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为从分子水平上揭示柴达木黄牛的父系遗传结构组成、遗传多样性水平及父系遗传背景,通过PCR方法和直接测序技术,以8头大别山牛(瘤牛)公牛为试验对照,对106头柴达木黄牛公牛Y染色体ZFY-10标记进行多态性检测分析。结果表明:1)通过ZFY-10标记上变异位点的联合定型分析,可以准确地检测普通牛Y1和Y2单倍型组及瘤牛Y3单倍型组;2)柴达木黄牛在ZFY-10标记上存在GT核苷酸插入/缺失多态性,依据该标记多态位点确定单倍型组,表明柴达木黄牛包含Y1和Y2两种普通牛单倍型组,所占频率分别为0.217和0.783。在柴达木黄牛品种内,大柴旦、乌兰、格尔木、茫崖和都兰5个群体Y2单倍型组的频率依次为1.000、0.933、0.907、0.650和0.522,而Y1单倍型组频率依次为0、0.067、0.093、0.350和0.478,表明茫崖和都兰2个群体具有较高的Y1单倍型组比例;3)柴达木黄牛总的单倍型多样度为0.343 0±0.045 6。在柴达木黄牛品种内,大柴旦、乌兰、格尔木、茫崖和都兰5个群体的单倍型多样度分别为0、0.133 3、0.172 8、0.478 9和0.521 7,表明都兰和茫崖2个群体相比其他3个群体具有较高的父系遗传多样性。综上所述,Y染色体ZFY-10标记变异位点的联合定型分析可以确定和推断黄牛的父系支系组成和起源;柴达木黄牛含有Y1和Y2两个普通牛父系支系,具有2个普通牛父系起源,父系遗传多样性较低,品种内茫崖和都兰2个群体遗传变异相对丰富。  相似文献   

Population genetics has emerged as a powerful tool for unraveling human history. In addition to the study of mitochondrial and autosomal DNA, attention has recently focused on Y-chromosome variation. Ambiguities and inaccuracies in data analysis, however, pose an important obstacle to further development of the field. Here we review the methods available for genealogical inference using Y-chromosome data. Approaches can be divided into those that do and those that do not use an explicit population model in genealogical inference. We describe the strengths and weaknesses of these model-based and model-free approaches, as well as difficulties associated with the mutation process that affect both methods. In the case of genealogical inference using microsatellite loci, we use coalescent simulations to show that relatively simple generalizations of the mutation process can greatly increase the accuracy of genealogical inference. Because model-free and model-based approaches have different biases and limitations, we conclude that there is considerable benefit in the continued use of both types of approaches.  相似文献   

We report a genome-wide search of Y-linked genes in Drosophila pseudoobscura. All six identifiable orthologs of the D. melanogaster Y-linked genes have autosomal inheritance in D. pseudoobscura. Four orthologs were investigated in detail and proved to be Y-linked in D. guanche and D. bifasciata, which shows that less than 18 million years ago the ancestral Drosophila Y chromosome was translocated to an autosome in the D. pseudoobscura lineage. We found 15 genes and pseudogenes in the current Y of D. pseudoobscura, and none are shared with the D. melanogaster Y. Hence, the Y chromosome in the D. pseudoobscura lineage appears to have arisen de novo and is not homologous to the D. melanogaster Y.  相似文献   

A mouse model of the aniridia-Wilms tumor deletion syndrome   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Deletion of chromosome 11p13 in humans produces the WAGR syndrome, consisting of aniridia (an absence or malformation of the iris), Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma), genitourinary malformations, and mental retardation. An interspecies backcross between Mus musculus/domesticus and Mus spretus was made in order to map the homologous chromosomal region in the mouse genome and to define an animal model of this syndrome. Nine evolutionarily conserved DNA clones from proximal human 11p were localized on mouse chromosome 2 near Small-eyes (Sey), a semidominant mutation that is phenotypically similar to aniridia. Analysis of Dickie's Small-eye (SeyDey), a poorly viable allele that has pleiotropic effects, revealed the deletion of three clones, f3, f8, and k13, which encompass the aniridia (AN2) and Wilms tumor susceptibility genes in man. Unlike their human counterparts, SeyDey/+ mice do not develop nephroblastomas. These findings suggest that the Small-eye defect is genetically equivalent to human aniridia, but that loss of the murine homolog of the Wilms tumor gene is not sufficient for tumor initiation. A comparison among Sey alleles suggests that the AN2 gene product is required for induction of the lens and nasal placodes.  相似文献   

为系统了解牦牛Y染色体的分子遗传学研究现状,通过查阅近15年来的研究资料,从Y染色体分子标记和Y染色体基因2个方面对牦牛Y染色体分子遗传学研究进展进行综述。在分子标记方面,研究者已对13个普通牛Y-STRs在牦牛中的特异性进行了检测,发现4个标记(即INRA124、INRA189、UMN2404和BYM-1)为牦牛Y-STRs标记。确定了6个Y-SNPs标记(即USP9Y(223CT)、UTY19(158AC和169CT)、AMELY2(261CT)、OFD1Y9(165AG)和SRY4(104GA))可用于牦牛父系遗传研究。在基因研究上,已对SRY、ZFY、TSPY和HSFY等多个牦牛Y染色体基因进行了克隆、序列比较、多态性检测、系统发育和原核表达分析。在今后的研究中,挖掘更多的牦牛Y染色体特异标记,开展基于多个标记、更多牦牛品种的群体遗传学研究,将是探明牦牛父系遗传多样性、父系起源与驯化、群体历史发展动态与分类等问题的重点和方向。同时,应借鉴灵长类、普通牛等物种Y染色体的研究方法和技术,加强牦牛Y染色体基因组、转录组和蛋白组等研究。  相似文献   

Certain characteristic patterns of physiologic sex determination are not causally linked with types of genic and chromosomal constitution (XX-XY or ZW-ZZ). The observed widespread but not universal parallelism in the distribution of genetic and physiologic patterns among vertebrate groups expresses genealogic relationship. On the basis of this interpretation one may estimate the approximate evolutionary age of the mechanism of genetic sex determination. It is concluded that in all tetrapod vertebrates these mechanisms originated during the Jurassic period. Environmental conditions seem to affect the progress of this evolution.  相似文献   

Reactivation of the paternal X chromosome in early mouse embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is generally accepted that paternally imprinted X inactivation occurs exclusively in extraembryonic lineages of mouse embryos, whereas cells of the embryo proper, derived from the inner cell mass (ICM), undergo only random X inactivation. Here we show that imprinted X inactivation, in fact, occurs in all cells of early embryos and that the paternal X is then selectively reactivated in cells allocated to the ICM. This contrasts with more differentiated cell types where X inactivation is highly stable and generally irreversible. Our observations illustrate that an important component of genome plasticity in early development is the capacity to reverse heritable gene silencing decisions.  相似文献   

Common region on chromosome 14 in T-cell leukemia and lymphoma   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Chromosome 14 breakpoints in malignant human lymphocytes cluster on the long (q) arm near bands q11 and q32. An inversion of chromosome 14 due to breaks in q11.2 and q32.3 has now been found in a newly established childhood T-cell lymphoma cell line and confirmed in T-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. A translocation was also found between chromosomes 10 and 14 with a breakpoint at 14q11.2 in another T-cell lymphoma cell line. It is proposed that a proximal region on chromosome 14 in or near sub-band q11.2 is related to T-cell function. Rearrangements in this region may affect the growth of T lymphocytes and be involved in the development of T-cell malignancies.  相似文献   

Treatment of mice with the carcinogen N-methylnitrosourea results in the development of thymic lymphomas with frequent involvement of the N-ras oncogene. The activated mouse N-ras gene was isolated from one of these lymphomas and, by transformation in concert with restriction digestion, a map of the gene was prepared and its approximate boundaries were determined. By means of somatic cell hybrids the normal N-ras gene was found to be unlinked to other members of the ras gene family.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping of the mouse proto-oncogene c-sis to chromosome 15   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The mouse homolog (c-sis) of the transforming gene of the simian sarcoma virus was mapped to chromosome 15 by the Southern blot analysis of DNA's from hamster-mouse somatic cell hybrids. Alterations in c-sis expression may thus play a role in the various murine neoplastic diseases characterized by rearrangements or duplications of chromosome 15.  相似文献   

The high degree of similarity between the mouse and human genomes is demonstrated through analysis of the sequence of mouse chromosome 16 (Mmu 16), which was obtained as part of a whole-genome shotgun assembly of the mouse genome. The mouse genome is about 10% smaller than the human genome, owing to a lower repetitive DNA content. Comparison of the structure and protein-coding potential of Mmu 16 with that of the homologous segments of the human genome identifies regions of conserved synteny with human chromosomes (Hsa) 3, 8, 12, 16, 21, and 22. Gene content and order are highly conserved between Mmu 16 and the syntenic blocks of the human genome. Of the 731 predicted genes on Mmu 16, 509 align with orthologs on the corresponding portions of the human genome, 44 are likely paralogous to these genes, and 164 genes have homologs elsewhere in the human genome; there are 14 genes for which we could find no human counterpart.  相似文献   

三江黄牛原产于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州汶川县,具有躯干较长、役用性能良好、适应性强、肉质好等特点,是经长期人工选育的优良地方黄牛品种,为遗传资源宝贵基因库。试验对三江黄牛Y染色体特异ZFY基因作遗传多态性分析,发掘三江黄牛遗传起源。结果表明,ZFY基因第11外显子长度为1 090 bp,T、A、C、G平均含量分别为24.2%、34.2%、20.7%、20.9%,存在碱基偏好性;发现22个突变位点,18个转换,4个颠换,其核苷酸多样性(Pi)为0.007 61,检出16种单倍型,单倍型多样性(Hd)为0.993,说明三江黄牛群体ZFY基因遗传多样性较丰富;系统进化和遗传距离分析表明,三江黄牛优先和大额牛、瘤牛、野牛聚为一类,研究为濒危三江黄牛品种保种、选育及来源提供依据。  相似文献   

Linkage analysis of 15 Utah kindreds demonstrated that a gene responsible for von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis (NF) is located near the centromere on chromosome 17. The families also gave no evidence for heterogeneity, indicating that a significant proportion of NF cases are due to mutations at a single locus. Further genetic analysis can now refine this localization and may lead to the eventual identification and cloning of the defective gene responsible for this disorder.  相似文献   

GARS-AIRS-GART基因编码区多态性和鸡肉IMP含量的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以鸡GARS-AIRS-GART基因为侯选基因,隐性白羽鸡、丝羽乌骨鸡、萧山鸡、白耳鸡、藏鸡为实验材料,采用PCR-SSCP法对GARS-AIRS-GART基因所有外显子进行SNPs检测.结果在外显子3、4和21中各发现了一个单核苷酸多态性位点.方差分析结果表明:外显子3和外显子21的基因型与IMP含量之间不存在显著关联;外显子4中的6 545处的C→A突变位点对胸肌IMP含量的影响在不同鸡种之间的表现不完全一致.在隐性白羽鸡、萧山鸡和白耳鸡群体中,三种基因型个体之间的IMP含量差异均不显著.在丝羽乌骨鸡和藏鸡群体中,AA型个体的IMP含量显著高于AC型和CC型,推测该位点的基因型效应可能是其等位基因与丝羽乌骨鸡、藏鸡群体中的特殊遗传背景之间存在交互作用,或者是与影响肌肉IMP含量的QTL之间存在着暂时的连锁不平衡的缘故.  相似文献   

Salivary proline-rich protein genes on chromosome 8 of mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endonuclease restriction (Hind III) fragments of DNA from Chinese hamster X mouse somatic cell hybrids hybridized with proline-rich protein complementary DNA clones only when the DNA was isolated from cells containing mouse chromosome 8, or a fragment of chromosome 8. The evidence suggests that proline-rich protein genes are located at the proximal portion of chromosome 8 toward the centromere.  相似文献   

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