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在水产养殖生产中,养殖效益的高低,饵料系数是关键因素之一.在当前海、淡水产品的养殖过程中,饵料的费用约占养殖成本的70%以上.因此,饵料的正确使用及效果,将在水产品养殖的过程中起到举足轻重的作用.只有充分发挥饵料效用,降低使用饵料的成本,以较低的饵料系数取得较高的产量,才能取得良好的经济效益.现将降低饵料系数的关键技术介绍如下:  相似文献   

对虾饵料水中稳定性及其测定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟毓秀  于东祥 《海洋渔业》1996,18(3):128-129,127
对虾饵料的水中稳定性,是衡量对虾饵料质量的一个重要指标,它直接关系到对虾的喂养效果,在一定程度上关系到饵料的饲料系数,甚至关系到对虾的正常生存。对虾饵料的水中稳定性差,会增加饵料的需要量,影响养殖对虾的效益以及养殖水质的污染,使养殖水域富营养化,造成水质污染。几年来,  相似文献   

许多肉食性及偏肉食性的养殖鱼类,在野生条件下以其它杂鱼为食,人工养殖时仍然保留着摄食饵料鱼及饵料酋制品的特别偏好,灵活利用饵料鱼是饲养这些肉食性或偏肉食性鱼类的理想方法,也是解决其动物性饵料问题的重要途径。饵料鱼的选择利用多以成本低廉、养殖有利为原则,可选作饵料鱼的对象有:①野杂鱼,野来鱼在养殖水体中与养殖鱼类争夺饵料与溶氧,可通过拉网或诱捕等方法捕获,饲喂肉食性鱼类,这是一种变害为利的利用方法。②养殖鱼类自行繁殖的鱼苗,如罗非鱼等,在养殖时大量繁殖,难以控制,对成鱼养殖不利,可将鱼苗捕获,饲喂…  相似文献   

一、饵料多样性 河蟹食性杂,偏动物性饵料,且生性贪食,在饵料投喂上,即要满足河蟹营养需求,加快脱壳生长,又要降低养殖成本,提高养殖效益。可因地制宜,多种渠道落实饵料来源。一是蟹池移载中够的水草,覆盖率在40%以上,水草主要品种有伊乐藻等,水草既是河蟹喜食的植物性饵料,又可净化水质。蟹池水草多,有利于小杂鱼、虾、螺、蚬等天然饵料生物的生长繁殖。蟹池水草以沉水植物为主,漂浮植物,  相似文献   

饵料系数是衡量养殖生产中饵料质量和饲喂效果的一个指标,即养殖产品每增重1kg投喂某种饵料的千克数。实际生产中一般叫投饵系数,即投饵总量与收获总量之比。由于饵料成本在养殖总成本中所占比例较大,投饵系数的高低就显得尤为重要。影响投饵系数的因素主要有以下几种:  相似文献   

水产养殖的实质是一种以"物"换"物"的过程,也就是通过水产养殖,把饵料或肥料转化为水产品的过程.水产养殖单位面积产量的高低和经济效益的好坏,在很大程度上取决于使用的饵料是否合理和投饵的技术是否科学.对于水产养殖来说,正确合理地选用饵料,科学合理地投喂,是促进养殖动物快速生长,提高饵料转化率,降低饵料成本,提高经济效益的关键.饵料投喂是水产养殖中的一大关键环节,只有正确把握饲养鱼类的投饵数量,科学投喂,才能提高饵料的利用率,保证养鱼增产增收增效.目前对于鱼类的研究多集中于鱼类养殖技术、营养和饵料开发方面,对于科学的饵料投喂的报道较为少见.而这方面的研究结果对于我们开展水产养殖业、提高效益、节省成本以及在环境保护方面是很重要的.因此,科学把握水产养殖中饵料投喂显得尤为重要.投饵技术包括投饵量的确定、投饵时间、投饵次数、投饵方法和投饵原则.下面就投饵技术几个方面以及饵料投喂存在的问题进行阐述,期望能使读者对科学投饵有一个清晰的认识,并且对于解决饵料投喂存在的问题提供借鉴.  相似文献   

黄鳝养殖中饵料的品质、投饵方法是黄鳝养殖成败的重要环节。笔者经过多年探讨,认为黄鳝养殖中饵料投喂应注意把握好以下四点:  相似文献   

郑夫跃 《河北渔业》2007,(12):48-49
养鱼的饵料成本始终占整个养殖成本的85%左右(池塘和固定资产折日除外),所以降低饵料成本是降低整个养殖过程成本的关键,是提高池塘养殖经济效益最大化的主要因素之一,特别在水产品市场价格不稳定时,因地制宜从实际出发,开发利用农村大量价格低廉农作物秸杆、畜禽粪便等作为养鱼饵料,降低饵料成本,提高水产品市场竞争力具有重要意义.  相似文献   

正养殖对虾池塘内培养繁殖饵料生物,是解决虾苗适口饵料,加快对虾生长的一项有效措施,是充分利用虾塘的自然生产力,降低养殖对虾成本的有效途径之一。由于基础饵料具有繁殖快、培养方法简易可行和营养效果明显的优点,因而成为养殖对虾过程中的一个不可缺少的生产环节,实践证明,如果基础饵料丰富,虾苗入池一个月便可生长到8cm左右。防城港市气候温暖,饵料生物繁殖迅速,经过7d左右,饵料生物可以达到相当密度。旋肥后饵料生物的浓度多数用透明度表示,一般透明度控制在20~30cm为宜。考  相似文献   

通过对河蟹生态养殖中动物性饵料投喂量的调查,分析了动物性饵料量与河蟹产量、平均规格和利润的关系,提出了河蟹生态养殖中动物性饵料量的数学模型,初步确定了动物性饵料的合理投喂量、饵料系数和蛋白质需要量的参考值。  相似文献   

十一种青鱼饲料原料营养价值的评定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
测定了青鱼对秘鲁鱼粉等饲料营养成分的表观消化率,并首次测定了青鱼对饲料能量消化率。根据测定结果评价了这些饲料作为青鱼饲料原料的营养价值。  相似文献   

This study was performed to evaluate the effect of replacing fish meal with local by‐products on Clarias gariepinus growth performance, feed utilization and body composition. A control diet contained 50% of fish meal. In four other diets, fish meal was partially replaced by vegetable and animal protein blend composed of sunflower oil cake, soybean oil cake, groundnut oil cake, bean meal, chicken viscera and blood meal. The study was conducted in a recirculating water system at a mean temperature of 23.6°C. The five test diets were compared with a commercial diet developed for African catfish. All diets were balanced to be equal in gross energy (19 kJ g−1) and crude protein (40%). The experimental groups were fed in triplicate for 8 weeks, increasing fish weight from about 6.2 g at start to 52.3 g in the end. Best specific growth rate (SGR=3.4), feed efficiency (FE=1.3) and protein efficiency ratio (PER=3) were obtained with the control diet (diet 50% fish meal), although there were no significant differences between the group of fish fed the control diet and those fed diets based on groundnut oil cake or bean meal, whereas SGR (2.17), FE (0.85) and PER (1.95) were significantly (P<0.01) lower in fish fed diet containing sunflower oil cake. No significant differences (P<0.05) were found in fish fed commercial diet and diets containing bean meal or groundnut oil cake. Groundnut oil cake or bean meal can thus replace at least 50% of fish meal in the diet of Clarias fingerlings without amino acid supplementation. Because of its economic importance and its potential in animal nutrition sunflower oil cake is still an interesting feed ingredient, but its efficiency should be improved by various processing techniques. African catfish can utilize efficiently a diet with low percentage of animal protein without growth reduction.  相似文献   

鱼类营养和饲料研究始于70年前并借鉴陆生动物营养研究经验形成了研究范式。在过去70年中,鱼类营养和饲料研究取得了大量的成果,这些研究成果推动了水产配合饲料技术的进步,为水产饲料产业从无到有、从小到大做出了贡献。然而,随着全球水产养殖规模的不断扩大,水产养殖发展面临的资源和环境压力日益增加,对水产饲料也提出了更高的要求。事实表明,根据一些鱼类营养和饲料研究成果所配方的饲料在养殖生产实践中往往不能取得预期的应用效果,这意味着在已有范式下取得的研究成果有时难以很好地满足现代鱼类养殖产业的需要。本文叙述了具有重要经济价值的两种肉食性鱼类大口黑鲈和大黄鱼配合饲料研发与应用的历程,指出对饲料蛋白需求的低估是限制配合饲料长期未能在大口黑鲈和大黄鱼养殖生产中应用的主要原因。早期研究报道大口黑鲈的饲料蛋白需求为400-440 g/kg,大黄鱼的饲料蛋白需求为450-470 g/kg。经过重新评估后将大口黑鲈和大黄鱼的最适饲料蛋白水平分别提高到480-510 g/kg和490-520 g/kg。在适宜的饲料蛋白水平下,投喂配合饲料的大口黑鲈和大黄鱼生长与投喂冰鲜鱼时相当。作者认为对饲料蛋白需求的低估与已有鱼类营养和饲料研究范式存在的不足有关,其表现为:(1)强调食物对鱼类生长的作用,但忽视了实验鱼遗传背景和食物以外的环境条件对生长和摄食的影响;(2)强调鱼类个体生长对评价营养需求和饲料质量的重要性,但忽视了鱼类个体生长差异并不能完全反映养殖产量和效益的事实;(3)强调生长和饲料利用效率作为鱼类营养和饲料研究评价指标的重要性,但忽视了养殖对环境和自然资源的负面影响是限制水产养殖产业可持续发展的瓶颈;(4)没有足够重视基础饲料配方在评价营养需求或饲料质量方面的影响,一些研究因基础饲料组成不当而产生没有实际意义的评价结果。针对上述问题,作者建议从概念、理论和研究方法方面对已有的范式做如下修改:(1)重视鱼类遗传背景和食物以外的环境条件对鱼类生长的影响,明确鱼类营养需求取决于其生长需求;(2)重视食物中各种营养素之间的相互作用,明确不同饲料原料在实现配方的营养平衡方面发挥着不同的作用;(3)重视对实验鱼种质和种群结构的选择,重视对照组和处理组个体生长差异的幅度对判断饲料处理效应的指示作用,重视饲料配方对渔业资源和环境等水产养殖可持续发展相关的内容的影响。经过修改后的研究范式更符合养殖生产实际,在此基础上开展研究所获得的成果也能够更好地指导配合饲料生产,为鱼类养殖产业的可持续发展提供更好的科技支撑。  相似文献   

Fish is an important dietary animal protein in Taiwan. Fish production has increased from 20 000 tonnes (t) in 1938 to over 300 000 t today. The change in feed inputs from trash fish to formulated feeds enabled industrial production of fish food. Nutrition studies for shrimp began in the 1970s and continue today. Stable ascorbic acid derivatives have allowed industrial production of shrimp feeds and the development of the extensive production systems in Taiwan and elsewhere in Asia.  相似文献   

The efficient use of feed for growth and meat production is important for all animal production industries including aquaculture. Residual feed intake (RFI) is an alternative measure of feed efficiency that has been widely used in livestock production. Residual feed intake was calculated as the difference between intake observed and intake predicted on the basis of a bioenergetics model; a low RFI indicates greater efficiency. Residual feed intake offers some advantages as a selection criterion for improving production efficiency over traditional feed efficiency statistics because it is not a ratio and it typically has a larger coefficient of variation. The RFI of individually reared rainbow trout progeny from six different genetic cross‐types was examined for genetic variation. Proximate analysis and nitrogen retention were also evaluated to determine if differences in RFI correlate to differences in body composition and nutrient retention and varied by cross‐type. Differences between cross‐types indicated a genetic component for RFI, with the most efficient fish of approximately 160 g consuming 0.99 g less and inefficient fish consuming 0.05 g more feed per day than expected. Lower RFI was associated with higher growth rates (r=?0.38, P<0.05) and greater nitrogen retention (r=?0.82 P<0.001).  相似文献   

黑鲷幼鱼饲料蛋白源氨基酸平衡的研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
以黑鲷幼鱼肌肉的氨基酸组成作为幼鱼饲料中必需氨基酸需要量的标准模式,通过必须氨基酸指数(EAAI)和生物饲养试验结果相结合,对黑钱财幼鱼的9种不同蛋白源酸比的饲料进行了比较研究,对黑钱财幼鱼配合饲料中氨基酸平衡和蛋白质营养价值进行了评估,筛选出个高效饲料蛋白源配方;表明EAAI是鱼用饲料蛋白质营养价值评估和氨基酸平衡研究的一种简便有效的评价指标。  相似文献   

Significant efforts should be devoted to reducing waste outputs from aquaculture operations in order to lower the environmental impacts of aquaculture in many parts of the world. Since most aquaculture wastes are ultimately from dietary origin, reduction of waste outputs should first be through improvements of diet formulation and feeding strategies. The first step in the production of feeds producing less solid waste is to eliminate poorly digestible ingredients (such as whole grain or grain by-products used as binders and fillers in the feed formulae) and to use highly digestible ingredients with good binding properties. Further reduction of solid waste can then be achieved through careful selection of the ingredients to improve apparent digestibility and the nutrient balance of the feed. Nitrogen waste outputs can be reduced through the reduction of the digestible protein to digestible energy (DP/DE) ratio of the diet. Phosphorus waste outputs can be reduced through careful selection of the ingredients and optimization of the digestible phosphorus content of the diet to meet the requirement of the fish but avoid greatly exceeding this required level. Finally, feeding practices that minimize feed wastage should be adopted since feed wastage can have a very significant impact on waste outputs from fish culture operations.  相似文献   

African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) has been growing in popularity as a culture species globally. Although considerable research has been carried out on this species’ feeding preferences, no research has been carried out on optimum water level for growth. This is particularly surprising given this species' benthic nature. This study assessed the effect of different combinations of water levels and types of feed on the growth performance of African catfish. The study employed a 3 × 2 factorial design with three ponds of different water levels (0.5, 1 and 1.5 m) and two types of feeds (floating and sinking). Twelve earthen ponds (1 × 2 m) were each stocked with 16 catfish fingerlings (mean weight ~100 g), and their growth was monitored for 12 weeks. The fish cultured in the shallowest water grew significantly faster than those cultured in the deepest ponds. At the same time, fish cultured in the shallowest ponds had the lowest feed intake rates and consequently the lowest feed conversion ratios. Catfish fed sinking pellets grew faster than those fed floating pellets although the difference was not significant. There was no significant interaction between pond water depth and feed type. The results of this study suggest that the growth and feeding efficiency of C. gariepinus can be optimized by culturing in fairly shallow ponds (0.5 m).  相似文献   

China is the world's largest capture fisheries and aquaculture producer. Over recent decades, China's domestic marine catch composition has changed markedly, from large volumes of a few high‐valued food species to multiple, small, low‐valued, species, a significant proportion of which is primarily used as animal, especially fish, feed. Despite the growing volume and economic importance of the feed catches, their species composition, catch volumes and socio‐environmental impacts are all poorly understood. Based on a nationwide survey of >800 fishing vessels, and the identification and measurement of >12,000 fish and invertebrate individuals, the present study provides an overview of the feed component of China's domestic marine catch, by volumes, species and sizes, and found it to be substantial and biologically unsustainable. Half of the trawler catch (3 million metric tons, mmt), or 35% of the total catch (4.6 mmt) in China's exclusive economic zone, are now comprised of low‐valued “feed‐grade fish”. The present study identified 218 fish species, 50 crustaceans and five cephalopods, and of these, 102 fish species were food species with 89% individuals in their juvenile size ranges. Feed‐grade fish were mainly used as aquaculture feed directly, or indirectly, through the feed industry after reduction to fishmeal and fish oil. The unparalleled scale and poor fisheries resource condition of China's domestic marine fisheries, in parallel with severe overfishing of juveniles, creates a demand for fundamental changes to fishery management practices, including a significant reduction of fishing effort to ensure productivity and ecosystem resilience.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal feed distribution in sea cages are important factors for the farmer, fish and environment due to the strong relation to growth, feed loss, pollution and welfare. This study presents a set of experimentally derived diffusion parameters and settling rates obtained in still water from four sizes and three densities of extruded fish feed pellets commonly used in aquaculture. It was found that pellet size is positively correlated with increased diffusion and that pellet density plays a less important role. Both the size and density of pellets had a significant impact on the settling rate. Results are compared to values obtained during feed production as well as other relevant studies. The findings suggest that parameters related to hydrodynamic behaviour of groups of feed pellets may vary across different pellet types. The results may be applied to refine and parameterize pellet motion in sea cage feeding models, improving estimates of fish behaviour, growth and feed loss.  相似文献   

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