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Jocelyn Dubuc Denis DuTremblay Jean Baril Randy Bagg Marcel Brodeur Todd Duffield Luc DesC?teaux 《The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue veterinaire canadienne》2010,51(4):375-379
The objectives of this study were to quantify the effect of 16 ppm of dietary monensin on milk production and composition of dairy cows, and to investigate factors having a potential impact on this effect. Data were generated from a total of 3577 Holstein dairy cows (47 herds) in Quebec enrolled in a herd-level, randomized clinical trial investigating the effects of monensin supplementation. Milk production and composition data were collected from monthly dairy herd improvement (DHI) testing. Monensin increased milk production by 0.9 kg/cow/d in cows under 150 days in milk (DIM) (P < 0.05). Monensin decreased milk fat percentage by 0.18 percentage points during the whole lactation (P < 0.05). This decreasing effect was larger for component-fed cows (P < 0.05) and for cows being fed low levels of dietary physically effective particles (P < 0.05) when compared respectively to cows fed total mixed ration and cows fed high levels of dietary physically effective particles. The results of this study suggest that monensin influences milk production and milk composition of dairy cows, and that diet composition and feeding system influence those effects. 相似文献
检测奶牛乳汁孕酮的免疫生物传感器优化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了完善已建立的孕酮免疫生物传感器的检测性能,本试验应用碳化二亚胺法将11α-羟基孕酮半琥珀酸和OVA制备成孕酮完全抗原,其浓度达0.6 mg/m L。在此基础上建立了以乳汁为基质的孕酮生物传感器的标准曲线(y=-4.9461x+8.7982,R2=0.993 2),进一步确立了检测乳汁孕酮的线性范围为0.31 ng/m L~50ng/m L,检测限为0.31 ng/m L,灵敏度为0.15 ng/m L,而且孕酮与皮质酮、皮质醇、雄烯二酮的免疫交叉反应较低,表明特异性较好。批内、批间变异系数分别为7.7%和7.5%,回收率为95.8%~115.7%,生物传感器稳定性在4℃保存4 d。该优化的奶牛乳汁孕酮免疫生物传感器的性能参数符合规定的标准,为检测妊娠、乏情和繁殖障碍疾病的奶牛乳汁孕酮含量提供了工具。 相似文献
Wendy J. Arndt Andrew J. Holle Marc L. Bauer James D. Kirsch Daniel E. Schimek Kenneth G. Odde Kimberly A. Vonnahme 《Canadian journal of veterinary research》2009,73(4):271-274
Progesterone plays an important role in maintenance of pregnancy. It is hypothesized that insufficient progesterone early in pregnancy may result in embryonic loss, and that supplemental progesterone would decrease pregnancy loss in dairy cows. In Experiment 1, 84 cows and 16 heifers from a single dairy operation were selected randomly. Within each age category, controlled internal drug release (CIDR) devices were inserted into the vagina of every other female on Day 4 post-insemination and removed on Day 18 post-insemination. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed to determine pregnancy at 4 time periods [days 30 to 37 (week 5), days 44 to 51 (week 7), days 58 to 65 (week 9), and days 86 to 93 (week 13)]. Progesterone supplementation had no effect on pregnancy rate. In Experiment 2, there were no differences in progesterone concentrations between cows that did and did not receive a CIDR. Further, cows receiving CIDR devices did not have an increase in circulating progesterone concentrations 30 min or 1 h after CIDR insertion. It appears that progesterone supplementation does not increase circulating levels of progesterone in the early pregnant lactating dairy cow. Alterative methods to influence progesterone concentrations and/or early embryonic loss need to be investigated. 相似文献
Data were obtained in a large Florida herd of about 1800 Holstein cows. All cows were inseminated by the herdsman who did the pregnancy checks and who also administered drugs. The herdsman injected 103 cows with prostaglandin F2 alpha during the time this herd was under continuous observation by the authors who were conducting an unrelated research project. These cows consisted of 86 open (never bred) cows which had no estrus observed during the first 70 days postpartum, or no second estrus observed within 30 days after a previous estrus, and 17 cows previously inseminated. Two-thirds (57) of the 86 open cows were in estrus within 4 days. The 17 previously inseminated cows appeared to be pregnant, based upon progesterone profiles, when these were inadvertently given prostaglandin F2 alpha by the herdsman. Progesterone declined in all cows and they were in estrus in 7 +/- 4 days (mean +/- standard error). This result of presumed abortion reflects the luteolytic effectiveness of the drug and the importance of instructing any laymen users to follow necessary precautions to avoid undesirable effects. 相似文献
de Mol RM 《Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde》2001,126(4):99-103
The development and test of detection models for oestrus and mastitis in dairy cows is described in a PhD thesis that was defended in Wageningen on June 5, 2000. These models were based on sensors for milk yield, milk temperature, electrical conductivity of milk, and cow activity and concentrate intake, and on combined processing of the sensor data. The models alert farmers to cows that need attention, because of possible oestrus or mastitis. A first detection model for cows, milked twice a day, was based on time series models for the sensor variables. A time series model describes the dependence between successive observations. The parameters of the time series models were fitted on-line for each cow after each milking by means of a Kalman filter, a mathematical method to estimate the state of a system on-line. The Kalman filter gives the best estimate of the current state of a system based on all preceding observations. This model was tested for 2 years on two experimental farms, and under field conditions on four farms over several years. A second detection model, for cow milked in an automatic milking system (AMS), was based on a generalization of the first model. Two data sets (one small, one large) were used for testing. The results for oestrus detection were good for both models. The results for mastitis detection were varying (in some cases good, in other cases moderate). Fuzzy logic was used to classify mastitis and oestrus alerts with both detection models, to reduce the number of false positive alerts. Fuzzy logic makes approximate reasoning possible, where statements can be partly true or false. Input for the fuzzy logic model were alerts from the detection models and additional information. The number of false positive alerts decreased considerably, while the number of detected cases remained at the same level. These models make automated detection possible in practice. 相似文献
Petersson KJ Strandberg E Gustafsson H Royal MD Berglund B 《Preventive veterinary medicine》2008,86(1-2):153-163
We examined whether infrequent milk sampling for progesterone analysis could be used as a management or diagnostic tool by the dairy farmer to predict delayed ovarian cyclicity in dairy cows. The data included 1040 lactations from 324 Swedish Red cows and 183 Swedish Holstein cows and were randomly divided into two datasets. A logistic regression model was fit to the first dataset and the model was then validated on the other dataset. The model was also validated using a British dataset comprising 1212 lactations from 1080 British Holstein-Friesian cows. The dependent variable was whether delayed ovarian cyclicity occurred or not, delayed ovarian cyclicity defined as progesterone levels below threshold value for the first 56 or 45 days postpartum in the Swedish or British dataset, respectively. The basic model included the effects of breed, parity, season and housing type. To the basic model various progesterone-based measurements were added. These were the interval from calving to commencement of luteal activity and the percentage of samples with luteal activity within 60 days after calving, using all samples in the databases or one sample per month. The accuracy of the conditional probability of delayed ovarian cyclicity calculated with the different models was obtained using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and calculating the area under curve. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for cut-off probabilities using the ROC analyses. The accuracy was highest (0.94-0.99) when including the progesterone measurements based on milk sampling for progesterone analysis 2-3 times per week. The accuracy was between 0.85 and 0.88 when the progesterone measurements with monthly milk sampling were added to the model and 0.76 or 0.67 with the basic model. This study clearly shows that infrequent milk sampling for progesterone analysis, such as once a month as in the regular milk recording system, could be used to predict delayed ovarian cyclicity in dairy cows. This increases the opportunity for earlier treatment of anovulatory dairy cows and may therefore decrease involuntarily extended calving intervals in the herd. 相似文献
Oku Y Osawa T Hirata T Kon N Akasaka S Senosy WS Takahashi T Izaike Y 《Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997)》2011,190(2):244-248
The aim of this study was to validate a direct time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) for quantifying progesterone concentrations in milk during the bovine oestrous cycle. Holstein-Friesian and suckled and non-suckled Japanese Black cows were used to demonstrate the relationship between milk and plasma progesterone concentrations and to monitor progesterone profiles in milk and plasma during the oestrous cycle. The minimum detection level of the assay was 1.53ng/mL. Progesterone concentrations in milk and plasma changed in a similar manner throughout the oestrous cycle in dairy and beef cows, and milk and plasma progesterone profiles were significantly correlated (P<0.001). The study confirmed that a direct TR-FIA can be used to monitor the oestrous cycle in cattle and to quantify progesterone concentrations in whole milk. 相似文献
Three hundred and sixty inseminated Holstein cows were monitored in a controlled trial for low milk progesterone concentration 21-23 days post-breeding. Information about low progesterone cows was given to herdsmen for the experimental group only. Of the cows in the experimental group with milk progesterone of less than or equal to 4.5 ng/ml, 56.0% were inseminated within 2 days of monitoring compared to 28.8% of the control animals. Of the cows reaching the 42-day rectal pregnancy diagnosis, 13.7% and 43.6% were negative for the experimental and the control groups respectively. Inter-service intervals were 34.5 +/- 14.5 days and 44.3 +/- 17.7 days for the experimental and control groups respectively. Pregnancy rates were the same for 264 cows served on routine progesterone monitoring and for 318 cows bred on behavioural oestrus when matched to farm and day of breeding. A gain of US $32.5 (an equivalent of 85 l milk) per lactation for a cow in the monitored herd was established using the data in a model of a 250-cow herd with a total pregnancy goal of 82.4%. 相似文献
Wilson GF 《New Zealand veterinary journal》2001,49(2):78-80
AIMS: To assess the efficacy of a feed supplement designed to reduce the dietary availability of calcium when fed during the last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, on the incidence of postparturient hypocalcaemia (milk fever) and on milksolids (MS) production in pasture-fed dairy cows in early lactation. METHODS: In Experiment 1, late-pregnant Holstein/Friesian cows, 4-10 years old, grazing pasture, were either fed the supplement (1 kg/cow/day) for 2-4 weeks prior to calving (n=11) or no supplement (n=10). Plasma calcium concentrations were measured immediately before and after a 20 h fast intended to induce hypocalcaemia at the end of this period, 1-7 days before the cows calved. In Experiment 2, mixed-breed dairy cows, 3-10 years old in 7 commercial dairy herds were fed the same supplement (1 kg/cow/day) for 1-3 weeks immediately prior to calving (n=565) or no supplement (n=614), and incidences of clinical milk fever and MS production at 6-9 weeks post calving were compared between groups. RESULTS: In Experiment 1, plasma calcium concentrations were higher (p=0.01) in supplemented than in non-supplemented cows after fasting, indicating reduced susceptibility to fasting-induced hypocalcaemia. In Experiment 2, the incidence of milk fever was lower (6.4% vs 17.1%, p=0.001) and MS production was higher (p=0.01) in supplemented than in non-supplemented cows. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary results demonstrate that feeding a supplement designed to reduce dietary calcium availability for 2-4 weeks immediately prior to calving reduced the susceptibility of cows to fasting-induced hypocalcaemia, reduced the incidence of clinical milk fever and increased MS production in early lactation. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The concept and product reported here have potential to provide dairy farmers with a practical means to prevent hypocalcaemia and improve milk production during early lactation. 相似文献
Milk samples were collected from 91 dairy cows on days 18, 22, and 24 postbreeding. The progesterone values of these samples were assayed, using enzyme-immuno-assay for pregnancy diagnosis. These animals were classified by nonpregnant (low progesterone values, 5 ng/ml or less) and pregnant (high progesterone values, more than 5 ng/ml). The accuracy of diagnosis on days 18, 22, and 24 postbreeding were 56%, 78%, and 79% for pregnant cows and 90%, 93%, and 93% for nonpregnant animals. The sampling date had a significant effect on diagnostic accuracy (P less than 0.05). 相似文献
为了研究同期发情定时输精技术对牛群体繁殖力的影响,试验选取同一牛场内不同单元的经产奶牛,随机分为2个组,分别采用自然发情输精和同期发情定时输精两种方法对奶牛进行人工输精,比较两种方法对奶牛群体繁殖力的影响。研究结果显示:同期发情组和自然发情组的参配率分别为,产后54 d之前为96.3%VS 12.1%,55~90 d为64.6%VS 44.6%,91~130 d为48.1%VS 50.1%,131~170 d为39.9%VS 38.7%,180 d内的总参配率分别为249.1%VS 145.5%;相应时段的同期发情组的受胎率为39.2%、36.7%、36.5%、33.9%、92.6%,自然发情组的受胎率为44.8%、47.3%、46.2%、46.1%、 67.5%;2个组的年繁殖率分别为93.8%VS 84.6%、空怀天数为(91.6±18.3)d VS (131.7±26.8)d、配种次数分别为2.5 VS 1.8、淘汰率分别为29.1%VS 13.4%。以上结果表明,在奶牛生产中,使用同期发情定时输精技术,能显著提高牛群的繁殖力,缩短空怀时间。 相似文献
K Heinonen 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1988,29(2):239-243
The reliability of clinical ovarian findings was assessed as an indicator of luteal function in primiparous dairy cows. The postpartum period of 103 cows following their first parturition was studied by thrice weekly rectal palpation of ovaries and whole milk progesterone assay from 1 week after parturition to the first insemination. The relationship between milk progesterone levels and 1101 ovarian findings was compared during the follicular phases, short luteal phases and during the early, mid and late thirds of normal luteal phases. The compatibility between elevated progesterone and palpable corpus luteum was 71%, and between low progesterone and lack of corpus luteum 77%. In 10% of all rectal examinations the finding was unspecified; i.e. the clinician could not differentiate between luteal and follicular activity. During the acyclic period prior to the initiation of luteal function, the proportion of false corpus luteum findings was 11%. The corpora lutea of the short oestrous cycles were more difficult to palpate than those of normal cycles. During early dioestrus the corpus luteum was significantly more difficult to palpate than during the rest of dioestrus. The percentage of unspecified findings was highest during early dioestrus.The paper discusses the reliability of rectal examination as a method of diagnosing cyclicity and of evaluating the responsiveness of a cow to prostaglandin treatment. 相似文献
本研究旨在探讨复合微生态制剂对奶牛泌乳性能和乳品质的影响,为微生态制剂在奶牛养殖中的推广应用提供参考依据。将90头荷斯坦奶牛随机分成3组(对照组、试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组),对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组分别在基础日粮中添加0.5 g·kg~(-1)、1.0 g·kg~(-1)的复合微生态制剂。通过测定各处理组的产奶量、采食量、料奶比等泌乳性能指标和乳脂率、乳蛋白率、乳糖率、乳干物质率、体细胞数等乳品质指标,比较分析复合微生态制剂不同添加水平对奶牛泌乳性能和乳品质的影响。结果显示,试验Ⅱ组与对照组相比,日产奶量显著提高(P0.05),料奶比显著降低(P0.05),乳脂率、乳蛋白率均显著提高(P0.05),体细胞数显著降低(P0.05)。该结果表明奶牛基础日粮中添加1.0 g·kg~(-1)的复合微生态制剂能显著改善奶牛的泌乳性能和乳品质。 相似文献
The comparison of treating Holstein dairy cows with progesterone, CIDR and GnRH after insemination on serum progesterone and pregnancy rates 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mehni SB Shabankareh HK Kazemi-Bonchenari M Eghbali M 《Reproduction in domestic animals》2012,47(1):131-134
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different exogenous progesterone sources administrated after artificial insemination (AI) on serum progesterone (P(4) ) concentration and pregnancy rates in Holstein lactating cows. Sixty-four lactating Holstein dairy cows were allocated to four different treatments (n = 16 per treatment): the cows 1) were injected with physiological saline on days 5 and 13 after AI (control group); 2) were injected with progesterone on days 5 and 13 after AI (P group); 3) received controlled internal drug releasing device (CIDR) for a period from day 5 to 19 after AI (CIDR group); and 4) were injected with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist on days 5 and 13 after AI (GnRH group). Blood samples were collected on days 0 (AI day), 5, 13, 16 and 19 after AI to determine serum P(4) concentration. The results revealed a significant difference among treatment groups for serum P(4) concentration on days 13, 16 and 19 with the lowest concentration of serum P(4) for the control group. The pregnancy rate was also positively affected by all the treatments with CIDR having the greatest effect on pregnancy rate. Overall, the results indicated that CIDR has the greatest effect on serum P(4) concentration and pregnancy rate, although the administration of P and GnRH during days after AI increased serum P(4) concentration in lactating dairy cows as well. 相似文献
L Holy 《Veterinární medicína》1984,29(9):513-519
Trials were performed to examine the effectiveness of 250 micrograms (1 ml) of cloprostenol (Oestrophan Spofa) implantation under the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule of 128 cows with a clinically pronounced corpus luteum on ovaries. Within 72 hours from administration, oestrus was observed in 112 animals (85.5%). Out of the 97 cows inseminated, 63 cows (64.94%) got in calf. The effectiveness of the luteolytic action was examined on the basis of progesterone check in milk in 56 treated cows. The submucous implantation of cloprostenol rapidly degraded the function of the corpus luteum since from the original level of 14.78 ng/ml progesterone decreased to 0.87 ng/ml within 72 hours. However, luteolysis did not affect all the corpora lutea. Hence the submucous administration of cloprostenol was found to be effective, and at the same time, highly economical, owing to a substantial reduction in the costs of reproduction control as well as the costs of production. 相似文献
Oestrone sulphate concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay in milk samples obtained weekly during pregnancy from Jersey and Friesian cows, with each breed grazed at two different stocking rates. Mean milk yields differed significantly (P<0.05) between the four herds, while mean percentage milk fat and protein values differed significantly (P<0.05) between the two breeds. In all four herds, oestrone sulphate concentrations in milk rose progressively during pregnancy from a mean value of approximately 80-100 pg/ml at 60-80 days of pregnancy to a plateau value of approximately 1 ng/ml at 181-200 days. In non-pregnant cows, oestrone sulphate concentrations in milk ranged from non-detectable to 110 pg/ml, with a mean +/- s.e.m. value of 59 +/- 4 pg/ml. There was considerable variation in milk oestrone sulphate concentrations between cows in each herd, and oestrone sulphate concentrations could also fluctuate markedly within cows from week to week. Despite this variation, the concentration of oestrone sulphate in 98% of milk samples obtained after 120 days of pregnancy was greater than the highest concentration found in milk from non-pregnant cows. Measurement of oestrone sulphate concentrations in milk samples taken at least 120 days after mating or insemination may provide an alternative, non-invasive means of determining or confirming pregnancy in New Zealand dairy cows. 相似文献