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本文综述了奶牛繁殖疾病的发病原因和调控措施,分析认为奶牛的营养状况是影响奶牛繁殖力的重要因素。理想的奶牛管理应做到整个泌乳期始终监测奶牛的体况和奶牛日粮中微量元素的维生素的含量,避免营养素的不平衡而引发的奶牛繁殖障碍,同时应避免奶牛过肥或过瘦。适当补充某些维生素和矿物质十分重要。  相似文献   

奶牛酮病的研究概况   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
奶牛酮病是由于体内代谢紊乱所引起的一种代谢性疾病,主要表现为产奶量、乳汁质量下降,繁殖性能降低,以及内分泌紊乱等,导致奶牛淘汰率增加,给奶牛场造成严重的经济损失。近年来,奶牛酮病的发生率有呈上升的趋势,与目前奶牛产奶量高、日粮结构改变有很大的关系。通过营养调控在一定程度上可以降低酮病的发生率。  相似文献   

The data presented in this review show that past selection for increased milk production in Ireland over a 14-year period (1990 to 2003) resulted in increases in milk production per cow but has been accompanied by undesirable side effects in reproduction and survival. Economic analysis in a EU milk quota scenario over this period showed that only 41% of the potential improvement in farm profit was achieved because of impaired reproductive performance. Strain comparison studies show that genetic selection for increased phenotypic milk production, which is generally accompanied with increased proportion of North American Holstein Friesian genes, was associated with increased milk production per cow, lower body condition score, greater milk production response to concentrate supplementation at pasture and reduced fertility and survival. The lower reproductive performance observed with cows selected solely for high milk production was associated with lower energy balance in early lactation, greater partitioning of additional nutrients towards milk production, inability to achieve desired grass intake from pasture and decreased plasma glucose and insulin like growth factor-1 concentrations. The existence of genotype by environment interactions suggests that germplasm selected in the future should be from within the management system in which it is to be used, and based on a selection index that combines production and other traits of economic importance.  相似文献   

This study examined two female offspring of a somatic cell cloned Holstein cow that had reproduction problems and milk production performance issues. The two offspring heifers, which showed healthy appearances and normal reproductive characteristics, calved on two separate occasions. The mean milk yields of the heifers in the first lactation period were 9,037 kg and 7,228 kg. The relative mean milk yields of these cows were 111.2% and 88.9%, respectively, when compared with that of the control group. No particular clinical abnormalities were revealed in milk yields and milk composition rate [e.g., fat, protein and solids-not-fat (SNF)], and reproductive characteristics of the offspring of the somatic cell cloned Holstein cow suggested that the cloned offspring had normal milk production.  相似文献   

过去二十多年,随着奶牛群体遗传改良计划的持续推进和养殖技术的不断进步,中国奶牛集约化养殖水平和产奶量正在不断提高。但是,历年来的繁育数据显示,越是高产的牛群,繁殖性能下降的趋势越明显,繁殖问题越突出,高产引发的繁殖力下降已经成为制约中国乃至全球奶业发展的瓶颈。低繁殖力会严重影响奶牛生产群的更新速度以及优质牛群泌乳性能的正常发挥。奶牛养殖生产中,造成高产奶牛繁殖性能降低的因素众多,包括遗传因素、环境因素和疾病因素等。近年来,疾病因素对奶牛繁殖性能的影响越来越突出。根据疾病的发生部位,可将影响高产奶牛的疾病分为生殖器官疾病和非生殖器官疾病。作者详细介绍了近年来国内外不同疾病对奶牛繁殖性能影响的相关研究资料,重点分析了疾病通过神经系统、生殖内分泌系统和体液免疫系统等多个途径影响奶牛繁殖性能的分子机制,并对疾病与高产奶牛繁殖性能今后研究的方向提出了展望和思考,以期为提高中国高产奶牛群繁殖效率和经济效益提供一定的借鉴和理论依据。  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years,with the continuous promotion of the genetic improvement plan of dairy cow population and the continuous improvement of feeding technology,the intensive level and milk yield of dairy cow population in China are continuously improving.However,the reproduction data over the years showed that the more milk yield,the more obviously decline in reproductive performance,and the more prominent of the reproductive problems.The decline of fertility caused by high yield has become the bottleneck of the development of dairy industry in China and even in the world.In dairy farming,there are many factors that cause the reduction of reproductive performance of high-yield dairy cows,including genetic factors,environmental factors and disease factors.Recently,the influence of disease factors on reproductive performance of dairy cows has become more and more prominent.According to the location of the disease,the diseases can be divided into genital diseases and non-genital diseases.This paper discussed the relevant research data on the effects of different diseases on the reproductive performance of dairy cows in recent years,and focusing on the analysis of the molecular mechanism of diseases affecting the reproductive performance of dairy cows through the nervous system,reproductive endocrine system and humoral immune system.The prospect and thinking for the future research of diseases and reproductive performance of high-yield dairy cows were put forward to provide reference and theoretical basis for improving the reproductive efficiency and economic benefits of high-yield dairy cows in China.  相似文献   

产乳热是奶牛产犊后泌乳造成血钙水平下降而引发的营养代谢性疾病,其发生病率非常高,对奶牛健康和生产性能影响较大。产乳热增加了奶牛生育性炎症、生殖障碍和内分泌、消化等方面疾病发生的几率,对养殖业造成很大的损失。影响奶牛产乳热的因素有很多,不仅包括奶牛品种、年龄、体况评分、产乳热史等牛自身因子,也包括饲养管理层面的因素,如泌乳天数、干奶期、产犊间隔的控制及奶牛饲料营养水平的调控,还与气候、环境等外界因素相关,这些影响因子往往相互交织,增加了奶牛产乳热的预防和治疗难度。作者综述了奶牛产乳热的发病机理,分析研究了各种因子对奶牛产乳热的影响机制,并介绍了几种预防措施,主要包括对奶牛饲养环境的管理、产犊间隔和泌乳情况的控制和奶牛不同阶段饲料营养水平的调控,以期为降低奶牛产乳热提供理论依据。  相似文献   

养牛业作为农业产业之一,肉、奶等产品在市场上的需求不断提升,但在养殖过程母牛患上生殖系统疾病,该病可引发发情期紊乱等疾病,如不有效治疗会严重影响母牛正常繁殖,养殖场效益受到影响。母牛生殖系统疾病治疗需根据临床诊断采取合理的方案进行,中草药治疗该病在临床上效果明显,本文通过采用中药对母牛生殖系统疾病进行,并阐述相关的作用机理,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

The conception rate in dairy cows is dependent on a number of cow factors such as days in milk and insemination number. Unfortunately, some of these factors were not accounted for in optimal insemination and replacement decision models. By using wrong estimates of the conception rate, the calculated optimal insemination and replacement policy might differ from the real optimal insemination and replacement policy. The objective of this study was to evaluate different sets of conception rates with an increasing level of accuracy to determine the insemination policy. An existing dynamic program for optimal insemination and replacement was used to compare three different scenarios in the estimation of conception rates, based on the reproductive performance of Dutch dairy cattle: (i) constant conception rate throughout lactation, (ii) conception rate dependent on parity and months in milk, and (iii) conception rate dependent on parity, months in milk and insemination number. The time step of the model was 30.4 days (1 month). The discounted future cash flow of culling a cow at each time step (replace a heifer immediately) was compared with keeping that cow under optimal future decisions. The difference between immediate culling and optimal decisions is defined as the retention pay-off. The insemination value was calculated as the difference between the future cash flow between immediate insemination of a cow and waiting one time-step. The results show that the difference in the insemination values and the optimal time to stop insemination depend on parity, lactation stage and the relative milk yield. In older cows with equal milk yields and at the same months in milk, the insemination value was lower than in younger cows. Within a parity, the insemination value was higher for cows with a higher milk yield. On individual cow level, using more accurate conception rate as input in the optimal insemination and replacement model might reduce miscalculation of the economic consequences for at least of €20-€38 per cow per year. Basing insemination decisions on less accurate input of the probabilities of conception, however, did not have an economic consequence at the herd level. In conclusion, using the appropriate conception rate as input in the optimal insemination and replacement model would increase the precise decision for the optimal time to stop insemination and hence improve the reproductive management efficacy.  相似文献   

奶牛子宫扭转诊治的关键是早期诊断,选择最佳的治疗方法和及时救助,最大限度地确保母子的生命安全和母畜的繁殖力。  相似文献   

为了寻找解决办法,引导农民加快奶畜生产,我们于11月16日到23日,对陇县8个乡镇17个奶牛重点村、3个奶牛园区的奶牛存栏、牛群结构、产奶性能、养牛效益、鲜奶收购价格以及饲养中存在的问题进行了全面调查。结果表明,奶牛养殖小区产奶量和生产效益都明显高于散养奶牛。说明集约化乃是今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

牛体尺影响因素及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛体尺指标在一定程度上可以评价品种优劣及生产性能的高低。本文对影响牛体尺的因素做一综述,并从体尺与估测体重、屠宰性能、种公牛繁殖性能、奶牛产奶性能4个方面概述牛体尺应用情况,以期为今后生产中评估牛的肉用经济价值、群遗传选育、改善群体繁殖性能和提高生产性能提供一定的借鉴和指导。  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to create operational replacement guidelines under various conditions concerning reproductive performance, supply of replacement heifers and individual milk yield. Nine culling strategies were defined by three average insemination periods and by three discrimination policies between high- and low-yield cows. The effect of the nine culling strategies was analysed with combinations of heat detection rate and time of initiation of breeding after calving under two replacement heifer purchase policies: purchase (open herd) and no purchase (closed herd). The strategies were evaluated using a stochastic simulation model that simulated production and reproductive status in herds composed of dual-purpose cattle with additional young stock. The evaluation of the strategies was made in a situation without a milk quota under typical Danish conditions in 1993. Results showed that discriminating between high- and low-yield cows improved net revenue significantly in open herds but not in closed herds. Irrespective of the purchase policy, using longer insemination periods increased net revenue significantly in herds with poor reproductive performance; whereas net revenue in herds with good reproductive performance tended to increase by using shorter insemination periods. The culling rate is a poor figure when evaluating culling strategies and culling strategies should be assessed at herd level rather than per cow.  相似文献   

AIM: To identify some production and reproductive effects of calving induction in seasonally calving herds. METHODS: Forty seasonally calving herds entered on the DairyMAN management information system and whose milk yield and reproductive data were recorded, including pregnancy diagnosis results, were included in the study. Cows with an induced parturition were compared with normally calving contemporaries that had the same lactation number and calved at the same time. RESULTS: Milk yield was 1.2 +/- 0.2 litres/cow/day less over the entire lactation for cows induced to calve, with the greatest difference being 2.5 +/- 0.4 litres/cow/day measured in early lactation. The effects on milkfat and protein yield were similar, with 0.04 +/- 0.01 kg/cow/day less milkfat (p < 0.0001) and 0.03 +/- 0.01 kg/cow/day less protein (p < 0.0001). A higher milkfat percentage (+ 0.09 +/- 0.04 %) (p < 0.0001) and protein percentage (+ 0.10 +/- 0.02%) (p < 0.0001) for cows that were induced to calve reduced the effect of a lower milk yield on milkfat and protein production. The first service conception rate for cows induced to calve was 54.4 +/- 3.3%, which was significantly less (p = 0.03) than for cows that calved normally (59.5 +/- 3.3%). Cows induced to calve had a pregnancy rate at the end of mating of 91.4 +/- 2.1%, which was also significantly less (p <0.0001) than for cows that calved normally (93.6 +/- 1.7%). The 21-day submission rates were not significantly different between groups. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that, under some New Zealand management conditions, the induction of calving is associated with reduced daily milk yield and inferior reproductive performance.  相似文献   

奶牛繁殖障碍主要以妊娠奶牛发生流产,产死胎、木乃伊胎、无活力的弱仔、畸形胎儿和奶牛不育症为特征,该病在奶牛场中普遍存在,严重影响和制约奶牛业的发展。笔者从发病原因、临床症状、治疗及预防等方面,对奶牛长期不发情或隐性发情、屡配不孕和生殖器官疾病等奶牛繁殖障碍疾病作了论述,为临床该类疾病的防制提供参考。  相似文献   

Sustained reproductive performance throughout the life of domestic animals can be suspected to require successful rearing of replacements. We studied associations between replacement heifer rearing conditions and reproductive performance throughout the productive life of dairy cows in southwest Sweden by linear mixed modelling. Data consisted of 3542 lactations in 1550 Swedish Reds, Swedish Holsteins or dairy cows of other or mixed breeds, representing all female animals born during 1998 in 107 herds. Median calving interval (CI) was 381, 380 and 377 days in parities 1, 2 and ≥3, respectively. Median observed productive lifetime was 27 months. The applied model included effects of cow housing system, breed, parity, respiratory disease before 3 months of age, whether oestrous detection was performed only at feeding, oestrous-detection ability, calving year, post-calving reproductive disease in a given lactation, milk yield 30 days post-calving relative to the herd mean, the interaction of breed by calfhood respiratory disease and random effects of cow and herd. Severe respiratory disease before 3 months of age in Swedish Red cows was associated with an increase in CI by 12%. Of the total variation in CI, 9.5% was due to herd factors and 12% to cow factors, as opposed to variation between lactations.  相似文献   

Information on the losses associated with lower milk production and reproductive performance, as well as information from a survey of uk dairy herds using beef semen was used to estimate the economic importance of calving difficulties in uk dairy herds. The survey covered information on cow and calf mortality, cow culling and the need for veterinary assistance, the incidences of which were related to the degree of calving difficulty experienced. The total cost of a slightly difficult calving was estimated to be approximately 110 pounds, and of a seriously difficult calving between 350 pounds and 400 pounds, depending on assumptions of the veterinary costs. However, the major costs were associated with the labour required at the delivery, the increase in the number of days open, and the costs associated with the deaths of cows and calves, and cow culling.  相似文献   

[目的]为了寻求适应广西高温高湿气候和饲养条件的优质奶牛,解决本地种源短缺的问题.[方法]用娟姗牛与荷斯坦牛进行品种杂交生产娟荷杂一代犊牛,对娟荷杂一代犊牛精心饲养,采用综合评分的方法筛选优秀个体作为核心群培育,对其生长发育、生产性能进行观察和分析.[结果]:生长性能、繁殖性能良好,奶牛耐粗饲养,泌乳稳定,鲜乳营养丰富...  相似文献   

A survey was carried out on milk production and reproductive performance of dairy cattle: 24 farms, with a total of 900 animals and distributed in four agro-ecological zones, were visited every 15 days over 18 months. Cows were fed on natural pastures as the only source of feed, and animal performance was dependent on the season and exhibited a dramatic drop in dry spells. Numeric productivity indices integrating productive performance for settler’s, multipurpose, crop–livestock integrated and modern farms were 0.56, 0.74, 0.69 and 0.63, respectively. Milk productivity was higher on modern farms (6.7 L/cow per day) than in the other systems, and higher with Holstein-Friesian cows (7.7 L/cow per day) than with indigenous cattle (1.8 L/cow per day) or crossbred animals (3.7 L/cow per day). This paper speculates on the opportunity to improve the genetic potential of indigenous cattle, concomitantly with the efforts to adapt exotic cattle to a mountainous equatorial environment.  相似文献   

Trials were conducted on 47 seasonal supply dairy farms (greater than 5500 cows) to assess the economics of a dry-cow anthelmintic drenching programme. The programme was administered during the autumn/winter of 1983 and consisted of two treatments, the first shortly after drying off (late April-early June) and the second shortly before calving (mid-July-late August). The effects of the programme on the body condition of cows over winter and their subsequent milk production and reproductive performance were assessed. Overall, the treatment did not result in a worthwhile improvement in cow condition over winter. However, there was a small, but significant overall increase in milk production (2.24 kg milkfat/cow/lactation = 51.5 l milk; P less than 0.01). Young cows (3 years old) did not respond significantly better than mature cows, but high quality cows (as assessed on the basis of the previous season's milk production) responded significantly better than those of poorer quality. The pre-calving condition of cows did not significantly influence the magnitude of their response. Calving data for the year following the trials indicated that conception rates and time of conception were unaffected by the drench programme. At prices prevailing at the time of the trials, the programme proved to be only marginally economic overall (approximately 1 kg milkfat/cow was required simply to cover the cost of the anthelmintic used). However, levels of response in the individual herds involved varied considerably.  相似文献   

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