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通过对海南霸王岭自然保护区金钟藤的发生与分布进行了调查,掌握了金钟藤在海南霸王岭自然保护区的最新分布和危害现状,并提出了防除建议。结果表明:金钟藤在海南霸王岭自然保护区属于重度危害等级,需要加强对其发生的动态监测和采取有效的防除措施。  相似文献   

外来物种金钟藤的危害现状及其原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对金钟藤在广州地区的分布与危害现状进行了调查,并进行了金钟藤的水溶性化感物质对菜心种子萌发抑制作用的实验。结果表明,金钟藤在广州地区的危害仅发现在龙洞林场太和嶂山一带,未大面积扩散,但受害地区的危害程度相当严重,比薇甘菊等外来物种危害更大,已致使约20 hm2林地4万株树木枯死;金钟藤在广州地区生长时产生了生态变异,其藤茎更为粗壮,叶片变大,叶柄和总花序变长,加重了对森林的危害;金钟藤在广州地区花期改变、较少结实,其扩散方法主要靠营养繁殖,扩散速度较慢;金钟藤的化感作用比薇甘菊、蟛蜞菊、五爪金龙等外来入侵植物强,能强烈抑制菜心种子的萌发和生长。  相似文献   

根据金钟藤生物生态学特性的分析,结合其在分布地的现状,认为它为典型的生态危害种,具有很强的潜在入侵能力,并探讨其防治措施。  相似文献   

金钟藤的初步调查情况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对金钟藤的分布、生长及其危害等情况进行了初步的调查和分析,提出了综合治理金钟藤的初步意见。  相似文献   

金钟藤发生、危害的情况与治理探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
最近,在广东省发现金钟藤(Merrenia boisiana)严重危害森林。实地调查所见.连片疯长的金钟藤密密麻麻如网状覆盖在灌木和高10多米的乔木上,对森林的危害程度极为严重,应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

金钟藤的危害性初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
广东最近发现林业有害植物——金钟藤日益危害严重,属多年生大型常绿藤本植物.生长速度快,多分枝,攀缠林木、覆盖树冠,造成林木连片枯死,对森林生态环境破坏极大,防治困难。  相似文献   

采用喷雾法研究9种药剂对金钟藤生长状况的影响,通过分析几种药剂对金钟藤绿枝条和老茎鲜重的抑制率,得出以下结果:对金钟藤绿枝条和老茎活性最高的均为2,4-滴丁酯,其抑制率分别为98.90%和81.06%,;其次为莠去津,抑制率分别为为95.07%和66.59%。  相似文献   

金钟藤(Merremia boisiana)2005年被我国列为林业有害生物名单。根据国际植物检疫措施标准(International Standards for Phytosaanitary Measures,ISPM)规定的有害生物风险性分析(pest risk analysis,PRA)程序,文章从国内外分布情况、传入定植和扩散可能性、潜在危害性、受害对象的重要性、危险性管理难度5个方面对金钟藤在我国的风险性进行定性、定量分析,其综合风险值R为1.9,为中度危险,符合检疫性有害生物的条件。  相似文献   

苯甲酸盐水剂防除金钟藤试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在秋季,应用苯甲酸盐水剂对金钟藤进行挂瓶滴加的防除试验,结果表明:5%的苯甲酸盐水剂滴加24~36 h最经济有效,防除金钟藤效果达100%;用药量与金钟藤藤茎的直径成正比。在1~6 cm藤茎范围内,用药量在50~200 m l范围增减。  相似文献   

金钟藤(Merremia boisiana)2005年被我国列为林业有害生物名单.根据国际植物检疫措施标准(International Standards for Phytosaanitary Measures,ISPM)规定的有害生物风险性分析(pest risk analysis,PRA)程序,文章从国内外分布情况、传入定植和扩散可能性、潜在危害性、受害对象的重要性、危险性管理难度5个方面对金钟藤在我国的风险性进行定性、定量分析,其综合风险值R为1.9,为中度危险,符合检疫性有害生物的条件.  相似文献   

选择云南石林喀斯特景区地带性植被(原始林)及受人为干扰形成的次生林、灌丛、草地、云南松林5种生境,进行雨季、旱季大型土壤动物群落结构、密度、生物量及多样性研究,结果表明:研究区大型土壤动物种类、生物量、多样性指数与干扰状态具有明显关系。景区内土壤动物优势类群为腹足纲、倍足纲、膜翅目和正蚓目,而正蚓目仅在原始林和次生林中出现,且数量较多,为生态环境优劣的重要指示物种;无论旱季或雨季,大型土壤动物的类群数、密度、生物量和多样性指数均以原始林最高,而受人为干扰最重的灌丛和草地则最低;该区大型土壤动物的分布有明显的表聚现象;5种生境大型土壤动物群落相似性均较低,而受人为保护的次生林与原始林土壤动物类群的相似性最高。  相似文献   

目的 红火蚁入侵导致了严重的生态问题。温度是制约红火蚁入侵并发展的关键因素。本研究在云南省昆明市不同生境调查蚂蚁群落,旨在揭示红火蚁在次适宜区对本地蚂蚁群落的影响。 方法 于2021年6月和8月,选择云南省昆明市虹桥路和沙朗乡区域5种生境作为研究样地,采用陷阱法调查了不同样地蚂蚁群落,分析不同生境蚂蚁群落多样性、群落结构相似性以及本地蚂蚁群落与红火蚁发生情况关系。 结果 5种生境基于蚂蚁个体数的物种稀疏和预测曲线较平缓,抽样充分;5种生境中共采集蚂蚁2 748头,隶属于4亚科19属34种,其中红火蚁1 920头;桉树林中采集到红火蚁个体数最多(99.2%),其次为荒地(高红火蚁蚁巢密度HW 94.2%,低红火蚁蚁巢密度LW 90.7%),云南松次生林与荒地交错区最少(44.7%);云南松次生林中未采集到红火蚁;桉树林中仅采集到1种本地蚂蚁,荒地中分别采集到3种(HW)和7种(LW),交错区中采集到15种,云南松次生林中采集到18种;云南松次生林和交错区蚂蚁物种丰富度和Chao-1估计值显著高于桉树林,而二者优势度指数则显著低于桉树林;5种生境的蚂蚁群落结构相似性有显著差异,有红火蚁发生的生境的蚂蚁群落结构与云南松次生林不相似;红火蚁蚁巢密度与红火蚁工蚁多度、本地蚂蚁多度、物种丰富度无显著关联;随着红火蚁工蚁多度的增加,本地蚂蚁物种丰富度和多度均呈显著线性下降。 结论 在昆明红火蚁次适宜区,红火蚁多发生于受干扰的开阔生境,特别是稀疏的桉树林,而很少入侵郁闭度高的生境;红火蚁入侵后导致本地蚂蚁群落多样性水平显著降低,改变蚂蚁群落结构;红火蚁入侵后,需要种群发展至较大规模才表现出种群数量优势,进而对本地蚂蚁产生显著影响;减少红火蚁适宜生境,对适宜生境加强巡查,及时对中大型蚁巢开展药剂治理将有利于降低红火蚁发生发展。  相似文献   

通过对华南地区阔叶次生林和桉树人工林的林下植物多样性进行调查对比分析,发现次生林林下植物123种,分属52科;桉树人工林林下植物102种,分属49科,两者数量上相差不大,相同的有64种。2个生境物种构成不同,次生林的丰富度指数、均匀度指数、多样性指数均略高于桉树人工林,方差分析显示两者各样方林下植物分布差异显著。2种生境中重要值前10的物种只有3个相同,两者林下植物重要值都集中在前10个物种中,均约占一半。总体上桉树人工林林下植物多样性与次生林的相近。  相似文献   

中山市城市森林次生植被的群落学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用样地调查方法,研究中山市城郊两种次生植被类型的物种组成和群落学特征。分析表明,人工促进恢复措施对于群落结构和林木个体生长速度有多方面的影响。马尾松、桉树、相思类在群落中的重要值已从纯林的重要地位退居于地带性乡土树种枫香、红锥、山杜英之后的次要地位,群落的物种丰富度和植物多样性指数有较大提高,森林群落的稳定性也得到增加。    相似文献   

枫香天然次生林更新状况及幼苗动态变化浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从海南省中部山区枫香次生林林下更新树种的多样性和生长变化入手,利用灰色关联分析对影响更新苗的死亡和损伤的原因进行研究.结果表明:热带次生林中林下更新物种丰富,有利于当地次生林的生态重建;但是由于受郁闭度、灌草盖度以及其他因素对林下更新树种的影响,林下更新树种的死亡和损伤情况严重,已经阻碍了次生演替的正常进行;应该通过相应影响因子的经营调整来改善这种现象,保证次生演替的正常进行.  相似文献   

The avifaunas of a 30–40-year-old secondary forest and a 25–30-year-old Lophostemon confertus plantation were compared using the point count method over 1 year. Similar total numbers of bird species were recorded in the secondary forest (44 spp.) and the plantation (46 spp.) but many of those in the plantation were typical of non-forest habitats in Hong Kong and the number of forest-associated species was higher in the secondary forest. The mean total bird density in the secondary forest (44.5 ha−1) was much higher than in the plantation (12.4 ha−1). The Great Tit Parus major, Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus chinensis and Japanese White-eye Zosterops japonica were the three most abundant species at both the sites but their mean annual densities were all much higher in the secondary forest. There were relatively more granivores and insectivores and fewer insectivore-frugivores in the plantation. Twelve species were confirmed breeding in the secondary forest and none in the plantation.  相似文献   

Currently, the one of great threats to tropical biodiversity is the conversion of natural ecosystems to agriculture, and this threat is particularly critical on Hainan, the largest tropical island in China and a global biodiversity hotspot. Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) has been planted on Hainan since the 1950s, resulting in extensive replacement of native forest, and the rate of this transformation has increased with latex prices since the 1990s. Rubber plantations now cover ca. 506,680 ha on Hainan and reach ca 1,000 m in elevation. To investigate the effect of this land-use change, we compared avian communities between a rubber plantation and a native secondary semi-deciduous monsoon forest. We found that species richness was higher in the native forest than in rubber, and that community composition differed greatly between the two habitats. No strict frugivores were recorded in rubber and no granivores in semi-deciduous monsoon forest. In both richness and abundance, more nectarivores and fewer insectivores occurred in rubber than in the native forest. Some common forest species, as well as protected species, were found only in native forest, including Hainan Partridge (Arborophila ardens), Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus), Emerald Dove (Chalcophaps indica), Black-browed Barbet (Megalaima oorti), Blue-rumped Pitta (Pitta soror), Puff-throated Bulbul (Alophoixus pallidus), and Chestnut Bulbul (Hemixos castanonotus). Although ten babbler species were found in the native forest, only two were in rubber. Among the species missing in rubber was the endemic Hainan species Grey Laughingthrush (Garrulax maesi). Its endangerment through habitat conversion is of particular conservation concern.  相似文献   

Forecasting the potential impacts of forest policies on species of special conservation value is a prerequisite for safeguarding forest biodiversity. In this study, regional forest policy scenarios were compared in terms of predicted habitats suitable for the Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans). To derive both patch- and landscape-scale models to predict species presence in a forest stand, species occurrence data from a systematic field survey covering the whole distribution area of the flying squirrel in Finland and Multi-Source National Forest Inventory data were combined. Then, the Finnish forestry model MELA and the derived occupancy models were applied to predict the quantity of suitable habitats for flying squirrels in three different 50-year policy scenarios. The results confirm that increasing the utilization of felling potential from the level of business-as-usual to the level stated as policy targets in regional forest programs decreases the amount of suitable habitat in the future. However, regional forest programs had a less drastic impact on habitats than maximum sustainable removal, except in two regions. It should be noted that the occupancy models seemed to fail on sites that experts deem to be most suitable for the species. Obviously, there are other factors than forest management affecting presence.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the response of the ant communities along a habitat regeneration gradient in the south Atlantic Forest comparing it with the ant fauna from a mature forest at the same biome. The survey was conducted according to standard collecting protocols, employing sardine baits and mini-Winkler apparatuses. The structure of the ground and litter-foraging ant community was compared in five habitats, representing a regeneration gradient within the Atlantic Forest. Furthermore, the composition of the leaf-litter ant fauna and the species richness were compared between the regeneration gradient and an area of mature forest. The results showed a higher number of leaf-litter ant species in the mature forest in comparison with the regeneration gradient habitat, as well a distinct species composition. There was a significant loss of ant diversity in the regrowth forest, compared to the mature Atlantic Forest. The composition of the ground-dwelling ant fauna does not consistently separate the sites of forest succession; but a gradient of ant species richness and composition was revealed when the leaf-litter ant fauna data set was included in the analysis. In this sense, the leaf-litter ant fauna is an important segment to characterize habitats also playing an important rule as bio-indicators. The data suggest that only primary forests (our data) and old secondary forests (in litt.) are capable of maintaining a substantial proportion of the biodiversity in areas of the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

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