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Many migratory fishes reproduce and recruit around the Kuroshio, and their survival of early life stages is supported by mesozooplankton. Mesozooplankton standing stocks and productivity equivalent to those on the continental shelf have been found in the Kuroshio; however, there is limited information on trophic sources and linkages to support the mesozooplankton community. Here, we evaluate mesozooplankton feeding on protists and their trophodynamics importance by removal bottle experiments in the Kuroshio of the East China (ECS‐Kuroshio). Pico‐ and nano‐autotrophs dominated chlorophyll a concentrations throughout the study sites across the continental shelf, within the Kuroshio path and in adjacent waters. Calanoid and poecilostomatoid copepods comprised more than 85% of mesozooplankton biomass. Significant mesozooplankton ingestion rates were found for nano‐autotrophs based on size‐fractionated chlorophyll; for haptophytes, chrysophytes, chlorophytes, and diatoms from pigment‐based phytoplankton analysis; and for naked ciliates in the microzooplankton. Based on the estimates of individual carbon budgets, nano‐autotrophs and naked ciliates ingested by mesozooplankton composed 39% of their food requirements, suggesting other available prey like nano‐heterotrophs. These results imply that mesozooplankton ingestion in the ECS‐Kuroshio has great impacts on protozoan and phytoplankton communities and their major trophic pathways are from nano‐sized auto‐ and heterotrophs and ciliates to copepods.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of climate factors on interannual variations of copepod biomass and gut content composition in early spring in the Kuroshio and the slope water off the Pacific coast of central Japan from 1971 to 1989. The biomass trends were different for large (prosomal length ≥ 1 mm) and small (prosomal length < 1 mm) copepods in both waters. Peaks in biomass of large copepods decreased in magnitude, and the biomass of small copepods was low around 1980. For the large copepods in the Kuroshio, 3-year running mean biomass was related to the Kuroshio meander index. The yearly mean biomass was related to diatom abundance in the gut which, in turn, was related to wind speed and temperature. The 3-year running mean biomass of large copepods in the slope water was positively related to solar radiation in March. The biomass of small copepods in both waters was negatively related to solar radiation in February, and years with high biomass of small copepods corresponded with not only the years with high abundance of larger foods (diatoms and micro-sized foods) in copepod guts, but also with the years with high abundance of the nano-sized foods. We hypothesize that nutrient supply to upper layers regulates interannual variation of biomass of large copepods in the Kuroshio. Thus, climate influences both size composition and biomass of copepods in and near the Kuroshio in early spring.  相似文献   

湛江港邻近水域游泳生物种类组成和资源密度的分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2005年湛江港邻近水域秋冬2季渔业资源调查的资料,分析和研究了该水域游泳生物的种类组成及其资源密度的分布。结果表明,该水域共有游泳生物131种,分隶于16目60科,其中鱼类89种,甲壳类34种,头足类8种,大多属于印度-太平洋区系。鱼类以暖水性种类为主(91.01%),暖温性种类少(8.99%),没有出现冷水性种类。甲壳类和头足类以暖水性的种类为绝对优势,广温性的种类相对较少,暖温性的种类最少,也没有出现冷水性种类。游泳生物渔获率呈现明显的季节变动,秋季渔获率(16.91 kg·h~(-1))高于冬季(10.82 kg·h~(-1))。2季调查渔获率鱼类最多,其后依次为甲壳类、头足类。秋季和冬季游泳生物资源密度分别为528.44和338.13 kg·km~(-2)。文章并提出了渔业资源的保护措施。  相似文献   

西沙群岛珊瑚礁海域鱼类分类学多样性   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
为评价南中国海西沙群岛珊瑚礁海域鱼类分类学多样性和更好地保护其鱼类,根据西沙群岛珊瑚礁海域鱼类物种组成的历史资料对西沙群岛及其16座岛礁的珊瑚礁水域鱼类物种数目、平均分类差异指数和16座岛礁的G-F多样性指数作了分析。结果显示,西沙共记录鱼类661种,隶属于25目、93科、305属。其中,永兴岛(351种),华光礁(173种),东岛(160种)记录鱼类物种数目较多。西沙鱼类平均分类差异指数(Δ+)约为60.2,各岛礁的Δ+与物种数目无关。中建岛、晋卿岛、玉琢礁等岛礁鱼类平均Δ+显著低于西沙鱼类Δ+。西沙鱼类Δ+小于陆架和河口区鱼类Δ+,说明珊瑚礁海域鱼类亲缘关系比陆架和河口区域的都要接近,此外大尺度上,一般纬度越低,中国海洋鱼类Δ+越小。但G-F多样性测度各指数由物种数目的大小决定,一般物种数目较大的岛礁G-F多样性各指数也相对较高,而RG-F指数更适合该海域鱼类多样性的测度。以石岛为例初步探讨了G-F指数为负的原因,一是物种数目较少,二是多样性测度的关键函数Y=-XLnX并不是单调函数所致;物种数目较大的岛礁如永兴岛、华光礁、东岛等应该成为西沙珊瑚礁海域鱼类保护的重点区域。  相似文献   

东沙群岛珊瑚礁海域鱼类物种分类多样性研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据南海东沙群岛珊瑚礁海域鱼类物种种类组成的历史资料,系统整理了鱼类物种组成,并计算了东沙海域的平均分类差异指数(△+)和分类差异变异指数(∧+).结果显示,东沙珊瑚礁海域共记录鱼类18目,68科,173属,403种,鲈形目鱼类占绝对优势.△+约为55.2,低于黄、渤海、长江口和东海陆架海域(P<0.01),∧+约为110,低于黄、渤海、长江口(P<0.01)和东海陆架海域(P>0.05).大尺度上,一般纬度越低,中国海洋鱼类△+越小,表明珊瑚礁鱼类群落物种的亲缘关系要比陆架和河口区域的接近.  相似文献   

为探讨以西沙群岛七连屿(16°55''N~17°00''N,112°12''E~112°21''E)为代表的典型小尺度范围内珊瑚礁生态系统的物种组成及分类多样性,本文以20世纪70年代、2018—2019年南海七连屿鱼类调查资料为基础,总结七连屿礁栖鱼类物种组成,并利用分类学多样性指数和(科级)多样性测度指数对七连屿珊瑚礁鱼类物种组成及分类多样性进行研究。结果显示,七连屿海域礁栖鱼类隶属于8目33科70属175种,其中鲈形目(Perciformes)鱼类占绝对优势,占比81%;平均分类差异指数(Δ+)约为54.19,分类差异变异指数(低于东海陆架、大亚湾和渚碧礁;其G-指数)平均值为3.09,标准化的F-指数、指数综合来看,七连屿礁栖性鱼类物种多样性较高,且其科、属的分布在历史上较为合理,但2018—2019年科属多样性显著降低,建议对其及时予以保护。  相似文献   

黑潮入侵对南海东北部初级生产力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑潮流经菲律宾东岸时部分水体经吕宋海峡入侵南海东北部。冬季黑潮入侵会明显提高南海东北部的初级生产力, 阐明黑潮入侵对初级生产力的影响将为分析渔业生产力和渔场渔汛提供重要基础。该研究利用1997年~2014年的卫星遥感数据进行分析, 结果表明冬季黑潮入侵明显提升南海北部外海的初级生产力, 其影响范围可达南海北部外海面积的一半; 1997年以来, 南海东北部初级生产力均呈现冬季高而夏季低的特点, 并未出现异常年份; 1997年和1998年受强厄尔尼诺影响, 南海东北部初级生产力明显低于常年, 除此之外, 1999年以来该海域冬季和全年的初级生产力呈显著下降趋势。该研究还根据初级生产力和表层海流的分布和变化情况,判断各年冬季黑潮入侵的主要路径类型。1997年以来的17个冬季, 黑潮流套、黑潮南海分支和黑潮跨越吕宋海峡等3种路径均曾出现, 以南海分支路径为主, 但统计检验表明冬季黑潮以不同路径入侵, 南海东北部的初级生产力并没有显著差异。  相似文献   

2010年6-10月对江西省南昌市蒋巷镇太子河养殖水域浮游植物进行调查.结果表明,太子河有浮游植物5门、74种;其中,绿藻门种类数最多(占藻类总种数的48.64%),其次是蓝藻门(29.72%)和硅藻门(14.86%).10月的浮游植物种类最多,其次为9月和8月,7月最少.浮游植物密度7月最高,为313×105个/L,其余月份浮游植物密度相差不大,变化范围为(79 ~ 101)×105个/L,蓝藻门微囊藻属是绝对优势种.浮游植物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数及均匀度指数7月最低,分别为0.10、0.03,其余月份Shannon-Wiener指数范围为0.37 ~0.69,均匀度指数范围为0.10 ~0.18.综合分析浮游植物密度、多样性指数和均匀度指数,太子河水体存在富营养化.浮游植物对鲢鳙的鱼产力估算为12.675 kg/hm2.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   This study assessed the stock-recruitment relationship (SRR) for the Japanese sardine Sardinops melanostictus in the North-western Pacific. Of the 20 SRR models investigated, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) was the minimum (AIC = 551.2) when the data were separated into two groups (A and B) and the log-normal distribution was applied as the error term. Group A was constructed with SRR data from 1976–1987 and 1992–2004. Group B consisted of data from 1988–1991. The AIC minimum model was R  = 22.8 S  ×  e ε for Group A, where R , S , and ε denote the recruitment of sardine (individual number of 0-year old fish), spawning stock biomass (SSB), and error term, respectively. This model indicated that recruitment was proportional to the SSB and that no density-dependent effect operated over the range of SSB investigated (51 000–11.3 million t). Recruitment was markedly higher (lower) when the sea surface temperature (SST) of the Kuroshio Extension area in February was low (high). The essential SRR can simply be expressed as R  = 22.8 S  ×  e ε with the level of recruitment deviating from the model to a greater or lesser degree depending on the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

根据2012年~2013年在台山列岛周边海域进行的4个航次底拖网调查资料,并结合该海域的历史资料系统整理了台山列岛周边海域鱼类总名录,使用PRIMER 5.0软件计算了该海域鱼类的分类多样性指数,研究了分类多样性指数的季节变化。结果显示,台山列岛周边海域共记录鱼类2纲20目81科150属208种,以鲈形目种类占绝对优势;2012年~2013年调查记录到鱼类2纲11目40科63属77种。台山列岛周边海域鱼类的平均分类差异指数(△+)和分类差异变异指数(+)的理论平均值分别为63.14和378.4。鱼类分类多样性指数(△)秋季最高,春、夏季次之,冬季最低;鱼类分类差异指数(△*)秋季最高,春季次之,夏、冬季较低。研究结果表明,春季鱼类种类数最多,夏、秋季次之,冬季最少,水温和饵料决定了研究海域鱼类种类组成。  相似文献   

The daggertooth pike conger, Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål), has become an important fish resource in the western Seto Inland Sea, Japan, since the 1990s. However, introducing sustainable fisheries resource management for this species is difficult in this region because stock assessments have not been performed, and official fisheries statistics for this stock were discontinued after 2007. This study used existing limited data sets to compile the first report for fisheries resource management for this M. cinereus stock. Yield‐per‐recruit analyses showed that increasing fishing pressure above current levels would provide only a minimal increase in expected catch levels. Hence, the current harvest level is considered to represent the upper limit of fishing pressure. Age composition in a given year could potentially be used to forecast landing abundance for the following 2 years. This study provides a basis for establishing effective fisheries resource management strategies for M. cinereus.  相似文献   

The poleward movements of northeast Atlantic (NEA) mackerel (Scomber scombrus) catches, possibly linked to climate change, are causing a major international disagreement over quotas. We present an analysis of spatially resolved catch data from 1977 to 2013 that shows how a northward shift is only part of the change in the fishery. There was a 30‐yr trend for declining catches per ICES rectangle (0.5° latitude by 1°‐degree longitude) until 2011–2013. Catches also moved further offshore, to areas of deeper waters. Segmented regressions suggested discontinuities in the temporal pattern of change in catch‐related variables. In particular, the number of ICES rectangles fished rose sharply around 1987. Generalized additive models (GAMs) suggest that much of the movement of fishing activity to areas of deeper water can be associated with variation in the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). GAM models had a lower predictive error than linear or simple autoregressive models of change in catch‐related variables. Although climate indices can be linked to some of the changes in catch, it may be difficult to extrapolate future patterns in the catch: some of the GAM smoothers are non‐linear, and the oceanographic processes linked to climate index values are not homogenous across the area occupied by mackerel. A practical implication of the reported changes in catch since 1977 is that vessels are now reportedly fishing further offshore, which has implications for fuel consumption and profitability of the fishery.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲河网桡足类群落结构及其与水环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解珠江三角洲典型河网水域浮游桡足类的生态特征,于2012年3月、5月、8月和12月对该水域进行4个季度的采样调查,通过数据分析,对桡足类的种类组成、现存量及生物多样性等指标进行了分析。共鉴定桡足类9科24属31种,以及桡足幼体和无节幼体。结果显示,该水域桡足类优势种的季节演替及空间变化明显,广布中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops leuckarti)、跨立小剑水蚤(Microcyclops varicans)和透明温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops hyalinus)等种类为常见种。桡足类及无节幼体的现存量分布具有明显的季节变化,丰水期现存量大于枯水期;桡足类现存量的平面分布较为均匀,无节幼体的现存量基本呈现自西南向东北方向降低的趋势。总体看来,丰水期桡足类的平均生物多样性指数及均匀度指数高于枯水期,空间分布格局基本呈现自西南向东北方向降低的趋势。PCA分析结果表明,珠江三角洲河网水域桡足类群落结构与水温、总磷、总氮、氨氮、高锰酸盐指数以及叶绿素a含量呈显著正相关,与透明度和p H呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

东海太平洋褶柔鱼的数量分布及其与环境的关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
李建生  严利平 《海洋渔业》2004,26(3):193-198
利用1997~2000年在东海4个季节的拖网以及温盐度调查资料,分析了东海太平洋褶柔鱼的数量分布及其与环境条件的关系。结果表明:东海太平洋褶柔鱼分布水深在40~175m,集中分布水深范围在80~150m。春、夏、秋三个季节的平均资源密度最高值都出现在北部外海,冬季的平均资源密度最高值转移到南部外海。四季都有生殖群体的存在,从春季到冬季,生殖群体的重心位置由北部外海向南部外海转移。四季生活海域的表层水温为13.63~28.38℃,生物量高区的表层水温为22~26℃;表层盐度为27.72~34.72,集中分布海域的盐度为32.5~34.7。因此,东海太平洋褶柔鱼属于暖水性外海高温高盐种。  相似文献   

Understanding of density‐dependent effects is key to achieving sustainable management of self‐regulating biological resources such as fish stocks. Traditionally, density‐dependent effects on population abundance in fish have been considered to occur from hatching to recruitment, based on the paradigm of proportionality between spawning stock biomass and total egg production. Here, we demonstrate how the existence of intraspecific and interspecific density dependence in egg production changes the current understanding of density‐dependent processes in the life history of fish, by disentangling density‐dependent effects on egg production and survival from egg to recruitment, using sardine (Sardinops melanostictus, Clupeidae) and anchovy (Engraulis japonicus, Engraulidae) as model species. For sardine, strong intraspecific density‐dependent effects occurred in egg production, but no density‐dependent effects occurred or if any they were weak enough to be masked by environmental factors from hatching to recruitment. In contrast, for anchovy, interspecific density‐dependent effects occurred in egg production. In the survival after hatching, anchovy experienced stronger intraspecific density‐dependent effects than currently recognized. This analysis could overturn the current understanding of density‐dependent effects in the life history, highlighting contrasts between the effects on individual quality and population abundance and between the model species. We propose to reconsider the basis of fisheries management and recruitment studies based on the revised understanding of density‐dependent effects in the life history of the respective species.  相似文献   

东海细点圆趾蟹的生物学特性   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
俞存根 《水产学报》2004,28(6):657-662
根据1998—2000年在东海虾蟹资源调查和渔业生产监测调查中周年采集的1576只细点圆趾蟹样品,开展了基础生物学研究,结果表明,东海细点圆趾蟹的渔获群体甲长分布范围为26~95mm,甲宽为32~120mm,体重为5~410g,雄蟹个体平均大于雌蟹;春季雌蟹生长不明显,而雄蟹则生长迅速,2—6月平均增长率达38.7%;周年雌蟹略多于雄蟹,性比约为1:0.88,繁殖盛期为3—5月,不同个体怀卵量在6.8~75.8万粒之间,最小抱卵个体的甲长为46mm,甲宽为60mm,体重为59g,多数抱卵个体的甲长为50~60mm,甲宽为65~80mm,体重为80~115g。周年摄食强烈,半胃、饱胃率多数时间在50%~60%以上,其中冬春季摄食强度大于夏秋季.  相似文献   

Abstract Multivariate patterns in commercial fisheries landings, effort and revenue from three adjacent estuarine and coastal systems were examined in eastern Australia between 9‐month periods of flood (September 2000–May 2001) and drought (September 2002–May 2003). Patterns in species landings, methods of fishing effort and revenue per species were significantly different between flood and drought. Spearman’s rank correlations between Bray–Curtis similarity matrices for landings, effort and revenue indicated that patterns in fisheries metrics represented a mixed signal of ecological response and fishers’ harvesting behaviour. Flood and drought events were associated with shifts in the species composition of landings that were reciprocated between estuarine and coastal systems. Estuarine migrant species (e.g. school prawn Metapenaeus macleayi Haswell) primarily contributed to landings during flood, whilst marine estuarine‐opportunist species (e.g. yellowfin bream Acanthopagrus australis Owen) primarily contributed to landings during drought. Flood and drought events redistributed fisheries resources between estuarine and coastal systems, modifying the bioeconomic productivity of commercial fisheries. Results indicated that flood and drought events influence commercial fisheries by modifying landings composition, fishers’ harvesting behaviour and revenue generation.  相似文献   

A paradigm of proportionality between spawning stock biomass (SSB) and total egg production (TEP) has been largely untested at multidecadal scales mainly because of difficulty in estimating annual TEP. Recently, this paradigm was directly tested for sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) and anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) at a multidecadal scale to reveal that SSB–TEP proportionality was partially distorted by intraspecific (sardine) and interspecific (anchovy) density dependence in total egg production per spawner individual (TEPPS) or unit weight (TEPPSW). In the present study, we demonstrate intraspecific density dependence in TEPPS/TEPPSW for chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the Kuroshio Current system, using a proxy for TEPPS/TEPPSW, calculated from snapshot abundance data based on fishery‐independent egg surveys in combination with fishery‐dependent stock assessment data, at a multidecadal scale (38 years). TEPPS/TEPPSW exponentially declined with SSB, indicating a strong intraspecific density dependence in TEPPS/TEPPSW in chub mackerel. The observed phenomenon for chub mackerel was similar to that for sardine. Hence, intraspecific density dependence in TEPPS/TEPPSW may be a phenomenon that is generally applicable for species with a high maximum biomass and large population fluctuations. Lastly, we recommend the application of a TEP‐based framework to studies on recruitment mechanisms of fish.  相似文献   

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