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美国未来学家阿尔温·托夫勒曾预言:21世纪将是消费文化的世纪。这句话在前几年,我们会觉得不知所云,可是今天,消费文化的世纪已经来临,人们进入了文化消费时代,追求精神愉悦成为消费中的时尚。 从情人节的玫瑰花、巧克力畅销,我们领悟到:任何一种商品都有一定的文化内涵,人们了解了某种文化,便会消费某种商品。面对文化消费的大市场,不能用老眼光、老办法、老营销手段了。只有采用新的方式,创造出一个有  相似文献   

对于树根艺术,笔者有这么一点看法。既然它形成了一门艺术,那么它给人的美,就是一种以根的本身属性来表现作者所表达的内涵的美。人们通过对树根作品的直观印象再通过作者的命题展开美的联想。它给人们的是愉快,赏心悦目。一切使人不愉快的东西  相似文献   

石玩,是存在于自然界具有一定形态和艺术素质的原石,通过人们的发现、加工、组合和装配,能给人以一种美感,能起到陶冶情操、塑造性格、启迪遐思、丰富知识的作用。石玩是我国独有的艺术瑰宝。石玩的品格可归纳为以下“三性”: 1.哲理性石玩具有的品格是客观的、固有的,它有丰富的内涵,人们只能去发现它,不能创造它。它是物质的,人们掌握了它内在的艺术规律,就能对  相似文献   

2月14日,玫瑰花香和巧克力的甜味弥漫了上海的大街小巷,虽然面临全球金融危机,但一年一度的情人节依然受到年轻人的热捧,经济不景气,使得人们更需要精神食粮。情人节花卉消费就成了年轻人的首选。  相似文献   

现代艺术在城市园林设计中运用的讨论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
摘要:随着当今社会的发展,大众的生活水平、文化水平、对艺术的认识水平不断提高,人们的审美水平在日益的增长。现代艺术设计是新时代的产物,而设计与艺术是无法分隔开的。城市园林设计是现代最为综合的艺术,它与现代艺术形式之间有着必然的联系。如今,城市园林设计飞速发展,艺术设计在艺术学领域也在蓬勃兴起。本文简要对城市园林设计的内涵做了界定,阐述了城市园林设计与现代艺术之间的关系,从园林中的小品、雕塑、植物造景等多个方面,分析了现代艺术影响下的城市园林设计。  相似文献   

中国结是中国特有的手工装饰品,始于上古先民的结绳记事。它作为一种装饰艺术始于唐宋时期。到了明清时期,人们开始给结命名,为它赋予了丰富的内涵,如如意结代表吉祥如意;双鱼结代表吉庆有余等。  相似文献   

很多人都喜欢吃巧克力,但是大家可别忘记巧克力的高热量会令人发胖。不过,下面所提供的这些食用技巧让巧克力一族再也不必心惊肉跳。  相似文献   

<正>20世纪八九十年代,花卉装饰方面除园林以外,家居花卉装饰主要延续着传统的盆花与瓶插。伴随着对外开放,西方花卉装饰艺术引入中国,西式婚庆和宴会礼仪进入人们的生活中。也称襟花的胸花与婚车花卉装饰一样,作为西方婚庆和宴会花卉装饰艺术相伴的舶来品,经历了近30年的实践积累与摸索,我国的胸花装饰已经呈现出多姿多彩的作品表现形式与丰富的内涵,走出单纯的作品模仿,  相似文献   

以可可液块、咖啡、黑豆、黑芝麻等为主要原料,研究了咖啡风味巧克力的主要配方,确定咖啡风味巧克力的最佳配方为:可可液块∶蔗糖∶咖啡∶黑豆∶黑芝麻∶可可脂∶乳粉=50∶25∶4∶2∶4∶20∶20,香兰素和大豆磷脂的添加量保持恒定比例为0.01%和0.4%,制备出色、香、味俱佳,并且有丰富保健功能的的风味巧克力,此种巧克力在常温下保存质量稳定。  相似文献   

现代茶艺馆设计规范要求,运用设计基本原则与资源要素配置,经过缜密地构思,将茶艺馆的艺术定位、功能选择、经营活动、文化内涵等设计理念,通过精确布局、精当装饰、精细安排,共生成其形象层建筑美、物质层科学美、服务层和谐美、艺术层文明美的高度融合;自然形成现代茶艺馆复合功能特征和丰厚的文化底蕴;赋予人们生态文明时代的多重享受。这是现代茶艺馆设计应该达到的艺术规范。  相似文献   

Public art has practical significance by showing a variety of forms to explore the various design factors on the psychological reactions of different people. Public art should fit the characteristics of human physiology and psychology. The mental aberration phenomenon induced by unhealthy circumstance could be adjusted and compensated by certain style of public art, and from which the optimization of psychological ecology is resulted. A variety of psychological ecology environment, such as gestalt, artistic exaggeration, implicit, pleasure, interesting, relax, mystery, intricacy, metaphor, and so on, could be constructed by different methods in public art. The excellent public art design optimizes the person's mental spiritual ecology, reduces the burden on people's lives and enhances the quality of life by using the meaningful forms and combinations to achieve the living environment and people's coordination.  相似文献   

Tujia nationality is a nation which has a long history and cultural traditions.The art of folk-house in the western of Hubei province is a typical representation of its national culture.Both its external form with the inner dealings and its fit for the nature are not only the results of the perfect combination of practicality and aesthetic as well as the combination of buildings and environment,but also embody Tujia people's understanding of life and beauty.This article tries to found deep-seated cultural foundation and spirits of Tujia traditional housing by researching and analyzing its aesthetical characters on architectural form,and Absorb its essence on design for modernization.  相似文献   

民以食为天,餐饮行业是一个兴盛不衰的行业。随着时代发展和科技进步,人们对于饮食的要求不仅只在于吃饱喝足,已经逐渐开始追求食物的艺术美,这也就对餐饮行业提出一个更高的要求。餐饮专业为培养餐饮行业的人才应运而生,其占据着很重要的地位,为不断适应时代发展,开设一系列美食艺术的相关课程,如烹饪美术、冷拼、面塑、雕刻、糖艺、果酱画等。近年来,随着人们审美观念的发展,翻糖技术流行起来,其立体、生动、形象、逼真的艺术展示,让很多大师惊叹,受年轻人追捧,翻糖大师也不断在孕育中产生。而在烹饪教育中,翻糖几乎很少引入课堂,为了学生适应新时代产物,翻糖蛋糕引入餐饮专业课堂,很有其必要性。  相似文献   

Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is an important food legume crop in Ethiopia, and its production and productivity are decreased by biotic and abiotic stresses. Among the biotic stresses, chocolate spot disease is the major and the most destructive disease in faba bean-growing areas. A field experiment was conducted at Farta to evaluate the genetic variation of faba bean varieties to chocolate spot, and for yield and yield components during the 2014 and 2015 main cropping seasons. A total of 13 improved faba bean varieties and one local check were sowed in three replications using a randomized complete block design. The chocolate spot disease incidence and severity were taken four times in 10-day intervals. There was a significant difference (P < 0.05) among faba bean varieties on disease incidence and severity. The disease incidence was lower on varieties Obse and Moti. The severity of chocolate spot was lower on varieties Obse, Tumsa, and Degaga. Varieties Obse, Degaga, and Tumsa significantly reduced the severity of chocolate spot disease by 8.89, 6.85, and 5.91%, respectively, over Bulga 70 and Adet-Hana. Varieties Obse, Degaga, and Tumsa significantly reduced the AUDPC of chocolate spot disease by the amount of 229.63, 214.81, and 187.96% over variety Bulga 70, respectively. The highest yield (t/ha) was obtained from variety Degaga (1.55) and Tumsa (1.30). Thus, to conclude and recommend that variety Degaga and Tumsa are moderately tolerant or less susceptible to chocolate spot disease than other varieties with a better yield.  相似文献   

The Tujia people have a long history and unique cultural traditions.The folk-house art found in western Hubei Province,P.R.China,is a typical representation of Tujia culture.Its external form,inner dealings,and its fit with the nature not only are the results of a perfect combination of practicality,aesthetics,and the combination of buildings with the environment,but these traits also embody the Tujia people's understanding of life and beauty.This article tries to find the deep-seated cultural foundations and spirits of Tujia traditional housing by researching and analyzing the aesthetic characteristics of its architectural form.The article also takes in the design essence of Tujia traditional housing for use in modern construction.  相似文献   

Architectural emotion, to a large extent, is reflected in the emotionalization of building materials. The exploration of the vitality and spiritual connotation of the building materials is a new direction of expressing architectural feelings. This paper explores the visual features and connotation of various building materials from the perspective of public art, with a view to understanding the characteristics of building materials and creating unique buildings with a strong character.  相似文献   

竹荪巧克力冰淇淋的制作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将新鲜的竹荪经加水提取所得的竹荪汁或将新鲜竹荪经过磨浆均质后得到的竹荪浆,配以一定比例的巧克力,加入到冰淇淋配料中,得到营养价值高、风味独特的竹荪巧克力冰淇淋。结果表明,采用竹荪浆配制冰淇淋的效果好于采用竹荪汁配制的冰淇淋。同时,对竹荪汁、竹荪浆及竹荪巧克力冰淇淋制作的工艺流程及操作要点作了较为详细的介绍。  相似文献   

Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) has high utility as a food and soil fertility improving crop. One of the major fungal pathogens of faba bean is Botrytis fabae, the causative agent of chocolate spot. The disease affects significantly the leaf, stem, pod and seed of faba bean compromise its productivity in the smallholder farming sector. Nonetheless, there are limited resistant/tolerant faba bean varieties available and disease control technology options. Therefore, it was prudent to evaluate faba bean landraces for chocolate spot resistance. Fifty landraces together with ten improved varieties were evaluated both in the field and in the greenhouse under natural and artificial inoculation with previously selected aggressive Botrytis fabae isolate (Iso-016) from West Gojjam, in Ethiopia. There were highly significant differences (p?<?0.001) among the landraces for reaction to the disease and agronomic traits. Significant positive correlation was recorded between reaction of genotypes in the field and greenhouse disease data. The overall mean disease epidemics varied from 92.5 to 697.5 for the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC). The highest level of resistance was found in the ICARDA lines, ILB-4726, ILB-938 and BPL-710. Of all 18 landrace collections displayed significantly lower disease reaction than the susceptible check. However the resistance was moderate. The selected eighteen landraces will be recommended for use in breeding for chocolate resistance. Overall, resistance was highly heritable, suggesting that phenotypic selection can be exploited to improve chocolate spot resistance in faba bean varieties.  相似文献   

Urbanization in China is at an essential point in its transformation from the initial stage to accelerating stage. With quick expansion of city scale and large occupation of land for urban construction, the contradiction between land resource shortage and people's living needs becomes more and more prominent. It has great affection on the grand plan of China's sustainable development of economy and society. How to adjust the relations between the development of urban construction and protect the land resource, promote the rational use of urban land, perfect and complete the protection system of land resource for improving the efficiency of urban land use. In order to conserve land resource and find a sustainable way for development of people's living and environment construction, the above mentioned problems are the most important issue for urban construction and important subject of this paper.  相似文献   

植物分子农业研究中的问题与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物分子农业是一个新兴的产业,人们对此很是关注。目前,植物分子农业的发展仍然有许多的限制因素。如蛋白产量低、下游加工困难、蛋白产品的异质性等等。研究人员正致力于对这些问题的研究,提出了许多技术方案。这些问题的解决,将使植物分子农业的发展进入一个新阶段。  相似文献   

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