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食盐为奶牛重要的饲料成分之一,如采食过多或饲喂不当时,会发生中毒。现将我区某奶牛场发生的一起奶牛食盐中毒事故介绍如下: 相似文献
To produce arylmercurial poisoning, phenylmercuric chloride (PMC) was administered daily to 30 healthy five week-old piglets for periods of up to 90 days. The dosage used ranged from 0.19 to 4.56 mg of mercury (Hg)/kg. Levels exceeding 2.28 mg Hg/kg daily were moderately toxic. The disease occurring in this intoxication resulted from injury to the kidneys and large intestine. Fetid diarrhea and failure to gain weight were consistent clinical signs. The primary gross lesions were necrotic typhlitis and colitis, and nephrosis. Degeneration and necrosis were found in affected organs. Regeneration was prominent in the proximal convoluted tubules. The pathology of this disease was similar to that described for mercuric chloride poisoning in other species and, presumably, reflected the ease with which PMC was metabolized to release mercuric ion. Tissue analysis for mercury suggested that only certain target organs, such as kidney and colon, accumulated significantly high levels of mercury. This, presumably, resulted from rapid metabolism of the compound and excretion of mercuric ion in the kidney and colon. The net effect was to spare other tissues, and to injure the excretory organs when the dose level was sufficiently high. 相似文献
马铃薯中毒主要是由于马铃薯中含有马铃薯素(龙葵素)而引起,马铃薯的嫩绿茎叶和外皮都含有多量的龙葵素,据记载,幼芽内含0.5%,绿叶中含0.25%,花内含0.73%,皮内含0.01%,成熟的块根内含0.004%。我乡的马铃薯产量较大,多数都用来喂猪,每年从开始收马铃薯起要喂到冬春季,通过调查发现,很多饲养户的马铃薯由于贮藏不当已变成绿色的马铃薯,或已发芽或已腐烂,用这些马铃薯喂猪后造成中毒,甚至死亡,笔者多年来治疗猪马铃薯中毒155例,治愈141例,治愈率为90.1%,现将其症状和防治措施介绍如下:1发病机制马铃薯素主要在胃肠道内吸收,对胃肠粘膜呈现刺激… 相似文献
为了研究钼酸钠对亚硝酸钠中毒小鼠存活时间、体重、血液学指标和免疫学指标的影响,选取144只小鼠并随机分为9组,其中Ⅰ组~Ⅴ组做小鼠存活时间试验研究,Ⅵ组~Ⅸ组做钼酸钠和亚硝酸钠对小鼠体重、血液学指标和免疫学指标影响研究,各组小鼠用不同剂量亚硝酸钠和钼酸钠进行处理,饲喂相同基础日粮。结果表明,0.016mL/g 50g/L NaMoO4对3d染毒组和15d染毒组小鼠存活时间有极显著影响(P<0.01);200mg/L NaMoO4和200mg/kg NaNO2对小鼠体重增长、血液学指标和免疫学指标与对照组比较差异不显著(P>0.05),而500mg/L NaMoO4和200mg/kg NaNO2对小鼠体重增长、血液学指标和免疫学指标与对照组比较差异显著(P<0.05)。说明非中毒剂量NaMoO4能缓解亚硝酸钠的毒性,而中毒剂量NaMoO4则会加重亚硝酸钠的毒性。 相似文献
目前在我地农村现有的饲养管理条件下,猪发生饲料中毒的病例屡见不鲜,但发生烟碱中毒的情况罕见。笔者从事兽医工作多年,今年偶遇猪发生烟碱中毒4例,通过治疗,全部痊愈,现将治疗过程总结报道如下。1发病情况三渡镇地处遵义县东部高山地带,本地农民养猪大多还采用传统的喂熟饲料 相似文献
作者对饲喂优质玉米和霉变玉米的猪分别进行猪瘟抗体和疫病检查,结果发现,饲喂霉变玉米的猪群猪瘟抗体水平低,且有玉米赤霉烯酮毒素中毒继发猪瘟的现象;饲喂优质玉米的猪群猪瘟抗体水平全部合格,猪群没有发生疫病。 相似文献
2008年11月19日,湖南常德地区某养殖户出苗三黄鸡8000只,当天晚上出现部分鸡苗精神不振,腿软,怕冷聚堆现象.第2天4:00开始出现大批死亡,到中午第3次换水时才发现用的葡萄糖是小苏打,而且用量是5%左右.导致第2天死亡鸡苗1 700只,第3天死亡鸡苗1 244只,第4天死亡鸡苗394只,第5天已基本稳定,这次中毒事件致使该养殖户损失3 400只左右鸡苗. 相似文献
马杜霉素铵盐属于聚醚菊酯类抗生素药物,是理想的抗鸡球虫药。但家兔对马杜霉素铵盐十分敏感,现将我们诊断的一起兔马杜霉素铰盐中毒的病例报告如下:1发病情况2000年7月朝阳县七道岭乡养兔户温某,饲养比利时兔47只,其中成兔6只、幼兔41只,幼兔的体重 0.5~1.3 kg之间。畜主为预防兔球虫病,在兽药店自购1%马杜霉素铵盐 4袋(每袋100g,为朝阳制药厂分厂生产),第一次投药以1%马杜霉素铵盐1袋拌匀精饲料内全群投服,喂饲后2h发病,在24h内47只兔全部死亡。2临床症状 病兔体温正常,精神沉郁,… 相似文献
畜禽食盐急性中毒的诊断与处置已有大量资料阐述并为兽医工作者熟知 ,但其它程度中毒的专门报道和记载尚未见有 ,特别是奶牛 ,大概因其饲养管理比较规范和精细 ,食盐中毒不易发生 ,更难查找到这方面的参考和依据。 1999年底 ,我们诊疗了一起由饲料中食盐超标引起、以渐进性腹泻为主要症状 ,我们界定为亚急性中毒的群发病例 ,似觉有参考意义 ,故整理报告于后。1 发病情况及症状1999年 12月 6日 ,贵州遵义市奶业公司奶牛场 2号和 3号产奶牛舍的 12 8头奶牛突发腹泻 ,随后 ,整个场除产犊舍外的各舍牛群也相继出现腹泻 ,后还获悉附近奶牛养殖户… 相似文献
双氯芬酸钠,又名双氯灭痛,是第三代强效非甾体解热镇痛药物,其作用较扑热息痛、阿司匹林强大,在人药中广泛使用。近些年来,某些兽医或兽药厂也将该药用于禽病的防治。笔者于2006年2月在山东某地诊治了3例肉仔鸡双氯芬酸钠中毒的病例,现报告如下,以引起兽医工作者和养鸡户注意。 相似文献
目前常用的有机磷农药有:甲拌磷(3911)、对硫磷(1605)、内吸磷(1059)、敌敌畏、乐果、马拉硫磷等10余种.中毒后病猪出现中枢神经症状和胆碱能神经过度兴奋的特征. 相似文献
The effects of alkylmercurial poisoning were studied in 16 pigs poisoned with daily oral doses of a fungicide containing methylmercury 2, 3-dihydroxy propyl mercaptide and methylmercury acetate. Clinical signs included weakness, wobbling gait, blindness, recumbency and death. Microscopic studies of the peripheral nervous system revealed Wallerian degeneration in sensory fibers and neuronal degeneration in dorsal root ganglia. In the central nervous system, there were neuronal degeneration of ischemic type, glial degeneration, gliosis and necrosis of the media of meningeal arterioles. The last mentioned lesion was not extensive. The sequential development o lesions and the absence of segmental demyelination suggest that the primary lesion in the peripheral nervous system was neuronal-axonal degeneration rather than degeneration of the Schwann cell and myelin sheath. 相似文献
2003年2月,塔城市郊区个体养鹿户范某,饲喂12头鹿,其中3头因饲喂时突然添加食盐过量,造成严重的中毒现象,现报告如下:1发病情况2003年2月20日,范某从外地购买幼鹿3头,购买前,这3头幼鹿主要是以放牧为主,也就是说引进前他们是属于缺盐饲养,长期处于“盐饥饿”状态,引进后,突然加喂食盐,而且未加限制,2天后造成食盐中毒。病初畜主把它当作胃肠炎来治疗,导致病情更加恶化,当笔者发现时,病情已经到了后期。2临床症状病鹿主要是以神经症状和消化紊乱为特征。初期病鹿兴奋、不安、肌肉痉挛,口渴增加,常找水喝;眼和口粘膜充血、发红、少尿,并伴有腹… 相似文献
文就笔者遇到的一例敌百虫和人工盐同时服用引发牛中毒的临床症状、诊断治疗及预防措施做了介绍。 相似文献
The retention of selenium in pigs after a single intramuscular administration of a preparation containing sodium selenite and alphatocopherol was studied.At the site of injection the concentration fell from 0.8 ppm to normal 0.4 ppm in about a week.The concentration in the liver was 4.47 ppm after 4 hours, 2.18–2.38 ppm after 3 days, and on normal level (about 1.5 ppm) after 7 days. No increase was observed in the kidney or in the M. gracilis. It is concluded that the liver probably plays an important excretory role. 相似文献