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A very rare case of the liver lesion characterized by formation of multinucleated giant hepatocytes with inflammatory cell infiltration were observed in two young (1.5 years and 2 years old) cats bearing thymic malignant lymphoma. Histopathological features of this liver lesion were very similar to giant cell hepatitis (GCH) in human neonates and infants. Therefore, the lesion was diagnosed as feline GCH.  相似文献   

Disseminated Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (MAC) infection was diagnosed in 10 young cats (1-5 years of age) from Australia or North America between 1995 and 2004. A further two cats with disseminated mycobacteriosis (precise agent not identified) were recognised during this period. Of the 12, 10 were Abyssinian cats, one was a Somali cat and one was a domestic shorthair cat. None of the cats tested positive for either FeLV antigen or FIV antibody. The clinical course of these infections was indolent, with cats typically presenting for weight loss, initially in the face of polyphagia, with a chronicity of up to several months. Additional clinical features included lower respiratory tract signs and peripheral lymphadenomegaly. A marked diffuse interstitial pattern was evident in thoracic radiographs, even in cats without overt respiratory involvement. Hair clipped to perform diagnostic procedures tended to regrow slowly, if at all. Diagnosis was generally made by obtaining representative tissue specimens from mesenteric lymph nodes, liver or kidney at laparotomy, or from a popliteal lymph node. The primary antecedent event was most likely colonisation of either the alimentary or respiratory tract, followed by local invasion and eventual lymphatic and haematogenous dissemination. Nine cases were treated using combination therapy with agents effective for MAC infection in human patients. Two cats are still undergoing initial therapy and have responded. Of the remaining seven, all responded during long courses (5-14 months) of clarithromycin combined with either clofazimine or rifampicin, and a fluoroquinolone or doxycycline. Of these, three cats remain well (with durations between 2 months and 2 years following therapy); two developed recurrent disease (at 3 months and 2 years, respectively, following therapy) and have restarted therapy. The remaining two cats improved 1 year and 5 months, respectively, after diagnosis but ultimately succumbed. The two cats in which therapy was restarted have improved dramatically. Certain lines of Abyssinian and Somali cats likely suffer from a familial immunodeficiency that predisposes them to infection with slow-growing mycobacteria such as MAC.  相似文献   

The objective of this retrospective study is to determine normal reference values for 2-Dimension (2D) and Motion-mode (M-mode) echocardiographic parameters in nonsedated healthy young adult Sphynx cats and to compare them to those of the domestic shorthair (DSH). 131 Sphynx cats underwent cardiac screening prior to breeding. The control group consisted of 30 healthy adult domestic cats. A complete cardiac ultrasound was performed on all cats using right parasternal long and short axis views. There were few echocardiographic parameters in the Sphynx that differed from those of the healthy DSH. Only the left atrial (LA) dimension in 2D and M-mode, the left atrial/aortic (LA/Ao) ratio and the internal dimension of the left ventricle in systole (LVIDs) measured with M-mode were different. In conclusion, although the heart of Sphynx cat can often have a particular 2-D echocardiographic appearance, the M-mode cardiac dimensions are similar to those of the DSH.  相似文献   

Peripheral lymph node enlargement was found in 14 of a series of 132 feline lymph node biopsy specimens. Six of nine cats tested had antibodies for feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Half of the cats were clinically normal while the remainder had fever, lethargy, anorexia, and hepatosplenomegaly. There was severe distortion of lymph nodal architecture with variable loss of discernible follicles and sinuses. Histiocytes, lymphocytes, immunoblasts, and plasma cells were present in expanded paracortical regions which encroached on, and occasionally effaced, lymphoid follicles. Postcapillary venules were numerous and prominent throughout the paracortex. The lymphadenopathy was most commonly transient (86% of cases) with subsequent development of lymphoma in one cat. Lymph nodes from seven kittens with experimental FeLV infection were compared with spontaneously enlarged lymph nodes; four of seven had B and T lymphocyte hyperplasia with normal nodal architecture. Three had partial loss of nodal architecture as a result of expanded paracortical regions populated largely by histiocytes and lymphocytes. Proliferation of postcapillary venules was not prominent in nodes from FeLV-infected cats. The cause of spontaneous lymph node hyperplasia of young cats was not determined. However, the similarity of lesions to those of kittens with experimental FeLV infection and the association with FeLV by serologic tests in six of nine cats suggest that this retrovirus may be involved in the pathogenesis of the lesion.  相似文献   

Background: With the exception of diabetic neuropathy, polyneuropathy associated with hyperchylomicronemia, and a few inherited polyneuropathies, peripheral neuropathies are poorly characterized in cats. A chronic polyneuropathy is described in a cohort of young Bengal cats. Objective: To characterize the clinical and histopathological features of a chronic‐relapsing peripheral neuropathy in young Bengal cats. Animals: Thirty‐seven young Bengal cats with clinical weakness consistent with peripheral neuropathy. Methods: Bengal cats were included in this study after a diagnosis of polyneuropathy was confirmed by muscle and peripheral nerve biopsy specimens. Pathological changes were characterized at the light and electron microscopic level and by morphometry. Clinical information and long‐term outcome from case records of Bengal cats with histologically confirmed peripheral neuropathy were then assessed. Results: Nerve fiber loss within distal intramuscular nerve branches was a consistent finding in young Bengal cats with polyneuropathy. The most common abnormalities in peripheral nerve biopsies included inappropriately thin myelin sheaths and thinly myelinated fibers surrounded by supernumerary Schwann cell processes, indicative of repeated cycles of demyelination and remyelination. Recovery was common. Response to treatment could not be determined. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: A chronic‐relapsing form of polyneuropathy associated primarily with episodes of demyelination and remyelination was identified in young Bengal cats. The prognosis for recovery is good, although relapses are possible and there can be residual motor deficits.  相似文献   

Syringocystadenoma papilliferum, a hamartoma with mostly sweat gland, but also follicular infundibular elements, is described on the flank and head of two young cats. Clinically, lesions were cutaneous plaques characterized by irregular but sharply demarcated borders and a roughened, hyperpigmented surface. Complete surgical excision in one case was curative. Histologically, the lesion was limited to the superficial dermis and consisted of coalescing units of proliferating sweat glands. The proliferation was tubular or papillary, and may have been epitrichial, opening within dilated hypertrophied follicular infundibuli, or atrichial. Three types of epithelium were observed, recapitulating the formation of the follicular-sweat gland unit with infundibular, ductal and secretory epithelia. The glands reacted positively for alpha cytokeratin 8 and were supported by fibrous tissue with a plasmacytic, lymphocytic and neutrophilic infiltrate. As in humans, this lesion may be classified within the hamartoma-nevus-type category.  相似文献   

In this study, we elucidated the difference in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug sensitivities between young and adult cats on therapeutic and adverse effects. In the prevention of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced hyperthermia using flunixin-meglumine, young (<3 months old) and adult (>12 months old) cats of both sexes were given LPS (0.3 μg/kg, i.v.), and body temperature was measured 24 hr later. Flunixin (1 mg/kg, s.c.) was administered 30 min before the LPS injection. LPS-induced hyperthermia was almost completely inhibited by pre-treatment with flunixin in both adult and young cats. In addition, flunixin showed almost the same antipyretic effects in both young and adult cats. The animals were administered flunixin (1 mg/kg, s.c.) once a day for 3 days, and sacrificed 24 hr later to examine the gastrointestinal mucosal lesions. In adult cats, flunixin caused many severe lesions in the small intestine. In contrast, very few gastrointestinal lesions were produced by flunixin in young cats. In the pharmacokinetics of flunixin, plasma concentrations of flunixin were analysed using a high performance liquid chromatography. There were no significant differences in plasma concentration of flunixin between young and adult cats from 0.5 to 4 hr after the injection. These results demonstrated that NSAIDs could be used more safely in young than in adult cats from the points of gastrointestinal adverse effects. Furthermore, this difference in gastrointestinal lesions between adult and young cats was not related with the plasma concentration of flunixin.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular disorders in small animals include a diverse group of congenital and acquired diseases. The prognosis will vary according to the disorder and the portion of the motor unit affected. A number of diseases might be satisfactorily treated (for example, myasthenia gravis, congenital myotonia), whereas others may be self-limiting (for example, hereditary myopathy of Labrador Retrievers). Accurate diagnosis is necessary for establishing a prognosis and treatment plan suitable to the patient and client. Specific diagnosis in the absence of specialized tests is difficult, although not always impossible (for example, congenital myotonia in the Chow Chow). A knowledge of the neuromuscular diseases that might affect small animals, a detailed history, and a thorough physical examination will help in the presumptive diagnosis. Specialized laboratory examinations may need to be applied (for example, antiacetylcholine receptor antibody titer for acquired myasthenia gravis). Referral may be necessary for more detailed diagnostic workup (for example, electromyographic examination, nerve or muscle biopsy examination). In the case of inherited neuromuscular disorders, a knowledge of inheritance patterns will allow genetic counseling to avoid future problem breedings.  相似文献   

Objective   To describe and evaluate the use of Alfaxan-CD ® as an intravenous anaesthetic in young cats.
Design   Thirty-five Domestic Short-hair cats aged from 3 to 12 months were admitted into the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital-Sydney for elective surgery. Anaesthesia was induced with Alfaxan-CD® and maintained with isoflurane: 22 cats received no premedication and 13 cats received acepromazine (0.03 mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.3 mg/kg) subcutaneously 30 min prior to induction.
Qualitative and quantitative data for induction and recovery were recorded. Physiological parameters were recorded at 0, 2 and 5 min post induction, and every 5 min thereafter until the end of the procedure.
Results   Intravenous injection of Alfaxan-CD® resulted in rapid induction of anaesthesia with a mean time to intubation of 122 s. The mean dose of Alfaxan-CD® used was 4.2 mg/kg in unpremedicated cats and 2.7 mg/kg in premedicated cats. All cats maintained a heart rate above 95 beats/min. No cat developed hypoxaemia. Hypercapnoea was detected in 4 cats and hypotension was observed in 18 cats. Time to extubation ranged from 1 to 9 min. The mean time to sternal recumbency for premedicated cats was 11 min; 77% of premedicated cats and 23% of unpremedicated cats had a recovery score of 1 or 2.
Conclusion   Alfaxan-CD® is an effective anaesthetic agent in young healthy cats, providing a smooth induction and rapid recovery. Cats that were premedicated with acepromazine and butorphanol prior to induction with Alfaxan-CD® had better recovery scores than those that were not premedicated.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were: (i) to determine tear film breakup times (BUTs) in young healthy cats; (ii) to determine tear film BUTs in feline eyes within 8-20 h following general anesthesia; (iii) to determine if tear film BUTs vary significantly preoperatively when compared with values obtained 8-20 h postoperatively; (iv) to determine if Schirmer tear test (STT) values correlate with tear film BUTs in young healthy cats; and (v) to determine if the isolation of particular etiologic agents from conjunctival swabs of healthy cats affects tear film BUTs. We studied eighteen healthy Domestic Short-haired (n=14) and Domestic Long-haired (n=4) cats, with normal ocular examinations, ranging in age from 0.5 to 3 years. Complete ophthalmic examinations, including tear film BUTs, were performed on all cats. Conjunctival swabs from each eye of all cats and blood samples from all cats were collected and submitted for polymerase chain reaction screening for feline herpes virus, Chlamydophila felis, Mycoplasma spp., and calicivirus. In 10 of 18 cats, STT values and tear film BUTs were measured before general anesthesia was administered and again within 8-20 h following the end of anesthesia. Mean preanesthesia tear film BUTs for all 18 cats were 17.4+/-4.6 s OD and 16.0+/-4.5 s OS. Mean postanesthesia tear film BUT results were 12.5+/-4.3 and 13.1+/-4.0 s OD and OS, respectively. Postanesthesia tear film BUTs were significantly more rapid than those measured before anesthesia (OD only). There was also a positive correlation, both before and after anesthesia, between STT values in both eyes (OU) and tear film BUTs OU. The isolation or lack of isolation of conjunctival microorganisms using PCR did not significantly affect tear film BUTs. Mean tear film BUT in young healthy domestic cats is 16.7+/-4.5 s. Tear BUT is positively correlated with STT values. Although mean tear film BUTs OD at 8-20 h following anesthesia were more rapid than preanesthesia values, this difference did not appear clinically relevant.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from four specific-pathogen free cats were tested for their interleukin 2 activity every week beginning when the cats were 12 weeks old and ending when they were 26 weeks old. Lymphocytes from cats 20 weeks old released significantly more interleukin 2 than those obtained from these cats at earlier ages when stimulated with calcium ionophore A23187 and phorbol myristate acetate. The change of interleukin 2 levels with maturation of young cats may represent an important difference in their level of defense to infections with various pathogens.  相似文献   

Mirtazapine pharmacokinetics was studied in 10 healthy cats. Blood was collected before, and at intervals up to 72 h after, oral dose of 3.75 mg (high dose: HD) or 1.88 mg (low dose: LD) of mirtazapine. Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry was used to measure mirtazapine, 8-hydroxymirtazapine and glucuronide metabolite concentrations. Noncompartmental pharmacokinetic modeling was performed. Median half-life was 15.9 h (HD) and 9.2 h (LD). Using Mann-Whitney analysis, a statistically significant difference between the elimination half-life, clearance, area under the curve (AUC) per dose, and AUC(∞) /dose of the groups was found. Mirtazapine does not appear to display linear pharmacokinetics in cats. There was no significant difference in glucuronidated metabolite concentration between groups. Pharmacodynamics was studied in 14 healthy cats administered placebo, LD and HD mirtazapine orally once in a crossover, blinded trial. In comparison with placebo, cats ingested significantly more food when mirtazapine was administered. No difference in food ingestion was seen between HD and LD, but significantly more behavior changes were seen with the HD. Limited serum sampling during the pharmacodynamic study revealed drug exposure comparable with the pharmacokinetic study, but no correlation between exposure and food consumed. Mirtazapine (LD) was administered daily for 6 days with no drug accumulation detected.  相似文献   

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