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The selection of relatively high and stable yielding genotypes is key in wheat breeding programs to improve yield performance under heat and drought-stressed environments. This study determined grain yield response and stability among elite heat and drought tolerant bread wheat genotypes under simulated drought-stressed (DS) and non-stressed (NS) environments to select promising parents for breeding. Twenty-four elite bread wheat genotypes selected from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) drought and heat tolerant nursery were assessed under NS and DS conditions using a 7?×?4 alpha-lattice design under rainout shelter (RS) and glasshouse (GH) environments. Grain yield data was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), the additive main effect and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and genotype and genotype-by-environment (GGE) biplot analyses. ANOVA and AMMI revealed highly significant (p?≤?0.001) differences among test genotypes (G), environments (E) and G?×?E interaction effects suggesting differential responses for selection. The GGE biplot explained 83.76% of total variation and aided in selection of high-yielding and stable heat and drought tolerant wheat genotypes such as LM13, LM22, LM95 and LM100. These selections are recommended for breeding for yield gains under heat and drought-stressed environments.  相似文献   

High nitrogen fixing and phytohormone producing diazotrophs such as Azotobacter were isolated, identified and used as bioinoculants on wheat and cotton with varying doses of nitrogen under field conditions. The impact of bio-inoculants was determined on the basis of their effect on yield, dry weight and survival rate of bacteria at different days of plant growth under field conditions in two consecutive seasons (2000–01 and 2001–02). Pronounced effects were seen by the use of bio-inoculants in wheat crop. The effects were more visible in the second year as the level of bio-inoculants was maintained in the soil. A net saving of 25–30?kg nitrogen was observed using chosen bio-inoculants for wheat crop.  相似文献   

The application of zinc (Zn) fertilizer to lentil is an agronomic strategy that has the potential to improve yield and enhance grain Zn concentration. A pot study was conducted to determine if Zn fertilizer applied to three popular Saskatchewan lentil cultivars could increase yield and concentration of Zn in the grain. The effects of soil and foliar applied Zn forms, including ZnSO4, Zn chelated with EDTA, Zn lignosulphonate, and a control were evaluated. Forms of Zn were not found to significantly increase yield (P = 0.828) or grain Zn concentration (P = 0.708) in any of the lentil cultivars tested. Fertilization with soil applied ZnSO4 resulted in significantly (P < 0.0001) higher amounts of residual available Zn in the soil relative to other Zn treatments. Soil fertilized with ZnSO4 had 1.13 mg kg?1 diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable Zn compared to 0.84 mg Zn kg?1 and 0.77 mg Zn kg?1 in the soil and foliar applied chelated Zn, respectively.  相似文献   

不同水分条件下分层施磷对冬小麦根系分布及产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究不同水分条件下分层施磷对冬小麦根长分布、水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)及产量的影响,旨在找出旱地农业最佳水肥处理方式。试验设不施磷(CK)、表施磷(surface P,SP)、深施磷(deep P,DP)和侧深施磷(deep-band P,DBP)4种处理,每个施磷水平下设补充灌溉(W1)和干旱(整个生育期无补充灌溉)(W2)2种水分处理。结果表明,施磷位置及补充灌溉显著(P0.05)影响冬小麦孕穗期根长分布、WUE及产量,同时会改变根系空间分布。干旱胁迫使冬小麦0~30 cm土层根长密度下降,降低17.5%,却促进了30 cm以下土层根长发育,增加13.3%,促进对土壤水分和磷素的吸收,从而提高产量。无论灌溉与否,施磷处理0~30 cm土层根长密度、吸磷量、WUE及产量均显著高于CK(P0.05)。施磷位置对冬小麦WUE和产量的影响随土壤水分而异,无补充灌溉时,与磷肥表施相比,磷肥深施显著增加WUE和产量(P0.05),分别平均增加28.5%和16.0%,且深层根长(30~100 cm)与吸磷量、WUE和产量的变化趋势一致;而在补充灌溉时,与磷肥表施相比,磷肥深施却显著降低WUE(P0.05),平均降低13.3%,且深层根长与WUE、产量的关系缺乏规律性。该试验结果表明,土壤水分供应不足时,磷肥深施有利于促进冬小麦深层土壤根系生长发育,提高对土壤水分吸收利用能力,从而利于形成高产。该研究可为理解作物生长及产量对水分养分空间耦合的响应提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以旱地品种"西峰20"和"晋麦47"、水旱兼用型品种"石家庄8 号"、高水肥地品种"石4185"和"科农9204"5 个冬小麦品种为材料, 通过田间不同灌溉处理试验研究了不同抗旱类型冬小麦品种收获指数和群体水分利用效率对产量水分利用效率的影响差异。结果表明: 不同抗旱类型的小麦在不同灌溉处理下, 产量水分利用效率(WUEy)以及变化趋势存在显著差异。旱地冬小麦品种WUEy 和收获指数(HI)显著低于水地品种和水旱兼用型品种。不同品种间WUEy 最大相差42.01%, HI 相差25.91%。HI 和群体水分利用效率(WUEbm)与WUEy 呈显著正相关关系。株高与HI 呈显著负相关关系(R2=0.574)。在不灌溉条件下, 品种间WUEy 差异源自HI 的差异; 而在补充灌溉条件下, 品种间WUEy 的差异源自WUEbmHI 的共同作用。说明不同抗旱类型的小麦对不同灌溉处理的响应方式和适应策略不同。旱地品种在干旱胁迫条件下, 主要靠增加WUEbm 来提高WUEy; 而水地品种和水旱兼用型品种在补充灌溉中凭借较高的WUEbmHI 共同作用提高WUEy。  相似文献   

A 2‐year field experiment was carried out in loessal soil in a semi‐humid climate to explore the integrative influences of subsoiling on soil properties and winter wheat grain yield. Results showed that it was essential to deepen the plough pan in loessal soil. The sharply increased soil penetration resistance (>7 MPa) in plough pan under dry soil condition was especially harmful for plant growth. In rotary tillage treatment, the waterlogging conditions caused by shallow plough pan slightly produced macropores and preferential water flow. Significantly, higher grain yield was obtained in the subsoiling tillage treatment, increased by 21.9% in 2016 and 11.3% in 2017, respectively. Subsoiling tillage improved the resilience of winter wheat under adverse climate conditions. Subsoiling tillage should be popularized in loessal soil with shallow plough pan in semi‐humid climate. This study may provide valuable information on soil sustainable use and management in loessal soil.  相似文献   

以四川大面积推广应用的中筋小麦品种川麦42为材料,采用两因素裂区试验设计,研究了不同施氮量和施氮方式对带式机播套作小麦(播幅为净作的50%)群体质量和产量的影响。结果表明,套作小麦拔节后的叶面积指数(LAI)、干物质积累量均随施氮量的增加而提高,粒叶比则在中等偏高施氮量(N 180 kg /hm2)时最大;底肥:拔节肥=7:3的施氮方式有效地提高了花后LAI、干物质日积累速率及粒叶比。对产量影响方面,有效穗和穗粒数随施氮量的增加而提高,成穗率和千粒重则在N 180 kg /hm2时最高,底肥:拔节肥=7:3的施氮方式提高了成穗率。相关分析表明,孕穗后的LAI、孕穗期的干物质积累以及拔节至孕穗期的干物质日积累速率与产量呈显著或极显著正相关。本试验条件下,在施氮量为N 180 kg/hm2、施氮方式为底肥:拔节肥=7:3时,套作小麦产量构成因素协调好,产量最高,达4800.4 kg/hm2,与生产上大面积净作小麦产量相当。其群体质量指标为:基本苗184.5万株/hm2,成穗数225.3万穂/hm2,成穗率72.8%,孕穗期LAI 4.68,灌浆期LAI 2.11,花后干物质积累量1600.6 kg/hm2,结实粒数9652.5万粒/hm2,粒叶比11.501mg/cm2。  相似文献   


A five-year investigation on overwintering of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cv. Wotan has been carried out in Estonia. Sowing in August was conducted four times at weekly intervals. Seeding rates of 100, 150, and 200 plants m?2, at which respectively 47, 71, and 98 plants overwintered, gave different densities at harvest. A lower plant density (47 plants m?2) produced yields just as high as those with higher density (98 plants m?2). The optimal sowing date was mid August, which gave on average 98 plants m?2 with various plant densities. Those plants also gave higher yield (1748 kg ha?1), compared with the plots sown early or later in August.  相似文献   

品种和播期对华北春玉米产量及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
华北平原冬小麦夏玉米一年两作种植制度主要受水资源的约束,发展休耕轮作是实现该区域农业可持续发展的途径之一。春玉米高效生产是提升休耕轮作产能的关键因素,如何利用品种特性进行播期调整以适应区域生产特点提高产量是该区春玉米生产中面临的主要问题。为此,于2016年5—9月在中国科学院南皮生态农业试验站以5个玉米品种(‘华农887’、‘胡新338’、‘郑单958’、‘华农866’和‘联创1号’)为材料,比较分析了3个播期(5月1日、5月15日和5月30日)下春玉米生育时期、产量及产量要素、耗水和水分利用效率的变化情况,并结合气象因子分析探讨了春玉米产量及其构成要素与环境因子的关系。结果表明:随着播期推迟,不同春玉米品种的生育期总天数均呈显著减少趋势(P0.05),生育期总天数的减少主要是播种到抽雄天数减少所致。不同春玉米品种的生育期总天数也存在较大差异,在各播期处理下均相差5~7 d。在产量方面,5月1日和5月15日播种的5个玉米品种间平均产量没有显著差异,5月30日播种的平均产量显著高于前2个播期,其产量提升主要是百粒重增加所致。随着播期的推迟,春玉米的耗水量变化不大,水分利用效率呈增加趋势,这主要与降水的分布有关。通过气象因子分析,不同播期下百粒重与抽雄前后的积温和降水呈显著相关(P0.05)。综合产量、耗水和水分利用效率分析,在该区域推荐5月30日左右为春玉米的适宜播种日期,‘华农866’和‘华农887’是适宜该区生产的潜力品种。  相似文献   

为解析低温冷害下不同播期和播量对小麦籽粒灌浆特征的影响,选择‘济麦22’和‘皖麦52’为试验材料,在安徽省蒙城县和太和县同步开展不同播期[早播(10月3日)和适播(10月15日)]和播量[N1(6×104株·666.7m?2)、N2(10×104株·666.7m?2)、N3(14×104株·666.7m?2)和N4(18×104株·666.7m?2)]互作试验。田间冷害和籽粒灌浆过程的调查结果表明,‘济麦22’和‘皖麦52’早播时冷害致灾严重,‘济麦22’抗寒性强于‘皖麦52’;同一播期下,2个品种单粒重变化趋势基本一致,‘济麦22’相应处理单粒重均高于‘皖麦52’,同一品种随播量增加单粒重呈降低趋势。利用Matlab编程获取小麦籽粒Richards方程的灌浆次级参数,不同播期之间各参数存在一定规律性,其中,起始势(R0)、平均灌浆速率(Vmean)、中期灌浆时间(T2)、前期籽粒灌浆速率(Vp1)和中期灌浆速率(Vp2)以适播处理较高,前期灌浆时间(T1)、后期灌浆时间(T3)和后期灌浆速率(Vp3)以早播处理较高,即早播小麦受低温冷害致灾严重。相同播期条件下,2个品种随播量变化趋势基本一致,随播量增加T1和Vp3逐渐增加,R0、Vmean、T2、T3、Vp1、Vp2和最终干重(Wmax)则呈降低趋势;品种间表现为‘济麦22’的Vmean、T2、T3和Vp1较高,‘皖麦52’的R0、T1、Vp2和Vp3较高。关联性分析结果表明:早播条件下,与单粒重关联性较高的参数有T2(0.871 1)、T3(0.809 6)、Vmean(0.777 5)和Vp2(0.761 6);适播条件下,与单粒重关联性较高的参数有T2(0.906 1)、R0(0.873 8)、Vmean(0.837 2)和Vp2(0.805 6)。通径分析结果表明:春季低温冷害发生时,无论在早播还是适播,起始势对单粒重均具有积极的正效应;灌浆中后期时间的延长有利于单粒重的增加,而灌浆前期时间的增加则具有负效应;前期和中期籽粒灌浆速率的提高有利于单粒重的增加,后期籽粒灌浆速率则具有负效应。因此,提高灌浆起始势和延长中后期灌浆时间对增加籽粒干重具有重要作用。  相似文献   

秸秆颗粒还田对土壤养分和冬小麦产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为明确秸秆颗粒还田在农业生产中推广应用的可行性,在山东省冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟种植区通过田间微区试验,研究了秸秆不还田(CK)、常规粉碎还田(CCSI)和秸秆颗粒还田(GSI)对耕层土壤养分含量、冬小麦群体茎蘖数、旗叶净光合速率、叶绿素含量、干物质积累及分配和小麦产量的影响。结果表明:与CK和CCSI处理相比,GSI处理显著提高土壤有机质、碱解氮和有效磷的含量;增加基本苗和分蘖成穗率,显著提高有效穂数13.23%和16.64%。同时,GSI处理显著提高灌浆期叶面积指数、旗叶叶绿素含量和净光合速率,改善开花后旗叶光合性能,促进地上部干物质积累及其向籽粒的转运。与CK和CCSI处理相比,GSI处理的开花后干物质向籽粒的转运量显著提高19.65%和14.75%,籽粒产量显著提高9.69%和10.71%。相关分析表明,穗粒数和千粒重对产量影响不显著,有效穂数的提高是秸秆颗粒还田增产的主要原因。因此,秸秆颗粒还田可作为一种安全有效的还田方式,在农业生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

底墒和磷肥对旱地小麦籽粒灌浆特性及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析黄土高原旱地小麦灌浆过程与水分消耗的关系,及其产量对底墒和磷肥的响应情况,在山西省南部设3个播前0~100cm土壤底墒水平W1(248mm)、W2(233mm)、W3(205mm)和两个施磷量P1(75kg·hm~(-2))、P2(180 kg·hm~(-2)),调查不同处理下小麦总耗水、土壤水消耗、各生育阶段耗水、产量及其构成因素、灌浆过程的变化。结果表明,随着底墒水平提高小麦返青—拔节和拔节—开花阶段耗水、生育期总耗水、土壤水消耗及其占总耗水比例、产量、穗数、千粒重显著增加,且较W3,W1和W2产量分别显著高14.89%和8.66%。随磷肥增加播种—拔节耗水显著减少,而拔节—开花耗水、产量、千粒重显著增加。底墒和磷肥互作对小麦总耗水、土壤水消耗、播种—返青阶段耗水、拔节—成熟阶段耗水、千粒重有显著影响。通过小麦灌浆方程得,快增期持续时间随底墒的增加而增加、渐增期和快增期持续时间随磷肥的增加而增加、缓增期籽粒增加量及持续时间变异系数达25%。通过小麦水(磷)肥方程得,当0~100 cm底墒为253 mm时获得高产,且同底墒下产量随磷肥增加而提高。可见,旱地小麦拔节—开花阶段耗水对底墒和磷肥敏感,灌浆过程中的快增期持续时间对底墒和磷肥响应较好,缓增期变异对籽粒粒重影响较大。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test whether foliar application of KNO3 on wheat in the heading stage could reduce salinity‐induced injuries, produce high grain yield, and improve grain quality. Salt‐resistant DK961 and salt‐sensitive JN17 wheat cultivars under 0 or 100 mM–NaCl conditions were foliarly watered with distilled water or a 10 mM–KNO3 solution. The four treatments included: T1 (CK1), 0 mM NaCl + distilled water; T2, 0 mM NaCl + 10 mM KNO3; T3 (CK2), 100 mM NaCl + distilled water; T4, 100 mM NaCl + 10 mM KNO3. The results indicate that there were no differences (p > 0.05) in plant growth, grain yield, and grain quality between T2 and T1 in both cultivars, but these response variables were significantly lower in T3 than in T1. K+ : Na+ ratio, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic capacity, grain yield, flour yield, water absorbance, ash content, dough‐development time and dough‐stability time were significantly higher in T4 than in T3, while protein concentration, wet‐gluten concentration, and antioxidant enzyme activities were lower. Although foliar application of KNO3 on JN17 enhanced plant growth, grain yield, and grain quality, these parameters were still lower in T4 than in T1. Our findings suggest that cultivating the salt‐resistant wheat cultivar combined with foliar application of KNO3 at heading stage may alleviate salinity injuries and produce higher grain yield and better grain quality under saline conditions.  相似文献   

两种种植密度下施肥对冬小麦生物学性状及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以土垫旱耕人为土为供试土壤,采用大田试验,研究半湿润农田生态系统两种种植密度下不同施肥处理对冬小麦生物学性状及子粒产量的影响。试验设两种种植密度:常规密度(播种量为150.0 kg/hm2)和低密度(播种量为90.0 kg/hm2)。常规密度设7个施肥处理,即不施肥(CK),单施磷肥(PN0),单施氮肥(P0N135)和在施P的基础上每公顷施N 45、90、135和180 kg(即PN45,PN90,PN135,PN180);低密度施肥处理设不施肥(CK)、单施磷(PN0)、单施氮(P0N135)和氮磷配施(PN135)。结果表明,低密度时,CK处理分蘖数最低(每株平均3.2个),PN135分蘖数最高(每株平均6.9个);常规密度时,仍以CK分蘖数最低(每株平均3.2个), PN180分蘖数最大(每株平均6.8个)。低密度下,PN0和CK与P0N135和PN135间植株绿叶面积差异达显著水平(P0.05),以PN135绿叶面积最大,PN0绿叶面积最小;常规密度下,PN180绿叶面积最大,为80.7 cm2/单茎,PN0绿叶面积最小,为44.4 cm2/单茎。低密度时,CK旗叶面积最小,PN135旗叶面积最大;常规密度下,CK和PN0处理间旗叶面积差异不显著,但均极显著小于其它施肥处理(P0.01)。绿叶面积、旗叶面积与子粒产量呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.875**和0.931**(n=11)。群体全生育期,叶面积指数和透光率呈相反的变化趋势,透光率最小值出现在开花期,叶面积指数最高值也出现在开花期,透光率和叶面积指数与子粒产量密切相关,相关系数分别为0.942**和0.954**(n=11)。低密度时,PN0与CK子粒产量极显著低于P0N135及PN135(P0.01);常规密度时,以PN135处理子粒产量最高,为7605.1 kg/hm2。以上结果揭示,在评价施氮对冬小麦生物学性状及产量影响时,还应该考虑播种密度,密度较高时影响比较显著。综合考虑群体冠层特征和经济效益,本试验条件下,在施磷(100 kg/hm2)的基础上,以每公顷施氮135 kg比较适宜。  相似文献   

2009~2010年在河南农业大学科教示范园区,以2个中筋小麦品种多穗型豫农949和大穗型兰考矮早8为供试材料,设置不同灌水次数和施硫试验,研究不同灌水条件下施硫对冬小麦碳、氮、硫物质积累及产量的影响。结果表明,随灌水次数的增加,两品种小麦干物质积累量逐渐升高,且在开花期和成熟期干物质积累量表现为S60显著高于S0;施硫结合灌水1~2次可提高小麦干物质在各器官的积累量,以子粒干物质积累量最多,茎+叶、穗轴+颖壳次之,而各器官分配无显著差异;补施硫肥提高了子粒中氮和硫的含量,但随灌水次数的增加子粒和营养器官中氮含量呈下降趋势,以W0处理含量最高。随着灌水次数的增加,两品种穗粒数、千粒重和产量呈升高趋势,且以S60W2处理达到最大值,较S0W0处理增幅达34.29%,品种间达显著差异,豫农949表现优于兰考矮早8。综上所述,本试验条件下,施用硫肥60 kg/hm2结合灌水1~2次有利于冬小麦干物质和碳氮硫积累分配及产量的提高,品种间对硫的响应有差异。  相似文献   


Determination of the nutrient requirements of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] grown on acid soils is, a critical step in the development of plants which are adapted to these problem soils. Sorghum genotype, environment, and soil type interact with the uptake of elements and affect plant growth and production. This study compared the yields of a sorghum grain hybrid grown on a sandy loam soil at four acid pH levels. Nutrient concentrations in sorghum leaves on these soil regimes were also investigated. Grain yields declined 96% as soil pH decreased from 5.5 to 4.4. Leaf element analysis revealed that as pH decreased from 5.5 to 4.4, there was an increase in plant Al, Fe, Mn, K, P and a decrease in Cu, Zn, Mg, Ca. Interactions among several of these elements were readily apparent. Additional data involving different sorghum genotypes and different soil types are needed to establish a consistent pattern of element uptake on acid soils in relation to yield and plant production.  相似文献   

对冬小麦极端气象年份的气候特征与小麦地上部生长发育状况进行了分析比较.在2003年寒冬冷春、日照偏少、春雨偏多的气候条件下,与2002年相比,冬小麦主要生育期分别推迟4~18 d,单位面积茎数(峰值)减少29.1%;生物量及叶面积系数大幅下降;穗粒数、千粒重虽分别提高6.37粒和3.21 g,但有效穗数降幅较大(320.84万穗/hm2),仍导致减产612.29 kg/hm2.分析结果认为,在气候异常年份,改进播种制度,调整播种量,间接调控单位面积穗数,可有效提高产量.  相似文献   

为协调冬小麦个-群体间关系,建立适宜的群体结构,充分发挥旱作条件下垄沟栽培优势,以小偃22为材料,采用二元二次旋转组合设计,通过2年田间试验研究了垄沟覆膜、垄下集中施肥模式下种植密度与施氮量对冬小麦个-群体间干物质累积及产量的影响。结果表明,个体干物质累积量随种植密度的增加呈降低趋势。2008~2009年群体干物质累积量随种植密度的增加而减小;2009~2010年群体干物质累积量随种植密度的增加而增加。花期单茎干物质累积量不受施氮量的影响;而成熟期个体干物质累积量随施氮量的增加而增加。冬小麦群体干物质累积量均随施氮量的增加而增加。冬小麦能够通过分蘖调节自身的群体结构,不能盲目的通过增加播种量增加小麦群体密度;适量的增施氮肥有利于个体与群体发育。本试验条件下,冬小麦品种小偃22在中等密度(112 kg/hm2)与较高施氮量(N 201~214 kg/hm2)配置时,个群体关系比较协调,个体发育健壮,群体干物质累积量和产量较高。  相似文献   

对冬小麦极端气象年份的气候特征与小麦地上部生长发育状况进行了分析比较。在2003年寒冬冷春、日照偏少、春雨偏多的气候条件下,与2002年相比,冬小麦主要生育期分别推迟4~18 d,单位面积茎数(峰值)减少29.1%;生物量及叶面积系数大幅下降;穗粒数、千粒重虽分别提高6.37粒和3.21 g,但有效穗数降幅较大(320.84万穗/hm2),仍导致减产612.29 kg/hm2。分析结果认为,在气候异常年份,改进播种制度,调整播种量,间接调控单位面积穗数,可有效提高产量。  相似文献   


Biochar can reduce N2O emissions and it can be added to the soil once, whereas fertilizers are often applied every cultivation season. The aging of biochar in soil affects its functioning but it is unclear whether palm shell biochar (PSB) could still mitigate N2O emissions even when additional basal N fertilizers are applied 1 year after the initial biochar application. We studied the impact of fresh and aged PSB (0%, 6%, 12%, and 18% w/w of dry soil) on N2O emissions, soil properties, nutrient content and yield of Komatsuna (Brassica rapa var. perviridis) under sandy soil conditions. The aged PSB non-significantly reduced N2O emissions but significantly offset soil acidification, and maintained a high soil nutrient status. Biochar application with fertilizer significantly increased plant tissue K and Ca content but decreased N, P and Mg content compared to the treatments without biochar. At higher application rates, biochar had negative effects on crop yield but as it aged, the negative effects were offset as a result of the similar variation in plant N uptake. Since seasonal N fertilizer application seems to be inevitable in Komatsuna cultivation, addition of biochar could be a possible way of counteracting the effects of excessive fertilizer use. Further research is needed to assess the feasible biochar application rates for Komatsuna fields in various soil types under field conditions.  相似文献   

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