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  1. The freshwater mussel (Unionida) fauna of the Yangtze River is among the most diverse on Earth. In recent decades, human activities have caused habitat degradation in the river, and previous studies estimated that up to 80% of the mussel species in the Yangtze River are Threatened or Near Threatened with extinction. However, a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of the conservation status of this fauna has yet to be completed.
  2. This study evaluated the conservation status of the 69 recognized freshwater mussel species in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, using the criteria published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). A new method for prioritizing species for conservation was then developed and applied termed Quantitative Assessment of Species for Conservation Prioritization (QASCP), which prioritizes species according to quantifiable data on their distribution and population status, life history, and recovery importance and potential.
  3. IUCN assessments showed that 35 (51%) species in the study region are Threatened or Near Threatened (11 Endangered, 20 Vulnerable, 4 Near Threatened). In addition, 16 species (23%) could not be assessed owing to data deficiency. Key threats to the freshwater mussel biodiversity of the Yangtze River include pollution, habitat loss and fragmentation, loss of access to host fish, and overharvesting of mussels and their host fish. The genera Aculamprotula, Gibbosula, Lamprotula, Pseudodon, Ptychorhynchus, and Solenaia were identified as particularly threatened.
  4. Data availability allowed QASCP assessment of 44 species. Only Solenaia carinata, regionally Endangered under IUCN criteria, achieved the highest QASCP rank, i.e. First Priority. The five species assessed as Second Priority were considered either regionally Endangered (one), Vulnerable (three), or Data Deficient (one) under IUCN criteria. The 23 Third Priority species were assessed as regionally Endangered (two), Vulnerable (15), Near Threatened (two), or Least Concern (four).

  • 1. The status of host fish populations and fish species richness was investigated at 36 sites of 20 extant freshwater pearl mussel populations, including the drainages of the Elbe, Danube, Rhine, Weser, Aulne, Kemijoki and Tuuloma in Germany, the Czech Republic, France and Finland, by carrying out comparative electrofishings.
  • 2. Brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario) were found to be the available host fish for pearl mussels in all except one of the streams investigated with mean densities of 2861 ha?1 (range 0–8710 ha?1) and a mean biomass of 119 kg ha?1 (range 0–478 kg ha?1). Streams that had been frequently stocked with brown trout had higher trout biomass and densities of host fish than natural populations, but trout stocking had no positive effect in two of the streams investigated.
  • 3. Fish species richness ranged from 2 to 16 species per stream and showed a negative correlation with host fish biomass and host fish densities. Undisturbed oligotrophic pearl mussel headwater streams usually only yielded a low number of fish species. Habitat degradation can reduce competitiveness of specialized trout and result in an increased abundance of ubiquitous or atypical species.
  • 4. A link between the lack of juvenile pearl mussels and a lack of suitable host fish was only rarely observed. Functional pearl mussel populations with relatively high numbers of juveniles had significantly lower densities and biomass of host fish than pearl mussel populations without recent recruitment.
  • 5. This study suggests that 0+ host fish are not necessarily required to sustain functional pearl mussel populations. Low densities of host fish can be compensated by the higher glochidia carrying capacity of older host fish with limited previous contact with pearl mussel glochidia, by the long reproductive period of mussels, and by low mortality rates of juvenile mussels during their post‐parasitic phase.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera L. is globally endangered and is threatened by commercial exploitation, pollution and habitat loss throughout its range. Captive breeding would be a valuable tool in enhancing the status of M. margaritifera in the UK.
  • 2. We have developed a semi‐natural system for successfully infecting juvenile brown trout with glochidial M. margaritifera, and culturing juvenile mussels in experimental tanks where glochidial M. margaritifera can excyst from fish gills and settle into sediment.
  • 3. Infected fish had less than 1% mortality. Levels of infection varied among fish. Two yearly cohorts of juvenile M. margaritifera were identified from samples of sediment taken from each experimental tank. Individuals range in size from 1.4 mm (2000 cohort) to >3 mm in length (1999 cohort).
  • 4. The number of juvenile M. margaritifera present in the two experimental tanks are estimated to be between 3600 (tank A) and 0 (tank B) for the putative 1999 cohort and between 6000 (tank A) and 13 000 (tank B) for the putative 2000 cohort.
  • 5. This pioneering method for large‐scale cultivation of juvenile M. margaritifera is intermediate between the release of infected fish into rivers and the intensive cultivation systems developed in continental Europe and the USA for other species of unionid. This is the first time that large numbers of M. margaritifera have been cultured and represents a significant breakthrough in the conservation of this globally endangered Red Data List species. The method is straightforward and is most cost‐effective when undertaken alongside established hatchery processes.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. Most of the Bornean endemic freshwater mussel (Unionida) species known to date have not been recorded by science for the past 50 years or more, owing to a lack of research effort and presumed population losses.
  2. This study assessed current patterns and recent changes in the diversity and distribution of freshwater mussels in north-eastern Borneo. Physical surveys and interviews were conducted at 24 sites, and anecdotal evidence for current or historical presence of mussels was collected for a further 13 sites.
  3. Native species, i.e. Schepmania sp. and Khairuloconcha sahanae gen. & sp. nov., were only found in one small stream of the Kinabatangan River basin within the Gomantong Forest Reserve, whereas the non-native Sinanodonta cf. woodiana was common across the study area.
  4. Molecular phylogenetics (five genes) of the native taxa, including comparative material from West Kalimantan and Sarawak, revealed: (i) the presence of a new genus with two new, rare species: Khairuloconcha lunbawangorum sp. nov. in the Limbang River basin and K. sahanae in the Kinabatangan River basin; (ii) that Khairuloconcha and Ctenodesma form the Bornean endemic tribe Ctenodesmini trib. nov.; and (iii) that Schepmania represents another Bornean endemic tribe Schepmaniini trib. nov.
  5. Both Khairuloconcha gen. nov. species are known from a single stream each and are apparently restricted to forest stream habitats where they occur at very low densities. Schepmania appears to have a severely contracted range in the Kinabatangan and adjacent basins. We urgently call for full protection of the currently known sites of K. lunbawangorum and K. sahanae, and development of an action plan to save the Bornean freshwater mussel fauna.

  • 1. Studies dealing with the fish fauna of coastal streams are scarce in the scientific literature, particularly those from Mediterranean climates. Owing to their small size, these systems suffer extreme seasonal fluctuations, following the typical Mediterranean flood–drought cycle and leading to a high risk of extinction to freshwater fish.
  • 2. This work analyses fish distribution in 14 stream stretches belonging to eight basins in the northern sector of the Strait of Gibraltar (southern Spain). Fish–habitat relationships were studied through multivariate ordination techniques at two scales: basin and stretch.
  • 3. A principal components analysis clearly discriminated larger and more sinuous basins from smaller and steeper ones. This ordination was related to the non‐migratory freshwater fish species richness and to the total number of fish species present in the middle reaches of each basin.
  • 4. The main sources of variation in community composition and habitat characteristics in the different stretches were related to a clear upstream–downstream gradient, along which total species richness increased.
  • 5. These small coastal basins are inhabited by two highly endangered species, Andalusian toothcarp (Aphanius baeticus) and Iberian chub (Squalius pyrenaicus), and have similar or higher overall freshwater species richness than larger adjacent basins. The near absences of flow regulation and introduced species make these streams one of the few types of Iberian aquatic system where unaltered fish–habitat relationships can be studied.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. Bivalves are important components of freshwater ecosystems; however, they are also one of the most threatened animal groups, especially members of the order Unionida. The main threats to freshwater bivalves are habitat modification and invasive species. Protected areas are a common way to minimize impacts and preserve native species, but they are rarely designated with a focus on freshwater invertebrates.
  2. The main goal of this article was to describe the distribution of freshwater bivalves in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and the relationship between these species and bioclimatic areas, land use and protected areas.
  3. Five native and two invasive bivalve species have been reported in Rio de Janeiro. They occur mainly in bioclimatic areas related to the Paraíba do Sul River and Campista Lowlands. The few records of bivalves inside protected areas are in areas of sustainable use that offer a lower level of protection, and frequently in sympatry with invasive bivalves.
  4. Thus, the established protected areas in Rio de Janeiro are not adequately effective for freshwater bivalve conservation, and some species remain under threat even within them. Freshwater bivalves thus remain largely unprotected in the state.
  5. The development of new protected areas and management plans should consider other faunal groups that are usually ignored, such as freshwater bivalves, to achieve more inclusive and effective protection.

内部切片法测定淡水贝类的年龄   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
华丹 《水产学报》2001,25(5):413-418
采用外部生长线估算法测定淡水贝类年龄具有局限性,对年龄偏大或生长较慢的品种不适用。本文介绍一种新的方法-内部切片法,是精确和准确测定贝类年龄的有效方法。通过对美国的两种淡水贝类扇贝和厚实珍珠贝进行内部切片法和外部生长线估算法的研究和实验数据的统计分析,证明内部切片法的结果更代表贝类的实际年龄。同时,还分析了淡水贝壳类年龄、长度、高度之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

  • 1. The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which divides the Korean peninsula, currently serves as a sanctuary for diverse biological resources, owing to limited development and human activities. The fish fauna of the DMZ areas, including the Civilian Control Zone (CCZ) and Military Facility Protection Area (MFPA), was investigated by quarterly sampling at 53 sites from August 2001 to May 2004.
  • 2. In total, 10 946 fish were collected and classified into 99 species and 26 families. Zacco platypus (relative abundance, RA 18.6%) was the dominant species, while other key species were Rhynchocypris steindachneri (16.0%), Pungitius sinensis (12.5%) and Zacco temmincki (8.5%).
  • 3. Thirty species were found to be Korean endemics, representing seven families. Eight Korean vulnerable species and two Korean natural monument species were recorded. Three exotic fish species (Carassius cuvieri, Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis macrochirus) were collected at 13 study sites, all but one of which are outside the CCZ. There were significant relationships between altitude and fish species richness (r2=0.448, P<0.001) and the number of endemic fish species (r2=0.487, P<0.001).
  • 4. Owing to very limited human interference, the DMZ could provide good benchmark sites to enable ecological restoration on other rivers and streams for maintenance of natural freshwater fish biodiversity. It is suggested that a natural park is instituted around the DMZ areas for ecological protection and as a symbol of peaceful coexistence between South and North Korea.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract– Projected world population increases imply demand for an increase of 60 million tonnes on the present world fish production of 100 million tonnes. Capture fisheries are unlikely to yield more because many stocks are already overexploited, there are few remaining unexploited and management shows few signs of redressing problems. Aquaculture is a possible source of the required production, given maintenance of current rates of increase. If this potential is to be realized, the importance of maintaining the quality of freshwater, brackish and coastal marine environments can scarcely be overstated. In a world of rapid change, there is an urgent need for research at all levels of biological and social organization that relate to the ecology of freshwater fish. At the organismic level, genetics, migratory behaviour and physiological ecology will be emphasized. Population genetics research is needed to enlighten controversies concerning the impact of cultural practices and the effects of harvesting natural populations. Greater attention will be given to interactions between species, including fish and their parasites, and the dynamics of multispecies interactions in pond culture and in capture fisheries. Issues of multiple uses of water resources will force research on freshwater fish ecology into broader contexts. The march of discovery in all branches of science will have major implications for freshwater fisheries research. The next few decades will be demanding of the creative energies of young researchers.  相似文献   

Between 2007 and 2012, a variety of disease outbreaks most often characterized by skin disorders were observed among different species of freshwater fish in Poland. In most cases, the clinical signs included focally necrotized gills, necrotic skin lesions or ulcers. Internally, haemorrhages, oedematous kidney and abnormal spleen enlargement were generally noted. The disorders were accompanied by increased mortality. Most of the problems concerned cultured common carp Cyprinus carpio L. and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Fish have been examined from a number of these farms, and additionally, the wild and ornamental fish with similar clinical signs of diseases were also tested. Bacteria were isolated consistently from lesions and internal organs. They had characteristic orange-pigmented colonies which grew in pure culture or constituted 55–95% of total bacterial flora. One hundred and eighteen isolates were collected and biochemically identified as Shewanella putrefaciens group, and this was confirmed by sequencing. Challenge tests confirmed the pathogenicity of these bacteria. This is the first report characterizing and describing S. putrefaciens as a pathogen of different species of freshwater fish in Europe.  相似文献   

  • 1. Microhabitat preferences of freshwater mussels and associated substrate characteristics were investigated across a range of geomorphic reaches in the Hawkesbury–Nepean River, Australia.
  • 2. The structure of substratum patches available was strongly influenced by geomorphic reach type. In each reach type, mussel distribution was most frequently correlated with coarse sand and a roughness element characteristic for that reach. Roughness elements such as boulders and cobbles create a flow refuge and were linked with mussel size.
  • 3. Small mussels tended to be associated with boulder‐stabilized habitats and medium sized mussels with cobble habitats. Large mussels rarely co‐occurred with any particular roughness element. Individual species were strongly linked to geomorphic reach type. This association may be due to species' differences in ability to colonize available microhabitat types.
  • 4. The highly tolerant Velesunio ambiguus dominated shale reaches, characterized by fine sediments and human impacts. In contrast, Hyridella depressa dominated in gorges, utilizing small flow refuges among boulders, while H. australis were present in low densities across a range of substrate conditions.
  • 5. The persistence of multispecies assemblages in mussel beds throughout the Hawkesbury–Nepean River implies similar niche utilization among species. Partitioning of habitats across species on the basis of size suggests some degree of habitat selection, or differential survival. At the local scale, microhabitat characteristics influenced the size distribution and densities of mussel assemblages. Continuing declines in mussel densities are likely to result from ongoing channel modification and increased siltation resulting from changes to riparian vegetation.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Rates of annual food consumption and biomass were modeled for several fish species across representative rivers and lakes in eastern North America. Results were combined to assess the relative potential of fish predation to impact zebra mussels ( Dreissena polymorpha ). Predicted annual food consumption by fishes in southern waters was over 100% greater than that in northern systems because of warmer annual water temperatures and presumed increases in metabolic demand. Although generally increasing with latitude, biomasses of several key zebra mussel fish predators did not change significantly across latitudes. Biomasses of some less abundant fish predators did increase significantly with latitude, but increases were not of the magnitude to offset predicted decreases in food consumption. Our results generally support the premise that fishes in rivers and lakes of the southern United States (U.S.) have inherently greater potential to impact zebra mussels by predation. Our simulations may provide a partial explanation of why zebra mussel invasions have not been as rapid and widespread in southern U.S. waters compared to the Great Lakes region.  相似文献   

  • 1. To conserve biodiversity in a human‐dominated landscape, a science‐based inventory and monitoring plan is needed that quantifies existing resources, isolates drivers that maintain natural communities, determines harmful stressors, and links ecological drivers and human stressors. A tactical approach is proposed for conservation planning using freshwater fish at the Cape Cod National Seashore.
  • 2. Freshwater fish are well studied and occur across environmental gradients. The lentic systems at the national park are relatively pristine yet are enveloped by a region of high population density. Using fish community data, three steps were taken for tracking anthropogenic impacts in a human dominated landscape. First, fish and potential drivers were sampled intensively along a gradient to determine which fish metrics reflect natural communities and which abiotic and biotic factors structure them. Second, emerging and existing regional human threats were identified. Third, these human threats were linked to the potential drivers that maintain natural communities to identify the most informative metrics to monitor and track change.
  • 3. Fish communities, water quality, habitat, and food resources were sampled concurrently in 18 ponds in 1999 and 2000. Three common fish species explained 98% of variation in numbers across systems. Based on ecological relationships, pH, depth, vegetation, prey, and community complexity were determined to maintain biodiversity of freshwater fish communities.
  • 4. The primary human threats here included: development‐related, land‐use changes; non‐point source pollution; eutrophication from septic systems; and introduced species that are a byproduct of high human visitation. These are common threats in many rapidly urbanized areas and are likely to have relevance to many sites.
  • 5. To track the impact of emerging threats to freshwater ponds related to increased human population, monitoring changes in water quality, vegetated habitat, fish diversity, and trophic interactions are recommended.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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