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马敏 《四川畜牧兽医》2005,32(7):7-7,15
1 四川水禽业概况及地位,我国是世界上水禽饲养量最多的国家,四川是我国水禽数量最多的省份。20014年全省出栏水禽5.2亿只,比2003年增长8.3%,其中出栏鸭3.9亿只。鹅1.3亿只,水禽出栏量占整个家禽出栏量的48.1%,几乎与鸡平分秋色。水禽肉产量85.3万吨,比2003年增长12.5%,其中鸭肉产量54.4万吨,鹅肉30.9万吨,水禽肉占禽肉产量的48.9%。四川水禽出栏量、水禽肉产量均居全国第一位,约占全国的五分之一。  相似文献   

我国是世界最大的水禽生产与消费国。据统计,2001年世界鸭存栏量为9.18亿只,其中我国有6.36亿只,占世界鸭存栏量的69.3%;2001年世界肉鸭屠宰量为19.18亿只,我国为14.59亿只,占世界肉鸭屠宰量的76.1%。广东又是我国水禽生产与消费最大的省份之一,2002年广东省鸭饲养量2.63亿只、鹅饲养量6170万只,约占全国水禽饲养量的15%.被誉为“水禽之乡”。水禽生产在我省畜牧业与社会经济发展中起着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

四川省是我国水禽数量最多的省份。2004年全省出栏水禽5.2亿只,其中出栏鸭3.9亿只,鹅1.3亿只;水禽肉产量85.3万吨,其中鸭肉54.4万吨,鹅肉30.9万吨;水禽出栏量、水禽肉产量均居全国第一位。  相似文献   

李新 《中国家禽》2005,27(10):31-36
四川是我国水禽数量最多的省份。2004年全省出栏水禽5.2亿只,其中出栏鸭3.9亿只,鹅1.3亿只;水禽肉产量85.3万吨,其中鸭肉54.4万吨,鹅肉30.9万吨;水禽出栏量、水禽肉产量均居全国第一位。  相似文献   

1我国水禽业发展现状 1.1我国是世界第一水禽生产大国 现我国鸭、鹅的存栏量、屠宰量、鸭鹅肉产量、鸭鹅蛋产量等均居世界首位。世界粮农组织统计数据:2005年全世界鸭、鹅的总存栏量分别为10.4646亿只和3.0197亿只,其中我国的鸭、鹅存栏量分别为7.2502亿只和2.6782亿只,分别占世界鸭、鹅总存栏量的69.28%和88.69%,比2004年分别增长了2.06%和2.66%;全世界鸭、鹅的总屠宰量分别为23.8967亿只和5.8429亿只,其中我国的鸭、鹅屠宰量分别为18.0436亿只和5.4316亿只,分别占世界鸭、鹅总屠宰量的75.51%和92.96%.  相似文献   

据鄱阳湖保护区11月8日的水禽统计资料显示,在保护区越冬的候鸟数量已达53300多只,其主要种类和数量是:白鹤296只、白枕鹤9只、灰鹤61只、白头鹤9只、东方白鹳2只、小天鹅4800只、白琵鹭1378只、雁类34583只、野鸭类11258只、凤头麦鸡267只。  相似文献   

目前肉禽配合饲料占工业饲料比例 30%左右, 2000年工业饲料总量 7 200万 t比 1999年增长 8%,主要原因是由于鸭、鹅等工业饲料的快速增长。目前水禽养殖比例占肉禽养殖数量 18%左右,并逐年递增; 2000年水禽肉增长超过 12%;水禽养殖数量增长超过 6%;水禽肉消费地区也从南方沿海向北方扩展,分析认为,由于 2000年新建水禽深加工企业,必然大力发展水禽养殖, 2001年水禽配合饲料增长将大于 10%,原因如下: 1、南方沿海地区农户 2000年水禽获利稳定,深加工带动养殖水禽数量增长迅速。如正大在南京建立肉鸭加工场;上海赢赢肉鸭出口利润稳定; 2000年广西合浦建立最大肥鹅肝加工基地;四川鸭肉产量稳定增长 8%,居全国之首;带动了全国养殖水禽数量的发展。 2、目前工业水禽配合饲料占目前饲喂总饲料比例不足 35%,大部分养殖户自行配比水禽料,技术含量等远低于养鸡的水平,水禽工业饲料发展空间很大。 3、目前水禽配合饲料没有专业龙头企业,包括正大集团等大部分企业只是将肉鸡饲料场转产水禽饲料,专业化和技术水平等不高,研究技术和投入相对不足。 4、由于饲料玉米、小麦等原料上涨,猪、鸡等养殖获利减少;以及水禽主产区政府引导大力推广节粮畜牧业,促使农户发展鹅、牛、羊等节粮禽畜。 5、水禽养殖特点是杂食为主,能消化部分牧草以及水草等粗纤维。节约部分粮食,疫病少,便于农户管理等。 水禽主产区:上海、江苏、浙江、江西、安徽、福建、湖南、湖北、广东、四川等 10个省区,产量占全国 85%左右,年出栏 15亿只水禽产品。  相似文献   

1 数量及分布 广东省是水禽养殖大省,根据《2010年广东农村统计年鉴》统计,2009年全省鸭的饲养量2.95亿只,约占家禽数量的20%,比2008年增长2.8%;  相似文献   

1998年,福建省家禽业在市场疲软的情况下,仍然保持了良好的增长势头。全省家禽出栏18056.08万只,比1997年增长了10%。其中,水禽饲养量达到1.345亿只,比1997年增长了12.5%,水禽饲养总量排名全国第三,而按福建省人口3200万计,人均占有水禽数量达4.2只,当列全国之首。在水禽中,我省以鸭为主,占97.1%。据统计,1998年全省禽肉产量达到23.38万吨,其中鸭肉几乎占了一半,占47%。全省去年禽蛋总产量36.7052万吨,鸭蛋占45%与鸡蛋46.3%的份额基本持平。可以说,养鸭业撑起  相似文献   

我国养鹅业生产现状及需要解决的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鹅业生产及消费现状.我国是水禽生产大国,水禽产量占世界的60%以上,其中鹅的产量约占世界的86%。2001年我国鹅的饲养量达6.7亿只,比2000年上升了21%。江苏是我国鹅生产大省,年养鹅数量达到7000-9000万只,其中扬州市生产量1700万只,占江苏省的25%左右。第二生产大省是山东,全年生产鹅约5500万只,其次是四川、吉林、黑龙江、福建等省,年饲养鹅达到3000-4000万只。  相似文献   

A total of 162 individuals, belonging to three Burkinabé and one Niger sheep populations, were analysed for prion protein (PrP) gene polymorphism at codons 136, 154 and 171. The ARQ allele was the most frequent in both the Burkinabé (86.7%) and the Niger (67.5%) sheep populations. The highly sensitive allele VRQ was not found in the sampled individuals. The highly resistant ARR allele was in very low frequency in the Burkina-Sahel (4.4%) and Mossi (3.2%) populations and was not present in the Djallonké and Touareg populations. Only 4 out of 15 possible PrP genotypes were identified in the sampled individuals. No favourable ARR/ARR genotypes were found in either of the breeds. Sequencing a subgroup of the samples allowed the identification of other five polymorphisms on the PrP gene sequence at codons 116, 138, 151, 237 and 240. The very low frequency of the ARR allele in the West African sheep should dissuade the implementation of a preventive selection programme aimed to increase resistance to scrapie, to avoid an extreme erosion of the genetic stock.  相似文献   

目前,基因组选择(genomic selection,GS)技术已经在种猪育种中开展,但为获得较高的收益,还需研究一些应用策略,如确定仔猪基因分型个体比例和早期仔猪留种比例。本试验选择温氏集团出生于2011—2016年的大白种猪作为研究对象,共有超过4.5万条的生长测定记录,超过7万条繁殖记录,和2 090个个体的简化基因组测序(GBS)数据,其中,出生于2016年7~12月的440个体作为候选群体。研究性状包括两个生长性状(校正100 kg日龄和校正100 kg背膘厚)和一个繁殖性状(总产仔数)。为对比预测效果,在候选群体进行育种值预测时,按照是否利用其基因型或表型信息分为4种预测方案,比较不同方案的预测可靠性和个体选择指数的排名情况。结果显示,在预测候选群育种值时,利用其表型或基因型信息均比不利用时的预测结果更加可靠。对生长性状终测前、后进行基因组选择指数计算,发现,终测后指数排名前30%的个体都位于终测前指数排名前60%内。若仔猪出生后仅选择常规BLUP预测指数排名前60%的个体,会导致有接近15%的具有优秀潜力的个体被遗漏。本研究建议,对所有新生健康仔猪都进行基因分型并计算基因组选择指数,然后对指数排名靠前60%的个体进行性能测定。  相似文献   

At present, genomic selection (GS) has been applied in pigs breeding, but some implementation strategies, such as the determination of genotyping ratios or early selection rates for piglets, are required to obtain a higher benefit using this technology. The Large White pigs born from 2011 to 2016 at WENS Foodstuff Group Co.,Ltd were chose as the research objects, including more than 45 000 growth measurement records, more than 70 000 reproduction records and 2 090 individuals with genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) data. The 440 individuals born from July to December in 2016 were used as the candidate individuals. The traits included two growth traits, age at 100 kg and backfat thickness at 100 kg, and one reproduction trait, number of total born. To compare the prediction effects, four prediction scenarios were designed according to including or ignoring the phenotypic or genotypic information of candidate individuals when predicting their breeding values. The predictive reliability of different scenarios and rankings of selection indices of individuals would be compared. The results showed that the results using the phenotypic and genotypic information was more reliable than ignoring them to predict the breeding values of candidate individuals. When genomic selection indices were calculated before and after performances testing for the growth traits, the individuals ranking in the top 30% of indices after testing were all found in the individuals ranking in the top 60% of indices before testing. If the piglets with the top 60% of traditional BLUP indices were only selected, around 15% of individuals with good genetic potentials would be omitted. This study suggests that all healthy piglets after birth are genotyped and their genomic selection indices are calculated, and then the individuals ranking in the top 60% of indices are chose to perform growth measurement.  相似文献   

The aim of this analysis is to assess the genetic diversity in the black-coated Asturcón pony population using genealogical and molecular methods in order to ascertain the possible impact of the inclusion of the bay Asturcón individuals on the breed's recovery programme. Pedigree information registered in the studbook of the black-coated Asturcón (including a total of 1080 individuals) was analysed. Additionally, 261 blood samples from the black-coated Asturcón individuals were obtained and genotyped for 15 microsatellites. Furthermore, 58 blood samples were obtained and genotyped from bay Asturcón individuals in order to place the results within the context of an unselected population with no known genealogies. The results indicated high losses of genetic representation of founders in the present population of black-coated Asturcón ponies. Roughly 60% and 30% of the founder stallion and dam lines, respectively, are lost in the present population. Average inbreeding was 4.7%. The equivalent number of founders and equivalent number of ancestors were 18.1 and 13. The most relevant founders and ancestors identified belonged to the three major studs involved in the recovery of the breed. However, the results highlight the dependence of the breed on the management of the government-run Cayón stud, which has increased its genetic contribution to the breed over time from 35.6% to 50.1%. At a molecular level, genetic variability assessed in the black-coated Asturcón was lower than that observed in the bay Asturcón. Expected heterozygosity, FIS(m) and rarefacted average number of alleles per locus were 0.755 and 0.828, 4.1% and 1.3%, and 9.5 and 9.2, respectively, for the black-coated and bay Asturcón. The expected molecular coancestry in the black-coated Asturcón base population (Ef0) took a value of 0.229, which was near to the molecular coancestry computed in the bay Asturcón (0.231). Implications of the reported results in the recovery programme of the Asturcón pony breed are discussed.  相似文献   

The Gibbs sampling under a multitrait animal model was applied to detect the single gene affecting chicken performance traits and their pleiotropic actions as well as to estimate the heritability and correlations for these traits. A total of 14 823 individuals of a Rhode Island Red line (RIR) and 18 653 individuals of a Rhode Island White line (RIW) from six generations under long-term selection were recorded. Five performance traits were studied: initial egg production (IEP; until 38th week), egg production (until 54th week), egg weight at 33rd week (EW), age at first egg (AFE), and body weight at 20th week (BW). An analysis was based on the estimated marginal densities of the following parameters: frequencies, additive and dominance effects and variances and covariances (for single gene) as well as additive genetic and residual variances and respective covariances (for polygenes). An inference concerning the mixed inheritance model is performed by visualising the marginal posterior densities of major gene variance separately for all traits. The pleiotropic effect of single locus is expressed as the single gene correlation coefficient. It shows contributions of single genes to BW (10 and 15% of total variance for A22 and K44, respectively) and EW of K44 (9% of total variance). Moreover, a small positive pleiotropic single locus effect in line K44 was also registered. The polygenic heritability estimates obtained were low, except for EW and BW of both lines. Generally, the correlation estimates were in agreement with results reported in literature.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate association between GDF9 and BMP15 gene polymorphism and litter size in fat-tailed sheep, a total of 97 mature ewes from four breeds (Afshari=19; Baluchi=18; Makui=30 and Mehraban=30) were genotyped for the BMP15 HinfI and GDF9 HhaI polymorphisms by PCR-RFLP technique. The highest and lowest mutant allele frequencies were found in Makui (0.27) and Afshari (0.10) sheep for the BMP15 gene and in Afshari (0.24) and Mehraban (0.18) sheep for the GDF9 gene, respectively. Litter size was significantly influenced by genotype of the ewe for two genes (P < 0.01). Heterozygous genotypes for both loci showed higher litter size than homozygous genotypes (P < 0.01). None of the individuals carried homozygous genotype for both of the GDF9 and BMP15 variants in these breeds. The individuals carrying the mutant allele for one of the investigated candidate gene still showed fertile phenotype. Thus, existence of homozygosity at one of the BMP15 and GDF9 variant is not probably able to block normal hormonal pathway of reproduction in fat-tailed sheep.  相似文献   

马雄  马永生  马怀义  马正学 《草业科学》2011,28(12):2200-2202
2008-2010年连续3年7-9月,对天祝夏玛林区的蝶类进行了研究。采集到蝶类标本2 000余号,经鉴定整理出蝶类71种及亚种,隶属8科50属。其中粉蝶科有9属20种,占总种数的28.2%,为优势类群;蛱蝶科有15属15种,占总种数的21.1%,眼蝶科13属14种,占总种数的19.7%,为次优势类群;绢蝶科1属9种,占总种数的12.7%;灰蝶科8属8种,占总种数的11.3%,为常见类群;弄蝶科2属2种,占总种数的2.8%,凤蝶科1属2种,占总种数的2.8%,蚬蝶科1属1种,占总种数的1.4%,为罕见类群。单种属有43个,占总属的86%,包含的种占总种数的61%;多种属有7个,占总属的14%,包含的种有28种,占总种数的39%;属种比值系数为0.86。结果表明,该地区蝶类以单种属为主。  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):171-184
The composition and seasonal variability of a False Bay suprabenthic reef-fish assemblage was investigated monthly at a protected reef site (to a depth of 25 m) for 14 months. In total, 25 484 fish from 28 species (26 demersal) were counted. Sparids dominated the assemblage (50 % of species and 87.3 % of individuals), followed by cheilodactylids (15.4 % of species and 7.5 % of individuals). Pachymetopon blochii (30.6 %), Sarpa salpa (17.7 %), Boopsoidea inornata (16.1 %), Chrysoblephus laticeps (10.4 %) and Spondyliosoma emarginatum (9.2 %) were the five most abundant species, while the ten most abundant species made up over 93 % of censused individuals. Composition was relatively stable year round, irrespective of water temperature variations, with 16 of the 26 reef-fish species censused encountered during more than 10 monthly censuses. Triakus megalopterus and large Chrysoblephus gibbiceps were the only species whose abundance appeared to vary seasonally.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to detect the presence of Neospora caninum in tissues from wild rodents associated with dairy farms in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Individuals from Mus musculus, Rattus novergicus and Spermophilus variegatus were caught in dairy farms with history of positive status to N. caninum. A total of 33 rodents were caught from which samples were taken of brain, spinal cord, liver and heart and were tested with nested PCR and Immunohistochemistry (IHC). Results obtained with PCR showed that M. musculus had 77% (10/13) positive samples to N. caninum, S. variegatus had 71% (10/14) and R. novergicus had 50% (3/6). The results obtained with IHC showed that 15% (2/13) of M. musculus individuals were positive, while 43% (6/14) of S. variegatus and 33% (2/6) R. novergicus were also positive. This is the first report of the presence of N. caninum in S. variegatus.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the mechanism by which nitrogen (N) availability is improved by fructo‐oligosaccharide (FOS) in guinea pigs. Adult male guinea pigs were fed a commercial pellet diet (50 g/day) with either 5% glucose or 5% FOS for 7 days in individual metabolism cages. After 7 days of feeding the diet, 15N‐urea was administered intravenously 1 h before slaughter under anesthesia. The amount and concentration of total, protein, bacterial, ammonia and urea N and the 15N atom % excess were measured in blood, liver, gut contents and urine. The 15N atom % excess of total and protein N, and the amount of total, protein and bacteria N and 15N in the cecum were significantly increased by the consumption of FOS. Furthermore, the concentration and amount of short‐chain fatty acids were significantly increased by the consumption of FOS. In contrast, the amount of urinary 15N was significantly decreased by the consumption of FOS. These results suggest that consumption of FOS increases transfer of blood urea N into the large intestine for bacterial N synthesis, which is subsequently re‐absorbed by cecotrophy, and contributes to the increase of N utilization in guinea pigs.  相似文献   

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