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Rheological and structural behavior of dough prepared with two Argentinean flours (FI and FII) of different dough extensibilities were studied. Flours were analyzed by composition and rheological assays. Structural properties of dough prepared at different mixing times were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, free sulfhydryls quantification, and yield of different protein fractions, as well as their protein surface hydrophobicity. Size of high molecular weight glutelin soluble aggregates was analyzed through multistacking gel electrophoresis. Dynamic viscoelasticity of dough was also studied. Flours FI and FII presented similar physicochemical properties but different rheological properties. Structural properties of both flour components were different. Starch from FI flour generated a more viscous paste than that of FII. FI presented a higher glutenin‐to‐gliadin ratio and a higher content of free sulfhydryls than FII. The resulting dough of FI showed a high development time and was more stable than FII. FI contained a high proportion of soluble HMW glutenins and formed dough with a more depolymerized insoluble protein residue containing a lower amount of gliadin in its matrix than FII. FI also formed a more elastic and stable dough with higher development time than FII. The specific structural characteristic of FI turns this flour into suitable raw material for the preparation of different bakery products in which elasticity of dough would be an important functional property.  相似文献   

Functionality of four leavening acids (sodium aluminum phosphate [SALP], sodium aluminum sulfate [SAS], monocalcium phosphate [MCP] and sodium acid pyrophosphate [SAPP‐28]) was evaluated during processing of wheat flour tortillas. Formulas were optimized to yield opaque, large‐diameter tortillas with pH 5.9–6.1. Each leavening acid and sodium bicarbonate was first evaluated at 38°C and then evaluated in combination with fumaric acid at 34 and 38°C. Ionic and pH interactions of leavening salts adversely affected dough properties and resting time. Opacity and pH of tortillas prepared with MCP was lower than for other treatments. Higher dough temperature required more leavening acid and base to compensate for some of the loss of CO2 incurred during dough mixing and resting at 38°C. The addition of fumaric acid decreased the amount of leavening acid, the dough‐resting time and tortilla pH, and improved storage stability. Combinations of MCP, SALP (or SAS), and fumaric acid produced dough and tortillas with good qualities. Tortillas prepared using SALP (or SAS) and fumaric acid tended to be of better quality.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of wheat doughs prepared from different flour types, water contents, and mixing times for a total of 20 dough systems were studied. The results were compared with the results of standard baking tests with the same factors. Water and flour type had a significant effect on storage modulus (G′) or phase angle measured by an oscillatory test both in the linear viscoelastic region and as a function of stress, and on compressional force measured as a function of time. The correlation of maximum force of dough in compression and G′ of dough measured within the linear viscoelastic region was r = 0.80. Correlation between the compression and oscillation test improved when all measuring points of the G′ stress curve were included (r = 0.88). The baking performance of the different doughs varied greatly; loaf volumes ranged from 2.9 to 4.7 mL/g. Although the water content of the dough correlated with the rheological measurements, the correlation of G′measured in the linear viscoelastic region or maximum force from stress‐time curve during compression was poor for bread loaf volumes. Mixing time from 4.5 to 15.5 min did not affect the rheological measurements. No correlation was observed with the maximum force of compression or G′ of dough measured in the linear viscoelastic region and baking performance. Good correlation of rheological measurements of doughs and baking performance was obtained when all the data points from force‐time curve and whole stress sweep (G′ as a function of stress) were evaluated with multivariate partial least squares regression. Correlation of all data points with loaf volume was r = 0.81 and 0.72, respectively, in compression and shear oscillation.  相似文献   

Exposure of wheat flour to ethanol solutions followed by slow drying of the ethanol in situ alters the subsequent transformation of the flour into dough. Several types of wheat flour were exposed to small amounts of ethanol solutions so as to be “wetted” but without the appearance of a separate liquid phase. The wet sample was then dried in air. Dough was formed from the treated flour, and its rheological parameters were assessed, including time to peak strength (mixograph and farinograph) and gluten index (glutomatic). Untreated and treated flour and the dough prepared therefrom were assayed using 1D SDS‐PAGE (reducing and unreducing conditions), capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) applied to 70% leachates with and without sonication, and differential scanning calorimetry. Both gluten index and time to peak increased as a result of the treatment, and the increase was greater for flour or enriched vital gluten with an initially low gluten index than for flour with a relatively high initial index. Endosperm fragmentation following milling of the treated flour was improved by the treatment. Thermal transitions were at lower temperatures following treatment, indicating less structural order and reduced thermal stability. No compositional differences were evident when studied with robust analytical methods. CZE of leached samples (no sonication) revealed lower amounts of accessible or detected proteins following treatment. Conformational changes and new secondary interactions, therefore, appear to cause the effect.  相似文献   

Various studies have been carried out on wheat flour to understand protein and starch changes when subjected to mixing and temperature constraints, but structural changes of proteins and starch at the typical moisture levels of a dough system are not fully understood. The aim of this research was to improve our understanding of (micro)structural changes at the mesoscopic level, through empirical rheology, microscopy (light and scanning electron microscopy), sequential protein extractions, and glutenin macropolymer wet weight along the mixing, heating, and cooling stages of the Mixolab assay. Studies were performed on three wheat flours with different protein contents. The rheological analysis allowed identifying the role of the proteins and the relationship between the protein content and different primary and secondary parameters obtained from the recorded curves. The progressive heating and mixing stages during the Mixolab assay resulted in a dynamic de‐ and restructuring of proteins involving interactions between the flour proteins from water soluble to SDS soluble to SDS insoluble and vice versa. The microstructure analysis with light, polarized, and scanning electron microscopy revealed the changes that proteins and starch molecules underwent during mixing, heating, and cooling. Qualitatively, the starch structural changes, swelling, and gelatinization observed by microscopic techniques showed some parallels with protein (and glutenin) content of the respective flour. Nevertheless, this tentative finding needs further confirmation by studying flour samples with large differences in glutenin content.  相似文献   

The effects of ferulic acid and transglutaminase (TG) on the properties of wheat flour dough and bread were investigated. Ferulic acid and TG were blended with hard wheat flour at levels of 250 and 2,000 ppm of flour weight, respectively. The addition of ferulic acid reduced the mixing time and mixing tolerance. The addition of TG did not obviously affect the mixing properties. Significant effects of ferulic acid plus TG on the rested dough texture were observed for overmixed dough. The maximum resistance (Rmax) of the dough was significantly reduced with the addition of ferulic acid but increased with the addition of TG. The addition of TG with ferulic acid restored the Rmax reduced by ferulic acid alone. The proportion of SDS‐soluble high molecular weight proteins in the dough increased with the addition of ferulic acid and decreased with TG, when assessed with size‐exclusion HPLC fractionation. Although the addition of TG improved the handling properties of the dough made sticky with added ferulic acid, it did not improve the quality of the bread with added ferulic acid as measured by loaf volume and firmness.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase (TGase) can improve the functional characteristics of proteins by introducing covalent bonds inter‐ or intrachains. Temperature and pH interfere with the protein structure and the catalytic activity of enzymes. Because these three factors can act synergistically, TGase, citrate buffer, and temperature were evaluated for their effects on the rheological and chemical changes in low‐protein wheat flour dough. Dough strength, measured by microextension test, significantly increased with increasing levels of TGase (8 U/g of protein), with changes in pH of the citrate buffer (pH 6.5), and by the effect of interaction between these factors. The same trend was observed in the size‐exclusion HPLC measurements, indicating that these two parameters have the effect of increasing gluten protein aggregation. Temperature had a significant effect on dough extension, measured by microextension test. The changes in secondary structure of gluten protein were investigated by FTIR second‐derivative spectra (amide I region, 1,600–1,700 cm−1) and showed an increase in β‐sheet structures initiated by TGase, citrate buffer pH, and their interaction.  相似文献   

Wheat flour dough adhesiveness was evaluated using a new instrumental method based on the extrusion of a dough strip through a specific Plexiglas cell, and the measurement of adhesiveness to a Plexiglas probe attached to a texturometer (TA.XT2‐250N). Experimental conditions for adherence measurement were based on a central composite experimental design (four parameters, five levels). Effects of both dough water content and dough strip thickness were studied. As dough water content increases, bulk stretching of the dough increases, which gives rise to a shoulder on the recorded force‐displacement curve (in addition to the formation of visible fibrils), more pronounced at higher water contents, and to an increase in the specific energy of separation ω (J/m2). Increasing dough thickness also increases ω, due to additional energy dissipation in a higher volume of dough. The new strip method was then compared with a method using a screen located between dough and probe. The former gave more reproducible and discriminant results.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrocolloids addition (0, 25, or 1.5 g/100 g of flour) on water absorption of flour and their influence on dough rheology were analyzed. The influence of guar gum (GG), xanthan gum (XG), high‐methoxyl pectin (P), locust bean gum (LBG), and a 1:1 mixture of locust bean gum and xanthan gum (LBG+XG) on water absorption was tested by different techniques including farinograph water absorption, water imbibing capacity, SDS sedimentation test, and sucrose solvent retention capacity. The rheological behavior was analyzed through the farinograph parameters and texture profile analysis (TPA). Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to evaluate the behavior of the different mixtures. Absorption values obtained by different methods were increased by XG and LBG+XG addition, particularly at the highest levels (1–1.5%). Flour‐P mixtures showed the lowest absorption. GG‐added mixtures led to the more stable doughs and P to the less stable ones. Addition of NaCl increased stability in all cases. According to TPA, softer and less cohesive doughs than control were obtained when hydrocolloids were added, both in conditions of water availability and water restriction (except for XG and GG at the highest levels). However, when enough water was added, more variation in textural attributes among doughs could be observed by PCA. No remarkable differences compared with the control were observed in the gluten network, as evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. Hydrocolloid incorporation led to rheological changes in dough; the trend and degree of this effect was affected by the amount of water added and the structure and concentration of the hydrocolloid.  相似文献   

The highly variable environmental conditions across the Pacific Northwest (PNW) influence the milling and baking quality of wheat grain produced in this region. This study was conducted to compare the flour composition, dough rheology, and baking quality of soft and hard spring wheat grain produced in diverse environments. Thirteen soft and five hard spring wheat cultivars were grown at Lind, WA (semiarid) and Fairfield, WA (high precipitation) for three years. Grain was evaluated for flour composition, rheology, and experimental baked product quality. Flour composition, rheological properties, and baking qualities were primarily influenced by the environment. Protein contents, microSDS values, and water absorption levels were significantly (P < 0.0001) higher for all cultivars grown at Lind compared with those from Fairfield. Cookie diameters were larger (P < 0.0001) for soft flours from Fairfield, whereas loaf volumes were higher (P < 0.0001) for hard wheat flours from Lind. Results indicate that producing soft or hard wheat outside of its optimal climatic zone reduces experimental baked product quality.  相似文献   

Protein‐protein interactions between wheat flour and solvent‐extracted (SE) or nonsolvent extracted (NSE) texturized soy flours were compared. Doughs were prepared to contain varying ratios of texturized soy flour in combination with wheat flour. Sucrose esters (2.5%) were included in several formulations. Doughs were fractionated into soluble and insoluble fractions at pH 4.7 and pH 6.1. Fractions were dried, powdered, and analyzed using SDS‐PAGE and spectrophotometric techniques. Electrophoretic evaluation indicated interactions between wheat gluten proteins and texturized soy proteins in the absence of sucrose esters. Electrophoretic gels of the wheat‐soy flour mixtures maintained a characteristic soy protein band after acidification to the soy protein isoelectric point. Inclusion of sucrose esters increased the interaction. Texturization conferred effects similar to that of sucrose ester on both forms of lipid‐extracted soy. Sulfhydryl analyses using 7‐chloro‐4‐nitrobenzo‐2‐oxa‐4, 3‐diazole (NBD‐Cl) revealed no change in the relative amount of sulfhydryl groups present in doughs prepared from either the texturized soy flours or the doughs containing equal amounts of wheat starch. These data indicate that interactions between soy protein from texturized soy flours and wheat proteins are not covalent.  相似文献   

A negative relationship between dough strength and dough extensibility would pose a problem for breeding hard wheats, as both dough strength and dough extensibility are desirable. We derived 77 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) from a cross between hard red spring wheat cultivars McNeal and Thatcher. McNeal produces flour with stronger dough and lower extensibility than does Thatcher. RIL were evaluated for strength‐related properties using mixograph analysis and extensibility parameters using the Kieffer attachment to the TA.XT2 texture analyzer. Additionally, the RIL were test baked. Measurements using the mixograph and the Kieffer attachment were highly heritable. Maximum dough extensibility (Extmax) was negatively correlated with resistance to extension (Rmax) (r = ‐0.74) and with mixograph tolerance (r = ‐0.45). Loaf volume was correlated with both Rmax (r = 0.42) and area under the extensigraph curve (r = 0.44) based on partial correlation analysis adjusted for protein differences. Extmax was negatively correlated with loaf volume (r = ‐0.26). The McNeal allele for polymorphism at the Gli1‐B1 locus on chromosome 1BS caused high dough‐mixing tolerance and low dough extensibility. Our results suggest that traditional selection criteria in hard red spring wheat, including tolerance to dough mixing and high loaf volume, may result in reduced dough extensibility.  相似文献   

The effects of oxido-reductants on the rheological properties of wheat flour dough were evaluated by using a capillary rheometer and an oscillatory rheometer at three temperatures. The oxidants potassium iodate (KIO3) and l -ascorbic acid (l -AA) significantly increased the apparent viscosity and G′ and decreased loss tangent at low temperatures of 30 and 60°C due to enhanced formation of disulfide bonds. The reductant glutathione (GSH) had the opposite effect. Heating caused the gelatinization of starch, which diminished the effects of the oxido-reductants and produced doughs with similar rheological properties at 80°C. The correlation between dough rheology and characteristics of extruded noodles was also studied.  相似文献   

In the previous study, we investigated effect of physical state of nonpolar lipids of gluten‐starch model dough. This experiment examined a real wheat flour dough system to assess the role of fat crystals in the breadmaking processes. These experiments were performed with a baking test and an investigation of wheat flour dough through rheological measurements (both large and small deformations), scanning electron microscopy, and ultracentrifugation. As a result, we found that the added oil was absorbed in the gluten structure, causing the aggregation of the gluten, which gave rise to more elastic behavior. In contrast, solid fat seemed to be distributed uniformly between the starch granules in the dough, reducing the friction between the starch granules and facilitating thin gluten gel layers. These properties lead to the lower G′ value and the increased viscous behavior, which yields an increase in loaf volume. In addition, the supposed mechanism behind the large loaf volume described in the previous study was that fat provides a uniform distribution of the dough components, and that the dough can thus expand easily, resulting in a larger loaf volume, which was supported in the wheat flour dough system. In conclusion, we found that thin, expandable gluten films and the uniform dispersion of gluten and starch granules in the dough are prerequisites for attaining better baking performance.  相似文献   

Measurements of creep‐recovery of flour‐water doughs were made using a dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA) in a compression mode with an applied probe force of 50 mN. A series of wheat flour and blend samples with various breadmaking potentials were tested at a fixed water absorption of 54% and farinograph optimum water absorption, respectively. The flour‐water doughs exhibited a typical creep‐recovery behavior of a noncross‐linked viscoelastic material varying in some parameters with flour properties. The maximum recovery strain of doughs with a fixed water absorption of 54% was highly correlated (r = 0.939) to bread loaf volume. Wheat flours with a large bread volume exhibited greater dough recovery strain. However, there was no correlation (r = 0.122) between maximum creep strain and baking volume. The maximum recovery strain of flour‐water doughs also was correlated to some of the parameters provided by mixograph, farinograph, and TA‐XT2 extension.  相似文献   

Dark discoloration negatively influences the aesthetic properties of barley‐based food products. The effects of abrasion and heat treatment of grains, exclusion of oxygen, and the use of antibrowning agents on the retardation of darkening in barley flour gel or dough were determined in four types of barley, including hulled proanthocyanidin‐containing and hulled proanthocyanidin‐free, hulless regular, and hulless waxy barley. Abrasion by >30% in hulled barley and by >15% in hulless barley significantly increased the brightness (L*) of barley flour dough by 0.1–7.1. Steam heating of abraded grains also significantly increased the L* of barley flour gels by 1.8–3.4. Ascorbic acid at 1,500 ppm was most effective for retarding discoloration of barley flour dough, followed by 50 ppm of 4‐hexylresorcinol, which is an enzyme competitive inhibitor. The discoloration of barley flour dough was also effectively reduced by storing the dough sheets at 4°C under nitrogen gas to exclude oxygen or under anaerobic conditions at 20°C. Discoloration of barley‐based food products may be effectively controlled by selecting genotypes with low discoloration development such as proanthocyanidin‐free genotypes, by lowering total polyphenol content or polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity through abrasion, by heat treatment, by exclusion of oxygen, and by the use of enzyme inhibitors.  相似文献   

The Rheo Extrusion Meter (REM) measures the time for vertical upward extrusion of wheat flour dough (subsequently referred to as extrusion time, ET) as a measure of its consistency. ET evidently increases with dough consistency. ETs are highly reproducible and sensitive to differences in dough moisture content. A single REM analysis takes 20 min, and the measured ET can be converted into the correct baking absorption at a given temperature. The heights of the extruded dough pieces are negatively correlated with straight‐dough bread loaf specific volume, both when comparing different flour samples and when adjusting moisture content of dough prepared from a given flour sample. The REM also allows determination of the consistency of complex wheat flour based systems and the impact of vital wheat gluten or ascorbic acid thereupon. Furthermore, in contrast to the farinograph, it detects the impact of endoxylanases hydrolyzing water‐extractable arabinoxylan on dough consistency.  相似文献   

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