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浙江省丽水不同前茬杉木林土壤性质与林木生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重点论述浙江省丽水地区花岗岩立地条件下不同前茬的杉木林的土壤性质变化及其与林木生长的关系。研究结果表明 ,前茬是马尾松、阔叶树和灌丛的杉木生长量均比连茬杉木林高 ,树龄 5a之后 ,差异十分显著。在不同前茬的杉木林土壤中细菌、真菌和固氮菌数量以连茬杉木林土壤最低 ,只是放线菌数量并不低 ;和其他不同前茬的杉木林土壤相比 ,连茬杉木林土壤中转化酶活性和脲酶活性较低 ,连茬杉木林土壤速效磷含量明显低于其他不同前茬杉木林样地土壤 ,Ca2 、Mg2 含量也有类似的规律。逐步回归分析结果显示 ,不同前茬杉木林土壤转化酶活性、速效氮、速效钾及Mg2 含量与林木生长呈正相关 ,有机质、脲酶及过氧化氢酶活性与林木生长呈负相关  相似文献   

【目的】探讨杉木 [Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb. ) Hook] 林物质生产中养分利用特征,为其人工林经营管理提供科学依据。【方法】本研究在湖南会同杉木林生态系统研究站 (国家野外科学观测研究站) 进行。供试林分7年生时,在林内设立了4 块固定观测样地,并在林分7、11、16、20、25年生5个林龄时,测定林分生物量,测定树木中K、Ca、Mg、N和P含量。根据枝叶枯死前后养分浓度差异和枝叶枯死量,估算枝叶枯死前的养分转移量。用某林龄段首尾两次测定的养分浓度差值,估算某林龄段以前生长且在该林龄段仍存活的生物质中新补充或转移出的养分量。将这些养分与从土壤吸收的养分结合一起,综合分析林分物质生产中的养分利用特征。【结果】林分物质生产利用的总养分中,土壤养分比例占79.3%~96.5%,随林龄增加持续下降;枝叶枯死前转移的养分占3.52%~17.6%,随林龄增加持续上升;林分12年生后,积累在某林龄段开始前林分生产的,在某林龄段结朿时仍存活的器官物质中迁移出的养分再利用占3.11%~3.40%,随林龄增加呈下降趋势,但变化幅度不大。树干高生长阶段以前,养分利用效率随林龄增加而下降,进入树干高生长阶段以后,养分利用效率随林龄增加而上升。【结论】林分用于物质生产的养分来自土壤、枝叶枯死前转移和植物活组织转移3个方面的养分。只要有枝叶枯死发生,枝叶枯死前就有养分迁移出来用于物质再生产。只有杉木林郁闭后,才发生某林龄段以前林分生产的,且在该林龄段仍存活的生物质中有部分养分被迁移出来再利用。林分养分利用的年变化受不同生长阶段对养分需求量的制约,同时杉木体内养分再分配及贮备机制、杉木生长规律和不同生育阶段对养分的利用效率等共同调控着养分利用过程。  相似文献   

皆伐对杉木林土壤养分的短期影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对杉木林刚皆伐和皆伐半年后的土壤剖面的pH值、有机质、水解性氮、速效磷和速效钾含量进行了分析,目的在于为杉木人工林的更新和维护地力的机制提供依据.与刚皆伐各土层的土壤相比,皆伐半年后相应土层的土壤pH值均有所下降,土壤有机质及除土层0-5 cm外的速效磷和速效钾含量均有所增加,而水解性氮含量在一些土层增加,在其它土层中下降.  相似文献   

不同氮素形态对干旱胁迫杉木幼苗养分吸收及分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】干旱胁迫是限制植物生长的重要非生物因素之一,而适宜的氮素营养可以提高植物的抗旱性。本文探讨了供应不同形态氮源对干旱条件下杉木[Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook]幼苗养分吸收及分配的影响。【方法】采用水培试验,供试杉木材料为2个无性系幼苗(7–14号和8–8号),在营养液中添加10%(w/v)PEG-6000进行干旱胁迫。营养液中的氮源处理包括硝态氮、铵态氮、硝铵混合氮,氮素浓度均为4.571mmol/L,每个品种均设6个处理。培养20天后,测定了杉木幼苗根、茎、叶的养分含量及生物量。【结果】与正常水分供应相比较,干旱胁迫条件下供应铵态氮可促进叶片N、K以及茎叶P、K的吸收,供应混合氮可促进根部K的吸收;供应铵态氮可促进根、茎对Ca的吸收,对叶片Ca无明显作用。干旱胁迫对根部Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn吸收量影响显著,氮素供应不同程度地降低了干旱胁迫下各器官Mg、Fe、Mn和Cu吸收量,表现为抑制吸收,但添加铵态氮比硝态氮的降低幅度小。3个氮源处理均降低了干旱条件下根部Zn吸收量,但没有降低甚至增加了茎、叶中Zn的吸收量,说明氮营养可调节Zn在各器官间的分配,缓解干旱导致的缺锌现象。不同器官之间各养分吸收量差异显著,3个氮源处理中,N和P吸收量表现为叶>根>茎,K和Ca为叶>茎>根,Fe、Cu为根>叶>茎,Mg、Mn和Zn在各器官之间的分配规律不一。铵态氮吸收量均表现为叶>根>茎,且各器官铵态氮吸收量显著高于硝态氮,说明杉木具有明显的喜铵特性。【结论】在干旱胁迫下,氮素供应形态显著影响杉木幼苗对养分的吸收及在各器官中的分配,作用效果因家系品种和元素种类而异。总体来讲,铵态氮提高干旱胁迫下杉木幼苗养分吸收的效果好于硝态氮,杉木可以认为是喜铵植物。  相似文献   

研究结果表明 :13年生刺槐林的总生物量为 2 4 16 5 .4 8kg/hm2 ;刺槐林 5种养分元素贮存量为 4 39.76 8kg/hm2 ,各器官中不同养分元素的含量差异较大 ,不同器官中 5种养分元素贮存量大小排序结果是树干 >叶 >枝 >根。若以各养分元素的贮存量来计 ,N的贮存量为 16 4 .92 2 kg/hm2 ,P的贮存量为 9.371kg/hm2 ,K的贮存量为 31.814 kg/hm2 ,Ca的贮存量为 2 2 5 .35 3kg/hm2 ,Mg的贮存量为 17.5 76 kg/hm2 ;刺槐林生态系统乔木层每年从土壤中吸收的 5种养分元素量为 15 7.310 kg/hm2 ,吸收量占土层 5种养分元素总量的 0 .2 2 % ,占土层有效养分含量的 2 .18% ,吸收量中存留量为 2 3.84 2 kg/hm2 ,归还量为 133.4 6 8kg/hm2 ,加上雨水输入到森林生态系统的养分元素量 ,则刺槐林生态系统的养分元素归还量略大于吸收量。  相似文献   

长期不同施肥措施下红壤稻田的养分循环与平衡   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
吴晓晨  李忠佩  张桃林 《土壤》2009,41(3):377-383
红壤丘陵地区荒地或旱地开垦为水田不仅可以治理土壤侵蚀,而且能增加土壤肥力,提高农田生产力.本文分析了长期不同施肥措施下垦自红壤荒地的稻田 2004-2007 年的养分循环和平衡特征及变化.结果表明:不同垦殖年限施肥措施对水稻产量的影响基本不变,都是 NPK+有机质循环 (8589 kg/hm2) > NPK (7804 kg/hm2) > N+有机质循环 (6626 kg/hm2) >有机质循环 (4525 kg/hm2) >无肥区 (2707 kg/hm2),且随着垦殖年限增加,不同施肥措施间产量差异有增大趋势.P 是中低肥力红壤稻田的主要限制因子,不施 P 肥对早稻产量的影响高于晚稻.有机物循环可以提高系统养分的再循环率,循环及循环配施化肥处理的养分都有盈余,单施化肥则会导致养分亏缺.高产稻田生态系统 N 素输入主要依靠化学 N 肥,有机肥是重要的 P 素资源,秸秆还田对于稻田 K 平衡有重要作用.  相似文献   

对龙胜里骆成熟杉木林群落草灌层氮、磷、钾、钙、镁5种营养元素循环的研究结果表明,草灌层5元素的最大积累量179.6kg/ha;年存留量142.1kg/ha.a;总归还量25.3kg/ha.a;吸收量167.4kg/ha.a。此外,还分析了枯叶分解失重变化及其养分元素的释放过程;植物营养元素的含量、积累和分布等。  相似文献   

不同坡位杉木林土壤碳储量研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过实地调查取样和室内实验测定,比较了上坡和下坡杉木的土壤碳库及其垂直分布差异,研究了坡位对杉木人工林固碳功能的影响。结果表明,杉木上坡和下坡的枯枝落叶层有机碳贮量分别为0.9和1.1t/hm2,坡下的枯枝落叶层有机碳贮量较坡上高出32%。坡上和坡下的土壤有机碳贮量分别为149.9和174.2t/hm2,且表层(0-40cm)碳贮量分别占整个碳贮量(0-100cm)的55%和56%。上坡和下坡的土壤有机碳含量和贮量随土层深度的加深而递减,各土层的有机碳含量和贮量均表现为下坡高于上坡。  相似文献   

黑龙江省农田养分循环与平衡状况的初步探讨   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
王英 《土壤通报》2002,33(4):268-271
本文对黑龙江省 1977~ 1997年农田生态系统中氮、磷、钾三要素输入输出及其平衡状况、土壤养分变化状况进行了研究 ;分析了农田养分循环与平衡的变化趋势 ,提出了黑龙江省土壤实行稳氮减磷补钾的施肥措施  相似文献   

水稻生产不同栽植方式的比较试验   总被引:22,自引:9,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
机械化种植是制约珠江三角洲地区乃至全国水稻生产机械化的瓶颈之一。为探索不同栽植方式对水稻生产的影响,对人工直播与机械直播、人工插秧与机械插秧、人工抛秧等不同栽植方式进行了比较试验。试验结果表明,在珠江三角洲地区相同条件下,不同栽植方式的产量差异不大;机械栽植能确保稳产,与手工栽植方式相比不减产,并能减少成本、增加工效;机械直播是当前实现“两高一优”农业,促进农业生产“节本增效”的一种重要栽植方式。  相似文献   

不同种类中国杉对土壤养分状况的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of different types of Chinese fir stand,including those with varous composition (pure and mixed),in various cropping systems (first and continuous cropping system)and at different ages,on the nutrient status of soils the hilly regions of southern Anhui Province were studied by means of ecological sequential comparison on the basis of similar climate and soil type.The work was carried out in the Xiaoxi Forest Farm of Jingxian County and the Caijiaqiao Forest Farm of Jingde Coundy,where the soil is parayellow soil derived from phyllite and sandstone,The results revealed that with the increase of age,Chinese fir pure stand could accumulate organic matter and nitrogen in the soil but it resulted in decreasing of soil pH and base ions(especially Ca^2 ) compared to its mixed stand with broad-leaf trees such as Chinese sassafras,In order to improve the soil fertility,It would be better to mix Chinese fir with broad-leaf trees when afforestation In the management of Chinese fir pure stand,base compounds and phosphates should be added to the soil for mintaining soil fertility and raising and raising forest productivity.  相似文献   

A Chinese fir forest(Cunninghamia lanceolata,CF) and an evergreen broadleaved forest(EB) located in Fujian Province,southeastern China,were examined following slash burning to compare nutrient capital and topsoil properties with pre-burn levels.After fire,nutrient(N,P and K) removal from burining rsidues was estimated at 302.5kg ha^-1 in the CF and 644.8kg ha^-1 in the EB.Fire reduced the topsoil capitals of total N and P by about 20% and 10%,respectively,in both forests,while K capital was incresed in the topsoils of both forests following fire.Total site nutrient loss through surface erosion was 28.4kg(N) ha^-1 ,84.kg(P)ha^-1 and 328.7kg(K) ha^-1 in the CF.In the EB,the losses of total N,P and K were 58.5,10.5 and 396.3kg ha^-1,respectively,Improvement of soil structure and increase in mineralization of nutrients associated with increasesd microbe number and enzyme acitvityes and elecvated soil respiration occurred 5 day after fire.Howerver,organic matter and available nutrient contents and most of other soil parameters declined ont year after fire on the burned CF and EB topsoils.These rsults suggest that short-tmerm site productivity can be stimulated immediately.but reduced subsequently by soil and water losses,especially in south China,where high-intensity precipitation,steep slopes and fragile soil can be expected,Therefore,the silvicultural measurements should be developed in plantation management.  相似文献   

连栽对杉木人工林碳贮量的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
选择不同栽植代数(1、23、代)、不同发育阶段(幼龄林、中龄林和成熟林)的杉木人工林进行不同栽植代数杉木林含C率、C贮量和年净固C量比较研究结果表明,不同栽植代数杉木林的含C率在45%~55%之间,不同代数间差异不明显,同一栽植代数相同发育阶段杉木林乔木层各器官含C率表现为皮>叶>干>根>枝。随栽植代数增加,杉木林C贮量和年净固C量明显降低,但不同发育阶段杉木林代数间差异程度不同,中龄林代数间差异最明显,与1代中龄林相比,2、3代杉木林C贮量分别下降16.98%和63.60%,年净固C量分别下降14.01%和25.14%。  相似文献   

(Jpn. J. Soil Sci.Plant Nutr., 77, 299–306, 2006)

The effects of Collembola (Folsomia candida Willem) on nutrient cycling, microbial biomass, and soil respiration were studied using intact soil microcosms. Intact soil microcosms (dia. 10·6 cm and depth 15 cm) were taken from pine forest soil, and were divided into four treatments · the unmanipulated control and three Collembolan manipulations in which microcosms were defaunated by deep-freezing, and then F. candida were introduced at three densities (0, 50, 100 per microcosm). The microcosms were incubated on forest floor with a roof. At 3- to 4-week intervals the microcosms were irrigated with deionized water for analyses of nutrients (Na+, K+, NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl?, NO3?, SO42?) in the leachate. Soil respiration was measured using an infrared gas analyser. After 13 and 34 weeks of exposure, microcosms were destructively sampled. Collembola did not significantly affect microbial biomass C, N, and P nor soil respiration. Because the experiment was started in winter, nutrient leaching increased from spring to summer with increasing microbial activity. At the end of the experiment, leached nitrate from microcosms was significantly different between the 0 and 50 Collembolan treatments. Total established Collembolan biomass was under 4% of the soil microbial biomass in the microcosms, while manipulation of Collembola affected soil nitrogen dynamics at high microbial and collembolan activity.  相似文献   

杉木根系对不同磷斑块浓度与异质分布的阶段性响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】对杉木根系在异质供磷(P)条件下的觅磷行为进行动态监测,探讨磷斑块的浓度与其异质分布对杉木根系觅磷行为的影响。【方法】以福建漳平五一国有林场的半同胞杉木家系为试验材料,利用垂直异质供磷装置,设置KH2PO4 0 mg/kg(缺磷,P0)、4 mg/kg(低磷,P4)、16 mg/kg(正常供磷,P16)和30 mg/kg(高磷,P30)4个磷浓度斑块,将其按照不同顺序垂直排列构建异质供磷处理。在生长50、100、150 d时,进行3次破坏性取样,测定不同阶段不同异质供磷处理下杉木根系形态、生物量及觅磷效率的变化,进行杉木根系生长及觅磷行为的动态观测。【结果】杉木根系表现出阶段性的觅磷策略: 1)当杉木根系处于表层缺磷或低磷斑块时,通过根系的增生向供磷量更高的斑块觅磷,根系增生促进了缺磷或低磷斑块根系的干物质积累,但其根系含磷量较低; 至处理中期,表层缺磷处理的根系从缺磷斑块生长至低磷斑块后,杉木根系受低磷胁迫持续大量增生; 而当表层低磷处理的根系从低磷斑块生长至高磷斑块后,根系在高磷斑块内大量增生,且促进了根系磷养分的吸收及干物质的积累; 处理末期,当高磷斑块置于最底层时,其斑块内的根系生长量、 干物质积累量及根系含磷量均明显较大。2)当杉木根系处在表层高磷斑块时,根系初期仅在供磷量较高的表层生长,其根系生长量与干物质积累量均低于表层供磷量较低的处理,但其根系含磷量却显著大于表层供磷量较低的处理; 处理中期及末期,表层的根系生长量、 干物质积累量及根系含磷量均显著大于其他层次,且表层充足供磷处理的根系向地生长速度最快。【结论】异质供磷条件下,当杉木根系处在缺磷或低磷斑块时,主要通过根系的大量增生来寻觅磷养分; 当杉木根系处在高磷斑块时,在初期致力于斑块磷养分的吸收之后,表层根系大量增生,且根系的磷养分吸收和干物质积累显著大于其他层次,同时提高根系向地生长速度。  相似文献   

杉木人工林地力衰退与可持续经营   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
根据近20年来杉木人工林地力 衰退的研究资料,对杉木人工林地力衰退的外在表现形式和内在机理进行综述和分析。并从杉木树种本身特性和杉木传统的栽培制度等方面提出杉木人工林地力维护的途径和技术,为杉木人工林可持续经营提供科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

中国杉连作对土壤肥力的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The changes in soil fertility under continuous plantation of Chinese fir were studied by comparing soil samples from different forest stands:the first and second plantations of Chinese fir,evergreen broad-leaved forests,and clear-cut and burnt Chinese fir land located at Xihou Village,Nanping of Fujian Province.The soils were humic red soil originated from weathered coarse granite of the Presinian system.Soil pH,CEC,base saturation ,exchangeable Ca^2 ,exchangeable Mg^2 and A1-P declined after continuous plantation of Chinese fir.The same trends were also found in the soils under broad-leaved stands and slash burnt lands.The explantation was that not merely the biological nature of the Chinese fir itself but the natural leaching of nutrients,soil erosion and nutrient losses due to clear cutting and slash burning of the preceduing plantation caused the soil deterioration .Only some of main soil nutrients decreased after continuous plantation of Chinese fir,depending on specific silvicultural system,which was different from the conclusions in some other reports which showed that all main nutrients,such as OM,total N,available P and available K decreased,Some neccessary step to make up for the lost base,to apply P fertilizer and to avoid buring on clear cut lands could be taken to prevent soil degradation and yield decline in the system of continuous plantation of Chinese fir.  相似文献   

长期有机养分循环利用对红壤稻田土壤供氮能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过15年的田间定位试验结合盆栽试验,研究了长期有机养分循环利用和不同化肥配施对红壤稻田土壤供氮能力的影响。结果表明,土壤有机碳、全氮、微生物生物量氮(MB-N)和土壤氮的矿化量与生物吸氮量有极显著的正相关关系,是良好的土壤供氮能力指标。长期有机养分循环利用或配合化肥施用能显著提高土壤有机碳、全氮含量和氮的矿化量,提高幅度分别为20.1%4~0.9%、0.460~.60.g/kg和55.0%(6周);明显提高土壤MB-N含量,提高幅度平均为70.3%。长期纯化肥处理对土壤碳、氮库的积累和氮的矿化量的提高作用甚微。盆栽试验表明,长期施用氮肥和氮、磷、钾肥土壤供氮量提高量极小,与长期不施肥相比提高幅度分别为2.1%和6.2%,而有机养分循环利用能显著提高土壤供氮量,提高幅度为33.7%8~9.0%。随着有机养分循环利用和NPK肥配合程度的提高,土壤供氮量提高幅度呈上升的趋势。  相似文献   

Cycling of nutrients, including nitrogen and phosphorus, is one of the ecosystem services we expect agricultural soils to deliver. Nutrient cycling incorporates the reuse of agricultural, industrial and municipal organic residues that, misleadingly, are often referred to as ‘wastes’. The present review disentangles the processes underlying the cycling of nutrients to better understand which soil properties determine the performance of that function. Four processes are identified (i) the capacity to receive nutrients, (ii) the capacity to make and keep nutrients available to crops, (iii) the capacity to support the uptake of nutrients by crops and (iv) the capacity to support their successful removal in harvested crop. Soil properties matter but it is imperative that, as constituents of ‘soil quality’, they should be evaluated in the context of management options and climate and not as ends in their own right. The effect of a soil property may vary depending on the prevailing climatic and hydrologic conditions and on other soil properties. We recognize that individual soil properties may be enhancing one of the processes underlying the cycling of nutrients but simultaneously weakening others. Competing demands on soil properties are even more obvious when considering other soil functions such as primary production, purification and flow regulation of water, climate modification and habitat provision, as shown by examples. Consequently, evaluations of soil properties and management actions need to be site‐specific, taking account of local aspects of their suitability and potential challenges.  相似文献   

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