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As socio‐environmental problems have proliferated over the past decades, one narrative which has captured the attention of policymakers and scientists has been the need for collaborative research that spans traditional boundaries. Collaboration, it is argued, is imperative for solving these problems. Understanding how collaboration is occurring in practice is important, however, and may help explain the idea space across a field. In an effort to make sense of the shape of fisheries science, here we construct a co‐authorship network of the field, from a data set comprising 73,240 scientific articles, drawn from 50 journals and published between 2000 and 2017. Using a combination of social network analysis and machine learning, the work first maps the global structure of scientific collaboration amongst fisheries scientists at the author, country and institutional levels. Second, it uncovers the hidden subgroups—here country clusters and communities of authors—within the network, detailing also the topical focus, publication outlets and relative impact of the largest fisheries science communities. We find that whilst the fisheries science network is becoming more geographically extensive, it is simultaneously becoming more intensive. The uncovered network exhibits characteristics suggestive of a thin style of collaboration, and groupings that are more regional than they are global. Although likely shaped by an array of overlapping micro‐ and macro‐level factors, the analysis reveals a number of political–economic patterns that merit reflection by both fisheries scientists and policymakers. 相似文献
Osmar J. Luiz Julian D. Olden Mark J. Kennard David A. Crook Michael M. Douglas Thor M. Saunders Alison J. King 《Fish and Fisheries》2019,20(6):1100-1110
Species traits are a new data currency to enhance our understanding of ecological patterns and processes. Trait‐based studies of fishes are numerous in comparison with other animal groups, reflecting the diversity of fish forms and functions they provide to aquatic ecosystems. We conduct a retrospective examination of literature to identify knowledge gaps and provide guidance for future research in trait‐based fish ecology. We apply an automated text mining and topic modelling to track the evolution of research topics within peer‐reviewed articles of functional traits in marine and freshwater fishes published over the past half century, explore the inter‐connections among those topics and identify emerging avenues for investigation. By mapping the topic landscape of the literature, 16 latent topics emerged that vary in their prevalence. Our results show a decline in the frequency of studies using reproductive traits to model and explore the way fish allocate energy for reproduction, and increase in studies reporting functional diversity metrics and utilizing the concept of multivariate functional space. Research focused on contributions of fish traits to ecosystem functioning also has increased in frequency. We revealed large gaps in information between growing and decreasing topics and that these gaps were derived from different types of traits being considered. We suggest that scientists break‐free from the traditions of their research field by targeting investigations that: (a) apply functional diversity metrics to a broader assortment of traits, (b) focus on traits influencing energy allocation to growth/reproduction and (c) integrate trophic‐web and behavioural studies with other topics. 相似文献
Elizabeth Petersen Caroline Lever Steven Schilizzi Greg Hertzler 《Aquaculture Economics & Management (Blackwell Science)》2013,17(3):267-284
Reservoir aquaculture has developed in an ad hoc manner in Vietnam to date. A bioeconomic model of reservoir aquaculture in northern Vietnam is presented in this paper to highlight issues of developmental importance of reservoir aquaculture in Vietnam. The biological model is based on a conventional von Bertalanffy growth function and the economic model is a net revenue function. The greatest source of costs for the operation are restocking costs (75%) and contract labor costs (18 percent). Benchmark net revenue is approximately 8.7 million VND (approximately US$539). The stocking density, length of time between stocking and harvest and harvesting efficiency have the largest impact on net revenue. The inclusion of aquaculture into government fisheries development plans with research focused on development of fingerling production, preparation of flooded land for aquaculture production and strengthening institutional arrangements for reservoir leasing and credit arrangements, is likely to lead to increased capitalization and investment, and therefore greater revenues for local fishing populations. 相似文献
渔业在我国国民经济中占有重要地位和作用,水产技术推广体系是保证我国渔业持续健康发展的基础。本文采用数据包络分析(data envelopment analysis,DEA)中的BCC模型分析2013—2015年全国各地区的水产技术推广资源配置效率,以探究我国各地区水产技术推广资源配置效率的差异。结果表明,我国水产技术推广资源整体配置效率不高,区域间的配置效率差异明显,中南地区水产技术推广资源配置综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率都高于全国平均水平,东北地区低于全国平均水平。建议通过增加水产技术推广资源总量、因地制宜的配置水产技术推广资源、建立水产技术推广体系联合协作工作机制等方法来提高水产资源配置效率。 相似文献
The use of commercial catch statistics to estimate overfishing consequences has been criticised, but alternative long‐term data sets are rare. Long time‐series data sets from recreational fisheries competitions have been used to infer trends in coastal fish communities. Here an historic archive (1953–2007) of recreational spear fisheries in Galicia (NW Spain) was employed to estimate long‐term changes in coastal ecosystems. Using generalised additive regression models, decreases in the abundances of coastal rocky reef fishes of up to 76% over the last 50 years were found. In the same period, the mean body weight also decreased by 76%. In addition, relative catch frequency has decreased for the most valuable commercial species. Overfishing, amongst other human impacts, has brought these ecosystems so close to collapse that it is urgent to implement measures to ensure their recovery. 相似文献
Fishery ecosystems are complex and influenced by various drivers that operate and interact at different levels and over multiple scales. Here, we propose a holistic methodology to determine the key mechanisms of fisheries, trophodynamics, and environmental drivers of marine ecosystems, using a multilevel model fitted to data on global catch, effort, trophic level, primary production, and temperature for 130 ecosystems from 1950 to 2012. The model describes the spatial‐temporal dynamics of world fisheries very well with a pseudo R2 = 0.75 and estimates the effects of key drivers of fishery production. The results demonstrate the integrative operation of bottom‐up and top‐down regulated trophic interactions at the global level and great variations in their relative importance among different types of ecosystem. The estimation of key drivers’ effects on marine ecosystems provides practical mechanisms for informed ecosystem‐based fisheries management to achieve the sustainable objectives that are consistent with the needs of specific fisheries. 相似文献
Martin Lindegren Mikael Van Deurs Brian R. MacKenzie Lotte Worsoe Clausen Asbjørn Christensen Anna Rindorf 《Fisheries Oceanography》2018,27(3):212-221
Forage fish occupy a central position in marine food‐webs worldwide by mediating the transfer of energy and organic matter from lower to higher trophic levels. The lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) is one of the ecologically and economically most important forage fish species in the North‐east Atlantic, acting as a key prey for predatory fish and sea birds, as well as supporting a large commercial fishery. In this case study, we investigate the underlying factors affecting recruitment and how these in turn affect productivity of the North Sea sandeel using long‐term data and modelling. Our results demonstrate how sandeel productivity in the central North Sea (Dogger Bank) depends on a combination of external and internal regulatory factors, including fishing and climate effects, as well as density dependence and food availability of the preferred zooplankton prey (Calanus finmarchicus and Temora longicornis). Furthermore, our model scenarios suggest that while fishing largely contributed to the abrupt stock decline during the late 1990s and the following period of low biomass, a complete recovery of the stock to the highly productive levels of the early 1980s would only be possible through changes in the surrounding ecosystem, involving lower temperatures and improved feeding conditions. To that end, we stress the need for ecosystem‐based management accounting for multiple internal and external factors occurring within the broader context of the ecosystem in which forage fish species, such as sandeel, play an important and integral part. 相似文献
E. S. WIYONO S. YAMADA E. TANAKA T. ARIMOTO & T. KITAKADO 《Fisheries Management and Ecology》2006,13(3):185-195
Abstract Fishing gear usage in small-scale coastal fisheries of Pelabuhanratu Bay, Indonesia was explained by two approaches: temporal fishing gear allocation analysis and adaptive responses of fishers to external factors, especially climate and abundance of target species. Gear usage, with the exception of hand lines and seine nets, was more intensive during the dry season than the rainy season. The decision to use seine nets was governed by seasonal variability in the abundance of Auxis thazard , Lacepède, and Trichiurus spp. to the catch. Sustainable management of fishing activities in Pelabuhanratu Bay requires proportional reductions in the use of lift nets and fixed gillnets across the seasons rather than gear specific effort reductions. 相似文献
Ana Eguiguren Enrico Pirotta Kristina Boerder Maurício Cantor Godfrey Merlen Hal Whitehead 《水产资源保护:海洋与淡水生态系统》2021,31(6):1466-1481
- Sperm whales have occupied the waters off the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, for at least the past 200 years. During the 19th century, they were the target of intensive whaling that severely depleted the population. In recent times, after commercial whaling ended, sperm whales in the region remain vulnerable to multiple threats, especially potential entanglement in fishing gear, which may hinder their ability to recover from the whaling era.
- As a highly mobile, long-lived species, long-term analysis of the habitat use of sperm whales is necessary to establish effective conservation and management strategies. Here, contemporary (1985–2014) and historical (1830–1850) sperm whale habitat use off the Galápagos Islands was analysed and contrasted to the extent of the Galápagos Marine Reserve (GMR). Contemporary habitat use and its variability over time were modelled as a function of geographic, oceanographic, and topographic variables using generalized additive models.
- The fine-scale habitat (<50 km) used by sperm whales was associated with topographic (i.e. depth and slope) and oceanographic characteristics (i.e. relative sea surface temperature and standard deviation of sea surface temperature), but these preferences varied over time.
- While historical and contemporary data indicate that sperm whale habitat primarily occurred within the boundaries of the GMR, in recent years, whales were found up to 30.1% of the time outside the GMR, potentially overlapping with commercial fisheries operating in the area.
- The dynamic nature of the relationship of this nomadic species with its habitat highlights the need of large-scale conservation efforts across the Eastern Tropical Pacific region, including the wide-scale enforcement of regulations requiring the use of Automatic Identification System in fishing vessels, the promotion of on-board fisheries observer programmes, the development of adaptive management strategies, and international collaboration to identify and mitigate threats.
Tessa Mazor C. Roland Pitcher Wayne Rochester Michel J. Kaiser Jan G. Hiddink Simon Jennings Ricardo Amoroso Robert A. McConnaughey Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp Ana M. Parma Petri Suuronen Jeremy Collie Marija Sciberras Lara Atkinson Deon Durholtz Jim R Ellis Stefan G. Bolam Michaela Schratzberger Elena Couce Jacqueline Eggleton Clement Garcia Paulus Kainge Sarah Paulus Johannes N. Kathena Mayya Gogina P. Daniël van Denderen Aimee A. Keller Beth H. Horness Ray Hilborn 《Fish and Fisheries》2021,22(1):72-86
Bottom trawl fishing is a controversial activity. It yields about a quarter of the world's wild seafood, but also has impacts on the marine environment. Recent advances have quantified and improved understanding of large‐scale impacts of trawling on the seabed. However, such information needs to be coupled with distributions of benthic invertebrates (benthos) to assess whether these populations are being sustained under current trawling regimes. This study collated data from 13 diverse regions of the globe spanning four continents. Within each region, we combined trawl intensity distributions and predicted abundance distributions of benthos groups with impact and recovery parameters for taxonomic classes in a risk assessment model to estimate benthos status. The exposure of 220 predicted benthos‐group distributions to trawling intensity (as swept area ratio) ranged between 0% and 210% (mean = 37%) of abundance. However, benthos status, an indicator of the depleted abundance under chronic trawling pressure as a proportion of untrawled state, ranged between 0.86 and 1 (mean = 0.99), with 78% of benthos groups > 0.95. Mean benthos status was lowest in regions of Europe and Africa, and for taxonomic classes Bivalvia and Gastropoda. Our results demonstrate that while spatial overlap studies can help infer general patterns of potential risk, actual risks cannot be evaluated without using an assessment model that incorporates trawl impact and recovery metrics. These quantitative outputs are essential for sustainability assessments, and together with reference points and thresholds, can help managers ensure use of the marine environment is sustainable under the ecosystem approach to management. 相似文献
为客观地揭示全球主要渔业国家水产科学的研究态势及其研究热点,以2000—2018年InCites和Web of Science核心合集中文献数据作为统计源,利用文献计量学方法,对其文献的增长趋势、被引情况及期刊分布进行分析,并基于合作网络分析、关键词共现的知识图谱等方法,探究全球水产科学的研究态势及其研究热点。结果显示,在水产科学研究文献的年度发文态势方面,美国的文献数量总体维持在较高水平并呈现动态波动,近年来略有下降趋势;中国大陆的研究文献基本上呈指数增长,并呈稳步上升趋势,至2018年接近美国的发文数量;其他国家都呈现较为平稳的动态波动。载文期刊分布均符合布拉德福提出的文献离散规律,各国载文量排名在前20的期刊大多为国际顶级期刊,其学术上的影响力较大。优势学科领域基本集中在海洋淡水生物学、兽医学、海洋学、动物学、免疫学、湖沼生物学以及生物化学与分子生物学等,但各国侧重点不一致。研究表明,全球主要渔业国家研究热点主要为:①基于生物学参考点的渔业管理与保护研究;②渔业资源评估与管理评价研究;③开展渔业资源的基础生物学研究;④开展基于生态系统的管理措施及政策目标研究等主题。各研究热点间均呈现高度融合的现象,促进了综合性交叉学科的发展。 相似文献
Ayana E Johnson Joshua E Cinner Marah J Hardt Jennifer Jacquet Tim R McClanahan James N Sanchirico 《Fish and Fisheries》2013,14(3):281-292
Artisanal coral reef fisheries provide food and employment to hundreds of millions of people in developing countries, making their sustainability a high priority. However, many of these fisheries are degraded and not yielding their maximum socioeconomic returns. We present a literature review that evaluates foci and trends in research effort on coral reef fisheries. We describe the types of data and categories of management recommendations presented in the 464 peer‐reviewed articles returned. Identified trends include a decline in articles reporting time‐series data, fish catch biomass and catch‐per‐unit effort, and an increase in articles containing bycatch and stakeholder interview data. Management implications were discussed in 80% of articles, with increasing frequency over time, but only 22% of articles made management recommendations based on the research presented in the article, as opposed to more general recommendations. Key future research priorities, which we deem underrepresented in the literature at present, are: (i) effectiveness of management approaches, (ii) ecological thresholds, trade‐offs and sustainable levels of extraction, (iii) effects of climate change, (iv) food security, (v) the role of aquaculture, (vi) access to and control of fishery resources, (vii) relationships between economic development and fishery exploitation, (viii) alternative livelihoods and (ix) integration of ecological and socioeconomic research. 相似文献
Ignore fishers' knowledge and miss the boat 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
We describe five examples of how, by ignoring fishers' ecological knowledge (FEK), marine researchers and resource managers may put fishery resources at risk, or unnecessarily compromise the welfare of resource users. Fishers can provide critical information on such things as interannual, seasonal, lunar, diel, tide-related and habitat-related differences in behaviour and abundance of target species, and on how these influence fishing strategies. Where long-term data sets are unavailable, older fishers are also often the only source of information on historical changes in local marine stocks and in marine environmental conditions. FEK can thus help improve management of target stocks and rebuild marine ecosystems. It can play important roles in the siting of marine protected areas and in environmental impact assessment. The fact that studying FEK does not meet criteria for acceptable research advanced by some marine biologists highlights the inadequacy of those criteria. 相似文献
Daniel Ovando;Darcy Bradley;Echelle Burns;Lennon Thomas;James Thorson; 《Fish and Fisheries》2024,25(2):218-234
Designing effective spatial management strategies is challenging because marine ecosystems are highly dynamic and opaque, and extractive entities such as fishing fleets respond endogenously to ecosystem changes in ways that depend on ecological and policy context. We present a modelling framework, marlin, that can be used to efficiently simulate the bio-economic dynamics of marine systems in support of both management and research. We demonstrate marlin's capabilities by focusing on two case studies on the conservation and food production impacts of marine protected areas (MPAs): a coastal coral reef and a pelagic tuna fishery. In the coastal coral reef example, we explore how heterogeneity in species distributions and fleet preferences can affect distributional outcomes of MPAs. In the pelagic case study, we show how our model can be used to assess the climate resilience of different MPA design strategies, as well as the climate sensitivity of different fishing fleets. This paper demonstrates how intermediate complexity simulation of coupled bio-economic dynamics can help communities predict and potentially manage trade-offs among conservation, fisheries yields and distributional outcomes of management policies affected by spatial bio-economic dynamics. 相似文献
MICHAEL BAUMANN 《Fisheries Oceanography》1998,7(1):63-65
In this paper I discuss some of the shortcomings of today's marine science in response to a recently published paper by Ann Gargett (1997). Three problem areas have been identified in the field linking climate forcing and fish production: First, the yet-to-be established observational proof for a relationship between the two; Second, the strongly neglected biology of organisms at evolutionary and ecological time scales; and thrird, the disregard for spatial and temporal scales in the discussion of mechanisms and supporting data. 相似文献
There has been much recent discussion about the idea that large whales are potential competitors with fisheries for available marine resources. Based on this idea, often referred to as the ‘whales eat fish’ conflict, culling whales has been proposed as a way to increase resources available for human consumption and thereby ensuring global food security. However, the scientific basis for such arguments remains unclear, especially in the Caribbean waters where baleen whales generally do not feed. In this article, we (i) develop an ecosystem model describing the trophic interactions between whales, fish and fisheries in the Caribbean waters, (ii) calculate the level of overlap between cetaceans and fisheries for food resources, and (iii) simulate the removal of cetaceans from the Caribbean waters in order to quantify the potential increase in available biomass of commercially important fish. Ten groups of cetaceans are considered in the model, including baleen whales, toothed whales and small cetaceans. Our results suggest that baleen whales are not a threat to fisheries in Caribbean waters, while toothed cetaceans seem to be more impacted by fisheries than they actually impacting them. Whales target different types of food resources and consume significantly less than what is taken by fisheries. Moreover, simulated reductions in large whale abundance do not produce any appreciable increase in biomass of the commercially important fish species. In some cases, the presence of some whales actually improves fishery yield as a result of indirect predation effects. 相似文献
Tanika C. Shalders;Curtis Champion;Kirsten Benkendorff;Karina C. Hall;Kris Cooling;Melinda A. Coleman; 《Fisheries Oceanography》2024,33(2):e12659
Climate-driven environmental change is increasingly impacting global fisheries and marine resource use. Fisheries provide a broad range of economic, social and cultural benefits while delivering essential contributions to nutrient security and human health. Despite this, little is known about how climate change will impact the availability and quality of seafood-derived nutrients. Here, we quantified spatial and temporal changes in the nutritional quality of the commercially harvested eastern school whiting, Sillago flindersi, sampled throughout the south-east Australian ocean warming hotspot. Several nutrients measured in S. flindersi, including protein, ash, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and the omega-3 PUFA–docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6ɷ3), were related to one or more environmental factors (sea bottom temperature, depth and chlorophyll). We also detected seasonal variability in DHA and ash composition throughout the species' commercially harvested distribution. Historical and future spatial modelling predicted a decrease in DHA of up to 6% with increasing ocean temperature under future Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 emission scenarios. Overall, our results identified S. flindersi as a rich source of protein and essential PUFAs for human consumers and supported emerging evidence that reductions in seafood-derived essential nutrients may occur under future ocean warming, specifically reductions in omega-3 fatty acids. The development of nutritional quality forecasting tools for seafood holds the potential to inform fishers and managers of locations and times of the year to target species with optimal nutritional quality. 相似文献
Leonardo Manir Feitosa;Matthew G. Burgess;Christopher M. Free;Steven D. Gaines; 《Fish and Fisheries》2024,25(6):972-984
There have been few documented extinctions of fished species, but many bioeconomic models predict that open-access incentives make extinction possible. Open-access multi-species fisheries can cause species' extinction if other, faster-growing species maintain profits at fatal effort levels. Even target species can be profitably harvested to extinction if their prices rise sufficiently as they are depleted. Here, we explore interactions between these potential extinction mechanisms by modelling an open-access multi-species fishery with one or multiple fleets exploiting two species, each with different growth rates, ex-vessel prices, and price dynamics. Increases in the strong stock's (the stock with higher productivity relative to fishing susceptibility) price as it is depleted increase the range of conditions under which the weak stock can be driven extinct and shrinks the range of bioeconomic parameters in which both species can coexist under open-access. Catch hyperstability – whereby species become easier to catch as they are depleted – makes the weak stock weaker as it is depleted and further narrows the scope for coexistence. Fleet diversity in targeting ability can prevent weak stock extinction, as competition or switching balances species abundances. With few documented global fished-species extinctions, our results raise important questions, which we discuss. Is the apparent lack of extinctions largely due to management? Are more species in lightly-managed fisheries threatened with extinction than previously acknowledged? Have more extinctions than we realize already happened in data- and management-poor fisheries? Or have fishes' high fecundity and the oceans' vastness provided protection against extinction that is uncaptured by existing theoretical models? 相似文献
Stephen C Mangi Sven Kupschus Steven Mackinson Dale Rodmell Alexandra Lee Elizabeth Bourke Tom Rossiter Jim Masters Stuart Hetherington Thomas Catchpole David Righton 《Fish and Fisheries》2018,19(4):622-642
This study was undertaken to address the increasing need for a strategic approach to industry–science data collections in the face of reducing resources and growing need for evidence in fisheries management. The aim was to evaluate progress in the development of plans and procedures that can be employed to collect, record and use fishing industry knowledge and data in the evidence base for managing fisheries. This was achieved by reviewing industry‐led data initiatives already undertaken or ongoing within the United Kingdom to document how these projects have/are incorporating fishing industry data into the process of management decision‐making; canvassing stakeholder opinion on data gaps and whether these could be filled by data gathered by commercial fishing vessels; establishing what issues might prevent or stimulate commercial fishing vessels in collecting data when they have the opportunity; and describing guidance on a step‐by‐step process for gathering scientific information such that fishers are empowered to collect the right data, at the right times and in the right format for their fishery. Given recent advances in the collection, interpretation and application of fisheries‐dependent data, we compare progress made in the UK to other areas of the world. We conclude that there is considerable evidence of a paradigm shift from the conventional practice of scientists asking fishers to provide data for scientific analyses towards full engagement of key stakeholders in data collection. 相似文献