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为了研究不同同期发情方法对青海藏羊的发情效果,作者通过2种药物处理方法进行试验研究,第1组使用阴道栓+PMSG+PG法,第2组使用PG法。结果表明,本试验同期发情处理110只青海藏羊,其中试验1组处理羊只60只,发情羊只52只,发情率为83.67%,受胎率为84.62%;试验2组处理羊只50只,发情羊只39只,发情率为78%,受胎率为79.49%。实验结果表明,试验1组处理方法优于试验2组,繁殖期内利用第一种方法处理结果较有优势。  相似文献   

53头青年母牦牛和42头当年产母牦牛进行同期发情及定时授精处理,其中青年母牦牛人工授精31头,当年产母牦牛人工授精28头,人工授精精液采用大通牦牛冻精和西门塔尔牛冻精,输精一次后母牦牛与公牦牛合群放牧。结果青年母牦牛产犊率为84.91%,产大通牦牛后代10头,西门塔尔杂种犏牛1头,采用大通牦牛精液和西门塔尔精液人工授精情受胎率分别为58.82%(10/17)和7.14%(1/14);当年产母牦牛产犊率为52.38%(28/42),产大通牦牛后代11头,西门塔尔杂种犏牛2头,人工授精情受胎率分别为45.83%(11/24)和50%(2/4);2组平均人工授精情期受胎率为42.37%,其中用大通牦牛冻精的人工授精情期受胎率为51.22%,西门塔尔牛冻精的情期受胎率为16.67%。  相似文献   

天祝县的藏羊属于草地型藏羊,饲养方式几乎为全年放牧,多为单胎,1年1产,繁殖率低。为了提高藏羊繁殖率,用孕酮阴道栓(CIDR)结合孕马血清(PMSG)诱导藏羊同期发情,并探讨诱导藏羊发情的PMSG最佳剂量。结果表明:PMSG剂量为500 IU/只的同期发情率(87.2%)和受胎率(95.6%)均显著高于250 IU/只和400 IU/只,且随着PMSG剂量的增加,双羔率高达13.3%,说明植埋CIDR结合PMSG 500 IU/只,能提高藏羊同期发情率和受胎率。  相似文献   

由于高原型藏羊繁殖率低,一年一胎,且每胎一只。为提高该品种的繁殖率,需要在生产中做到羊的同期发情,集中配种、集中产羔、集中管理、集中出栏。本实验通过高效繁殖技术的应用,对60只青年高原型藏母羊经同期发情处理后,其繁殖率高达84%,大大缩短了母羊繁殖周期,有效地提高了羊场和农牧民的经济收入。  相似文献   

羊的同期发情技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同期发情技术是指利用激素调节、控制母畜的发情周期,使一群母畜在预定时间内集中发情并排卵的处理方法。在畜牧业生产中,主要应用于家畜人工授精中的定时输精,集中配种和家畜超数排卵及胚胎移植中供、受体间的同步发情。  相似文献   

对青海乐都县在相同饲养条件下的杜藏及藏羊90日龄、180日龄杂交育肥羔羊进行了随机取样称重,统计对比育肥羔羊平均增重和日增重,在相同饲养条件下的育肥效果进行讨论。结果发现,杜藏杂交育肥羔羊180日龄的平均体重达到35.18kg(公羔)和31.08kg(母羔),公羔和母羔日增重分别达到182.44g和160.55g,农区藏系羔羊平均体重达到27.66kg(公羔)和23.83kg(母羔),公羔和母羔日增重分别达到139.24g和108.33g,杜藏杂交育肥羔羊日增重显著高于藏系育肥羔羊(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

羊的同期发情技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了羊的同期发情技术原理、供受体同期发情处理方法、供受体发情时间以及发情检测方法,提出了羊的同期发情技术的应用范畴.  相似文献   

应用PG+PMSG处理对54只湘东黑山羊在2~5天内集中发情并配种.结果:(1)在处理后的2~3天.有49头发情(其中同期自然发情2头),同期处理的发情率87.0%[47/54],同期发情率87.5%[49/56].(2)发情母羊的初配率为83.9%[47/56],待第一个情期(21天)后采用发情鉴定法进行初步妊娠诊断,有返情表现的羊只为7只,发情配种成功率85.1%[40/47],初步确定初配受胎率为71.4%[40/56].  相似文献   

湘东黑山羊同期发情试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Environmental cues in the different seasons might influence the estrus and lambing percentages. The present study was conducted to assess the effect of environmental factors on estrus synchronization (ES) and artificial insemination success in sheep . During the period from 2012 to 2017, a total of 1,197 ewes of Kheri and Malpura breeds of 34 farms originating from 10 villages were synchronized for estrus and then fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) was done. Oestrous synchronization was done by intravaginal progesterone sponges and eCG protocol. Fixed-time cervical insemination was performed 48 and 56 hr after sponge removal in ewes exhibiting estrus, using liquid chilled semen containing 100 million sperm per dose of Patanwadi/Malpura rams. Mean sunshine hours, maximum and minimum ambient temperatures, temperature amplitude, mean relative humidity (RH), temperature-humidity index (THI), mean temperature during sponge-in to sponge-out—12-day period, sponge-out and next day, AI day and AI to next 15 days have been calculated. The estrus response and lambing percentage were higher (p < .05) when ES and FTAI were done during hot-humid with rainfall season. Successful (p < .05) ES occur when the minimum temperature was higher in cold-humid season, and the sunshine hour was higher in hot-humid with scanty rainfall season during sponge-in to sponge-out period. The success of the lambing percentage was higher (p < .05) when maximum temperature, minimum temperature, mean temperature and THI was higher on the day of AI and the next 15-day period, irrespective of the season. The success of FTAI indicates the adaptability of the local breed to tolerate the harsh climate of the hot semi-arid region without much hindrance in lambing percentages.  相似文献   

为了研究同期发情定时输精技术对牛群体繁殖力的影响,试验选取同一牛场内不同单元的经产奶牛,随机分为2个组,分别采用自然发情输精和同期发情定时输精两种方法对奶牛进行人工输精,比较两种方法对奶牛群体繁殖力的影响。研究结果显示:同期发情组和自然发情组的参配率分别为,产后54 d之前为96.3%VS 12.1%,55~90 d为64.6%VS 44.6%,91~130 d为48.1%VS 50.1%,131~170 d为39.9%VS 38.7%,180 d内的总参配率分别为249.1%VS 145.5%;相应时段的同期发情组的受胎率为39.2%、36.7%、36.5%、33.9%、92.6%,自然发情组的受胎率为44.8%、47.3%、46.2%、46.1%、 67.5%;2个组的年繁殖率分别为93.8%VS 84.6%、空怀天数为(91.6±18.3)d VS (131.7±26.8)d、配种次数分别为2.5 VS 1.8、淘汰率分别为29.1%VS 13.4%。以上结果表明,在奶牛生产中,使用同期发情定时输精技术,能显著提高牛群的繁殖力,缩短空怀时间。  相似文献   

The objective of the experiment was to compare pregnancy rates resulting from fixed-time AI after administration of either 1 of 2 controlled internal drug release (CIDR)-based protocols. Heifers at 3 locations (location 1, n = 78; location 2, n = 61; and location 3, n = 78) were assigned to 1 of 2 treatments within reproductive tract scores (1 = immature to 5 = cycling) by age and BW. Heifers assigned to CIDR Select received a CIDR insert (1.38 g of progesterone) from d 0 to 14 followed by GnRH (100 mug, i.m.) 9 d after CIDR removal (d 23) and PGF2alpha (PG, 25 mg, i.m.) 7 d after GnRH treatment (d 30). Heifers assigned to CO-Synch + CIDR were administered GnRH and received a CIDR insert on d 23 and PG and CIDR removal on d 30. Heifers at location 1 were fitted with a HeatWatch estrus detection system transmitter from the time of PG until 24 d after fixed-time AI to allow for continuous estrus detection. Artificial insemination was performed at predetermined fixed times for heifers in both treatments at 72 or 54 h after PG for the CIDR Select and CO-Synch + CIDR groups, respectively. All heifers were administered GnRH at the time of AI. Blood samples were collected 10 d before and immediately before treatment initiation (d 0) to determine pretreatment estrous cyclicity (progesterone > or = 0.5 ng/mL). At location 1, the estrous response during the synchronized period was greater (P = 0.06; 87 vs. 69%, respectively), and the variance for interval to estrus after PG was reduced among CIDR Select- (P < 0.01) compared with CO-Synch + CIDR-treated heifers. Fixed-time AI pregnancy rates were significantly greater (P = 0.02) after the CIDR Select protocol (62%) compared with the CO-Synch + CIDR protocol (47%). In summary, the CIDR Select protocol resulted in a greater and more synchronous estrous response and significantly greater fixed-time AI pregnancy rates compared with the CO-Synch + CIDR protocol.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic artificial insemination in sheep   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The goal of any AI program is to create improved offspring, and the achievement of this objective will depend on the breeding value of the ram and ewe selected. Laparoscopic AI is being utilized in the sheep industry to extend the use of superior rams, and it offers the producer the opportunity to maximize the reproductive potential of superior sheep. Rapid genetic trait infusion of known superior stud rams into the flock is the primary economic benefit of laparoscopic AI. The success of laparoscopic AI depends on events and factors that interrelate in a complex way. Once the selection and preparation of the ewe have been accomplished, one of the more important steps in the program is the successful synchronization of the ewe to deliver the necessary ova to the site of fertilization at a specific time. One of the best methods of synchronization for laparoscopic AI is the use of a progesterone product for a controlled time period and the administration of PMSG upon its removal. Detecting the onset of estrus is critical, and the addition of sterile (e.g., vasectomized) males is helpful, even essential, to accurately determine when each ewe begins her estrus. The ram effect has been shown to stimulate ovulation and estrus. Ewes must be inseminated within a narrow window of time after the synchronization product is removed. Ewes should be inseminated in the order in which they begin to exhibit signs of behavioral estrus, but age, stage of lactation, duration of behavioral estrus, and breed must be taken into account when this order is established. Fresh-extended semen works well throughout this preferred time frame established for laparoscopic AI, but frozen semen gives best results when used near the end. Advancement in manufacturing technology today removes equipment as a variable factor. It is important, therefore, that the inseminator develop a level of expertise in laparoscopy to ensure maximum fertilization rates. If available, fresh-extended semen is preferred over frozen semen, using at least the minimal number of spermatozoa necessary for fertilization. Evaluation of the post-thaw frozen or fresh semen is necessary to determine motility, morphology, and concentration, all of which help determine the volume of the insemination dose. The minimum necessary for laparoscopic AI in fine-wooled breeds is 20 X 10(6) normal motile spermatozoa; however, the more seasonal and less fertile American sheep need approximately 40 to 50 X 10(6) normal motile sperm to achieve acceptable fertility rates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of timing of artificial insemination on pregnancy rates, calving rates, abortion rates, twinning rates, and calf gender ratio after synchronization of ovulation with Ovsynch protocol in Holstein dairy cows. The ovulation of 219 lactating Holstein dairy cows was synchronized using the Ovsynch protocol. Therefore, cows received an injection of GnRH followed by an injection of prostaglandin F 7 days later and a second treatment with GnRH 2 days later. Cows were artificially inseminated at 0, 12, or 24 h after the second injection of GnRH. Reproductive performance did not differ between cows inseminated at 0 h (n?=?82), 12 h (n?=?66), or 24 h (n?=?71) after the last injection of GnRH (pregnancy rate: 0 h 48 %, 12 h 47 %, 24 h 52 %; abortion rate: 0 h 5 %, 12 h 0 %, 24 h 11 %; calving rate: 0 h 43 %, 12 h 47 %, 24 h 41 %; twinning rate: 0 h 2 %, 12 h 0 %, 24 h 0 %; calf gender ratio (F/M): 0 h 61:39 %, 12 h 48:52 %, 24 h 39:61 %; P?>?0.05). Pregnancy rates for cows inseminated in postpartum times of 50–75, 76–100, and >100 days within the first and ≥3 parities were statistically similar (P?>?0.05), but pregnancy rates for cows inseminated at different postpartum times of 50–75, 76–100, and >100 days within the second parity were different (P?<?0.01). In general, pregnancy rates of cows inseminated at different postpartum times (P?<?0.01) and parities (P?<?0.001) differed. The findings of the current study showed that rates of pregnancy, abortion, calving, and twinning of Holstein dairy cows subjected to artificial insemination at different times after synchronization were similar. These results also indicate that the timing of artificial insemination after synchronization did not influence calf gender ratio. Furthermore, pregnancy rates of Holstein dairy cows inseminated after synchronization were significantly influenced by postpartum time and parity number.  相似文献   

Synchronization of estrus and ovulation are of paramount importance in modern livestock improvement programs. These methods are critical for assisted reproduction technologies, including artificial insemination and embryo transfer, that can increase productivity. In the current study, subcutaneous implants containing norgestomet were placed for long (14 days), medium (9 days), and short (5 days) periods of time in 70 crossbred ewes undergoing fixed-time artificial insemination. The resulting effects on estrus synchronization and conception rates were subsequently evaluated. Among the synchronized ewes, 85.7% (60/70) underwent estrus over a period of 72 h after progestagen treatment ceased. The shortest mean interval between withdrawal of the device and onset of estrus (34.2 ± 8.9 h) was observed in the G14 days of P4 group (p < 0.05). The conception rate of the G14 days of P4 group was statistically higher than that of the other groups (83.3% vs. 60.9% vs. 47.8%; p < 0.05). In conclusion, 14 days of norgestomet treatment produced higher conception rates and a greater number of pregnancies at the beginning of the breeding season.  相似文献   

We determined the effects of hCG on ovarian response, concentration of progesterone, and fertility in a fixed-time AI (TAI) protocol. Four hundred forty-four crossbred beef heifers were synchronized with the CO-Synch + CIDR (controlled internal drug-releasing insert) protocol. In addition, heifers were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments with main factors being 1) pretreatment, no treatment (control), or treatment with 1,000 IU of hCG 14 d before the initiation of the CO-Synch + CIDR protocol and 2) treatment, administration of 1,000 IU of hCG or 100 μg of GnRH at CIDR insertion of the CO-Synch + CIDR protocol. Blood samples were collected from all heifers on d -21, -14, -7, 0, and 2 relative to PGF(2α) injection. Transrectal ultrasonography was used to examine ovaries in a subset of heifers (n = 362) on d -7 and 0 relative to PGF(2α), and to determine pregnancy status of all heifers on d 33 and 82 relative to AI. Pregnancy rates were similar for heifers pretreated with control (33.0%) or hCG (36.4%), whereas pregnancy rates were greater (P < 0.01) for heifers treated with GnRH (40.1%) compared with hCG (29.0%) at CIDR insertion. Heifers pretreated with hCG had more (P < 0.01) corpora lutea present on the day of CIDR insertion and the day of CIDR removal compared with untreated heifers. A greater proportion (P < 0.01) of heifers ovulated as a result of administration of hCG at the time of CIDR insertion (59.0%) compared with GnRH (38.7%). Heifers treated with hCG at CIDR insertion had greater (P < 0.01) concentrations of progesterone compared with those receiving GnRH at the time of CIDR removal (2.42 ± 0.13 vs. 1.74 ± 0.13 ng/mL; P < 0.01) and at fixed-time AI (0.52 ± 0.03 vs. 0.39 ± 0.03 ng/mL; P < 0.01). Therefore, hCG was more effective than GnRH in its ability to ovulate follicles and to increase concentrations of progesterone in beef heifers. Presynchronization with hCG 14 d before CIDR insertion did not alter pregnancy rates, whereas replacing GnRH with hCG at CIDR insertion decreased pregnancy rates.  相似文献   

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