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Rice residue management often leads to increased methane (CH4) emissions but the outcomes of edaphic and management factors are not always predictable. Rice residue can act as a substrate for CH4 production; however the role it plays in priming (mineralization) of soil organic matter (SOM) to release additional substrates for CH4 production are not well established. We anaerobically incubated a highly organic soil with 13C-enriched rice straw for 3 months to investigate its priming effect (PE) on SOM and source of C for CH4 production. Anaerobic decomposition of SOM was accompanied by iron (Fe) reduction with minimal CH4 production when straw was absent. Straw addition enhanced Fe reduction and increased CH4 production concurrently with a clear succession of microbial community structure and function assessed with phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiling. The PE on CH4 production from SOM was strong and positive during the entire experiment. Overall, PE on SOM (CO2 plus CH4 production) was slightly positive at the end of the experiment, associated with only a 32% mineralization of the added straw-C (as CO2 plus CH4). Straw addition also released large amounts of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from SOM. Our results suggest that straw addition effects on PE of SOM and CH4 production can last for a long period of time showing that straw will cause non-linear response in CH4 production and potentially result in significant losses of soil C as DOC by leaching or direct exports in histosols.  相似文献   

It is estimated that nearly 20 kg of SiO2 is removed from the soil by rice plants for producing 100 kg brown rice (Takahashi 1987). Although there is a large amount of silicon in soil, little is available to the rice plant. To supply a sufficient amount of silicon to the rice plant for healthy growth, therefore, it is nccessary to supply various silicon materials to the soil. Rice straw application to the soil is one of the means.  相似文献   

本文研究了喷施纳米硅胶、无机硅和有机硅3种不同形态硅对水稻生长和抗逆性的影响。结果表明,在水分胁迫条件下,喷施3种形态的硅均能降低水稻叶片电解质的渗漏率,维持其较高的叶片水势和相对含水量,增加叶绿素的含量,提高植物的光合能力,促进水稻的生长。与喷清水的对照相比,喷施纳米硅胶、无机硅和有机硅的处理,水稻的生物量分别增加44.92%、29.08%和46.89%。喷施3种形态硅均促进了水稻对氮的吸收和累积。在不同形态硅的处理之间,有机硅在提高水稻叶绿素含量上优于其它两种形态硅。  相似文献   

为了探索稻秸表面硅物质的分布和超微构造,该文以稻秸各皮层的硅物质作为研究对象,采用扫描电子显微镜-能谱分析(scanning electric microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive spectroscopy,SEM-EDS)和X射线衍射仪(X-ray diffraction,XRD)探讨稻秸各皮层硅物质的分布及构造。SEM-EDS研究表明,硅物质主要分布在叶鞘、茎秆的外层,且叶鞘中硅物质的含量高于茎秆。叶鞘外层的硅物质主要以小颗粒物存在、夹杂少量大颗粒物和毛状物。茎秆外层硅物质分布更为均匀,大颗粒物和毛状物进一步减少。叶鞘和茎秆小颗粒物均呈哑铃状规律出现,小颗粒物的粒径约为1 μm。XRD研究显示,稻秸的叶鞘、茎秆、节和穗呈现纤维素I型的晶型结构,其结晶度分别为叶鞘55.3%,茎秆59.0%,节47.8%,穗57.4%,内含晶体尺寸约为叶鞘2.10 nm,茎秆2.13 nm,节1.36 nm,穗2.22 nm。稻秸各组织中提取的SiO2均呈现非晶态特征。研究结果为仿照稻秸纤维-SiO2结构,诱导纳米无机材料沉积在有机质表面,并且调控纳米颗粒在生长过程中的粒径和形态具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

廖育林  郑圣先  聂军  谢坚  鲁艳红  杨曾平 《土壤》2011,43(6):941-947
研究了长期定位施肥试验中连续27年(1981-2007)施用化肥和稻草对红壤性水稻土非交换性钾释放特征及其动力学的影响.本试验选择了其中5个处理:CK(不施肥)、NP(施氮、磷肥)、NPK(施氮、磷、钾肥)、NP+RS(施氮、磷肥和稻草)和NPK+RS(施氮、磷、钾肥和稻草).结果表明,长期施用钾肥和稻草的条件下,各处理土壤中非交换性钾的释放均存在2个不同的阶段:即第一阶段(1~14 h)表现为直线上升阶段,第二阶段(14~796 h)为缓慢增长阶段.5个处理中,长期不施钾处理(CK和NP)的土壤非交换性钾累积释放量较低,分别为62.22和56.12 mg/kg,长期施钾处理(NPK、NP+RS和NPK+RS)的土壤非交换性钾累积释放量较高,分别为67.52、64.41和75.33 mg/kg.施稻草处理(NPK+RS和NP+RS)的土壤非交换性钾释放量明显高于相应不施稻草处理(NPK和NP)的土壤,这可能与长期施用稻草促使土壤矿物钾中的一部分向非交换性钾转化有关.用抛物线扩散、零级反应、一级反应和Elovich方程模拟土壤非交换性钾的释放动力学结果表明,Elovich方程能比较好地模拟5个处理土壤非交换性钾的释放动力学.分段直线方程能更好地描述土壤非交换性钾释放的机制.  相似文献   

我国水稻秸秆磷分布及其还田对土壤磷输入的贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国水稻秸秆资源丰富,水稻秸秆还田是向土壤输入磷素的重要途径之一。对我国各省区不同季别水稻秸秆还田的土壤磷输入贡献进行测算,可有针对性地为水稻秸秆还田条件下土壤磷素优化管理及平衡调控提供科学参考和指导。本研究基于《中国农村统计年鉴》中水稻生产统计资料和文献调研参数,对2013—2018年我国主要稻区不同季别水稻秸秆磷养分资源时空分布特征以及单位播种面积水稻秸秆还田的土壤磷素输入量进行分析。结果表明,2018年我国主要稻区早稻、双季晚稻和中晚稻秸秆产量分别为2327万t、2783万t和13 527万t,长江中游和长江下游稻区的水稻秸秆资源量居于全国前列,分别占33.6%和21.8%。2013—2018年我国水稻秸秆磷(P_2O_5)养分产量呈缓慢增长的趋势,从2013年的59.7万t增加到2018年的62.8万t。2018年水稻秸秆磷养分资源主要分布在黑龙江(15.0%)、湖南(12.5%)、江苏(10.0%)、湖北(9.9%)和江西(9.6%)等省份。2013—2018年我国主要稻区早稻、双季晚稻及中晚稻秸秆还田的年均土壤磷养分输入量分别为13.9~15.1kg(P_2O_5)·hm~(-2)、16.0~20.9 kg(P_2O_5)·hm~(-2)和19.3~29.3 kg(P_2O_5)·hm~(-2)。从全国范围来看,早稻、双季晚稻和中晚稻秸秆还田下的土壤磷养分输入量平均分别为14.4 kg(P_2O_5)·hm~(-2)、18.2 kg(P_2O_5)·hm~(-2)和24.4 kg(P_2O_5)·hm~(-2)。基于上述测算结果,建议我国主要稻区各省份在水稻特别是中晚稻秸秆还田条件下,基于秸秆磷素携入量适当调整磷肥投入量,以实现土壤磷养分收支平衡,控制农田磷养分盈余及流失风险。  相似文献   

中国农田土壤镉等重金属污染问题突出,对其生产过程中产生的镉污染水稻秸秆进行无害化和资源化利用研究具有重要意义。该研究通过连续提取试验、风险评价指数法、吸附动力学/热力学、土柱试验,以及X射线衍射分析、傅里叶变换红外光谱分析等手段,探究了不同热解温度下制备的镉污染水稻秸秆生物炭对土壤中Cd的稳定特性。研究结果表明,镉污染水稻秸秆热解制备的生物炭可有效吸附土壤镉。热解温度显著影响生物炭对Cd的吸附能力(P<0.05),高温生物炭对Cd吸附容量大,700 ℃下制备的生物炭对Cd的吸附容量可达72.57 mg/g。生物炭对Cd的吸附主要通过含氧官能团表面络合和碳酸盐共沉淀吸附,其吸附过程符合Langmuir方程和准二级动力学模型,吸附过程受化学速率控制。土柱试验表明,镉污染水稻秸秆生物炭能有效降低土壤Cd的下渗迁移能力,其作用机制主要是将土壤Cd从酸可提取态转化为残渣态,施入高温生物炭的土壤中Cd的残渣态比例最高。上述结果表明,热解可有效处理镉污染水稻秸秆,制备的生物炭可用于Cd等重金属污染土壤的稳定修复,有效解决镉污染水稻秸秆的潜在二次污染问题并实现其安全利用。  相似文献   

Rice straw contains up to 2.3% K in dry matter, including potassium (K) subcompartmented in phytoliths, complex siliceous structures formed in plant tissue via precipitation of Si. Rice straw is usually returned to the soil as a conventional practice to sustain soil nutrients, and therefore, the K pool accompanied with rice straw phytoliths is also cycled. Based on phytoliths obtained by ashing of rice straw at 400 °C and dissolution experiments using batch extraction in combination with physical separation of phytoliths by heavy liquid, this study evaluated the phytolith K(phytK) pool in rice straw and aged phytoliths in paddy soils. Entrapped organic matter containing K within phytolith silica cells was visualized by X-ray tomographic microscopy, and releases of this phytK pool accompanying phytolith dissolution were quantified. A 1% Na2CO3 solution, which has been commonly used to extract amorphous Si and to quantify soil phytoliths, showed obvious responses for K derived from phytolith dissolution, indicating that the Na2CO3 method can be developed for measurement of phytK. In 13 soil samples, Na2CO3-dissolvable K content assignable to phytK was 0.55 ± 0.39 g kg?1 in the puddled horizon, suggesting the phytK pool is of high significance for the management of K in paddy soils.  相似文献   

控释肥对稻草覆盖红壤花生产量及土壤有效氮平衡的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用田间试验研究了稻草覆盖等量施肥条件下,配施控释肥(controlled release fertilizer,CRF)20%(MF20)、40%(MF40)、60%(MF60)、传统一次施肥(MF0)、不施肥(CK1)以及无覆盖分次施肥(CK2)对花生产量、氮素吸收利用及土壤有效氮平衡的影响。结果表明:在一次性施肥条件下,配施20%控释肥(MF20)处理,花生产量最佳,达到分次施肥产量水平,过多配施控释肥将影响产量;氮素表观利用率随控释肥配施比例的增大先增加后降低,MF20处理氮肥表观利用率最高(57.39%),分别较MF0和CK2处理增加20.94%和3.84%。MF20处理氮肥农学利用率、偏生产力、氮素吸收效率以及花生吸氮量均最高,但随着控释肥配施比例的增加均呈降低趋势,而氮素表观损失率的变化趋势相反。土壤氮盈余则随着控释肥比例增大而明显增加。综合有效氮平衡,本试验的土壤条件下,减氮施肥技术对挖掘花生自身固氮潜力、提高肥料利用率、保证红壤区花生高产稳产等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   


The long-term effects of rice straw incorporation on soil organic carbon (SOC) content and rice yield were evaluated from rice cultivation with different treatments: no rice straw (control), rice straw (RS), and rice straw compost (RSC) as a main-plots; five levels of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application: 0, 100, 150, 200, and 250 of N (kg ha?1) as a sub-plots. The denitrification and decomposition (DNDC) model was employed to simulate changes in SOC content and rice grain yield over 35 years. Additionally, scenario analysis on continuous or discontinuous RS incorporation in rice fields was conducted using the DNDC model. The long-term results indicated that RS and RSC treatments played a crucial role in increasing grain yields by 9% and 11% due to the increased SOC contents compared to control treatment. The validated DNDC model on SOC contents and yields showed a good agreement between the observed and simulated values based on the normalized root mean square errors. The model predicted a rapid decline of SOC contents without RS incorporation. Results suggested that incorporating rice straw or amending manure to paddy soils is a preferred practice for maintaining SOC contents.  相似文献   

小麦秸秆浸提液和腐解液对水稻的化感效应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过设置小麦秸秆浸提液和腐解液对水稻种子发芽和幼苗生长发育影响试验,明确小麦秸秆对水稻的化感效应.水稻种子萌发试验采用平板培养法,水稻生长发育试验采用砂培法.试验结果表明:与对照相比,小麦秸秆浸提液和腐解液均显著降低水稻种子的发芽指数和水稻植株生物量、叶绿素含量以及根系活力(p<0.05),同时显著增加水稻植株丙二醛含量(p<0.05);小麦秸秆腐解液对水稻的化感效应强于秸秆浸提液,小麦秸秆叶部浸提液对水稻的化感效应强于茎秆浸提液,小麦秸秆15d腐解液对水稻的化感效应强于7d腐解液;4种浸提液或腐解液5倍稀释后均减缓了对水稻发芽和植株生长发育的抑制作用.小麦秸秆浸提液和腐解液的总酚酸含量均较高,含量介于90.80~222 mg L-1,且总酚酸含量与水稻植株鲜重、根系活力、叶绿素以及水稻发芽指数显著负相关,而与水稻植株丙二醛含量显著正相关.小麦秸秆浸提液和腐解液均对水稻产生化感效应,其作用强度与秸秆腐解方式、秸秆不同部位及腐解时间有关,同时小麦秸秆化感效应的产生与浸提液和腐解液中的酚酸含量有关.  相似文献   

以"Lemont"和"Dular"杂交建立的包含123个家系的水稻重组自交系(RILs)群体为材料,选用水稻根系硅吸收能力和叶片硅利用率为指标,进行水稻硅营养遗传性状QTL定位,并分析其与UV-B辐射增强的互作效应。结果表明,控制水稻叶片硅利用率的4个加性QTL分别在第2、3、10染色体上,而控制根系硅吸收能力的1个加性QTL位于第11染色体上。QTL与UV-B辐射互作分析发现2对控制根系硅吸收能力和3对控制叶片硅利用率的基因×环境上位性QTL,其中只有1对控制根系硅吸收能力的QTL效应值较大。说明水稻这两种硅营养性状中,根系硅吸收能力较叶片硅利用率受UV-B辐射影响大,在抗UV-B辐射育种中以叶片硅利用率为水稻硅营养遗传选择的指标具有较高效率。  相似文献   

刘鸣达  张玉龙  李军  杨丹 《土壤通报》2003,34(4):312-314
选取低浓度系列平衡液进行等温吸附解吸试验,并结合田间试验的效果,研究了不同水稻土对硅的吸附解吸特征及其与土壤理化性质水稻土供硅能力之间的关系。结果表明:在低浓度梯度条件下,直线方程y=bx-a可以很好地描述土壤对硅的吸附过程。水稻相对产量与a之间存在着极显著的幂指数函数正相关关系,所以,a可以作为评价水稻土供硅能力的指标。  相似文献   

The amounts of monomeric silica released on trimethylsilylation of a range of Soil Groups of the Darleith Soil Association, developed on glacial till derived from Carboniferous age lavas of basic and intermediate composition, is significantly higher than the amounts released from corresponding Soil Groups of the Lauder Soil Association, developed on glacial till derived from Devonian age conglomerates and sandstone. Monoremic silica release values for the leached soils within an association are, in general, higher than those of the gley soils. For all soil profiles the eluvial horizon released the smallest amount of monomeric silica with the maximum amount being released, in most instances, from the illuvial horizon. Ferromagnesian minerals and crystalline clay minerals, in particular vermiculite and chlorite in the Darleith Association soils, release monomeric silica under acid conditions. For both the Darleith and Lauder Association soils the principal source of monosilicic acid is thought to be aluminosilica gel of low Si:A1 ratio.  相似文献   

中国南方潴育性水稻土产量演变及其肥力驱动因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统分析了我国广西桂林、钦州及玉林3个潴育性水稻土长期常规施肥(F)和不施肥(CK)处理下,双季稻产量及土壤肥力随时间的变化趋势,并借助通径分析探明主要肥力因素对各点水稻产量的驱动差异和关联。结果显示,不施肥条件下,桂林点的基础地力较低,其产量随时间呈显著下降趋势(各季产量均值666~846 kg hm-2),而玉林和钦州点基础地力相对较高,其产量在试验期间相对稳定(各季产量均值3 500~4 577 kg hm-2)。常规施肥下,桂林点产量显著提高(较CK增产522%),且随时间呈显著上升趋势,另两试验点较CK增产20%~67%。常规施肥下,土壤肥力随时间呈稳定或不同程度的上升趋势,其中土壤有效磷初始值低于10 mg kg-1的桂林和钦州点上升幅度最大且均达到显著水平,而初始值为50 mg kg-1的玉林点变化不大。土壤有机质与全氮变化在各地不同,气温偏低的桂林点有机质呈上升趋势且全氮含量较高(3 g kg-1),气温偏高的玉林和钦州点有机质呈下降趋势且全氮含量较低(1~2.5 g kg-1),表明有机质的累积和释放上存在差异。双季稻产量的主要肥力驱动因子各地有差异,桂北地区桂林点土壤有效磷为首要因素,桂南地区玉林和钦州点土壤有机质及氮含量为主要的肥力因素。因此,依据区域特征采取有针对性措施是持续、高效培肥土壤的保证。  相似文献   

Aggregate slaking is linked with rapid pressure buildup within aggregates. Soil water repellency may help hamper the pressure buildup within aggregates by reducing their wetting rates. We examined the effects of animal manure in improving aggregate stability, the hydrophobic effects of green manure, and the possibility of using organic manure mixtures to increase the aggregate stability for Sri Lankan red yellow podzolic soils using model aggregates. Almost all the cow dung (CD) added samples showed extremely low percentages of water stable aggregates (%WSA) demonstrating rapid destruction of aggregates. Although the addition of ≥ 10% goat dung (GD) improved the %WSA, aggregate floating occurred, showing the risk of aggregate floating with runoff water. Addition of 5% GD would be an acceptable solution if the %WSA can be improved. Casuarina equisetifolia L. leaves (CE) was found to be a hydrophobic green manure. Although addition of ≥ 5% CE increased the %WSA up to about 90%, aggregate floating occurred. The possibility of improving %WSA using 1–2% hydrophobic green manure in organic manures mixtures was tested. Samples with 5% GD + 2% CE manure mixture showed the highest and the most stable %WSA without showing aggregate floating. Additions of compost and poultry litter were found not to be effective in improving aggregate stability with or without CE. Strong or higher water repellency was not observed in any of the samples with manure mixtures, showing that the addition of 1–2% hydrophobic CE would not induce detrimental effects of water repellency. There was no clear correlation between %WSA and the hydrophobicity of soils. However, the %WSA can be considered to show a tendency to increase with increasing hydrophobicity, because the %WSA was very high in samples with hydrophobic CE, the %WSA increased when mixed with 1–2% CE, and samples with highest water drop penetration time (WDPT) among all the manure mixtures showed the highest %WSA.  相似文献   

不同氮肥配施方法下稻草还田短期效应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为探索适宜稻草还田量及配合稻草还田的N、P肥施用方法,通过盆栽试验,采用树脂法和传统化学法相结合,研究了不同N肥配施方法下稻草还田对土壤N、P养分及水稻生长的短期影响。结果表明:稻草还田短期内可降低土壤氨氮浓度,提高土壤有效磷浓度,抑制水稻生长;稻草还田的这3种效应都随稻草水平的增加而加强,但不同N肥配施下无差异。稻草还田后易引起水稻铁中毒,因此稻草还田量不宜过多;稻草还田后除需多施N、P肥外,还需通过排水等措施以解决其铁毒效应。  相似文献   

不同水稻品种混作养鸭对土壤养分动态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鸭稻共作和水稻混种均可产生良好的生态效应,但能否将两项技术结合起来,即通过不同水稻品种混种与稻田养鸭的叠加,进而产生"1+12"的生态效应和生产效益,是一项值得加以实践和探讨的课题。为探明多品种水稻混作养鸭这类复合生物多样性利用模式的应用可行性,本试验设置了水稻单作常规种植(施药施肥)、水稻单作养鸭、水稻单作空白对照(不养鸭不施肥药)、水稻品种混作常规种植(施药施肥)、水稻品种混作养鸭和水稻品种混作空白对照(不养鸭不施肥药)6种种植模式开展田间试验,研究不同水稻品种混作养鸭对土壤养分动态和稻米品质的影响。结果表明:种植双季稻后,水稻品种混作养鸭处理下土壤有机质含量显著高于其他种植模式。早晚季水稻生长期间水稻品种混作养鸭处理的土壤全氮含量低于水稻品种混作常规种植处理,但均显著高于其他处理;水稻品种混作养鸭处理的土壤碱解氮含量较其他处理显著提高。各处理土壤速效磷含量以水稻单作空白对照处理的最高,总体上,混作处理比单作处理平均土壤速效磷含量高。种植双季稻后,水稻品种混作养鸭种植模式的土壤全钾和速效钾含量均高于其他处理。水稻品种混作养鸭处理的稻米出糙率、精米率、直链淀粉含量和胶稠度较其他处理高,且垩白粒率较其他处理低。综合表明,水稻品种混作养鸭模式更有利于改善田间土壤养分状况,提高稻米的品质,故此模式可为优质健康稻米生产提供新途径。  相似文献   

秸秆还田是耕地质量提升的重要措施,还田秸秆腐解能够为作物生长提供氮、磷、钾等养分。明确稻麦轮作制水稻和小麦秸秆还田后的腐解和养分释放特征,是制定秸秆还田下合理养分管理制度的理论基础。通过田间尼龙网袋法,研究了小麦秸秆在水稻季、水稻秸秆在小麦季的腐解和养分释放特征以及秸秆腐解剂的影响。结果表明,小麦和水稻秸秆快速腐解期、中速腐解期、缓慢腐解期分别为0~10、10~20、20~110和0~10、10~50、50~200 d。在秸秆腐解剂的作用下,秸秆腐解率达50%和95%的时间缩短约8和38 d。水稻生育期内小麦秸秆累积腐解率达57%,秸秆氮和磷表现为淋溶-富集-释放,释放量分别为29%~37%和36%~44%,碳和钾表现为直接释放,释放量分别为55%和92%。小麦生育期内水稻秸秆累积腐解率达到73%,秸秆碳、氮、磷、钾均表现为直接释放,释放量依次为75%、41%~51%、59%、98%。水稻季,小麦秸秆在缓慢腐解期会吸附-富集土壤溶液中的氮和磷,伴随着秸秆中纤维素和半纤维素逐渐腐解,富集的氮、磷会部分释放到土壤中;小麦季,秸秆腐解剂提高快速和缓慢腐解期氮和磷的释放量和释放速率,氮素和磷素释放量分别提高10.0%和4.7%。热重分析表明,秸秆腐解剂主要加速了小麦和水稻秸秆半纤维素和纤维素的腐解。综上所述,秸秆腐解剂可以在一定程度上提高秸秆腐解和养分释放速率,同时也应注意还田秸秆在水稻孕穗期对土壤溶液中氮、磷的吸附-富集过程,在实际生产中宜在该时期适当补充氮、磷肥,以避免秸秆与作物争养分而导致减产。  相似文献   

Many studies have highlighted the importance of the Amorphous Silica (ASi) pool to the overall mass balance in the biogeosphere. In order to advance our knowledge of measurements and quantification of this pool, it is necessary to compare the ability of different extractants to dissolve ASi in soils and to test methods developed in the aquatic sciences to soils systems. The methods used in this work included three acid extraction techniques (0.2 m NH4‐oxalate, 0.1 m NH4‐citrate and 0.5 m NH4‐acetate) and two alkaline extraction techniques (0.094 m Na2CO3 and 0.5 m NaOH), which are more commonly used for the measurement of ASi in aquatic sediments. Our results indicate that the amount of Si extracted from phytolith samples with the acid methods was two orders of magnitude less than the amount of extracted by alkaline extractions. When applied to natural soil samples, these extractions show that the acid techniques are only able to extract loosely‐bound components such as adsorbed Si and Si bound in amorphous matrices with Al and Fe. While Na2CO3 or NaOH extracted the same amount of ASi in Podzols, Na2CO3 was able to extract only part of the ASi extracted with NaOH in Chernozems. Pre‐treatment of the samples with 0.1 m HCl before the Na2CO3 extraction did not increase amounts of ASi extracted. The present work suggests that alkaline methods used commonly for ASi on aquatic sediment samples can be used on a wide variety of soils.  相似文献   

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