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轮作体系下冬油菜养分利用效率的区域研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fertilization is essential for oilseed rape because it is sensitivity to nutrient deficiency, especially for winter oilseed rape(Brassica napus L.). To investigate regional nutrient efficiency and nutrient uptake-yield relationship of winter oilseed rape in an intensive cropping system, this study used data from 619 site-year on-farm experiments carried out in the winter oilseed rape planting area of the Yangtze River Basin, China from 2005 to 2010, with large yield in the range of 179–4 470 kg ha~(-1). Currently recommended application rates of N, P and K fertilizers increased rapeseed yield at different levels of soil indigenous nutrient supply(INS) in this region. Boundary values of plant nutrient uptake were established to analyze the nutrient uptake-yield relationship of winter oilseed rape(internal nutrient efficiency), i.e., 128 kg N ha~(-1), 24 kg P ha~(-1), and 122 kg K ha~(-1). The internal nutrient efficiency declined by 48.2%–64.1% when nutrient uptake exceeded the boundary value, resulting in excessive nutrient uptake(i.e., low yield response with high nutrient uptake), especially for K. In the intensive cropping system, agronomic efficiencies of N, P, and K were 5.9, 3.4, and3.6 kg kg~(-1), and recovery efficiencies of N, P, and K were 35.6%, 24.1%, and 36.8%, respectively. These findings showed that the fertilization rate should be optimized by considering INS, nutrient status, and nutrient efficiency of winter oilseed rape. In this study,considering the lower yield improvement to high K uptake levels and low K fertilizer efficiency, application rate of K fertilizer should be reduced since soil K deficiency has already been mitigated.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted on cotton to evaluate the different cotton-based intercropping system along with balanced nutrient management practices on enhancing cotton productivity. Cropping systems have been considered as main plots and nutrient management practices have been considered as subplots. The results showed that cotton + onion system recorded the highest cotton equivalent yield (CEY) of 2052 and 1895 kg ha?1 which was on par with cotton intercropped with dhaincha, which recorded 2010 and 1894 kg of CEY ha?1 in both the seasons. Combined application of 100% recommended NPK with bioinoculants (S5) registered highest CEY in both the seasons. Cotton intercropped with dhaincha (M2) recorded highest uptake of N, P, and K. Among the nutrient management practices, application of 100% recommended NPK with bioinoculants (S5) showed highest uptake of N, P, and K. A similar trend was noticed in the post-harvest soil fertility too and it is significantly higher under cotton + dhaincha and application of 100% recommended NPK with bioinoculants treatment compared to 100% recommend NPK alone. It could be concluded from these results that crop productivity can be improved and soil fertility status can be sustained with integrated plant nutrient management practices.  相似文献   

We analyzed data from a long-term rice–wheat cropping sequence to evaluate the effects of integrated nutrient management (INM) on yield trends and sustainability, nutrient balance and soil fertility of the system. After 30th cycle, grain yield of both the crops significantly declined under control and highest rice and wheat grain yields were obtained when 50% N supplied through green manure and farm yard manure, respectively. The magnitude of yield slope under INM was found considerably higher than 100% recommended fertilizer (RDF). Sustainable yield index (SYI) for both the crops were found lower in control but considerably higher with the 100% RDF and under INM. The soils under all the treatments suffered an apparent loss of K and N (except where organics replacing 50% N). Correlation study also reveals K is the sole factor for the yield sustainability as apparent K balance was negatively correlated with SYI and yield slope.  相似文献   

Rapid soil testing and soil quality assessment are essential to address soil degradation and low farm incomes in smallholder farms. With the objective of testing diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) to rapidly assess soil chemical properties, nutrient content and a soil quality index (SQI), samples of surface soil were collected from 1113 smallholder farms in seven districts in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, India. A minimum dataset (MDS) approach was followed to estimate SQI using the three chemical parameters of soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and soil organic carbon (SOC), and 11 different soil nutrients. Principal component and correlation analyses showed that soil pH, SOC content and three available nutrients − copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and sulphur (S) − may constitute the MDS. Estimated SQI values showed strong positive correlation with crop yields. Results of chemometric modelling showed that the DRS approach could yield the coefficient of determination (R2) values in the validation datasets ranging from 0.79 to 0.94 for exchangeable calcium (Ca) followed by 0.67–0.88 for exchangeable potassium (K), 0.52–0.86 for SOC and 0.53–0.81 for available boron (B) content. Except in one district, the DRS approach could be used to estimate SQI values with R2 values in the range of 0.63–0.81; an R2 value of 0.71 was obtained in the pooled dataset. We also estimated the three-tier soil test crop response (STCR) ratings to compare DRS and wet chemistry soil testing approaches. Similar STCR ratings were obtained for both these approaches in more than 86% of the samples. Parameters for which both the methods yielded similar ratings in more than 80% of the samples were EC (>98%), pH and exchangeable Ca (>81%) and available B (>89%). With similar ratings, these results suggest that the DRS approach may safely be used for farmers' fields, replacing the traditional wet analysis approach of soil testing.  相似文献   


Imbalanced and indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers has been adversely influencing the quality of soil, environment, biodiversity and nutrient status in soil. Conjoint application of bio-inoculants (BI) with organic or inorganic sources of nutrients tweaks nutrient synchrony in soil and improves plant nutrition. With this backdrop an experiment was conducted at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi during 2016–2018. The objectives were to identify the suitable combinations of BI-mediated nutrient sources for higher productivity and profitability in pigeon pea–wheat cropping system (PWCS). The nine pigeon pea treatments; four sole applications viz., recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF), vermicompost (VC), farm yard manure (FYM), leaf compost (LC) and four conjoint applications viz., RDF?+?BI, VC?+?BI, FYM?+?BI and LC?+?BI and one control were replicated thrice under randomized block design (RBD). However, in succeeding wheat, each of the treatments applied to pigeon pea was further allocated to two levels (50% and 100%) in factorial RBD. Findings exhibit that FYM?+?BI could result into higher equivalent-system grain productivity (10.4 and 10.8?t?ha?1 during 1st and 2nd year, respectively) of PWCS. However, profitability parameters of PWCS were higher with the RDF?+?BI. Uptake of nutrients (NPK) was significantly higher with FYM?+?BI in pigeon pea and RDF?+?BI in wheat. Nutrient harvest index (NHI) did not vary significantly in both the crops. Conclusively, bio-inoculation is more productive and beneficial in general, while, over the various combinations, recommendation of FYM?+?BI combination could be more productive and sustainable.  相似文献   

Seasonal wetland (dambo) cultivation in smallholder farming areas is important because it improves household food security. However, most farming practices, such as burning of vegetation and conventional tillage in dambo gardens, may reduce soil organic carbon (SOC) and nutrient dynamics. We evaluated the effects of simulated burning, vegetation clearing and clipping, and conventional tillage in dambo gardens on SOC, nutrient contents and biomass production over a 3-year period. The results showed that clearing and clipping of vegetation and conventional tillage reduced SOC, soil nutrient contents and biomass yields, while burning increased SOC and soil nutrient contents. For the 0–10 cm depth, conventional tillage, clearing and clipping resulted in a 37%, 34% and 18% decrease in SOC, respectively, after three seasons, burning resulted in a 25% increase in SOC, while there were no changes in the control after 3 years. For the 0–40 cm depth, the average change in SOC was 32%, 25% and 16% for conventional tillage, clearing and clipping, respectively. Locally and regionally, conventional tillage, clearing and clipping reduce SOC, nutrient contents and biomass production in dambos. Though annual burning increased SOC and nutrient contents in the short term, the long-term effects are uncertain, hence there is a need for long-term studies.  相似文献   

In India, the production of turmeric is not even half compared to its potential. To analyze the possibilities for higher production in turmeric, this study was conducted at the BCKV, Gayeshpur, West Bengal, during 2011 and 2012, to evaluate the effect of irrigation scheduling (0.6, 0.9, and 1.2 irrigation water (IW)/cumulative pan evaporation (CPE) and rainfed) in main plots and nutrient management [100% inorganic, 75% inorganic + 25% FYM (Farm yard manure), and 50% inorganic + 25% FYM + 25% vermicompost] in subplots on soil moisture depletion and productivity of turmeric. The highest value of fresh rhizome yield (23.90 kg ha?1) and qualitative indices were obtained with irrigation schedule at 0.9 IW/CPE ratio water regimes and 50% inorganic + 25% FYM + 25% vermicompost. The correlation coefficients of water use and yield of turmeric were found at 0.943. The combination of 0.9 IW/CPE and 50% inorganic + 25% FYM + 25% vermicompost improved the overall performance of turmeric crop.  相似文献   

Conventional fertilizer-management strategy results in decreased fertilizer-use efficiency and unbalanced nitrogen (N)–phosphorus (P)–potassium (K) applications. The quantitative evaluation of fertility of tropical soils (QUEFTS) model was used for determining region-specific balanced NPK uptake requirements and recommendations for a target yield of cassava. Minimum and maximum internal efficiencies of N, P, and K were estimated as 35 and 80 for N, 250 and 750 for P, and 32 and 102 for K (kg tuberous root per kg nutrient removed). Linear increases in tuberous root yield with N, P, and K uptakes of 17.6, 2.2, and 15.6 kg N, P, and K per 1000 kg tuberous root yield were observed. Relationships between soil supply and soil chemical properties and between fertilizer nutrient recovery efficiencies with their rates of application were developed for major cassava-production regions. Good agreement between measured and predicted yields was observed while calibrating the model, which shows that the model can be used for making site-specific NPK recommendations for cassava in major cassava production regions of India.  相似文献   

Taro yield in many parts of the world is stagnant mainly due to conventional blanket recommendation of fertilizers, lower nutrient use efficiency and imbalance in the use of nutrients. The Quantitative Evaluation of Fertility of Tropical Soils (QUEFTS) model was used for determining the region specific balanced NPK uptake requirements and recommendations for a target yield of taro. The constants for minimum and maximum accumulation (kg cormel kg?1 nutrient) of N (33 and 177), P (212 and 606) and K (25 and 127) were derived as standard model parameters. The results showed that taro requires N, P and K accumulation of 12.97, 2.75 and 17.47?kg t?1 of cormel yield, suggesting an average NPK ratio in the plant dry matter of about 4.7:1:6.4. The NPK fertilizer requirements for different potential yield situations were also calculated. The results need to be validated in major taro growing regions.  相似文献   


Potato productivity in India is static due to unbalanced use of nutrients and intensive cropping system. Nutrient use efficiency and yield can be increased by application of nutrients based on quantitative approaches. We calibrated the quantitative evaluation of fertility of tropical soils (QUEFTS) model for the estimation of NPK requirements for different targeted yields of potato. Published data sets were used to calibrate the model. The results of the study showed that to produce one ton of potato tubers, 18, 4, and 24?kg N, P, and K, respectively, would be needed with internal efficiencies of 55, 285, and 42?kg tuber dry yield/kg N, P, and K removed. The observed yields of potato with different amount of nutrients were in agreement with the values predicted by the model. Therefore, the QUEFTS model based NPK fertilizer recommendations can be adopted for site-specific nutrient management of potato.  相似文献   


Several silicon (Si) extractants are being employed in different countries mostly for lowland acidic soils. Present investigation was conducted to evaluate suitable extractants for upland paddy grown on alkaline soils. Available Si was extracted by using ten different extractants. Tris buffer pH 7.0 (1:10) in Inceptisols showed positively highest and significant correlation with grain yield (r?=?0.870), grain Si uptake (r?=?0.887), straw yield (r?=?0.852), and straw Si uptake (r?=?0.919). However, 0.5?M acetic acid (1:2.5) in Vertisols showed positively highest and significant correlation with grain yield (r?=?0.810), grain Si uptake (r?=?0.852), straw yield (r?=?0.850), and straw Si uptake (r?=?0.929). The application of Si @ 200?kg ha?1 along with chemical fertilizers significantly increased yield and nutrient uptake of upland paddy on Vertisols. Tris buffer pH 7.0 (1:10) and 0.5?M acetic acid (1:2.5) were suitable extractant for Inceptisols and Vertisols, respectively based on its correlation with yield and nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

[目的]平衡施肥是实现作物高产高效的主要因素,而推荐施肥方法是实现作物平衡施肥的重要手段.本研究通过田间试验评价养分专家系统(Nutrient Expert,NE)推荐施肥在我国大豆上的应用效果.[方法]于2014-2015年在春大豆产区(东北三省)进行了21个田间试验,2017-2018年在夏大豆产区(安徽、江苏、河...  相似文献   

Recent lysimeter studies have demonstrated that the nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), can reduce nitrate (NO) leaching losses from cow urine patches in grazed pasture systems. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of fine particle suspension (FPS) DCD on soil mineral N components, pasture yield, nutrient uptake and pasture quality under grazed pasture conditions. A field study was conducted on the Lincoln University dairy farm, Canterbury, New Zealand, from 2002 to 2006. FPS DCD was applied to grazed pasture plots at 10 kg ha?1 in early May in addition to applied cow urine patches at a nitrogen (N) loading rate of 1000 kg N ha?1, with DCD reapplied in early August. Soil mineral N levels in the urine patches were monitored. Pasture yield, N and cation concentrations and uptake were measured in treatment urine patches and inter‐urine areas of the pasture. Comparisons were made with control plots which did not receive DCD. NO levels under the DCD‐treated urine patches (0–7.5 cm) were in the order of 10 kg N ha?1 compared with 40–80 kg N ha?1 under untreated patches, and soil ammonium (NH) levels were consistently higher under the DCD‐treated patches. The DCD significantly and consistently increased pasture yield in both the urine patches, and inter‐urine areas of the pasture in all 4 years of the trial. Mean annual dry matter (DM) yields over 4 years were inter‐urine areas, 10.3; inter‐urine + DCD, 12.4; urine, 12.4 and urine +DCD 16.0 t DM ha?1, representing an average DM yield increase of 20 and 29% in inter‐urine and urine patch areas, respectively. On a whole paddock basis, the increase in annual DM yield resulting from DCD application was estimated to be 21%. N, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) concentrations in pasture were unaffected by treatment with DCD; however, total annual uptake of these nutrients by pasture was significantly higher in all years where DCD had been applied. Pasture DM, protein, carbohydrate, metabolizable energy and fibre levels and sward clover content were not affected by treatment with DCD. The results demonstrate the agronomic value of the DCD treatment in addition to the environmental benefits in a grazed pasture system.  相似文献   

Soil-test crop-response experiments on rice were conducted in the Bastar Plateau Agroclimatic Zone of Chhattisgarh during 2009–2011 to assess yield, soil, plant, and fertilizer nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) nutrient relationships and calibrate optimum fertilizer doses for attaining yield targets. Soil fertility status was poor to medium for N (194–283 kg ha?1) and P (7.53–19.66 kg ha?1), and medium to good for K (226–320 kg ha?1). Based on nutrient requirements (NR, kg q?1) and contributions from soil (CS, %), fertilizer (CF, %), and farmyard manure (CFYM, %), optimum fertilizer doses were derived. The fertilizer doses were validated for attaining yield targets of 5000 and 6000 kg ha?1 in farmer’s fields. Rice yield within 10% deviation was attained, which indicated that soil-test-based fertilizer dose was superior. This approach could be adopted for regions with similar soil and agroclimatic conditions in other parts of the world to increase rice yields.  相似文献   

Low availability of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in acidic soil is a major constraint for crop production. Therefore, a field study was conducted to determine the effects of K and P on nodulation, productivity, and nutrient uptake of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) under rainfed conditions. The K and P were subjected to main and subplots, respectively with 100, 75, and 50% of fertilizer application. The growth and yield attributes were better using 100% K with 100% P. However, 100% K resulted in 20.9 and 16.9% greater green pod and stover yield than 50% K. Similarly, 100% P recorded 20.2 and 15.6% greater green pod and stover yield than 50% P. Uptake of nutrients such as nitrogen (N), P, and K followed the trend of greater to lower, 100% > 75% > 50%, in order for K and P. Similarly, nutrient-use efficiencies and production efficiency followed the trend of nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

This experiment evaluated the potentials of cocoa pod husk (CPH)-based compost on okra and soil chemical properties. Three CPH-based compost: CPH+ Neem leaf (CPH+ NL), CPH+ Poultry manure (CPH+ PM) and CPH+ PM+ NL were prepared. The treatments; 25, 50, 75, 100 kg N/ha of each compost and NPK mineral fertilizer at 40, 50, 60 kg N/ha and control, were applied to 5 kg soil each and arranged in a completely randomized design in three replicates. Two varieties of okra (NH47-4 and LD88) were grown for six weeks and residual effect evaluated. The Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium uptake of okra were determined. Pre- and post-cropping soil analyses were done. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and means separated by Duncan Multiple Range Test at α0.05. The results showed that the nutrient uptake of okra consistently increased with CPH-based compost compared to control in both main and residual cropping. Nitrogen uptake ranged from 53.6 (60 kg N/ha NPK) to 106.7 (50 kg N/ha CPH+ PM) and 16.10 (50 kg N/ha NPK) to 55.06 (25 kg N/ha CPH+ PM+ NL); Phosphorus uptake ranged from 6.9 (25 kg N/ha CPH+ NL) to 24.1 (60 kg N/ha NPK) and 3.70 (25 kg N/ha CPH+ NL) to 9.98 (50 kg N/ha CPH+ PM+ NL), while potassium uptake ranged from 166.4 (25 kg N/ha CPH+ NL) to 244.48 (25 kg N/ha CPH+ PM+ NL) and 64.06 (40 kg N/ha NPK) to 122.29 (75 kg N/ha CPH+ NL) mg/plant in main and residual cropping, respectively. Organic carbon, pH, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg) and sodium (Na) were also significantly increased by the CPH-based compost. It could, therefore, be concluded that CPH-based compost could be a good fertilizer for okra production.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on mustard (Brassica campestris cv.B9) in an old alluvial soil zone of Crop Research and Seed Multiplication Farm, Burdwan University, Burdwan, West Bengal, India, during the winter seasons of 2011–2012 and 2012–2013. The aim was to evaluate the use of vermicompost prepared from municipality waste and Eichhornia mixture and its efficacy on crop growth and yield. Different combined doses of vermicompost, dried cow dung and chemical fertilizer along with Azotobacter and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria compared to full recommended dose of chemical NPK fertilizer (100:50:50) were used to develop an alternative farming technology for sustainable crop production and conservation of natural resources. The variety B9 gave a significantly higher seed yield and oil content along with other growth and yield-contributing factors as well as being the most economically viable option against treatment T4 (i.e. 75% NPK + vermicompost at 2.5 tons per hectare) among all the treatments applied for the experiment and was found to be superior to other treatments in old alluvial soil of Burdwan, India. In both the experimental years, seed yield and oil content were found to be the best for the treatment T4 and was better than using chemical fertilizer.  相似文献   

The excessive application of nitrogen (N) has caused a series of environmental problems. Brown earth (BE) is one of the main soil types in China, and the specific soil-forming conditions make it high risk of nutrient leaching. Determining the soil fertility of BE and optimal N application rates for main crops’ production is important to reduce nitrogen leaching. Based on China's second national soil survey, the basic fertility level of BE was defined, and the effects of four N management methods [one-time base fertilizer (BF), topdressing (TF), combined organic fertilizer (OF) and controlled-release fertilizer (CF)] on maize and wheat yield and N efficiency were analysed. The study found that except for lower phosphorus content (level 4), the soil fertility of BE was at a moderate level (level 3). Compared with no N application, these four N management methods significantly increased the maize and wheat yield and showed the trend of OF > CF > TF > BF; TF, CF and OF significantly increased the N efficiency comparison with BF. The optimal N application rates for wheat and maize were 129–174 kg ha−1 and 170–235 kg ha−1, respectively, when considering the win–win of yield and N efficiency. N fertilizer reduction in BE needs to be further strengthened, and the specific N application rates to achieve profit maximization should be adjusted depending on environmental factors.  相似文献   


Phosphorus (P) is an essential element and its efficient use is of global importance. This study evaluated the effect of growing potato under legume intercrops on P uptake and use efficiency indices: P harvest index (PHI), P uptake efficiency (PuPE), P partial factor productivity (PPFP) and P partial balance (PPB). The experiment was carried out for four consecutive seasons with treatments comprising potato cultivated under legume intercrops: none (T1), dolichos (Lablab purpureus L) (T2), peas (Pisum sativum L) (T3) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) (T4). Across the seasons, the mean haulm P uptake for T2 (6.7?kg P ha?1), T4 (5.5) and T3 (4.5) were 6%, 23% and 36% lower than that observed in T1 (7.1?kg P ha?1), respectively. On the other hand, tuber P uptake was highest in T1 (21.8?kg P ha?1) and T2 (21.3?kg P ha?1) and were significantly higher than 13.2?kg P ha?1 in T3 and 15.1?kg P ha?1 in T4. This had a profound effect on PuPE, which was equally highest in T1 (0.26?kg total P uptake kg?1 P supply) and T2 (0.25) and lowest in T3 (0.16) and T4 (0.18). Similarly, PPFP, PHI and PPB followed a similar trend, with highest values in T1 (57?kg tuber dry matter yield kg?1 P supply, 76.4?kg tuber P uptake kg?1 total plant’s P uptake and 0.20?kg tuber P uptake kg?1 P supply, respectively). Among the tested legume intercrops, dolichos competed least for P with the main crop (potato) hence it can be integrated into potato-based cropping systems without compromising potato tuber yield.  相似文献   

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