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对兽医无针注射器的喷射冲击力进行测量,从而得出喷射压力,是兽医无针注射器注射参数测量的一个重要部分。通过选择传感器和数据采集卡等硬件,设计制作夹具工装,设计Lab VIEW数据采集程序,搭建了兽医无针注射器喷射冲击力测试系统。对某兽医无针注射器喷射冲击力进行了实际测试。  相似文献   

<正>传统的有针注射器易损坏,使用时劳动强度大,给猪群注射疫苗过程中容易造成交叉感染。无针注射器是借助高压射流透过皮层将药物注射动物体内,具有药液吸收效果好、防止交叉感染、防止针头断裂、提高肉品质量、减少动物保定、提高注射效率等优点,在畜牧养殖行业中得到越来越多的广  相似文献   

<正>皮下注射是疫苗接种的常用方法,因为皮肤内有丰富的抗原细胞有助于刺激免疫反应,同时皮肤也构成了环境病原体进入机体的主要物理屏障。尽管有很多皮下注射疫苗的方法,但在猪身上,无针头喷射式注射器无疑是应用最广泛的(见图1)。使用无针头喷射注射器可进行疫苗免疫所需疫苗剂量约0.2 mL的小体积操作。使用无针头喷射注射器在皮下接种疫苗有许多好处,特别是在不使用针头的情况下,例如:可消除断针头和损坏动物皮肤的可能性,还可以避免工作人员操作中发生意外伤害。同时还降低了病毒性疾病传播  相似文献   

正皮下注射是疫苗接种的常用方法,因为皮肤内有丰富的抗原细胞有助于刺激免疫反应,同时皮肤也构成了环境病原体进入机体的主要物理屏障。尽管有很多皮下注射疫苗的方法,但在猪身上,无针头喷射式注射器无疑是应用最广泛的(见图1)。使用无针头喷射注射器可进行疫苗免疫所需疫苗剂量约0.2 mL的小体积操作。使用无针头喷射注射器在皮下接种疫苗有许多好处,特别是在不使用针头的情况下,例如:可消除断针头和损坏动物皮肤的可能性,还可以避免工作人员操作中发生意外伤害。同时还降低了病毒性疾病传播  相似文献   

吹管注射是动物园常用的注射方法之一,可在一定距离内用于动物的化学保定和各种哺乳动物的药物治疗。其设备简单,使用安全,深受国内外兽医的欢迎。吹管注射,目前所用注射器由两个普通塑料注射器粘合而成,前端为一带护翼针嘴,护翼呈螺旋结构,可使针头固定,防止针嘴折断。针管内有两个由原注射器活塞去掉推动杆制成的活塞,可用于装药物和注入气体。所用针头为一侧孔进药的针头,装针头前侧孔被橡胶套管封闭。这特殊注射器后端的充气活塞为人工削制而成,利用管壁与活塞之间的空隙充入气体,但同时也容易封闭不严,造成漏气。现对活塞…  相似文献   

无针注射器作为一种取代传统有针玻璃/金属注射器的新型药物输送方式有悠久的历史,最初无针注射器较多用于注射胰岛素、干扰素、麻醉剂等药物,减少病人的痛苦和交叉感染的机会。1992年美国FDA(食品药品监督管理局)批准无针注射胰岛素。加拿大、美国较早开展兽医无针注射器的研究,据报道美国有近80%的大型养殖场在使用无针注射器,代表性公司有美国的Pulse公司和加拿大的Agro-jet公司。但是进口无针注射器价格昂贵,操作繁琐,使用疫苗类型受限制等一系列的问题也限制了它的推广使用。非洲猪瘟催生了一系列养殖技术的变革,注射疫苗作为猪场生物安全必不可少的防线,减少交叉感染势在必行,无针注射器又提上议事日程。国内已经出现了4~6家国产无针注射器厂家,针对进口无针注射器太重、操作时噪音太大、不能注射油佐剂疫苗等缺点进行了攻关和技术革新。据报道,无针注射胰岛素可以减少30%剂量;默沙东在美国使用IDAL无针注射器免疫圆环-支原体二联苗,只需要0.2 mL每头份;在动物上也发现了类似效果。为了验证动物使用无针注射疫苗的减量效果,本文针对猪圆环灭活疫苗减量免疫仔猪进行了对比研究,对不同剂量仔猪的免疫效果进行了评价,确定了用无针注射器免疫猪圆环灭活疫苗最佳免疫剂量。  相似文献   

1肌肉注射法大家畜及猪、羊等动物注射部位选择臀部和颈侧。犬、猫等小动物选择腰部肌肉,即脊柱两边的肌肉。但注射菌苗和疫苗时,规定的注射部位为后肢肌肉。禽在翅根内侧肌肉、胸部肌肉和腿部肌肉进行注射。大家畜及猪、羊等动物经保定确实后,注射部剪毛、消毒,宠物可将注射部被毛分开后消毒。右手持连接针头的注射器,将针头刺入肌肉内,回抽注射器针拴,针头无回血时,将药液注入肌肉内。  相似文献   

兽医无针注射器研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
概述兽医无针注射器原理及兽医无针注射系统的研究内容,介绍其在兽医领域的主要应用情况及与传统注射器使用情况的效果比较,对进一步开展兽医无针注射器研究,确定产品的关键指标和制定相关行业标准具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

设计一种动力装载装置与注射装置分离的无针注射器,供规模猪场应用。该疫苗注射系统对注射深度的影响主要是源于以下几个方面:微孔(喷孔)直径、药物注射剂量、安瓿(活塞)直径、安瓿与微孔内壁的表面粗糙度、冲撞间隙、推动力等。在给定确定参数的情况下,通过实验确定推动力以及冲撞间隙的大小对射流喷射的最大滞止压强的影响,最后根据实验参数设计出一种适用于猪疫苗注射的分体式无针注射系统,并且通过猪活体实验确定其与注射深度之间的关系。  相似文献   

<正>充电式无针头连续注射器自问世以来,此项具有划时代意义的技术受到了空前关注,引导了动物免疫注射技术的发展方向。今天我们就以加拿大AcuShot公司的充电式无针头注射器为例展开分析,探讨无针头注射器与传统注射器的区别以及在实际应用中的操作。  相似文献   

Lateral transmission of blood-borne diseases can occur when a single needle is used repeatedly to vaccinate livestock. Needle-free technology to vaccinate sheep without damaging the carcass, causing lesions, or leaving needle fragments, and eliciting a similar antibody response as traditional needle vaccinations, has been hampered due to variable wool length. Vaccine delivery, injection time, and antibody response were evaluated for a prototype pneumatically powered, needle-free injector and for traditional needle injections. To determine optimal pressure for vaccine delivery with the pneumatic, needle-free injector, two 8-mo-old wethers were injected at pressures from 207 to 414 kPa in increments of 69 kPa. Injection time and antibody responses were evaluated using one hundred 8-mo-old wethers given primary and secondary inoculations of ovalbumin. Serum samples were collected before and after the inoculations on d 0, 14, 28, and 42. Optimal pressure to deliver a s.c. inoculation with the pneumatic, needle-free injector was 207 to 276 pKa. Inoculation of 100 wethers required 60% less time with the pneumatic, needle-free injector than with needle injections when a new needle was used on every animal. Antibody titers were the same (P > 0.12) for the pneumatic, needle-free and the needle injections on d 14, 28, and 42. In addition, antibody titers increased after primary and secondary inoculations, as expected. This study indicated that a pneumatic, needle-free injector can be used to elicit the same antibody response in sheep as a needle injection, and the pneumatic, needle-free injector was faster. The pneumatic, needle-free injector also would be expected to reduce lateral transmission of blood-borne diseases, and will save time, eliminate biohazard waste (e.g., used needles), and eliminate accidental needle sticks for livestock handlers when vaccinating sheep.  相似文献   

近年来我国兽用化学药品发展迅速,兽用注射剂药物品种规格不断增加.兽药规格是兽药标准规定的内容之一,它与兽药的研究、生产、使用、质量检验等密切相关.兽用注射剂规格对兽药有效性、安全性和经济性等有直接关系.因此,兽用注射剂规格的确定、增加或改变必须严格管理,综合慎重考虑兽药典要求、注册要求、生产要求等,确保兽用注射剂药物的...  相似文献   

分析和总结了目前在兽医临床上应用越来越多的中兽药注射剂与其他兽用注射剂的配伍问题,提出一些可供兽医临床工作者在应用中兽药注射剂时的参考建议,为兽医工作者临床合理用药提供技术指导。  相似文献   

皮内注射作为一种常用的兽医注射方法,在动物临床疾病治疗和预防接种上具有广泛的应用途径,是构成动物疫病诊疗与处置体系的重要组成部分。但在实际兽医诊疗活动中,受牛真皮层厚、保定难度大、可供皮下注射的区域小等因素的制约,皮内注射成为了制约兽医临床诊疗效果的瓶颈。为此本文就牛皮肤的特点进行分析,从皮内注射的角度,提出了规范牛皮内注射的操作要点与方法要领,从根本上提高疫苗接种、药剂注射效果提供一定的技术参考和思路借鉴。  相似文献   

The Use of Trypanocides and Antibiotics by Maasai Pastoralists   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Information was collected on the use of veterinary drugs by Maasai pastoralists in an area of Kenya where tsetse flies and trypanosomosis occur. Three herds of cattle were followed for between 4 and 5 years and records were kept of every veterinary drug treatment given by the livestock owners. Almost all treatments were either with the trypanocides homidium or diminazene, or with oxytetracycline by intramuscular injection. The rate of trypanocide use varied between 0.66 and 1.56 treatments per animal per year, while oxytetracycline use was between 0.20 and 1.00 treatments per animal per year. Farmers were injecting these drugs in the absence of veterinary supervision, obtaining their supplies mainly from local village shops or informal traders. Underdosing with trypanocides appeared to be uncommon and the indications were that farmers generally gave the drugs at dosage rates above the recommended standard dose. Accurate information on the dose rates of oxytetracycline could not be obtained, but it was noted that in most cases farmers gave a single injection rather than a course of treatment. In a proportion of cases, trypanocides and antibiotics were mixed together before injection. The farmers administered the drugs when disease was recognized and were rarely using trypanocides as prophylactics. Although necessity forces the livestock owners to obtain and use these drugs without veterinary supervision, there are concerns with regard to the possibility of drug misuse and the development of drug resistance.  相似文献   

采用甘油甲缩醛、二甲基乙酰胺、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮K30三种有机溶媒为主,经特殊制备工艺制成长效土霉素注射液样品,在前期获得满意的刺激性试验与临床治疗效果基础上,进行了为期两年的常温条件下制剂含量、外观色泽、澄明度、pH值、鉴别反应等质量指标试验观察,为药品的生产制造提供理论依据。结果表明:不同有机溶媒配比样品的稳定性均好,符合进口兽药质量标准要求,但以甘油甲缩醛、二甲基乙酰胺和注射用水溶媒联合使用,制剂成本最低。  相似文献   

Multi-dose vaccinators have been in use for many years to vaccinate livestock. A number of needle-free vaccinators that use compressed gas to drive the vaccine through intact skin have been recently introduced to the market. We recently examined the efficacy of a needle-free vaccinator to induce antibodies to tetanus toxoid in sheep. The result indicates that needle-free vaccination can stimulate antibody responses comparable to conventional needle vaccination.  相似文献   

This study compared needle-free and needle-based injection devices for vaccination of calves against Clostridium chauvoei in warm and cold conditions. Both devices elicited comparable antibody responses in calves. Needle-free injection devices can be used to vaccinate calves provided appropriate precautions are taken in cold weather.  相似文献   

Our goal was to investigate the effect of contrast medium injection duration on pulmonary artery peak enhancement and time to peak enhancement. Fourteen dogs were allocated into one of seven predefined weight categories, each category contained two dogs. Dogs in each weight category were assigned to group A or B. Animals in each group received a different contrast medium injection protocol. In group A, a fixed injection rate of 5 ml/s was used. In group B, the contrast injection rate was calculated as follows: flow rate=contrast volume/scan duration+10 s. Time to peak enhancement and peak enhancement of the main left and right pulmonary arteries were measured on single‐level, dynamic CT images for a fixed time of 30 s. Rank correlation (Spearman's) coefficients between injection duration and time to peak enhancement and between body weight and peak enhancement were calculated. For group A, there was a significant negative correlation between peak enhancement and weight (r=?0.94; P=0.005), while for group B, there was no significant correlation (r=?0.64 and P=0.18). There was a significant correlation between time to peak enhancement and injection duration in both groups (group A: r=0.99; P=0.006 and group B: r=0.85; P=0.02). In conclusion, injection duration is a key feature in a CT angiography injection protocol. A protocol with an injection duration adjusted to the scan duration seems to be particularly suitable for veterinary applications where a population with great weight variability is studied.  相似文献   

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