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王靓  花传祥  朱清澄  李非 《中国水产科学》2020,27(11):1379-1392
小型中上层鱼类是北太平洋海域重要的渔业资源,具有生命周期短、生长速度快、高集群性等特点,其资源年间波动显著,且受气候-海洋变化的影响。本文围绕秋刀鱼(Coloabis saira)、鲣(Katsuwonus pelamis)、鲐(Scomber japonicus)、鳀(Engraulis japonious)、竹䇲鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、沙丁鱼(Sardinops sagax)6种主要的小型中上层鱼类,回顾了厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Niño/La Niña-southern oscillation,ENSO)、太平洋年代际振荡(the Pacific decadal oscillation,PDO)、黑潮-亲潮(Kuroshio-Oyashio,KR-OY)等关键气候-海洋指数的特点及对鱼类栖息地环境和资源变动的影响。概括了气候-海洋变化对小型中上层鱼类的洄游分布和资源丰度的直接影响过程,以及对亲体繁殖产卵、仔稚体成活率和资源量波动间接的滞后影响过程。建议:(1)在多种气候-海洋指数基础上添加种群动态过程、捕捞方式系数、自然死亡率等参数构建生物量动态模型,揭示气候-海洋变化对渔业资源量的影响过程;(2)结合北太平洋涛动(North Pacific oscillation,NPO)、北极涛动(Arctic oscillation,AO)、北太平洋环流振荡(North Pacific gyre oscillation,NPGO)等其他北太平洋主要气候,基于物理海洋模型及空间耦合水动力学模型研究大尺度海流、中尺度涡旋对小型中上层鱼类影响。  相似文献   

As the eastward‐flowing North Pacific Current approaches the North American continent it bifurcates into the southward‐flowing California Current and the northward‐flowing Alaska Current. This bifurcation occurs in the south‐eastern Gulf of Alaska and can vary in position. Dynamic height data from Project Argo floats have recently enabled the creation of surface circulation maps which show the likely position of the bifurcation; during 2002 it was relatively far north at ∼53°N then, during early 2003, it moved southwards to a more normal position at ∼45°N. Two ship‐of‐opportunity transects collecting plankton samples with a Continuous Plankton Recorder across the Gulf of Alaska were sampled seasonally during 2002 and 2003. Their position was dependent on the commercial ship’s operations; however, most transects sampled across the bifurcation. We show that the oceanic plankton differed in community composition according to the current system they occurred in during spring and fall of 2002 and 2003, although winter populations were more mixed. Displacement of the plankton communities could have impacts on the plankton’s reproduction and development if they use cues such as day length, and also on foraging of higher trophic‐level organisms that use particular regions of the ocean if the nutritional value of the communities is different. Although we identify some indicator taxa for the Alaska and California currents, functional differences in the plankton communities on either side of the bifurcation need to be better established to determine the impacts of bifurcation movement on the ecosystems of the north‐east Pacific.  相似文献   

Satellite‐based oceanographic data of sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface chlorophyll‐a concentration (SSC), and sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) together with catch data were used to investigate the relationship between albacore fishing ground and oceanographic conditions and also to predict potential habitats for albacore in the western North Pacific Ocean. Empirical cumulative distribution function and high catch data analyses were used to calculate preferred ranges of the three oceanographic conditions. Results indicate that highest catch per unit efforts (CPUEs) corresponded with areas of SST 18.5–21.5°C, SSC 0.2–0.4 mg m?3, and SSHA ?5.0 to 32.2 cm during the winter in the period 1998–2000. We used these ranges to generate a simple prediction map for detecting potential fishing grounds. Statistically, to predict spatial patterns of potential albacore habitats, we applied a combined generalized additive model (GAM) / generalized linear model (GLM). To build our model, we first constructed a GAM as an exploratory tool to identify the functional relationships between the environmental variables and CPUE; we then made parameters out of these relationships using the GLM to generate a robust prediction tool. The areas of highest CPUEs predicted by the models were consistent with the potential habitats on the simple prediction map and observation data, suggesting that the dynamics of ocean eddies (November 1998 and 2000) and fronts (November 1999) may account for the spatial patterns of highest albacore catch rates predicted in the study area. The results also suggest that multispectrum satellite data can provide useful information to characterize and predict potential tuna habitats.  相似文献   

To investigate their diel vertical migration (DVM), 599 sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) were implanted with electronic archival tags in the Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and the eastern Bering Sea. Of these tags, 98 were recovered with usable depth data (7,852,773 recordings representing 81,233 days) that we used to identify DVM and to classify DVM into one of two types: normal DVM (rise from the bottom during nighttime) and reverse DVM (rise from the bottom during daytime). The results of our study highlight three important attributes of DVM for sablefish. First, all tagged sablefish carried out DVM, although the occurrence was intermittent (26% of the days with usable data) and most commonly for short durations (10 days or less). Second, bottom depth for normal DVM was about 78 m shallower than for reverse DVM. Third, normal DVM occurred most often in fall and least often in spring, whereas this high/low pattern was shifted about 3 months later for reverse DVM; reverse DVM occurred most often in winter and least often in summer. Normal DVM likely occurred to increase foraging opportunity (e.g., nightly shift to match depth of prey). Reverse DVM more commonly occurred during winter and may represent an increase in foraging by sablefish during the daytime to compensate for decreased pelagic resources. The default foraging strategy for sablefish may be benthic because of the uncertainty of vertically migrating to a location where the occurrence of prey is not guaranteed; sablefish may invoke DVM when the non‐DVM foraging benefit is reduced.  相似文献   

The recovery of whale populations from historical depletion may have the potential to noticeably affect Northeast Pacific ecosystems and fisheries. Surplus production models based on whaling catch records were used to reconstruct the historical abundances of five large whale species in the waters surrounding Haida Gwaii, British Columbia. The results suggest that the local abundances of all five species were vastly higher before the onset of modern whaling. A comparison of ecosystem models representing the states of the local marine food web before and after full whale recovery indicates that abundant whales could consume large proportions of the annual production of their principal prey, ranging up to 87% for Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) and 72% for piscivorous rockfish (Sebastes spp.). Dynamic modelling of the food web effects of whale recovery, including simulations of simultaneous top‐down and bottom‐up forcing and a Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis, revealed noticeable (~6–12%) top‐down effects on Pacific herring biomass owing to increased predation by humpback and fin whales. However, these effects cannot explain the magnitude of recent declines in local herring biomass. The dynamic modelling results also suggest that top‐down effects of whale recovery could result in reduced biomasses of large rockfish as a result of predation by sperm whales, as well as potential cascading effects on many demersal fish groups. These findings have numerous practical implications for ecosystem‐based fisheries management and whale conservation strategies in Northeast Pacific waters.  相似文献   

Skipjack tuna habitat in the western North Pacific was studied from satellite remotely sensed environment and catch data, using generalized additive models and geographic information systems. Weekly resolved remotely sensed sea surface temperature, surface chlorophyll, sea surface height anomalies and eddy kinetic energy data were used for the year 2004. Fifteen generalized additive models were constructed with skipjack catch per unit effort as a response variable, and sea surface temperature, sea surface height anomalies and eddy kinetic energy as model covariates to assess the effect of environment on catch per unit effort (skipjack tuna abundance). Model selection was based on significance of model terms, reduction in Akaike’s Information Criterion, and increase in cumulative deviance explained. The model selected was used to predict skipjack tuna catch per unit effort using monthly resolved environmental data for assessing model performance and to visualize the basin scale distribution of skipjack tuna habitat. Predicted values were validated using a linear model. Based on the four‐parameter model, skipjack tuna habitat selection was significantly (P < 0.01) influenced by sea surface temperatures ranging from 20.5 to 26°C, relatively oligotrophic waters (surface chlorophyll 0.08–0.18, 0.22–0.27 and 0.3–0.37 mg m?3), zero to positive anomalies (surface height anomalies 0–50 cm), and low to moderate eddy kinetic energy (0–200 and 700–2500 cm2 s–2). Predicted catch per unit effort showed a trend consistent with the north–south migration of skipjack tuna. Validation of predicted catch per unit effort with that observed, pooled monthly, was significant (P < 0.01, r2 = 0.64). Sea surface temperature explained the highest deviance in generalized additive models and was therefore considered the best habitat predictor.  相似文献   

Declines of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) populations in the Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska could be a consequence of physical oceanographic changes associated with the 1976–77 climate regime shift. Changes in ocean climate are hypothesized to have affected the quantity, quality, and accessibility of prey, which in turn may have affected the rates of birth and death of sea lions. Recent studies of the spatial and temporal variations in the ocean climate system of the North Pacific support this hypothesis. Ocean climate changes appear to have created adaptive opportunities for various species that are preyed upon by Steller sea lions at mid‐trophic levels. The east–west asymmetry of the oceanic response to climate forcing after 1976–77 is consistent with both the temporal aspect (populations decreased after the late 1970s) and the spatial aspect of the decline (western, but not eastern, sea lion populations decreased). These broad‐scale climate variations appear to be modulated by regionally sensitive biogeographic structures along the Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska, which include a transition point from coastal to open‐ocean conditions at Samalga Pass westward along the Aleutian Islands. These transition points delineate distinct clusterings of different combinations of prey species, which are in turn correlated with differential population sizes and trajectories of Steller sea lions. Archaeological records spanning 4000 yr further indicate that sea lion populations have experienced major shifts in abundance in the past. Shifts in ocean climate are the most parsimonious underlying explanation for the broad suite of ecosystem changes that have been observed in the North Pacific Ocean in recent decades.  相似文献   

Information on prey availability, diets, and trophic levels of fish predators and their prey provides a link between physical and biological changes in the ecosystem and subsequent productivity (growth and survival) of fish populations. In this study two long‐term data sets on summer diets of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in international waters of the central North Pacific Ocean (CNP; 1991–2009) and Gulf of Alaska (GOA; 1993–2002) were evaluated to identify potential drivers of steelhead productivity in the North Pacific. Stable isotopes of steelhead muscle tissue were assessed to corroborate the results of stomach content analysis. We found the composition of steelhead diets varied by ocean age group, region, and year. In both the GOA and CNP, gonatid squid (Berryteuthis anonychus) were the most influential component of steelhead diets, leading to higher prey energy densities and stomach fullness. Stomach contents during an exceptionally warm year in the GOA and CNP (1997) were characterized by high diversity of prey with low energy density, few squid, and a large amount of potentially toxic debris (e.g., plastic). Indicators of good diets (high proportions of squid and high prey energy density) were negatively correlated with abundance of wild populations of eastern Kamchatka pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) in the CNP. In conclusion, interannual variations in climate, abundance of squid, and density‐dependent interactions with highly‐abundant stocks of pink salmon were identified as potential key drivers of steelhead productivity in these ecosystems. Additional research in genetic stock identification is needed to link these potential drivers of productivity to individual populations.  相似文献   

Information regarding the distributional patterns of top predators is undoubtedly important for the monitoring and management of marine ecosystems. Nevertheless, previous knowledge on the distributional patterns of cetacean species in relation to physical oceanography is usually limited to a small fraction of each species' range because of their vast distribution and infrequency of encountering many species. We carried out comprehensive analyzes on the distributions of small odontocetes covering almost the entire North Pacific Ocean. Using data from over 300 000 nautical miles (≈ 555 600 km) of dedicated sighting surveys and 7000 school sightings of 14 small odontocete species, which have accumulated for approximately a quarter of a century, we describe interspecific habitat differences in small odontocetes with respect to physical oceanography. Multivariate analyzes were used to discriminate the 14 species into four ecological groups: (i) Subtropical Domain species; (ii) Subarctic Boundary species; (iii) Transitional Domain species; and (iv) Subarctic Domain species. By comparing environmental variables in their habitats with variables indicative of water mass and frontal structures, the four species groups were further divided into several subgroups. Groups at higher latitudes comprised fewer species than those at lower latitudes, while species diversity was maximal at lower and intermediate latitudes. Our findings indicate that large‐scale oceanographic structures are important determinants for the present patterns in biogeography and species diversity of small odontocetes.  相似文献   

南沙岛礁周围水域主要鱼类食物网   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在南沙岛礁周围水域收集了43种主要鱼类,共940个胃含物,根据对它们的食性分析,并依其食料生物的生态类群以及消化器官特点,一般可划分为浮游生物食性、底栖动物食性、游泳动物食性、浮游生物兼底栖动物食性、底栖动物兼游泳动物食性等5种食性类型。根据食物网中各营养级的相互关系,初步划分为4个营养级,即初级生产者(海洋植物)、草食性动物和杂食性动物、低级肉食性动物和中级肉食性动物、高级肉食性动物。并根据这些营养级的划分,南沙岛礁周围水域43种主要鱼类可分低级肉食性鱼类,中级肉性鱼类和高级肉食性鱼类,它们的比为28105。灰裸顶鲷是南沙岛礁周围水域三重剌网举足轻重的捕捞对象,从食物网的观点出发,应加强灰裸顶鲷幼鱼期敌害鱼和其竞食者的捕捞,为低级肉食性经济鱼类除害,灰裸顶鲷就有可能增加资源量。  相似文献   

Swordfish Xiphias gladius (Linnaeus, 1758) are a circumglobal pelagic fish targeted by multiple lucrative fisheries. Determining the distribution of swordfish larvae is important for indicating reproductive activity and understanding the early life history of swordfish. We identify and characterize larval swordfish distributions during peak swordfish spawning throughout the Gulf of Mexico and western Caribbean Sea with generalized additive models (GAMs) using catches of swordfish larvae during ichthyoplankton surveys in April and May of 2010, 2011, and 2012. The best fit GAM, as determined by stepwise, backward Akaike Information Criterion selection, included both physiochemical (temperature at 5 m, sea surface height anomaly (SSHA), eddy kinetic energy (EKE)), temporal (lunar illumination, hour of sampling) and spatial (location) variables, while near surface chlorophyll a concentration residuals remained as a random effect. The highest probability of larval swordfish catch occurred at sub‐surface temperatures, SSHA, and EKE values indicative of boundary currents. Standard lengths of larvae were larger further downstream in the boundary currents, despite high variability in length with location due to multiple spawning locations of swordfish near these currents. Probability of larval swordfish catch also peaked during the crescent and gibbous moons, indicating a lunar periodicity to swordfish spawning. These results suggest that swordfish may spawn during select moon phases near boundary currents that transport their larvae to larval and juvenile habitat including the northern Gulf of Mexico and coastal waters of the southeast United States.  相似文献   

Large‐scale shifts occurred in climatic and oceanic conditions in 1925, 1947, 1977, 1989 and possibly 1998. These shifts affected the mix and abundance of suites of coexisting species during each period of relative environmental stability—from primary producers to apex predators. However, the 1989 regime shift was not a simple reversal of the 1977 shift. The regime shifts occurred abruptly and were neither random variations nor simple reversals to the previous conditions. Timing of these anomalous environmental events in the North Pacific Ocean appears to be linked to physical and biological responses in other oceanic regions of the world. Changes in the atmospheric pressure can alter wind patterns that affect oceanic circulation and physical properties such as salinity and depth of the thermocline. This, in turn, affects primary and secondary production. Data from the North Pacific indicate that regime shifts can have opposite effects on species living in different domains, or can affect similar species living within a single domain in opposite ways. Climatic forcing appears to indirectly affect fish and marine mammal populations through changes in the distribution and abundance of their predators and prey. Effects of regime shifts on marine ecosystems are also manifested faster at lower trophic levels. Natural variability in the productivity of fish stocks in association with regime shifts indicates that new approaches to managing fisheries should incorporate climatic as well as fisheries effects.  相似文献   

Generalized additive models (GAMs) were applied to examine the relative influence of various factors on fishery performance, defined as nominal catch- per-unit-effort (CPUE) of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Hawaii-based swordfish fishery. Commercial fisheries data for the analysis consisted of a 5 year (1991–1995) time series of 27 901 longline sets. Mesoscale relationships were analysed for seven physical variables (latitude, longitude, SST, SST frontal energy, temporal changes in SST (ΔSST), SST frontal energy (ΔSST frontal energy) and bathymetry), all of which may affect the availability of swordfish and blue shark to the fishery, and three variables (number of lightsticks per hook, lunar index, and wind velocity) which may relate to the effectiveness of the fishing gear. Longline CPUE data were analysed in relation to SST data on three spatiotemporal scales (18 km weekly, 1°-weekly, 1°-monthly). Depending on the scale of SST data, GAM analysis accounted for 39–42% and 44–45% of the variance in nominal CPUE for swordfish and blue shark, respectively. Stepwise GAM building revealed the relative importance of the variables in explaining the variance in CPUE. For swordfish, by decreasing importance, the variables ranked: (1) latitude, (2) time, (3) longitude, (4) lunar index, (5) lightsticks per hook, (6) SST, (7) ΔSST frontal energy, (8) wind velocity, (9) SST frontal energy, (10) bathymetry, and (11) ΔSST. For blue shark, the variables ranked: (1) latitude, (2) longitude, (3) time, (4) SST, (5) lightsticks per hook, (6) ΔSST, (7) ΔSST frontal energy, (8) SST frontal energy, (9) wind velocity, (10) lunar index, and (11) bathymetry. Swordfish CPUE increased with latitude to peak at 35–40°N and increased in the vicinity of temperature fronts and during the full moon. Shark CPUE also increased with latitude up to 40°N, and increased westward, but declined abruptly at SSTs colder than 16°C. As a comparison with modelling fishery performance in relation to specific environmental and fishery operational effects, fishery performance was also modelled as a function of categorical time (month) and area (2° squares) variables using a generalized linear model (GLM) approach. The variance accounted for by the GLMs was ≈ 1–3% lower than the variance explained by the GAMs. Time series of swordfish and blue shark CPUE standardized for the environmental and operational variables quantified in the GAM and for the time-area effects in the GLM are presented. For swordfish, both nominal and standardized time series indicate a decline in CPUE, whereas the opposite trend was seen for blue shark.  相似文献   

Climatic changes over the North Pacific which began in the mid 1970s, peaked in the early 1980s, and ended by the late 1980s, appear to have altered productivity at various trophic levels in the marine ecosystem in the central North Pacific. The climatic change resulted in increased mixed layer depth and the frequency of deep mixing events, particularly during January-March. A number of biological time series for species ranging from primary to apex levels in the North-western Hawaiian Islands, show corresponding declines in productivity of 30–50% from the early 1980s to the present. We hypothesize that during the early 1980s, increased mixing due to the climate event resulted in greater nutrient input into the euphotic zone and ultimately increased ecosystem productivity. Productivity over a range of trophic levels declined when the climate event ended.  相似文献   

Two closely related baleen whale species, sei and Bryde's whales, in the western North Pacific were studied to identify differences in habitat use. Data were obtained from May to August 2004 and 2005. This study examined the relationship between oceanographic features derived from satellite data and the distribution of sei and Bryde's whales using basic statistics. We investigated oceanographic features including sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface chlorophyll a (Chl‐a), sea surface height anomalies (SSHAs), and depth of the habitat. These two whale species used habitats with different SST, Chl‐a, and SSHA ranges. The 0.25 mg m?3 Chl‐a contour (similar to the definition of the Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front) was a good indicator that separated the habitats of sei and Bryde's whales. Then generalized linear models were used to model the probabilities that the whale species would be present in a habitat and to estimate their habitat distribution throughout the study area as a function of environmental variables. The potential habitats of the two species were clearly divided, and the boundary moved north with seasonal progression. The habitat partitioning results indicated that SST contributed to the patterns of habitat‐use and might reflect differences in prey species between the two whales. This study showed that the habitats of the sei and Bryde's whales were clearly divided and their potential habitat‐use changed seasonally.  相似文献   

Assemblages of vertical migratory mesopelagic fish are described for the nighttime upper 20 m layer of the transitional and adjacent waters in the western North Pacific. Twenty-three mesopelagic fish species belonging to six families and 16 genera were collected during June 1996. Family Myctophidae was most speciose, represented by 17 species, followed by Sternoptychidae (two spp.) and Bathylagidae (one spp.). Six assemblages are recognized based on their species composition: Subarctic, Northern Transition, Southern Transition, Subtropical, Slope Water and Seamount Assemblages. These assemblages are also characterized by size composition and biomass of the catches. The distributions of the Subarctic, Northern Transition, Southern Transition and Subtropical Assemblages are approximately defined by the Kuroshio and Oyashio fronts and the Subarctic Boundary. Slope Water and Seamount Assemblages are closely related to the slope water around the shelf edge off Japan and waters around the Shatsky Rise and the Emperor Seamount chain, respectively. The importance of the Southern Transition Assemblage area between the Kuroshio front and Subarctic Boundary as spawning and nursery grounds of many subarctic, transitional and subtropical fishes is elucidated, based on the geographical distribution patterns of their larvae and juveniles.  相似文献   

The diel vertical migration patterns of adult myctophid fishes were determined in the transitional waters of the western North Pacific off Japan, using day–night sampling from 20 to 700 m depths with a commercial otter trawl in the summer of 1995. A total of 12 species belonging to 9 genera were collected. Four patterns were recognized in the diel vertical migration of 11 of the 12 species. (1) Migrants showing clear day–night habitat separation with peak abundance above 200 m at night: Symbolophorus californiensis, Tarletonbeania taylori, Notoscopelus japonicus, Diaphus theta, Ceratoscopelus warmingi, and Diaphus gigas. (2) Semi-migrants, in which part of the population often remains in the daytime habitat at night. The distribution depths of migratory and nonmigratory individuals do not overlap: Stenobrachius leucopsarus . (3) Passive-migrants, in which there is no separation of day–night habitats, but the upper limit of daytime distribution depth shifts to a shallower layer at night, probably as the fish follow migratory prey: Lampanyctus jordani . (4) Nonmigrants: Stenobrachius nannochir, Lampanyctus regalis (> 140 mm SL), and Protomyctophum thompsoni . The day–night habitat temperature ranges are also given for the 11 species. No remarkable east–west differences were seen in the vertical migration patterns compared with previous knowledge of eight of these species in the eastern Pacific. The diel migration patterns are newly described for three other species endemic to the western Pacific. The standing stock of myctophids in the study area was conservatively estimated at 18.5 ± 4.7 g m−2 (avg. ± SD).  相似文献   

北太平洋公海日本鲭资源分布及其渔场环境特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2014~2015年两年收集的北太平洋公海围拖网作业的日本鲭(Scomber japonicas,又称鲐鱼)生产月度数据,结合同期卫星遥感反演技术获取的海表温度(SST)、海水叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度、海流等环境数据,运用渔获量重心法,地统计插值等方法,分析了北太平洋公海鲐鱼的资源分布情况与渔获量重心的时空变化及其与主要环境因子之间的关系。研究表明,鲐鱼渔场季节性差异明显,渔场重心集中分布在39°N~43°N、147°E~154°E范围内。两年渔场重心均呈现先向东北方向移动,自9月开始再向西南方向移动的趋势。GAM模型显示,北太平洋鲐鱼渔场的最适海表温度范围是16~18℃,最适叶绿素a浓度范围是0.3~0.8 mg·m~(-3),空间上集中分布在40°N~41°N、148°E~151°E,海流对鲐鱼渔场形成尤为重要。  相似文献   

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