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The distribution of 14C-acid-, 14C-alcohol-, and 14C-cyano-labeled deltamethrin and selected metabolites were followed in the liver, blood, cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord after iv administration of a toxic, but nonlethal dose (1.75 mg/kg) to rats. Approximately 50% of the dose was cleared from the blood within 0.7–0.8 min, after which the rate of clearance decreased. 3-Phenoxybenzoic acid (PBacid) was isolated from the blood in vivo, and was also the major metabolite when 14C-alcohol-labeled deltamethrin was incubated with blood in vitro. Deltamethrin levels in the liver peaked at 7–10 nmol/g at 5 min and then decreased to 1 nmol/g by 30 min. In contrast, peak central nervous system levels of deltamethrin were achieved within 1 min (0.5 nmol/g), decreasing to 0.2 nmol/g at 15 min, and remaining stable until 60 min. peak levels of deltamethrin did not correspond to the severity of toxicity, although the levels of non-pentane-soluble radiolabel did appear to correlate with motor signs of toxicity. Experiments with brain homogenates, using in vivo concentrations of deltamethrin, failed to reproduce the pentane-unextractable radioactivity in vitro nor was any metabolism demonstrated.  相似文献   

南京农业大学杂草研究室的前身为农业部196 5年首建的杂草检疫试验站 ,1979年后更名并沿用至今。在我国杂草科学的开拓者和奠基人———李扬汉教授及其学生们近 5 0年的努力下 ,杂草研究室不断发展、壮大 ,目前已成为国内领先、国际上有一定影响力的中国杂草科学的主要研究中心。她依托于南京农业大学生命科学院的农业部和江苏省重点学科———植物学学科 ,是具有杂草科学博士学位授予资格的研究机构 ,先后培养了一大批高级专门人才 ,且目前都活跃在杂草科学的各个领域 ,服务于我国的农业、农村和农民 ,为我国的农业现代化建设做出了突出的…  相似文献   

The monthly variation in the number of seeds of blackberry (Rubus procerus P. J. Muell.) in fox (Vulpes vulpes) faecal droppings was measured at two sites in Victoria, Australia. The maximum percentage of droppings containing seeds (89% at Dartmouth and 55% at Sherbrooke) and the maximum monthly average for the number of seeds per dropping (570 at Dartmouth and 390 at Sherbrooke) occurred in March. Droppings of emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) collected at Dartmouth contained a mean of 2460 blackberry seeds per dropping. Blackberry seed obtained from berries, fox droppings and emu droppings was tested for germination over a 1O-month period. Germination commenced in spring and ranged from 22 to 35%. It is concluded that foxes and birds are probably responsible for dispersing blackberry over large areas of Victorian bushland.  相似文献   

The distribution of 2.4,5-T in Rubus procerus P. J. Muell. was measured 24 h and 7 days after application to the leaves at 60% of the normal concentration used in the field. There was no significant difference in the amount translocated at these times. At 24 h after treatment there was a very large concentration gradient across the crown but 6 days later the concentration gradient was much smaller. It was concluded that, at the rate used, the amount of 2,4,5-T translocated to the roots was insufficient to prevent regeneration from the root system.  相似文献   

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