness compared to the corresponding wheat control. The HMW glutenin subunits coded by the Glu-A1 locus had no apparent effect on mixing properties, but did have a slight effect on the dough stickiness at two of the four stages of dough mixing. Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 loci encoded glutenin subunits produced significant changes in dough mixing properties and dough stickiness, respectively. With respect to baking performance, there was no significant difference between loaf volumes of 1BL/1RS versus control wheats for three of four near-isogenic pairs. Within the 1RS-group, the translocation lines containing HMW glutenin subunits 5+10 produced bread with greater loaf volumes than the pairs containing its allelic counterpart 2+12. Loaf volume was not influenced by the subunits associated with the Glu-B1 loci. In general, the breads baked from 1BL/1RS translocation lines had a relatively poor crumb and crust quality and contained larger gas cells than the wheat controls. In comparing isogenic pairs, the magnitude of the difference in loaf volume between the control wheat and the corresponding 1BL/1RS translocation line was greater in the pair unique for HMW subunits 5+10; the difference was primarily due to the stronger mixing properties of the wheat control.  相似文献   

Farinography and mixography are two commonly used procedures for evaluating dough properties. These procedures, however, cannot separate hydration and energy input during dough development, both of which are critically important for understanding fundamental rheological properties of dough. A rheometer and laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) were used to study the relationship between rheological properties and microstructural characteristics of developed (by farinograph with both shear and extensional deformations), of partially developed (by rheometer with either shear or extensional deformation), and of nondeveloped (no deformation) dough samples of wheat flours. Rheological data revealed that developed dough had the highest G* (most elastic or strong), followed by doughs partially developed with extensional deformation, and then shear deformation, and finally by nondeveloped dough. The LSCM z‐sectioning (scanning of different layers of the sample) and the analysis of amount of protein matrix showed that developed dough had the most protein matrix and nondeveloped dough had the least protein matrix. It also showed that the higher the G*, the greater the protein network. Moreover, the type of deformation appeared to contribute to the development of protein matrix and further increase the dough strength. In this study, a combination of shear and extensional deformations by farinograph produced the most protein matrix and the strongest dough, followed by extensional deformation, shear deformation, and then no deformation.  相似文献   

The effects of a laccase from the fungus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus on the mixing of a wheat flour dough with or without added ferulic acid (FA) were studied. Laccase reduced dough time‐to‐peak and accelerated dough breakdown in comparison with the control. Its effect was enhanced with FA. The water extractability of arabinoxylans (AX) increased during mixing of a dough free of added laccase, especially with exogenous FA. At the same time, the extractability of FA decreased during mixing. Added FA may have competed with endogenous AX feruloyl esters, inhibiting partly oxidative gelation. Laccase decreased AX extractability by chain cross‐linking through oxidative dimerization of feruloyl esters. FA and, moreover, FA plus laccase, increased the oxidation of sulfhydryl (SH) groups. FA and, even more, FA in combination with laccase, increased the rate of protein depolymerization during mixing. FA and the products of FA laccase oxidation participated in a redox reaction involving SH groups. A coupling reaction involving enzymatically generated feruloyl radicals and thiol radicals generated through the mechanical breakdown of inter‐chain disulfide bonds might explain these results.  相似文献   

This research investigated the effects of micronization, at different moisture levels, on the chemical and rheological properties of wheat. A set of tests designed to analyze protein fraction characteristics and rheological behaviors were conducted on samples from four wheat cultivars (AC Karma, AC Barrie, Glenlea, and Kanata). After being subjected to infrared radiation at three moisture levels (as‐is, 16%, and 22%), the seeds were milled to produce straight‐grade flour. The protein fractionation test revealed significant decreases (P ≤ 0.01) in both monomeric proteins (from 54% of total protein in the control to 37% in the tempered micronized sample) and soluble glutenins (9.4–2.5%). There was a strong negative correlation (r = ‐0.98) between the percentages of monomeric proteins and insoluble glutenins. Total extractable proteins of micronized samples tempered to 22% moisture decreased 43.5% when compared with nonmicronized control samples using size‐exclusion HPLC (SE‐HPLC). Micronization had a significant effect on gluten properties, as seen from a decrease in water absorption (P ≤ 0.01) and dough development time (P ≤ 0.01). Results showed that micronization at 100 ± 5°C had detrimental effects on wheat flour gluten functionality, including a decrease in protein solubility and impairment of rheological properties. These phenomena could be due to the formation of both hydrophobic and disulfide bonds in wheat during micronization.  相似文献   

The effect of mixing has been tested on the extractable activities of lipoxygenase, peroxidase, and catalase from dough after 2, 5, and 20 min of mixing, and 30 min of rest period after 20 min of mixing. Different mixing conditions have been studied including temperature, atmosphere, speed, amount of water added to the dough, buffer solutions between pH 3.6 and 7.5 added to the dough, and different additives (linoleic acid, guaiacol, hydrogen peroxide, ascorbic acid, cysteine, yeast, and sodium chloride). In all the mixing conditions tested, the dough peroxidase activity remains equivalent to the initial flour activity, whereas losses in lipoxygenase and catalase activities largely varied according to mixing conditions. The results show that a self-destruction mechanism as well as physicochemical denaturation are responsible for these losses. Lipoxygenase losses seem mainly associated with the former mechanism, whereas catalase losses are highly increased in acidic conditions (physicochemical denaturation). Therefore, the relative impact of the three oxidoreducing enzymes may be largely modulated by mixing conditions.  相似文献   

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