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抗氧化剂在动物饲料中的研究应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
抗氧化剂在动物饲料中的研究应用四川省畜牧兽医研究所饲料添加剂总厂邝声耀经研究试验证明:在饲料中添加抗氧化剂,可有效地防止饲料的氧化,延长其保质期;有助于保持饲料的新鲜和增加适口性;保护饲料使营养物质不受损失,通过这一改善词料质量的结果,从而达到增加畜... 相似文献
着色剂在动物饲料中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
饲料中添加着色剂是为了增加动物产品的色泽,如使牛奶的黄油增色,禽蛋的卵黄与外壳增色,肉鸡皮肤、脂肪增色,以及鱼、虾肉增色等,此外还通过着色剂改变饲料色泽,刺激动物食欲。1着色剂的种类动物体内不能合成色素,只能从饲料中得到,目前添加到饲料中的着色剂有两种:一类是天然着色剂,是从动植物和微生物中提取或加工而成的类胡萝卜素,主要有万寿菊花色素衍生物和辣椒色素衍生物。另一类为化学合成的类胡萝卜素,类胡萝卜素又分为胡萝卜素和叶黄素。胡萝卜素在肠壁细胞内及肝脏中可转化为维生素A,但其色素沉积能力较小。叶黄素… 相似文献
银合欢在动物饲料中的应用 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
银合欢营养价值很高,蛋白质含量丰富,是一种优质的饲料,但它含有含羞草素抗营养因子,对家畜有毒性。本文主要叙述了银合欢的脱毒处理及含羞草素在动物体内的降解。1营养价值1.1银合欢的营养成分(见表1)银合欢是豆科银合欢属植物,是一种多年生、耐干旱、枝叶繁茂、四季常绿的灌木或乔木。它的适口性好并且蛋白质含量丰富还富含胡萝卜素和多种维生素(尤其是维生素C)及微量元素,是一种速生高产豆科木本饲料;它的嫩茎叶粗蛋白含量占千物质的22%~30%,种子含有合欢氨基酸及半胱氨酸等营养成分。银合欢在土壤贫瘠的热带地区也能长得很表1银合欢干… 相似文献
有机酸在动物饲料中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
导言 抗生素生长促进剂、药物(口服)与有机酸的相似处是它们都能影响动物消化道内的菌群平衡。但是作用方式却不同。本文将就这一点进行阐述,并结合药物及抗生素生长促进剂的作用,进一步讨论有机酸的作用模式以及如何使用有机酸等问题。 在良好的消化道的菌群平衡的情况下,含有超过90%革兰氏阳性菌(主要是乳酸菌)和葡萄球菌,其余的少部分是革兰氏阴性菌(包括肠细菌,如大肠杆菌,沙门氏菌)。一些革兰氏阴性菌群能造成消化紊乱/腹泻问题,当它们的生长超过乳酸菌时,问题就会发生。 相似文献
植酸酶的应用一直是饲料工业的热点.现在植酸酶作为绿色的饲料添加剂已进入规模应用阶段.事实证明,植酸酶在养殖中的应用已经取得了良好的效果,植酸酶的应用不仅能提高植酸磷的消化率,减轻养殖业带来的污染,保护环境,还可以改善蛋白质、氨基酸和能量的利用效果,提高畜禽生产性能. 相似文献
杆菌肽是多肽类抗生素的一种,对于动物的肠道疫病有预防和治疗作用,并且能够明显提升饲料的转化率,杆菌肽类产品凭借其无耐药性、无休药期、无残留、安全性较高的优势,被广泛应用于动物养殖中。主要探讨了杆菌肽类产品的特性及其在动物养殖中的应用和进展,希望能够为广大养殖场(户)提供一定的帮助。 相似文献
L Medleau 《Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice》1990,20(6):1615-1632
This article discusses the etiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment of several diseases. Feline immunodeficiency, virus infection, cryptococcosis, dermatophyte pseudomycetomas, demodicosis, Sézary-like syndrome, and discoid lupus erythematosus in cats are reviewed. 相似文献
工作犬训练的基本原理相似,但具体方法各异。本文是笔者考察英国工作犬时见到的一些训练方法或技术细节。文章除了对各种"雕虫小技"做出描述外,以五星为最高评判标准,从创意度、实用度、适用度等三个方面给出个人的评判,聊作抛砖引玉,谨供大家参考。网球夹 相似文献
Since 1986, naturally occurring scrapie-like encephalopathies have been described in the United Kingdom in domestic cattle, in five species of captive exotic bovids and in domestic cats. The disease in domestic cattle, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, has been characterised by all currently available diagnostic criteria as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy or 'prion' disease, and has been shown to have a dietary origin. The pathology in the other species is also entirely consistent with the scrapie-like diseases. The contemporaneous occurrence in the UK of such disease in these species suggests a close epidemiological association. The diagnostic criteria of the scrapie-like encephalopathies of animals are reviewed in the light of experience with the recent extension of their natural host range. 相似文献
The influence of administered glycerol on the food intake was followed in suckling rats in five age periods (on the 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th and 23rd day of life). Glycerol significantly reduced the food intake (P less than 0.01) in the last three age categories. This finding indicates that from the 13th day of life glycerol becomes one of the limiting factors of food intake for suckling rats in connection with a gradual functional maturing of their control mechanism, regulating the food intake. 相似文献
A newly described congenital heart anomaly, the incomplete subaortic stenotic ring was detected at necropsy in four dogs, one cat, one cow, one horse, one sheep and one pig. These structures were grossly and histologically similar to complete subaortic stenotic rings, being composed of variably dense interlacing bands and sheets of fibrous connective tissue. In all nine cases, their presence at necropsy was considered an incidental finding. 相似文献
蜂产品广泛用于医药久矣,可谓历史悠久,扎根民间和传统医学之中。目前所称的蜂产品,主要有:蜂蜜、蜂蜡、蜂花粉、蜂毒、蜂胶、蜂王浆、蜂王幼虫、雄蜂蛹、蜂王台、蜂巢等。现在,蜂产品在防治疾病、营养、食疗、保健、美容、抗衰延年等不同领域均得到广泛应用,同时也载于很多书刊报纸中,已公认为医疗、防病之药材。目前,开设蜂医课程的院校有20余所。有些蜂产品已编入《国家药典》。在近年出版的《中药大辞典》、《中药大全》、《新编中药学》、《中医名方、秘方大全》及《新编药物学》等书中,均列有蜂产品的词条。我国古籍医药专著,把蜂产品… 相似文献
采用酸碱消煮法对10种花粉中粗纤维的含量进行测定。结果表明,在10种花粉中,马尾松花粉的粗纤维含量最高,为36.15名(干重);其他9种蜂花粉中粗纤维的含量较小且差别不大,以山楂花粉含量最低,为5.03%(干重)。此结果为进一步研究花粉中的化学成分以及花粉的食用、深加工等提供基础数据。 相似文献
Experiments were conducted to study the effect of glycerol concentration, equilibration time and temperature of glycerol addition on post-thaw viability of boar spermatozoa after cryopreservation in straws. Semen (split ejaculate) in maxi-straws (6 mm o.d.) was frozen using a programmable freezing chamber. Three methods for in vitro sperm evaluation were used: motility (MOT), acrosome integrity (NAR) and flow cytometric analysis of sperm treated with carboxyfluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide to assess sperm plasma membrane integrity (PMI). No interactions were found among the three variables evaluated. Length of prefreeze exposure to glycerol, ranging from .5 min to 75 min, had no effect on post-thaw sperm viability. Exposure of sperm to a glycerol-containing extender medium at 5 degrees C gave improved post-thaw viability over that exposed at 0 degree C (P less than .05). Glycerol at a concentration of 3 or 4% resulted in maximum post-thaw MOT. Acrosome integrity values were greatest for 2 and 3% glycerol, whereas PMI was greatest when glycerol concentration was 4 to 6%. The primary cryoprotective effect of glycerol on boar semen may be extracellular. It is concluded that 3 or 4% glycerol gives maximum viability of frozen-thawed spermatozoa when the present methods are employed. 相似文献