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In 1994 a survey was established to obtain information on Phytophthora disease of common alder (Alnus glutinosa) on the riverbanks of southern England and east Wales. Within an area of 70 000 km2 63 observation plots were set up on stretches of river over 8 m wide. Average alder densities varied widely in different parts of the survey area; from 0.7 to 22.2 trees per 100 m of river. From the density figures and data on the total length of rivers over 8 m wide within the survey area, it was estimated that there were approximately 585 000 alder trees growing on the banks of such rivers. In 1994 3.9% of the trees showed crown symptoms of Phytophthora disease, and an additional 1.2% of trees were dead, although not all of these had been killed by Phytophthora. The disease occurred widely through the survey area with an indication that the highest percentage of affected trees was to be found in the south-east of England. Subsequent surveys showed that the combined percentage of symptomatic and dead trees rose to 6.0% in 1995 and to 7.9% in 1996. In the latter year, for an alder population of 585 000 trees, this would correspond to 32 800 symptomatic and 13 500 dead trees. The percentage of trees showing symptoms was seven times as high in trees growing within 1 m of the riverbank as in trees growing between 1 and 10 m of the bank. An examination of the relationships between disease incidence and various indices of water pollution revealed a positive association with total oxidized nitrogen. These results are discussed in relation to the biology and possible origin of the disease.  相似文献   

A severe decline of alder associated with an undescribed Phytophthora species was identified for the first time in England in 1993. No generalized decline of alder was reported in France before 1990. The first diebacks and mortalities of common alder were observed at the beginning of the 1990s, but the so‐called alder Phytophthora was not isolated in France until 1996. First, a synthesis about alder declines that were known in France before 1995 is presented. Then, a survey was established in north‐eastern France; 108 sites were visited and the alder Phytophthora was isolated from 57 of them. All the main rivers were found to be affected and damage levels are significant along some of them. The frequency of the alder Phytophthora and other fungi isolated from declining alders is discussed. Finally, information on other alder declines in France is presented region by region, and a map summarizes the known distribution of the disease. The alder Phytophthora is quite common and widespread in France, with western and north‐eastern France being especially affected; however, the number of diseased or dead trees varies greatly from one site to another. All records are from Alnus glutinosa; other Alnus species were seldom seen in the surveys.  相似文献   

Described as one of the most destructive pathogens of agricultural crops and forest trees, Phytophthora is a genus of microorganisms containing over 100 known species. Phytophthora alni has caused collar and root disease in alders throughout Europe, and a subspecies has recently been isolated in North America. Reports of canopy dieback in red alder, Alnus rubra, prompted a survey of their overall health and to determine whether P. alni was present in western Oregon riparian ecosystems. Over 1100 Phytophthora isolates were recovered, representing 20 species and 2 taxa. Phytophthora‐type cankers were observed in many trees, and their incidence was positively correlated with canopy dieback. High levels of mortality for red alder were not observed, which suggests these Phytophthora species are not aggressive pathogens. To test this hypothesis, three stem wound inoculations and one root dip were conducted on red alder seedlings using 13 Phytophthora species recovered from the riparian survey. Ten of the 13 Phytophthora species produced significant lesions in at least one pathogenicity test. Phytophthora siskiyouensis produced the largest lesions on red alder from the two stem wound inoculation tests conducted under summer conditions, while P. taxon Pgchlamydo caused the largest lesions during the winter stem wound inoculation test. Phytophthora gonapodyides, P. taxon Pgchlamydo and P. siskiyouensis have previously been found associated with necrotic alder roots and bole cankers in the field, and with the pathogenicity results reported here, we have established these species as causes of Phytophthora root disease and Phytophthora bole canker of alder in Oregon. While none of the Phytophthora species were especially aggressive towards red alder in the pathogenicity tests, they did cause localized disease symptoms. By weakening the root systems or boles of alders, the Phytophthoras could be leaving alders more susceptible to other insects and pathogens.  相似文献   

Fast-growing woody nurse crops planted among high value hardwoods can produce merchantable biomass early in the life of the plantation. On a productive site in south-central Illinois (U.S.A.), experimental interplantings of European black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) and black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) were established and maintained under a factorial combination of two initial densities and two thinning regimes. This study evaluated the growth response of the alder component of this system. Although alder consistently overtopped walnut, alder mortality began to increase dramatically during the seventh growing season and was nearly complete following the nineteenth growing season. Mean alder cumulative dry mass through year 14 ranged from 19.05 to 58.62 Mg/ha among initial density and thinning treatments. Carbon sequestered in useable bolewood constituted approximately 25 of total biomass. The productivity of the interplanted alder was comparable to that of native forests while constituting only a portion of the stand and without negatively impacting walnut growth or bole quality. These results suggest that, if marketed, alder has the potential to partially offset costs associated with walnut plantation establishment and maintenance.  相似文献   

Microbial indices and their spatial patterns are strongly affected by environmental factors. Spatial variability of soil properties is one of the most important causes of variability in soil microbial indices. This research was conducted in the Caspian forest to assess spatial variabilities and frequency distributions of microbial properties.Ninety soil samples were taken using a grid sampling design 40 9 40 m. Microbial indices, organic carbon,nitrogen and pH were determined. Soil variable distributions showed that microbial indices had abnormal distributions. Logarithmic transformation produced normal distribution. Spatial continuity using geostatistical(variogram) was studied and maps obtained by point kriging.The variograms revealed the presence of spatial autocorrelation. The results indicate that spatial dependence of soil microbial indices was affected by non-intrinsic factors and forest management procedures. The maps show that soil microbial indices and soil properties have spatial variability. The spatial pattern of microbial indices was correlated to organic carbon and nitrogen.  相似文献   

In declining broadleaf forests in western Ukraine, several Phytophthora species including P. plurivora, P. bilorbang, P. polonica, P. gonapodyides and P. cactorum were recovered using soil baiting assays and identified using morphological and molecular methods. Pathogenicity tests of selected isolates were performed on black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaerth.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) to assess susceptibility of these two tree species to the newly detected Phytophthora species. Phytophthora plurivora, P. bilorbang and P. polonica showed higher pathogenicity in both alder and birch compared to the other tested Phytophthora species.  相似文献   


Black alder wood has a great potential for more wide-spread use in the woodworking industry. This study describes the colour changes that appeared the first few hours after cutting thin veneer sheets from fresh, unseasoned black alder wood. CIELab coordinates were recorded for 50 spots at time intervals from 0 to 140 minutes exposure of the fresh-cut surfaces. The most pronounced change was increased lightness developing from 20 to 60 minutes after cutting. A model for total colour change as function of exposure time was developed. Redness of veneer sheets increased only slightly, i.e. the expected transfer to orange discoloration of the surface did not occur. The reason for this was probably that part of the free water in the wood was squeezed out during veneer production. The findings of this study give useful information about the colour change that appeared directly after veneer cutting, advising to avoid excess water on wood surface and ensuring quick surface drying.  相似文献   

In nature, only a minority of alder trees infected by the alder yellows phytoplasma develop symptoms. To elucidate the reason for this phenomenon, healthy alder seedlings were inoculated with scion wood from five infected but differently affected trees. The symptoms developed by the inoculated plants largely corresponded to disease severity of the inoculum sources. Inoculation with tissue from three of four severely affected trees resulted in severe disease of the recipient trees as expressed by reduced vigour, sparse foliage and little leaves. Inoculum from one of the severe sources caused milder symptoms. No symptoms were developed when the inoculum was collected from a vigorous, non-symptomatic tree. From these results it can be concluded that the alder yellows phytoplasma is pathogenic to alder but that avirulent and low virulent strains do occur.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma-like organisms (MLOs) were detected in almost all examined trees of Alnus glutinosa and A. incana older than approximately 5 years. The minority of trees showed symptoms of decline while the others appeared healthy. MLOs were also found in A. glutinosa var. barbata, A. hirsuta, A. rubra, A. rugosa, A. subcordata, and A. tenuifolia.  相似文献   

Europeanalder seedlings were inoculated with a suspension of the putative plant growthpromoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) Bacillus pumilus (CECT5105), or left non-inoculated (controls) in two different soils, and grownundercontrolled conditions. Soil A showed a thick texture, slightly acidic with ahigh mineral nitrogen content, while soil B showed a thin texture, basic andwith a lower nitrogen content. At each sampling time, over an 8-week period,shoot and root systems of the plants were measured, nodules counted, and shootand root length and surface were determined. In addition, changes in themicrobial rhizosphere structure were evaluated by the phospholipid fatty acid(PLFA) profile extracted directly from the rhizosphere soil. The increasesdetected in shoot surface were significant only in soil A, while the rootsystemwas affected in both soils. In soil A, inoculation with B.pumilus caused a perturbation that subsequently disappeared, whilethe rhizosphere community structure was seriously altered in soil B. Allbiometric parameters were enhanced to a greater extent in soil A, in which theinoculum did not alter the existing rhizosphere communities and nutrientavailability was better.  相似文献   

Soil‐borne species of Phytophthora were isolated from 19 of 30 examined oak forest areas in Italy. The frequency of isolated Phytophthora spp. (35.2%) was significantly correlated with soil pH and longitude of the sites. Eleven Phytophthora species were detected. Phytophthora cambivora, P. cinnamomi and P. cactorum were recovered from sites in central and southern Italy whereas P. quercina was isolated in the northern and central part of the country. Phytophthora citricola occurred all over Italy. Phytophthora quercina was the only species significantly associated with declining oak trees.  相似文献   

Twelve active ingredients were screened for their ability to control foliage disease caused by Phytophthora kernoviae and Phytophthora pluvialis. Inhibition of mycelial growth and sporangial production of both pathogens were assessed in in vitro assays after exposure to three concentrations of each active ingredient. While most of these active ingredients inhibited mycelial growth in vitro, due to their widespread use, phosphite, copper oxychloride and metalaxyl‐M were selected for further study. Four rates of each active ingredient were applied to two Pinus radiata genotypes, and detached needle assays at 6 and 90 days post‐treatment were used to determine treatment efficacy and persistence. Untreated needles showed significantly larger lesions than all fungicide‐treated needles after exposure to P. pluvialis or P. kernoviae on both sampling dates. Efficacy and persistence of the three active ingredients did not increase with increase in concentration. Larger lesions were formed on more susceptible genotype after inoculation with both Phytophthora species, even when higher rates of active ingredients were applied. Phosphite, copper oxychloride and metalaxyl‐M have potential to protect commercially planted P. radiata from these two Phytophthora species.  相似文献   

Phytophthora cinnamomi was repeatedly isolated from the rhizosphere of recently dead sweet chestnut trees in the upper Rhine valley. Identification was genetically confirmed by RFLP and sequencing of the ITS‐region. This is the first record of P. cinnamomi on forest land in Germany. Mode of introduction of this invasive species and potential factors favouring establishment are discussed.  相似文献   

Diameter and height measurements of alder (Alnus jorullensis syn. A. acuminata) were taken in 16 stands of known age in sierran Ecuador. Stem volume was estimated based on these measurements and an empirical equation developed in Costa Rica. An empirical relationship between stem volume and tree age for alder in Ecuador was then developed. Managing alder on 1 hectare of farmland and 1 hectare of pasture land on a 20-year rotation with one thinning at 10 years would yield a total tree volume of 372.8 cu m, which would provide wood for fuel, construction, and other wood products. Actual fuelwood consumption for Saraguro, Loja, Ecuador was calculated to be 3.5 m3/year per household.
Resumen Se tomaron mediciones de diametro y altura del aliso (Alnus jorullensis sin. A. acuminata) en diesiseis rodales de edad conocida en la Sierra del Ecuador. El volúmen del tallo fué estimado utilizando estas mediciones, y una ecuación empírica desarrollada en Costa Rica. Posteriormente fue desarrollada una relación empírica entre volúmen del tallo y edad del árbol para el aliso en Ecuador. El manejo del aliso en una hectárea de tierra agrícola y una hectárea en terreno de pastizal con una rotación de 20 años con un raleo a cada 10 años dará un rendimiento total de volúmen de árbol de 372.8 m3, lo cual dará leña para combustible, construcción, y otros productos de madera. Se calculó que el consumo real de leña para Saraguro, Loja, Ecuador es de 3.5 m3/año por casa.

The decomposition of the leaf litter, fine roots (d?<?2?mm) and coarser roots (2?≤?d?<?5?mm) of grey alder and silver birch, as well as of α-cellulose sheets using the litterbag method was studied in two experimental stands on Podzoluvisol soils in Southern Estonia. For both tree species, the coarser roots decomposed faster than the fine roots, (p?<?.05), tree species did not affect the decomposition rate of the roots (p?>?.5). The nitrogen (N) input to soil from aboveground litter was multiple times higher than the N flux from roots. The remaining relative ash-free mass of the leaves of grey alder and silver birch after three and a half years was similar. After 11 years the remaining relative ash-free mass of the fine and coarser roots of grey alder still accounted for around 10% of the initial value. For silver birch the remaining value was around 20% after 9 years. The litterbag method to underestimates in fertile soils the decomposition of organic matter and thus did not reflect the actual dynamics of decomposition.  相似文献   

Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) is a native plant species in Serbian forests, but is also widely used for ornamental plantings. Following two extremely wet summers in 2014 and 2015, in spring and summer of 2016 and 2017, numerous cherry laurel plants with symptoms indicative for Phytophthora diseases, like wilting and chlorosis of leaves, dieback and bleeding bark necroses, were recorded in a park in Belgrade and in two ornamental nurseries in central Serbia. From necrotic bark samples and rhizosphere soil, self‐sterile Phytophthora isolates with woolly colonies were obtained. Due to the production of ellipsoid and elongated, non‐papillate sporangia in water and of ornamented oogonia with two‐celled antheridia in mating tests with tester strains of both Phytophthora × cambivora and P. cryptogea, these isolates were identified as P. ×cambivora which was confirmed by ITS sequence analysis. Pathogenicity of P. ×cambivora from cherry laurel (PCCL) was tested by inoculating one‐year‐old seedlings of cherry laurel under the bark. P. ×cambivora from European beech (PCB), and isolates of P. cactorum (CAC), P. cryptogea (CRY), P. plurivora (PLU) and P. ×serendipita (SER) were included as comparison. Three and a half months after inoculation, nine of the twelve plants in PCB, three in PCCL and CAC and two in PLU declined with longitudinal necroses and chlorosis, wilting and premature shedding of leaves. These results demonstrate the ability of P. ×cambivora to infect and cause decline of cherry laurel plants. The particularly high aggressiveness of the P. ×cambivora isolate from beech shows that this pathogen poses a serious risk to cherry laurel in the rare natural communities of cherry laurel and beech in Serbia.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the fungistatic effects of the root microflora of grey alder and Norway spruce with Fomes annosus as test fungus. The significantly higher frequency of actinomycetes in the alder rhizosphere probably constituted the main difference in this respect. The importance of fungi seemed to be about equal in the rhizosphere of the two tree species. Methods for studies of antagonism are tested and discussed.  相似文献   

Influence of water status of oak trees (Quercus rubra) on the development of Phytophthora cinnamomi lesions was studied. On agar media or excised inner bark, growth of P. cinnumomi was reduced by low water potentials. In contrast, on voung saplings or mature oak trees the development of P. cinnamomi lesions was not affected during a period of water stress. But after the end of the water stress treatment, susceptibility of the young saplings to P. cinnamoni increased.  相似文献   


Grey alder (Alnus incana) is a highly productive indigenous tree species, potential for short-rotation forestry in the Baltic and Nordic countries. The aim of the study was to investigate the development of a new forest generation, as well as the nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) storages and fluxes in a grey alder regenerating coppice (COP) after clear-cut and in an adjacent unharvested 21-year-old stand (MAT), which had reached its bulk maturity. The regeneration of COP was rapid and 5 years after clear-cut, stem mass was 6.4?t?ha?1. The nitrogen demand of the aboveground part of the 5-year-old COP trees was estimated to be roughly half of the corresponding value for MAT, depending mostly on leaf production. The annual N leaching flux in MAT was in the range of 16–29?kg?ha?1, the corresponding values for COP were roughly half of that. Net nitrogen mineralization did not differ significantly between MAT (117?kg?ha?1) and COP (129?kg?ha?1). For the soil respiration study, a 32-year-old grey alder stand growing at a similar site was included; soil respiration was significantly higher in MAT compared to COP in all study years in both studied stands.  相似文献   

Kärki  Timo  Maltamo  Matti  Eerikäinen  Kalle 《New Forests》2000,20(1):65-86
Stand-level predictions of basal-areadiameter distributions, height, positions of lowestdead and live branches and stem-rot are provided forgrey alder in eastern Finland. The usability of modelswas tested by calculating the accuracy of predictedvolume characteristics. The data were collected from 33stands situated in the provinces of North Karelia andNorth Savo in eastern Finland. These stands wereregenerated naturally, but some have been managed. Oneto three angle-count sample plots were placedsystematically in each stand using a 1 m2 ha–1 basal-area factor. The models can beapplied in two settings: tree diameters are eithermeasured or not. The prediction of branch heightcharacteristics, especially height to the lowest deadbranch, proved problematic due to weak correlationsbetween these characteristics and other treedimensions. Compared to previous studies it was foundthat stem-rot was higher in grey alder than in sprucebut lower than in white birch.  相似文献   

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