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蓝舌病(bluetongue,BT)是由蓝舌病病毒(bluetongue virus,BTV)引起的一种烈性传染病,主要通过易感动物移动、易感动物聚集、病毒基因重配以及强大的传播媒介等4个因素在全球长时期传播流行。自20世纪初发现BT以来,BT持续在全球流行,欧洲是重灾区;BTV血清型复杂,全球各大洲均有多种血清型分布流行,目前已陆续鉴定出29个BTV血清型。进入21世纪后,受全球气候变暖、畜产品贸易等因素影响,BT全球流行范围继续扩大。面对严峻的BT流行形势,需要采取加强进出口检疫和易感动物流动监管,建设无规定动物疫病生物安全隔离区,以及实施有效的预防接种制度等综合措施。  相似文献   

The early and accurately detection of brucellosis incidence change is of great importance for implementing brucellosis prevention strategic health planning. The present study investigated and compared the performance of the three data mining techniques, random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM) and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARSs), in time series modelling and predicting of monthly brucellosis data from 2005 (March/April) to 2017 (February/March) extracted from a national public health surveillance system in Hamadan located in west of Iran. The performances were compared based on the root mean square errors, mean absolute errors, determination coefficient (R2) and intraclass correlation coefficient criteria. Results indicated that the RF model outperformed the SVM and MARS models in modeling used data and it can be utilized successfully utilized to diagnose the behaviour of brucellosis over time. Further research with application of such novel time series models in practice provides the most appropriate method in the control and prevention of future outbreaks for the epidemiologist.  相似文献   

European Community national reference laboratories participated in two inter-laboratory comparison tests in 2006 to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of their 'in-house' ELISA and RT-PCR assays for the detection of bluetongue virus (BTV) antibodies and RNA. The first ring trial determined the ability of laboratories to detect antibodies to all 24 serotypes of BTV. The second ring trial, which included both antisera and EDTA blood samples from animals experimentally infected with the northern European strain of BTV-8, determined the ability of laboratories to detect BTV-8 antibodies and RNA, as well as the diagnostic sensitivity of the assays. A total of six C-ELISAs, six real-time RT-PCR and three conventional RT-PCR assays were used. All C-ELISAs were capable of detecting the BTV serotypes currently circulating in Europe (BTV-1, 2, 4, 8, 9 and 16), however some assays displayed inconsistencies in the detection of other serotypes, particularly BTV-19. All C-ELISAs detected BTV-8 antibodies in cattle and sheep by 21 dpi, while the majority of assays detected antibodies by 9 dpi in cattle and 8 dpi in sheep. All the RT-PCR assays were able to detect BTV-8, although the real-time assays were more sensitive compared to the conventional assays. The majority of real-time RT-PCR assays detected BTV RNA as early as 2 dpi in cattle and 3 dpi in sheep. These two ring trails provide evidence that national reference laboratories within the EC are capable of detecting BTV antibodies and RNA and provide specificity and sensitivity information on the detection methods currently available.  相似文献   

Bluetongue in sheep: viral assay and viremia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

蓝舌病是由蓝舌病毒(BTV)引起的一种非接触性传染病,主要侵害反刍动物,库蠓是蓝舌病毒传播最重要的媒介生物。本研究基于尖喙库蠓地理分布数据及环境数据,利用最大熵生态位模型(MaxEnt)对尖喙库蠓在中国大陆的分布情况进行了预测,并评估了环境变量对尖喙库蠓分布的影响。结果显示,最适合尖喙库蠓生存的地区主要分布在中国的西北和东北部分地区,以及南方的大部分地区;Jackknife分析结果显示,土壤有效水含量(25%)、最冷月最低温(18.1%)、最干月降雨量(18%)、平均最大风速(13.2%)是影响尖喙库蠓分布最主要的4个环境因子,其中最干月降雨量是模型中影响尖喙库蠓分布的最重要环境变量。本研究首次将这种生态位模型用于预测中国库蠓的分布,为蓝舌病的预防控制工作提供参考依据,同时也为库蠓监测管理提供信息。  相似文献   

We tested an equation, which had been developed previously using discriminant analysis, for predicting whether a cow has coliform mastitis. Variables indicating a high probability of coliform infection included history of previous mastitis in the affected quarter, weakness, clear or white color of milk, water consistency of the milk, swelling of the udder, lack of previous mastitis in other quarters, lack of palpable udder abscesses, and a high body temperature. Application of this predictive equation to 114 cows with mastitis to determine if they would have coliform organisms cultured from the affected quarters resulted in an accuracy of 71% (sensitivity = 0.42, specificity = 0.85), compared to an accuracy of 62% (sensitivity = .64, specificity = .61) for cowside prediction by the attending clinicians. Changing the cutoff score of the discriminant rule so that the sensitivity of the discriminant prediction was similar to that of the clinicians yielded an accuracy of 64% (sensitivity = .64, specificity = .64).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare methods for handling censored days to calving records in beef cattle data, and verify results of an earlier simulation study. Data were records from natural service matings of 33,176 first-calf females in Australian Angus herds. Three methods for handling censored records were evaluated. Censored records (records on noncalving females) were assigned penalty values on a within-contemporary group basis under the first method (DCPEN). Under the second method (DCSIM), censored records were drawn from their respective predictive truncated normal distributions, whereas censored records were deleted under the third method (DCMISS). Data were analyzed using a mixed linear model that included the fixed effects of contemporary group and sex of calf, linear and quadratic covariates for age at mating, and random effects of animal and residual error. A Bayesian approach via Gibbs sampling was used to estimate variance components and predict breeding values. Posterior means (PM) (SD) of additive genetic variance for DCPEN, DCSIM, and DCMISS were 22.6d2 (4.2d2), 26.1d2 (3.6d2), and 13.5d2 (2.9d2), respectively. The PM (SD) of residual variance for DCPEN, DCSIM, and DCMISS were 431.4d2 (5.0d2), 371.4d2 (4.5d2), and 262.2d2 (3.4d2), respectively. The PM (SD) of heritability for DCPEN, DCSIM, and DCMISS were 0.05 (0.01), 0.07 (0.01), and 0.05 (0.01), respectively. Simulating trait records for noncalving females resulted in similar heritability to the penalty method but lower residual variance. Pearson correlations between posterior means of animal effects for sires with more than 20 daughters with records were 0.99 between DCPEN and DCSIM, 0.77 between DCPEN and DCMISS, and 0.81 between DCSIM and DCMISS. Of the 424 sires ranked in the top 10% and bottom 10% of sires in DCPEN, 91% and 89%, respectively, were also ranked in the top 10% and bottom 10% in DCSIM. Little difference was observed between DCPEN and DCSIM for correlations between posterior means of animal effects for sires, indicating that no major reranking of sires would be expected. This finding suggests little difference between these two censored data handling techniques for use in genetic evaluation of days to calving.  相似文献   

This study outlines the importance of integrating spotlighting data and occupancy modelling to estimate the spatial occupancy, abundance and habitat preferences of Cape hares Lepus capensis in southern Tunisia. Exploring the spatial distribution pattern of this species is problematic because of its nocturnal and secretive behaviour. In order to overcome these constraints, we used spotlight surveys on equidistant points along tracks to collect presence/absence data. Using a likelihood-based approach, we estimated occupancy and relative abundance of Cape hare populations in three national parks: Sidi Toui, Bouhedma and Jbil. We also combined the three parks in a single area to represent ‘southern Tunisia’ for investigating the factors affecting its distribution pattern. Sidi Toui showed the highest occupancy and relative abundance values (88.84 ± 10.95% and 7.97 hares km?2, respectively). Bouhedma was also recognised as high-quality hare habitat with occupancy and relative abundance values of 61.70 ± 11.70% and 2.85 hares km?2, respectively. The lowest occupancy (49.65 ± 26.25%) and relative abundance (2.10 hares km?2) estimates were encountered in Jbil. The combined parks model suggested that part of the distribution pattern of Cape hares can be explained by habitat quality. Spatial occupancy over southern Tunisia showed a positive relationship between its occurrence and the availability of Poaceae and Plantaginaceae.  相似文献   

蓝舌病病毒(BTV)基因的第三片段(RMA_3)在不同型间有较高的同源性.用光生物素标记的其cDNA重组体pC7,检测2~22型BTV BHK细胞培养物全部为阳性,而相关病毒EHDV_1、EHDV_2和Ibraki病毒为阴性;同一探针检测17个型BTV攻毒羊的全血样品均为阳性,未感染的正常羊血细胞和BHK细胞培养物样品均为阴性.  相似文献   

The capsids of human parvovirus B19 consist of two structural proteins, the minor-capsid protein VP1 and the major-capsid protein VP2. The latter which constitutes for 95% of the capsid are able to form virus-like particles (VLPs) in yeast without the presence of VP1-proteins. VP2-proteins produced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have the capacity to form VLPs in the absence of VP1-proteins. These yeast-derived VLPs resemble native virus or recombinant VP2-VLPs produced by baculovirus systems in respect of size, molecular weight and of antigenicity as shown by antigen-capture ELISA and T-cell proliferation tests. Regarding costs, yield and ease of handling particle production in yeast represents an alternative to the recombinant baculovirus expression system which is so far the source for VP2-VLPs of human parvovirus B19.  相似文献   

Two separate analyses were carried out to understand the epidemiology of Bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8) in 2007 in North West Europe: First, the temporal change in transmission rates was compared to the evolution of temperature during that season. Second, we evaluated the spatio-temporal dynamics of newly reported outbreaks, to estimate a spatial transmission kernel. For both analyses, the approach as used before in analysing the 2006 BTV-8 epidemic had to be adapted in order to take into account the fact that the 2007 epidemic was not a newly arising epidemic, but one advancing from whereto it had already spread in 2006. We found that within the area already affected by the 2006 outbreak, the pattern of newly infected farms in 2007 cannot be explained by between-farm transmission, but rather by local re-emergence of the virus throughout that region. This indicates that persistence through winter was ubiquitous for BTV-8. Just like in 2006, we also found that the temperature at which the infection starts to spread lies close to 15 °C. Finally, we found that the shape of the transmission kernel is in line with the one from the 2006 epidemic. In conclusion, despite the substantial differences between 2006 and 2007 in temperature patterns (2006 featured a heat wave in July, whereas 2007 was more regular) and spatial epidemic extent, both the minimum temperature required for transmission and the transmission kernel were similar to those estimated for the 2006 outbreak, indicating that they are robust properties, suitable for extrapolation to other years and similar regions.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus, BT8, and the virus of epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) of deer, NJ-55, were plaque purified and compared electronmicroscopically and serologically. The latter included a plaque reduction neutralization test, the agar gel precipitin test, and the complement fixation test. The viruses were indistinguishable morphologically, but antigenically different. A plaquing technique was described for EHD virus.  相似文献   

Calves with serum immunoglobulin levels less than 800 mg/dl have a failure of passive transfer of maternal antibodies, those with 800-1600 mg/dl have a partial failure of passive transfer, and those with greater than 1600 mg/dl have adequate immunoglobulin levels. Tests for immunoglobulin level evaluation are most accurate when serum from healthy animals 1-8 days old is used. Of the sodium sulfite precipitation, zinc sulfate turbidity and glutaraldehyde coagulation tests, the first is the most useful field test for evaluation of serum immunoglobulin levels in calves. It is inexpensive, easy to perform and relatively accurate.  相似文献   

用国际标准蓝舌病病毒(BTV)型特异性血清和新制备的BTV型特异性血清,按OIE推荐方法进行蚀斑抑制试验,并试用“悬浮法”蚀斑抑制试验,对BTV分离株(L001)作了血清型鉴定,结果表明该分离株为BTV16型。与标准毒株相对照,两者试验结果完全一致;L001株的RNA的PAGE电泳带谱与BTV16型标准株的带谱相同。  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus serotype 26 (BTV-26) has recently been isolated from sheep in Kuwait. The aim of this study was to assess the pathogenicity and infection kinetics of BTV-26 in Dorset Poll sheep. Six sheep were experimentally infected with BTV-26 and samples taken throughout the study were used to determine the kinetics of infection using a pan specific BTV real time RT-PCR assay and two group specific ELISAs. Five of the six sheep showed mild clinical signs characteristic of bluetongue including conjunctivitis, reddening of the mouth mucosal membranes, slight oedema of the face and nasal discharge. Viral RNA was detected in 5 of the 6 sheep by real time RT-PCR, however the levels of viral RNA detected in the samples were lower and of shorter duration than seen with other field strains of BTV. Virus was isolated from the blood of infected animals at the peak of viraemia at around 9 dpi. Antibodies against BTV were first detected by 7 dpi using the early detection BTV ELISA and a little later (7-14 dpi) using a BTV specific competitive ELISA. Four of the five remaining sheep developed neutralising antibodies to BTV-26, measured by a serum neutralisation test (SNT), with titres (log(10)) ranging from 1.40 to 2.08.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus (BTV) exists around the world in a broad band covering much of the Americas, Africa, southern Asia and northern Australia. Historically, it also occasionally occurred in the southern fringes of Europe. It is considered to be one of the most important diseases of domestic livestock. Recently BTV has extended its range northwards into areas of Europe never before affected and has persisted in many of these locations causing the greatest epizootic of bluetongue (BT), the disease caused by BTV, on record. Indeed, the most recent outbreaks of BT in Europe are further north than this virus has ever previously occurred anywhere in the world. The reasons for this dramatic change in BT epidemiology are complex but are linked to recent extensions in the distribution of its major vector, Culicoides imicola, to the involvement of novel Culicoides vector(s) and to on-going climate-change. This paper investigates these recent outbreaks in the European theatre, up to the beginning of 2006, highlights prospects for the future and sets the scene for the following papers in this special issue.  相似文献   

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