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Total respiratory impedance was measured rapidly and noninvasively in conscious horses over the frequency range 3 to 40 Hz by the forced random noise method. The shape of curve of impedance versus frequency in horses was markedly different from that of humans. Respiratory resistance was readily found as the real part of impedence and both its absolute value and frequency dependence are useful indices of pulmonary function. It was difficult to obtain meaningful results in intubated animals with the method because of the mechanical properties of the endotracheal tube itself.  相似文献   

Assessments of the behavior of ridden horses form the basis of performance evaluation. The purpose of any performance being evaluated will determine the factors considered important, factors indicative of “poor” performance, and what makes a successful equine athlete. Currently, there is no consistent objective means of assessing ridden horse behavior, and inevitably, given the different equestrian disciplines, the likelihood of a universal standard of good and bad performance is remote. Nevertheless, to protect the welfare of the ridden horse regardless of its specific role, we should strive for consensus on an objective means of identifying behavioral signs indicative of mental state. Current technological developments enable objective evaluation of movement patterns, but many aspects of the assessment of ridden behavior still rely on subjective judgment. The development of a list of behaviors exhibited by ridden horses, a ridden horse ethogram, will facilitate recording of observable behavioral events. However, without objective evidence of the relevance of these behavioral events, such a resource has limited value. The aim of this review was to investigate potential sources of such evidence and relate these to the assessment of ridden horse behavior. The current and potential contribution that further objective measures can make in this process is evaluated. We believe that the only way to improve the welfare of the ridden horse is by objectively identifying behavioral signs that indicate that the horse is either comfortable or uncomfortable with the activity in which it is participating. After there is clear evidence to support this, appropriate adaptation of performance criteria in all disciplines can proceed along with alignment in training systems that ensures a mutually positive experience for both horse and human partners.  相似文献   

Equine blood may contain salicylic acid (SA) taken up as free acid or represents the metabolite of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). To obtain information of SA in race horses we screened blood samples of trotting-horses routinely drawn to be analyzed for doping substances. The individual values determined followed a Gaussian distribution displaying a geometric mean of 19 ng SA per ml serum. A probit analysis revealed linear relationship (r = 0.995). Additional studies examined the antithrombotic efficacy of ASA in the horse. An oral dose of 300 mg ASA considerably elevated the bleeding time for more than 2 hours with concomitant SA serum levels between 800 and 1000 ng/ml. It is concluded that salicylate levels even below 1 microgram/ml serum bring about considerable pharmacologic effects such as prolongation of bleeding time, decrease in blood viscosity and possibly dilatation of blood vessels. These effects may improve the tissue supply with blood including oxygen.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare blood glucose concentrations obtained using a point-of-care (POC) analyzer, 5 portable blood glucose meters (PBGM), and a color reagent test strip with concentrations obtained using a reference method, and to compare glucose concentrations obtained using fresh blood samples in the PBGM with concentrations obtained using blood anticoagulated with lithium heparin. DESIGN: Case series. SAMPLE POPULATION: 110 blood samples from 34 dogs; glucose concentration of the samples ranged from 41 to 596 mg/dl. PROCEDURE: Logistic regression was used to compare blood glucose concentrations obtained with the various devices with reference method concentrations. Ease of use was evaluated subjectively. Percentage of times a clinical decision would have been altered if results of each of these methods had been used, rather than results of the reference method, was calculated. RESULTS: For 3 of the PBGM, blood glucose concentrations obtained with fresh blood were not significantly different from concentrations obtained with blood samples anticoagulated with lithium heparin. None of the devices provided results statistically equivalent to results of the reference method, but the POC analyzer was more accurate than the others. For some samples, reliance on results of the PBGM or the color test strip would have resulted in erroneous clinical decisions. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although commercially available PBGM and color test strips provided blood glucose concentrations reasonably close to those obtained with reference methods, some devices were more accurate than others. Use of results from these devices could lead to erroneous clinical decisions in some cases.  相似文献   

This study examined the ability of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to noninvasively determine changes to muscle oxygenation in the resting horse. Five horses had (NIRS) performed over extremity muscle while under general anaesthesia, first with 8 min limb ischaemia, then systemic hypoxaemia for 5 min. A second group of 6 awake horses had NIRS performed over extremity muscle while being administered hypoxic gas (F(I)O2 0.10) for 5 min, and after return to steady state, limb ischaemia was induced for an additional 5 min. In the anaesthetised horses' ischaemia induced marked and significant muscle deoxygenation of haemoglobin/myoglobin (P<0.01), with corresponding arterial saturation decreasing from 98.9 to 81.9%. Hypoxaemia induced small yet significant muscle deoxygenation (P<0.01) that was 3.2% of the ischaemia deoxygenation signal, with a corresponding decrease in arterial saturation from 98.6 to 90.4%. In the awake horses muscle deoxygenation was not detectable during hypoxia despite reduction of arterial saturation from 97.8 to 86.8%, whereas ischaemia induced rapid and significant deoxygenation of muscle (P<0.05), with corresponding reduction of venous saturation from 78.4 to 75.4%. In neither group of horses was there evidence of cytochrome aa3 reduction, despite complete ischaemia for up to 8 min. NIRS changes in the resting horse muscle clearly differed between ischaemia and hypoxaemia, and can readily show muscle deoxygenation in clinically relevant hypoxaemia in the horse under anaesthesia. Further, as the deoxygenation signal induced by ischaemia was clearly detectable above a background movement artefact, NIRS application to study of muscle oxygenation in the working horse should be explored.  相似文献   

选择35日龄、体重相近的杜×长×大三元杂交仔猪84头,按遗传基础相似、公母各半的原则,随机分成4组,第I组为对照组,其余为试验组,每个处理组设3个重复,分别用0%、1%、2%、3%的血红蛋白粉替代其日粮中相应比例的鱼粉(其中试验Ⅲ组中替代2%的鱼粉和1%的豆粕),并进行了为期30d的饲养试验。试验结果表明,仔猪的日增重试验Ⅱ组和试验Ⅲ组显著高于试验Ⅰ组和对照组(P<0.05),且试验Ⅲ组显著高于试验Ⅱ组(P<0.05);仔猪的血红蛋白浓度随血红蛋白粉添加量的增加而成正相关;仔猪血浆中转铁蛋白的含量随日粮中血红蛋白粉添加比例的增加而上升,并且各组间差异是显著的(P<0.05);仔猪的血浆铁含量试验Ⅲ组显著高于其它组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

The clotting times obtained with different assay procedures for routine coagulation tests were examined for horse and pony samples. The whole blood clotting time test and the activated coagulation test seemed to give similar results when both tests were done at 22 C. The results obtained for the activated partial thromboplastin time assay varied, depending on the commercial reagent used for the test. Consistent results were obtained for the one-stage prothrombin time assay with each reagent used.  相似文献   

The haematological response of regular, repeated blood harvesting was investigated in 40 Thoroughbred and non-Thoroughbred horses that donate 8 litres of blood every 3 weeks for the purposes of commercial blood production. When this volume of blood was removed on five occasions over 12 weeks, no adverse effect on packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (HB), and red blood cell count (RCC) was observed. Although PCV, RCC and Hb values decreased during the first week after blood collection, followed by a gradual increase in values until the next harvest time, all values remained within published reference ranges. Derived red cell indices [mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC)] also remained within reference range. We conclude that the removal of approximately 8 litres of blood (approximately 16 ml kg(-1)or 20 per cent of blood volume for a 500 kg horse) from blood donor horses every 3 weeks allows time for adequate recovery of haematological variables and does not result in adverse haematological changes.  相似文献   

河曲马牧草和全血矿物质营养状况的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄有德 《草业学报》2000,9(3):32-35
对河曲马主要牧草和全血10种矿物质营养状况进行了研究,结果表明,当地牧草中Se、Zn含量极显著低于NRC(1989)规定的马营养需要量(P〈0.01),而Ca含量较高,P含量较低,造成牧草中Ca、P比较严重失谳(Ca:p达7.6~8.3:1),同时发现牧草中Cu含量在马营养需要量的临界水平,全血矿物元素含量的分析表明,所测元素性别间均无显著差异(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

Evaluation of erythropoietic regeneration in horses is difficult unless serial bone marrow aspirates are performed. To investigate the acute and chronic erythropoietic regenerative response of equine bone marrow following acute removal or loss of blood, sequential bone marrow aspirates over 4 weeks were taken from the sternum of five horses from which 20 ml kg(-1)of blood had been removed. We found that the total number of erythroid cells counted (expressed as a percentage of the total number of erythroid and myeloid cells counted) expanded initially by 13.7 per cent within 3 days after blood removal, the erythroid response peaking by 9 days with a further 13.5 per cent increase. This peak coincided with the lowest M:E ratio. Concomitantly, a shift from proliferative phase cells to maturing phase cells occurred, which appeared to persist beyond 31 days post collection. Thus, we found that the equine bone marrow mounted a regenerative erythropoietic response more slowly than previously determined and, also, regeneration of the erythroid compartment was incomplete 31 days after blood removal of this magnitude.  相似文献   

Arterial blood gas tensions in the horse during recovery from anesthesia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of body position and postoperative oxygen supplementation on arterial blood gas tensions (PaO2 and PaCO2) and pH were examined in clinically normal adult horses during recovery from halothane anesthesia. Hypoxemia developed during recovery from anesthesia in spite of adequate alveolar ventilation in horses without postanesthetic oxygen supplementation. Hypoxemia developed in horses positioned in left lateral or right lateral recumbency, and in horses that were rolled to the opposite side during the recovery period. Arterial blood gas tensions were not significantly (P greater than 0.05) different between horses insufflated with 100% oxygen at the rate of 10 L/min during recovery and horses that did not receive oxygen supplementation during the recovery period. Horses that received 100% oxygen at the rate of 50 L/min through a demand valve had arterial blood gas tensions similar to those in standing awake horses.  相似文献   

The effects of exercise of different intensities on blood concentrations of glucose, lactate, pyruvate, free fatty acids and glycerol were studied in a group of clinically normal horses. Blood lactate, pyruvate and lactate/pyruvate ratio increased during exercise, particularly during galloping. These changes occurred within the first 12-15 seconds of exercise indicating that anaerobic metabolic pathways are brought into use very quickly in the strenuously exercising horse. Since blood glycerol levels were significantly increased during exercise body lipids were also mobilised. At the same time, free fatty acid levels increased during cantering but decreased during galloping indicating increased fat oxidation during strenuous exercise. It was concluded that both lipids and carbohydrates are as important energy sources in the exercising horse as in other species.  相似文献   

In the horse, gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) was found to be mainly located in the kidneys, liver and pancreas. As renal lesions are followed by a urinary escape of enzyme, it can be assumed that if there are raised serum enzyme levels then the source will be chiefly from the liver and pancreas. In the blood, GGT can be measured either in plasma or serum. Its mean level in 58 horses was 12 U/L. This level was not affected by moderate dilution or slight haemolysis and its activity was only slightly decreased by storage at--30 degrees C. The relative hepatic specificity of this enzyme and its easy measurement make it a potentially very useful measure of liver dysfunction in the horse.  相似文献   

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