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苹果轮纹病枝条侵染时期研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过不同时期人工接种苹果轮纹病菌菌丝,观察其对苹果当年生新梢和多年生枝条的侵染。结果表明5-8月份是苹果轮纹病菌侵染当年新梢的时期,其中5-7月份是侵染的高峰期,8月处于低谷,9月以后病菌不再侵染。同时看出5月病菌对各种枝龄枝条均能侵染,并且枝龄越小越易侵染;7月病菌对1~2年生枝条能够侵染,但对3年生以及多于3年生枝条难以侵染;9月病菌对各种枝龄枝条均不能侵染。  相似文献   

峄县石榴是山东省的名特稀优果品之一,素以个人、皮薄、汁多、味佳驰名中外。被誉为“中国一绝”。目前已有2万多亩,50万株,其中结果树15万株,年产量约在250万kg,年提供苗木100余万株,年产值1300万元。 1989~1990年冬,我区石榴发生了前所未有的冻害。几乎所有山口处和平原低洼处的1~4年生幼树均受到不同程度冻害,据调查达33200株,占同龄15万株总数的22.13%;苗木冻害达15万株,表现地上部20cm以上抽干,但不影响栽植成活。受冻害最重的园片有:农科所4年生石榴园700株,地上部全部抽干;吴林乡北坝子村1800株2年生树,受冻害326株;金寺乡赵村山脚…  相似文献   

自根砧苹果苗木近年来由于易管理、丰产、经济效益高等优点成为建园者的首选,但是由于自根砧苗木根系为须根系,大的侧根少,苗木挖掘后保护措施不当极易失水,栽植后成活率低,导致建园失败。苗木长途运输、异地建园做到根系不失水最关键。2019年冬季,笔者从陕西扶风引进5万株3年生自根砧苹果大苗,在四川盐源县进行建园,从苗木的挖掘到栽植严格按照技术标准进行,目前,苗木保存良好,无1株失水干枯。  相似文献   

韩华 《山西果树》2005,(2):44-45
1 壮苗保根法 首先必须选用有健壮发达根系的苗木。同时要注意,定植穴不能挖得过早,以免土壤失水。栽时,要用50 mg/L的ABT 3号生根粉或10倍根宝液浸泡苗木根系,或蘸泥浆(磷肥∶土∶水=1.5∶20∶100)栽植,均能显著提高成活率。2 铺膜“戴帽”法 春季建园时,对新栽的幼树树盘,浇水后覆盖0.8~1.0 m宽的地膜,四周用土压实,比不覆膜地温提高2 ℃~4 ℃,40 cm处土壤含水量提高 2 %~5 %,栽植成活率提高 29 %,新梢生长量增加 2. 5倍。用地膜或纱窗制成长70~80 cm、宽 3 cm的袋子,套在幼树的地上部分,称之为“戴帽”,可有效地防止春季抽条和金…  相似文献   

研究了2株枯草芽孢杆菌Sf-19和Sf-28对梨轮纹病菌的室内抑制作用,结果表明,枯草芽孢杆菌的不同浓度处理对梨轮纹病菌菌丝生长、孢子萌发及果实上梨轮纹病菌均有一定的抑制作用。枯草芽孢杆菌Sf-19培养原液对梨轮纹病菌的综合抑制效果最佳,对梨轮纹病菌菌丝生长的平板抑制率为87.33%,孢子萌发的抑制率为97%,果实上梨轮纹病菌的抑制效果研究分为保护(Ⅰ)和治疗(Ⅱ)两部分试验进行,Sf-19培养原液保护试验(Ⅰ)中对梨轮纹病菌的抑制率为71.97%,治疗试验(Ⅱ)为64.92%;生防菌Sf-28培养原液对梨轮纹病菌的综合抑制效果次之,对梨轮纹病菌菌丝生长的平板抑制率为87%,孢子萌发的抑制率为80%,Sf-28培养原液对果实上梨轮纹病菌的抑制率保护试验(Ⅰ)为64.54%,治疗试验(Ⅱ)为59.21%。2株枯草芽孢杆菌均随着稀释倍数的增大防治效果降低,综合比较枯草芽孢杆菌Sf-19、Sf-28不同浓度处理的效果好于对照生防菌株Bs-916。  相似文献   

1 幼果园管理 栽植后1~3年生果树,主要是保苗木成活,保持土壤湿润、疏松。冬季栽植后为预防受冻,可围绕苗木根部用土埋住,春季3月上中旬把根部埋的土堆刨开,将嫁接部位露出,有利于春季萌发生长。 (1)栽植的苗木.栽前或栽后,可在嫁接口以上选留3~5个饱满芽,其余的枝蔓部分剪  相似文献   

正核桃栽植成活率较高,但幼树生长旺盛、停长晚,1~2年生幼树容易受低温冻害,管理不当会造成园片不整齐,直接影响果园产量。1加强管理,增强树势,提高抗寒性1.1加强水肥调控在多年实践中总结出"前促后控、有机为主、控氮补钾"的技术措施,取得了较好的抗寒效果。具体做法是:7月下旬以后勿施氮肥,因为  相似文献   

新建果园的苹果轮纹病菌主要来自苹果苗木,栽培后病菌逐年繁殖并积累,3~5年后轮纹病瘤遍布整个枝干,难以防除。由于M系中间砧,如M26对苹果轮纹病非常敏感,以M系砧木为基砧或中间砧的苹果树苗,常带有大量的轮纹病菌,对苹果树后期的影响很大。如果能彻底清除苹果苗子上所带的病原菌,保证树体在前3年内(轮纹病瘤的产孢  相似文献   

苹果轮纹烂果病综合防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对轮纹病菌的侵染和发病特点 ,探索总结出了一套系统的综合防治技术 ,并在果区试验推广 15 0hm2 。 2 0 0 1年轮纹病大发生 ,但在试验区内 ,采前烂果率控制在 5 %以内 ,与周围产果区相比 ,减少损失180余万元 ,取得了明显成效。1 壮树健果苹果轮纹病菌属于弱性寄生病菌 ,研究结果表明 ,树势愈弱病害愈严重。由于易感病的红富士具有优良的栽培性状和果实品质 ,许多果农多年来对幼树采用环剥等技术 ,造成幼树早衰 ,遍体病瘤 ,所以必须加强栽培措施 ,全面提高树体抗病能力。要多施有机肥和果树全元复合肥 ,改良土壤理化性状 ,培肥地力 ;要…  相似文献   

预防苹果幼树冻害抽条的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苹果幼树在栽培中极易因氮肥使用过量造成徒长,枝条组织不充实,造成冻害。春天表现出枝条失水,俗称抽条,严重时整树死亡。经多年观察发现,幼树生长季节进行综合管理,是防止冻害、抽条,提高成活率的关键措施。  相似文献   

Street trees are important foundations of urban sustainability due to the ecosystem services that they provide society and the environment. However, street trees are vulnerable to vandalism and damage, especially when small, which constraints the flow of benefits they provide and also increases the costs of planting programmes. Despite being a common phenomenon, there is limited knowledge regarding the extent of vandalism and the reasons for it. Here we seek to understand the causes and extent of street tree damage in eleven small Eastern Cape (South Africa) towns and to assess the perceptions of residents and officials. The condition of newly planted street trees was assessed in each town and residents were interviewed in the two towns with the highest number of newly planted street trees. Almost half (42%) of recently planted street trees were totally snapped, ranging between 0% and 63% per town. There was no difference in the prevalence of trees being snapped between those with protective structures and those without. Each town used different structures around newly planted street trees, but in only two towns were all the structures intact. The prevalence of damage declined with increasing trunk thickness and increasing town size. According to residents, boredom, misbehaviour, lack of appreciation of trees and collection for wood were the main factors for tree vandalism by people along with damage by livestock. Ward councillors recognised the presence of vandalism, but indicated that it was not a priority topic in their ward meetings. Suggestions by residents to prevent vandalism included: planting in sensible areas, re-designing the protective structures, re-locating livestock and engendering community participation and ownership in all aspects of street tree planting.  相似文献   


The apple cultivar Queen Cox on M.9 rootstock cropped more precociously when planted as two year old trees than when planted as one year old trees, even though there were no significant differences in the sizes (leader height and branch length) of the trees at the time of planting. However, the two year old trees had larger root systems at planting. As the trees aged, those planted as one year olds grew more vigorously and bore higher cumulative yields than those planted as two year olds. Annual root pruning of the trees, commencing 15 months after planting, reduced extension shoot growth, crown volume and grubbing weights (final fresh weights of scions) severely. In some seasons root pruning increased the number of spur and terminal floral buds produced and also the final sets and yield efficiencies on the treated trees. Planting trees within semi-permeable fabric membranes also reduced extension shoot growth and tree size, but less severely than the root-pruning treatment. Root restriction increased the efficiency of fruit set and yields and also improved the grades of fruits produced. Trickle irrigation treatments increased shoot growth and tree fresh weight at the time of grubbing, but had inconsistent and small effects on fruit set and yields. Interactions between tree age at the time of planting and the root manipulative treatments were significant.  相似文献   

苹果苗木的根系质量直接影响苗木栽植建园后的生长发育,机械化起苗能有效保证苗木根系完整、规格一致,近年来成为实现苗木高标准生产的重要措施。对机械化起苗技术与装备研究进行整理总结,包括应用三维数字建模技术与仿真技术对起苗机关键部件进行结构设计与优化,借鉴细观力学分析土壤结构破坏原理,总结联合起苗机国内外发展情况,通过田间起苗试验标准分析起苗作业质量等,最后提出苹果苗圃机械化起苗技术的发展方向。为了培育标准化优质大苗和实现苗圃机械化生产,适应苹果产业矮密集约栽培新业态需求,起苗装备应该向着多功能、智能化、高效率的方向发展。  相似文献   

以苹果红露/M9-T337为试材,用小、中、大3种规格(上部直径分别为10、20和30 cm,底部直径为8、16和24 cm,高均为30 cm)容器育苗,将其连同基质一起移栽入25年老龄苹果园树穴中,以裸根苗为对照,分别在6个月和18个月后观察苗木生长和根区土壤环境特征.结果 表明:带基质的容器苗均不同程度地改善了连作...  相似文献   

砂土1/4根域施用有机肥对苹果幼树生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以2 a生有机玻璃箱栽植的分根苹果幼树为材料,研究1/4根域施用不同水平有机肥对苹果幼树新梢和根系生长的影响。结果表明,6月中旬以后,10%和30%有机肥处理的新梢二次生长旺盛;20%有机肥处理春梢段节数、占总新梢节数比例、叶面积、比叶重和春梢生长量均显著大于10%和30%处理,10%有机肥处理秋梢长度、节数、叶面积和比叶重均显著大于20%处理,秋梢补偿生长旺盛;不同比例有机肥处理调控梢类组成,10%和30%处理的长梢比例分别占总新梢22.2%和25.0%,而20%处理的仅占11.8%;除6月份外,20%有机肥处理根系总长度在果树整个生长季节内均显著大于10%和30%处理。砂性土壤局部施用适量有机肥可以调控新梢生长和根系的发育,为果园土壤局部改良、集中营养供应等提供理论依据。  相似文献   

柏素花  祝军  戴洪义 《园艺学报》2012,39(10):1893-1902
 酰基辅酶A结合蛋白(ACBP)是一个保守的蛋白家族,在酰基酯辅酶A的转运过程中发挥重要作用。在水稻和拟南芥中鉴定的ACBP除了参与长链酰基辅酶A的转运以外,还参与了植物对生物和非生物胁迫的反应。为了探讨在苹果树中是否也存在参与植物对逆境反应的ACBP,并可用于改良苹果品种,以提高抗逆能力,从苹果品种‘鸡冠’中克隆、鉴定了一个ACBP基因,命名为MdACBP2。MdACBP2包含一个378 bp的开放阅读框,编码包含125个氨基酸残基的蛋白质;推定的氨基酸序列中包含有一个ACB结构域,无信号肽序列。序列和结构特征表明该基因是ACBP家族ClassⅠ亚族的成员。利用荧光定量PCR技术检测MdACBP2的表达,发现在苹果的根、叶、花、幼果、枝皮、芽等组织中均有表达,在叶中的表达量最高,在幼果中的表达量最低,这一表达模式暗示MdACBP2可能参与多种生理途径。不同胁迫处理的时序表达分析表明,MdACBP2的表达能被轮纹病病原菌Botryosphaeria dothidea侵染和10% PEG渗透胁迫所抑制,低温胁迫则能诱导MdACBP2的表达,1 mmol·L-1 Pb(NO3)2处理对MdACBP2的表达没有显著影响。推测MdACBP2可能参与了苹果对低温胁迫的防御反应。  相似文献   

控根容器栽培是近年来新兴的育苗栽培方式,由底盘、侧壁和扣杆3个部件组成。在农业观光园开展控根容器栽植与基质槽种植瓜类生产影响的试验,结果表明,控根容器种植瓜类蔬菜,其抗病性、生物学性状、结果率与基质槽培没有大的差别,是一种便捷理想的种植方式。  相似文献   

 以陕西杨凌试验区大田栽培的3 年生‘长富2 号’苹果为材料,结合凤翔、永寿和蒲城等 试验区的调查,研究比较矮化中间砧(M26)入土深度对富士苹果树基砧根系生长分布、根系激素含量和 果实产量品质的影响。结果表明,矮化中间砧入土深度为15 cm 时,树体细根(< 2 mm)主要分布在0 ~ 40 cm 土层,细根数比其他处理多13.6% ~ 41.5%,总根数多18.2% ~ 33.3%,根系干质量多11.2% ~ 68.4%, 果实产量高,单果质量大,可溶性固形物含量高,硬度大,可滴定酸含量少,着色率高,品质较好。矮 化中间砧入土深度为15 cm,树体根系中促进生长的IAA、ZR、GA 含量较高,抑制生长的ABA 含量较 少,(IAA + GA + ZR)/ABA 比值较大,有利于刺激根系的生长。研究表明矮化中间砧入土深度为15 cm 时,根系生长旺盛,细根数量较多,能够为果树生长发育提供较多养分,果实品质较好。  相似文献   

将南方苹果早翠实生苗于1.3 mg/kg铁、pH 5.5;0.13 mg/kg铁、pH 6.5;无铁,pH 5.5;无铁,pH 6.5;无铁,pH 7.8;5个处理中培养,取其幼叶和老叶分别观察其细胞超微结构变化和新、老叶的净同化率,并测各处理中叶片、根系中含铁量.结果表明:各个铁逆境处理的苹果苗都呈现出极为明显的失绿症状,且随铁素减少和pH值升高失绿症状加重,细胞内很少看到微体,淀粉粒很小或看不到.而培养于含铁1.3 mg/kg、pH 5.5营养中的苹果苗其叶肉细胞中的叶绿体发育正常,并可见线粒体、微体及淀粉粒.在有效光合辐射内,正常铁植株幼叶的净同化率比缺铁处理的高2~4倍.正常含铁量及低铁处理的苹果苗的老叶净同化率基本相同,但无铁处理的较低.所有其他各处理的植株根、叶组织中含铁量只有细微的差异.  相似文献   

Climate change, human population growth, the energy crisis, and food insecurity negatively drive livelihoods in developing countries. The trend seems to be severe in arid and semi-arid areas where some livelihood strategies are naturally constrained. Tree planting is one of the mitigation and adaptation approaches applied to climate variability and change for sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa. The current study assessed the status, determinants, and challenges of tree planting in Nkuhungu, Msalato, and Hombolo villages in the Dodoma district, Tanzania. A household questionnaire survey (HQS) was used to collect data from 213 household respondents. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used to supplement data from HQS. Results indicate that tree planting is practiced at household and institutional levels during the wet season and was promoted after the government shifted from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma. Approximately 5111 planted trees were recorded in the study villages, with an average of 24 ± 5 trees planted per household. Fruit and shade trees are widely planted in residential areas, and privately owned nurseries and the Tanzania Forest Services Agency (TFS) are the major sources of seedlings. Level of education (+), type of employment (-), seedling price (-), water availability (+), and the importance of the tree (+) were found to influence the number of trees planted by household respondents. The main challenges of tree planting are inadequate land size, water scarcity, high pricing of seedlings, lack of improved seeds, and insufficient extension services. Knowledge on tree planting determinants would be instrumental in strengthening the current governmental strategies for greening Dodoma. The study suggests increasing water sources such as boreholes and digging wells/ponds for watering trees; improvement of extension services; and provisioning of affordable improved and adaptive seeds to semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

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