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罗非鱼健康养殖高产技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗非鱼类隶属于鲈形目丽鱼科。原产于非洲,属暖水性鱼类,具有食性广、对环境适应性强、生长快、食性杂、抗病力强、养殖群体产量高、肉质好等特点,是极具生产潜力的养殖品种。从1976年开始,罗非鱼已被联合国粮农组织列为向世界推广养殖的鱼类,现已有100多个国家和地区养殖罗非鱼。  相似文献   

放养规格、养殖密度和水深对吉富罗非鱼养殖效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究吉富罗非鱼池塘集约化养殖的关键技术,分别设置了不同放养规格、放养密度和池塘水深进行养成试验.结果表明,苗种的放养规格对养殖效果有明显影响,放养规格为2.5 ~2.7 cm的试验组,其亩产量、成鱼规格和成活率均高于放养规格为0.8 ~1.0 cm和1.2~1.5cm的试验组.不同放养密度对比试验的结果显示,放养密度为1500尾/亩的试验组,收获的商品鱼规格最大;而放养密度为2000尾/亩的试验组,其亩产量最高.不同池塘水深对比试验的结果显示,水深2m时,商品鱼的规格、产量及养殖成活率均最高;水深1 m时,各项养殖指标均最低.  相似文献   

大规格罗非鱼安全高效养殖试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在池塘条件和养殖方法基本相同的六口面积共39亩的鱼塘开展大规格罗非鱼养殖试验,获得平均亩产1785千克,亩净产1542千克,亩利润4027.30元的高产、高效效果;比较5个不同放养密度梯度试验结果表明,以1100-1300尾/亩的罗非鱼生长、饲料利用率和综合效益较好.因此建议在水深1.6-1.8米的池塘养殖大规格罗非鱼的适宜放养密度为1100-1300尾/亩;本试验总结了大规格罗非鱼养殖的养殖模式、微生态水质调控、鱼病预防控制等罗非鱼安全高效养殖关键技术要点。  相似文献   

目前广东省养殖的罗非鱼品种主要有:奥尼罗非鱼、吉富罗非鱼、尼罗罗非鱼、红罗非鱼等,本主要针对在海丰县养殖的奥尼罗非鱼养殖技术的介绍。  相似文献   

张玉杰  骆小年  郭冰  田江 《河北渔业》2011,(6):22-24,40
为探索在北方几种不同规格、不同密度下黄颡鱼[Peltoba grus fulridraco(Richardson)]池塘合理养殖模式和养殖技术,2009-2010年在灯塔市忠信淡水渔业有限公司进行了养殖试验.以1龄健康春片鱼种为试验对象,选择4种规格放养模式(60尾/kg、120尾/kg、180尾/kg、300尾/kg...  相似文献   

十几年前引进我区的尼罗罗非鱼,因其肉质好,产量高,养殖成本低而深受欢迎。近年来水产界在罗非鱼养殖上做了不少工作。在养殖模式上,除常规的池塘养殖外,还有网箱养鱼、稻田养鱼等多种方式;所用苗种除自然的两性群体外,还有单雄性罗非鱼;利用温泉、温排水培育过冬鱼种的也不少。但是,罗非鱼的上市规格还是偏小。笔认为从育种的角度,  相似文献   

长沙市郊区现有养鱼水面22824亩,由于地处城郊,发展渔业生产具有肥、饲料丰富、劳力充足、市场广阔的特点,尤其是养殖罗非鱼更具有得天独厚的优势。1962年以来就从外地引进非洲鲫鱼试养,由于不能在长沙地区水域自然越冬,因此发展速度缓慢,始终未形成生产力。1974-1982年间,通过用电,烧煤加温等方法初步解决了罗非鱼的人工越冬问题,但是,由于耗能大、成本高,未能尽快普及推广。1982年郊区湘湖渔场首先试验利用地下水为热源,使大批罗非鱼人工安全越冬取得成功之后,全郊推广湘湖的经验,大抓越冬温室建设;基本上解决了苗种自给。此  相似文献   

<正> 罗非鱼养殖已有400多年的历史。到目前为止,已有100多个国家和地区养殖罗非鱼。现将目前国外罗非鱼养殖的若干问题作如下概述。一、罗非鱼养殖的不同概念根据Huet(1972)鱼类养殖的定义,由于罗非鱼养殖的目的不同,大致分为三大类:第一类,以大量生产食用鱼为目的,侧重于数量上大幅度增加,很少考虑到质的问题。第二类,完全从经济效益角度考虑生产食用鱼,根据市场、餐馆需求或出口需要,生产养殖鱼类。第三类,完全从质量要求,不需要追求数量,按消费对象需要,供应高质量的食用鱼。根据不同的养殖技术及其管理方法,可把罗非鱼养殖方法划分为粗养、精养、半精养三种方式。精养方式,主要取决于人工投饲,根据  相似文献   

为了摸索尼罗罗非鱼在稻田环境中的饲养管理经验,一九八二年我们从广西水产试验场引入,以延东公社同禾大队牛塘里生产队为试养点,利用中稻田进行单养和混养,共投放尼罗罗非鱼7701尾,经两个多月的试养,效果比较好。现将试养结果报告如下。  相似文献   

The application of process modelling concepts to an intensive recirculating aquaculture system is described. Advanced Continuous Simulation Language (ACSL) for describing the unsteady behaviour of complex continuous flow system is applied to a simplified recycle fish rearing system comprising a rearing tank and a treatment unit. Use of the technique was validated by comparison with analytical solutions of the unsteady state mass balance equations for the transfer and removal of ammonia. The language is successfully implemented to study the dynamic behaviour of ammonia concentration and in response to changes imposed upon the system. The effects of choice of design and operating parameters upon the response of the system are illustrated. Parameters studied include vessel size, lag, flowrate, recycle ratio and mixing regime.  相似文献   

为提供实际生产理论依据,改良系统水处理工艺,开展循环水养殖系统中吉富罗非鱼氮收支和对水质情况的初步研究。起始养殖密度8 kg/m3,投饲率2%,系统循环量1 m3/h,总水量0.8 m3。试验期间溶解氧大于6 mg/L,pH 7.0~7.2,水温23~25℃。每周监测水质2~3次,监测指标包括氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮,每2周检测1次水中总氮。用凯氏定氮法测定实验前后饲料、试验鱼体、粪便、悬浮颗粒的氮含量。结果显示,摄食氮有50.00±1.50%转化为生长氮,32.61±1.38%转化为排泄氮,17.39±4.0%转化为粪氮;58%的粪氮为悬浮颗粒物,42%为可沉淀颗粒物。  相似文献   

为比较越冬期循环水系统(RAS)与生物絮团系统(BFT)两种模式下大规格罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)鱼种的生长性能与养殖水质的差异。选择RAS组与BFT组,进行为期67 d的养殖,测定养殖过程中罗非鱼种的生长情况以及水质的变化情况。结果显示,RAS组与BFT组增重率和特定增长率分别为(870.69±33.25)%、(3.39±0.05)%/d和(659.47±62.84)%、(3.02±0.13)%/d,RAS组显著高于BFT组;在水质控制方面,RAS组氨氮和亚硝酸盐从养殖初期到实验结束均维持在较低水平,而BFT组在初期氨氮和亚硝酸盐有升高的趋势,峰值分别达到了(4.53±0.72)mg/L和(6.68±1.8)mg/L,分别在第3天和第6天下降到较低水平,硝酸盐两组均呈现不断积累的趋势。结果表明,RAS系统养殖罗非鱼生长速度要高于BFT系统,RAS系统在水质控制方面略优于BFT系统。  相似文献   

The unexploited potential of tilapia hybrids in aquaculture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Hybridization between tilapia species, to produce all-male broods, was at one time considered a promising method to prevent uncontrolled reproduction (Hickling 1963). It has been tested with a number of tilapia species, but most attempts at large-scale hybrid production did not succeed. The major reason for this failure is the instability in production of all-male hybrids. Sooner or later the system broke down, and females began to appear in increasing proportions among progenies which, up to then, had been all male. It appears that this breakdown is largely due to the infiltration of parental broodstock by individuals of a different genotype, predominantly hybrids between the two species involved, which are difficult to distinguish from their parents. This problem may be solved by a careful examination of the broodstock, often including thousands of individuals, and culling doubtful cases. It requires trained and permanent personnel. Hybridization has been largely superseded by hormonal sex inversion as a method of producing all-male tilapias. In this paper, the two methods are considered as alternatives, if problems of broodstock purity are solved. Establishing a pilot scheme for hybrid tilapia production is recommended.  相似文献   

This paper describes the performance characteristics of an industrial-scale air-driven rotating biological contactor (RBC) installed in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) rearing tilapia at 28 °C. This three-staged RBC system was configured with stages 1 and 2 possessing approximately the same total surface area and stage 3 having approximately 25% smaller. The total surface area provided by the RBC equaled 13,380 m2. Ammonia removal efficiency averaged 31.5% per pass for all systems examined, which equated to an average (± standard deviation) total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) areal removal rate of 0.43 ± 0.16 g/m2/day. First-order ammonia removal rate (K1) constants for stages 1–3 were 2.4, 1.5, and 3.0 h−1, respectively. The nitrite first-order rate constants (K2) were higher, averaging 16.2 h−1 for stage 1, 7.7 h−1 for stage 2, and 9.0 h−1 stage 3. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels decreased an averaged 6.6% per pass across the RBC. Concurrently, increasing influent DOC concentrations decreased ammonia removal efficiency. With respect to dissolved gas conditioning, the RBC system reduced carbon dioxide concentrations approximately 39% as the water flowed through the vessel. The cumulative feed burden – describes the mass of food delivered to the system per unit volume of freshwater added to the system daily – ranged between 5.5 and 7.3 kg feed/m3 of freshwater; however, there was no detectable relationship between the feed loading rate and ammonia oxidation performance.  相似文献   

福寿鱼的生物学特性及养殖前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
福寿鱼是雄性尼罗罗非鱼和雌性莫桑比克罗非鱼的杂交子一代,体形与尼罗罗非鱼很相似。广盐性杂食性鱼,一般栖息于水体中上层,最适生长水温25~30℃,耐低氧,比亲本生长都快,越冬困难。雌、雄亲本要各自专塘培育,并严禁其它罗非鱼混入。对饲料质量要求不高,还能摄食池塘底部和水中残饲碎屑,有很好的养殖前景。  相似文献   

This study established a pilot‐scale recirculating treatment system that coupled an ecological process with a biological process to achieve adequate water quality and to minimize the water consumption for intensive marine culture. The recirculating treatment system consisted of a settling cell, a biofilter tank, a bivalve tank and gravel beds. The toxic pollutants, threatening the growth of bivalves, were reduced by the settling cell and the biofilter tank, so that the polyculture of shrimp and bivalves could be achieved. The living bivalve tank could function well as a remover of remaining small suspended solids (SS), and other pollutants. As the SS was reduced to a very low level by bivalve tank before the water flowing into the gravel beds, the risk of clogging was prevented. The studies suggested that the system maintained high removal efficiencies of SS, ammonium nitrogen () and nitrite nitrogen () and could contribute to the increase in shrimp yield.  相似文献   

2005年在汤河水库渔业公司院内池塘进行淡水白鲳池塘套养罗非鱼试验。淡水白鲳和罗非鱼在池塘里混养是可行的;从养殖效果来看,无论是从单产,还是从经济效益来看,混养的效果都要好于单养。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, viral pathogens have caused mass mortalities of farmed shrimp throughout the major shrimp farming regions of the world. In addition, the global shrimp farming industry has been criticized for negatively impacting coastal environments. These issues have raised concerns about the sustainability of traditional shrimp farming practices, and have prompted farmers and researchers to develop biosecure technologies that promote a sustainable industry. Current technologies include the use of specific pathogen free (SPF) shrimp that are grown to market size in recirculating systems that rely on pathogen exclusion. Inherent in this approach is the need to produce SPF broodstock under biosecure conditions. However, there is a paucity of information on broodstock growth and reproductive performance when they are reared in recirculating systems. The present investigation compares shrimp growth and reproductive performance in two trials where shrimp were cultured from market size (20 g) to broodstock size (40–60 g) in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) versus a flow-through earthen pond (EP). In trial 1, mean growth rates of males and females in the RAS were 0.83 and 1.33 g/week, respectively. In the EP, males and females grew 1.07 and 1.48 g/week, respectively. In trial 2, mean growth rates of males and females in the RAS were 0.90 and 1.53 g/week, respectively, whereas in the EP, males and females grew and 1.24 and 1.78 g/week. Slower growth rates in the RAS may be attributed to the lack of natural productivity, which provides supplemental nutrition to the shrimp. In addition to growth rates, reproductive performance of broodstock reared in the RAS was compared with historical reproductive performance of broodstock reared in the EP. Data on spawning success and production of viable nauplii revealed no significant differences (P>0.05) between broodstock shrimp reared in these two systems. These results indicate that broodstock shrimp can be cultured in a biosecure RAS while maintaining good growth and high survival. In addition, reproductive performance of broodstock shrimp reared in a RAS is not compromised when compared with broodstock shrimp reared in a conventional, flow-through pond.  相似文献   

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