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孙科业 《禽业科技》2007,24(18):46-46
笔者通过近期门诊及深入到农村养鸡专业户家中走访与座谈,发现部分养鸡专业户中,存有不少问题,为促进我市养鸡生产更进一步的健康发展,本人现将养鸡生产中存在的几个突出问题及应采取的对策介绍如下。  相似文献   

根据对农村养鸡生产调研,目前许多农户多为养几十、几百或几千只鸡.基本没有科学养鸡经验。没有生产、加工、贮存、科学配制饲料的经验,没有周密生产计划.多为盲目上马养鸡,在养鸡生产中有许多农户遭到严重经济损失,直接影响农村千家万户致富奔小康。对此.我们将科学生产、加工、配制鸡饲料的经验提供如下,以供广大养鸡户参考。  相似文献   

在农村养鸡生产中,用药方面还存在很多误区。农村要养好鸡,必须走出用药的误区。  相似文献   

最近一段时间笔者对农村养鸡专业户的调查,发现重数量、轻质量的问题普遍存在。具体表现在以下几个方面。  相似文献   

目前,虽然规模化和集约化养鸡得到了较大的发展,但乡镇农村中群众养鸡还是以居家散养为主。他们主要利用屋舍前后闲置的地方养鸡,由于受饲养技术及条件限制,养鸡的成活率不高,效益较差。主要表现在。  相似文献   

农村养鸡损失原因调查与对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
养鸡是农村主要养殖业之一但据农户反映,农村养鸡损失大,经济效益低,影响养鸡业的发展.提高农村养鸡的经济效益,无论从发展生产,活跃农村经济,还是从富裕农民奔小康都具有重要的现实意义.为了摸清农村养鸡损失的原因,提出针对性措施,于1997年下半年在宋阳市范围内进行了调查现就调查情况报告如下:1调查方法11按不同乡镇的不同习惯,选取具有代表性的5个乡镇作基点并联系乡镇兽医站进行调查,每个乡镇调查2个行政村,约对户左右.1.2按调查内容制定好统一表格,由调查人员逐户填写,1.3死亡原因和疾病的分类判定根据畜主所述的…  相似文献   

在当前的中国家禽养殖业中,农村养鸡应该说是一个庞大的“散体”,占据整个养鸡业相当大的比重,为解决农村剩余劳动力,发展农村经济起到了十分重要的作用。但由于养鸡户专业知识欠缺,饲养管理粗放,导致养鸡效益普遍偏低,严重制约着整个养鸡业的快速发展。  相似文献   

葛晓巍 《中国家禽》2001,23(7):47-49
非洲农村养鸡业概况  在非洲,贫穷、饥饿、营养不良等问题越来越受到全球的关注。一些报告指出:在发展中国家,养鸡在改变贫穷及提高妇女社会地位方面起着重要的作用。在许多非洲国家,农村养鸡的数量约占全国养鸡数量的 60% (其产值达 7.5亿美元 ),为全国提供了 30%~ 80%的鸡产品。据估计,农村养鸡每年可提供 12kg肉 /人。而牛只能提供 5.3kg肉 /人。  非洲农村的养鸡在漫长的发展过程中构成了农业系统的一部分。其饲养和管理方式很大程度上受到生态、文化、社会和经济等因素的影响。非洲的农村养鸡主要是以饲养本地鸡种为主,…  相似文献   

根据农村养鸡专业户在饲养过程中出现的问题和需要加强的环节,结合一些专业户的实践经验,现将养鸡专业户在开始养殖之前,应该掌握和注意的关键技术及环节进行论述,以供初养者参考,并与有关养鸡专业户探讨。[编者按]  相似文献   

目前,农村养鸡数量很大.但鸡只的死亡很高,经济效益低下。为了了解农村养鸡死亡率高的原因,对农村养鸡户进行了走访调查。现将调查中发现的主要问题及预防措施报道如下,供农村养殖户参考。  相似文献   

作为一名畜牧科技特派员,通过这几年的精准扶贫、驻村帮扶,深深体会到养牛业已成为当地脱贫致富主要产业之一,但在养牛过程中存在牛舍环境卫生脏、乱、差使肉牛生长发育缓慢,饲养成本增高,肉牛机体抵抗力下降,容易诱发各种疾病.因此在饲养过程中要对牛舍进行科学合理的布局,调控好牛舍内环境,为肉牛提供良好的生产、生活条件,有利于疫病...  相似文献   

A total of 84 farmers in 31 villages of Guadalcanal, Western, Malaita and Central Provinces of the Solomon Islands were surveyed to obtain baseline information on the current feeding practices and farmer attitudes to village poultry production. Farming of village chickens in the Solomon Islands is conducted on a small scale. Most surveyed farmers thought chickens were easy to care for, provide food for the family and was a good cash income enterprise. Some farmers were interested in keeping local chickens, but found it difficult to obtain the birds. The main feed sources are fresh coconut, copra meal, fish meal, mill run, food scraps and forage sources from the range. Some villagers believe that chickens only need to eat household scraps and did not provide drinking water. Many villagers lacked the knowledge of managing a village poultry enterprise. Some chicken houses were built by using bush materials or by purchasing construction materials. Farmers indicated they would like the government to provide funds for establishing a smallholder poultry enterprise and to provide information on feeding and management of birds.  相似文献   

通过对青海省农区奶牛养殖现状的分析,总结了当前奶牛养殖中存在的主要问题,提出了奶牛科学化养殖的相关建议,为青海省奶业发展提供基础数据资料。  相似文献   

During the winter months of 1984 to 1989, outbreaks of laminitis occurred in up to 6 per cent of all the dairy calves aged four to six months on a dairy farm in a village in Israel. The clinical signs were reluctance to move, an arched back, overgrown hooves, supracoronary swelling and occasional walking on the carpus; most of the calves were unthrifty. Owing to the regular recurrence of the disease, the feeding and haematological, radiological and pathological changes in both the affected and normal calves at the farm, and in normal calves at another farm in the same village were studied. In the affected calves there were significant increases in serum protein concentration and in the activities of creatine phosphotinase and gamma-glutamyltransferase. Radiography showed dilated PIII vascular channels and some PIII rotation. Post mortem studies revealed haemorrhages in the laminar section of the hoof. The management of the farms differed in the protein level of the milk replacer and the 'starter' diet used during the first few months. The affected farm used feeds containing 18 per cent digestible protein whereas the unaffected farm used feeds containing 15.3 per cent digestible protein.  相似文献   

非淀粉多糖酶制剂的研究与应用进展   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:36  
本文对非淀粉多糖酶制剂开发和应用所涉及到的理论和实践问题进行了评述。  相似文献   

传统的蜂蜜生产投料方式多为地下投料池投料,存在劳动负荷大生产效率低,投料池有死角不易清洁、投料池泄露无法及时发现、投料池与地面接缝处积水无法清洁等问题。研究证实:通过设备改进,将地下投料池改为地上投料槽投料,同时增加投料泵、纯蒸汽发生器及投料罐,能够实现快速,提高蜂蜜生产效率,保证产品生产质量。值得在蜂蜜加工生产行业推广使用。  相似文献   

作者走访全区三个镇67个村,67位村级防疫员,并从年龄结构、文化程度、工作年限、工作内容几方面进行调查统计分析,结果显示,目前尚存一些亟待解决的问题。建议今后①提高防疫员的待遇;②加强现有防疫员的业务、政治培训。  相似文献   

由于内蒙古部分农牧交错区科学饲养管理与疾病防治技术缺乏,导致在生产中奶牛常见疾病的发病率较高,造成很大的经济损失,因此本文针对这些奶牛养殖区饲养管理和疾病防治技术的需要,综述了“养”和“防”两大关键技术。一是根据奶牛各饲养阶段对营养需要的不同进行科学合理的饲料搭配与管理;二是根据目前奶牛常发的四大疾病提出了具体的防制措施;运用上述两大技术不仅提高了整体养殖水平,而且带来了很大的经济效益。  相似文献   

畜牧养殖小区污染防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴亨进 《家畜生态》2004,25(4):285-286
通过分析畜牧养殖小区存在的环境污染问题、找出其污染源,并提出了相应的技术措施,以提高畜牧养殖小区的综合效益。  相似文献   

Little effort has been made to improve village chickens housing, feeding, and health care. Due to this, the amount of output obtained is usually low. The aim of this study was to elicit farmers’ knowledge on the routine husbandry practices of village chickens. One hundred nineteen farmers were one-on-one interviewed in the highland and lowland areas of Wolaita zone (southern Ethiopia) to generate the dataset used in this analysis. We found that all the respondents supplemented the scavenging chickens with locally available feed resources. However, the amount of supplementary feeds provided hardly meets the nutritional requirement of the flock. As a result, farmers were forced to practice a sort of preferential feeding mainly based on laying performance and the scavenging ability of different classes of the family flock. Moreover, there is a wide difference in the amount and type of feed available among seasons. This variation has forced farmers to resort on strategic supplementation to overcome the adverse effect of inherent feed (grain) scarcity on chickens’ performance especially during wet season. Feed loss should be kept at a minimum by using feeding troughs, and a fraction of money obtained from selling of the chickens and eggs needs to be set aside to purchase feed. The risk of disease was higher during main rain season (June to September). Besides providing sanitary condition and feed supplementation, capacitating the veterinary service and validating the efficacy of ethno-veterinary practices through objective studies is required to improve the health status of village chickens. Majority of the farmers use rudimentary types of in-house built shelters to protect their chickens from adverse effects of bad weather, predation, and theft. This indicates the importance of constructing proper types of shelters from locally (freely) available or inexpensive materials. The existing tradition of responsibility sharing among family members while doing the routine husbandry practices needs to be strengthened to maximize the efficient use of family’s labor force. This improvement plan needs to be mainly implemented through adoption of the existing best traditional practices and through the rational use of cheap and readily available local resources.  相似文献   

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