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采用样方法调查了呼和浩特市22个典型样地中植物的种类和数量,其中17个样地有牛膝菊的入侵,进一步分析其物种丰富度指数、优势度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数,结果表明:22个样地中共有84种植物,隶属于28科65属,其中菊科(Compositae)植物最多(17种),占22.238%;禾本科(Gramineae)植物次之(14种),占16.667%,藜科(Chenopodiaceae)植物占7.143%;常见植物有24种。通过牛膝菊重要值与多样性指数之间关系的分析,发现牛膝菊入侵的样地与对照组CK相比,四种指数表现出基本一致的下降趋势,并且随着牛膝菊重要值的增大,Shannon-Wiener指数(H′)显著降低(P<0.05),Simpson指数(D_i)和Pielou指数(J)极显著降低(P<0.01),牛膝菊的入侵降低其分布区的植物多样性。  相似文献   

甘薯不同品种对两种入侵杂草的竞争作用和化感作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过盆栽试验和生物测定试验,分别研究了9个不同农艺性状的甘薯品种对三叶鬼针草Bidens pilosa和粗毛牛膝菊Galinsoga quadriradiata的竞争作用和化感作用。结果表明,‘烟薯25’‘宁薯10号’和‘西瓜红普薯’等6个品种的竞争平衡指数(CBa)大于0,其中‘宁薯10号’的竞争优势最强,对三叶鬼针草的株高和根长的抑制率分别为62.29%和63.31%;生物测定中仅有‘17234’和‘宁薯10号’两个品种表现出明显的化感作用,其中‘17234’的化感作用指数(AI)最大,对粗毛牛膝菊的株高和根长的抑制率分别为74.32%和82.58%。结合甘薯品种的竞争作用与化感作用进行聚类分析和综合评价,‘宁薯10号’的CBa和AI分别达0.74和0.63以上,为竞争作用和化感作用均较强的抗(耐)性品种;‘烟薯25’虽然对两种入侵杂草的CBa分别达到0.85和0.70,但其AI<0.1,表现为具有竞争优势的非化感品种;尽管‘17234’的CBa<0,但其AI>0.67,说明其为强化感作用的品种。结果表明,甘薯对入侵杂草的抗(耐)性决定于其自身的竞争作用、化感作用或两者的共同作用。这为进一步利用甘薯不同品种对入侵杂草的种间关系实施替代控制提供了科学基础。  相似文献   

新疆菊科3种新的外来植物种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年,通过对新疆北部地区杂草的野外调查研究,在准确鉴定的基础上,发现菊科(Asteraceae) 新的外来植物3种及新记录属1属,分别为一年蓬[WTBX]Erigeron annuus[WTBZ] (L.) Pers.、大狼把草[WTBX]Bidens frondosa[WTBZ] L.和粗毛牛膝菊[WTBX]Galinsoga quadriradiata[WTBZ] Ruiz et Pav.。其中,牛膝菊属[WTBX]Galinsoga[WTBZ] Ruiz et Pav.为新疆菊科新记录属。在此基础上,详细描述了它们的形态特征,并初步分析了它们在我国的地理分布。  相似文献   

贵州是我国马铃薯主产区之一,然而尚未有当地马铃薯Solanum tuberosum田杂草发生情况的研究报道。我们在贵州省修文县、开阳县、息烽县、习水县、水城县等5个典型马铃薯种植区展开田间调查。在所调查的19块马铃薯田间共发现64种杂草,其中重要值位列前10的杂草依次为:粗毛牛膝菊Galinsogaquadriradiata、卷茎蓼Fallopia convolvulus、繁缕Stellaria media、尼泊尔蓼Polygonum nepalense、马唐Digitaria sanguinalis、酸模叶蓼Polygonum lapathifolium、藜Chenopodium album、野艾蒿Artemisia lavandulaefolia、凹头苋Amaranthus lividus、鸭跖草Commelina communis。平均每块样田中杂草种类数为12.05种,Shannon多样性指数平均值为9.88,Pielou均匀度指数平均值为0.87;样地两两之间的Jaccard差异性指数平均值为0.76,Bray-Curtis差异性指数的平均值为0.72。通过主成分分析对所调查的19块马铃薯田杂草群落进行分析,结果表明所调查的19块田可分为4个类群,类群1优势种为粗毛牛膝菊、卷茎蓼、马唐,类群2以马兰为单优势种,类群3以繁缕、看麦娘、猪殃殃、酸模叶蓼为优势种,类群4以粗毛牛膝菊、卷茎蓼、马唐、尼泊尔蓼为优势种。结论:贵州马铃薯田杂草群落的α和β多样性均较高,不同马铃薯种植地区杂草群落结构差异较大,一些具有贵州地区特色的杂草例如粗毛牛膝菊、尼泊尔蓼等在当地马铃薯田危害严重。  相似文献   

黄卫萍  郑文华 《植物检疫》1995,9(4):214-215
蛇鞭菊Liatrisspicata是菊科、蛇鞭菊属的一种重要切花植物、本试验成功地用组培法快速繁殖蛇鞭菊,并对培养基物理性状进行研究、发展现增殖培养中半固体培养与固体培养的效果基本相同,而在生根培养中固体培养优于半固体培养。  相似文献   

牛膝菊(辣子草) 形态特 征成株茎单一或于下部分枝,分枝斜伸,被长柔毛状伏毛。叶对生,具柄。叶片卵形、卵状披针形至披针形,叶基圆形,宽楔形至楔形。头状花序半球形至宽针形。  相似文献   

近年来, 我国万寿菊单一种植规模不断扩大, 有害生物的发生越发严重, 影响万寿菊产量与品质, 造成较大的经济损失。关于万寿菊有害生物调查, 前人报道多集中于吉林、海南、黑龙江、贵州、甘肃、山西等地, 对云南万寿菊主产区的有害生物缺乏系统调查。因此, 本次研究在全国最大的万寿菊种植区和近两年来万寿菊叶黄素含量最高的种植区, 即曲靖市沾益区和蒙自市冷泉镇进行有害生物系统调查, 发现曲靖地区万寿菊主要病害有褐斑病和枯萎病; 主要害虫包括美洲斑潜蝇、斜纹夜蛾、棉铃虫等10种; 主要杂草有粗毛牛膝菊、鬼针草、马唐、千针苋等19种。蒙自地区万寿菊主要病害有褐斑病和炭疽病; 主要害虫包括美洲斑潜蝇、四斑长跗萤叶甲、棉铃虫等9种; 主要杂草有粗毛牛膝菊、马唐、尼泊尔蓼、细柄野荞麦等13种。  相似文献   

通过近三年的野外实地调查和历年的标本资料,文中对新疆准噶尔盆地南部城乡菊科杂草进行了系统的研究.结果 显示:1)准噶尔盆地南部城乡菊科杂草共有8族43属107种,其中鳢肠、牛膝菊是文中新发现的外来入侵新疆新记录种.2)本区菊科杂草单种属和寡种属共38属71种占主导地位,含4~9种的优势属有蒲公英属、蒿属等11属.3)该...  相似文献   

菊天牛的发生危害与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菊天牛(Phyloeciarufiventis(Gautier)属鞘翅目 ,天牛科 ,主要危害菊科植物。近几年 ,随着农业结构的调整 ,对外交流和合作合资项目增加 ,植物品种的不断引进和特色野菜的广泛种植 ,菊天牛危害日趋严重 ,对制繁菊科花卉良种和叶菜产量损失较大。为此 ,1996至2000年对其害虫进行了调查和田间防治 ,以供参考。一、识别特征成虫体长6mm~11mm ,宽3mm~5mm ,触角8mm ,10节 ,体全黑色或黑褐色 ,圆筒形 ,鞘翅薄 ,密被灰色稀疏绒毛。前胸背中具有一棕红色瘤微凸起 ,腹部为桔黄色。雄虫体长…  相似文献   

光叶水菊是重要的恶性杂草,已在多个国家或地区显示入侵本性,严重破坏生态环境和生态平衡。该杂草在我国广西部分地区已有分布,本文深入研究该杂草的危害特点和扩散途径等,对防治该杂草的进一步传播和扩散、保护我国湖泊或湿地有重要意义。  相似文献   

Between 1996 and 2007 31 experiments with 34 herbicides were carried out in peppermint in experimental stations and on peppermint fields of Thuringian farms. The main objective of the tests was to get the necessary data for the authorization procedure according to the regulations of §?18a PflSchG. Peppermint plants are susceptible against some herbicides like Callisto, Monitor. Other herbicides like Afalon, Basta, Boxer, Centium 36 CS and Roundup Ultra can cause severe damages on peppermint if they are applied to the false stage of development of the plant. The use oft the herbicides Basagran, Fusilade MAX, Lentagran WP, Lontrel 100 and CLIOPHAR 100 is authorized for the application in peppermint according the regulations of §?18a PflSchG. The herbicides Bandur, Boxer, Stomp SC and Targa Super can be used in peppermint according the regulations of §?18b PflSchG. Further experiments with herbicides in peppermint are intended to the authorization to more herbicides and to unsolved problems with the weed control like for example the often insufficient effects of the recently authorized herbicides against Solanum spp., Galinsoga spp., Polygonum spp. and other weeds.  相似文献   

The population response of the two sympatric annual weeds, Galinsoga ciliata (Raf.) Blake and G. parviflora Cav., which occur abundantly in croplands and early secondary successional communities in the north-eastern hill region of India was studied in relation to sowing pattern (clump or scattered sowing), population density and soil moisture and texture. In a given sowing pattern, seed germination of both species declined with increase in sowing density and moisture stress. However, sowing of seeds in clumps and an increased proportion of sand in soil enhanced the germination, Fewer weeds died in the population raised from scattered sowing than from clumped distribution. Plants grown at high moisture level matured earlier, and fertility of the survivors was negatively correlated with both density and moisture stress in both species although G. ciliata was less affected. Seed output and dry matter yield per pot of both species increased with population density but the increase was not linearly related to the increase in plant numbers, and density-induced reduction in seed output was observed at high densities. Galinsoga ciliata appears to tolerate greater density-stress than G. parviflora. Asubstantial decrease in production of capitula, seeds and dry matter at low moisture level indicates the role played by soil moisture in regulating the population growth of the two weeds. An increased proportion of sand in soil resulted in significantly greater seed production in G. parviflora. Galinsoga ciliata also showed a similar trend although the differences were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Galinsoga quadriradiata (hairy galinsoga) and Galinsoga parviflora (smallflower galinsoga, gallant soldier) are very troublesome weeds in many vegetable row crops in Europe. To optimise management strategies for Galinsoga spp. control, an in‐depth study of germination biology was performed. Germination experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of light and alternating temperatures on germination of a large set of Galinsoga populations. Seedling emergence was investigated by burying seeds at different depths in a sandy and sandy loam soil. Dormancy of fresh seeds harvested in autumn was evaluated by studying germination response in light at 25/20°C with and without nitrate addition. Seed longevity was investigated in an accelerated ageing experiment by exposing seeds to 45°C and 100% relative humidity. Galinsoga spp. seeds required light for germination; light dependency varied among populations. Seedling emergence decreased drastically with increasing burial depth. Maximum depth of emergence varied between 4 and 10 mm depending on soil type and population. In a sandy soil, emergence percentages were higher and seedlings were able to emerge from greater depths than in a sandy loam soil. Freshly produced G. parviflora seeds, harvested in autumn, showed a varying but high degree of primary dormancy and were less persistent than G. quadriradiata seeds that lack primary dormancy. Lack of primary dormancy of freshly harvested G. quadriradiata seeds and light dependency for germination may be used to optimise and develop Galinsoga management strategies.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out on 72 sugarcane fields in Wonji-Shoa and Methara sugarcane plantations in the Rift Valley, Ethiopia, to determine the composition and distribution of weeds and to assess the influence of soil types and crop management practises on weed species composition and distribution. A total of 180 weed taxa belonging to 40 families was recorded. Poaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, and Malvaceae were the most abundant families based on the number of species recorded. Annuals were more common (137 taxa) than perennials (43 taxa). The most frequent and problematic weed species in the plantations, irrespective of the soil types and crop types, were Cyperus spp., Sorghum spp., Euphorbia hirta , Ipomoea cordofana , Rhynchosia malacophylla , Datura stramonium , Launaea cornuta , Portulaca oleracea , and Amaranthus spp., with a frequency of > 65%. Perennial, rhizomatous Cyperus spp. were more dominant in ratoon crops than in plant crops. A partial canonical correspondence analysis (pCCA) showed that soil types, fertilizer application, and crop cycles were the major factors influencing the species distribution in the plantations among all the variables considered in the study. The first pCCA axis structured weed species associated with light-textured soil in contrast to weeds on heavy soil. D. stramonium , Tagetes minuta , and Galinsoga parviflora were mostly associated with light-textured soil, while Xanthium strumarium , Hibiscus trionum , Vigna fischeri , and Ipomoea eriocarpa were mostly associated with heavy-textured soils. The second axis distinguished those species associated with fields receiving fertilizers versus those that were not fertilized. Rottboellia cochinchinensis and Phyllanthus tenellus were mainly associated with fertilized fields while E. hirta and L. cornuta were common on unfertilized fields.  相似文献   

 多菌灵是一类高效广谱的苯并咪唑类杀菌剂,用于防治多种重要的植物病害。尽管其对子囊菌、多数半知菌和担子菌有效,但对卵菌、接合菌和少数半知菌却无效,如腐霉属真菌(Pythium spp.), 链格孢属真菌(Alternaria spp .)和匍柄霉属真菌(Stemphylium spp.)。其抗药性机制主要是由于β-微管蛋白氨基酸的突变,导致蛋白质序列发生变化从而影响药剂与靶标的结合。研究表明其抗药性与β-微管蛋白几个位点氨基酸突变有关[1]。  相似文献   

Galinsoga parviflora , an annual dicot species of the family Asteraceae, is a common herb that is often found in disturbed habitats and agricultural areas in many parts of the temperate and subtropical regions of the world. It is a native of tropical America and the center of its origin is thought to be the mountainous area of Central America. Galinsoga parviflora is considered to be a common weed in several crops of major importance, such as wheat, corn, cotton, tobacco, sugarbeet, tomato, pepper, potato, bean, onion, cabbage, garlic, coffee, citrus, banana, and strawberry; it is frequently found in gardens and uncultivated areas. It succeeds particularly in moist soils and it is favored by a long photoperiod and high light intensity. The significant features of the plant, such as the lack of seed dormancy, rapid growth and development, early flowering, many generations per growing season, production of a great number of seed in a wide range of environmental circumstances, and the ability for easy vegetative reproduction under favorable conditions predispose the plant to be a troublesome weed. These features allow the easy distribution and rapid establishment of the weed in large populations, a fact that often makes this weed difficult to control. Galinsoga parviflora competes strongly, particularly with irrigated crops of short height, and it might also hinder crop harvest. The management of G. parviflora can be achieved by manual weeding, repeated soil cultivation, crop rotation, mulching, and herbicide application. The plant is reported to be edible and is used also for medicinal purposes.  相似文献   

玉米茎腐病病原菌检测方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马红霞  张海剑  孙华  石洁  陈丹  郭宁 《植物保护》2017,43(3):149-153
为提高玉米茎腐病病原菌检测结果的准确性和可信度,以组织分离法做对比,采用分子检测法,对采自田间的189个玉米茎腐病病株进行真菌种类的鉴定和数量的统计。结果表明,分子检测法对腐霉Pythiumspp.的检出频率为29.24%,对镰孢菌Fusariumspp.的检出频率为73.68%,组织分离法对腐霉的检出频率仅为0.58%,对镰孢菌的检出频率为60.82%,两方法的符合率最高仅为35.92%,最低为0。因此,采用组织分离和分子检测相结合的方法可提高玉米茎腐病病原菌鉴定结果的准确性。  相似文献   

我国昆虫寄生线虫研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在生物进化史上,线虫和昆虫在古生代(距今5-6亿年)就先后出现,在漫长的演化过程中,二者中有一部份发生了寄生与被寄生的关系。据聂克尔(Nickle,1974)记述,从欧洲莱茵河始新世(距今3700-6000万年)的煤炭和波罗的海琥珀中,发现两种寄生于昆虫的线虫(Heydonius antiquus和H.matutinus)化石,证明线虫寄生于昆虫已有很长历史。彭世奖考据(1983)江苏《高邮州志》记载:“庆元一年(1196年)飞蝗抱草死,每一蝗有一蛆,食其脑”,据认为是索科线虫害生所致。说明我国至少在十二世纪就有线虫寄生于昆虫的记录。而国外最早在十八世纪,Gould(1747)首次发表黄土蚁(Lasius flavus)被线虫寄生的情况。  相似文献   

In autumn 2006 in the Netherlands, Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) infections were detected in 42·3 and 71·9% of professionally grown lots of Brugmansia spp. and Solanum jasminoides respectively. The infected lots contained 73 985 and 431 374 plants, respectively, demonstrating the presence of many potential viroid sources for tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ). PSTVd was identified in cultivars of Brugmansia × candida , B. × flava , B. sanguinea , B. suaveolens and unspecified Brugmansia species/cultivars. Most infected lots of Brugmansia spp. originated from a single Dutch nursery; most infected lots of S. jasminoides originated abroad. Sequence analysis revealed that the PSTVd genomes from Brugmansia spp. contained an average of 360 nt, whereas all genomes from S. jasminoides except one consisted of 357 nt. Furthermore, the collective PSTVd genotypes showed polymorphism at four or more positions, except for two cases in which genotypes from Brugmansia spp. and S. jasminoides were identical. Phylogenetic studies showed that PSTVd genotypes from Brugmansia spp. and S. jasminoides grouped apart from each other and from PSTVd isolates from potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) and Physalis peruviana . The PSTVd genotypes from tomato did not form a separate cluster, but were dispersed over clusters of vegetatively or partly vegetatively propagated plant species, i.e. potato, P. peruviana and S. jasminoides . Moreover, mechanical inoculation of the predominant PSTVd genotypes from S. jasminoides to tomato was successful. These results provide evidence that vegetatively propagated, solanaceous plant species have been sources of infection for tomato crops in the past.  相似文献   

Galinsoga quadriradiata and Galinsoga parviflora are very troublesome weeds in many organic vegetable crops in Europe. A very straightforward method to keep Galinsoga infestations under control is by targeting the Galinsoga seedbank. To identify cropping systems able to reduce the seedbank size in vegetable‐based cropping systems, the relationships between the seedbank size of Galinsoga species and prevailing soil/crop management practices and pedo‐hydrological conditions were investigated. Hereto, the seedbank of the 0–20 cm topsoil layer was sampled in 50 organic vegetable fields and analysed according to the seedling emergence method. Field history data were collected for the past 5 years, and physical, chemical and microbial soil quality was determined. Galinsoga quadriradiata was the most frequent and abundant Galinsoga species in the weed seedbank. The genus Galinsoga was present in 90% of the soil weed seedbanks of organic vegetable fields but displayed wide variation in abundance. Smallest Galinsoga seedbanks were found in fields that were predominantly tilled with non‐inversion implements or rotationally ploughed, and continuously cropped with competitive crops during the entire growing season (April 15‐November 15). Contrary to G. quadriradiata, seedbank size of G. parviflora was closely related to soil organic carbon content and sand fraction. Remarkably, soils with a low level of easily plant‐available phosphorus and concomitant high activity of arbuscular mycorrhizae had smaller G. quadriradiata seedbanks. To reduce Galinsoga infestations, fields should preferably be tilled without soil inversion, fertilised with organic amendments with low content of readily plant‐available phosphorus and cropped with competitive crops all season long.  相似文献   

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