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Several factors influencing the occurrence and extent of external fruit rot caused byDidymella bryoniae on cucumbers in the post harvest period were studied.The minimum, optimum and maximum temperatures for growth of the fungus on fruits were circa 10, 23 and 35°C, respectively. The influence of the temperature on the growth of the fungus in vitro and in vivo was about similar. The fitness of the fungus diminished by storing inoculated fruits at about the maximum temperature for growth of the fungus for one day, but this temperature influenced fruit quality negatively. Storing at 10 to 12°C is more advisable.Isolates ofD. bryoniae showed variation in virulence. There was a linear relationship between growth on fruits and growth in vitro of these isolates, but no correlation was found with disease incidence on plants.The degree of fruit rot was increased by more severe wounding, by storing in the dark instead of in the light and by higher nitrogen fertilization of the crop. Relative humidity during storage had no effect on fruit decay. It is very likely that the amount and composition of available nutrients for fungus growth determine the degree of rotting of the fruits.With the present cultivars, external fruit rot can be best controlled by reducing the changes of wounding in the pre- and post-harvest period.Samenvatting Verschillende factoren die van invloed kunnen zijn op het ontstaan en de mate van uitwendig vruchtrot op komkommers in de periode na de oogst, veroorzaakt doorDidymella bryoniae, zijn onderzocht.De minimum, optimum en maximum temperatuur voor de groei van de schimmel op vruchten waren respectievelijk circa 10, 23 en 35°C. De invloed van de temperatuur op de groei van de schimmel in vitro en in vivo was nagenoeg gelijk. Door geïnoculeerde vruchten een dag bij de maximum temperatuur voor de groei van de schimmel te bewaren, werd de groeikracht van de schimmel verminderd, maar de vruchtkwaliteit werd door deze temperatuur negatief beïnvloed. Het is raadzamer de vruchten bij 10–12°C te bewaren.Isolaten vanD. bryoniae vertoonden een variatie in virulentie. Tussen de groei van deze isolaten op vruchten en de groei in vitro bleek een lineair verband te bestaan, maar er bestond geen verband met de aantasting van planten.De mate van vruchtrot nam toe door de vruchten ernstiger te verwonden, ze in het donker in plaats van in het licht te bewaren en door een hogere stikstofbemesting tijdens de teelt. De relatieve luchtvochtigheid tijdens de bewaarperiode had geen effect op de vruchtaantasting. De hoeveelheden en de samenstelling van de voor de groei van de schimmel beschikbare voedingsstoffen bepalen zeer waarschijnlijk de mate van vruchtrot.Uitwendig vruchtrot kan bij de huidige cultivars nog het best worden tegengegaan door de mogelijkheden van verwonding, zowel in de periode voor als na de oogst, te verkleinen.  相似文献   

The influence of transition from night to day temperature 3 h before, 1 h before, 1h after and 3 h after sunrise on the incidence ofDidymella bryoniae was studied both on inoculated and on uninoculated glasshouse-grown cucumber plants. The effect of inoculation on plant growth and fruit production was studied as well.The later the transition to day temperature took place, the longer were the periods with a high relative air humidity and of condensation of water on fruits.The time of transition had no effect on plant growth, yield, disease incidence on growing tips, number of lesions on the main stems of uninoculated plants and external fruit rot. The later the transition to day temperature took place, the more lesions on the main stem of inoculated plants appeared and the higher was the incidence of internal fruit rot.Inoculation of plants increased the number of lesions on the main stem, the disease incidence on growing tips, the production of misshapen fruits and the internal and external fruit rot. The number of secondary side shoots was incrreased but the total number of their internodes was reduced by inoculation.Inoculation caused an 18% reduction in number of internodes over a period of four weeks and a 10% reduction in number of fruits in the corresponding harvest period.The consequences of a more humid glasshouse climate and of a high infection pressure ofD. bryoniae for the grower are briefly discussed.Samenvatting De invloed van het 3 uur vóór, 1 urr vóór, 1 uur na en 3 uur na zonsopgang overgaan van de nacht-naar de dagtemperatuur op het optreden vanDidymella bryoniae werd zowel op geïnoculleerde als op niet-geïnocullerde planten van kaskomkommers onderzocht. De invloed van inoculatie op de groei van de planten en de produktie van vruchten werd eveneens nagegaan.Hoe later naar de dagtemperatuur werd overgegaan, hoe langer de perioden met een hoge relatieve luchtvochtigheid waren en hoe langer de perioden waarin condensatie van water op vruchten optrad.Het tijdstip van overgang had geen effect op de groei van de planten, de opbrengst, de aantasting van groeipunten, het aantal lesies op de hoofdstengel van niet geïnoculeerde planten en uitwendig vruchtrot. Hoe later naar de dagtemperatuur werd overgegaan, hoe meer lesies na vier weken op de hoofdstengel van geïnoculeerde planten en hoe meer vruchten met inwendig rot voorkwamen.Door inoculatie van de planten nam het aantal lesies op de hoofdstengel, de aantasting van groeipunten, de produktie van stekvruchten en het aantal vruchten met inen uitwendig rot toe. Het aantal zijscheuten van de tweede orde nam toe, maar het totaal aantal internodiën ervan nam door inoculatie af. Inoculatie reduceerde het aantal internodiën met 18% over een periode van vier weken en die van het aantal vruchten met 10% in de overeenkomstige oogstperiode. De praktische consequenties van eenSeconded to the Glashouse Crops Research and Experiment Station, Zuidweg 38, 2671 MN Naaldwijk, the Netherlands  相似文献   

Several factors influencing the incidence of internal fruit rot of cucumber caused byDidymella bryoniae were studied.Internal infection of fruits is achieved via the flower. However, in most cases the majority of the fruits escaped infection after flower inoculation. It took more than two days for the fungus to reach the fruit after infection of the style. A mechanical barrier was not detected in the fruit tip within three days after inoculation of the open flower.Inoculation of wilted flowers resulted in 60% less infection than inoculation of fresh flowers. Blossom excision reduced fruit infection with ca 75%. Growing plants under drought stress markedly increased the incidence of internal fruit rot.Neither the method of inoculation, nor the composition of the inoculum, nor the relative humidity influenced the incidence of internal fruit rot. Fruit thinning, duration of fruit growth, flowering period and the removal of parts of the flower had no effect either on fruit infection.Cultivars resistant to powdery mildew were also resistant to internal fruit infection. The resistance was associated with a long style and a short flowering period.Growing cultivars in which the flowers quickly fall away from the fruitlets or in which the flowers have no style may solve the problem of internal fruit rot in cucumber.Samenvatting Factoren die van invloed kunnen zijn op het ontstaan van inwendig vruchtrot van komkommer, veroorzaakt doorDidymella bryoniae, werden onderzocht.Inwendige vruchtinfectie vindt plaats via het bloempje. Bijna altijd ontsnapte echter het grootste deel van de vruchten aan een aantasting als de bloem werd geïnoculeerd. Het duurde meer dan twee dagen voordat de schimmel via de stijl de vrucht had geïnfecteerd. In de punt van de vrucht werd binnen drie dagen na inoculatie van de open bloem geen mechanische barrière gevonden.Na inoculatie van verwelkte bloemen kwam 60% minder aantasting voor dan na inoculatie van bloemen die pas open waren. Het verwijderen van het bloempje reduceerde de aantasting met ca. 75%. Het optreden van inwendig vruchtrot nam aanzienlijk toe door de planten onder droge omstandigheden te telen.Noch de methode van inoculatie, noch de samenstelling van het inoculum, noch de relatieve luchtvochtigheid beïnvloedden het optreden van inwendig vruchtrot. Vruchtdunning, duur van de vruchtgroei, bloeiduur en het verwijderen van delen van de bloem hadden ook geen effect op de aantasting.Cultivars die resistent waren tegen echte meeldauw vertoonden ook resistentie tegen inwendige vruchtaantasting. De resistentie was gecorreleerd met een lange stijl en met een korte bloeiduur.De teelt van cultivars waarvan de bloemdelen snel van de vruchtbeginsels afvallen, of waarvan de bloempjes geen stijl hebben, zou het probleem van inwendig vruchtrot bij komkommer kunnen oplossen.  相似文献   

The role of calcium in protecting plant tissue from infection byBotrytis cinerea was studied in cucumber fruit. A self-defense reaction, consisting of an increase in cell-wall-bound Ca, occurred in the plant tissue after an injury or an infection. However, it was not sufficient to protect the tissue from the spread of the fungus, which is accompanied by pectic substance digestion. The degradation induced mainly a decrease in acid- and chelator-soluble pectin levels, and an increase in water-soluble pectin. Ca treatment of the fruit prior to infection could amplify the cell-wall-bound Ca and therefore lessen pectin digestion by fungal pectinolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

In a survey for effective biocontrol agents of Colletotrichum orbiculare, causal agent of cucumber anthracnose, 43 (MBCu series) and 135 (MBPu series) endophytic actinomycete strains were recovered from surface-sterilized organs of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) plants, respectively. The strains were cultured with C. orbiculare on IMA-2 agar medium to determine their in vitro antagonistic ability. Eleven strains that strongly inhibited hyphal growth of the pathogen were selected as potent antagonists. Detached cotyledons of cucumber were soaked in a spore suspension of an antagonistic strain 1 day before challenge-inoculation with the pathogen, and six of these antagonists (MBCu-32, 36, 42, 45, and 56, and MBPu-75) significantly reduced the number and size of the lesions on the cotyledons compared to the untreated control. In the same way, these six strains inhibited lesion development on attached leaves of 3-week-old cucumber seedlings. Strain MBCu-56, the most suppressive of the strains, was selected for further tests. Its suppressiveness increased as concentrations increased; pretreatment of leaves with the strain at 107, 108 and 109 cfu/ml suppressed disease by 72, 79 and 93%, respectively. These results strongly indicated that MBCu-56 has strong potential for controlling cucumber anthracnose. Based on the taxonomic characteristics and 16S rDNA sequence, MBCu-56 was identified as Streptomyces sp. With scanning electron microscopy, the substrate mycelia of the strain were seen to colonize the surface of leaves above the cuticle. Some hyphae also penetrated and grew underneath the cuticle.  相似文献   

Cucumber downy mildew caused byPseudoperonospora cubensis (Berk. and Curt.) Rostov. limits crop production in Shandong Province of China. Since management of downy mildew is strongly dependent on fungicides, a rational design of control programs requires a good understanding of the fungicide resistance phenomenon in field populations of the pathogen. A total of 106 and 97 isolates ofP. cubensis were obtained in 2006 and 2007, respectively. The EC50 values for the growth of all the 106 isolates collected in 2006 were 0.0063–0.0688μg ml−1 (average: 0.0196±0.0048μg ml−1) azoxystrobin and these were therefore considered sensitive isolates. However, 57 field isolates ofP. cubensis of the 97 collected in 2007 with EC50 values that ranged from 0.609 to >51.2μg ml−1 were considered resistant to azoxystrobin. Fragments of the fungicide-targeted mitochondrial cytochromeb gene from total pathogen DNA were amplified using polymerase chain reaction and their sequences analyzed to elucidate the molecular mechanism of resistance. A single point mutation (GGT to GCT) in the cytochromeb gene, resulting in substitution of glycine by alanine at position 143, was found in the three selected azoxystrobin-resistant isolates of downy mildew. This substitution in cytochromeb exhibited different resistance levels, with the resistance factor from 21.15 to greater than 2618.9. In addition, the different resistance levels seemed to appear within 1 year (between 2006 and 2007). Therefore, growers of Shandong Province in China now are faced with a challenge in managing the azoxystrobin resistance in cucumber downy mildew. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting March 10, 2008.  相似文献   

Chitosan-copper complex compared with chitosan alone enhanced suppression ofBotrytis cinerea rot development on four-true-leaf cucumber seedlings in controlled growth chambers. This paper constitutes the first report of such enhancement. The optimal concentrations for the most effective suppression ofBotrytis development were 0.2 gl −1 chitosan and 1.6 mmole copper. After 12 days’ incubation, marked and significantly better disease suppression was obtained with chitosan-copper complex (75% suppression) than with chitosan alone. The chitosan-copper complex could be a very promising decay control agent for use in both conventional and organic agriculture. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 18, 2002.  相似文献   

Localized treatment of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Wisonsin) cotyledons with inhibitors of N-glycosylation such as tunicamycin or amphomycin resulted in systemic acquired resistance in the first leaf to the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum lagenarium. Resistance was maximal as early as 2 days after application and best results were observed when the inhibitor was used at 100 μ . The same treatment also induced salicylic acid accumulation as well as the expression of chitinase and a PR1-like protein. The systemic effect is not caused by the transport of tunicamycin, since tunicamycin was not detected in the leaves. Within 2 h after application tunicamycin inhibited N-glycosylation, but not protein synthesis as indicated by labelling experiments. The amount of large and small subunits of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase decreased after tunicamycin treatment and after pathogen inoculation and the expression of BiP, a protein localized in the endoplasmic reticulum was enhanced. The activation of defense reactions seems to be dependent and sensitive to N-linked glycosylation.  相似文献   

In 2002, a powdery mildew with catenate conidia lacking fibrosin bodies was found on cucumber in a greenhouse in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Morphological observation revealed that the fungus belongs to Oidium subgenus Reticuloidium, anamorph of the genus Golovinomyces. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of the nucleotide sequences of the rDNA ITS regions and D1/D2 domains of the 28S rDNA indicated that the fungus belongs to the clade of G. orontii with other Golovinomyces fungi from a wide range of host plants, suggesting that the fungus was newly transported from abroad. Because there has been no prior report of cucumber powdery mildew caused by Reticuloidium, further research on the physiology, epidemiology, control and resistant cucumber varieties is required.  相似文献   

In growth cabinet and greenhouse experiments the efficacy ofTilletiopsis minor in controlling cucumber powdery mildew decreased as humidity was lowered. This effect could be counteracted by formulation of the mycoparasite with lipophilic substances, like Hora Oleo 11E and lipids from milk. These formulations, without the mycoparasite, were also found to be deleterious to powdery mildew development. In the long run, however, formulations withT. minor gave better biological control of cucumber powdery mildew than formulations alone.  相似文献   

The influence of relative humidity on several aspects of the biology of citrus red mite, Panonychus citri , has been analysed. Five constant RH values (45, 55, 65, 75, 85%), with a fixed constant temperature of 25±2°C, have been studied. An RH of 65% was optimal for mite development and egg-laying potential, providing a maximum rm value of 0.145.  相似文献   

Leaf tissue harvested from cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.) expressing induced resistance against the powdery mildew fungus Podosphaera xanthii (syn. Sphaerotheca fuliginea, Castagne; Braun and Shishkoff) was extracted and analyzed for phytoalexin compounds. Fluorescence microscopy was then used to observe the production of these compounds in planta, and laser scanning confocal microscopy observations were made to locate the subcellular sites of phytoalexin accumulation. Phytochemical analyses and fluorescence microscopy observations revealed the production of autofluorescent C-glycosyl flavonoid phytoalexins within the epidermal tissues of disease-resistant plants undergoing fungal ingress. Phytoalexin production was triggered by the combination of an eliciting/inoculation treatment, and tissue autofluorescence of color characteristic of the phytoalexins reached a maximum 48 h after elicitation prior to subsiding following the collapse of the pathogen. After a second eliciting treatment, disease-resistant plants produced phytoalexins more rapidly in response to fungal challenge. At the cellular level, autofluorescent C-glycosyl flavonoid phytoalexins were observed associated with the plasma membrane of infected epidermal cells immediately following elicitation. In the hours that preceded the collapse of conidial chains, phytoalexins accumulated inside the haustorial complexes of the pathogen within the epidermal cells of disease-resistant plants. Taken together, the results of this study show the timely synthesis of C-glycosyl flavonoid phytoalexins at precise subcellular locations as a key defense reaction used by cucumber to create incompatible interactions with powdery mildew.  相似文献   

Substrates made from rockwool, coir dust, pumice and perlite were compared for conduciveness to Pythium root and crown rot in cucumber under near-commercial conditions. Rockwool slabs of 7 cm height were more conducive to the Pythium disease than coir dust slabs, pumice or perlite under these conditions. Temperature, oxygen concentration and water content were determined in the substrates to explain differences in conduciveness between the inorganic substrates rockwool, pumice and perlite by differences in the physical conditions. Temperature and oxygen concentration could not explain the differences but the higher disease level on rockwool was associated with a much higher water content of this substrate as compared to coir dust, pumice and perlite. Increasing the height of the substrate from 7 to 14 cm greatly decreased the percentage of diseased plants due to the Pythium disease on rockwool but had no effect on the level of disease on perlite when the substrate had been infested 4 cm below the planting hole. This difference in response in substrate height between rockwool and perlite could be explained by a much larger decrease in water content with substrate height in the rockwool than in the perlite substrate. Temperature in the substrates were above 30 °C for more than 6 h on sunny days in June and reached maximum values of 35 °C or more. These temperatures are highly favourable for the pathogen P. aphanidermatum but will have adverse effects on most biocontrol strains.  相似文献   

Phyllosphere yeasts may play an important role in suppressing necrotrophic pathogens. In a randomized block design, yeast densities on flag leaves and second leaves of field-grown wheat were left unchanged (D), or were lowered by sprayings with carbendazim (A), or were raised by sprayings with a mixture ofSporobolomyces roseus, Cryptococcus laurentii var.flavescens and nutrients (B), or with carbendazim, carbendazim-resistantS. roseus andC. laurentii var.flavescens and nutrients (C). The application of carbendazim to plots A and C would avoid a biased interference of carbendazim due to other effects than reducing the natural yeast population. Prolonged differences in yeast density would be reflected in differences in severity of diseases caused by carbendazim-insensitive necrotrophic pathogens.Both treatments B and C enhanced the yeast density about 10-fold at the beginning of leaf colonization, 2 to 3 weeks after leaf emergence. Untreated leaves (D), however, were rapidly leaves. Initially, the yeasts were suppressed by carbendazim (A). However, progressively the yeast population consisted of carbendazim-resistant strains which made the carbendazim sprayings ineffective. Therefore, the substantial differences in yeast density were of limited duration. The effect of the treatments on naturally occurringMycosphaerella graminicola (anam.Septoria tritici), Puccinia recondita f. sp.tritici and the total necrotic leaf area (D-value) is discussed.Samenvatting Fyllosfeergisten kunnen misschien een belangrijke rol spelen in de onderdrukking van necrotrofe pathogenen. In een blokkenproef werd de dichtheid van gisten op vlagbladeren en tweede bladeren niet beïvvloed (D) of verlaagd door bespuitingen met carbendazim (A), of verhoogd door bespuitingen met een mengsel van gisten (Sporobolomyces roseus enCryptococcus laurentii var.flavescens en voedingsstoffen (B), of met een mengsel van carbendazim, carbendazim-resistenteS. roseus enC. laurentii var.flavescens en voedingsstoffen (C). De grootste verschillen in dichtheden van de gistpopulaties werden verwacht tussen de behandelingen A en B of C. Door alle veldjes A en C met carbendazim te behandelen wordt een eenzijdig effect van carbendazim, berustend op andere eigenschappen dan de onderdrukking van de natuurlijke gistpopulatie, voorkomen. Langdurige verschillen in de populatiedichtheden van de gisten zouden weerspiegeld kunnen worden in verschillen in aantasting door carbendazimongevoelige necrotrofe pathogenen.Aan het begin van de bladkolonisatie door gisten, 2 tot 3 weken na het verschijnen van het blad, leidde zowel behandeling B als C tot, een 10-voudige verhoging van de gistdichtheid. De onbehandelde bladeren (D) werden echter spoedig door de van nature voorkomende gisten gekoloniseerd en het verschil tussen de onbehandelde en met gist bespoten bladeren werd snel kleiner. Aanvankelijk werden de gisten door carbendazim (A) onderdrukt. Geleidelijk bestond de gistpopulatie echter uit carbendazim-resistente stammen, zodat de carbendazim bespuitingen nauwelijks meer effect hadden. Hierdoor werden grote verschillen in gistdichtheden niet langdurig gerealiseerd. Het effect van de behandelingen op de natuurlijke infectie doorMycosphaerella graminicola (anam.Septoria tritici), Puccina recondita f. sp.tritici en op het totale dode bladoppervlak (D-waarde) wordt besproken.  相似文献   

依据NY/T761—2008标准第二部分,采用气相色谱法对黄瓜中乙烯菌核利残留进行测定,分析检测过程中的各不确定度分量来源,建立了不确定度评定的数学模型,进而对各不确定分量进行合成与扩展。结果表明:黄瓜中乙烯菌核利残留测量结果的合成相对标准不确定度和扩展不确定度分别为2.78%和5.56%(k=2),其中标准溶液的稀释与定容过程、乙烯菌核利残留的提取和净化过程所产生的回收率差异、色谱峰面积测量导致的误差是测量不确定度的主要来源。本研究结果可为客观评价蔬菜中农药残留检测结果提供参考。  相似文献   

In 1983 and 1987/88 two limited outbreaks of zucchini yellow mosaic virus in cucumber and zucchini squash occurred in the Westland glasshouse district in the Netherlands, mainly in glasshouses. The disease could be eradicated and has not recurred so far. In both cases a relatively mild but still highly pathogenic strain of the virus was involved. Diseased plants of zucchini yielded severely distorted or no fruits and it was difficult to obtain seeds from infected plants. Two out of 4196 seedlings grown in isolation from seed from inoculated zucchini plants showed symptoms and contained the virus, indicating that the virus can be transmitted via seed but at very low rate. This explains the erratic incidence and international distribution of the virus.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, relative humidity (RH), leaf wetness and leaf age on conidium germination were investigated for Spilocaea oleagina, the causal organism of olive leaf spot. Detached leaves of five ages (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks after emergence), six different temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C), eight wetness periods (0, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 h), and three RH levels (60, 80 and 100%) were tested. Results showed that percentage germination decreased linearly in proportion to leaf age (P < 0.001), being 58% at 2 weeks and 35% at 10 weeks. A polynomial equation with linear term of leaf age was developed to describe the effect of leaf age on conidium germination. Temperature significantly (P < 0.001) affected frequencies of conidium germination on wet leaves held at 100% RH, with the effective range being 5 to 25°C. The percent germination was 16.1, 23.9, 38.8, 47.8 and 35.5% germination at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C, respectively, after 24 h. Polynomial models adequately described the frequencies of conidium germination at these conditions over the wetness periods. The rate of germ tube elongation followed a similar trend, except that the optimum was 15°C, with final mean lengths of 175, 228, 248, 215 and 135 μm at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C, respectively after 168 h. Polynomial models satisfactorily described the relationships between temperature and germ tube elongation. Formation of appressoria, when found, occurred 6 h after the first signs of germination. The percentage of germlings with appressoria increased with increasing temperature to a maximum of 43% at 15°C, with no appressoria formed at 25°C after 48 h of incubation. Increasing wetness duration caused increasing numbers of conidia to germinate at all temperatures tested (5–25°C). The minimum leaf wetness periods required for germination at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C were 24, 12, 9, 9 and 12 h, respectively. At 20°C, a shorter wetness period (6 h) was sufficient if germinating conidia were then placed in 100% RH, but not at 80 or 60%. However, no conidia germinated without free water even after 48 h of incubation at 20°C and 100% RH. The models developed in this study should be validated under field conditions. They could be developed into a forecasting component of an integrated system for the control of olive leaf spot.  相似文献   

分别以浸渍法和相加指数法,评价了5种季铵盐助剂和3种有机硅助剂分别与啶虫脒混合使用时对苹果黄蚜Aphis citricola的联合作用,以及对两种非靶标水生环境生物大型溞Daphnia magna和斑马鱼Brachydonio rerio的毒性。结果表明,有机硅助剂和季铵盐助剂对啶虫脒防治蚜虫具有明显的增效作用,且silwet 618的增效倍数高达210.2。环境毒性试验结果表明:啶虫脒对两种水生生物均为低毒;供试季铵盐和有机硅助剂对大型溞的单一毒性均为剧毒,季铵盐助剂对斑马鱼为高毒,而有机硅助剂对斑马鱼为中毒。与农药联合作用测定结果表明:有机硅助剂对两种水生生物均表现为增毒作用;而5种季铵盐助剂除十四烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵(1427)对大型溞表现为增毒作用外,其他4种对两种水生生物均呈现不同程度的拮抗作用。此外,季铵盐和有机硅助剂还可以显著降低清水的表面张力(由清水的74.37 mN/m降为20.50~40.07 mN/m),提高叶片上的最大持留量(由清水的1.54 μg/cm2提高到2.39~4.34 μg/cm2)。因此,使用季铵盐和有机硅助剂作为增效剂时应考虑其对水生生物的毒性,其中季铵盐助剂对环境生物的潜在威胁更小。  相似文献   

The egg parasitoidTrissolcus spp. is the natural enemy of the cabbage bug,Eurydema ornatum L. (Het., Pentatomidae), a destructive pest of cultivated and wild Crucifera. Its preferred host is the wheat bugEurygaster integriceps Put., the most important pest of wheat. In order to rear the parasite for biological control purposes, mass production of its hostE. ornatum is suggested. In a laboratory study, the fecundity ofE. ornatum feeding on garden cress and radish was significantly higher than on red cabbage, white cabbage, rape or cauliflower. The oviposition period was significantly longer on garden cress and radish than on the other Crucifera. There was no difference among the various Crucifera in terms of length of postoviposition period or number of eggs laid per female per day.  相似文献   

建立了采用高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器(HPLC-DAD)测定水、土壤和黄瓜中噻唑锌残留的方法。在碱性条件下先将噻唑锌转化为噻二唑(AMT),采用外标法通过测定噻二唑的量来进行噻唑锌的定量分析。样品在40℃恒温振荡条件下,依次经Na2S转化及乙腈提取;过滤后调节混合液pH值至3,经乙酸乙酯液-液分配后,用HPLC-DAD及BDS Hypersil-C18色谱柱,以V(乙腈):V(0.1%乙酸)=10:90为流动相,在313 nm波长下测定样品中的噻唑锌残留。结果表明:噻二唑在0.10~10 mg/L、噻唑锌在0.20~5.0 mg/L的质量浓度范围内线性关系良好(R2 > 0.999 5),噻二唑的检出限(LOD)为0.05 mg/L。在0.2、1和5 mg/L添加水平下,噻唑锌在水中的平均回收率为100%~110%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.90%~6.4%;在0.05、0.5和5 mg/kg添加水平下,噻唑锌在土壤中的平均回收率为81%~98%,RSD为0.70%~2.8%;在0.05、0.5和2 mg/kg添加水平下,噻唑锌在黄瓜中的平均回收率为95%~102%,RSD为1.3%~4.2%。噻唑锌在水、黄瓜和土壤中的定量限(LOQ)分别为0.03 mg/L、0.05 mg/kg和0.05 mg/kg。本方法简单、准确、可靠,能满足农药残留分析的要求。  相似文献   

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