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我国农业高等职业技术教育发展已进入提高质量、创新特色的新阶段,文章针对农业职业技术教育出现的新现象、新问题,论述了其可持续发展的若干战略思考.  相似文献   

分析了农业高等职业教育现状与存在的问题,并对其改革与发展对策进行了阐述。  相似文献   

用辩证唯物主义观点解释我国高等职业教育发展进程中的矛盾运动,解析高等职业教育生产力和生产关系内在动力因素之间的辩证关系,揭示高等职业教育外延和内涵两种发展模式之间的动态转换规律,对高等职业教育科学发展观进行了理性诠释。  相似文献   

“桥头堡”战略、中国—东盟自由贸易区战略、高原特色农业发展战略、人才强省战略的实施,为云南农业高等职业教育发展带来了良好机遇.面对这些机遇,结合云南省情,厘清和反思云南农业高等职业教育的本质属性、办学定位、质量评价和教育功能存在的问题,提出相应建议,有助于加深对农业高等职业教育理论的认识,促进云南农业高等职业教育健康发展.  相似文献   

实现农业的可持续发展,取决于劳动者和提高大量合格人才的培养,高等农业教育担负着上述两种任务。因此,必须大力发展高等农业教育,充分发挥高等农业院校人才和科技优势,更好地为科教兴农战备服务。  相似文献   

在世界范围内可持续发展是一种新的发展模式,教育在可持续发展变革中的关键作用已经得到广泛认同.高等职业教育直接为经济社会发展各产业输出生产一线人力资源,它的人才培养质量对经济、社会、环境、文化的可持续发展承担不可或缺的责任.在可持续发展观指导下,高等职业教育模式必须进行系统化的深入变革,涉及高等职业教育理念、培养目标和培养规格、课程体系和课程内容、教学方式和方法以及师资教育等方面.高等职业教育模式变革要达到对可持续发展理念的认同、知识和价值的渗透、相关行动的实施.  相似文献   

阐述当前我国高职教育发展的基本概况、办学特征及要求,并针对我校现阶段高职教育办学中所存在的问题,提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

 通过分析由中专升格的高职院校科研工作存在的问题和困境,结合近年学院科研工作实效,提出一些高职院校健全和发展科研工作的方向和措施。  相似文献   

农业高等职业教育教学模式的创建与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国的高等职业教育正处于发展时期,农业高等职业教育刚刚起步,亟需建立具有职教特色的特色的新的教学模式。本根据对高职教育的理解,结合学校的试点工作实际,从调整培养目标,开发教学计划、更新教学内容、改革考试方法等方面探索农业高等职业教育教学模式的创建与实施途径。  相似文献   

本文论述了21世纪中国农业必须走现代集约持续发展的道路;农业高校应继续深入进行教育改革,以适应新的农业科技革命对人才、科技的需求。  相似文献   

本论述了新世纪初世界农业科学发展的基本趋势与特点;分析了现代农业科学技术发展可供我国农业快速发展的基本经验;进而阐述了高等农业教育应对现代农业科技发展的战略走势。  相似文献   

中国农业的地位和现状影响了产业之间乃至城乡之间的和谐.立足中国产业与国民经济的整体和谐与发展,必须加快发展农业,改变农业滞后和弱质的现状.而把农业的可持续发展纳入法治的范畴,坚持走依法兴农的道路是重要的必经之途.经济法正是通过运用法律手段,发挥国家宏观调控职能,加大对农业经济的扶持和管理,进而实现城乡和三大产业之间的和谐.  相似文献   

The genetic technologies being adopted in South Asia are significant factors in the agricultural development of the area. But, labeling them " miracle seeds," solely responsible for recent agricultural growth, is misleading. Certainly the introduction of new genetic technology has catalyzed South Asian agriculture and has instilled a new dynamism essential to economic development. Somewhat similar phenomena have, however, been observed in other parts of the world in other periods of history. The nature of these genetic technologies, how they are being applied, and their limits and potential have been explored above. Also, the effects of these varieties on the generation of employment, and the distribution of benefits accruing from them have been examined in preliminary fashion. Stemming from the preceding discussion, two areas of priority appear obvious. First, the close association of genetic technologies with irrigation suggests that irrigation should receive more attention than it has in the past. Large-scale public irrigation schemes are expensive and have tended to yield low rates of return. However, there appears to be room for marginal increases in, or improvements of, existing irrigation facilities. Second, even with a rapid spread of the practices associated with highyeild varieties, it may be too much to expect the farm sector to absorb the expected increases in the rural labor force. The generation of employment is a major problem in India as well as in most other developing countries. Hence, possibilities for expanding rural, nonfarm employment and controlling population growth should be sought vigorously.  相似文献   

农业教育的创新与发展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本在系统地对农业教育的内涵、农业教育存在的问题的定位与分析的基础上,多视角的论述了农业教育的创新和发展的问题。  相似文献   

Agricultural and rural development programs can only succeed if they are based on effective participation and support of actors from the policymaking stage through all levels, including field personnel and primary producers. But these actors must possess the knowledge, attitude, and skills necessary to execute their tasks. For this reason, agricultural education and training has an integral part to play in any agricultural and rural development effort. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has made significant contributions to the development of agricultural education in its member countries. FAO's contributions have focused on institution building, group training, and fellowship/study tours. This paper reviews some of the lessons learned through FAO involvement in these areas and recommends directions for improvement. These recommendations include the following:
  1. Higher agricultural education institutions should become more involved in rural development by participating in appropriate activities leading to the formulation of national development policies.
  2. These institutions should develop education programs and curricula responding to the need of development by providing the knowledge and skills required to meet the needs of the people concerned and to solve their technical and socio-economic problems.
  3. More emphasis should be placed on improving the quality of teaching and on practical training.
  4. The same institutions should undertake to play a leading role in the agricultural and training systems at the national level.
  5. Research should be an integral part of higher educational institution programs and the research themes should include interests of small and poor agricultural producers and measurement of research impacts.
  6. Regional and inter-regional collaboration among higher agricultural education institutions should be encouraged.

高等农业教育的学科创新与发展   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
加强学科创新不仅是农业高校不断扩大办学规模、提高办学水平、突出特色、实现可持续发展的需要,也是农村经济社会与农业科学技术发展的必然要求。本在分析当前影响和制约高等农业教育学科创新与发展的主要因素的基础上,提出了加强高等农业教育学科创新与发展的主要措施。  相似文献   

阐述了WTO框架下农业科技发展的重要性和必要性,分析了我国农业科技研究与创新方面的差距,提出建立农业高新技术发展机制的几点看法。  相似文献   

纵观全球,无论发达国家还是发展中国家,都把国民经济和农业发展建立在科学技术进步的基础上.云南是农业大省,要发展县域经济,必须重视科技进步的作用.简要阐述了农业科技对县域经济发展的影响,在分析了农业科技对云南农业和农业经济发展的贡献以及存在问题的基础上,对云南农业科技事业的发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

科技进步对广东农业发展作用的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
运用农业部规定的增长速度方程测算法,对广东省农业科技进步贡献率进行测算与分析,并进一步对农业科技进步贡献率进行二次分离,探求影响科技进步的主次因素,并探讨了提高广东省农业科技进步贡献率的对策建议和措施。  相似文献   

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