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Two key questions regarding “no-take” marine reserves are: (1) how effective are reserves likely to be, and (2) how does effectiveness vary with life history attributes and the relative size of reserves. To investigate these questions, we use a simple Ricker model that includes fishing, larval dispersal, and larval loss while in a planktonic pool, and that tracks protected and unprotected populations. We applied two different measures of reserve effectiveness to our simulation results. One metric was intended to reflect goals oriented towards conservation and the second was intended to reflect fishery enhancement goals. Both metrics compare the situation before reserves are established to after the reserve has been in place and a new equilibrium was reached. Yield effectiveness is defined as the total equilibrium annual harvest after reserves are established divided by the total annual harvest before reserves are established. Conservation effectiveness is defined as the average adult density inside the reserve divided by the average density in the same area prior to reserve establishment. A substantial fraction of the 5120 simulated parameter combinations representing different harvest rates and life history attributes went extinct in the absence of a reserve, and these scenarios leading to extinction could be predicted accurately (85% aptly classified) simply on the basis of exploitation rate and population growth rate. Of the cases that did not go extinct, we compared the performance of reserves as measured by each effectiveness metric. Few of the cases (less than 8%) produced effective reserves as measured in terms of increased harvest; whereas over half of the cases resulted in effective reserves as measured by conservation effectiveness. Moreover, the two measures of reserve effectiveness were only weakly correlated. Simple linear regression or polynomial regression could explain at most 23% of the variation in reserve effectiveness as measured by either metric. As expected, the size of the reserve area had a marked and typically negative effect on total annual yield, which suggests that while marine protected areas may do a good job of conserving protected populations, there will generally be pressure from the fishing community to keep them small because of their tendency to reduce total catch.  相似文献   

I apply a comparative, functional group approach to coastal sandplain grassland taxa in order to examine whether rare plant species share certain aspects of rarity and life history characters that are distinct from their more common, co-occurring congeners in these habitats. I compiled a comparative data set containing 16 variables describing biogeographic distributions, level of imperilment, habitat specialization, vegetative versus sexual reproduction, seed dispersal, and dormancy of 27 closely-related pairs of plant species that contrast in their abundance (infrequent versus common) in coastal sandplain grasslands. Frequent and infrequent species were paired within genera (or closely related genera) and thus distributed equivalently across families to control for phylogenetic bias. Paired comparisons revealed that infrequent species were intrinsically rarer range-wide, and exhibited a narrower range and more habitat specialization than their common relatives. A classification tree distinguished infrequent species from common species on the basis of higher habitat specialization, larger seed size, smaller plant height, less reliance less on vegetative (colonial) reproduction, and tendency toward annual or biennial life history. Research and management steps to reduce competition from larger-satured, colonial, perennial species are recommended for these infrequent species. Basic research involving more species and more data on ecophysiological characters, demography, and competitive interactions are needed to identify critical life history traits that will influence responses to particular management regimes.  相似文献   

Heathland area in the northwestern part of Belgium has been strongly reduced during the past 200 years, and the remaining heathland is forced back into several small and isolated relics. In this study, we investigated how the fragmentation of these heathlands affects the distribution patterns of heathland plant species. Furthermore, we tested whether differences in patch occupancy patterns could be explained in terms of life history traits related to dispersal capacity and persistence. Multivariate logistic regression models showed that the incidence of almost three quarters of the species was influenced by fragmentation. For the majority of these species, isolation was the most important factor determining their presence or absence in a heathland patch. Differences between the species in isolation-sensitivity could be attributed mainly to differences in seed bank characteristics, with species having a long living seed bank being less affected by isolation. In contrast, species having mechanisms facilitating long distance dispersal were as much affected by isolation as species lacking these mechanisms.Our results suggest that for the majority of the species extinction in a patch can be prevented by dispersal from neighbouring patches. Further isolation of the patches should therefore be prevented and connectivity between the patches needs to be assured. As almost none of the species is affected by a declining patch area, for most even small patches are important for their survival. Hence, conservation efforts should focus not only on large heathlands.  相似文献   

We report on a long-term study of the flower preferences of feeding adult butterflies undertaken in the Wyre Forest, UK. Examination of 5638 observations of nectar-feeding clearly demonstrates several findings: (i) that butterflies differ in their range of flower use, some are generalists and others specialists, respectively, exploiting more or less sources than expected; (ii) certain flower species are preferred over others. We find that (iii) generalism and specialism in flower use corresponds to generalism and specialism, respectively, in larval host range and biotope occupancy; that (iv) generalism in flower use is accounted for by life history and resource variables that increase opportunity for contact with a wider variety of flowering herbs; that (v) specialist flower users are more typically woodland butterflies and generalist flower users species of more open biotopes. A key finding is that (vi) many specialist flower users are butterfly species of conservation concern listed in Biodiversity Action Plans. We suggest that management of woodland sites for butterfly conservation should give as much consideration to nectar sources as to host plant sources.  相似文献   

Nematode worms are one of the most important soil faunal groups in Antarctica. However, relatively little is known about their wider distribution, biogeography and history in the region, and taxonomic information remains confused or incomplete. Here, we hypothesise that the Alexander Island (southern maritime Antarctic) fauna includes elements that have survived (at least) the period of Pleistocene glaciation in situ, forming a regional centre of endemism and biodiversity hotspot. We describe nematological surveys carried out across a latitudinal gradient between 68 and 77°S along the southern Antarctic Peninsula, comparing the data obtained with the maritime Antarctic fauna described in the few previous studies between northern Marguerite Bay and the South Orkney Islands (60-68°S). In general, our survey supports previous findings of a lack of overlap at species level between the maritime and continental Antarctic biogeographical zones, with the large majority of specimens obtained from all survey sites being attributable to known maritime or new and currently endemic taxa. However, collections from Alexander Island, Alamode Island and the most westerly site sampled, Charcot Island, include specimens morphologically very close to two known continental Antarctic species, which may indicate a link between the two regions. The fauna obtained at the northern study sites (ca. 68°S, Adelaide Island, Marguerite Bay) closely matches that described previously. However, in contrast with widely described patterns of decreasing diversity in other Antarctic biota, species richness increased markedly at locations on Alexander Island (ca. 72°S), including a substantial element of undescribed species (50% of taxa across all locations, 40% of taxa found on Alexander Island). Finally, the most southerly samples obtained, from inland nunataks in Ellsworth Land (75-77°S), indicate a fauna that does not include nematodes, which is exceptional not only in an Antarctic context but also for soils worldwide.  相似文献   

Invertebrates play important roles in ecosystem functioning, but with the decline in biodiversity worldwide, it has become increasingly evident that our knowledge of invertebrate diversity distributions and of how to adequately integrate many invertebrates into conservation strategies is insufficient. We analyzed congruence between patterns of total as well as of endemic species richness of twelve invertebrate taxa across Europe and compared these patterns to those of so far predominantly studied vertebrates and plants. Coarse-scale centers of high collective diversity were identified, all in southern European regions. However, the strength of covariation between diversity patterns strongly depended on the respective taxa, with ground beetles emerging as one of the invertebrate taxa significantly reflecting endemism and total species richness distributions of many invertebrates, vertebrates and plants. Plants and ants showed similarly strong cross-taxon correlations. In contrast, correlations of vertebrates with invertebrates were in part less strong, questioning whether conservation strategies based on the former adequately account for diversity of invertebrates as a whole. Moreover, as the potential impact of environmental factors on diversity distributions varies among taxa, future climate change might affect relationships between richness patterns of different taxa. Our findings draw attention to the necessity of incorporating invertebrates, represented for instance by the highly diverse ground beetles, into national and international conservation decisions. They also highlight the importance of individual countries in maintaining European biodiversity and the responsibility of these countries for specific invertebrate taxa within international conservation frameworks, emphasizing the need for adequate consideration of invertebrates in the implementation of conservation actions.  相似文献   

Butterfly assemblages were used to characterize and evaluate the conservation value of the main habitat types in the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park (north-eastern Spain), an important protected wetland area on the Mediterranean coast. Butterfly data were obtained from a number of transects walked as part of the Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, which uses a standardized methodology for monitoring butterflies. A Mantel test indicated a strong association between habitat types and the composition of butterfly assemblages and a principal component analysis ordinated individual butterfly species along a gradient from woodland to open areas, thereby indicating various degrees of shade tolerance. In addition, cluster analysis distinguished two main groups of habitats based on the similarities of their butterfly fauna: woodland and bramble clumps and a group of three different kinds of grasslands (traditionally hay meadows, pastures, and alfalfa fields). Hay meadows flooded in winter (the so-called closes) appeared always as the highest ranked habitat in terms of conservation evaluation: they have more butterflies and a slight tendency to harbor more and generally rarer species. This conclusion coincides with that of previous investigations that have indicated that the most diverse and rare plant communities in the whole Natural Park are present in the closes, and highlights the importance of traditionally managed hay meadows for wildlife. However, these hay meadows - one of the rarest habitats in the Mediterranean region - are in alarming decline and have become the most threatened habitat in this protected area: no longer profitable, we believe that the future of the closes will depend ultimately on the existence of agri-environmental schemes.  相似文献   

The butterfly fauna at Willow Slough, Yolo County, California has been censused for 32 years as part of a participatory citizen-science project, the Fourth of July Butterfly Count. While the utility of a once-a-year census as a monitoring tool is potentially compromised by lack of standardization in counting protocols and variation in observer skill, at Willow Slough these issues have been minimized.We examined the Willow Slough count data for trends in both faunal diversity and the probability of presence of individual species. During the study, the number of species observed at a visit declined by 39%. Regressions of per-visit species counts against time did not detect a statistically significant decline until year 24. In contrast, Fisher’s α, a statistic designed to reduce sample-size bias, detected the decline as early as year 13. Twelve of the 24 species analyzed showed significant declines in probability of occurrence; a further nine exhibited negative but non-significant trends. Butterflies that overwinter as eggs or larvae were more likely to decline than those that overwinter as pupae or adults. Many species in decline at Willow Slough have also been observed less frequently at nearby sites which are monitored year-round, supporting the value of once-a-year monitoring. Although correlations with climatic data have been identified, they are too weak to account for the observed faunal decline. We suspect broader patterns of land use and habitat continuity are implicated in butterfly declines across the region.We conclude that once-a-year sampling, if properly and rigorously done, is in fact useful as a monitoring tool for butterfly faunas, and that Fisher’s α is well suited to early detection of trends in repeated diversity sampling.  相似文献   

Macrofungal diversity was investigated on 281 decaying beech trees distributed across 14 forests in Denmark, based on sporocarp inventories. Two aspects of diversity were considered, i.e., species richness per fallen tree and the incidence of red-listed species occurrence per tree. For both diversity measures the effects of both tree and site variables were tested. In total, 319 fungal species were identified, including 28 red-listed. Decay stage and wood volume were identified as key variables influencing species richness as well as red-listed species incidence. Red-listed species, however, showed a preference for more decayed trees than non red-listed species. Further, red-listed species incidence was found to be significantly higher on broken trees, compared to fallen trees with a distinct root-plate, indicating tree death cause to be important for some red-listed species. The relations between diversity measures and site variables were conflicting. Species richness per tree decreased with increasing maximum tree age and dead wood continuity, possibly a consequence of competitive exclusion of unspecialised opportunistic species in old-grown stands. For red-listed species the opposite trend was evident, and it is concluded that forest history may have fundamental effects on the community structure of wood-inhabiting fungi. Accordingly, simple species richness may be a misleading conservation measure if the aim is to conserve the most threatened aspects of forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

Reptiles are in decline globally, and one-third of turtle species are considered endangered or vulnerable. Conservation of turtles presents special challenges, as turtles are long-lived, and have delayed sexual maturity, making long-term study necessary for accurate calculation of life history parameters. The spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) is listed as an endangered species in Canada. A population in eastern Georgian Bay, Ontario has been the focus of the longest-running ecological study (30 years) on the species to date. The objective of the current project was to use the long-term demographic data to parameterize a stage-classified matrix and to use the model to asses several hypothetical management scenarios. Elasticity analyses and simulations indicated that small changes in adult survivorship would have the largest proportional effect on population growth rate, and that increasing survivorship of juveniles to 100% would result in the largest increase in population growth rate. Simulation of nest protection and headstarting scenarios indicated that these are inefficient conservation strategies for this species. We recommend that adults, and when possible, juveniles, be the stages targeted for conservation in spotted turtles and other long-lived iteroparous vertebrates.  相似文献   

Rice genetic diversity partitioning between farms, varieties and, within-variety diversity, were analysed in two villages of Maritime Guinea with contrasted agroecological conditions. One thousand and two hundred individual plants belonging to 45 accessions collected in eight farms were genotyped using 10 SSR markers. The molecular variance was evenly shared between and within accessions, while the farm effect was almost nil. Local varieties had a multi-line genetic structure. The number of multilocus genotypes was proportional to the utilisation rate of the variety in the village. The F ST values between different accessions of each variety were significant which indicated low genetic consistency in the variety names. This varietal structure could mainly be explained by the migration phenomenon and the high varietal turnover. Compared to allelic diversity, multilocus genotypic diversity seemed to be the most suitable indicator of the quantitative distribution of diversity at different management scales (accession, farm and village). The within- and between-farm F ST values were in the same order of magnitude. The within-farm diversity was not farm-specific but quantitatively high, i.e. up to 50% of the total genotypic diversity of a given village. Given the relative importance of the within-variety diversity, the in situ approach stands out as the most effective solution. As farms do not host specific diversity the in situ approach could be implemented by working with a small number of farms.  相似文献   

In order to assess the diversity of culturable Burkholderia populations in rhizosphere and bulk soil and to evaluate how different agricultural management regimes and land use history affect this diversity, four treatments were evaluated: permanent grassland; grassland converted into maize monoculture; arable land and arable land converted into grassland. Burkholderia isolates obtained on PCAT medium were grouped in 47 clusters using 16S ribosomal RNA gene based PCR-DGGE combined with BOX genomic fingerprinting (DGGE-BOX). The distribution of the isolates in the DGGE-BOX clusters was used to calculate the Shannon diversity index per treatment. Interestingly, we observed that the Burkholderia diversity was affected by changes in the agricultural management, since the highest diversity was observed in permanent grassland and in continuous arable land. In addition, the diversity tended to be higher in the rhizosphere than in the corresponding bulk soil. The use of species abundance models indicated that rhizosphere communities had more even distributions than communities collected from the bulk soil. Identification of isolates revealed that only 2% of these belonged to the B. cepacia complex and that the majority was assigned to either (1) new Burkholderia species or (2) Burkholderia species that had originally been isolated from soil. Isolates classified as B. hospita, B. caledonica and Burkholderia sp. ‘LMG 22934’ and ‘LMG 22936’ were found mainly in the arable land, while isolates belonging to Burkholderia sp. ‘LMG 22929’ and B. phytofirmans were associated with the grassland area. Another potentially new Burkholderia species, ‘LMG 22932’, was found in both areas, in close association with the maize rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Rapid land-use and climate changes are projected to cause broad-scale global land-cover transformation that will increase species extinction rates. We assessed the exposure of globally threatened plant biodiversity to future habitat loss over the first half of this century by testing country-level associations between threatened plant species richness and future habitat loss owing to land-use and climate changes, separately. In countries overlapping Biodiversity Hotspots, plant species endangerment increases with climate change-driven habitat loss. This association suggests that many currently threatened plant species will become extinct owing to anthropogenic climate change in the absence of potentially mitigating factors such as natural and assisted range shift, and physiological and genetic adaptations. Countries rich in threatened species, which are also projected to have relatively high total future habitat loss, are concentrated around the equator. Because poverty and poor governance can compromise conservation, we considered the economic condition and quality of governance with the degree of plant species endangerment and future habitat loss to prioritize countries based on conservation need. We identified Angola, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Laos, Madagascar, Myanmar, Nepal, Tajikistan, and Tanzania as the countries in greatest need of conservation assistance. For conservation endeavors to be effective, the conservation capacity of these high-need countries needs to be improved by assisting political stability and economic sustainability. We make policy recommendations that aim to mitigate climate change, promote plant species conservation, and improve the economic conditions and quality of governance in countries with high conservation need.  相似文献   

Due to the dependence of soil organisms on plant derived carbon, disturbances in plant cover are thought to be detrimental for the persistence of soil biota. In this work, we studied the disturbance effects of plant removal and soil mixing and the mitigation effects of replanting on soil biota in a low-arctic meadow ecosystem. We set up altogether six replicate blocks, each including three randomized treatment plots, at two distinct fells at Kilpisjärvi, northern Finland. Vegetation was removed in two thirds of the plots: one third was then kept barren (the plant-removal treatment), while the other third was replanted with a local herb Solidago virgaurea. The remaining plots of intact vegetation were used as treatment comparisons. The responses of soil microbes and fauna were examined six years later in the early and late growing season. The biomass of bacteria, non-mycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhizal fungi (estimated using PLFA markers) were on average 74%, 89% and 84% lower in the plant-removal and 64%, 74% and 71% lower in the Solidago replant plots than in the intact meadow. The positive effect of replanting was statistically significant for fungi, but not for bacteria. The PCA of relative PLFA concentrations further showed that the structure of the microbial community differed significantly among all three treatments. The abundance of nematodes and collembolans was on average 82 and 95% lower, but the total number of nematode genera and collembolan taxa only 27 and 7% lower in the plant-removal plots than in the intact meadow soil. Few disturbance effects on soil fauna were significantly mitigated by the Solidago replant (the plant parasitic nematodes being a notable exception) and in the case of the collembolans, the Solidago replant plots had even fewer animals than the plant-removal plots. The response of soil biota also varied with locality: the effects on fungivorous nematodes were found at one site only and the replant effects on the number and diversity of collembolan taxa varied with site. Our results suggest that despite drastic reductions in the abundance of soil biota, the majority of animal taxa can persist for years in disturbed arctic soils in the absence of vegetation. In contrast, the alleviating replant effects on the abundance of soil biota appear weak and may only partially reverse the negative effects of vegetation removal and soil disturbance.  相似文献   

Gough Island is a remote Southern Ocean Island that, despite having no permanent human population, is under substantial conservation threat as a result of human activity. A considerable proportion of the flora and fauna has been accidentally introduced, and new data are presented showing that ca. 70% of the free-living pterygote insect species are introductions. We describe how endangered seabirds that breed on the island may suffer from human fisheries activities and present new evidence showing that local temperatures have risen significantly since 1963, threatening to alter the architecture and composition of species communities. These observations are an indication that the terrestrial ecosystems of other remote islands in the Southern Oceans may be under greater conservation threat than previously thought. In light of the threats described, we discuss conservation management priorities for Gough Island. To facilitate conservation of the indigenous biota, and that of similar islands elsewhere, we suggest that a combination of proactive measures designed to maintain the integrity of island communities, and monitoring programs designed rapidly to identify new conservation threats, should be implemented conscientiously.  相似文献   

 The effects of intense grazing, seasonal drought, and fire on soil microbial diversity (substrate utilization) and activity in a northern Chihuahuan Desert grassland were measured in summer 1997, winter 1998, and spring 1998. Intense livestock grazing was initiated in winter 1995, burning occurred in August 1994, and drought stresses were imposed from October 1994 to June 1997. Microbial diversity was inferred from the carbon substrate utilization patterns in both gram (+) and gram (–) Biolog plates. Microbial activity was estimated by the activity of selected enzymes. Neither microbial diversity nor activity was affected by grazing. The interaction of intense grazing and stress sub-treatments only occurred in spring for one set of diversity measurements. The maximum microbial diversity and activity occurred in the winter-drought-stress sub-plots in summer and spring. Burning reduced microbial diversity and most enzyme activities as compared to the control in summer and spring. Microbial diversity was also lower in summer-drought-stress sub-plots than in the control in summer and spring. Microbial diversity was highest in summer, intermediate in winter, and lowest in spring. Microbial activity was generally higher in summer and lower in winter. It was concluded that substrate availability was the most important factor affecting the diversity and activity of soil microorganisms within a season. Soil moisture was not the factor causing differences in microbial diversity and activity among the stress treatments, but it was a predictor for some microbial responses under a particular stress. Received: 12 August 1999  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibiotic production loci in soil is a key issue of current research aimed to unravel the mechanisms underlying the suppressiveness of soil to plant pathogens. Pyrrolnitrin (PRN) is a key antibiotic involved in the suppression of a range of phytopathogenic fungi. Therefore, field soils from different agricultural regimes, including permanent grassland, arable land under common agricultural rotation and arable land under maize monoculture, were investigated in respect of the prevalence of pyrrolnitrin biosynthetic loci. Primers for detection of the prnD gene were used for initial PCR/hybridisation-based assessments. By this method, evidence was obtained for the contention that PRN production loci were most prevalent in grasslands, however, robust quantitative data were not achieved.To quantify the prevalence of PRN biosynthetic loci, we designed a TaqMan PCR system based on the prnD gene for the real-time quantitative detection of this production locus in soil. The system was found to be specific for prnD sequences from Pseudomonas, Serratia and Burkholderia species. Using pure culture DNA, the prnD gene was detectable down to a level of 60 fg, or approximately 10 gene copies, per amplification reaction. Application of the system to soil DNA spiked with different levels of the target DNA indicated that, in a soil DNA background, specific amplification could be obtained to about the same level of sensitivity.Field soil samples obtained from the different agricultural regimes were then screened for the prevalence of prnD with the real-time PCR system. The quantitative data obtained suggested a strongly enhanced presence of prnD genes in grassland or grassland-derived plots, as compared to the prevalence of this biosynthetic locus in the arable land plots. The implications of these findings are placed in the context of the suppressiveness of soil to phytopathogens, notably Rhizoctonia solani AG3.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the status of crop genetic resources in Yunnan province of China from 1978 to 1999. Results are presented of same research in the field of the diversity of cultivated and wild crop. Yunnan is one of the centre of origin or genetic diversity of more than 200 cultivated and wild crops. There are over 500 cultivated plants which account for over 80% of the total in China and more than 650 species of wild crops. In addition, there are more than 440 species of main wild flowers. According to our recently researches there are abundant species, subspecies and varieties of crop genetic resources in Yunnan Province. The Lancang River Valley is the richest genetic diversity centre of rice, maize, wheat, barley, buckwheat, legumes, ramie, sugarcane, vegetable, tea, actinidia and so on. For example, there are 59 varieties (including all varieties of Oryza sativa L. in China) in 5933 accession of Yunnan indigenous rice. The Lancang River Valley is one of the centre for genetic diversity of rice resources and a rich region for elite and rare rice resources of Yunnan, too. In order to protect the highly endangered crop genetic resources in the Lancang River Valley, it is necessary and very important to set up a collection, conservation, utilization and research system, enhancing their protection and utilization, in situ- and ex situ-conservation, farm management and sustainable production.  相似文献   

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