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Structural surfaces and slickensides have been reported to be important features impacting sorption–desorption of chemicals and bypass flow of pollutants to shallow groundwater aquifers. This study provides visible, microscopic and submicroscopic characteristics of slickenside features in two Texas Vertisols of different geomorphological age. Transport of visible anionic dye and CaBr is studied as related to soil structural surfaces, root channels and slickenside planes. Macromorphic observations were coupled with thin section microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analyses.Slickenside surfaces differed from subjacent micromass of the ped interiors by stronger preferred orientation of clay particles and reduction in macropores with corresponding increase in micropores. Such characteristics could make slickensides act as semi-permeable barriers to solute transport, but this phenomenon could not be confirmed from CaBr studies herein.The majority of the solute bypass flow in both soils was conducted through root channels and ped interfaces. Slickenside surfaces in these Vertisols conducted less than 1% of the flow. It was observed primarily when the dye solution was delivered to the surface of the slickenside via the adjacent root channel. In spite of the preferential orientation of clay particles along slickenside planes, the penetration of Br into the aggregate interior was not retarded like the larger organic anion dye. These results may reflect specific moisture conditions, which should be considered in future works.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that an improved system of catchment management in combination with appropriate cropping practices can sustain increased crop production and improve soil quality of Vertisols, compared with prevailing traditional farming practices. Initiated in 1976, the improved system consisted of integrated land management to conserve soil and water, with excess rainwater being removed in a controlled manner. This was combined with improved crop rotation (legume based) and integrated nutrient management. In the traditional system, sorghum or chickpea was grown in the post-rainy season with organic fertilizers, and in the rainy season the field was maintained as a cultivated fallow. The average grain yield of the improved system over 24 years was 4.7 t ha−1 yr−1, nearly a five-fold increase over the traditional system (about 1 t ha−1 yr−1). There was also evidence of increased organic C, total N and P, available N, P and K, microbial biomass C and N in the soil of the improved system. A positive relationship between soil available P and soil organic C suggested that application of P to Vertisols increased carbon sequestration by 7.4 t C ha−1 and, in turn, the productivity of the legume-based system, thus ultimately enhancing soil quality.  相似文献   

Vertisols are important cropping soils in tropical and subtropical areas, but in many regions, decades of cropping has substantially reduced concentrations of plant-available phosphorus (P), especially in the subsoil layers. Phosphorus behaviour in P-depleted Vertisols has received comparatively little attention, and the availability of P following the addition of inorganic P fertilisers at different concentrations is poorly understood. In this study, we evaluated short-term P sorption and desorption behaviour in cropped Vertisols in relation to specific soil physical and chemical properties. We collected the surface and subsurface of 15 Australian soils with a broad range of physical and chemical properties, comprising nine Vertisols, three Ferralsols, two Lixisols and one Calcisol. For each soil, we generated sorption and desorption curves (fitted with a Freundlich equation), determined soil physical and chemical properties likely to influence P sorption and evaluated the relationships between the measured soil properties and the Freundlich equation sorption coefficients. The P sorption curves differed drastically between soils, with the sorption equation coefficients (aS × b) significantly correlated with the P buffering index (PBI) and clay content. Clay content itself was correlated with citrate-extractable Fe and Al oxides and BET surface area. Vertisols formed on basaltic parent materials had greater Fe and Al oxide concentrations, resulting in an overall greater P sorption capacity. Sorption and desorption hysteresis were mostly small. The reacting materials in these soils probably had limited ability to continue to react with P. The Vertisols differed in their capacity to replenish P in the soil solution by desorbing different proportions of previously sorbed P, although the proportion of desorbable P generally increased with greater concentrations of sorbed P. These results suggest that for fertiliser management in these soils, smaller volumes of P enrichment combined with higher P concentrations may result in a greater P recovery by the crop.  相似文献   

砂壤土上甘蔗管理的土壤质量指示评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An important factor for the sustainability of soils highly susceptible to degradation is the use of monitoring tools that promptly and realistically reflect changes imposed on soil by different cropping systems. To select soil quality indicator variables in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) production areas that fulfill the criteria of sensitivity to management practices and between-season consistency in the management discrimination, ten composite soil samples (0-10 cm) were collected in July 2005 (rainy season) and again in March 2006 (dry season) from areas under cultivation of organic sugarcane (OS), green sugarcane (GS), burned sugarcane (BS) and from an adjacent native forest (NF) area at Usina Triunfo, Boca da Mata, Alagoas, Brazil. Microbial biomass-C (MBC), total organic C (TOC), soil enzyme activity expressed as the rate of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis, mean weight diameter of water-stable soil aggregates (MWD), and percentage of water-stable macroaggregates (PWSA) were analyzed. Although MBC and TOC were higher in NF than in the cultivated areas, no differences were observed in these C pools between the three sugarcane systems. The response of FDA to the site management was dependent on the sampling time. In the rainy period, the activity followed the order: NF > OS > GS > BS, whereas in the dry season, only NF differed from the other treatments. Irrespective of the sampling time, MWD and PWSA decreased in the order NF > OS = GS > BS. The variables MWD and PWSA are quite sensitive for discriminating between site management histories regardless the sampling season.  相似文献   

在每hm^2施鱼粉有机-无机复混肥1500kg的大田生产条件下,采用随机区组设计,设置5种施肥技术处理,研究其对甘蔗农艺性状、生理生化特性、蔗茎产量及品质等方面的生长效应。结果表明:D处理蔗茎产量和含糖量最高,D处理与A处理的蔗茎产量差异达显著水平,含糖量差异达极显著水平;D处理与B、C、E处理间的含糖量差异达显著水平;其他处理间差异不显著。  相似文献   

Rainfed semi-arid tropical Vertisols of the Indian subcontinent encounter many problems on account of the physical, chemical, and biological soil qualities and consequently have poor crop yields. To ensure sustainable crop production, there is a need to improve and periodically assess the quality of these soils by adopting suitable soil and nutrient-management practices on a long-term basis. Hence, soil quality assessment studies were conducted at the Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India, by adopting an ongoing long-term experiment from Akola Centre (Maharashtra) of All-India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture (AICRPDA) for the rainfed Vertisol. This long-term experiment was initiated in 1987 with six soil and nutrient management treatments: T1, control; T2, 50 kg nitrogen (N) + 25 kg phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) ha?1; T3, 25 kg N ha?1 through leuceana; T4, 25 kg N ha?1 through farmyard manure (FYM); T5, 25 kg N + 25 kg P2O5 + 25 kg N ha?1 through FYM; and T6, 25 kg P2O5 ha?1 + 50 kg N ha?1 through leuceana under cotton + greengram intercropping (1:1). Out of the 19 soil quality parameters studied, significant influence of the soil and nutrient-management treatments was observed on almost all the parameters except exchangeable calcium (Ca), available iron (Fe), labile carbon (LC), and bulk density (BD). A standard methodology using principal component analysis (PCA) and linear scoring technique (LST) was adopted to identify the key indicators and for computation of soil quality indices. The various key soil quality indicators identified for these Vertisols under cotton + green gram system were pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon (OC), available K, exchangeable magnesium (Mg), dehydrogenase assay (DHA), and microbial biomass carbon (MBC). The soil quality indices as influenced by different long-term soil and nutrient-management treatments varied from 1.46 to 2.10. Among the treatments, the conjunctive use of 25 kg P2O5 ha?1 + 50 kg N ha?1 through leuceana green biomass (T6) maintained significantly higher soil quality index with a value of 2.10 followed by use of 25 kg N + 25 kg P2O5 + 25 kg N ha?1 through FYM (T5) (2.01). The order of percent contribution of these identified indicators to soil quality indices was OC (28%) > MBC (25%) > available K (24%) > EC (7%) > pH (6%) = DHA (6%) > exchangeable Mg (4%). Thus, the findings of the present study could be of immense use to the researchers, land managers, farmers, nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and other stakeholders for making periodical assessment of key indicators of soil quality, identifying the best soil and nutrient-management treatments and practices, and planning for improving soil quality to achieve higher productivity goals on a sustainable basis in rainfed semi-arid tropical Vertisol regions. The methodology of the study could also be useful for other rainfed semi-arid tropical Vertisol regions of the world.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, soil cultivation practices in the southern Argentinean Pampas have been changing from a 7 year cash-crop production system alternated with 2–3 years under pasture, to a continuous cropping system. A better understanding of the impact of the period of time a field has been under continuous cropping on a broad spectrum of soil properties related to soil quality is needed to target for sustainable cropping systems. The objectives of this study were to: (i) assess the relationship between physical and chemical soil parameters related to soil quality and (ii) identify soil quality indicators sensitive to soil changes under continuous cropping systems in the Argentinean Pampas.

Correlation analysis of the 29 soil attributes representing soil physical and chemical properties (independent variables) and years of continuous cropping (dependent variable) resulted in a significant correlation (p < 0.05) in 78 of the 420 soil attribute pairs. We detected a clear relationship between hydraulic conductivity at tension h (Kh) and structural porosity (ρe); ρe being a simple tool for monitoring soil hydraulic conditions.

Soil tillage practice (till or no-till) affected most of the soil parameters measured in our study. It was not possible to find only one indicator related to the years under continuous cropping regardless of the cultivation practice. We observed a significant relationship between years under continuous cropping and Kh under no-till (NT) and wheat fallow (p < 0.001, R2 = 0.70). Under these conditions, K−40 diminished as the number of years under continuous cropping increased.

The change in mean weight diameter (CMWD) was the only physical parameter related to the number of years under continuous cropping, explaining 36% of the variability in the number of years under continuous cropping (p < 0.001) The combination of three soil quality indicators (CMWD, partial R2 = 0.38; slope of the soil water retention curve at its inflexion point (S), partial R2 = 0.14 and cation exchange capacity (CEC), partial R2 = 0.13) was able to explain, in part, the years under continuous cropping (R2 = 0.65; p value > 0.001), a measure related to soil quality.  相似文献   

Sustainable agricultural production is of vital importance to food supply security. This study aimed to investigate crop yield response to spatial variability of soil quality at a county scale in the North China Plain(NCP) and subsequently derive key soil quality indicators. Soil samples were geo-referenced and taken in 2008 from both surface(0–20 cm) and subsurface(20–40 cm) layers in132 fields throughout the Fengqiu County, located in the centre of the NCP, for subsequent soil properties' analyses. Annual crop yields were obtained from the same fields where soil samples were collected. Soil quality was evaluated based on a fuzzy set with 13 soil properties, and its spatial distributions were investigated by integrating geostatistical analysis and geographic information system(GIS) techniques. Soil quality indices were classified into five grades, and their spatial distributions were mapped within the county.The surface soil qualities were about one to two grades higher than the subsurface soil. The quality indices for surface and subsurface soils were positively associated with the annual crop yields, suggesting the importance of both. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen,available P, and available K contributed 50% of the combined weight to the soil quality index and were identified as key indicators of soil quality status in the area in terms of sustainability.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to assess the long-term effects of no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT), and the short-term effects following tillage conversion from CT to NT (NTn) and from NT to CT (CTn) on soil quality (SQ) indicators in a semi-humid climate. First, plots of a long-term tillage experiment on a Luvic Phaeozem initiated in 1986 were split into two subplots in 2012, yielding four treatments: NT, CT, NTn and CTn. In 2015, composite soil samples were collected from each treatment and from a natural site (Ref) at depths 0–5, 5–10, 10–20 and 0–20 cm. Several indicators were determined: soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON); particulate organic C (POM-C) and N (POM-N); potential N mineralization (PMN) and soil respiration (Rs). Moreover, bulk density was determined in long-term tillage systems. Different ratios between indicators were calculated, with emphasis on its function in the agroecosystem, that is functional indicators. Significant differences in SOC, SON and PMN were found between CT and NT at most depths. In contrast, 3 years after tillage conversion, only a part of the SQ indicators studied were modified mainly at the 0–10 cm depth. The functional indicators showed differences between tillage systems in the long-term and after short-term tillage conversion depending on the depth; however, the PMN/SON ratio demonstrated differences at all depths. Under these conditions, this ratio-related to easily mineralizable N fraction proved to be a promising indicator for assessing SQ under contrasting tillage systems regardless of the sampling depth.  相似文献   

在甘蔗大棚内于甘蔗伸长期间,进行相当于60、40、20、0 mm/旬降雨量的供水量处理(分别以处理Ⅰ、处理Ⅱ、处理Ⅲ和CK表示),试验结果表明:(1)蔗茎伸长速度、群体叶面积指数动态变化、单株干物质积累量等生长指标,以处理Ⅱ的综合表现最佳,CK的综合表现最差;(2)处理Ⅰ和处理Ⅱ8~10月份的酸性转化酶活性和10月份、11月份的中性转化酶活性高于处理Ⅲ和CK的;(3)蔗茎产量、1月份甘蔗蔗糖分和1月份每公顷甘蔗含糖量等指标,处理Ⅱ>处理Ⅲ>处理Ⅰ>CK;处理Ⅰ、处理Ⅱ、处理Ⅲ的蔗茎产量和每公顷甘蔗含糖量与CK的差异显著。  相似文献   

The impact of the use of natural resources associated with anthropogenic activities has increased evidently, mainly through land use changes which have altered hydrophysical properties of soils. We hypothesized that, in the same soil type (Vertisol), four types of land use system (grassland, agricultural, Eucalyptus plantation and thornscrub) and seasonal variation can modify the soil hydrophysical properties. Results showed significant differences between land use systems and seasons for hydraulic conductivity (K), infiltration capacity (fp) and cumulative infiltration (fc). There were no seasonal differences in soil penetration resistance (SPR), bulk density (ρd) and total porosity (φP). Grassland presented higher values for ρd (1.2 g cm?3) and SPR (5.3 kg cm?2) and lower for K (0.8 × 10?5 cm s?1) and φP (53%), unlike thornscrub. Agriculture presented lower SPR (0.4 kg cm?2), while plantation showed similar values when compared to the thornscrub. Kostiakov infiltration model was fitted to land use infiltration curves, showing differences between land use and season. The values for fp oscillated between 53.6 and 548.8 mm hr?1 and fc ranged from 105.3 to 1,061 mm. The order of the infiltration values goes as follows: agriculture > plantation > thornscrub > grassland. Land use changes in Vertisols induced modification of soil physical properties affecting processes like permeability, soil compaction and water availability.  相似文献   

Productivity and sustainability of rice-rice cropping system depend upon the soil quality which is primarily governed by application of fertilizers and manures. However, such information is limited and hence, the present investigation was carried out in a 9-year-old long-term fertilizer experiment at Bhubaneswar, India. There were seven treatments (control, application of 100% NPK, 150% NPK, 100% NPK + Zn, 100% NPK + FYM, 100% NPK + Zn + B, and 100% NPK + Zn + S) laid out in randomized block design with four replications. Indicators of soil quality (physical, chemical, and biological) were diagnosed from 30 numbers of soil properties measured on the post-wet season soil and soil quality was assessed taking productivity and sustainability of dry season rice as goal functions. Results revealed that the highest productivity and sustainability of dry season rice was found with application of 100% NPK + FYM. This treatment, in general, showed better physical, chemical, and biological properties than rest of the treatments. The highest soil quality index (SQI) was recorded in 100% NPK + FYM (0.941) treatment followed by 150% NPK (0.826) with CEC diagnosed as the only key indicator for rice productivity. For yield sustainability in dry season, reserve K and total N were important contributing 89% and 11%, respectively to the SQI. Therefore, these soil properties could be used to monitor soil quality in wet season. Application of FYM along with 100% NPK could sustain the productivity of dry season rice by improving soil properties under subtropical rice-rice system.  相似文献   

土壤质量评价指标及其时空变异   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
综述了土壤质量的概念及其研究进展,并探讨了土壤质量指标的选择原则,得出不同土壤的评价应以土壤的功能为基础并采用不同的标准。在以往研究中,人们一直强调以土壤物理、化学特性作为土壤质量指标。目前,国内外关于土壤生物学指标的研究日益增多,一些参数作为生物指标已表现出很大的潜力并成为系统稳定性的早期预警和敏感指标。之后阐述了国内外土壤质量指标空间变异的研究现状,探讨了该领域研究中存在的问题,展望了国内外土壤空间变异的研究前景。  相似文献   

Vertisols formed on different parent materials from Turkey (Aslanpınarı and Begde soil series) and Israel (Akko soil series) were studied for their microstructure. The Aslanpınarı and Begde soils showed similar spheroidal microstructural development in the ABss horizons, whereas the spheres of Akko differed by being smaller and lacking granostriation. Micromorphometric analyses of the three soils revealed similar pore characteristics within and between the aggregates of the ABss horizons. Presence of the spheroidal microstructural units and increase of palygorskite and vermiculite in the ABss horizon of the Be de soil, which is in contrast with increasing smectite in the Aslanpınarı and Akko soils, links with an increase in the structural stability index and an increase in the hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

Land use change (LUC) alters soil structure and, consequently, the functions and services provided by these soils. Conversion from extensive pasture to sugarcane is one of the largest land transitions in Brazil as a result of the growth of the domestic and global demands of bioenergy. However, the impacts of sugarcane expansion on the soil structure under extensive pasture remains unclear, especially when considering changes at the microscale. We investigated whether LUC for sugarcane cultivation impacted soil microstructure quality. Undisturbed soil samples were taken from two soil layers (0–10 and 10–20 cm) under three contrasting land uses (native vegetation—NV, pasture—PA and sugarcane—SC) in three different locations in the central-southern Brazil. Oriented thin sections (30 μm) were used for micromorphological analysis. The total area of pores decreased following the LUC in the following order: NV > PA > SC in both soil layers. The area of large complex packing pores (>0.01 mm²) also decreased with the LUC sequence: NV>PA>SC. Qualitative and semi-quantitative micromorphological analysis confirmed porosity reduction was driven by the decrease in complex packing pores and that biological features decreased in the same LUC sequence as the quantitative parameters. Therefore, LUC for sugarcane expansion reduced microscale soil porosity, irrespectively of soil type and site-specific conditions, indicating that the adoption of more sustainable management practices is imperative to preserve soil structure and sustain soil functions in Brazilian sugarcane fields.  相似文献   

A long-term study was conducted to study the impact of integrated nutrient management on soil quality in post-monsoon sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) at Solapur in Maharashtra State in Western India under All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture. The experiment was laid out with ten Integrated Nutrient Management Treatments in a randomized block design with three replications. The results of the study indicated that among all the integrated nutrient management treatments practiced, the application of 25 kg nitrogen (N) ha?1 through crop residue (CR) + 25 kg N ha?1 (urea) showed the highest soil quality index of 2.36, which was at par with other treatments receiving farmyard manure (FYM) and crop residues along with urea. The relative order of performance of the integrated nutrient management treatments in influencing soil quality was: T6: 25 kg N ha?1 (CR) + 25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.36) >T5: 25 kg N ha?1 (FYM) (2.31) > T7: 25 kg N ha?1 (FYM) +25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.30) = T8: 25 kg N ha?1 (CR) +25 kg N ha?1 (Leucaena loppings) (2.30) > T10: 25 kg N ha?1 (Leucaena loppings) +25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.17) > T4: 25 kg N ha?1 (CR:crop residues) (2.16) > T9: 25 kg N ha?1 (Leucaena loppings) (2.15) > T3: 50 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.10) > T2: 25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (1.99) > T1: 0 kg N ha?1 (control) (1.77). The results of the study also indicated that average percent contribution of each soil key indicator towards soil quality indices was: pH (3.97%), EC (1.94%), organic carbon (18.6%), available P (2.80%), available K (6.57%), exchangeable Ca (7.02%), available S (3.45%), Available Zn (17.9%), dehydrogenase (DHA) (16.2%), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) (18.5%) and mean weight diameter (MWD) (3.14%). Thus, the results of the present study will be highly useful to the land managers in planning effective management of soil quality.  相似文献   

The effects of three cotton-based cropping systems on soil properties, black root rot severity, and growth of cotton in a Vertisol were evaluated after a series of floods in eastern Australia. The experimental treatments, which had been imposed since 1985, were conventionally and minimum-tilled continuous cotton, and minimum-tilled cotton–wheat rotation. Frequent rainfall and flooding during the winter of 1998 resulted in near saturated soil at spring sowing in October. Although conventional tillage operations were completed before flooding, minimum tillage operations were not possible due to excessive moisture and cotton was sown onto the old beds with no-tillage. Soil specific volume (electrical conductivity of a 1:5 soil:water suspension) EC1:5, exchangeable Na content, pH and organic C were determined for the top 0.6 m of the profile in summer 1998 and again in 1999. Organic C in the surface 0.10 m was also evaluated during 1998–2000. Black root rot severity and mycorrhizal fungal colonisation were evaluated at 6 weeks after sowing. Tissue nutrient concentrations were measured in mature cotton plants. Cotton lint yield and fibre quality were evaluated after picking and ginning.

In comparison with either minimum- or conventionally tilled continuous cotton, minimum-tilled cotton–wheat rotation had the lowest exchangeable Na content and severity of bacterial black root rot, best surface structure and the highest crop growth, nutrient uptake and lint yields. Subsoil structure was the best with conventionally tilled continuous cotton. The 1998 floods appear to have decreased exchangeable Na and increased soil pH in all treatments. Surface organic C also decreased between 1998 and 2000. Soil structural damage was minimised by avoiding tillage and trafficking in wet conditions. Compared with 1998, average yield decreases in 1999 were of the order of 43%. Cotton lint fibre quality was also poorer in 1999.  相似文献   

不同生态恢复措施下宁夏黄土丘陵典型草原土壤质量评价   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为了研究生态恢复措施对草原土壤性状和土壤质量的影响,2016年在宁夏黄土高原丘陵区典型草原,以放牧草地(FM)为对照,研究了封育(FY)、水平沟(SP)和鱼鳞坑(YL)3种恢复措施对0~40 cm土壤理化性质和生物学特性的影响,评价了各措施下的土壤质量.结果表明:1)FM土壤容重最高,土壤黏粒含量、田间持水量和总孔隙度较低;FY、SP和YL措施间土壤物理性质差异不显著(P>0.05).2)土壤有机质、全氮和速效氮以FY最高,SP和YL较低;全磷与速效钾含量以FM最高,SP最低.3)土壤蔗糖酶和脲酶活性呈FY>SP>YL>FM;蛋白酶和磷酸酶呈FY草地最高,YL最低;细菌、放线菌和真菌在各处理间变化各异,微生物总量呈FY>FM≈SP>YL,但微生物生物量碳、氮呈FY>YL≈SP>FM(P<0.05):土壤因子间存在一定的相关性.4)隶属函数结合因子分析法评价的土壤质量综合得分为FY>SP>FM>YL.因此封育是最有利于研究区退化草地土壤质量恢复的措施,研究结果可以为宁夏典型草原生态建设提供理论基础.  相似文献   

Understanding of tillage effects on soil chemical properties and cations in soil solution dynamics is essential for making appropriate land-management decisions. Measurements were made after more than 25 years of different tillage treatments: conventional tillage (CT) and conservation tillage, which includes no-till (NT) and minimum tillage (MT). pH and bulk density did not show important changes but exchangeable cations and cations in soil solution were affected by depth and different tillage. The highest concentration of exchangeable Ca2+ and Mg2+ was found in NT, decreased in MT and the lowest concentration was found in CT (mean values were 26.0, 24.4 and 23.3 cmolc kg?1 for exchangeable Ca2+ and 4.2, 3.7 and 3.3 cmolc kg?1 for exchangeable Mg2+ in NT, MT and CT, respectively). In addition, the highest concentration of exchangeable Na+ was found in NT, decreased in CT and the lowest concentration was found in MT. However, the highest concentration of exchangeable K+ was found in MT. A significant depth effect was observed for cations in soil solution: Na+ increased with depth whereas K+ and Ca2+ decreased with depth. This study aims to demonstrate the effect of tillage on the distribution and concentration of certain chemical soil properties.  相似文献   

Adequate evaluation and interpretation of silicon (Si) phytoavailability in soil is a key to fertilizer recommendation. This study was conducted to determine the effect of soil texture on the choice of Si extractant, and provide baseline data on the relationship between extractable Si and sugarcane Si accumulation. The effects of soil texture and extractant solutions of Si were investigated on soil of nine areas of sugarcane cultivation. Si contents in clayey soils were higher than in sandy soils only in the extraction with standard calcium chloride, acetic acid, potassium chloride (KCl), and sodium acetate buffer. Other extractants failed to reveal differences in the Si availability among the three soil textures. The choice of the extractant should consider soil texture for the determination of adequate Si contents in soils planted with sugarcane, and the extractants that proved to be more efficient in the three soil textures was acetic acid and KCl.  相似文献   

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