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高大平房仓隔热改造低温储粮试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了在高大平房仓用新型隔热材料进行隔热改造后,用谷物冷却机把粮食冷却到15℃左右,进行代温密闭保冷的试验。通过试验,验证了新型隔热材料--隔热防水瓷漆的中温性能和谷物冷却机的冷却效果、运行性能,总结了谷物冷却机低温储粮中粮温、水分的变化规律,获取了谷物冷却机耗电量数据,探索出最经济的低温储粮途径,为今后进一步推广应用新型隔热材料改造仓房和谷物冷却机低温储粮提供了实践经验。  相似文献   

“一降三防”低温储粮技术模式可有效控制粮温在10℃左右,达到低温储粮的效果,尤其在防虫、防水分散失、防储粮品质下降方面效果显著。  相似文献   

控温储粮是指通过自然或机械的方法,调节粮堆温度,使粮堆温度长期保持在15℃或20℃以下,从而降低粮堆的呼吸强度,抑制害虫和微生物的生长,达到安全保粮和保鲜的目的。粮食温度在15℃以下为低温储藏,20℃以下为准低温储藏。  相似文献   

高大平房仓粮面密封压盖技术应用实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对高大平房仓密闭性能和仓顶结构的隔热差、影响安全储粮的问题,介绍了在高大平房仓中应用高强度绝热PEF粮面覆盖板隔热压盖技术,该技术的应用可有效隔断仓房空间与粮堆之间的湿热传递,减少仓温乃至外温对粮堆(特别是粮堆表层)的影响,使储粮温度长期处于低温状态,确保储粮安全。  相似文献   

应用菱镁材料对平房仓仓顶内外进行隔热保温性能改造,可有效地降低仓温和粮堆表层温度,使储粮常年处于低温状态,使粮食能够更好地保持其储存品质。  相似文献   

对高大平房仓吊顶,结合粮堆合理通风,压实粮面,掌握时机早密封,进行准低温储粮,可以使粮堆温度保持在15℃以下,实现粮食的低温储藏。  相似文献   

由于受四季气候变化的影响,为了达到低温储粮的标准,利用冬季低温季节对储粮进行通风降温,一般将平均粮温降至10℃以内,目的是为储粮安全度夏打好基础。但随着冬去春来气温不断上升,储存的粮食温度在次年7~9月达到30℃左右,对储粮品质的影响较大,如何经济有效地缓解粮温回升,延缓粮食陈化,一直是仓储工作者关注的课题。为了解决储粮安全度夏的问题,湖北石首国家粮食储备库在23号、9号仓进行了粮面稻壳压盖隔热,仓窗、通风口采用聚苯烯泡沫板隔热对照试验,阻止了夏季高温直接作用于粮面,确保储粮度夏粮温不超过25℃的相对低温效果,有效地抑制了害虫繁殖,达到了保质、保鲜的目的。  相似文献   

低温储粮综合技术试验研究报告   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
低温储粮综合技术是太阳热反射涂料的应用技术,仓内环流调节粮堆温工技术及提高仓房气密性技术集为一体的综合储粮技术,在高大平房仓密必达到一定要求后,用太阳热反射涂料对仓顶进行表面处理,当夏季气温最高时试验仓顶表面温度比对照仓低25℃,大大减少了仓外太阳辐射热对仓房的热能传递,改善了仓内的储粮环境,基本实现了准低温储粮,利用环流熏蒸装置对高大平房仓内的储粮分阶段进行环流,3天内,定时环流36小时,试验仓仓温下降了4.5℃,上层粮温平均下降了0.9℃,仓底部的粮水分基本无变化,此项试验证明,环流是平衡粮堆内部的温度即利用粮堆内部的自然冷源降低高温区粮温的有效技术途径。  相似文献   

平房仓储藏大豆,在低温季节利用机械通风技术降低豆堆温度后及时将粮面密闭使其维持在低温状态,高温季节利用空调器制冷循环给粮面冷气囊补充冷气,可将豆堆温度控制在20℃以下,克服了简易平房仓屋面和墙体的隔热保温性能差及上层粮温升温较高的弊端,减少了外界环境对粮堆的影响,有效控制了虫霉危害,符合推广绿色储粮的技术要求,达到了使大豆安全过夏的目的。  相似文献   

朱志昂 《粮食储藏》2011,40(1):51-52
温度是影响储粮品质的重要因素之一。低温储粮(≤15℃),能降低堆粮的呼吸强度,抑制虫害和微生物生长,减少储粮损失,实现无化学药剂熏蒸,  相似文献   

The rolling cone enveloping hourglass worm pair has been successfully developed, in which there is almost only rolling friction between the meshing tooth surfaces, and both the worm and wormwheel have hard surfaces. Such a new type of hourglass worm pair is particularly-favorable for power transmission. This paper presents the design. manufacting and testing of this worm pair.  相似文献   

THis Paper derscribes a novel all-fiber compensation network with three access-couplers for improving the stability of amplitude modulated fiber optical sensors. and its optimumstructure which is indepent on environment effects. We also describe the sealing method of the com-pensation network and the experiment of its coupler parameter variation caused by tempertare andvibration. The expreiment results showed that the compe nsation network can effectivelv resist themeasurement error affected by the in tensity variation of the optieal souce and other transmission loss.  相似文献   

渗透胁迫诱导水稻幼苗的氧化伤害   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:41  
蒋明义  杨文英 《作物学报》1994,20(6):733-738
水稻幼苗在渗透胁迫下,随着胁迫强度的增加及时间的延长,O2和H2O2大量产生,膜脂过氧化加剧,细胞膜的完整性受到破坏,离子大量外泄;严重渗透胁迫亦使叶绿素——蛋白质复合体结合松弛,叶绿素含量明显降低。活性氧清除剂α-生育酚、抗坏血酸及甘露醇可阴抑渗透胁迫所诱导的丙二醛增生,减少叶绿素的氧化破坏。这些结果表  相似文献   

This paper presents a reactive power optimization method which combines thelinear programming model with secure correction. In correction. this mOdel presents a new idea inwhich the feasible control region of con trol variables is resolved by over constrained state varlables. This method is quick and reliable and overcomes oscillation of a general linear programming model.  相似文献   

用磷化铝片对储藏在房式仓(仓容516m3)中的400t散装小麦进行熏蒸。储 不小麦水分为11.5%,储藏平均温度为29.3℃,小麦用PVC(厚度0.125mm)复盖。熏 蒸期间用磷化氢检测管测定PH3浓度。采用1.03kg磷化铝片(可释放0.34kg磷化氢) 分成小包进行熏蒸,磷化氢最高值为 1. 0mg/L。熏蒸 16天的 CT值为 213mg· h/L。用 敏感和抗性品系的米象和谷蠹进行生物试验表明.熏蒸1个月后所有的成虫都死亡;熏 蒸42天所有中度抗性的谷蠹没有发现F1代成虫出现.米象的印和蛹不能发育为成虫。  相似文献   

箱式通风与揭膜相结合提高降温效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐惠乃  李珉 《粮食储藏》1999,28(3):35-39
采用箱式通风装置对储粮进行通风,并结合由远而近,等距离揭膜的办法,有效地降低了米温,能耗低于其它一些通风技术。试验测试了箱式通风全过程参数及其变化规律。  相似文献   

The feasible control problem is presented for the day-operation of the Three-Gorge Caseade Hydropower Station. The significance of the problem is explained. Basic propetties ofthe problem and the approaches to study it are discussed. Two methfods are given for solving theproblem. which are calculus of variation and linear programming. In the former. the Euler equationwith time-lag and the generalised two-point boundary conditions are obtained and the correspondingpractical implication is interpreted. In the latter. the rationality for the discrete model is exptainedand the computalional details are given for the implement software. some questions which should bepaid much attentfon and the corresponding propeels are prasented based on the numerical results andtheoretical analysis  相似文献   

本文对水稻主要性状一般配合力间的相互关系进行了剖析,结果表明,单株产量一般配合力与结实率;播柚天数和收获指数的一般配合力呈正相关.而与其它性状间的相关不显著.通径分析表明,提高单株产量一般配合力的关键是提高生物产量、每穗粒数和结实率的一般配合力,但不能以增加植株高度和延长生育天数来提高生物产量.讨论提出,提高出叶速度可能是提高生物产量的一条可行途径.  相似文献   

J. Léon    G. Geisler    R. Thiraporn  P. Stamp 《Plant Breeding》1989,103(3):181-188
A diallel cross from nine early-maturing lines of maize was grown in northern Germany during 1981 and 1982 in order to study the genotypic variation of shoot biomass at early and late stages of development. Inbred lines had been chosen from breeding programmes for early and medium early cultivars. Nevertheless, the date of maturity varied between them which can have some influence on the correlation between plant parameters. Plants were harvested at the fourth and sixth leaf stages, at anthesis and at maturity. S.c.a. effects were highly significant for traits during the vegetative stage. G.c.a. effects were highly significant for traits of the mature plant including grain yield components. The ratio of g.c.a. to s.c.a. effects for shoot biomass was dominated throughout the growing season by s.c.a. effects. Hybrids from the diallel cross had a superior growth rate until the fourth leaf stage; thereafter, relative growth rates of lines and hybrids were similar for the average of both groups until maturity. The correlation of g.c.a. effects and s.c.a. effects between shoot biomass throughout the season revealed that no significant relationship existed between early and late stages. G.c.a. and s.c.a. effects for grain yield components, with the exception of hundred kernel weight, were negatively correlated with shoot biomass at an early stage while correlation was positive at maturity. This would probably make it a difficult task to improve shoot growth and grain yield components simultaneously through the season.  相似文献   

磷化氢缓释、间歇、气流、低氧综合熏蒸的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
探讨了磷化氢缓释、间歇、气流和低氧综合熏蒸的原理和方法,并通过实践 证明这种综合熏蒸方法杀虫效果好.可杀死卵、蛹和抗药性较强的虫种,可在较长时间 内避免重复熏蒸。  相似文献   

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