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泰山螭霖鱼肠道的显微和超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用光镜和扫描电镜技术 ,对泰山螭霖鱼 (Varicorhinusmacrolepis)的肠道进行了观察。结果表明 :泰山螭霖鱼无胃 ,食管之后是肠道 ,起始端膨大呈球状。肠道由前肠、中肠和后肠组成 ,肠管直径由前肠到后肠逐渐变小。各段肠壁均分为粘膜、肌层和浆膜 3层。粘膜上皮由柱状细胞和杯状细胞组成 ,肌层分内环行和外纵行 2层。粘膜向肠腔内突出形成许多粘膜褶 ,有的呈指状、杵状 ,有的有分支。由前肠到后肠 ,粘膜褶由高变低 ,数量逐渐减少 ;杯状细胞数目由多变少 ;肌层逐渐变薄。扫描电镜下 ,肠道的粘膜褶大体上呈纵向锯齿状 ,并且粘膜褶上还有次级皱褶。柱状上皮细胞表面多呈圆形 ,前肠、中肠柱状上皮细胞轮廓和界限清楚 ,常呈隆起状 ,而后肠上皮细胞表面较平坦。前肠柱状上皮细胞游离面的微绒毛长而密 ,后肠的短而稀疏。前肠的杯状细胞常常有较大的分泌孔 ,周围有分泌物 ,粘膜表面有粗大的分泌颗粒 ;后肠杯状细胞的分泌孔较小 ,粘膜表面有较多细小分泌颗粒。  相似文献   

斑马鱼肠道显微和超微结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用光镜和电镜对斑马鱼肠道的组织形态和超微结构观察分析。斑马鱼肠道可分为前、中、后3段,肠壁由内向外分为黏膜层、肌层和浆膜层。测量肠道各段的绒毛高度、绒毛纵截面积、柱状上皮高度和肌层厚度,各指标从前肠到中肠和后肠呈逐渐降低趋势,前肠显著高于中肠和后肠(P<0.05),中肠和后肠间无显著差异(P>0.05)。黏膜层向肠腔内折叠形成肠绒毛(多呈分枝状、指状),分为黏膜上皮和固有层,柱状上皮细胞之间的连接复合体发达,上皮细胞间分布着杯状细胞,上皮内淋巴细胞广泛分布于肠上皮下部,而肥大细胞主要分布在后肠上皮基底膜附近。细胞水平结果表明:斑马鱼肠道执行消化吸收的主要场所在前肠,肠道黏膜免疫机能与免疫细胞位置的分布相关。  相似文献   

采用大体解剖学、组织化学和形态计量学的方法研究了0~3月龄非洲鸵鸟十二指肠的发育过程。观察了十二指肠的相对质量(相对于体质量),绒毛的高度、宽度、肌层厚度、肠腺隐窝的深度、肠腺的密度、绒毛杯状细胞、肠腺杯状细胞的数量变化。观察到十二指肠的相对质量在90日龄达到高峰;肠绒毛的高度、肌层厚度、肠腺隐窝的深度、肠腺的密度与日龄呈正相关;肠绒毛和肠腺的宽度在90日龄时达到峰值;绒毛杯状细胞、肠腺杯状细胞的数量从初生至45日龄随日龄增加而增加,45日龄至90日龄随日龄增加而减少,在45日龄达顶峰。结果表明,0~3月龄十二指肠的发育不完善,必须重视此阶段的饲养管理。  相似文献   

采用组织学方法研究了1~8周龄马龙深沟鸡十二指肠形态学结构的发育过程。结果表明:1~8周龄马龙深沟鸡十二指肠绒毛高度和宽度随周龄增加而逐渐增长,而肠腺隐窝深度和肠腺密度呈下降趋势,绒毛高度与隐窝深度的比值不断增大;肠腺的宽度变化较小,4周龄肠绒毛基部开始出现淋巴小结;肌层发达,由内环和外纵2层平滑肌组成,环肌和纵肌层厚度的变化不同,环肌层较厚,1~8周龄厚度呈递减趋势,纵肌薄,厚度稳定在14~17μm。  相似文献   

探究滑鼠蛇胃、肠道的显微组织结构与特征,以便为滑鼠蛇的人工养殖与野生保护提供理论依据。采用常规解剖方法、石蜡制片和H-E染色技术,对滑鼠蛇的胃、肠道进行光镜下的组织学研究。结果表明:滑鼠蛇胃部的黏膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,固有层内有泡状腺和单管状腺两种腺体;胃腺中Ⅱ型细胞为未分化的主细胞与壁细胞,肌层由内环行肌和外纵行肌两层构成。小肠褶皱发达;黏膜上皮由大量柱状细胞和杯状细胞构成;小肠缺乏肠腺与黏膜下腺。大肠存在褶皱,没有肠腺。滑鼠蛇胃肠道可容纳大量食物,其消化能力弱于哺乳动物。  相似文献   

应用组织学方法观察了雌性空怀双峰驼生殖道的形态结构。结果显示,双峰驼生殖道的基本结构与其他哺乳动物相似,但微细结构有差异。双峰驼输卵管粘膜皱襞极其发达,分支多而呈复杂的网状迷路。皱襞基部的迷路酷似固有膜而存在腺体,迷路网格内常见细胞团块。虽然双峰驼怀孕时胎儿位于左侧子宫角,但左、右子宫角以及子宫体的组织结构基本相同。子宫内膜无肉阜,上皮下陷于固有膜内,形成大量长而弯曲的单管状腺。子宫颈固有膜浅层分布有许多小腺体,深层分布有成群的较大腺体。这些腺体为分支管状腺,腺上皮PAS强阳性。阴道粘膜上皮为复层上皮。从输卵管到阴道,粘膜上皮主要为单层柱状上皮,由纤毛细胞和分泌细胞组成,局部可见假复层柱状纤毛上皮。纤毛细胞由前向后逐渐减少,但在子宫颈仍可见到。粘膜上皮和腺上皮内夹有许多淋巴细胞或中性粒细胞,后段局部甚至见到这些免疫细胞浸润于上皮细胞间。固有膜内分布有大量淋巴细胞、中性粒细胞、肥大细胞、浆细胞和巨噬细胞,有时出现淋巴滤泡。  相似文献   

通过5例成年健康罗曼鸡消化道的组织学观察,结果表明,1)食管粘膜的复层扁平上皮基底层细胞嵌入固有膜,形成特特殊的“表皮钉”形状。2)鸡的前胃仅有深层的复管腺一种,而不存在浅层的单管腺。3)前胃腺位于粘膜下层,而肌层由内纵、中环、外纵三层平滑肌构成。4)小肠的肠腺内似有潘氏细胞的存在。  相似文献   

为了研究獭兔不同发育时期盲肠组织结构变化特点,总结其发育规律,采用石蜡切片、HE染色技术,对相同条件下饲养的不同生长阶段(出生后1,15,30,60d)獭兔各6只进行解剖,并在显微镜下观察其盲肠组织结构.结果发现,獭兔盲肠黏膜的单层柱状上皮细胞的高度、杯状细胞的体积都随年龄的增长而变大,半环形皱襞间的距离随着年龄的增长逐渐变小,皱襞的长度和体积也随年龄增长有所增加.此外还发现,随年龄的增长八点黑獭兔盲肠蚓突内的淋巴小结数目明显增多,黏膜下层内的淋巴小结和弥散淋巴组织随年龄增长也越来越多,黏膜皱襞变得密集.  相似文献   

为了进一步探讨黑熊胆囊的组织学特点,试验采用组织学和组织化学方法对黑熊胆囊壁的微细结构进行观察。结果表明:黑熊胆囊壁是由黏膜、肌层、外膜构成,黏膜层分为黏膜上皮和固有层,黏膜上皮主要由单层高柱状上皮细胞构成,无杯状细胞,固有层结缔组织内含有较发达的由单层矮柱状上皮细胞围绕形成的管状腺;黏膜上皮和管状腺上皮细胞核均位于细胞中下部,核上胞质内均含有PAS反应强阳性颗粒,且在黏膜上皮表面和黏膜固有层管状腺腔内可见少量PAS阳性分泌物。肌层为平滑肌,肌纤维方向不规则。外膜为浆膜。  相似文献   

为了探讨极北鲵消化道(食管、胃、小肠和大肠)组织学结构,试验采用苏木精-伊红(H.E.)染色法。结果表明:极北鲵的消化道各部分均由黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层和外膜构成;食管黏膜上皮为复层纤毛柱状上皮具杯状细胞,固有膜内具食道腺;胃部固有膜内具胃腺;小肠和大肠上皮内具杯状细胞,固有膜内未见肠腺。  相似文献   

野生黄鼬消化管组织结构的观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过组织学观察,探讨野生黄鼬消化管的组织结构特点.将8只野生黄鼬经乙醚麻醉后处死,解剖取食管、胃、小肠、大肠,制作石蜡切片,观察其组织结构.结果显示野生黄鼬食管的黏膜为复层扁平上皮,食管腺发达,肌层以骨骼肌为主.胃贲门部有发达的皱襞和贲门腺;胃底腺有大量的主细胞和壁细胞;胃大弯部的腺体以壁细胞为主,仅有少量主细胞;胃幽门部有发达的幽门腺和大量壁细胞.十二指肠黏膜层有小肠腺,内有潘氏细胞存在,黏膜下层含有十二指肠腺;空肠可见孤立淋巴小结、弥散淋巴组织及集合淋巴小结.结肠无皱襞和肠绒毛,大肠腺排列紧密,其中杯状细胞特别多;直肠固有膜内有发达的大肠腺.所以野生黄鼬消化管的特点是胃各部胃腺发达,壁细胞特别多.  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺对早期断奶仔猪生长性能及肠道形态发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选21日龄断奶的杜大长仔猪72头,按试验要求分为2组,每组3个重复,每重复12头。分别饲喂基础日粮和含1%谷氨酰胺(Gln)日粮,试验期21 d,在断奶后0 d、7 d和14 d分别屠宰取小肠测重,并取十二指肠、空肠、回肠测定绒毛高度和隐窝深度。试验结果表明:断奶后7 d,日粮中添加Gln可显著提高仔猪的平均日增重和小肠相对重量,提高十二指肠和空肠绒毛的高度,降低十二指肠和空肠的隐窝深度;断奶后14 d,日粮中添加Gln对断奶仔猪的生长和肠道形态发育影响与基础日粮组相比差异不显著。  相似文献   

秦岭细鳞鲑消化系统的形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用大体解剖和常规组织学方法对秦岭细鳞鲑消化系统的组织形态进行了系统观察。结果表明,秦岭细鳞鲑的消化道由口咽腔、食道、胃和肠等4部分组成,除口咽腔外,管壁由内向外分为黏膜、黏膜下层、肌层和浆膜。口咽腔宽大,上颌、犁骨及腭骨等处布有细齿,黏膜衬以复层扁平上皮,间有较多的黏液细胞和少量的杯状细胞及味蕾;食管粗而短,黏膜向管腔突出形成多个纵行皱襞,上皮由复层扁平上皮逐渐向单层柱状过渡,上皮细胞间可见到数量较多的粘液细胞和杯状细胞,食管腺不发达;胃体积较大,呈“U”形,包括贲门部、胃体和幽门部,胃体部小凹及胃底腺结构明显,肌层发达;胃与肠相接处有63-65个幽门盲囊,肠道粗短而略微盘曲,黏膜上皮为单层柱状,未见明显的肠腺。以上结果显示,秦岭细鳞鲑消化道组织结构与其肉食性功能密切相关。肝小叶界限不清;双列肝细胞围绕中央静脉呈放射状走行,肝细胞个体大、呈多边形,核呈圆形或卵圆形,1-2个。胰脏大部分环绕前肠边缘、呈细长条索状,另可见分散于幽门盲囊及胃周围的弥散部分;其外分泌部为管泡状腺,腺细胞呈锥体形,胰岛结构明显。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究水牛初乳粉、常乳粉对0~72 h新生仔猪小肠组织形态结构发育的影响。试验以新生仔猪为研究对象,分别饲喂水牛初乳粉(SCR组)、水牛常乳粉(SC组)、葡萄糖盐水(PY组),以0日龄新生仔猪(XD组)作为对照。结果表明,水牛初乳粉使新生仔猪小肠绒毛密集、粗壮、排列整齐,肌层厚度、固有膜厚度增加。SCR组与XD组相比,十二指肠绒毛高度、绒毛宽度、固有膜厚度和空肠绒毛宽度、肌层厚度及回肠绒毛高度均极显著增加(P<0.01);SCR组与PY组相比,十二指肠绒毛宽度及空肠绒毛宽度、肌层厚度均极显著增加(P<0.01)。水牛常乳粉使新生仔猪小肠黏膜受损,黏膜上皮脱落,肌层变薄,固有膜裸露,小肠绒毛坍塌、稀疏变短。SC组与XD组相比,十二指肠肌层厚度和空肠绒毛高度、绒毛宽度、肌层厚度、固有膜厚度及回肠绒毛宽度、固有膜厚度均呈降低趋势,但差异均不显著(P>0.05);SC组与PY组相比,空肠肌层厚度显著降低(P<0.05)。综上所述,水牛初乳粉能显著促进新生仔猪小肠发育,尤其对空肠影响最大,其次为十二指肠,而对回肠的影响相对较小;水牛常乳粉不能对新生仔猪肠黏膜形成保护并促进其生长发育,在新生仔猪最初发育的72 h内其价值不如葡萄糖盐水。  相似文献   

应用大体解剖学与组织学切片技术,对父母代固始鸡空肠的发育形态学进行了研究,并用Logistic曲线方程对空肠重量增长进行拟合。结果表明:空肠的长度、重量、周长和空肠的绒毛长度、绒毛宽度、隐窝深度、肠腺宽度与周龄呈正相关;空肠指数、空肠的肠腺密度与周龄呈负相关;Logistic方程可以很好地拟合空肠的增重曲线(公鸡R2=0.9968,母鸡R2= 0.9891),公鸡的空肠增重拐点是8.26周,母鸡是8.64周。  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary sesame meal (SM) on growth performance and histological intestinal alterations of layer chickens. Thirty-two White Leghorn male chickens were divided into 4 groups of 8 birds. They were fed 0, 10, 20, or 30% dietary SM for 28 d. After the feeding experiment, average villus height, epithelial cell area, and crypt cell mitosis numbers were morphometrically compared with an image analyzer, and the results were analyzed with Duncan's multiple range test. The morphological changes of epithelial cells on the villus apical surface were observed morphologically using scanning electron microscope. The growth performance data revealed no significant differences in birds fed up to 20% dietary SM, significantly lower values were revealed in the 30% dietary SM group. At 10% dietary SM, growth performance tended to be improved. Most values of the intestinal villus height, epithelial cell area, and crypt cell mitosis numbers were not different among groups for each intestinal segment. Flat epithelial cells were on the intestinal villus apical surface in the group fed 0% dietary SM. Those cells developed into protuberated cells in the group fed 10% dietary SM, and these protuberated cells disappeared gradually with increasing dietary SM levels. Considerations for current growth performance and histological intestinal alterations suggest that the SM would have no detrimental effect on the growth performance with up to 20% dietary SM nor on the intestinal villi with up to 30% dietary SM, but hypertrophy was observed in the epithelial cells of bird fed up to 20% dietary SM. In conclusion, up to 20% SM could be incorporated into diets fed under commercial conditions to male birds of laying strains in the developer period.  相似文献   

The distribution and relative frequency of six kinds of endocrine cells in the stomach of the Malayan pangolin, Manis javanica were studied immunohistochemically using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method. The stomach of the pangolin has three regions of mucous gland, one oxyntic gland and one pyloric gland. Cells immunoreactive for chromogranin, serotonin, somatostatin, BPP and glucagon were detected in all of the gastric glands, while gastrin-immunoreactive cells were found in the entire gastric gland except for the oxyntic gland. The distribution pattern of endocrine cells in the mucous gland and pyloric gland was mainly from the middle to apical portions of the glands. The endocrine cells were rare or not detected in the basal portion of all of the mucous glands and pyloric gland, but they were also found in the basal portion of the oxyntic gland. The distribution pattern of the endocrine cells in the mucous and pyloric glands suggested that this position facilitates a quick response to the luminal ingesta. The wide distribution of gastrin-immunoreactive cells in all of the mucous glands and pyloric gland was the most remarkable finding. This distribution suggests a major function of gastrin-immunoreactive cells for the digestive process in the Malayan pangolin stomach.  相似文献   

The histology and characteristics of mucins secreted by epithelial mucous cells of the digestive tract in yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco were investigated using light microscope and transmission electron microscope. The digestive tract was divided into a pharynx, oesophagus, U-shaped stomach (with a cardiac, fundic and pyloric part) and intestine, composed of anterior intestine, middle intestine and posterior intestine, which consisted of a mucosa (epithelial layer), lamina propria-submucosa, muscularis and serosa. A large number of isolated longitudinal striated muscular bundles were present in the lamina propria-submucosa of pharynx. Goblet cells were observed throughout the digestive tract, except in the stomach. In the cardiac and fundic stomach, a plenty of gastric glands were observed, whereas they were absent in the pyloric part. Numerous mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum were observed in the columnar epithelial cells of the intestine, especially of the anterior part. The epithelial mucous cells contained neutral or other two mixtures of acid and neutral mucins, the first being the most common. The neutral mucin was the only type of mucins in the stomach, anterior intestine and middle intestine. The results of this study will be helpful for understanding the digestive physiology and diagnosing some gastrointestinal diseases in yellow catfish.  相似文献   

1. Sugar cane extract (SCE) is the residue after removing glucose, fructose and sucrose from sugar cane juice. To investigate the effects of dietary SCE on growth performance and alterations to intestinal histology, 36 male Sanuki Cochin chickens were divided into three groups: a control group was fed a commercial diet (180 g/kg CP, 13.59 MJ/kg ME) and the treatment groups were fed the commercial diet supplemented with 0.5 or 10 g/kg SCE ad libitum for 35 d. 2. Feed intake and weight gain tended to be higher in the 0.5 and 10 g/kg SCE groups than in the control group. No specific gross morphological alterations were observed in the visceral organs of chickens in any of the groups. However, intestinal villus height, villus area, epithelial cell area and cell mitosis in each intestinal segment had higher values in the SCE groups than in the control group. In the 0.5 and 10 g/kg SCE groups, but not in the control group, the cells on the villus apical surface protuberated and had larger cell clusters and some areas with cells with no microvilli. 3. The observed alterations to intestinal histology in chickens fed dietary SCE diets demonstrate that the function of villi and cells on the villus tip might be activated in all the intestinal segments and that cell turnover is also accelerated. These activated intestinal functions appear to promote growth and immuno-stimulation in chickens fed SCE diets, especially in the 0.5 g/kg group.  相似文献   

The histology of the pharyngeal cavity and oesophagus of the freshwater 'silverside'Odontesthes bonariensis (Cuvier and Valenciennes) and the characteristics of their mucous cells were investigated. The histological characterization of its digestive wall revealed that the mucosa is thrown with longitudinal folds. The epithelium covering the folds was stratified with abundant mucous cells and gustative corpuscles, which are lacking in the oesophagus. The muscularis mucosa was absent. The submucosa presented the compactum stratum. The muscularis was organized in longitudinal and circular layers of muscular striated fibres. The serosa with a flat epithelium was located only in the oesophagus. Using histochemical procedures including methods for localization and characterization of glycoproteins (GPs), no differences were detected between the mucous cells contents of the pharyngeal cavity and those of the oesophagus. The mucous cells showed a weak periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) positive reaction in their content. The reactions for the differential analysis of sialic acids from GPs are feeble for periodic acid-Schiff at low temperature and low pH (PA*S) and KOH/PA*S and strong for periodic acid/borohydride/KOH/PAS (PA/Bh/KOH/PAS) and KOH/PA*/Bh/PAS revealing the scarce presence of C7 or C9 substituted and non-substituted sialic acids and the abundance of C7, C8 substituted sialic acids, O-acyl sugars and neutral sugars respectively. The results suggest that the pharyngeal cavity with the gustative corpuscles would induce the gastric secretion whereas the oesophagus is mainly involved in the transport of the food bolus to the stomach with the aid of abundant secretion of mucus. GPs secreted on the surface of the mucous cells, likely related to environmental conditions, would be involved in the lubrication, protection against abrasion and inhibition of microorganism proliferation.  相似文献   

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